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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1910)
♦ ♦ OFFICI 4L PAPER OF KLAMATH COI N I Y. ♦ « VOL. XIV. AUTO CRASHES INTO STREET CAR KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, MARCH 17, 1910 OREGON U II I III: U I II. ill I’ll I >1 Mill • )*n»l si.iii •. Greatly I i '|«* vt M c )I In th, I light«*« iitli Natloioil Irriga tion Congr«*»« CONSERVATION RECEPTION FOR CONGRESS OPENS NOTEO VISITORS ENTIRE MILITAR) FOR« E Wll.l. BE UNDER ARMS War Deportnwnt Mak«*s Plano for R.gular Army and Mate Militias ♦ « LEAPING PAPER OF ROUTHKRN OREGON. ♦ ♦ NO. 50 AN ALL-STAR TEAM WILL PLAY BALL PlEbl.O, Colo, March 16. Th«* WASHINGTON. March 16.— Prac Eight)" nth National Irrigation Con tically rhe entire military strength of Foli: IN.II III U IN KIN l it lx. gress, Pueblo, September 26-30, I 9 1 0. I utsr st ili: < ostati ss fi er PARI Vol SALEM \ND 1*ORTI. \ND th«* Nation will b<* under arms and la assured of th«* hearty co-operation ( ISCO M < IIIENT "playing at war” during the months THE “OUTLAWS” NOU READY HELI» I X I NITER STATI S MEN HERE LAST XIt.Ill' FOR < HALLENfi 1*34 slid support of the State of Oregon, of July, August and September, ac which lint Itself entertained In recent cording to the plans of the War De rears, th>* greatest d«*velopnient of partment for the joint maneuvers of MAN HURLED THROUGH GLASS GUARD th» country. BALLINGER ADDRESSES GATHERING NEWSPAPER MEN ANO INVESTORS th«* regular army and the militia to AGGREGATION OF MEDAL WINNERS Governor Itenson, writing to the be held at ten big camps of instruc tion. The war program, as just an < I ihiii T* tir It* llrt.-.l Thai < ar Would board of control, extends his hearty In Interview Says lii»urg,-iit Move greeting and promise of aid, saying: Public Meeting at the <>|»ra H oum * nounced, will place every regular Com|i)»«d of Champion High Diver», start mid Piti Not Turn Out ment Sure to Dwindle In "I beg to advise you that I am in Aft«*r Arrival of tin* Train command in the country in the field Roller Skaters, Pugilists and at llir Curt«* Importunée hearty ac«'ord with the objects of Last Evening and only property guards will be left Some Ball Players your organization and. while I can at the different army posts. The not state definiltdy at this time United Press Service. regular forces every military dis Unlt«*d l’i<*»» H<itlri* The outlaw baseball team was or A distruguisbed party of newspaper trict. including every arm of the SAN FRANCISCO, «’al . Mir ch 16 whether or not I shall be able to at-, , HT. PAUL. Minn. March 16 t«H»d th» sessions of th«* congress to' ganized Tuesday at a meeting held men and Salem and Portland invest service, will be mobilized with the - A v«*t> serious colllklon between MlntD-iota today Inaugurated the first an auto hid ! a atr<*<t rar occurred be held in your city, I asaurt* you Stat«* conservation congress ever held ors arrived here last evening and militia from the contiguous States in the Northern Cafe. Ord Arnold early today at the Junction ul Hutter that I shall be on hand If more Im In the United State's. It was opened »pent toad) harking over the city. and the citizen soldiery will be in- was elected captain; James Estes, and Filmore alreeta. In which Erne portant official engagements do not at 10 o'clock this morning by Arch Among the party are Col. M. Hofer, St.-ucted in all the field duty of the manager; Kid Morrissey, secretary; Steinway received a fractured no»«* lnt*rf«ire. bishop Ireland, and will continue editor of the Capitol Journal, of Sa jo.'dier from "policing camps" to the Clair Arnold, treasurer. This will "In any event, 1 shall do every be an all-star combination, including and conctiMBlon of the brain, hla cous throughout the week. Secretary of lem, who is prominently spoken of as battle problems. The guard organizations will be in its number« distinguished athletes. in, Lillian L«*hbcrger, contusion of thing In tny power to secur«* tho at th«* Interior Ballinger will speak this (a candidate for Governor; Geo. Stran- borg, of the Portland Evening Tele mobilized as follows: The citizen George Mapleton, pitcher, holds the nos«*, and brulsea; Frank Griffin, tendance of a large and enthusiastic afternoon. minor cuts and bruises; anti Ernest delegation of Or«*gon citizens at the "The insurgent movement Is mere gram, and P. C. Lavey, of Portland, soldiers of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana. championship of Iowa as a high div Huff, chnuffeur employed by J. II. Oongrena ;and when the time comes ly an ebullition of spirit,” declared who has don«> much towards adver Michigan. Illinois and West Virginia er. having traveled for seven years Kidwell, real estate agent, slight con for the appointment of delegates I Ballinger in nn interview today; "a tising Klamath Falls to the world. will join the regulars at Fort Ben with the Ringling Brothers’ Circus. shall see that Oregon is properly rep sort of hysteria with a taint of hy A public reception was given to the Harrison. Indianapolis, early In Sep Among his feats are dive from the cussion of brain, and bruises. The Injured were taken to the Cen resented." pocrisy as well which Is sure to party, after the arrival of the train, tember; the Texas organizations will Smithland bridge into the Little Sou The moat cordial correspondence dwindle in extent of Importance as at the Opera House, to which ever;, pitch camp at Leou Springs, Tex., River, Iowa, a distance of 118 feet. tral Emergency Hospital, when* It was believed for a while that Stein has passed between Governor Benson the next National campaign ap business man and citizen had been August 15; the Kansas, Missouri, Ord Arnold, catcher, holds roller way would die. The party hud been and th«» officers of ti e board of con proaches. Prosperity Is general invited. There were several inter Iowa and Minnesota regiments will skating medals, among them being riding In the park and approached trol. who are pleased to know that throughout the Nation, but there will esting s|>«*eches made, and music was mobilize at Fort Riley. Kas., during the championship skater of Califor- the car, which was standing motion a Coast State Is planning on adequate always be criticism of a carping kind, be furnished by the Klamath Falls August; the Colorado and Utah con noa, won at Idora Park. Oakland. tingents, with Wyoming and South Kid Morrissey, shortstop, has an ath less on the curve. Huff didn't steer representation. ns I have had good reason to know Orchestra. Governor Benson has been urged The visit of the party is one of Dakota commands, will assemble at letic record that he is always ready around lhe car as ho believed that It In th«> last few months." He said would start up. When It struck Stein by the board of control to appoint that the charges being investigated great Importance to Klamath Falls Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo., July 15; at to defend and is well known in this way was hurled through the glass his delegates nt nn early date and were a gigantic conspiracy for the and much will depend on the im American Lake, Wash., the Montana, city. Soldier North, besides having guard and wedged between the car transmit their names to tho organ purpose of ruining him politically and pression received by the visitors of North Dakota, Idaho, Oregon and a record in Uncle Sam’s army, has and the wrecked unto. The others ization here that It may begin to Incidentally striking Pr«*sident Taft. th«' prospects of Klamath Falls as one Washington militia will Join the reg one here in the pugilistic ring, and got Into active touch with them. The of th«* coming big cities of the State. ulars from the D«*partment of the will occupy the position of !»«♦ ’’■'Id. remained in the auto. Governor has also been n«k«*d to sub It Is understood that this party rep Columbia. July 30; at Atascadero. The other positions will be filled by mit a list of topics which ho thinks TAFT PARDONS MAN resents a large number of Investors, Cal., the Arizona, Nevada and Cali Clair Arnold, first base; Franky EASTERN CAPITAL INVENT» WHO DESERTED NAVY who ar«* ready to help build up Klam fornia regiments will assemble* dur Smith, second base; James Estes, HEAVILY IN OREGON may be Interesting for discussion at the eighteenth congr«*xx. in view of ath Falls, If the report of this in ing August; the Wisconsin guard will third base; Kid Roberts, right field, Only Man During latte War Who Was vestigating committee should be fa go into camp at Sparta. Wis.. Sep and the genial and popular comedian. bls familiarity with Western prob PORTLAND, March 1«.—(Special) < barged With l*cM*rti«Hi vorable. It will mean the investment tember 6 and the Iowa and Minne Happy Williams, as center fielder. - I^irge sums of Pastern capital lems that will undoubt«*dly com«' to En«*niy within tho range of consideration. of larg«' sums of money and the es sota regiments may be diverted from The team has ordered dark blue have been invested In this State dur Tho entlro Coast country, particu tablishment of many industri«*s which Fort Riley to this camp; the new suits with blue and white striped ing the past week In the purchase United Press Service. will not only give employment to Government maneuver grounds at stockings, and will play their first of the Northwest Corporation, which larly those States vitally Interested In VALLEJO, Cal., March 16.—After irrigation, in responding to the Invi game one week from next Sunday. controls numerous gas, water and serving ten years of a nlnety-nine- labor, but assist the growth of the Pine Camp. N. Y„ will be used by the The Outlaws are now open to all city, increase the value of property Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, electric light and power plants In tation of the local officers here. y«*ar sentence at San Quentin prison and bring business for the merchants. Connecticut, Rhode Island and New challenges and all communications Oregon and Washington. 11. M. Byl- for desertion of the navy by joining It is the duty of every citizen to turn York troops, the first command as should be addressed either to Kid leHby & Co., of Chicago, a large pro MORE MIRTI NATE THAN OTHKR SECTION» tho Philippine insurrection, F. M. out and give those people a hearty sembling August 2; the North Caro Morrissey or James Estes, in care of motion concern, are understood to Baker was today released on orders welcome. Una, Tennessee, South Carolina, Northern Cafe. have taken over the properties. The I. D. Applegate returned last Tues from President Taft. Baker's father Georgia, Florida. Alabama and Mis firm will establish an offlco In Port day from the Lava Beds, where he work«*d for years to gain the release sissippi regiments will occupy the TO USE 20 FOUR-HORSE TEAMS land by tho first of next month and has been looking after hla bands of of his son. Baker is the only man ROOSEVELE IrOOKING camps at Chickamauga used during direct operations from here. LIKE A GENTLEMAN ON SOUTH CANAL sheep. Ho states that the past win charged with desertion to the enemy the Spanish War, assembling early The properties bought extend from ter In that section has been tho best during the late war. He left imme in July. The date and the place for Government Work This Y«*wr Will B«* Walla Walla. Wash., to Southern Ore for stock in many years, and there diately after his release for his home Uniteil Press Service. KHARTOUM, March 15—Attired th«' mobilization of the Maryland, Light—About Two Months’ gon. Ambitious projects yet to be was practically no loss to speak of at Pittsburg. Pa. in a tweed suit, and. as Kermit said, Pennsylvania, Delaware. New Jersey. Work Planned completed are Included In tho com during th«' winter. This section has "Looking like a gentleman for the Virginia and District of Columbia pany's holdings, various electric lines been particularly favored, to Judge EFFORTS TO END STRIKE The United States Reclamation first time in ten months," Colonel troops has not yet been definitely de In tho two 8tntes are planned, and front the reports from Montana, ARE APPARENTLY FAILING Service is advertising for men to Roosevelt, wife, Kermit ami Ethel cided. though it will probably be at the development of big water powers Washington, Eastern Oregon and work on the canal. It is the inten motored about the city today and vis historic Manassas during July. has been outlined. even on tho desert in Lako County, Unite<l Press Service. At every camp the regulars from tion of the service to put a crew of This transaction, which carries whertt tho loss In many instance* PHILADELPHIA, Pa., March 16. ited the Gordon cottage. A mass of with It a very large sum of Eastern reached as high as 50 per cent.-dm —Efforts to end the strike ar«' ap accumulated mail was presented to the military district in which the men and twenty four-horse teams at capital, shows the confidence outside to the storms and cold weather of parently falling through the n*fusal Roosevelt, but it was so heavy that camp is situated will remain in the work on improving the Adams ditch so as to be able to deliver water to Investors have in the future develop the winter. of th«' transit companies to arbitrate. h«> will not attempt to answer it now. field for one month and the militia that district and also to the Bohem commands will average two weeks of Wherever they went the Roosevelt ment of this section of tho United Th«» State Foieration of Labor Is pre :an district this spring. This wo<* < instruction. The maneuvers are ex States. Washington boosters will reach paring for a Stat«r-wlde strike. The party was the center of interest. pected to arouse popular interest in In the southern part of the protect Total deposits In Oregon bankH, Portland on th«» nfternoon of March unions throughout the State have both National and State, at tho close 19 on their way to California. The been notified to vote on tho question WORKMEN BURIED UNDER WALL the military arm of the Government. will oniy occupy about two months an«l no plans have been made public of business Jnnunry 31, totaled |91,- visitors will represent cities In West immediately. WILL VISIT MEDFORD yet for additional work this summer 314,13», nn Increase of fl.2H5.3HX ern Washington and wblh* in Port United Press Service. since last November. Loans and dis land will he entertained by the Com-, Mayor Sanderson and Police Judge Most of the work to be done at this PITTSRURO, Pa. March 10.— Some one must have deceived that time is in cleaning the canals so as to counts In tho same period Increased tnerclal Club. sturdy friend of the common people. Between twenty-five and thirty work Leavitt left last Monday for Medford b*> ready to deliver water as soon as 11,441,249. On the last day of Jan to investigate conditions there in re men were burie«l when the wall of Nelson W. Aldrich, In hla support of the irrigation season opens. Lou J. Fairbanks has returned uary there was due Oregon banks a central bank. Ex-Secretary Shaw Lanx & Sons' bolt factory collapsed gard to city improvement work. There from approved reserve agents out- from Southern California, where he says Standard Oil will control the today. According to the reports from are a large number of pavement con sldo of tho Stato a total of |10,329,- spent tho winter. He states that It central bank. S. T. Summers and wife have re police headquarters, it is reported tractors at Medford at this time and S53. These figures are given In a Is a trifle cooler hero than in the that nin«* bodies have been removed the officials believe they will be able turned from Los Angeles and other statement Just Issued by Htato Bank orange groves, but that he is glad to Better get engaged now; diamonds from the debris, among them being to gain much Information that will California points, where they have get back. Examiner Steel. are going up In price. be of benefit to the city. been the past month. two women.