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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1910)
<•<»><..a ssu an hitiihimk a < •- TURI E RH LEU IN U RIX K NEAR OGDI \ < l SES SECRETARY' RXI.I.INGER Meant«* Adopt» I'oiiferrace R«*|»«>rt on Rallinger-l’imlmt Investi gation United Press Service. WASHINGTON, 11 C., Jan. 17 The Ballinger-Ptnchot controversy was again placed in the spotlight to day. through the filing with the com mittee on expenditures of a ser.t.i tional affidavit by Reprosentatlv.- Hitchcock of Nebraska 1 he affidavit charges that Secretary Ballinger and others were guilty of the Improper use of the public moneys, having used the same in defraying the personal expenses of a nephew of Mr. Ballin ger’s. Hitchcock is a Democrat. and was one of the leaders ii the fight between Ballinger and Pirehot. being an ardent supporter of the deposed Forester. The House this afternoon passed the New Mexico and Arizona separate statehood bill. The bill provide« for the holding of constitution:’.! conven tions in the two territories. The ob ject sought in following this proceed ing is to avoid the pitfalls that en gulfed the Oklahoma constitution, in that State the constitution and th< selection of State officers were so intermingled that both were lost sight of. resulting in the adoption of a constitution that President Roose velt intimated was a disgrace. Presi dent Taft did not desire that such a condition should arise with Arizona and New Mexico, and advocateJ the plan of first securing a constitution, and when that was done and it was accepted by Congress, then hold the election for State officers. The Senate today adopted the re port of the Nelson conference com ■ mittee on the Ballinger-Pinchot in vestigation. This report permits of ficials or ex-officials to be represented by counsel. This is admitted to be a decided concession to the Pinchotib and the insurgent sand Democrats are happy accordingly. The report also provides that if a witness shall refuse to testify he will be liable to a tin • of not less than $100 nor more than $1000, or imprisonment of .not lens than one month nor more than one year. This will put an end to the rumors that have been current to the effect that-the entire truth would not be brought out, on account of the probability that some of the impor tant witnesses would refuse to tell all they knew. The permission for representation by counsel was strongly opposed by some Senators, on the ground that it would prolong the investigation to such an extent as to make it impos sible for a report to be prepared be fore adjournment. This matter wa- provided for in the conference report, a paragraph having been added pro viding for the submission of a report at the present session of Congress. SUPREME COURT KILLS LAST HOPE OF WALSH Denies Writ of Certorari and He Must Serve Five Years’ Sentence l'nited Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 17.— United Press Service. The last, lingering hope of John R. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—The will of Walsh was snuffed out today, when the late O. G. Mills was filed here this the l'nited States Supreme Court de afternoon. It is estimated that the nied his petition for a writ of cer estate is worth 150,000,000. Among tiorari. Walsh had not given up the bequests made by the deceased hope until the court announced Its millionaire are $100,000 to the Amer decisiorf. When the arguments on ican Museum of Natural History, the writ were made and the cour' $100,000 to the Home for Incurables; ! stated that it’ would take it urAlt • 150,000 for the Bronx Zoo; 125,00" advisement until today, Walsh and for the American Geographical So his friends believed that it would lie ciety; $100,000 for the Metropolitan granted and that he would have an Museum of Art; $20,000 far th" other reprive from his five years’ sen-1 American Red Cross Society. The fence. balance of the estate is equally d’- ' As soon as the decision was an vlded between hit son, Ogden Mill.-.: nounced steps were immediately tak and his daughter, Mrs. Whitelaw en to prepare Mr. Walsh for his trans Reid, wife of the American Ambassa fer to the Federal prison at Leaven dor to Great Britain. worth, Kas., and it is believed that he will be on his way there befote POLII E SEEK Ml RDERER tonight. OF FRISCO MOTORMAN When advised of the decision of tin court, Mr. Walsh issued the following Deed Committed by Bandit XVliile statement: Robbing Union Street Car. “I am ready to begin serving '.he five years’ sentence imposed on an. I United Press Service. It is needless for me to express an SAN FRANCISCO, Cal . Jan. 17. opinion as to the justice or injustice The police officers and detectives of of the course taken by the Govern I the city are bending every effort to ment. I go to jail with the knowl locate the bandit who shot Motorman edge that all guarantors of my seven Fred G. Smith of a Union avenue car million dollar note have signed an last night. The police have advanced agreement canceling that document, the theory that the crime was com which action completes the payment mitted by a soldier, but this is doubt of al! my debts.” ed by the military authorities, who It is stated that the cancellation of are, however, lending every assist the seven million dollar note leaves ance at their command to ferret out Mr. Walsh with half a million dollars the hiding place of the hold-up. The clear. car was boarded by the robber and when Smith offered resistance, he was ' shot down. GIVEN TWO YEARS C. IL Bolton, who Thui3day plead guilty to a charge of forg ry wa- Thursday sentenced by Judge Noland to two years in the State penitentiary. It was believed that Bolton would b< paroled, but the law provides that in cases where the penalty is from one to twenty years, as in this case, the party can not be released on parole. RE XI ESTATE TRANSFERS (OMMI Nc E XX'ORK ON HAXX MIL! IIX FIRST OF MON I II Henry XV. Webber, Arthur LvIU 1 : Wilier. Sarah Bickford «nd George Lumber Will Be llnuled From V|i(l |<> Smith ('HUM'S Collision II* <net'll Bickford. Albert Webber and Sadie the Railroad With Traction Freight Mid Passenger Engine Webber. Minnie Curtis and Jasper X l’nited Press Service. Webber to Leslie A, Webber, deed, R. R. Hill writes from Portland SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 17. West bound passenger train No. 6 of beginning at a point 36 ft. E of that ho expocts to lie In Klamath the Southern Pacific collided with a of Sandstone No. 2. representing the Falls by the first of February ami fc< :ht train at 3 o'clock this morn center of the 8. boundary of Market will begin operations on the construe ing. The freight had taken siding at St. in Bonanza, Ore.; thence running lion of the new saw mill for the Meadow Lake Lumber Company. Mr Lemay, west of the Lucien cut-off. N 33 3-1 degrees, E 8 l>j ft ; thence Hill has the contract with tho com and was waiting there to let No. 6 pa s. The accident was due to an E. 33 3-1 degrees, 8. 150 ft. or to pany tor cutting tlie logs, sawing and a point due E. of place of beginning, hauling the lumber. op-n sw itch. lie writes that lie will use ubout The dead are: thence W. along S. line of NE1* of ENGINEER JAS REARDON, of SW'* of 8ec. 10. Twp. 39 S. R. II forty men at first In putting up the mill and getting ready to begin log the freight. E., W. M. to place of beginning; also ging lie expects to bring a few men BRAKEMAN R. A. KROLL a parcel of land beginning nt the witli him but the majority will bo STUDENT FIREMAN JONES. The injured: Engineer A. S. Hur SW. corner of lot 6 of block 20 In secured here. As soon uh the plum ley, one foot cut off and both legs town of Bonanza: thence 3. 33 3-1 is In full operation about seventy no n broken He is in a critical condition degrees to S. boundary of NEU of will lie employed. The capacity q( the new milt will lie 40,000 feet per and not expected to live. Fireman. 8WU of See. 10. Twp. 39 8.. II. It day. and It Is proposed to haul tlie George Bridenbacker. leg broken; Fireman J. XX’. Hartwell, badly cut E. W. M.; thence E. along said lln • lumber from the mill to the rnllroml about the head and both legs crush 130 ft. more or less; thence N 33 lu this city with a traction engim ed: Mail Clerks John W. Naylor. Jas. degree, 45 E. to intersection line:' which will convey about 20.000 or 30,000 feet at a load. The machin B. Cardwell, Guy R. Prentiss. Eugene $10. ery for the mitt Is now on tho road Ransom. Louis E. Jackson, Carl W William T. Schreiner to Leslie \ and is expected to arrive here within Betts, Claude E. Saxev. Edward A Weber, warranty deed, lot 6, in blk a few days. Hart; all are baoly Injured. Owing to the isolated location of 20. In 1st Add. to town of Bonanza ( IIRISTI XN ( III IK II SERX It I S the scene of the accident it has been $10. almost impossible to get details of the Chas. Galarneau et ux to XV. F The services at Hie Chrlstlun catastrophe, but it is believed that i Reece, warranty deed, the NE’» of Church on last Lord's Day w* re a number of passengers in the dav source of much Joy tn all Interest <1 coaches were seriously injured. No Sec. 14. Twp. 40 S.. R. 9 E.. XV. M in tlie upbuilding of tho Master's loss of life is reported among them. $10. cause. The I eii-e was tilled at the A relief train was immediately dis Guy Haniaker et al to M. P. Dev morning mid - veiling rvices. Three patched from Ogden and is due back ereux Co., warranty deed. NE'* of made the confession at the morning here this afternoon. A general call essloti and two were added to the was sent out for physicians and NE1* See 9; NW»* of NW1» Set church by statement in the evening. nurses, and ample supplies were tak 10. S. R. 9 E„ W. M.; $1(1. en to provide for the etuegency treat Mary E. Colson et al to XV. I’. Dev The Bible school numbered 120. At 3 p. m. a Junior Endeavor of 30 boys ment of all the injured. ereux Co., waranty deed. N *s SE »* and girls was organised. On Thurs of SE »4 Sec. 9, Twp. 38 8 . R 9 E . «lay night of la t week. In spite of tli ■ CITIZENS N VTION XI. BANK very inclement weather. 2 6 camo for OF EX XNSX II.I.E EXILS W. M ; $10. Wm. G. Carlisle to W. P. Deverux prayer meeting and tho organization Due to Bad Loam and Re|»>r1<-il Em of the "Training Service" class On Co., SE** of SE«4 Sec. 28 and N1.- bezzlement—Depositors Will Friday night of ibis week will occur NW’»« and SEl* of NW *4 Sec 33. what will hereafter become the an-j Be Paid Twp. 37 8., R. 9 E. W. M ; $10. nual church meeting. At 7:30 the l’nited Press Service. Bessie Johnson et vir to W. P members of the church will meet for EVANSVILLE. Ind.. Jan. 17. Devereux, SE1* of NE1» and SE’« the election of officers; nt about 8:30 This city was thrown into a fever of they will l>e joined by the member- < > excitement today when it was an of NW '* Sec 39. Twp. 37 8.. IL 9 E . of the congregation and friends for nounced that the Citizens National XV’. M.’, $10. social evening. A program will b> Bank had been closed by order of the E. C. Ream to W. P. Deverux. wat rendert d mid refr'-shments served. Board of Directors, pending an exami ranty deed, N’i of SE14 of SE1» nation by National Bank Examiner Sec. 9, Twp. 38 8., R. 9 E„ W. M . Fifteen factories for the inanuinc- | Johnsen, who has been assigned to ture of aeroplanes and their accesso I he work by the Secretary of the $10. J. H. Barnes et ux to G. W. Heavl- ries are now in operation In France Treasury. The Citizens National was one o. lin, warranty deed, NW'1* NW’» of the oldest banks of Evansville and Sec. 15. Twp. 39 S.. II. 8 E . XV. M t STRAY NOTH E has always been looked upon as on-' NU SE% Sec. 22. Twp. 39 S , R. > Strayed, from my ranch, eight head of the strongest financial institutions long yearling heifers, branded P ovet of the State, and the announcement E.. W. M., saving and excepting 7.08 half circle on left hip. Under lilt of its failure caine as a complete sur acres heretofore sold to Henry Am- right ear, over slope on loft nr. In formation leading to their : -covery, prise to the business men of the city. I mercan; $1600. or delivery, will be rewarded. Its closing will have no effect upon L. S. Ezell to I^wrence Ezell, war Il S. PARRISH. the other banks of the city. Merritt, Ore. warranty deed, SW »4 Sec. 35, Twp 1 m It is reported that the failure is due to bad loans and alleged embez 40 S.. R. 8 E„ W. M.; $10. NOTICE W. O. Webb et ux to II. S. Grigsby, zlement. None of the directors would About July I two horsos Jumped In make any statement on either of warranty deed, E’4 SEN* Sec. 3". my pasture. One In a bay. weight these points today, confining them Twp. 28 8., R. 10 E.. W. M.; lot I abouf 900 pounds, in saddle marked selves to the mere announcement that of block 1, Shive Add. to Klamath and has small white spot In face, branded (' reverse-7 on left shoulder, every depositor would be paid in full. Falls; $1300. shod in front, and had a bell on; the Hot Springs Co. to Arlen Cettl. other is roan with three white feet MILLS ESTATE VALUED and white face, weight about 900 AT FIFTY MILLIONS deed, lot 3 in block 4 4, Hot Spring.- pounds; no brand visible. Owner ran have same by paying Improvement Co.; $10. Will Was Filed This AftcrniHin at charges. Benjamin G. Clelen to U. 8„ quit ( H. L. SCOTT, New York City claim deed, 8E% SE % Sec. 2, Twp. | Fort Klamath, Ore. S. O. Johnson, president of th.- Klamath Development Company, ai- rived in the city last Monday from San Francisco. He will be in the city . several days attending to his inter- The mills of India turned out 65'1,- >30,279 pounds of spun yarn during the year ending March 31. 25 8., R. 10 E„ W. M.; $1. State of Oregon to J. M. Eames,! Dealer in Dry (ioods. Clothing. Shoe.*, Hat* Carpets. Rugs, Wall Paper and Groceries . g .TO F' <<• Table Kall, 50 |M>uml*> for . . Mu up Soap, loo ln,r* for........................ . . 3.M io IM*- to <’offer, per pound..................................... toe to .ho Tea, |wr |M>und .......................................... .in Star Toliacm, per plug.......................... .4.1 Horwubor Tolutico, jirr plug............. .40 S|H-ar Head Tot>a<c<>, |M-r plug .... Rier, per |H>uud ..................................... He. lOc anil .11 Beam, |w-r |M>uml ....................................... He and .07 < olumlila Ont Fink,-«, plrer fo <tiinnwio-r lu. racli |mt kagi- ....................................................... Violet Oat», pnrkng,-..................................................... X lob-f Fun, aki- Flour ........... Rolled Ont», In bulk. KI pounds for................... I trie*) Prune«, 20 pounds for.................................. Gold D iih I .................................................. Highest Price Paid for Mides and Produce M ASON & SLOU G H ABSTRACTERS Aeliolee lint* of iiivowt« mentM that xvill innke tlio ptirelHiMer Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages Thin Will Intcrmt Mothers Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders for Children, a certain relief for Fever- deed, NW% Sec. 10, Twp. 39 8., R iniim-SH, Headache. Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move nnd regu 8 E„ W. M.: $400. late th«' Bowels and destroy Worms. Allen Stansbie et ux to J. M. Ev They break up Colds in 2 4 hours. ens, deed, bargain and sale, SW »4 i They are so pleasant to the taste mid Children like Sec. 3, Twp. 39 8., R. 8 E . W. M , ' harmless as milk them. Over 10.000 testimonials of cures. They never fall. Sold by all $10. Druggists, 25c. Ask today. Iton’t accept any substitutes. SOONER HEAD <’<>< N< II. THAN 4.0 TO SEN XI E L. I-. GOODRICH, Proprietor MASON &. SLOUGH SUMMONS Mayor McCarthy Ihslares He Still latves the Ijtborer In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamnth. Sult in Equity for Decree of Di l’nited Press Service. vorce. MONTEREY, Cal.. Jan. 17 Re Arthur Newby, plaintiff, vs. Minnie sponding to the prediction that ho Newby, D<-fendant. would be the next Governor of Cali To Minnie Newby, the above-named fornia, P. H. McCarthy, Mtlyor of San defendant: Francisco and president of the Build Jn the name of the State of Ore ing Trades Council of that city, de-| gon, you are hereby required to ap I dared that he "would rather head pear and answer the complaint filed the Council than go to the United . against you in the above entitled States Senate’ While Mayor of San suit, on or before the 20th day 'jt Francisco, I shall give to the laboring January, 1910, that being the day people of that city their due, for they of the last publication of summons, constitute the majority." and the last day within which you are required to answer, as fixed by the order of publication of this summons. I NTRI I-:, HAYS BENSON If you fail to appear and answer, the Relative to a statement attributed plaintiff will apply to the court for to him in a supplement of the Mer tho relief demanded In said com rill Record issued In this city Friday' plaint. Said suit Is brought to secure dissolution of the bonds of matri night, Judge Benson says: "Nothing I said in the Interview: mony existing between yourself and liad with the person publishing the' plaintiff. This summons is published In tho Record can lie construed Into carry-! ing the meaning given it in the artl- , Klamath Falls "Republican,” a week de published last night. It is to ly newspaper printed and published nt Klamath Fails, Oregon, by order of tally and absolutely untrue. "Fragments of the statements are Honorable George Noland, Judge of rue, but so publish' d as to pervert ¡ said Court, and dated December 6th, 1909; the first publication to bo made i the meaning of what. I said.” No special significance was attach- • on tho !)tli day of December, 1909, <-d to the article published. It was, and the last publication thereof on I simply a vain attempt on the part of' tlie 20th day of January, 1910. BENSON & STONE, a few individuals to secure notoriety, 12 9 1-20 Attorneys for Plaintiff. mid fell flat. Lakeside Inn, L__ : * MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. J 4 j Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. ? Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club 4 Rooms, Etc., Etc. J J > : ■ SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > ouy It Now •••••••••• lf Santa < laus failcd lo ionie nroiiml wltli timi XX’ali'b "<> < lirist liuti, it svili pny you te see our Mix I* tM-fore it 1« ilcplcteil. XX e are giviiig «orni* grciif liargniii» in Witti he» and you «an boy ime «liciifM-r now tinnì i*s«*r beton*. XX'«* bave «omo very line «olf«l gold an«l rallroiid Watt Ite« timi are iil>«oliilely gminintec<l io pii«« railrontl inspattlon, We wi«b lo redine our stock. i ! : j : ♦ H. J. WINTERS, ™TwL»s I :