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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1910)
*************** ♦ * l I\l. PAI’l li <>i KLAMATII COI N I Y. VOL. XIV. ♦ ♦ KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 20, 1910 ♦ ♦ LEADING PA I'Kit OF SOI I HUHN OREGON. ♦ ♦ NO. 42 A BOYCOTT ON THE REPUBLICAN IS IN PROGRESS Who Shall Rule == The People or the Hog Combine? Business Men Bulldozed Into Withdrawing Their Pat ronage—Banks Join Hands with the Hen Who Have Throttled City and County—What Do the People of Klamath County Want, Freedom or Slavery? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A peculiar condition of affairs lias arisen in this city, one that calls for an explana tion to the readers of this paper. Monday a proposition was submitted to the County Court by the Hot Springs Company cinbodyniji the offer of a free site for the new court house It was the culmination of rumors ami stories (ha have been going the rounds for the past three years and to which reference had been made several times in the columns of this paper. List week the rumors were again started, but investigation did not lead to any tangible clew ami it was classed as among the stories of old. When the proposition was made this paper published the facts. It espoused the side of neither the Hot Springs Company nor the property owners who were so stren uous m their opposition. To those of the business men with whom conversation was had, it was stated that the Republican was published for tb»—purpose of fur nishing its readers with the news; 11’ «<- nrltliTr side would be espoused; that both would have equal opportunity lor the presentation of their views. The use of the col umns of this paper was offeied free of charge to those who desired to present their side of the case to the public. But this did not satisfy the gentlemen who feel that everything in this city must bend the knee to their whim ami fancy. It was simply a case of be with us or against If the latter, then every resource at their command was to to be used to drive this pa per out of business. Having once stated our position, no answer was given to this sec ond demand. It was passed up to them to make a move, ami they did. At a private meeting held in the basement of the First National Bank \\ ednesday afternoon it was decided to raise a “war fund.” That every business man in town was to be requested to withdraw his advertising from the columns of this paper; that if they refused them they must line up and take the medicine prepared for the Republican. That is the gauge of battle set by the opponents of the removal of the court house. They have thrcwri dow » ti.'c gauntlet, and this paper picks it up. In future no favors are to be asked ami none will be granted. If it is to be a war of elimination, then let us have it out. 'i bis is a position which we regret exceedingly to be forced to take. Many of our close personal friends arc involved and many men whom we have in the past greatly admired and stronly supported, but when the test came these men have not considered the question of right, but have entered into a conspiracy to put us out of business and destroy our nroperty. We do not believe that even these men, who have shown such personal selfishness by their actions, will blame us for making a fight for our lives. That, in effect, is just what this tight means to the Republican, and we wish to assure the public, that inasmuch as the Republican was bom in the making of Klamath Falls, if it dies, it will die in the unmaking. These people, who arc so unjust in their fight ami tfie methods used, have shown that they are willing to sacrifice the brilliant future which this city and county has in store, for the enforcement of their own selfish desires. They propose a combination of the money interests for the subornation of the truth and the ruination of the property of a paper, which refuses to become a part in their questionable schemes. They have openly threatened to boycott the merchants who continue to patronize this paper, ami this has been carried out to such an extent, that where these merchants have protested, intimations have been made that the banks will take a hand. T.his is the con dition brought about by the people who pretend that they are working for the com mon good of the city and county. Some people are so short sighted that they cannot see what is for their own good, even if they are careless al out the good of others, The merchants and business me1’ of this city are entitled to expect a prosperous year during 1910, and this paper has always been unceasing in its efforts for the upbuilding of Klamath Falls. With a fight <>f this magnitude advertised to the world, Klamath County will be given a black eye, from which it will not recover for years. New enterprise and new settlers will be discouraged, and this section will be forced back into the hole from which it has man aged to crawl, even in spite of these same old timers, who resent the spirit of devel opment shown by the new people now building up the city and country. In conclusion, we wish to state that we are willing to be judged by the readers of this paper, if we have not been fair and open on all matters pertaining to the good of this county and city, and it is with the deepest regret that we are forced into this fight. We have been proud of Klamath balls ami want to see it prosper, but it is only human nature to fight for the privilege of living, and if we have to retain that privilege at the sacrifice of our property, we unfalteringly decide to die game. It has been put up to us straight that we have to take a stand fi r or against. Without preju dice or feeling we beg to return the compliment and put <t up squarely to our friends. This paper will make the fight of its life. It will fight with the assistance of its friends, or it will fight without that assistance, but it can never be said that it ever stood for any bluff or coercion. COMMISSIONERS TO SUBM1’1 ini’ which to pass Judgment on the ques tion of the removal .of the court QUESTION TO THE **»'. rrh ’house. No snap judgment would be ■fflilH of the IVople Will Be Pro- tolerated, and, irerspective of what tccted by the Wise Decision the court might do, time must be of the I’ouniy Court taken to consider the question from all sides. rinio brings great changes. This Naturally the court was somewhat '»as never better shown thnn In the amazed at tho unexpected onslaught manner In which some of the self- Thero was no proposition before the constituted guardians of th«» interests court at the time. All the members of the people, residing In this city, knew of it. consisted of rumors when they nearly mobbed tho mem Amazement was apparent on the facer bers of the County Court last .Mon of tho protostants when they were day morning, demanding thnt the Informed by Judge Griffith that It war people of the city hnve some limo in not the policy of the court to take ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ snap judgment on any question, and thnt if the matter of the removal of the court house was presented to the C >unty Court, It would not be decided until the March term. Departing with this satisfying piece of Information, and confident In tho belief that victory was In their grasp, they confined themselves for the balance of the day to the forma tion of a scheme for tho ruination of the Republican. Malicious, lying charges were made and added to until they grew into grotesque proportions. And then something happened. It was occult In its nature, but it seemed to hav< U h M inbiaucc of the voice of the proletariat of the city and county. Orders worn Issued for th«! gathering i of a secret meeting, and this was held Wednesday afternoon In the basement - of the First National Bank. The old i Iles were revamped and amplified and I more abuse and villification were 1 heaped upon those who had the cour- j age to refuse to do the bidding of men who have held this city by the throat for many years. The County Court was requested to attend the meeting, and the members thereof ; were doubtless as greatly amazed at the peremptory demands made upon them. Time had made a change. Conservatism and consideration have taken wings and the court must de cide immediately whether the remov al would be sanctioned or not. Twenty-four hours would be given, and this was extended to forty-eight, when Judge Griffith Informed the meeting that the court would not be hurried; that no decision would be reached for a couple of days. That decision was reached Friday- morning, and the court did what the people expected it would—decided to submit th«* question to the people, and not to the coterie of men who have taken It u(>on themselves to dic tate to this community where all in stitutions shall be located. In making the announcement, the County Court Btated that inasmuch as a decision had been reached to submit the question to the people of the county, absolutely no considera tion would be given to petitions, whether these favored the removal or not. A date for the election will be set and the entire question decided by the resu’t of the vote.cast at thrt time. think what the step they are taking means to this city? Have they con sidered what it means to them Indi vidually? Have they forgotten that throughout this city and county are thousands of people who wear and use articles they have for sale? Do they believe that these people ar** going to lend their Indorsement to the cowardly scheme of assassination so cunningly planned by contributing to the maintenance of a Combine that has only for its object the selfish ag grandizement ot the members who compose it? Do not delude yourself Into the belief that such will be the case. The people of Klamath Fall« and Klamath County have not yet grasped the situation. They do not fully understand the fiendish deviltr that Is back of the campaign of pub lic plunder and private destruction But they will understand it, and when the truth sinks down deep intc their minds and they fully realize what this means, then the Hog Com bine will reap the whirlwind it ha.- sown. The word has gone out that the Republican must be desroyed. That the one barrier standing be tween them and the further spolia tion of the people of this county must be removed, and if it should become necessary in the accomplishment of that task to ruin every business man who has the courage to withstand their threats, then ruin it must be. Some have yielded to the cowardly demand of the cowardly members of the Combine. They have withdrawn their advertising from the Republican. Every day the campaign of bulldoz ing and bluff brings down a victim and another nole is left iu the col umns of the Republican. But though every advertiser withdraws his pat TREMBLES BEFORE INTENSITY ronage this paper will live and con- OF PUBLIC OPINION I tinue to defend the rights of the peo- Injustic«* of Unfair Attack on Th«* ! pie of this community and the cause | of a free press. Herald Has Stirred I’p a Hornet’s Nest WHERE 1M1 YOU BELONG? The Hog Combine has already com menced to dislntegrade, due to the In every community there are two rising public indignation over the distinct classes, which are known as unfair attack that has been made on the "live ones" and the "dead ones," th«* Republican. Public sentiment has and in this respect Klamath Falls is demonstrated that it is as anxious just as unfortunate as all other com today to protect free speech and the munities. This division does no«. al freedom of the press as it has ever ways become prominently in evi been since the foundation of the Re dence, except where the town or com public. The Hog Combine can no munity is blessed with exceptional longer bulldoze the people of K’an.- advantages awaiting development. If ath County, and it Is this fact, ham Klamath Falls was not so blessed, mered in as it has been during the there would be no Court House fight. past forty-eight hours, that has caus Water Users’ fight. Chamber of Com ed them to pause and seriously con merce fight, or newspaper fight. If sider the serious position into which there was nothing here worth devel the members have unwittingly oping, the "dead ones" would be left trapped themselves. to decay and wander through the The first evidence of weakness made weeds and sage brush in the streets, Its appearance Friday when a call and everything would be peaceful as was sent out for a meeting of the a grave yard. members of the Hog Combine, called Klamath Falls and Klamath Coun for the purpose of initiating the in ty. however, have wonderful possi junction protwdings and arranging bilities and have attracted the atten for the incorporation of the company tion of “live ones” who have money that ts preparing to launch on the to invest and are willing to take a people of this city the subsidized chance, and have come here to assls1 sheet through which they propose to in the work and share in the benefits wage their unholy war. Following of developing one of the richest sec the tactics of the class of people who tions on the Pacific Coast. These are a menace to every community, people, who compose fully two-thirds imitating the slimy, crawling, sneak of the present population of Klamath ing, cowardly practices of the mem Falls, own no banks, but neverthe hers of the reptile family, a few of less have become a part and parcel the more aggressive members of of this city, and are valiantly striv the Combine gathered together In the ing for a Greater Klamath Falls. In cellar of the First National Bank stead of being encouraged by those building and took the first step look who have become wealthy, directly ing toward the incorporating of the as the result of the people who have agent that will stand as the syno invested their money here within the nym of business assassination in this past few years, these people are now community. Most of the tribe gath told that they might as well get off ered there have nothing to lose. the face of the earth. Many of them do not own a foot of A handful of men, under the lead property in the city. Smarting under ership of a former "political boss," the expose of their crookedness pub have sent out the ultimatum, that lished at different times in the col they will either run this town as it umns of this paper, they are seeking pleases them, or they will destroy this opportunity of venting their the business of every man who op spleen on the paper that had the cour poses them. The trouble seems to age of telling the public what crooks be that they reailize that this city is they were. Like the cowards thnt getting too large for them to control, they are they have not the manhood and they have determined to do to stand out in the open and fight everything in their power to stop fur a fair fight. They have to skulk be ther progress. But there is one thin? hind the skirts of supposed decency, they have forgotten, or at least do sneak into a cellar and hatch out a not seem to realize. That is that the plot that will bring ruin on them city has already grown too large. selves as well as others. They have slept too long, and th« Have the business men stopped to "live ones” have cotne and are going to build a city. On« in which every one will have an equal chance to li w— and become* succeMful. The question now before the peo ple of Klamath Fails, is not alone whether the court house is to be moved, but which side are you on. Are you a "dead one," or will yon cast your vote with the "live ones" and work for a Greater Klamath Falls, and the upbuilding of the greatest city between Portland and Sacramento? With the arrival of the first railroad some people saw the be ginning of the end of the "dead ones.” The second road is now building to Klamath Falls, and long before its arrival the "dead ones” will have gone to rest and have been buried and will be only a remem brance of the early history of Klam ath Falls, like so many of their kiad are of Seattle, Tacoma. Spokane, Portland San Francisco and other leading cities of the Coast. Will you be one of the “live ones”? LIST OF THE ADVERTISER# WHO HAVE WITHDRAWN SUPPORT Style ThctnM-lvew as The Leading and Influential Business .Men of Klamath Falls The attention of the taxpayers of Klamath Fails and the entire county is called to the advertising columns of this paper. There, will be seen the advertisements of business men who recognize the value of the col umns of this paper as the best me dium through which to reach the bujing public.’ They are men who have had the moral courage to re fuse to be a oarty to any tiansaction that savors of graft or boycott. Theee men have all been called upon, time and again, by the combine, who have used every imaginable threat to force them to sever their business rela tions with this paper, but the Com bine has found that there are a few men in Klamath Falls who won't be bluffed, and these are the men who are entitled to the support of every honest man In the community. On the other hand, we owe it to cur readers to acquaint them with the men who favor, judged from theii actions, the confiscation of the prop erty of a newspaper, which refuses to fight the best interests o( the ma jority of its readers and the taxpay ers. These men claim that their Combine includes all of the Influen tial buJness men of Klamath Fails. That is a broad statement to make and v< are perf«ctlv willing to allow the people to pass judgment in this as in the question of right or wrong in the fight being made on the Her ald. We would even feel safe in allowing the Combine to render a decision in the matter. Here are the men and the firms who are boycotting this paper, and who will be adver tised from one end of the county to the other as men who consider their personal benefit rather than the in terests of the taxpayers. These are the men the readers of this paper are asked to compare with the firms whose advertisements still appear in this paper. Which of these repre sent the influential business men, and which are the “dead ones?”: Fred Melhase, president of the American Bank & Trust Company; L. F. Willits, president of the First National Bank; Geo. T. Baldwin, president of the First Trust & Sav ings Bank; Star Drug Store; Dr. F. M. White; Geo. R. Hurn; Baldwin Hardware Company; Baldwin A Baldwin, plumbers; Roberts A Hanks, hardware; Shive Bros. & Co.. groceries; W. H. Dolbeer, furniture, and Stilts Dry Goods Company. There are some others who are fighting the paper, but they do not advertise. THE "LEMON CITV” OF KLAMATH COUNTY STIRRED THINGS UP Finds Parallel in the Rumpus Over Removal of Court House Site It is not so long ago, something like five years, when the business men of this city were thrown into about as much excitement as that ex- (Continued on Page 4.)