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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1908)
Otticial Newspaper of Klamath Ciunty KLAMATH VOL. XIII. HARRIMAN COMES HOME REPUBLICAN Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 13, 1908. NO. 20 Bonanza Creamery Prospering I.ANi.EIJ, VALLEY ITE.MH. DICK MAKEH NEW RECORD. “Pinafore” a Great Success Henry Vinson and fumily have re It. 8. Smith Is the proud posH«Hsor Local talent, under the direction lumed to Medford after an extended of Prof. .Martin E. Robinson, pre of what he considers the largest to viflt In Klamath county. sented the comic opera "Pinafore," mato vines in the county. He has Duncan brothers have their hav at. the opera house last night, in a them planted in bis garden at his about all ii|i and their grain cut. way that did credit to the musical home on Ewauna Heights and he Is 1 nip <>>niprls««H Homo TIireHliing will begin In n bon t two talent of thecity, as well as to the so proud of them that the first thing 'Ttlziuis uf Klamath weeks. Klamath Falls is about to exper- ability of the director. The singers he shows any of his guests are the , IfiKont territory while All Vinson is now doing tho batch- were greeted by a large and apprecia vines and the last thing he tells about , fence the uctual results from the ap- ' '• «nd limited in tinan- ing net, while Mrs. Vinson is on a tive audience which followed closely are the very same vines. He got the , proach of the railroad. Heretofore *'■ 1,ri' •rcompliuhlng visit to Portland. the trend of the musical production. plants from Mrs. Brandenburg when L all construction work done on the '> »ur l oiinlv. Lust year J. D. Heaton biiH a 12-inch pump Heveral operas have been given in they were quite small. He planted I California Northeastern has been too • ffortH, our county wus t •at will be iiseil for Irrigating next this city under the direction of Prof. them himself and has cared for them , remote from this city to bring any • ’•••i nt the National Jr SIHOII. Robinson, but "Pinafore" is placed, ever since. In order to make sure , direct benefits to the business men pt '"HH ut Ha, itiinento and | Hill. I.angell valley has two threshers, b> many, at th«.- head of the musical that his vines were larger than the , Klamath Fulls, but now comes the ’•»e Valuable prix««. Wo I 1 11« hors« mill on« steam ¡lower. Haerainento ¡H now COflH ei tertalniuentH given by the local tal others planted at the same time he , announcement by the railroad offic '"»•"'Hi tu unite nil the | of I he bill I er fiini I m not , Th« material for the Miller creek ent. went to the home of Mrs. Branden ials that the contract for the con- * uf our county Into supply Hie local I i Mg« has been on th« ground for market h burg to look at her vines. He came , struct b,n of the entire road to this Mrs. Don J.Zumwalt, as Josephine, '”•» fur our Improve- i I iivh h I iici * a lurg« s in« time, ¡mi everyone is too busy the Captain’s daughter, was the de at a time when there was n«i one at city, including the Dorris tunnel and hlpnimH ttSHiirii you i hut we W A. Itelzell, apiuiklllK for I lie Khllli- and lininedliiteiv following this cam« I'o build bridges at preaent. light of the audience whenever she home, but notwithstanding Ihls he the big cut north of this city,has been all times to eooper- nth Chamber of Commerce, extend Owing to the dryness the irrigat- came on the stage. Mrs. E.B. Henry was determined to Inspect the tomato let to Erickson & Petterson and with so muiiy local oid«tH that Just now i»iiii«HtH in anything oil him an Invitation to meet with the the creamery I h u few days behind 1 •'1 districts will probably carry off as Buttercup, with her sweet voice vines. He went to the garden and in a few weeks a portion of their good of K lunnit h. Chamber mid Hie peoido In general with th« orders from the various Hie lulzes ut the fair this fall. gave an excellent rendition of the was stooping over measuring the large outfit is to be brought to this vicinity of your re In the roiut house park Mr llnrrl- It is the prevailing opinion of the part. Hebe, the Admiral's first con vines and counting the green toma- end of the line to make the big cut Kluiniith count v point lied the funds for tile mmi Hinted thut lie would lie idi'iistul The r«portH Issued by th« . i «nin i. liners of the upper country thut sul, gave Miss Beta Nickerson an op toes on them, when somefhihg grab- and to use the dirt in filling in the It n I'liatihel of WiHHl to meet the people pf Kluiniith Full ety allow Hint till- dairying IndtiHlry ilieaiiion tak«u by II.L. Ilolgnte will portunity to pleane the audience with bed the seat of his trousers, The yards and in the construction of the your lauiKliex now. If they mid thut lie whs more Hum willing Is on« Hint I h highly i «inun«i at ive i crus« lo be done one of I wo tilings. hi rcharniing voice and pleasant ways. family dog objected to his pestering roadbed between this city and the navigate Io wiHiln three to do anything tlint would please to the fiirinei'H and cH|i«clall> ho If I hat the government will either quit T. W. Zimmerman was strictly in bis with the tomato vines and as Dick marsh. Erickson & Petterson are the miles of Ft Klamath. We them, but he bud to itruw the Hue mi they will look nfler lheii lierdH and i'lilireiv and give private enterprise element as the Admiral, It was a I made his way across the garden with contractors who have built most of "' n«iir fiiluie, to have the tulklng for all be hud done lu i roan give th« milch cows ih« proper at ■ I'hance or will go ahead themselves. part that was especially adapted to the dog close behind he beat any the road and the awarding of the tH uull. ■■ of ,„lr i pp.-r Ultl) 1U|(I our He I II« speeches made by the people Bent | him and he carried it well indeed. record that he ever made as the star contract to them of the remainder of Ing the continent win to talk many tourlut m I rm I iotiH ho well tention. The Industry bus I.... .. op the line, with the exception of the h< re by the government at the begin wus escorted to the i> purk where he known thut ninny other resorts simi erated long enough to convince the ning <l<> not Heeni to conform with Roy Walker, as Captain Corcoran, football player for Columbia. He marsh work, shows that when E. H. Ht was greeted by a large crowd most skeptical that the Klamath and Burge Mason, as Ralph Raek- lost not only the seat of his trousers lar to your own will be constructed Harriman in his address a few days wus introduced by President Dolzell. country I h by nature one of the best I the present condition of the situa- straw, sang very difficult parts with but also a few patches of cuticle. nml Hi, aiinuiil tourist travel to our ago stated that the road would reach of the Chamber of Commerce, with dairying h « ci | ohh In Oregon ami that i lion. While we are unanimously in credit to themselves and to the de ----------- ♦----------- rt*Itz. rluml of America" lieu source this city in the early spring he was th« following remark« In due time, when therein«* transpor favor of the project at the time, we light of the. audience. Will Mason, STILL SIGNING PETITIONS. '' ■ out transportation tation fiiellliieH, it will supply the 1' .ie Jost almost entire confidence In a. Dick Deadeye, was a characteristic Mr. E. II. Harriman When asked about the present not guessing, but knew the exact con ilin. H Iihil .-<|iiulK pleaMii' and profit- In meeting with you today, wo, us I able to uh . iiiarketH of many of tho Pacific Coast i h« government officials. On« feature | r< presentation of the old tar and his status of the proposed i action on the ditions. The letting of the contract coming iliat does not seem to iih to he fair is appearance added greatly to the com part of the landowners in the Upper Directors of the Kluiniith Chamber of cities with dull) prodilds We Iriiht that your vucallon In | the lack of ussurance of anything edy of the opera. All of the others i project, J. O. Haniaker, , the editor of on the heels of the announcement of Commerce, assure you that wo deep ♦ oui county tuny ufford you even grea being il<>n« at any given time. This carried Jhelr parts with credit to ; the Bonanza Bulletin, said: I, appreciate the courtesy you have "The Mr. Harriman himself that the road ter plcaxure lhan you anticipate, and Awards South Branch Contract is known at Washington as the Klam shown us hi taking time from your themselves and in a way that added . people are still signing the petitions will be built to the navigable water we n <ure you that your annual trips Project Engineer li. W. Murphy ath project anil ail of the people have well earned vacation, to accord us to the worth of the production. The ' for the annulment of the contracts this fall and to this city next spring hero will always be looked forward Monday afternoon awarded th«- con to ¡>ay equal assessments both here I costuming and the stage setting was and the same will be forwarded as gives the people of this section re your presence. 'a by uh with much pleasure. We tract for the const met ion of the sev and under the ditch now completed. We are glad of thia opportunity to all that could be needed to make the ! has been heretofore announced.” The newed hope and encouragement and »• li one- you to Klumutli county. en mile exti iih I ou on the South Should we have to continue under scene appear realistic and the work landowners of that section are not will have a decided bearing upon gen express our appreciation as citizens Mr llnrrliiiuii'o Remarks. Branch canal th« same going to W. th« present system for a number of of the choruses showed skillful train- I conjecturing the decision of the Sec eral conditions. It is positive evi of Klnmath county for wlint you huv< Mi Harriman said in aubatanoe: II. Mason, whose hid on Hu- work was iears those people under Hie ditch Ing and hard work. Mrs. Geo. T. retary of the Interior on the peti dence that work on the road will not dotio and are doing for mil county In I had no Intimation of this recep- »22,703.911. Th« onlv other bid on now completed would be deriving the ¡Piatt, as accompanist, rendered val tions. It is evident that they have stop, but on the contrary, will be «■»Inbllahliig your resort on th« Upper loll until I stepped from (he boat and the entire work wus that of Maney benefits of the fruit of our labor. uable assistance In the successful reached the stage where the result prosecuted more vigorously than luike, bringing your friends with you unfortunately no on« hat put on pa BrothcrH K Co., which was »24,669 - I ncle Sam Is as we suppose well presentation of the pleasing opera. heretofore. So far as can be learned does not make much difference one to enjoy It and thus becoming mutu per for tiie what I ought to Hay. I 60. Work o«i the Hcbediile I h to he- ■»«•aning and sincere In this view of it is the Intention of the contractors ---------------- * ---------------- way or another. ally Interested with us In tho devel to bring one of their large steam sho thank you for thia evidence of good j gin within a *cw weeks and Mr.Mason the matter, but the hay on the other What is wanted in the Upper pro opment and preservation of our tin $90,000 Real Estate Deal vels in here at an early date for use will and HMoiro you I wi’l always en- Is now gathc'lng the »««■ ssary ina- i side of the fence does not do this ject is water and it is evident from surpassed fishing anil liiiniing What is believed to be the largest on the big cut. d, .ivor to |i|«aH<> the people of thin chlnery and men to begin construc I animal any good. the expressions of the farmers that grounds. real estate transfer in the history of The exact conditions of the con- ♦ «'•tloii Nothing gift- me more tion work al (lie I they are ready to work in harmony We aro glml to meet you In this time. ( Klamath county was consummated NEWS FROM DAIRY. j pl, nine than to please the people. ( with the Reclamation Service if the tract have not yet been made public conference, not only because you are J lie seven miles Mill runneli tile The considera but. it is the Intention of the Southr When I Htepped from the boat and Mr. J. G. Wight moved to his ranch Into Wednesday. Service will show a willingness to the head of great railroad utiil finan tion in the transfers amounted to era Pacific to rush the road to this vn< prenented with a petition request- I government rysteni with the old Ad- Monday. work with them. If the government cial Interests, but because you are a in that I attend thin reception 1 am» canal ami will supply water for Mrs. Wm. Wight was visiting in Just even »90,000, and the deals were I should decide to begin work on the city and in order to avoid the delay i«l>resentatlvo American citizen n for spot cash, the money being paid on the marsh the third dredge is to must confeM that I wa.t weary. 1 all of the lands that have hen-tofore Dairy Monday. Clear lake dam this year it is very type of the successful business mini, be added at once. An order has been Farmers are busy making hay on on Hie delivery of the deeds. r< .ill/'d thut In addition to wanting I been Irrlgaied by it ns well as for the probable that all dissatisfaction of and we want your suggestions mid The big land deals occurred be placed for the machine and it will th< railroad voii also iced country lari« area thut has not been under these* fine days. a serious nature would disappear advice to better enable us to get re- Prof. II. M. Hall went to I’okeg- tween Major Chas E. Worden, presi- and the landowners would get into be put in operation as soon as it ar road . an I my advice to the people water. Th«.« contract specific's that sults In our efforts to develop Kinin- of tliH county I h to construct good I the work mii.- t be completed this fall ama Friday, returning Sunday, He d< nt of the American Bank & Trust the harness and work for the good rives. nth county resources road | liope Hint by autumn the 'which nieam that the Reilanialion has sei ured the Pokegama school for Company of this city, and Senator of the entire Klamath Reclamation It Is needless for us to emphasize |iallruad »III be completed to u point I Service wilt tie in position to deliver Hie full and winter term. Abner Weed, of California. Mr. Weed Lewis Gerber returned last week Project. our Interest In th« progress of the where <’• 111 llel't loll will lie mude with waler to several thoiis'ind additional Miss Abbie Welch was visiting in purchased of Major Worden 960 acres from Mt. Hebron where he has been | ---------- * ---------- railroad construction on your line water Irniicportatioii and by next acres in the -qirlnv ■ of fine agricultural and hay land in Dairy Tuesday. looking after the shipping of beef building to our city. Our giowth as Hpilng it »III certainly lie completed Moore Bros, are pushing the work ------ ♦— Editor Haniaker of I he Bonanza the Wood river valley. This tract cattle. He and Chas. Horton loaded u city mid prosperity a« u county arc Into this rltv Hut when this I h done adjoins the big body of land already I of construction on their power plant Bulletin was in Dairy Monday. 350 head yesterday, this being the I owned by Senator Weed and gives and on the lines to Bonanza and Mer »Hally dependent upon Its emly emu If th,- loails hetween thin city and the Business Conditions Imrroving Miss Ella Anderson, of Dairy,start first shipment to be made from the (I. W. White, president of the First him a total of approximately 19,000 rill. As soon as the plant is com pletlon. We trust tliut Its count r Upper I'uiinlry nr« not Improved I National Bunk, returned on Monday ed for Berkeley Saturday where she Butte valley point Mr. Gerber ship acres. pleted Bonanza will be supplied with tlon will continue ns rapidly us p will reside with her uncle. Frank-An a •-inc you that you wIII not Hee much from a trip to Portland where he ped 250 head of steers and cows The other deal between these two light and power as the line is practi Slide mid that nt th« earliest |uiasl of Harriman or Harriman's friends. purchased the fixtures for the new di rson, and attend the Berkeley High while Mr. Horton loaded 150 head of cally finished and the town will be gentlemen was the purchase by Mr. date we will be In actual touch by I do not -av this In a sense of critic school. calves. ' bunk. In speaking of conditions gen rail with the rest of the country, In ism oi faultfinding, hut simply In the i Miss Emma Liskey is reported to Worden of what is known as the ’ wired in the course of a few weeks. In speaking of Mt. Hebron as a erally Mr. White stuted that he could The line to Merrill is under construc Bush tract, comprising 2400 acres, this connection w<- are nlso milch In ».it m e of friendly advice. The people : be quite sick, but it is said to be a notice a decided lin|>rovement since 2000 of whlch’is under the govern tion and will tie completed in time to shipping point Mr. Gerber said that need of direct Western Union T«4« . whom you would have come here ex- little better at this writing. I i his last visit to Portland. Business ment irrigation ditch. Mr. Worden carry electricity for light and power it was a little inconvenient at this graph servlet« without Hr« annoyance i peel good roads. They arc lined to Prof. B. M. Hall, Miss Nett Drew of all kinds seems to be improving time on account of the Southern Pa and others have gone to Klamath already owns over,200 acres of land by early fall. of teleplimihig our messages part them and expect them and are will iand more money Is being invested cific not having an agent stationed The transformer house has been 1 adjoining this tract. way. ing to ¡my for them, and one of the I than a. few months ago. Portland Falls to take the state and county there, but it is bls opinion that in built and the instruments Installed I ----------- ♦----------- examinations. Our Chamber of Commerce Ims first things you want to do is to see Ims never hail a better year than the the course of time it will be the best therein. The heavy machinery is DARI EY-PARKIN8ON. Prof. It. M. Hall lias gone into the j'lst entered Into a contract with your that they get them. I have always ' present one in the opinion of Mr. shipping point for entire Southern being put inplace and the concrete On Thursday, August 6th, at Nev poultry business, A young goose Southern Pacific emiipany to do ♦ 1 ,- believed In Oregon, and particularly j White. Oregon. He and Mr. Horton will work done so that the building for ad» City, Cal., occurred the marriage hardly old enough to fly, was Hoen ftOO.Oo worth of advertising for us thia pint of it will be a resort In the He had many Inquiries about the the plant can be erected soon. It Is make another large shipment the lat during the ensuing year, through the Slimmer similar to what Southern Cal Klamath com.try and he met a large cn the streets of Dairy. Mr. Hall of Mr. C. T. Darley and Miss Pearl safe to say that within two months ter part of the month. They now Parkinson. The bride is oire of the tdok up the chase with the town i chil Runset Mugaxlne Wo want farmers ifornia Is In the winter, nml you nil number of people who have been here the plant will be supplying electricity have about 400 head pastured at the popuini young ladies of that city and for our valleys, but before »« call know what the section around Ixn to make personal Investigations. He dren and succeeded in catching it. Melss ranch which will be loaded in Mr. J. It. Welch and family and the groom is one of the engineers in for lighting and power purposes. hope for many, we I iiuh I have nill- Angeles Is Thia has been made poa- states that everyone whom he heard about three weeks. the employ of the Reclamation Ser Miss Abbie Welch arc getting ready There Is some talk of a walking road transpprtiitlon. These farmers slble through the great Improvements ■nentlon Klamath said something must be assured of transportation for made in that part of California by good about the place. It is generally ' to take a trip to Crater lake and the vice. The happy couple arrived in party to Crater laka and back. It Is Mr. and Mrs. T. G Hendricks and he <uti last night and will make their understood that a number of the Miss Ruby Hendricks, left Saturday I beh-y patch next week. their crops, or they cannot afford to realized that thin country is one of the pimple there. Sey Pool was kicked by a horse holm here. local sprinters expect to take the hike morning for Eugene, after a brief raise them. May wo promise pros- When I landed from the boat I vast resources and that in time its Tuesday. Dr. Johnson attended him. in order to keep up with the Port visit with Mr and Mrs Richard Shore pet live settlors that they will have trad«* will be valuable to the metrop J. F. Kimball has returned from a land Y.M.C.A. crowd. Doctor said there were no bones bro Smith. transportation for Hie crops of the olis of the Htate. trip to l’okegama where he met Geo. ken but still he can't use his leg. I Mr. 1». Shook is putting In pipes S. Long, the vice-president of the I Small Demand for Horses and a hydraulic ram for irrigation Weyerhaeuser Timber company, to I "Tiler«» Is not much demand for purposes. He will have one of the discuss local interests with him. horses at this time," said J. Frank finest places in Klamath county when There is considerable uneasiness Adams when asked about the horse | lie gets everything in running order. among the timber companies on ac count of the danger of forest fires ! market In Klaynath county, "A few —♦---------- and they have Increased the patrol KENO NEWS. ¡cavalry horses are wanted by buyers Mrs. Fox has returned from San and are keeping a very close watch. j who are now In the field, but aside While In the vicinity of Pokegama | from this the market is not. strong. Francisco where she took her little , There are buyers in the field but I boy to be operated upon. After the Mr. Kimball went over the lands leas many of them lire trying to take ad- operation was performed the boy was ed to Dave Edler for grazing purpos I BEGINNING with Saturday, July | vantage of the dull times and are able to hear anil lie Is now at the hos es. He was accompanied by Mr. Ed ler who name with him to this city ii,l have decided to hold Satur I telling the ranchers that horses are pital to be permanently cured. on his way to Bonanza. The lands Miss Ruth Doten is giving good not worth anything, but that they days as Bargain Days. Each and | will buy If they cun get them reoson- satisfaction In dishing up hash for leased by Mr. Edler cover the Spen- every Saturday thereafter, different cer creek, Aspen lake, Rock creek ( able. The demand Is not good at this the public. Ruth is a rustler. Charley Snowgoose is taking or awd Klamath lake sections. Wm. goods will lie put on sale at bargain time but It will come out all right." Mr. Adams Is perhaps the most ex ders for tho Grand Union Tea Co. ile Smith, of Bly, who had leased lands I 1 prices, and it will be to your special tensive buyer of horses In this sec takes orders for ten. coffee, baking along the Upper lake found It Impos benefit to keep your “eye peeled tion and he is in touch with the mar powder and spices. Ho gives a val sible to bring his sheep through and kets of tho California cities. He hnH uable premium with everything or the lands have been leased to J. A. and watch for future announcements. a large number of horses nt Ills ranch dered and his customers aro deliglit- Brown, of Cornell, Cal.- and expects to hold them until there <d with the goods and also the pretu- Frank Sargent, Herb and Chas. I iiiiiih which he delivers at their homo Baldwin had quite a time getting Is a better market. ' without extra charge. started on their camping trip Tuesday —♦- • Large bands of sheep are brought noon. With the assistance of a crowd <’n Saturday, July 11, there will I* NiiHtaiiiH Broken Irin. from Southern California on to tho of spectators, every one of whom had Al Kubes had his l ight arm broken reductions on everything in the house Kern» range and when they get the Monday afternoon bv belnv thrown grass off they will go to Aspen lake suggestions to offer, the packs were (excepting contract goods)and it u ill to th«« ground by the Worden auto It would be well for the assessor to lashed onto the horses, hut the next pay anyone wanting things in the o mobile. He made an effort to catch get after them and assess them the serious difficulty was to make the pack horses understand that they KLAMATH FALLS the car Just as It was starting but fell same as the natives. jewelry line to call. wore supposed to carry the loads that with the result that the right arm was they were supporting. After camp broken Just, below the elbow The Mrs. G. W. Fish, the milliner, equipment had been strewn all over fracture was reduced by Drs. Hamil left Tuesday morning for Grants Main street and the horses repacked ton and Fisher and Al is getting I Pass for a brief visit with relatives, the trio started on their journey Into along as well as could be expected. after which she goes to San Fran- the hills after deer and bear. -----------*-------- ! N C Monson swured n license 1 lies cisco to buy her Fall stock of mlllln- The Klamath Falls Military Band LEADING WATCHMAKER JEWELER i ery. will give Its first summer concert In | day to wed Miss Callie L. Holt, and .1. E. Ballinger, mother of the Court House park on Friday ev the marriage took place Wednesday Peliteli, arrived in the city ening. The band may decide to give at the home of the bride. Claude The hiiHinoHH of the Bonanza cream ery I h entirely natlHfactory to all par- lien Interested In the enterprlHi-. Dur- ing the month of July the fiirinerH were paid approximately »1200 for butter fnt, while during th« same month of last year they received in round iiuiiiberH only »5en This h I iowh Hie Increase in the hiiHlni-HH in just lone year and If this I h kept up for u few years Bonanza would lie <*n- titled to the dlHtlnrllon of being t he bill ter dl l of La S. P. CONTRACT IS AWARDED i ------ »------ ------ «------ ------ «------ The Real Thing GO TO GILLETTE’ FURNITURE As a Starter G.HeitkemperJr. Sewing Machines, etc. ------ >------ Our goods are attractive, also the prices Klrkpatrlck also secured a license to Saturday night from Wingfield, Kan , weekly outdoor concerts during the remainder of the summer. wed Miss Lena McCarten. and will remain indefinitely. T