Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
4**b^«4*4»*+’4*4,4't»’fr*M*»**4,,^4’*h4’4*4’4***’4*4*4*4’4,4'4’4*4*4’X r lhe Hotel I'ui't lv»i'.' !■' 1 7-W Dorris, » tu U in I '' 11 Judge W. II Harris to >k < ... I ge of the Houston , t< .< i Sat tirday \ positio i with real \\ I.NTU> \ddress .1 C.. this 0I- estitte tl till 5-Sll* f i 4* * ¿ Hotel Dorris. Dorris that's the place to stop. 7-® ISA ratr cent nil »»n .l.i[>-íi“l ne al BttldwiU». the city G. II Mel« in Montague THE BRICK STORE C° ^4* 4« 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* n» *1*4***« 4» *■»«•''* 4**4» »r***-* 4* 4« 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* «e ¿x CITY imil I *• 1 See Ady for marsh lands. Watch for the big Removal Sale at the BOSTON STORK Don't overlook the ad of the Sl“ Drug Store on bat k page. .1. Q. Willits and family left for their Lakeview home Friday. J.E.Bodge left for Colstein Tuesday morning to be gone several days. Small tracts of well located tule marsh lands offered for one week at »20 per acre. Abel Adv. E. L. Swartzlander, acting agent at the Klamath Indian Reservation, went to Dorris Saturday. Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Jobb and Mrs. Pierce Evans went to Odessa Satur day to remain for a few days MONEY TO LOAN on City Prop HALL- erty, Ranch or Timber land 7-;:<«t i SHEPHERD CO. Aitrnt big «-hooner at the Hotel 7-9 Derris. 1' E '»lalilmau ivlt Mr. and ,Vi i for San Fr '» I. a F. luay . Cail. L 1» Applegate went to his | home at Oakland. Cal . Sunday morn ing. Mrs. J. bchallock returned Thurs- I day ntglit from an extended visit to | Portland. ! Have you had trouble in getting your repairing done promptly. Try ' Winters, 8-6tf it ' Watch f< big Removal Sale .,• lies .UN STORE A tine tract of land within five miles of town. M ason & S lough If your glasses get broken try Winters. All work done same day 8-6tf as received. r Special attention is called to the Ashland Commercial College S|>ecial in thia Issue. 7-23-9-4 MONEY TO LOAN on City Prop erty, Ranch or Timber laud II \1.L- SIIEI’IIKHP CO • J. A. Garber, of the Klamath Ag- 11'my was here Saturday, preparing for a four weeks' deer hunt. J. H. Baum, for some time collect- •d with Maney Brothers A Co., has gone to Portland on business G. W. White, president of the First National Bank, lias gone to Portland to purchase fixtures for the new bank building. Above all get qtte of lltiwe hand some picture« for $1 .it Star Dril”. Store. ■ Fred S< 'uillot k returned Mon Iritni a few wet k-t‘ outing ui Odessa. txt'll SHAKES FOR SALE at , 1 . it V X is JOHNSTON 7-SO-4t* .uissea Sadie Wagner and Artie Beehorn have returned front a weeks' visit at Odessa. Father Tompkln, the priest who will succeed Father Feusl. arrived In the city Tuesday Mr» I. I. Brownell went to Hrowti ell on Tuesday for a few weeks' visit with friends. Take your watch repairing ter* who employs the only maker in the county Miss Lyle Waist'll, deputy cletk. expects to leave In a few duys for het home at Ashland where she will *|>end Iter vacation. K. D North hat resigned Ills posi tion in tlie post office and Is succeed ed by l.cster Kirkpatrick, who began work Wednesday morning Geo Chastain and family have re lumed from Bonanza and the ex county clerk has begun work In the Shlve Bros. A Co store in which he is Interested. American field Fence and K0K0H0 LAWN FENCI BA R II E l> >1 >*<>!«!> BY ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS Mr. and Mrs H E Kerns, of Keno, were the recipients of a daughter on July 22d. Bert Cranston arrived in the city Thursday from Portland to visit with relatives. ' Only too pleased to show you our special on these new pictures. Star An.I it ''.m I . tin under bard I ■ The vital j»rt»—and >’ |urt of Drug Store. * 'I lie Slutlrbakrl I1.1 t> atti mg Slutkl’ikri .«!<• li».**!«- J •.•'I II4I1I A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira»! *<>'* gtralcr than that o| tl . uhv tl»r Mu*kl»ak< r « • the w ago IT I ' t • • t ’ ' '1 Mrs. A. DeLap left on T uesday S. E. Icendice al Pine Grove on Tues For Sale or Trade:— Residence and lii-caiiM, «irin, asir, spoke, lmb >11 1 lies la>l I uiik * < *“ <•»«’ <<»<1*1*1 C<Mt For Sale:—A tine ltk)-aere tract three business property tn the beat town in for Salem after spending several day. July 28th. Iliadi' imi righi, Lx-r year . , Mrs. F. M. White and son, Elbert, miles out. This is a bargain. The own the Willamette Valley. weeks with relatives iu this city. I lie skriu» lia» e a ti an»vet r *lt< i I tie* nerd ieurr irpaim w the repair coat U IrM than that tequile»! In Ilio I mt* I -i , per * ear nv* to iunn»< ilium«’. Inquire at the Boston Store, J. P. Churchill returned to his left Saturday morning for Myrtle er must go to a lower altitude and will I lie an. ■ air inch tleeia i tl 1 Thr* ui«*M»t. l draft sell cheap. Mason & Slough. 7-2 tf Yreka home on Saturday after hi»- Point for a visit with relatives. made fluiti selected bull t ut Illa. » 6-25 tf Il urn .1 Io 5 it .0 ». spending several days in this city. 11. G. Wilson, superintendent of H cost iiitirr (I mii w.i^on-; light di aft iavm Where can I buy Sherwin-Williams The bub« «re e»tra large in < Among the parties in the city from the Klamath Indian Reservation, was hoi»«*. Two new Cypress incubators and P. ir.t ' the l«-»t pi.H-utabi*' wo.«l Mi'drl ak»*r wag«>nw ron tnorerawilv timti olhmw l»r« Wood river valley last Saturday, here Monday en route to the Ag at BALDWIN'S HARDWARE STORE I be Tainnu« Simi«l. ikri • l.q-- brooders for sale. Best on earth. CmiM* r it it u hrrl i* |‘«*tf* < *»* tiou* d, ** (th th« I * < are Jas. L. Gordon. Geo. C. Hill. Asa ency from a business trip to Willam Ihel tg. t «mount ol v ■»! into t)>. I. ut the hub s rt in the rx«u * » rut« I. T. W. Stephens. MONEY TO LOAN We have sev Fordyce, Christ Wiess. II. J. Savidge c»t w he: <- otin rs ate u > .>»1 • I I hr »krill 14 M> art that tl»« **hrr| run« »trnigtit ette valley points. Thos. J. McGrath arrived in the eral thousand dollars to loan on real and Grandma Worlow. 'I be tiu« «te, ./><-/, and are | h t ahead mid« r a load and cauiH»l rni>, imd ui gnud ‘41 When you want Pitchford and estate. M \SON Ar SLOUGH. each wheel »-> that llicie 1 i... » . h city a few days ago from Santa Cruz the »keto. The remains of Silas Albert, a Webb you’ll find them at the O. K. luuM'iniig SlmlclMkt r Inc. Studebaker hub« never hu< either nut or collar. to take charge of Moore Bros, power Mi«s Lutie Ulrich, of Medford, who Klamath Indian who died at the Che- No the Ian ■ t and ! est Feed Barn and the Belmont Stable« That • miuthvr n wl»> tl»«’ Mudrbuker u» ut has been the guest of Mrs. W. A. Del- mawa school, arrived in this city on plant. factui y tu the «otit! 1« tequile.! lo 1 < such ** olldrrfullv I’Kht dl**!t. wher* they feed their horses. Your or the It in**k< bald I ad» tai* h»r liOf»CM« Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McCauley left lell. left Saturday morning for her Friday and were taken to the Reser price is our price. 7-30-4t* \\ r aie ptotul t . on Tuesday for Eugene, after a home. vation Saturday for burial. btudcbakcr. St . Dr. I.. L. Truax visited Bonanza a brief visit with their daughter, Mrs A. Helming A Co. fur merchants Al W. Pape, the amateur champion few days ago and at the earnest solic E'rank Ira White. pays highest cash prices lor al) kinds ol Pacific Coast single sculler, is in the itation of a number of the people of Over Rev. P. Conklin has sold the Grant hides ami furs. Headquarters Ameri city representing a roofing company that place lie has decided to locate 100 tf Harris place, three and a half miles can Hotel. of San Francisco. He thinks Kiam there for the practice of his profes Acre« east of Klamath Fulls, to Duncan Mike Woods, the We.verhaueser ath Falls has a”, excellent oppur; uc- sion. More than “Studebaker Taylor, of Tulare, Calif. limber cruiser, arrived in the city Itv to promote all kinds of aq.ictb 1,000,000 Rev. R. E Dili..up, presiding elder Plant FOR SALE—In Truckee, Calif., from Portland Thursday and went sports. Studebaker Vehicle* of the M. E. Church, this district, one first class saloon business, one to the timber belt north of Bly Frl- FOR EXCHANGE-Full set of En arrived in the city Friday evening m Dfily tie • ■'»•Ulto« tefiUaJII dance hall, and residence properties day morning. . cyclopedia Americana 16 volumes, He recently returned from a trip to Address Box 273, Truckee. Calif. Prof. J. G. Swan went to Pine absolutely new, latest edition. This the East where lie delivered a num 1C<J 18'J 8-15—9-4 Grove Saturday to meet with the I work is recognized as the finest E11- her of illustrated lectures on the people of that section to talk over icy 1 lopedia ever published Will ex- Lyle Watson has gone to Miss Klamath country. the matter of building a new school change it for a spriug wagon. Atl- Ashland to spend her vacation. List your Property with us. With I dress, Box 14. Klamath Falls, Ore Game Warden Gibson has just re house in that district. connections in ail the leading cities on 7-15tf turned from a trip to the north end Misses Flunk and Schneider, th» the coast, we are in a position to turn County Clerk C. R. DeLap moved of the county. milliners, left on Friday morning your property over in a short time. New Bicycle* foe Sale and Kent Roy Hamaker and wife arrived in tor Portland where they will retrain his family to the Lewis place on the Klamath Basin Irrigated Lands Co. Bonanza Monday from the Falls city. until September when they wi!l re West Side, which he purchased from Upstairs- Republican Block. Tents for. rent Mr. Hamaker will take a position in turn here with a fall stock of nillin- Robert Casey a short time ago. Mr 7-2tf Heating Stoves, Household I'tcnsils, <i ns Casey and family will leave for Ash ery. the Bulletin office for a short time H. Boivin and family will leave All Kinds of Repairs land in a few days, and Chas. Donart Saturday morning for Seattle where and Ammunition, Cutlery—in Bonanza Bulletin. The famous Nettleton shoe, for men, Miss Agnes Driscoll, daughter of are to be found at the Boston Store, has moved his family into the house Mr.Boivin will attend the grand aerie thing in Good Hardware—No I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Driscoll of Bonan which has the exclusive agency for vacated by the DeLaps. nt the Eagles as it delegate from the he shelf-worn goods. J. H. Daikln, who came here a Klamath Falls aerie. It Is probable za, was in the city Saturday en route them. The Nettleton Shoe for grace, Opp. American Hotel , thort time ago from Portland to ac- to her home from a visit with rela comfort and eas? n*» no equal; for Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences that they will visit Southern Cali tives at points in the Willamette \ al wearing qu-di i t t cannot be sur eept a position with the Klamath fornia before returning hottie. and everything the farmer needs. i Lake Navigation Co., has resigned his ley. The Misses Sarah Pratt and Fannie We are dealers in I passed. position and will leave here shortly. Virgil were passengers on the boat . He is forced to leave this city on ac r on Tuesday. The former Is return count of Mrs. Dalkin’s health, whose If you want to sell your farm ing to her home at Albany after vis condition demands a lower altitude. BERT E. WITHROW send us full description, terms, ALLEN SLOAN iting a few weeks with her brothel, etc.. an<l we can do it. Vice-President D. H. Ward, of this city, was In Secretary Rev. Pratt, and the latter has gone I this week renewing the subscription Maps, Plans. Blue Prints, Etc. to Ashland for a few weeks visit with for the Republican sent to his father Nyal’a Vegeta 27»' .• Washington St., frie-.ds. ble Prescription 1 L. B. Ward, at Rock Falls, who Is 7-2 PORTLAND, ORE. ♦ is indicated tn all very much interested in the Klamath ordinary dlaeaaea For I »•aw. .country. Mr. Ward has built a fine of women. Thia Summons Hoti I with everything new, diulng house on the corner of Pine and remedy never High streets, and has mad>- his home room, kitchen, eight roooms, patior. In th. Circuit Court of th» «1*1»of lor disappoint*, its the County of Klamath ffooi effect« be fine patronage, feeding Torn 150 to here for some time. M Moors, Plaintiff ng perceptible I Col. W. H. Holabird was here Sat JOO daily, inquire at Hotel I»orris, V*. front the very H-fitf Willey Moore. Defendant. urday from Pelican Bay. When asked Dorris. California Aral. It is com M. D. WILLIAMS, C. E DON J. ZUMWALT, C. E. To Willey Moore, the nameU deftuxlanl posed of the pur about the time set for the arrival of Treasurer FOR SALE Two well bred mares President In the name of the stale of Oregon - y on are est and most re the Harriman party he stated that one s years old, w ight shout 1150 hereby required toapfiear and an-«, r ft..... on liable drugs 1 be had not been definitely advised It»« ; the other 5 year« old, weight plaint llle.l asain.l you In llie above nuikl mercurials, opt and could make no statement at this about. 1400, with a sucking colt. ■nil. on or before the Uth .lav of Aufn.1 uo., ates and other harmful drugs time. Under the supervision of the Both well broke, gentle and true and the (line prescribed In the order for 1 .i.ti.-a lion, the Oral publlcal ion hereof be I*» on July bring excluded. Colonel everything at the Bay has bred to good horses. Price |350. 2, ITO*, and If you tall eo to appear ami anawi-r The many dis an. been put In first class condition and S<i- them nt the raneh of Algin Klrk- for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to lhe concerting influ Court for T he relief prayed lor In the 10m is now in readiness for the arrival ences to which All «re appri'|>ri»t<' w*j" paterli-k, Foi I Klamatli, Oregon. Al plaint: For a decreedlmolvliiff the l«rnil> ol of tlie distinguished visitors. woman is con ding gift'' and »hr so one heavy hack and double har- matrimony e*l*lln« between plaintiff ami <f. If you can't call at our store, WRITE. atantly subjected not be happy T. A. K. Fassett, the local S. P. ness, saddle, bridle and wagon jack. tendanl, that defendant I* forever l.a. re.l ol render her liable Send your order for any MEDICINES or DR I (I STORE GOODS gets them to many func agent, has requests from San Jose, Price $90. A bargain 7-30tf any Intereat In any properly of plaintiff, and of any kind by MAIL and it w ill be filled promptly for »nch further relief a> to the Court rnay a: tional disorders his former home, for Klamath litera |*ear )u>t and mprllalrle In the promt* that not only tend ture. The letter slates that there are Till* aummona la acrvetl hy publication to de»troy her comfort and happiness, many Inquiries regarding this region thereof in the K laniath Republican by order which gradually merge into chronic of the Honorable J H.iirlffith. I'ounq pul.. <.( a but being made by homeseekers ami that think how easy it is to do your shopping - no time lost costs ml serious fliseases. nothing extra and the method is safe and satisfactory if you Nyal'a Vegetable Prescription is with literature about the Klamath coun cultivation; <10 acres more can bo aald county, dated lune 2». |«n r<'<|i»lrtns ihi. cleared; 300 acres pasture land, all annimona to be pnbllahed once a «<■.■* p,r , out a peer for the successful treatment buy from us. try Is at a premium. Mr. Fassett Bucceaalve weeks fenced; |3000 worth of buildings on of female weakness, painful anil elisor , has forwarded a large amount of 7-2 S-S c. <• grower Use Red Star Rose Cream for tan and sunburn THK HADING JlWW« tiered menstruation, hysteria, cramps, place; 51» acres In alfalfa; 200 acres Chamber of Commerce literature to HHANt'H HTHItt: tMlRSI'. ul" "bearing down pains,” inflammation come under the ditch now building; the Southern Pacific office in that 150 more will come under lhe ditch Hnd falling of the womli. This is a rem edy of sterling worth. ' city. later. Good outside range. Terms, Paint! Paint! Paint! one-third >ash, balance to suit, Inter Wo especially solicit watches upon 's! at 8 per cent The finest line of Paint ever shipped THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY I which others have failed to keep Address THON. MARTIN, COIL 7 th and main htr . to Klamath county, just received at I good time. Try Winters 8 «If 10 io I Klamath Falls. Oregon BALDWIN'S HARDWARE STORE Klamath Falls Ar Made Farts of a GEO. T. BALDWIN, Klamath Falls, Ore., Estab! BICYCLES X4»4T4*4’4*4*4*4*4’4*4’4,4*4’4,*!*4*-!--''-,-*,”i’++X f ♦ T GUN STORE FARMS and LAND Abstracting Dependable Hardware * * 4- * f I GEO. R. HÜRN, the * Hardware Man f X4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4>4*4»44>4>4>4>.p<“r444‘X T B. ACKERS & CO., Che Talr Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Sparkling Cut (ila^ Hand Painted Chins Ric h Sih er The National Messenger U. S. Mail If you live on a R. F. I). Route B. 3. Winters STAR DRUG STORE UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY THE BOSTON STORE *»5 7/ie place to save money on all up-to-date CLOTHING SHOES and I)R V G OODS....... UIH STORE THAT IS DOINU Till: /HJSIN&*