Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
MIEIIIFF'H MAUC. HI I III H n K M U HIM H' I o the < iix uil < oml of the Hlate of Olegiin, fol Ixlnllialll Cuuill). About the sam«« Hi.»’ Hint tin* oil One of the most distinguished vis 1'ierdliig A I'arrvll. a corporation. • In tlita pr*ii!'* ’ *ts won itors to Crater Lake dur eg the n«vt 1'laintlff, is Yli.’l Ad' and Leona <’ il *< n < ‘ i \ u ■ < umde In E. .1. MURRAY, Editor Vdj. IU' wife, KlauiHiti Watet l'»ei s few weeks will be Oregou ■ governet count' 11 like < Compilili»'.* hnve Imen \ soi’iaiioti, anil Michael Molaclien Geo. L. Chamberlain. Will G Steel, l '1 *>«>» «’.«.lilt' hot li <’ bill ili lu < ben. Iivtemlalits manager of the Crater Lake com orgtinUe«! m Hull in Equity to fore, lose a limit h»\ idopnit 11 u ni k ha * Cro ik a< < uni < pant has been advised by the gov< rn Aehiik'f llaic*Z<»lf ltivvs( ’. 1 he 1 « , i < m l ih Ihai Ili gar Notice been «bui- ami Is hereby given that In lit or that lie will visit the lake some iihH v» em oni llICIltM t llllt ^Vill Utili tile ol ull exei lit loll alld ol del of "Illi' TWO DOLLARS PI R \ I VR IN ADVANCI time tills mouth between the loth illcatum-- row It tin« ti.iw bvell t 'lll»l II al lllè duly Issued out Ilf the lllmve IIHIiK'd ilio piirduiNvr anoin and 20th. Ho will be met nt Medforil ma«h)nery Hi <1 i ni. Iiu ••*«! b\ Ih«» eouit and cause on the list day el oy Mr Steel, who is going there with July, 11)08. upon a decree made amt All commiimestiom. •ul>miti«<l i r pulfiicatìoti ni thè columns ni this («aper coiu:uiuy Is too light and the presi- entered of record In «aid Clnull wili I h » insertisi only over tuo nauie ol thè wuler. Ni» non de piume anidre In a few days to attend to the ship dem of (lie Madras oil Co . has tiow Court, and In said suit, on the litli will be publisbed. ping in of a large quantity of sup gon«' Io Southern Califon a to pur- day of .tune. 1907. In favor of tlie plies. The exact time for the gov 'chase a heavler drill, one that will above named plaintiff, directing th* County tjphool Superintendent J.G. FILTHS St I ri.t:s Tltol Ill.F. «ale of the premia«** tlierelu •< i lb«’*l ernor's visit has not been fixed but lie capable of putting i hole down to satisfy tlie sum of 623,4.31 mi nod Wight, who has serv<>d the countv in In the 1. t few days many things lie has written Mr. Steel that he will 1000 feet After g«»lr g down 156 the sum of 62li 10, costs and di" that capacity for the past four years, have develr ; oil iu Oregon politics af be at his service any time betweeu feet It was found that l ie machinery buraenients and the furthei sum <>t has turned the office over to his suc fecting both tlie Presidential cam the dales mentioned. i iu use was ton light, but Hi company $»00 1)0. attorney's fees, imiklng a cessor. Prof. J. G. Swan, who assum paign and tlie election of a l uitr’d !i.’>7. to, witli Intere t »u As soon as Mr. Steel gets the rest was not m the least «llseouragi'd iilid tntul of ed official duties Monday. States Senator by the Legislature. of his equipment on the ground tie as soon as the lieaw mmhlnery ar <aot sum num the 17th ua> of June. I so,', and necruiug costs. Superintendent Wight has his an , In all ot tli< ->• matters. I’aBed States will be prepared to take care of par liv i will ro-uino opet al tons oil n Now, therefore, by virtue of said nual report to the state superinteti- Senator Charles W. Fulton has been ties numbering almost forty and his execution and In compliance with said largo ’ scale il all lieietofor« dent about completed and it show - 'Prominent and his most important accommodations will be very good writ 1 have duly levied ou said prem 1 .■ Ki.i .’ith oil company, which some very interesting items, among I labor has In a to quell the revolu- Klamath Falls is the natural gate wa erg. used for the purpose of I m *« and will on Saturday, the 29th day ot August, 1908, at 10 o'clock them are the following: Itlonists win. w.-re plotting to remove wa\ to the great wonder. <‘raler lak< ly, lias done no actual work. Some A M. of said day. at tin* front door In Klamath county there are. be- W. M. Cake as state chairman, either bm yet the povs' .ir ot the st«uo will developing the proapei’ts in this coun- of the County Court House, In Klam tween the ages of four and twenty. through re - •;nation or bi expulsion. lie perniilleu . . latl the place with ath Falls, Klamath County, tlregon, ot the stock has tuin sold and ma sell at public auction to the highest 861 boys and 891 girls and of thh As a result o conferences il has been in. . vuiing io this city. Mr. Steel chinery bargained for. but other than bidder for cash III hand, all the right, number 663 are not attending school 1 . ided t b. i k l ull < ont luue al was asked why this was the case and this there lias been no further work title and Interest of the above named In the schools of this county then I I: 111 : I it tue Taft cam- . he explained it b> speaklug about as don ■ Tlie discovery of oil In Crook defendants, and each of them, lu and were enrolled duriug the past real i «1— cue assurance of a special follows: <ounly would doubt less cause an to the following described real plot* erty, sltuuted lu Klamath Count' 622 boy s and 576 girls, or in all 119.« executive board consisting ot five "1 must help those who are help awakening Iu the local oil develop State of Oregon, to-wlt: pupils, and of these 19 bo^i and IS members. This was takeu up with Ing me. Medford has never refused ment and therefore Klamath people Lota 5, li, 1 4 lu and the nw girls are below lue age of six years. Cake by wire, the latter being iu to gi aut me any little favor or as- will be Interested In tlie operations the lie'* ol aectlon 22; u I mi Inis All ot the schools of the county Boston attending tlie Supreme Liwlge a sistaiice tliat 1 have asked of her I of th • company drilling in thnt sec ». ti. 7. 8 A 9 aud se k, of sw I «<• k» of aectlou 23. ulso sw y, of sec employed 56 teachers, 11 males and of tbe Knights of Pythias. people. The Klamath Chamber of tion. I ion 21; also all of sect ton 25, ex< 45 females. Ot this number two On the Senatorial question Senator Commerce has given me very little lug «•■ *4 of nw >* of Halil section males and 13 females held slate cer- Fulton freely expressed his opluion also lots 2 <x I and e of nw *4 assistance. 1 have appealed to the tificates or diplomas, one male aud and this was that the Legislature all of hw I4 und of aix’tion organisation time and again, but al A deal was <-otisummat<'<l M< 13 females held first grade county should not elect Geo. E. Chamberlain. also Iota 4. 5, A li mid hc k, of ack ways with the same result.” ot aectlon 27; alao Inta 8. 7. x. 9, to, morning whereby Mrs II E. An certificates, two males and ten fe ”1 do not belli ve that a Republican ll. 12, 13 A 14 of aei’tlon 34. also For the promotion of Crater Lake becolui’S the sole owner of the 1 males held second grade county cer Legislature should elect a Democrat all of aectlon 35; also nw of auc and for the best nterests of this city rail rancli, comprising 1120 I tificates, three males and three fe to the Senate,” he said. tion 36; all tn T 40 S . It 8 E . \k M it is necessary tbaf Mr. Steel and the nil under the goverinuent canal males held third grade county papers also sw >4 of aectlou 30, w S <'f a*’*' During his visit to Portland Sena turn 31 . all tn 1' to s l< I l . W one female held a primary certificate, tor Fulton l .i- sun ceded in lilockiug Chamber of Commerce should work p<>. ->essed of a permanent pal M . all iu Klamath Count'. Oreguu. Heretofore the I and one male and six females held the game ins friends put up to oust together. Mr. S eel has done much water right except tlie following Iola. ple< ■•« ot ami is still doing more than his share lias been owned jointly by Mr. permits. Cake as state < liairmau. For several oarcela of laud raleaaed from said During the year six males and weeks past a combination has been towards advertising the lake and the Cantiall and Mrs. \iikeny, but Decree, to-wlt: MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. A atrip or |iarc«>l of land three him nineteen females were applicants for forming to make matters so tropical other attractions of Klamath county th<’ entire property belongs to b<d ng <>n< teachers' certificates and of this num that Cake would resign, or this plan and it is due him that the commercial Ankeny. who expects to hold the | drvd 13001 feet Wille; being hundred mid fifty (150) feet on «Ht h ber one male and two females failed failing, it was determined to capture organization of thia city give him Its pro|H*rty Indefinitely improvements. 73 rooms At this time el aide of a center line, said renter hearty co-operation and the efforts to pass the examination. the state committee and throw him it is not for sale as a whole or In line being described ua follows, tie Sample Boom«. Bar Boom, Parlors, Two < In Klamath county there are 33 out as chairman. One of Fulton's ' he is putting forth to develop the part It will hereafter bo known as Rooms, Etc., Etc. Commencing on (lie E II ne of I I k 1 school districts and school was held closest friends says that the prema tourist business for the Klamath the Ankeny ranch. nw «4 of aectlon 2 13. Township 40 8 . in 32 of these, the average term for ture publication of the plaus spoiled country. al a point 2 .'«5 Range 8 E . W. M., .' SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS each district being seven and a half the game and made it necessary for «4-100 feel south of the quint* i«r sec- ' Veteran« Will MeeL E. W. Smith, the contractor, lias months. Fulton to hurry to Portland to The annual encampment of the Hon curlier on the north tin*' *d «aid i straighten out the situation and re- completed the race track andis mov Southern Oregon Veteran's USSlH'ill- section 23; them e running south l *: d< glees 53*V mlu \V , 6605 22-100 Recent measurements of the fio* | store the harmony whii h his lieuten- ing Ins outfit to the California North lion. Grand Army of the Republic. feit; thetice on a curve to the right |ants were cooking. eastern where he will work it on the will Im held in Central Point. Septem- with u radius of 22.9I.X 32-100 feet, of water finding its way through the a distance of thirty f>*et. them e iqion S. C. Beach, who was the choice of railroad grade. The race track built ber 9, 10 and I 1. Tule lake outlet show an increase « curve to the light with u radius of Arrangements eave been complet- 11,459 17-lou feet a distance of thir The hydrographer of the Reclama I one set of Fulton's followers to suc- by Mr. Smith is one of the best in | .wd Cake in the management of the Southern Oregon or Northern Cali tion Service did some blasting when ed for the gathering of the boys of ty feet; thence on a curve to Hu* he last visited the outlet and by campaign, asserts positively that he fornia and is first class in every re •61-'« . io pitch their tents and to right with a radius <>f 7639 45-100 FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS means of this increased the flow from is not an aspirant for the position spect. It was completed under the enjoy for a few «luya the hospitality feet, a dlatunce of thirty feet; them, in u curve to the right with u radius supervision of B. St. George Bishop, |of the people of Central •’oint. 10 second feet to 14 feet. It is his i and does not want it. 5729 61-Km feet a distance of thirty ♦ With or Without Driver the president of the association, and opinion that by removing more of th. feet; thence on a curve to the right Klamath uiay be pretty warm J. I». Church, the Southern Pacific with a radius of 4583 «9-100 feet, n obstructions tbe flow can again b< Sold Ills Randi. ' liatunce of thirty feet, thence on n these days, but there are places that construction engineer. 'increased to 20 second feet. Jas. Emery is in tlie city from Fort curve to the right with u radius of are worse. Lewis tiertier returned Now that the track is completed Klamath Saturday on business mat j .38 1 9 7 4-100 feet, a distance of thirty It is very probable that extensiv< Friday from a trip to California and the next thing will be the erection work will be done on the outlet next ters. He states that he lias sold his feet! thence on a curve to the right year by the Reclamation Service. En alien asked about that section said: of suitable buildings and President 160 acre ranch a half mile from Fort with a radius of 3274 08-100 feet, a They are having tbe hottest weather Bishop is already laying plans for gineers are giving the formation of txlumaili to to«i .' i.lli ot tlia' place, 1 distance of thirty feet; thence on u curve to the right with a radius ot ever known to Sacramento aud San the accomplishment of this It will and he expects lo move to Corvallis .'864 84-100 feet, a distance of 651 the earth in that locality considerable Joaquin valleys. At Sacramento tbe be necessary to complete the fence attention and it is probable that the in the near future Tlie ranch Is I-10 feet; thence on a curve to thi thermometer lias been registering and buildings so that the fair can be one of the best in the vicinity of right with a radius of 3274 08-100 result will be that a special appro about 107 iu the shade and at Red a distance of thirty feet, theme on priation w ill be set aside for the pur held at the new grounds this year. Fort Klamath. curve to the right Bluff it has been as high as 115. The pose of experimenting with the en It is the intention of Mr. Bishop and with u radius of 3819 74-100 fart, people are taking to tbe sea resorts FOR SALE A st oik of general llstance of thirty feet; thence on larging of the outlet already existing others whoare interested in the asso and to tbe mountains. The hot spell / WHIN WK Trine IO« CATALOG and to open others along tbe south ciation to hold the fair at about the merchandise including building and 'urve to the right with a radius k. aas lasted so long that it is hard on store fixtures, location is good and shore of tbe lake. It is the belief of usual time, and to make the exhibit business is good. For particulars iall 4583 69-100 feet, u distance of thlrt) the people. Klamath is not hot coni- feet; thence on a curve to the right some of the engineers that the outlet portion of it the main feature. The on or addn W. 1’ SEDGE. DAIRY, with a radius of 5729 61-100 feet, u ’ pared to those places." can be enlarged so as to be of mater matter of holding races has not been OREGON. Balance of thirty feet, thence on u When asked about the stock pros ••itrve to the right with u rudlua ot ial benefit in lowering the lake. The settled. In fact none of the plans me pects Mr. Gerber stated that condl- 7639 45-100 feet, a distance of thlrt) st MMoXM. only decrease that has occurred in dous were very good. He and Chas. complete. About the only thing that In the Circuit Court of the State of feet; thence on u curve to the right the flow of tbe existing outlet is due , with a rudlua of 11,459 17-100 feet, I Horton expect to ship eighteen car can be said at this time is that the i Oregon, for Klamath Comity. THE LAND MAN to the fact that the lake lias r< > . Jed u distance ot thirty feet, thence on a loads of beef cattie from Mt. Iiebron fair will be held and that the dlree- Sprait Wells, Plaintiff, vs. Tom curve to the right with a radius of and the pressure decreased a<- rd- about next Wednesday. He says that tore of the Agricultural association I Ivory, Defendant. Ai tion at Law to 22.9 IX 32-100 feel, a distarne of ingly. -he rate from this point is about |20 will bold a meeting shortly to decide Recover Money. thirty feet; thence on n course which List your lami for »!• * ith this is tangent to the last mentioned a car higher than from Montague, upon the time and to arrange the T 1 Tom Ivory, tlie above-named curve 8. 34 degrees 12 mln W u olUce, we have l>u>» i a fur tn program and the premium list for Notices of special meetings of the out it is cl aper to ship at that Ag defendant: distance of 31 5 1 feet ton point wlil.h rinasca of Klamath < »unty Masonic Lodge to confer degrees on ire than io drive the stock to Mon* the occasion. In lhe name of the Slate of Ore- [which is N. 477 6-10 feet and E property. It will be necessary to dispose of classes of candidates led a represen 'ague. gon* You are hereby required to 1207 6-lu feet from the quarter sec- some of the stock that remains un , lion corner on the south line of sec wool market is -The getting tative of this paper to make inquiries appear and answer the complaint tion 27, township and rung*- afore MEDFORD, OREGON regarding the growth of this order. stronger," said Mr. Gerber, ■’it has sold in order to make the desired filed against you In the above entitled said. being the southerly end of the MODiaw rut irMVNr Improvements, but there should be raised about two cents in the past six Klamath Lodge, No. 77, was organ 101-1».H I » t I IF «»Alios lOflMl «•nt to action, on or before the 10th day of three hundred foot right of way and The only arrrage u <«>/» i>«>«Miioai»i ized more than a quarter of a cen weeks. Staple wool Is now bringing no difficulty about this as the asso September, 1908, that lir-ing tlie date containing 74 75-100 acres Also a Klamath Falla for «a • m onkii »viaviHiM»; aiw strip, piece or parcel of land, lot) feet ciation will soon be on a self sus tury ago with a very small member 13 and 14 cents.” of the last publication of summons in width, being fifty f.-. t oa Cither tracts. Merc than a .xfore of The Ideal School for In speaking of the California fruit taining basis and owning its own ship, and it now has a membership |H*opb* have m*eur««i -,'«•» for and the last date within which the side of n center line, said center line of 64. It is one of the best working ndustry, Mr.Gerber stated that more property, which is gradually increas defendant is required to answer as being described as follows: homes A thorough ccluraiion in ail standard lodges in the state and is steadily .han 1J0 carloads of fruit were go ing In value, the owners of the stock fixer! by the order of publication of t'oinmonclng at a iMilnt which Is bran« hr* «»surrd, including literature, ing east from Sacramento every day, will be able to disimse of their shares N. 477, 6-io feet, and E I2o7 6 10 growing. 1 <> ea, BMlhrii. It I. f nt ,r .. r, h, this summons, and if you fail to ap feet from the quarter section cor Among the past masters of the and that the manager of tbe Fruit in the course of a short time. t‘>ry, music, needlework, err , sko i pear and answer the plaintiff will ner on 8 line of section 27. townaliip are the l»mt buy» <>n tl riarkrt cureful attention to matters of deport« When the many benefits that have take Judgment against you for the 40, South of Range x E , W M . lodge are Judge Geo. T. Baldwin, Growers Association informed him mentand those accomplishments which 'hat the state would receive not less W. T. Shive, E. B. Henry, Alex. Mar been derived from the county fairs amount demanded in his complaint; thence 8. .3 4 degree«, 12 mln \\ a murk the cultured, refined woman. tin, Jr., H. F. Murdoch, J. 8. Orr, Ky '.han $38,000,000 from the fruit in- are taken Into consideration the res that is to sav, for the sum of |75, distance of 15o feet to the tneandei All courses are thoroughly m<»drrn in line on the westerly side of lol t, , lustry Jhis year. • ubjrrt and system. No distinction or Taylor, L. F. Willits and Wm. A. idents of this county should give ev with interest thereon at tlie rate of section 27 aforesaid, and containing In a financial way, Mr. Gerber ery possible assistance to the promo interference in mutters ot religion. W’rlght. The first past master of the 8 per cent per annulli from June I, 35-100 acres. W'rtr</wr /ladl#<-ro/M F lodge was A. P. McCarton, who died thinks, conditions are improving tion of the fair association. Now 1908, together with costs and dis- Also lots 6, 7 and 8, In section I slowly. Just at tbis time there is that the ground is owned by the asso THE LAND MAN ■ St. Mary’i Academy “'/..7? " T 40 8 . It. 8 E , W. M , mid contain at Yreka a few years ago. burseinr’iits of said action and 65 u Ing 36.7 acres, und containing In Hi. W. A. Delzell is the present mas onsiderable work in the orchards, ciation and a race track that is first attorney’s fee, anti liiat Ilm follow- aggregate 111 80-11)0 acres, and l>, __ i ter of the lodge and is keeping it up 1 aut labor is plentiful at >1.25 and class in every particular has been Admlnlstratrlx Notice Ing part of Iota 4. 5, 6 und 9 In the Ing real property, to-wlt: 1L50 per day and board. 1 rioMH. to the high standard. The lodge TE VIIER'N 1 \ UH 'built the people of the county must Notice in hereby given that by order Tlie nortlieaHt quarter of Section St >4 of the KW *4 of aei’tlon 2.':, lots —♦----- has prospered in every way and put a shoulder to the wheel and 16, Township 36 South of Range 15 2 and .3, and nw>4 of the aw',« of of the County Court of K Inmath County, C. N. Meyer has just returned from section 26, Iola 4 und 6 and «<•% of some time ago announced its inten Nolle«* I m liei«*l>v r«'■ , that th® make the fair this fall a grand suc- !.’ W M , in Klamath County, Oregon, se% of aectlon 27, and lota 6. 7 und Or-gon, made and entered on the loth tion of building a temple. It is like Pacific Grove, Cal , where he took ceas. ('omit' Mup«’i 1111.’i><l• nt ' t Klamath day of June, 1908, Mary E. Colson has taken and held under attachment in 4 In section .34, ull In T. 40. 8 , It. ilnr . ialiti’ ly that the building will not be start Mrs. Meyers, who will remain there County will liolit til«- 1 lieen apisiintrxl administratrix of the 8 E., W. M., in Klamath County, 'his artion, Ire sold to satisfy any v pai*era at ed this season, but it is the aim of indefinitely for her h.-alth. Mr. Mey Oregon. tintlon for slut«' mid < ••state of Ebeneger N. Colson, da- Announcement has been made by | judgment obtained therein. Together with tenements, heredl- . ceased; and that all persons having High Hchmil bulldin the lodge to erect an elegant struc ers has always been a Klamath en the directors of the Chamber of Com multi Fall’. b 1 This summons is published In the laments, und appurtenances Hmr< thusiast, but sine», visiting California ture in the near future. merce that on Sunday there will be Klamath Falls Republiran, a weekly unto belonging or In any wise apper claims against said estate are hereby Oregon, ns follow and observing tbe conditions in that ---------------- *-------- required to present the same with the an excursion to Fpper lake points. newspaper r, printed mid published at taining. l ei* Hl*(e l*nI”’ section, he Is of tlie opinion that The proceeds of auiil sale will be Telephone advices received from Klamath I as good as the best and The steamer Wlnetna has been char ‘Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of u| piled In the satisfaction of aid necessary vouchers and duly verified to <'omriM h< Im Wedn» 1 ly, Ault“*» md rontit)' Bonanza announce that the Kite I fete that It has a future which will make tered for the occasion ami will leave Hon. Henry 1,. Benson, judge of said ext cution, order and Dectee, interest her, the undersigned administratrix, at 121 II, lit !' 'oclo< k n e rt lût h «t and costa mid nil accruing costa, am! her residence at the Colson Farm, or at ulng until Sut ui «Im, ' scheduled for last Saturday was it known an one of the best places on the landing about 8 o'clock In the t’omt, and tinted July 27th, 1908. the law office of C. C. Brower, in Klam the over-plus, If any there be, to !.<• morning, returning about 6 in the The first publication to be made postponed on account of the hot the Pacific Coast. 4 p m paid into said court to Le fmllu r ath Falls, Oregon, within six months 1«, hl«i«rf. weather and because farmers i were lie says If the farmers in tills sec evening, The fare for the trip will on Thursday, the 30th day of July, applied as by law directed. Wednesday Penman from the date of this notice; and per- busy in the hay fields, It is the in- tion would employ the methods in be $1. 1 Light lunch will be sold on 19li-, and tlie last publication to be phy, n’11' Dated at Klmntilh Falls. (>r< . <>n spelling, physicnl r- 1 " ns knowing themselves to lie indebted tention of those in charge of the af the cultivation of lands that are used the boat but all liarties are invited made on the 10th day of September, tills 21st day of July, 19ox. '•> the said estate are requested to call W. It BARNEH. C. F. STONE, fair to postpone It for a few weeks in the vicinity of Pacific Grove the co bring basset dinners. The boat 1908 A rillil»®1 |f’ Sheriff of Klamath County, Oriion at said residence or said law office and the date to be announced shortly. 7-30-9-10 Attorney for Plaintiff. will have • no special point for its des- , mar, I-®"11' lands would yield enormous crops 7-23-8-13________ make statement and settlement of same. A large crowd from this city had and the farmers would all become tinatlon, but will visit a n uni ber of ,,x ..rnoienL NOTICE FOR PI BI.K ATItik NOTICE FOR 1’1 III.It .VI'ION, Dated this 15th day of July, 1908. planned to attend the festiviti«-“, but places that are not familiar to most i, ogrspM< wealthy, It is his opinion that the I'. 8 Land Office lit Lakeview, Dr., De| artinent of the Interior, V. 8 M ahy E. Cot.Mt in , Administratrix. it Is probable that a still larger dele u-lish I»®* farmers in the Klamath country do people, The schedule will be so ar Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, gon, July 1 4, 1908. C. < ’ . Brower, Att'y for Estate. gation will attend if the fete is put not W’ork when their labors are com- ranged as to stop at one of the big July 15, 1908. Notice 1« hereby given Hint Restoiu 12 off until the present hot spell Is over pared to those of the producers In springs for dinner. French, of Klamath Falls, Oregon Notice Is hereby given thut Henry and until the farmers are not busy being the first excursion of This other districts. R Herr, of Dorris, Calif., who, on who, on Oetiilier 6, 1902, made honm with the hay harvest. Speaking of Investors coining to the season given by the Chamber ol o< i :. I!io7, made Timber and Stone I stead entry No. 2748, Serini No uc'i 2500 Acres Free - --------------- *---------------- Klamath, Mr. Meyer said, * I met Commerce It is expected Hint there Appliiallon No oxi, 'I'. A 8. 8. No. for s '/4 se '4 , nw '4 se '4 , se 14 w 1, I lie Lakeside company has 2500 acres Aiuti1*1 "I land under the Atlums ditch Hint it C. T. Day, the cnief electrician of many men or means who are Interest will be a large crowd as most of the 3803, for Lot 4, Section 11, T 4 1 8 . ‘Section 11. T 3 8 8, Il 9 E, W M »lid , «nitui will give RENT FREE for one year the Southern Pacific, is again on the ed iu this section and who are deslr- excursionists who will be here at that R 6 I , W. M . has filed notice of In lias filed nut me of Intention to make This includes the use of the land ami USI I 41h. " ground, having arrived here from (ous of lomlng here to invest. They time will go on tlie trip. tention to make final proof, to esiali- 1 final five year proof, to establish water. The renter must clear and ----------- Sau Francisco on Monday. Through ask many questions and want liter llsli I'lalin to the land above described I claim to tlie land above deacrllii'd. In place the land in cultivation. The rent < t irets all the crop hut we reserve th.- him it is learned that the special i ature, which seems to lie scarce In A party of colored people on their Iwfori County Clerk, Klamath Co., fore County Clerk of Klamath Conn right t<> pasture the stubble. ly, Oregon, at Ills office st Klamatll Harriman party left Omaha Monday California." way to Pelican Bay passed through al bis ollie at Klaniulli Falls, Oregon i Tlie Lakeside Company, I Falls, Oregon, on the 28th day of and that It is now only a matter of They are in on I be 2d day of October, 1908. J. Frank Adams, Manager, the city on Monday. August, 1908.. Merrill, Oregon. u few days until the party will arrive Claimant names ns witnesses: Prof li E. L< e, of Wauseon, Ohio, the employ of Harriman and will br Claimant name« in Klamath Falls en route to Pelican is In tlie city on bis way to Merrill at the resort during the stay of the Dan Gordon, of Ketio, Oregon, Fred A. Janssen, John Janssen, Andrew Wise, of Keno Oregon, Bay. Mr. Day is not informed as where he will be principal of the party. It is not definitely known NOTICE. Willie Neubert, Mrs F. E. Bovd, all Chas, Elgin, of Dorris, Calif , to the personnel of the party, but It school during the ensuing year. He when the visitors will arrive, but I will noi |>e responsible for any of Klamath Falls, Oregon. are being made C Gordon of Keno, Oregon. Is bls opinion that there will be the is accompanied by his family and preparations that lillls contra.dod by my wife, Mary II J N WATSON, .1 N. WATSON, family and those who are closely con i while In this city they are the guests ¡are Indicative that the party will be Huilivan. 7-3Ü-10-1 R«|l«t«r. 7-23-9 2 of Prof, and Mrs. R. H. Dunbar. here very shortly. Register. nected with it. J. E HIILLIVAN HUI It KLAMATH REPUBLICAN Governor to Visit Crater Lake M ason & S lough ABSTRACTER-. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. s Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH Phones Office 871, Barn 8/3 Lakeside Inn, ♦ ----- ♦ t ***** ****** ****** *** **■* ** » w % w vd MIDWAY STABLE ♦ - CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor ♦ A 1 Â * 1 k 1 "T"’’ À FRANK IRA WHITE ♦ ST.MARY’S ACADEMY Enterprise Tracts YOUNG LADIES Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE ♦ ♦