Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1908)
XI Ws KLAMATH REPUBLICAN FROM NORTHERN I Alili. Cliff. Ore. July 5. l»08. Mr and Mrs Jani««s McCurdy have gone to Dairy. Klamath county, a! E. J. MURRAY, Editor ter a load of s«-ed grain and fe«*d They will h<* gone about ten days LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. Mr ami Mrs F X Whitney hav«* gone to Prineville. Crook county, to TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE get supplier. Arthur Brown. Joe Kasper, and AB comniunioatioiis submitted for publication in the columns ol this paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume article» Verne and Eiank Whitney celebrat- will be published. *d the Fourth at Silver Lake Ben Green. who has bi-on em- Democratic Convention Nomi Prospects Improving Through out California nates Bryan and Kern Denver, Colo., July 9.—Much of the time yesterday afternoon at the l*emo- cratic National Convention was -i--nt in wrangling over the majority and minor ity reports oi the < redentisls committee and it was not until late in the evening that the report was Anally decided upon. The permanent organisation was ef fected this morning and Senator Clalon, a prominent Southern statesman. «»< made the permanent chairman of the convention. He made a stirring speech, pointing out to the party the many duties that confront«*-! it anJ touched briefly upon many of the issues that will form planks in the party platform. Upon rollcall ol the National com mitteemen from the various states it was found that the Pennsylvania tight had not l*een settle.! by the election of Col. James M. hulk. of the Bryan op. position, lor when Pennsvlvaroa re »ponded to the rolleall the place tilled by Guffv was declared vacant and will remain so until another committeeman is chosen. Following the roll call of the Nation al committeemen, the convention ad ¿«turned until 7 o'clock this evening, when the committee ou resolutions and platform will report. One noticeable texture of the sessions of the convention lia» tM*eu tbe tact that whenever the name Bryan is me itioaed a demonstration follows showing that he still remains the idolized leader of tbe Democracy. 11.» font-» are in con trol of tbe conventi -u and his nomi nation is apparen'i. > -«tier of form Denver, Colo., July .0—At 3 o'clock thia morning the National Democratic Convention nominated William Jen- ninga Bryan, the great commoner, for President for the third time. It was all Bryan arid the nomination was ma le oi the first ballot, the first vote taker showing the following result: Bryan, 892t> ; Johnson, 4 -; Gray, 59ls. and eigi.i delegates pot voting. The nominati- i of Mr. Bryan was at once ravir unan imous Following the nomination <■ Bryan the v-nrenti ti adjourned till t • day noon. Denver Colo., July 10. -John Worth Kern, of Indiana, was nominate»! foi vice-president today by acclamation. Chas. A. Towne, oi New Ycrk, who i waa generally suppor-ed would l>e Bryan’, running mate, wulidirw in favor oi Kern, and the name of Clark Howell who liad also been placed in no linna tion, was withdrawn and the nomina- lion of Kern made unanimous. Declines to Support Bryan That William J. Bryan is not t have the support of William 1. Hearst is indicated by tbe attitud of Mr. Hearst’s New York new«, pers.the American and tbe Even Tbe two papers auno . Journal. a loss of confidence on their pi both in the Democratic party a Mr. Bryan. with A company a preliminar, already started and within a few days the line will be completed to Calor and it is thought that by tbe end of thia month the terminus of the road will be at Worden which is but a short distance from the edgi of the marsh. The grade across th« tunnel hill has been completed and tbe steel gang la already past the top of tbs hill where the deep cut was made. It is understood tliat the Harriman party will arrive here about the first of August and the extension of the road la made at this time so that tbe party will avoid as much of the stage ride aa posaible. As soon as the road Is built to Worden those who claim to know state that u temporary ter minus will be established at that pines until tbe road can be completed tg the navigable water. abstracters Acbolev HnvZoi ment* tlmt will ituiUv* tlBC* |>BBt’VlBiBM^r IIIOIK\V Relatives in this city have Iwen •d- vised of the death of Major Quincy A. Brooks at Port Townsend, Washington, ’ where he had res.ded for several years. He died on Mon lay at tbe tipe age of 98 years and his remains were laid to rest in the cemetry of tho town where' his «laughter now reside«. Major Brooks was for many years a resident of this city an«l at one time owned all «if the lan«l comprised in the Hot Spring» tract. He was a man of considerable prominence in p--litics and was recognised a« an able lawyer in this state, he having practiae-l hi» profession both in thia city an«! at Portland. In recent years he was custom house col lector at Port Townsend and when a more active man lie was internal revenue collector for the Government for thirty consn-utive years. ffeceased 1« survived by one unmar- ried -laughter, residing in the Washing ton town, ami by one son who is an offi cer in the regular army, and who was sent to the West Point Military Acade my from this city when he was a young asa. Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON &. SLOUGH DAIRY for the rifles. They declare that the <hort-barrclle»l new Springfield rifle proved itself a far better than new short-barrelle«! short-barrelled present shaft, the coal vein wdl have ■ ncreawd to seven le-t in width, as it i« now rapidly widening. l^e-Enfleld It The Americans also won the revol ver team competition. The magni ficent performances of the Ameri them public Belgulm was w-cond and The Investors und pleasure aeekers the Ashland use in the British service. cans made EXt T UNION l*ONTI*ONED. favorites. England third. John Ellie has returned from a trip through the farming district ofuhe Kia math basin, and in speaking of the crop conditions he sail: “Crops might bark la-tter and they might It.'k worse, I think wo are a- well and probably better off than most [•arts of the Pacific Northwest, Th. warm weather and the water have cause«! an a»toni»l>ing growth ami th» indications are that the second cutting of aliaba will lie very good, Fouie of the grain fields do not look well, but others are better than one I might ex fiect.” "Farmers are Ix-g lining baying in most parts oi the county ami while the jivth yield » win will hoi not ijtt lie «Aira extra uravy, heavy, tn»' the fine* prie« hay and also grain » ill l«e go«») thi« I» _ ___ ro that condition» 1 improv, “....... - Fall — ___ _____ ____ .. shonhl ____ as the season advances. The price ol Htorlc is advancing and I hark for a de cided impr« vernent in conditions in the next few months." Mr. Ellis ha« been going over Hie coun try looking up investments and land» for parties from the East whom he ex- |>ect» here later in the season The Adams dredge has gone over the dike for theex|>eriinental farm once arid is now engaged in going over it a second time. It will lie but a few week» until the reclamation of the farm will la* completed and the dredge will then be transferred to the barge now being built on the Upper lake and taken to the Weed ranch in Wood river valley to dig the drainage canal. However, la-fore starting on this <anal considerable dredging will Im done on W<ssl river so as to make the stream navigable for the Mazama. Shriners Shrine excursion to Build Word ha* been received in A diland (Fiat the petition asking for the i'oiiM-nt »f Alkader Temple for the eniablieh* ment of a temple of the order at Aah- land, to lie know n aw IIillaii, lias Iwen granted. A committee of Portland Hhrinera will confer u ith oflirerH of the new temple I as to the jurisdiction of the latter, widch rnay ierlude all Southern <> regoli outh of Eugene and portion* of South- Hgatern Oregon. Just when the new Shrine will lie in- Mitnted cannot I m * t dd but it wdl I m * in he fall perhaps. Anyway it will las quite an occ.i-mn and will call for a pilgrimage of the Bliriners from Port- ¡and to A-bland. Beginning on .Imp- 20th the Southern Pacitic made a special rate of one fare for tffi- round trip from Weed to Jtorrie for all partie-i traveling on first-class stop-over tickets or on rnanil trip tickets from eastern points. On the former the tickets on the California Northeastern are good for ten days and on the round trip tickets for thirty days. The ti kets can Is* had on application to the Hgerit <t Wei I. The regular fare between the two point« is $3 21 lor one way, hot the cut in the rate is made to give tourists an opportunity to visit this section nt a reduced cost This one fare rate will continue iri ef i fect until notice is given by the South ern Pacitic Company. from Consisting oi Seasonable Diess Good Men’s Work and Dress Shirts SHOES action < ; iv< al the store of W. P. SEDGE Phones Office 87I. Barn 873 t t 4 Lakeside am, M rs . m . M c M illan , Baldwin other the * $ www *%.*■%* w aawaaa www www w www. w«k w *d LAMGUT CATALOG J>> nucash • »4 M»il Ord»r Hau«« tn th« Nn«ahw»at GROCERIES ECONOMIZE THRO JONES H«M«6f« (>♦ <4 «U ktrais «n»- »S.I | m I«I M -r :« stoat 1 »*« • «HW» «• »-*• «M, m W •'•*» M» < «4«foq| Th« Hu,«»« Goni» r,M»t ««4 O«h Si. POR Tl ANI». Q». FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN While In Portland Judge and * * Pr^’r SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS company In order to place It in better condition to handle the party that Is coming. » * taken by the rallroud was 'r< >< > K ivi i : Thia 1st Klamath boosters will drum up a crowd for I the excursion. < AI.IFOItNIANS ItETl ItX HOME. The party of California capitalists that arrived Enterprise Tracis |__Cemerery Goods hero a few days ago to look over their Interests In this The only acreage udjnrent to Klamath Falla for salo in »mull tracts. More than n »core of people have secured sites for homes. section and to spend a few days at Harriman resort, left Mondav morn Ing for their homes, going to I fort Is in automobiles, Austin White Willis Virgil Mills Addition Lots taking them to railroad. E. WHITLOCK PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED. members of evening. Music furnished the enter- KLAMATH FALLS, C. F. FHE LAND MAN STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW HAV BIDM WANTED. Th« undersigned will receive Idib for 15 tons of timothy hay. In «••hl or delivered. Midway Telepho»»- A Telegraph t o. II I Kiomoili Foils OREGON I talnment of the evening which was a highly enjoyable one. CHAS. R. BALDWIN FRANK IRA WHITE Holder of l.icense No 20. the company Bunday General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Livery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses lire the I wh I buys on the market UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Mrs. W. W. Nickerson entertained Mr. and Mrs. William V. Mong and 7VVIDWAY STABLE and ; SHOP Phone 456 lo i s of them . FOR EVERYBODY. has been Portland postponed until August 4 GOODS t 5 l ng ol San Francis«-«», the president ol e W«*ed Lumber Co. and a director of both tbe Klaumth Development an I the to establish a line of airships to ca Hot springs companies; C. M.Cro«»*of ry passengers between Berlin, Loi San Francisco, president ol the Cross don. Paris. Vienna. St. Petersburg Lumber Co., an-l a director of both of Copenhagen and Stockholm. Tl. the local companies; M . E. Palmer of Krupps and other large banking ir. *an Francisco, cashier of the Humbolt Savings Bank ami a director of the Hot terests are involved in the project. Springs Co.; G. E. Bit ttnger and »on of The revival of Interest in the Germa. less Angeles, Mr. Bilfinger >>eing the Aerial Navy League and other kin president of the First National Bank of dred projects is due to Count Zep Los Angeles and a director of leith of the l«x-al companies: E. H. Moulton, an pelin s recent successful invention. A forestry bureau will soon be es orange shipper of Riverside and a direc tor of the Weed Lumber Company tabliahed to facilitate the adminis and a stockholder i the Klamath lie- tratory work relating to forest re velopment Co.; J.Q. Perley, a capitalist serves in Oregon and Washington of Riverside and a stockholder in the Before the first of the year approsi Klamath Envelopment Co., and Hany mately 50 clerks now employed 11 E. Greene, of Riverside, also a stock holder in the Development Co. the office at the national capítol wil, In sj-eaking ol the conditions in Cali be transferred to a coast city, It h fornia Mr. Cross said that they were said that similar offices will be estal, very quiet, but that financial Distlers a e gt-iting n«cre firm. Tbe nomination llshed in other parts of the west. of Taft was a foregone conclusion and Dorris is soon to lose the distine caused no change in the conditions. tlon of being tbe terminus of the California Northeastern. Laying o; Death of Former Citizen steel across the hill from Dorris ha M ason ¿S lough Thu erection of a large hotel building Quite a largt* crowil gathered at propose»! by I. Jac<>ba A Co. will mean I th«» court house Monday afternoon u< much to tin» city. Mr. Jacoba is now it was expect«Ml tbul J migo II I- advertising in th»* Portland Oregonian lor hide on the building and should a Biuison would r«*niler « d«-el«loi> on aatislwctory one be received it will mean th«* wilt of review In the prohibit loll that thia citv is to hwve one ol the best <-h-«'tloii. Circuit eourl wus «-«mveiuHl hotels in the »outhern part of tliu state. ahortlj after two and the only mat Acconling to the plana the building is Iler taken up was the pellllou o to lw< built on the corner of Mam and Sixth streets and is to have f-uir fronts Winter Knight for the euatodr of hl« facing on Main street, one to be used two Ixivs. who are now with their lor a hotel office and the other thtee for niotht-r, Mrs. George Orr Mrs a detriment «tore to <wcnpy the corner Airr was not repreaent«-«! by an at room on the ground floor The build itoraey, but her huaband, tb«>rge orr mg will l*e tliiee stories in height and the upper stones will I m * built for hotel Indian. addr«*s»«’d th«» e»»urt In her pur|MMiee as will also the lower part of behalf, ami It Is aaltl hv thoae wh«i the buildout w ilh the exception of the I claim to know that thia Is the first room to I m * used for the store. tliu«* in the history of this county When seen about the building Mr. laeob« stated that lie had nothing to that an Indian has app<*ar<-il lit a give out at this tune, but »aid that it is white man's court ami plead a case Ins intention lobuild thi« vear, and that Orr really mad«- a girod showing lie- it was nllugi-ther probable •that lie (or the court, but th«* judge award would put up two Imildinga. the hotel «>«1 lh<> children to th«* husband on building mcnti.>n<*d and a store building til«* comlition tliut he would on the corner >1 Mam ami Hurd lie I he was not ready Io sev what them over to hi» grandnrother lie would do (or his plans were not suf r«*Hl«l<->- at Salem ami 1» ul»<> allualetl ticieullv advanced to w at rani I he slate as Io glv<- them a g«wMl hum«- and an men! that either one ol the building« -«Im at loti would la* tMMj'in or completed during Following the making <■( this or Its is. «let- th«- court was a«ljourn<-<l much The •ntiqual'-d methods of keeping ls*w i. Gerl-er has return«*»! from ('»Ii- Mr and Mrs. John C. Grecu. fornis where he ha» I mm - ii for several Dr M J. Living is still at Summer month» buying cattle ami »Ireep for larke attending Jack Partin, who r«*- Gerber Bros, of >acramento. He «pent newt >»f his time in Sacramento, Yolo, centlj sustained a severe fracture of Glenn. Calms ami Salinocounties. He a leg by having a horse tall on him. says there is a g*s*d supply oi cattle ami The team <»t horses owned by Dr. sheep in that »<eti-*n and that stock is <1 i»ap|H'ar«4l from Ewing and »11. in very grxxi «-omliliitn. He says that I $u»n»e $ux week* ago have im>»t of the California stock is being the range s»«!«! «*n the gro«« weight system, that is been i aeen in the vicinltv of fit Tat- weights! off the car» The prevailing rick . ml It 5* probable that lhe\ will price is 3 to 8% cents for »teers ami be i i «ii lied Io l ht- ow ner from 2l. to 3 tents for cows. The Th« natal da\ «»I out HepHldi«' was price <»f sheep is not as g»»wl a« last yeai in this nuuntry 2 year-ol«i wethers ialy celvbralvd by the riliiens of b'rtends and aelghborH should bring al*'iit $2. l-’ ami good year this section lings about $2. *o th<- number of forty gathered at ‘‘The grain crop in California is much -t-<- hospitabl«* lioim- of Mr and Mr». records relating to public lands, many to th«* «llsap)H>lntim-nt of tin* crowd better than was expected,’’ »ai<! Mr. Andenton. of the l«ake neighbor of which have la-en in vogue since the that lia«l girl tiered to hear the «l«-cl- I Gerber, “the <*o«-l weather «4 April an I EE May helj*e«l comlition« an-l th«- yiel-l »X. ed. and after a nice dinner was general land--dice was first organise! slon In the liquor cAm- i whi<h full hip I h • was done nearly hkl years sgo, are to I m * su|*-*r- wdl he almost up to Iheaverage ’’ lildg«- llenaon «taive that tie has ‘‘The frnit crop w dl l-e em*rm-»u» . in In all |»t s«»tn. a niiisieal and literal} ceded hx the most approve»! imslern not Imil suttl« lent time tn go over the business svateiu. When th«* change» all parts of tbe state Fruit is cheap, program was rendered, this was fol go into elb-ct tin* district land oflii-e» mthorltl<*a that ho sent for and but from *5 to s>l carlomls are sliipfaxl ’ow<*d h\ a program of spin is. mak- ami the gvner d land ofln-e in Washing which arrived only last night and he from Sacrament-* t«> the East daily. ; Distributing centers have been es 'ng the day a highly enj<iy*alile « »ne ton will lie able to imientify anv appli- is not |io»ltiv<* when hi- will I m - ready •ation or entry ino-e readily than under tablished in tbe Eastern states an I th«* by all present. to render tlu* declalon, lint It will he ol<l system. All persons tendering California fruit t->a)l sections with Mr and Mrs. Pierce Evans all Ikeh t><- tomorrow noneys to th-* receivers at Hie land out any delay " Mr and Mrs. M. If. Jobe, of Sau office will in the future I m * given a re Speaking of the w-«»l market Mr. Each district OPEXIXG A (OH MIX! Gerl*er aai<! it «a« «lull at tin» time Franviti co. went to O»l»*ssa todnv t i ceipt for »neb moneys. Mrs. Job«* I land office is to I m * fnrnishe*! with n»»l Professor lt T Taylor .eturned oli owing to tbe fact tbat most ■>( the man- > apend the next ten dava. I ern «»flice snpnlies. ufacturerv still ha«l n l-an-l much of the Is a daughter of Mrs. Evans. troni thè Piti river <-oal stuff bought last year I-a«t y- «r a large Mrs. J. K. Bodge ami daughter Plan More Boosting tor Klam mine» lb* brina» must emouragliig amount of wo«>len g-<mls was export«*»! left for Colsteln this morning. beeldea thr«-«- »aek» full <>f ath Falls for use in the l:nss.>}*ane«<-war and Pan Johnston and Robert Ewing Despite tbe fact that the warm weath , I he genuin»* artici«. Ile Informa u» as the deroan I I as <!«> iease<l and the factories are not running at full blast have gone to th»* timber north of er is upon u» and things are a little quiet that ni thè end of thè lower tunnel. the air is still impregnated with the the price of wool has g»*m* -town. Bly. now In 100 teet, tliey put In a blaat l»»H*ting spirit and th*- directors ef the ‘There is no speculation,” «aid Mr The interior of the court honsC is 4 nd kn<Hk»sl down moro than hall a Chamlwr oi Commerce are now consul Gerber, “there is »imply no demand.“ , receiving a coat of white paint. ni eoa). He aaya ih«* veln la ton »ring tbe advisabihty ol a contract lor In California tbe average pri«-e paid for J I. Wise and wife will leave in a one year lor an advertisement lor the fully three feet t hlck and liuprove» wool is about 12l. cents perpoumi. In Klamath country in the Funset maga In quality as th»* mountain la pene dications, however, are that there will few days for Medforil and for Oak tie an improvement in tl e market. land. Cal . and expect to h«> gon»- the zine. trated In the Profeaaor'a opinion J. II. Fiotleld, the representative ol Mr. Gerhet was not prepare«l to ex greater part of the snninu-r. there no longer remains any doubt he magazine, met with tbe director- press his view» on the local stock situa- leeterday evening to present his pro|»> aa to the value of the <I«*| m > s II. The ti -n. but he states that slwut the 25th of -nioii ami another meeting was arrange*! coal la there and In big quantities, this month he will start ten carloads < I AMERICANS BEST s||< *ITEIb for. cattle to Sacramento, shipping from Mt. and In th»* course of a short lime a The great International team "We mu»t wake up and lei tbe world H-hron, which place, lx*eau«e of its' valuabh- mrtu- will be developed 1 anon, hs thinks will I m - ’the future match shoot, the most important ev- know what we have in the Klamath Steve Dannhauaer who has charg«* of sh-pping stan- n for Ibis entire northern ent of tbe Olimpie Bille contests, country, “laid one of the director» in the development work. Is also »an •peaking of tbe matter of more publicity country. ________ ____ has been won by America and the ‘An advertisement in that msgaxinw guine of p big aucceaa. Work will b«- Prominent Californians Here American marksmen thus become wonld help some.’’ he continued, "for reminu-d after th«- 4th. and according The it the present time this »ectinti is not A party of prominent Calilornia p«*o- the champions of the world ple arrived ill 'lie city Thurxlav to I- ok American aggregat«* s«u>r<- was 553; being adierttsed in a single large pule to both th«- Profeaaor and Mr Dann after their ii terests in thi« section and that of the British team 24S6. while lication and we must get the country hauser some startling developments 4 to spend a few davs at the Harriman before the people if we expect to devel are expected.— Alturas Plaindealer. th»- Canadian score was 2439 op ■' Felicaii Bay lesort, the guests ol Col. Starting with a lead at the end of Through the Chauilier of Commerce W. H. Holabird. All of the men in the MAKIXG HOLE IX GRtll XI». pirtjT ate interested in the Klainath the first range, the Americans never ■ his section has received much valuable Th»* force of men at work on the Developement Com|>any or in the Hot were displaced, and with the excel» ..ublu ity, tbe kind that reach»-« the |*»s>. le a ho are l<»iking for investments and reservoir In the Hot Springs addi -prlngs Conn-any an I are combining lion of th»* contest at the 600-yard ■«usineMwnh plea»ure l-y making a range, they scored higher totals for ■or homes. In its efforts to l»e*»t the tlon Is making a big hole lli the i-oonlry the organisation should have ground and unless exceptionally 'borough investigation of the holdings ■ach of th«- six distances than the the support of every business man ol hard material In struck th* end of >f the companies in the Klamath *oun Klamath Falls and also of every pro try. Being California corporations *hey finest teams that Canada and all Eu this week will see most of the exca- perly b*lder in the Klamath basin. must bol<l all of their t-iisine«« meet rope could pul in th« fiehi The development work which was re valion work completed, As MM>n as mgs in that state hut while they are in the Individual aggregate the ■ere they are bolding a number <>f in Americans were always prominent, centlv re»um»sj at Ashland coal mine this la done the crew will Ix-gln on porperty four mile» east of Ashland, the reservoir on the West Side and formal meetings to discuss local first Leushncr and then Martin lead ■era. They leave in the morning for under the direction of C. A. Simons, is ng all th»» world’s crack riflemen showing up well, an»l Mr. Simons pre another crew will start to do the ce ‘elicari Bay an«! will return to Califor Many «xp» rfs consider th-- otitcom» dicts that when another two hundred ment work on the reservoir In the na next -Mond.iy. The ) arty is comprised «>1 G. X. Wend- i victory not only for th«- m*-n hut feet is reached in the extension of the Hot Springs. capital of $125.000 is being forme X ploy ed at the Embody sawmill. Is spending a vacation with his parents Indian Pleads Case in Court Large Hotel lor Klamath WILL A. LEONARD OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Klamath Falls, Oregon DENTIST H7//iro»i - Atc/ti/isf Hulldlnn DR. WM. MARTIN DENTIST C. C. BROWER Office over Klamath County Bank ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 2500 Acres free ROOMS 7 4U, MURDOCK BLDG. KLAMATH I AI.I.N, OREGON , The Lakeside company him 25<XI lu rex of land under t h<* Adarn* flitch I Fiat it will give RENT FREE for one year Ihis includi-.-, the m- of the land and water. The renter musi ,-|<-ar nnd ’ place the lami in cultivation I h>- rent <-r gets all the crop but we ri- - rve the i right to pasture the nibble Ine Lakeside Company, J Frank Adams, Manager, I Merrill. (Jregon. DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Office In American Bank A Trust Com pany'a Building RHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREOO N V