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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1908)
KLAMATH Official Newspaper ul Klamath County VOL. XIII. REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATJI FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 16, 1*08. 11 IT m nkalgiiinent «»r «* ii « h The other n iMlgiiin«*ni h «»( error mu Im t<iiiMhl»’i«'il togt'ilii-i I The ciilit«* urgiinient <>r ituiiiM'l I for p I it 11» 11 ff h lx I him »- i | upon lilt- th«*o ilmi ih«* County Court in n court of Hpiu ial »»nd llmii«*d juriNdh I ion Kinmntli I* all« tnilM iiiitllniie dry. mid Itiul none <»f ih«* jurladlcflohuI Judge ll I. lien .on Im Illi >| with frn la « nil b<’ pr«*iiiilut'd In fgVor of That In «*n< fi of thi* count v cleik lila decision III the >in Ii jurladli I Ion net Ion i brought by A Cieiti’l mid jlh«» fni t-golng pm 11< uhti i«, th«» prelim Kent I Hull.ii |l iigiilii»i Klamath iniin iliiary Ht««pN prepnmtory to the I hmii ty. J. Il tiiltmii. loiintv Judge, mid mik ' c of the order d<*«lniinF piohlhl Fred I Meli i.. county mninilasloner, lion, must nffii mniiv«*l) app«*m in fin for n wilt ot review of tin* pioieeil* record However, while rotin»«4'a <*unt«-n Ing» In tIo* Io* ul option i*l**i'iion The lll*l'ls|iin of tile jllilgl’ 1» us follows 'tloii na tn th«* nsture of th«* Count Tills lull»** taming oil leglllsih ¡Court and lix lltnii<*c| lui l**dh-tluii i to lie hl’uril. Upoll tll*< petit lull of I Io* undoubtedly corr«'< t. I «hi not uml«*i plaintiff» |i . a *nt of review, anil •laud ilia! (lit* decision» of out Su ill** Court litivlitg lieieloforo giuiit**<t Ipreine Court have mi> wli<*t«* indlrni said writ, mid tin* county clerk liuv- «<1 th«* nature of the < vldrm«* whh h tllg lei'tltled lip the Iceolil III Ihl* niiiNt n<*<«'H*milv app«*nr In the roc ' aid l an now at this Ilin** the Court nr«l to cHtabliali hii < I i J ih I m <||< I oiiu I having h* in d tli*’ ui giiineiits of ootin- fail**, ami ll app«*atM to mt* aL<>, i<> »<1. »ini being fully advised In tin* be perfectly « h-m that the legiMlativ« pieml ■ llnds that there Is no suti bod), whether It be tl>«* Htut«« |.egla iiluiillal error III tin* record ll 1» laliire, or the v««h*«« of th«« p«*op|e In therefor** ii deri d uml udjmlgi'd that genernl. when rMcrrliwd hv tin- in the said will tie. ami the Mtn, here Itlntlv««, I ium nnipl«* pow«*r to <!«*< Ian to Is ill-imi* <d. ami tliut defendants the i hsrnrter of rvldenc«* Srlilch ahall iiavi* jmlr.ineiii for their coats here be required by tin* County Court, In a particular can«* in." PROHIBITION WILL STANO Passmores Will Give Concert NO. 16 Bids Asked For I'Harnor«*» will Projrrt Engineer l>. W. Murphy, Klantai h Falls ioiird th»- npecihrati«>n« for ♦'» next l u«-sday «••/« ning,July 21. at th«« ftchrdu'e* on the S< uth Branch canal opera bouse. »nd in a>lv«-rb»«ing for bid* on the name, Thia will b<* ai lhe rnua- ¡’hr five »«'hedulea compriae aeven milra bal history of th Pasmorv of ranal and aili connect the South It Is very probable that the activity whs for years on< ro Btatirh with the Adam* ayatem. The cal teachers of 8<i tor -jH*« ifii atiom* Ntate that iwalrd bid» will on the part of the Mayor and the th«- past three ye the I m - rrceiv»* until 2 o'clock p. in. on the coancilmen of this city wlll result In I h * m «I of the vocal department the 2M|i of July at th«- r *«.-laination office in putting Klamath Falls on a better l«*ading conservatory of < mush* In Ber thia city an«l that all bid» mn»t be ac financial basis. On Monday the May Un. lie iming the firs it American companied by certified check» in She or and a number of the members of on whom such an h< onor hax been «mount <*f |2H0 for each •cbedule. the council made a trip out to In conferred ih-xidex hl i in fame as a vo- Buhler* may bi«l on one •ingh* achetiola spect the bouHilaries of the addition» • callKt he I» a great «fonjHwer. and on any combination of •chedulre or on that have be- n recommended to be taken into the corporate limits May in G«*rmmiy hi» work Ics were < la»^ «j the five achrdulee an a whole. with those of tire til ¡r«*a(c**'t «riten. Tlu* work involve» the rx avation and or Stilts is an ardent advocate of the He will be heard In song* «*rnhanking <»f about J12JMM» cub»«* feet of extension of lhe boundaries of the Th** girl*, Mary, Suzanne and i)or irt arid the contractor bidding in the city. In discussing the matter he otin. w««re considered artiste te*fore work rnuat begin work within thirty said: "We do not want to take in all of rent to Europe thr»*«* y**ar» ago. «lav - after the mgnirrg of the contract by have studied with the best tea- the Director of tin* Keciamalion Service, the additions.but those that are dose «« a mJ hav. done exten- m<! ihu-t thereafter pr< -♦-< ute the work to town and are deriving benefit t work The German press with a lon e neerw-ary to complete the from the corporation. The revenues apo»* <.,( them a« the best trio in A<>rk • n «»r before th»* 15th day of De- coming from these additions may not amount to much, but there are some Germany Mar), the violinist, tax • ember, 1W08. played In public -Ince the age of five Tin* five schedule* comprising the valuable properties just outside of Her mastery of lhe king of instru portion of the canal to be constructed the corporation and In case we bond meats approaches perfection, 8u- iiegin with No. 4 and en«l with No. H, the city it will be necessary to have zanne 1» a brilliant pianist and and comprise the following amount» of them in good order to get enough money to do any good. The cost of achieves great success wherever •he the tlirc»- claaaea «>f dirt: No 4. Claw I. 21,020 cubic yards; taking in the additions will not be m heard. She Mtiidbd with the great Ths local option law which I m un Mr A Castel. one of the plain much. The city attorney »a s be can d<'hwarenka in Berlin. Dorot K ban* « I mnn 2. 560; claaa 3, 50. Th«* tir •I V|. i „ mh.ilcr Limit) . *■ to la* l.iouglil to till» county I» lion tiffs. when asked about appealing tin der «llM'UMiilon in H i I m «a»**, wax pro No 5. Cl»-» 1, 21 450 cubic yard»; arrange the boundaries and the el dlis lhe mellow-voiced 'cello In the In op-rath o In tile lie |»nLI" an oil • •<*. wh«*»« Mi . D. B. Kcntlall i«» doing rasi* »ulil it was loo soon io say u imi poned by th«- p«*opl«« by Initiative p< - ection should not cost over «100. most »yiupathelic manner. The ex cl » fn 2, 500; claaa 3, 50 Mellon would hi* isken nini Kent Hal* i tit ion, and approved by a majority lhe «oik for all of tl. • jH|«IN ill 1 1 : i* «It). 'Ihiw IHM« flint* ÍM tl»«* IttlcM No. 6 CI m 1. 21,4-50 cubic yarda; The way the town stands at present presslon and soul of her playing are laid, tin* other plaintiff, M m I' m I that of the vote» m>t at the general elec lil<i<l« I, if iM'hijf tiu* II, »I ina« film x!».«»p I fumi ili«* fa« tor) having iti«* we cannot bond for more tian prob ¡nothing less than remarkable, An- c I» nn 2, 500; cla« 3, 50. 8«*« tloll 7 |Nlt«*lll. If Ui»> *»l»«ii«*<l Mondi»)' un ruhig and Wm> a *n«-< «••»•» frolli tin* I h * lie was thruugli X* iti» ib»* pro|N»n|tIon tion held June 8th. I9<»4 No 7. ( hM 1, 21.«S00 cubic > ani» ; ably «75,000, and in order to bav- ton Hekklng was her instructor In mid tliai as far UX lit« I n < <i|i< rrh»-<l of the act piovideH. Minong Other gillllillg. It I « iit* ««i ih»* i*i< ahst t ni«* ami labor «avlng d«tic««x ct«*r in- da»« 2, 500; Hat» 3, 50. enough money to work on we should Berlin. “That prior to any election, vented in lln- Inn* oí ltu«< li :»<•!}. tli« action will stop wifli t ho <l«*rl»|on thing» No. 8. Cla»» 1, 24.500 cubic yards ; have not less than «150,000. 1 con Though their solo work Is woader- the County Clerk »ball d««Uver to tin Th«- if>ii«iiiit< !«• in iliiily o|w*r. I<»n hi fl»«- l.irw xliow window of th»* of Judge Benson Iful, their ensemble work 1» much «*la^s 2, 500; cla»» 3, 50. sider the extension of the corporate Following |s the Opinión of Jtl«lg«« aherlff of the county nt l«*a»t fiv«* no- R«l ill In mi iitiKi ..Hi! ir.ikiH « ii«* « i th«* moot iiofnbl«* »»( lrx<f im»s <*t«*r In cutting the work into hiiii II Hübe-1. limits the first step towards bonding more so Having had so many years Urea of th«- e|««4-||on for «*»«< h <>l«*rtion *«■«*•• in tlii* • i Benson In th« case XV Inn %l«*itliiu ll •• <*i) «I«» n* i fail to Mop mid watch of practice together they play with ulee the Government makes it poeruble the city.” tin* m I. iiiK** flu«) 'V i>n<1«*i f ul ini. chin«*. The |iet»Uo tl of lite above Daniisi precinct In *aht county voting on th* *r auiall contractor» and rancher» to Councilman Hanks, of the Third i marvelous perfection and expression. question " It also provide» ’ That plaintiffs for a writ of review herein, id <»n portion» of it. The completion ward, expressed himself in favor of :• ■ The program will appear later, and usalgtis a number of allrg «*<1 tTtciia the alirrlfi m I in II at lea»t twelve day those who fail to hear these girls and • »f the - uitb branch to lhe Adam* canal bonding the city oo as to take in all 1 been compii, d i sritiat. < Ki kk note *. Ivin notice II giving In tin* record, which th«« court hua before atty election hereunder po t their noted father will miss the Ailj make a big increane in the amount, of the additions that have any value of mid holdlr alii chillón, mid In Just b«*l<>* the junction of Spring I’xatulnod aa fully as poNHlb|<>, mid Mild notices In public place», in the greatest musical event that has oc- 4 land» that can bo irrigated from the attached to them and have people liv counting uml i it inning the votes ami < r« ‘ k and Wllliamaon river 1» Frank lias arrived nt tli« conclusion Indi vicinity of th«* polling pho«», or ph«'- ing on them. He, too, considers the eitrred In our city. Th They come dl- Government system next Summer. Silvi«*»»’ fiwhlng lhe most fishing ground, the Thereupon the clork and the* d**< luring the I e»ll It thereof." rated In the order mad« mid entered m. enlargement of the corporation neces rectly front the Chautauqua aa mbly But aluive ami le ond die tcchnl- beautiful lamping ground In the sheriff h I im II ««ach briefly enter of rii* herein, for tin* following reasons at .Ashland where they I AVord has l-een received in this city sary in order to bond for a sum suf aroused the I cal lmigilM .:>- of (h. statlite. It is to Mate of Oregon The cold sparkling or«! their eompIlMnre with pro the Th** errors assigned hjr plaintiffs greatest admiration and enthusiasm. tbst I. A. Duffy was married to a San ficient to make improvements. Mr rlslona of thin acct ion. mid auch re» - I h ’ rememlieri ■d timi f t here has been watt r affords typical trout fishing are ns follows In Klatnath Falls . Mr. Pasmore can Franci-eo lady a lew days ago and that Hanks is a strong advocate of a a fair mid frv m. and th« will At this IMilnt the river 1» about 134 I That It doe» nut appear In the <>rd »hall b«« prims fade evidence receive no stronger • r .■commendation l e and hi* bride have taken up their municipal water system !Of Hie people cn voiced fairly feet in width and from two to six ri’i'ord. that the county clerk com- that all th«« provisions of thin section Councilman F. E. Ankeny, of the land without ir lol ImldatIon. feet in depth with occasional hole» than to say that he Is the former in- re-i ience in >an Diego. Friends of Mr. pared tin- alanaturea on tin* petition have b««rn fully compile«! with ” Th«* structor of Mrs. lion J. Zumwalt. Duffy in tide city have not tu-en able to First ward, when asked about the ! Hie Court« sh< very slow to set varying In depth from 10 to 16 feet. record in th«* «use at bar contain» the for a local option election wltli the learn the name of the lortunate lady matter said: ”1 was not out with jauch a verdict Phe water 1« clear aa a crystal and • hose sweet singing is the pride of genuine signatures ontheicgiatration certificate of th«* <«lerk that he de It follows AA'rlt of Ki< <okh-r than the ocean.’ The water this city. The eminent musicians that won the affections of the former the council yesterday, but if they can llv«*r«*d »u«h noth«*» to th** »hcrlff u I moks Klamathite. show me that it is of any benefit to view should b Nwartna with rainbow trout which come here to visit with Mrs. Zumwalt 7 I hut tin* printed notices of e|- ih«« proper tIm«’, and th«* ««rtificui* and to spend a vacation in the north County court adjourned Friday after enlarge the limits of the city I am in ran be H«*<-n by the thousand* in lhe ii lion ac'itl out by tin* clerk had th« of the »herlff to the effect that Ip’ rlenr <*<»i«l water. The fishing In ern end of the county end at Crater noon until Augu»t 4th. Behm* taking for it. I have not given the matter clerk name printed thereon. Instead posted »urti notices In live public Deer Season is Now Open -l»h*udl<l at tbin time Mud many trout Lake. They will arrive here from an aoj..iirnuient it was decided to re- much thought, but I think It might plar«»» In each precinti within the of lielng written l>> Ills own hanil ‘I hr «MiHon i«»r ina!«• 4<’«*r «»iH-ncd in are «aught that weigh as much as .Ashland Monday night. advertise (or bids on (he bridge across be a good idea to take in the parts pr«»|»««r time 3 '1 list tin- certificates of the sher Klamath countv on Wednesday and ten pound»«. There are many camps I., -t river at ttie Upper gap »nd it was that are close to the present boun iff ns to tin* place where such notices Again. H«*«'tloii to <>( thlu act pro contiuti«** open uiiHI Nov«*mbri Gt The \MVS FROM DAIRY. alsodecided that the county would not daries so that we can bond the city •long the banka of the river. Judge were posted 1» mil sitfilclvnilv <‘xplic- vides <)n tin* tenth day after any HCHHoit for letualf* drri dm*- not o | m * ii un Dairy school will close Friday the contribute any money towards ad»er¿ for a sum large enough to make the It to enable the County Court to find election hereon, or so«»n«*r. If all th«« til >«*pletiib«'i Irt, and » I".*«-* lit«* name H 1 I. Benson and party occupied 17tii An intertaiameiit will be giv- ti»i ng the county in the t-unset maga improvements that the city really that sinh noth* were pukteil in ui i««Iurns t»«» r«H*«*lved. th«« county clerk time an the male m - m - .»n. No hunter if one of the tents for several days, on In the evening. AAe promise a zine. needs. I think the city should be but the) have now returned to the inrdmne with luw taking to hi» n*u«lMtance two J ub (I c «- m all' m 'I i- k.H in :i\< •U-«T in city, The judge is an expert flsher- good time as usual, tn all that come. g p Van Riper and R. M. Barter bonded for not less than «100,000. i 7'1 at the mt under consideration of lhe p«'Mce of th«« «'otinty, Mhall pro one w«*a*on and hunting with <l«»g* an<l 1’ II Gray look some tat Logs to | are spending the week at Crystal AS’e cannot do anything with less man i mid can cast a line from 50 to require* that tin* Count) Court shall ceed t<» «»p««n Multi retuiiiH and make by night is prohibited Klamath |'alls Thursday G. G. An creek They were well supplied with than «90.000, and should have more 75 feet, making the fly fall in the bold u *|u*i lul term for iiiuklng the an nliNlracl of the vote for the in Ihrr »re ►aht t■> I«* more plentiful in derson accompanied him. fishing tackle, guns and ammunition than the sum Hrst mentioned.” final order declaring prohibition formation of th** County Court That thin aeclion th»* war than they have* water a < gracefully as a snow (lake. Dr. AV. 8. Johnson was called to when they started and as the deer All of the other councilmen, Oben- Hi* i . ii . iji was a jolly one for ¿he f>. That then' does not appear In th« »aid court idtall on th«« eleventh da\ l»crti for m-vrral year» and a number <4 chain. Wilkins. Sanderson and Cris- se«> Mother Mic ’ me! last week and s ason is now open they are sure to record nu certified up to Hila Court nft««r lhe eh*ction, or an near there hunh r* are planning to go to the hill* judge 1.» a good hand at almost any reports her to be in very Lad shape. bring back a large amount of veni- ler.have expressed themselves as fav thing lie makes bread about as well nn) abstract of the votes cast for after ms prartlcable. hold a sp««dal in th«- »arly part of the H«*a*«*n. A Miss May Robinson closed her son. oring an extension of the corporate and ngnlnst prohibition. A«-MMlon. and If the majority of th«* M|M*ctal rfiott should lx* made to prevent a*, he tells stories. The large grapha- school at Hildebrand last Friday .and limits and it is very probable that at A* to the first of theae conditions. votes herson In the county, mm m all illvgnl aliooimg of «leer ao that the phone at the Benson camp furnished ' r. anil Mrs. G. Heitkemper, Jr., the meeting next Monday night the I gave an entertainment on Saturday music for all of the can>|>ers. It I* sufficient to sai Hint the slntute whole, or In nny subdivision In the number will not l»v drcrva*ed. and *« n left Sunday morning for Spring Oilier camps along the stream are levo, at which time almost the entire creek where they will l»e the guests of first steps will be taken towards ex now here Inillcales thnt then* should county, ax a whole, or In any pre the district with some tending the limits. population of occupied by ex-County t'lerk Geo. l*c any record of the clerk's action Mr. ami Mrs. A »ex Martin, Jr., for a cinct in the county mi «« for prohibi HOMI I HUM I 11 Al I Al Vi A | from outside were present and en chnstaln nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. As to tin* si * uml assignment, the tion” said Court m I ih II immediateh Rev. I* Conklin, pastor oí the Me- II New ham, Alex. Martin. Jr., and joyed a good tinte. Two pupils re- few «lays. They will be taken as far as Parties returning from Spring creek authorities appear to tn* practically ntak«« an order, declaring th«« result I boil lit the Williamson river bridge by B. St 1 hiinh. returned Inst night Iparty. and by other pleasure seek i reived their eighth grade diplomas, state that the resort is well patronized unanimous to the effect that a print of »aid vol««, and nbsolut«*ly pr«diibit from .Ashland, where In Geo. Bishop in his line launch. I viz: John Ritter and David Bliss. r Ims been af ers from various places. by parties from various cities on the ed algnnture may lie adopted hv a tin« sale of InhHlcatlng llquorx with C. B. Clendenning has started the Coast. Most of the private camping lending Chautanquu ilo report* n Supt Jas G. Wight made the presen- The place is nn ideal one for an public and bi1 ns binding aa in th«» prescribed limit», except for ' tation large attendaneo mid a good time. speech including some incour* i erection of a large barn between 8th grounds are occupied and all of the though written b) hla own hand th«« purposeH and under th«* regula The linn. Joint Sharp AA illlams. who online The camp-grounds are cov aging words for the school in gen- and 9th streets. He expects to con boats on the river are in use whenever ered with a growth of grass and are Itoferi'lng tn the fourth nualgnment tions xpccith’d herein, until such time hall» from n »Inti* "where the people shaded with poplar trees. The flsh- I oral. Mr. Jacob ftueck also made a duct a livery and feed business as fishing is good. Several families I rum It In my opinion that flu* phrnae as th«* qualifi«*«! v«>h*rs ther««ln at a still believe In God and vote tili’ jing Is superb mid It is not a question I good talk for the benefit of the soon as it is completed and will this city are now at the resort. "Special Session'' do. » not neceaaar- IcgHl ««lection held fur that purport* Iteli ocratlc ticket,” was there und of liuw ii any trout can oneiatch.but ' school When everybody turn out make a specialty of fancy livery. lly mean a special tel in of I lie court. by a majority vol«« decid«* «»th« i a i* Several of the Klamath Falls baseball made a Ilin’ ii<l dress on talking I as they did on this occabion it looks what tan one do with them after Miss Edith Purdy, who has been bovs liked Lake county so well that they toil luthei n special silling of either and the ord««r thus mad« >*h: I I with as though they wore ideased lie) nie ¡aught. Mrs New hum brok” visiting with her aunt. Mrs. G. W decided to remain there and work a regular or a special term, uml that held to I»«« prlma fade «*vld«*n« U .»• .Mrs. J M .M< I nth»» wlll arrivo her»» ihe i ecord by hooking and landing ¡tht* school and bad an interest in it. Fish, bus returned to her home at through haying. They experienced no therefore then* Is no merit In pluln- all the provisions «»f tin* l a i We had a good exhibition of bron Montague. Cal. in ti few dayk front Engvne to join a si\ pound rainbow trout. She did ditliculty in getting jobs. |i ’ h<> busting in Dairy Monday, ci ven uni land him until after a fierce Iter liualiaml ami io timke Iter homi1 came by lllrani Moore. The bridle ttiiggle lusting ten minutes. in l h ih eli v. - .iff lint the bucking went on as good In li l< Hamilton Inn illumed Maine was a stayer though Must of the people who have been ,i- ever from Portland «here he went on nltenilinr. Chautauqua at Ashland and nfter a mile or so of bucking professional busines» the horse quieted down. Im ve returned home. E B. and W. P. Sedge were Bon- fanza visitors Tuesday. Bonanza had quite a rain stoini Monday while Dairy had a wind and dust al irm. A good rain would |^l GINNING with Saturday, July brighten things up. even to the farm- era faces. ii,l have decided to hold Satur The Real Thing (i() TO I PIANOS I days as Bargain Days. Each and every Saturday thereafter, different goods will be put on sale at bargain prices, and it will l>e to your special benefit to keep your “eye peeled" ami watch for future announcements. A fine stock of PIANOS and PIANOLA PIANOS .ire now on exhibition in Klamath Falls Such piano, a- A It. CHASE. LUDWIG. KINtl.SliURA AA 1.1.1 IMI ION. Sri-.INAVAA and PACK ARI) are not often offered for sale in this section of the Htate. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., * (Ini’ of lilt-nlili’st iiibl best known piano houses of I hi- west, are ollering these pianos direct to the people. <>n Saturday, July n, there will be reductions on everything in the house (excepting contract goods) and it w ill |uy anyone wanting things in the jewelry line to call. I FADING WATCHMAKER ano Republican Block JEWELER AA II I. Al’I’i: Al. ( ASE. F II. Mills and A. L. Levitt, the at i orneis for the plaintiffs in the pro liihition vase, state that tin* case will In* iiiipeah'd to the Supreme Court ami notice of appeal will In* given at um ' Themse will not ionie up un til October ami pending tills decision most of the snloon men of this <lty will dispose of their fixtures and en- |gage in other lines of business or timi new locat ions. I As a Starter G.Heitkemper,Jr. GILLETTE’S MR. R P. MEYER AND MR G. F. JOHNSON, OF THF PORTLAND STORE, ire in charge of the stock and will be heil' fur >i week ur ten dm mils. <'nine al miet’ Io see the pianos and make your ¡election. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT mm be iii iiingt’il if you are not prepared to pay cash. I PIANOS Will m; ON I XtilltlllON Al HOUSTON HOTHI. STORF OPEN EVENINGS Sherman, Clay I G. AV. White, president of the First i National Dank, lias made iinnnge- , nii’iits for his family to reside at While in the Purtluml tills winter tilt lie piiiih.mid a liome ami during the next yinr the children will iflteml Inchoo) in 1‘orlliind Alt AA'hlti* will continue Io make his home In this I city. 1’ li Foiinutain leit \Vedile .ila) for Fiigone for a hi lei vislt witli Iti» la- tliei and brolher Mi l'ountal» «ili »peliti thè l'est of (Ile annunci III Oregon and In thè tuli «ili return to Chleago to continuo thè study of medicine ut thè Northwestern Uni versity . FOR FURNITURE Sewing Machines, etc KLAMATH FALLS Otir goods are attractive, also the prices