Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1908)
l#4444444444444'fr44444*44444444’t*444444444X New Goods I t I t I t I t I t New Goods ARRIVED AND READY FOR SALE 14 Í î 4 •E THE BRICK STORE C9. Î H H • * H c 44444444444444>»-4444«444444444444444444X ■ — 1 ■ ■■ — E. W. Muller and J. P. Bonham left Tuesday for a trip through Butte valley and to Bray, the terminus o( the California Northeastern railway. They will be gone several days. H. W. Kinney ami If. M. Holdman, of ban Francisco. secured options on a nuiulvr of ranches and then retimed to their home. Thev were very favorably Impressed with the country and staled that they would return shortly. Mrs. H. I. Aldridge ami daughter will leave for Ashland »hoilly, going by private eohveyance. .Mr. mid Mr». Fierce will return in the conveyance. FOR SALE 240 acre» le.el grew land. Well improved. The place has an amp|tf supply of water and is easy to irrigate. Suitable for a «fairy of 50 ot more cows, or for stock raising. I’arties interested should see this place. Price $30 per acre. Half cash, balance to sut the buyer at 7 per cent. Call on or address Cha». Weallotom, Fort Klum- ath, Oregon. 4 2 tf J. F. Salcido, who ia now alllliated with the Lake county newspaper Ira- teridty, ia shaking Laini» with old Il lend» and »« quaintaiix-s tn thia city, WANTED-C.irl for general house work. Apply to Dr. Maaton. BUY EARLY ■ DRESSMAKING - On and after March 30 I will be prepared to do first claa« dresaftiaking. All work guaran teed. Prices reasonable. Mrs. G. S. Field, Worden block, over Stilts store. 4 23« PASTURE for all kinds of stock Stock taken about April 4. Cow» taken out mornings and brought tn evenings. Address R. L. RIDDLE. Klamath Falla. I11II • —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY BRIEFS. E. B. Mitchell, of Polk oounty. Mi»- a uri, arrive«! here M<«n«lay for an in definite visit with hi» toother. Horace V. This is his first visit 1» the Klam sth country, ami should he fiml condi tions agreeable he will locate here, lie and Horace left Tuesday morning for Ashland for a brief visit with relative*. Carl Wright, who was taken to Seattle to have an operation pvrfitrtned on hi» leg, ia again able to be out of the boa pital, and his condition i« so tar im proved that he will be able to return home »liortlv GOOD STOCK-A first class, young registered Perchenm Stallion for sale. l*rice and terms right. Address Billings and Sun. Ashland. Oregon, (W.C. Myer Stock Farm). 2-27 4-2 Engineer I. Voorhees returns I from itc- the t'ppei Project wlieie he «■ompanied parties who contemplate hid ding on the reclamation work to be done in that section. Webster Holme», a Salem attorney, is here on legal business in the county court. AA'e have three ranches for rent. i There Is Only One JT7/y Of Judging The Future; That is By The Fast.” < ( Chat is Why Cb« Have H««n Placed In So many Homes. WANTED—Girl for general house , work. Rev. Geo. T. Pratt. tf Cbev Sell Cbemselves. Mrs E. R. Ream»* eiiteitaln«'«l the Brtolge Club Saturday attvriioon at hei t«eau<ilul hum«' on Conger Avenue. The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the Beautiful Nickel Finish and the Horn, to R. J. Timmons ami wife, at 12:30 Saturday, in tin» city, a girl. Full blood I rown leghorn eggs for sale. Settings reasonable. E. L. Hop- I kina, lllh and PineSta, 2t W. R. Davia Is reported sick al hi» California ranch. A.T.Langell ami Jim Go-» were in lhe city from Bonauta Saturday. A. Helming A Co. fur merviianls pays highest ca»h price» far all kin«!» ol hide» ami lure. Headquarter» A meri- can Hotel. tf Rev. <’ P. Bailey, the well known Eastein Oregon Baptist Miasi >nary. has left l-akeview, rvtuiuins to his |..r liter home in The Dalles, where lie will have charge <«l the Baptist congiegation Rev. Halley fa well '-«iniaii heir, he hav mg dedii-atr-l the new Itap'lat churr-h ami also conducted a avtiv» of revival meet mgs last year. Fre-I Rchalha-k return«-«! Satunlay night from San Fiauviaco. wtu-re lie tied been to a«-i»t m purchasing tin- fixtures ami supplies lor the Bank ol Iktrrl», ol which lie will he cashier. J. D. Hamaker and wife, of Bonanza, Wheat bar, aitalta and timothy, pa«»e«l through here enroute home from I a two months’ visit to California poiuts. mixed—No. I hay—$1.5 at the Belmont ' Stables. t . I See Ady for marsh lands. J. B. C. Taylor has returned from I Miss Ethel McCauley has return«-.! San Francisco, where lie went to pur- ' ; from an extended visit at Portland and chase the loiter anil engine f ir th«* l»>at ! Lebanon. to be used hy the Crater Lake Naviga Secretary C. P.Chastain, of the Water tion Co. for a general freight and pas I Users’ Association, is very busy these senger liusiness on the Upper Ijtke ami FOR SALE—A four room cottage | days preparing lor the annual meeting Wmd river. Mr. Taylor, a»,i»ted hy with outbuildings; city water in kitchen; (ieo. R. Ilurn, purchase.I a high pres on next Saturday. sure boiler and engine at a cost of about fine fruit trees; must sell quick. Price Lillie A’an Riper, the daughter of Mr. $i'500. The b«*' i» rapidly nearing $325 cash. Mason & Slough. and Mrs. G. K Van Riper, is recover- completion, and will lie ready for use Sa sohi as the spring traffic begins. Mr. and Mr» Geo. Nolaml entertain- ! ing from a severe sick spell. Project Engineer D W. Murphy ia e«l the White Star l-a-kri l>all train at a WALL PAPER-WALL PAPER I.Hikjng after reclamation matter» in the Sunday dinner in honor «4 their eon Virgil who is a member of ilial team. WALL PAPER I l’p|>er project. t<bOU Rolls Choice Wall Paper Leo H. Robinson baa returned to bi» Mr». N. I.»ngell is »lowly recovering House Lining homeat Alam«--la alter apending a week from a severe attack of rheumatism. in the city on fan«! t.neliieM. All at popular prices "Every drop pure," ia wbat can lw Baldwin the Hanlware Dealer The government says that Continen Klatuath Falls 4 »aid of Continental whfakey, Watei tai whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor Mill whiskey, Normandie Hye and F. F. mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye fa pure The Methodist congregation tendered V. Rye. Sold by C. D. Willson. 4 for it is put up under its au|>ervfaiun in Presiding Eider a farewell reception to rresitling bluer The large freighting outfit» going and famdeil warehouses. and Mrs. Dunlap Monday evening at Sold by C. D. the home of Mrs. W. A. Leonard. They comiug make it appear that Hie g'tod Willson. 4 left today for the East on an extended old summer time ia near at hand. The poatnflice receipts have been In- visit. F. P. Cronemiller, receiver of the cri-aa*Hi during the past month, as near Small tracts of well locateti tule marsh Lakeview land office, write» that lie ly every candidate for office liaa «-»-tit like» liia new poaition very much and ia land» offered for one week at $20 per out several hundred fallers explamn g especially pleased with lutkeview and to the Voters the how and why lor of lii» ' acre. Abel Adv. 4 the surrounding country. candidacy. H. E. Pointer liaa returned from Port E. B. Kamshv has gone to Merrill to visit, and incidentally attend to a few land where he went tn have a broken leg re set. The fractured limb is »till in business matters. a cast, but will soon lie completely Knorrs«M'haBuch t-ak«- ranch. Iaeate«l In Klam- Mrs. W. 9. Worden expects to leave healed Mr. Pointer waa in the city to- alh county. 201* aerw. WO aarra tunbirr —tlmn'rd soon on a trip to Sen Francisco »ml L->* day attending to husineee matters. to run from IS 1» 12 million frat of timber, son- Angeles. Donald will godown later, in fiA*4**4* *4* Ar siatlng of yellow plus, whits piao and Hr, Mo Do not buy blended whiskey. When acres uf (HM and hay land. KUO am of tula <w W “ ™ ™ V -1’-1 X’ X’ 1 X’ - I ” ™ ™ TTTT ” W Ä time to see the fleet come in. 4 Mail Route Inspector F. W. Vaille has you want pure whiskey nee that it 1» ■ wamp. Small h-el-s and bam Nine miles of gone to I-akuview and Silver Lake on of put up un-'er the government's “boodad wire fence, harb wire Seven nil Ire of eta wires ficial business. warehouse »lamp,” as is the Continen and two mites of five wires Swamp U fwl by Work on the new fair grounds ia »till tai whiskey. Water .Mill whiskey. Nor larpe aprinas rtnalna on the ground of the place. About TOO acres ran be irrigated and drained by a | going on and during the past few week» most <4 the grandstand and fencing on mandie rye and F. F. V. rye. Sold by large Hood gate. Price 112 M per acre. Tills Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns guaranteed. A key to lhe »unwinding country 4 the old ground ha- been t«>rn down and C. D. Willson. which la quits a stork sauntrp. Thirty.ltrs mi lee and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- moved to the new location. Harry Stilts has returned from a trit, east of Ashland andt wsnty miles went of Klamath j through Lamcell Valley. He says all ■>( The Lake County Examiner says that shoddy or Fella. .hing in Good Hardware—No J. B. Auteii has purchased a large tlie farmers have been sowing wheat Address P. O bo* IM. Ashland. Oregon. shelf-worn goods. stock of hardware and will engage in and that most of the crop was put 1» business at Lakeview. while the warm weather lasted. Agents celebrated Ell wood The County Court of Lake Count) The new seats were place I in the Methodist church this week, and the in will hold a special meeting on April "th and everything the farmer needs. terior of the structure is now practically for the purpose of offering a reward lot I the capture of the party or parties j I com plated. guilty of the murder of Wai ! Owing to the increase in the amount lende at Silver Lake. of work in the administrator office the proposed improvement work on the Chief of Police C. C, l.ow says that un Goose Lake and Freemont Forest licensed dogs "jigger” whenever thev has been delaved. notice a policeman's »far. Regardless of the fa t that every canine must have An exciting fire occurred at the R. C. a license to reside in this city and roam i Of High Grade Jewelry is now in. Anderson ranch four miles from Mer ALLES SLOAN We have the latest Creations direct iknt.nntin» BERT E. President WITHROW its streets, there are a numla-r that do Abstracting Vice rill last week. The rejsirt in regard to not wear the required tag and thry have* Secretary Exquisite Pat the same is that while burning a stubble been educated to make a sneak when-, from the factory. terns of tne highest possible grade the fire got lievond control and threat- ever a policeman's Imdge is in sight. Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. encl the building» on the farm. of Solid Gold and Gold Filled Designs All taxes become delinquent on the A call for help was sent out and more of rare taste executed by American ! than one hundred mro responded. 6th of April, and to escape the penalty and Foreign Jewelers. After a strenm us tight, lasting through a large number of profiertv owners are several hours, the flames were sulsluci squaring accounts with Hherifi Oben and what threatened to 1« a serious con chain, making Ilia office rather a busy place. Klamath County tax paver» have flagration was avoided. Model been prompt tbi» y> ar in paying up, C. L. DuBoia, an expert boat builder which fa indicative of a lack of hard ■ who recently came here from Seaside, time». has rented the Dyer building on Klam The home of “Glasseye,” an old In ath avenue arid is now building a 26- DON J. ZUMWALT, C. E. M. D. WILLIAMS, C. E i foot gasoline launch for Martin Bros of dian character, was the scene of a lively Ladles' and Gents' President T rea» tirer i Ashland. The >>oat will tie placed on scrap Saturday night, as a result of the Upper lake. He also has the con which Denin Crawley, Indian, wears a tract for building two more launches' pretty b dly cut up face, and another and says ttieoutl.xik is indeed promis Indian by the name of l.ogan is serving ing. lie uses nothing but Im parte«I a ten day»’ sentence in the city jail, and lumlrer in building the boata and is ex in order to gain bis iilierty at the ex THI LIA DI NG periencing considerable difficulty in get piration of that time lie must pay a fine of $25 imposed by Police Judge Leavitt. ting it shipped in. High Class Workmanship Embodied in all the good features of this range is the Economy of Fuel Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Malable Top National and Niagara Roberts & Hanks 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Fences— 4 4 4 4 Hardware Man 4 364*44444444444444444444444 X OUR SPRING LINE GEO. R. HORN, ttie STABLES BUESING A CLENDENNING, Thin You know how important a matter fit is in Clothes: so do we; the fitting quality of our garments is one of the best reas ons we can offer you for buying them. If you get any of our garments with the general measurement right—chest, sleeve, waist, leg—you’ll be satisfied with the fit. The clothes hafig right. The designing is correct. Quality is closely related to style in Clothes. You find them at THE BOS TON STORE. Prices $10-$12-$15-$18 r / *■ BALDWIN y The Hardware Dealer Carries the Most Complete Line of Hardware, Stoves, Steel Ranges, Paints and Oils, Wall Paper, Pumps and Pipe, Crockery II I UNIVL ksa L BREAD MIXER. Makea Bread Making a Pleasure. Agent for STUDEBAKER WAOONS and OLIVER PLOWS. The "ACME" and «-leoo” WASHING MACHINES rob wash day ol moat of ta terror». L V J i ii 1 7 UNIVERSAL FOOu CHOPPER « 1 he Big Four-Story “BRICK,” Klamath Falls SHOES for MEN SHOES for LADIES SHOES for the CHILDREN We carry now in our Shoe Depart ment absolutely the strongest and up-to-date line and the largest assortment in the County. C'ome in and see the Ladies Shoes that we sell at $1.45. They are worth double the price. THE BOSTON STORE Corner 8th and Main Phone 591 Watches Waist Sets Hat Pins Fobs B. J. Winters For Down-to-Date Job Printing Come to lhe Republican Office PROP S. Rigs furnished with or without drivers. Feeding our specialty. Grain by the sack. Jlay by the bale or tun. Large corrall for loose horses. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Emma Block Phone, 173 A GOOD BUY * Dependable Hardware A NIAGARA STEEL RANGES B. C. Glares, of the Ilonansa Bulletin, I has Iwvii attending tv busiuc-a matter» in lhe rity. Mra. Wright has the Delineator. But- MAS<’N & SLOUGH. 1 terick fashions and Butterick patterns The Honatua creamery 1» ta anpplving supplying a for sale at her home on Pine between large amount of butter need in mie 1 it y tf 5th and6th streets. Everv Klauiath Falls grocery ia now Will Baldwin arrived home Monday handling the Bouaiua product, anti one from Portland, where he bad beeu tor firm report» a ».de of about 60 pound» ' | »everal months. per day. I The choir of the Presbyterian church Henry Vincent, of Langell Valley, has is busy pre|>airing special music for returnoi fr un a visit to Portland. Faster. There will be special number» J.AV. McCoy was in the city from Fort at the morning service and a cantata in Klamath Monday. the evening. CROWN AND NATIONAL I HATS FOR HEN HATS FOR BOYS Hats for every size head and in every style. 1.1 the STETSON, GORDON, LYON, and MANY OTHER MAKES. Come in and see our LAWN that we sell at 7c The Store That is Doing the Business If you need anything in late style of Dress floods we have It. Our atore la filled now with the most up-to-date and largest stock ws ever carried. 4