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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
V Notke for Ptibtkatlon Notke (or rublKalloit. Fo u r- Co to red ....Jlpplcj Consistent Socialism l'nll<««t Hlat*a I an4 Ofllc*. I ahavlaw, Oregon. Augu«t U. I**T Xottcv 1« hereby given that In compliance with the prwlalon« of iha aci uf t'oiigra«« of June K IhTi. »milled ‘-An art f«»r lb» «ale of IImtar laud« tn the Mbtaa of California. Oev gun. Nat«! Maahington Territory." a« attended to all the Public |.an«l nta*e« by a* t ut AUffU«! 4. iN'Ila llrewtmker, uf Klamath Fall«, county of Klamath, »late uf Oregon, ha» filed in Ini« »»fflca hat rwort) «tateiurm Mu JMI. for the utircha»«» of lha «a^kW’^ of taction Xu J in Tuvnahip No 41 » K No a K. W M. au«t will «»ffrr m «bo« Ibai the laial •ought 1« mor« valuable tor it« Unitar or »tuna than «or agricultural pur|*oae«. and to rtlab h»h her claim lo *ai I land buforv lhe clerk of k lamath county. Ore . at hl« office at Klam alb Fall«. Orc . on Monday, the 4th day of November, iw?. »ba name« a« «itna»»*« Jennie tar hot F’ M Io Hat*»« <'of a K*te« and Um !.a«huaall of Klatnath Fall«. Oregon Any and all peraott»ilaimlaff ad%rr»cly the a bote d* »ct i bail land* are rc*iuc»t<*d to ai» lb« r « 4 I! £ i t! « •’ <••4 4 1 b*h>r c *ahl Uh «lay . . V•» .Tim ■ I • Patted stairs lawdettes.lakevlee, Ovsgss I AtigUkl II. Iw»’ Nollev |6 ha^vhy fflwv tbtl ta romplltn«^ w lib lb# |»ruvl«i»»n« *»f lb* •»» of < 4»ngr»««ol Jun* I. IffTB. «111111*4 “An vol lb* «al* »4 (iVtulnal | (Copyright 19M. by K C rarvulla.] “L * 1 don't know " «nlit MIMrrd fh.vttgf^ Colonel UreuhAin. stockbroker, turn gon, Nr«n<la gn4 Wv«hlngiott l*trU y e«l gentleman fanner tu produce new fully "It sM>ms to nn< that IwftM* p»w»- • Mi*n«lv«l to all ih* Public lan-l statea bf wl I l»nn<e Se*-h»rn. of I varietle« of fruits. plc marry Is th« time io con»id«»r if wf Augual <. IWJ l*un’* •*« bu«M Nature growa some two-cvioted ap- they think alike.” of Klamath Fall».' ounijr of alamaih. Slate «I thia offi»« b«r plea, but wheu you ask her to add two O t*g on bat fllc4 In ••Ou what?” additional colors she wants time to •worn •latamanl N«* lxj toe th» pur«bnae ••• | •’Well. I'm interacted in womaa tak th* t.oi I. of Mve. No, 14 in Tp. N“ <* • M think the matter over, Every ex|wrl- tag a better atemt than sh«» ha» taken Ku < K. W M an«l «III oS«r prw-t to ah»« ment was a failure, but that only made I want my vote with you men.” Chat Ih* land vuughl la t»*>rs valuable the cohMiel and hl« gartlener th» mor» "I'm perfectly willing (hat you fur 11» limber or «ion* (ban lot ngfl» »»hural determined, especially the gardener. should have It.” |>ur|»AMME>a. au4 tu ••labllth b*t rlaiiu U> !t wes bl» duty ns nu employee "Rut supiHwtug we differ politically " taiol brfor* t’larb uflClamalb tvtiniy to give his master all his Ideas, but he offfee at Klamath Falh <»<«<»•«» on M •'What an< your political oplnlouaT* tn.*id<> an exception lit this one case. th* 4th day of Nuvambat» I*’- "I Incline to socialism, municipal He clung to tt with dogged otmtinacy, ownership and all that nhe it a m*4 •• «iiu*«**< You don't. India Dr*w 1*4ker. Mila Kit*«. ’ 1 but he kept It as secret as the grave. You re on the other side ” U nt Inkhua alt of alam«lh Fall« iifvfun He might lutte cluug to It a year or no ■‘But I'm reudy to be converted I Any anti all prr«an6 claiming ad««-»**li longer had not th«- rolonei Iwcotne Im don't know that I understand the prin abut* 4<'6*'tiba4 lan4« at* fvqu*«l»4 1« pattent. He said something one June ciple« <»( aoelall-m Supp >ae yup ex thair claim« in Ih 1« after *»« ta*«u* «al» day about giving up th«< expérimenta, plain them to me ” lay of Novamtar. IAA and the gartlener replied that he would “Why, K's very simple. We all need a«T| lt>.‘4 J X WAT»4>X IUg have some news for him next «lay He those thiugs that are purchased by » XJ lu.M J N.U ATNON. Rcglater. ask«*d the broker to come horn«» an money bread, meat. fish, coffee Some b«ur earlier than usual aud to come are farmers, some fishermen”— Notice for I’ublkatlon directly to the Uteg»* farm lutrn "I'm a fisherman I'm trying to b<w>k fh-vartmrnl ot th» IntaHur I uh 4 »m.evi At th«» hour named th«» colonel wa« you ” Notke (or Purchase o( School lands l-atfMiew otrgoti. Vig ul .*> I« there. He had scarcely enter»»«! the N ü II i ' f !• bvrvLy fi»»n thet John I *• if Kilo "I»on't bo silly That's the trouble I>e|>artiuvnt of (lie Interior, l'nit«*«l bb>n when he twelve«! a crack on the with women undertaking to talk »erl of Ibtfvsla Ofeg«»n, h»« fftal HoDta vf bl« I»» Ntatea latnd Office t-akeview, Oregon, Iriiiiun lu Utah? Anal Fir» >rar |»i»w*f in «up head that made him nnconw'lous for Otisly with you mcu. We barely get |M»ft of bi« » laim. « ii Ilvu»r«ua‘-I l.»lif X« the next quarter of an h«»ur. When he started when you snub us with a t>ad Allglial 26, 1907. * 11* came to b«» had been stripped of coat, pun or something.” Notice ia hereby given that the State .*»• made Jun» T I vol. far th* •*■'« a» » R t. K U M . and that «a 4 |«f«ut «ill ta vest ami tie ami was bound han«l aud of Oregon has lik'd application, under "Well, go on.” ma4* tatufv th«’ < Irflt of k .AttiiUi' at foot He had not caught sight of hl« “We also want clothes, houses and a the provisions of the Act of Congrea. of hl« off! re at Klamath Fall» Otrfun on •»•Uh assailant before being struck, but now thousand things that an« not food." August 14, INis, and the Acta amenda «lay nt \ i»t'wiicf 1st? found thé gartlener hovering over him "Such as kisses" K» nam*« tb» fullvvl g w»tn« t > tory thereof, for the following described with a murderous look on hU face. Site looked very much hurt "How unappropriated, non mineral and sur hi« ctFiHinuuu« r*4>«lvti.« up<’U * I cuiti»a 'Will you lei! me what this means, provoking to be treated like a ninny!” lloh of. Ih* land vit veyed public lands in lieu of i-eses to <harl»« I Hum*« Kufvn» Up*near II < Henry?” asked the victim. *'Kies<*s are one of the things we its grant for cvmuion schools, to-« it Mparr an4 t K Morris all ot Fu«»«t“<«g n "Yea, sir. 1 hare ffnally found bow want.” M4HV J. X. WA ff to grow four-colored apple«. It has List No. Ml, m J^BSK M«6 A "But they're not one of the eesen- M*ftat»f been a long time, but I have struck ttala." Sr,-. 4, Tp. 39 S. R. I) E . W. M . and It at last. I hope to hare fifty bushels "I think they are." nw l*t>el* Nee. 39, sw’^nr1* Nee. 7. se«4 on the market this fall." t "How would It do," he added, mee.s sw1* Nec. 5. Tp. 39 S., and se'*«»1« .S-c. "Well, let's hear about It." urtng hla words thoughtfully, 'to ap S. Tp 3S S„ R. 12 K., W. M E. WHITLOCK “All the apple tree« are now tn bio»- ply that principle to matrimony?" Any and all persons claiming adverwly aom. Th« red ones ate all right, and “What do you mean?” UNDERTAKER the above desscrtlw>d lands are ir>,ue«led the yellow ones are alt right, and I “Why. pool all the men aud all the to tile their said claims tn this office on AND EMBALMER have found a way to make the blue I women When a man wanta a wife and green ones all right I have skn- »be * furnished from the pool, and or before the tilth, day of October. HW7. Holder of Ideen«« No 39. pty to sprinkle them with the blood of I vl.-e versa " J. N. Watson. Register. a man wearing side whiskers. A drop KLAMATH FALLU. OKKOON "How silly r* The alrave notice will l>e published in of blood to a blossom will do the trick, "I'm reasoning from analogy ” tl>e 1-akr County Examiner and the and once th’«» apples start to growing ' 'There’s nothing In your alwunllty Klamath Republican, both weekly that way they will continue." analogous th socialism. In socialism newspaper« of general circulation, pub- Now. the colonel had a growth one needing bread gets bread In the side whiskers that were the envy of other case one needs a companion, and ished at Ijtkeviesr and Klamath Falls, Oregon, resjwclively. Wall street and a matter of joy I B all are not equally companionable." 9-HM0-17 J. N. Watson, Register. himself. Whenever you saw the colo "That’s just It. If they don't suit nel you s»'»' his whiskers He might they go back into the pool." Office in Exchange Harn forget his commutation ticket now and “I supposed you wish««! to talk seri 1*1100«» All then, but never his whiskers. The ously," she said, turning away, with a Sotke (or Publkatlon two were one and Inseparable. He trifle of hauteur. "Suppose we talk of KLAMATH FALL.“, OREGON Vnlted Stale» land oSce, t.ak«vl«*. Ur« didn't like the gardener’s reference to something else ” those »acre«! objects It smacked of “I’ll let you do the talking I'mcecl gon September Tt. IRC. Nott«« I» hsroby given that in fomplitore familiarity, and there was a covert with your explanation." «lib the prvvlaiona ot lb« act u< < ongr«»» of threat behind the words, He was at “It may t>e Illustrated by matrimony DR. WM. MARTIN for tb* «ale of first Inclined to bluster, but another The busband works for the money to June 1 1ST«, entitled "An act Umber land» In the slate» ot California. Or«, look Into the gardener’s face satlsfted buy the requirements, while the wife gon, nevada, and Wa »glon Territory." aa DENTIST him that the man bad become crazy, takes care of the children " extendedlo all the Pub. land »«alee by art n«» therefore changed bis ta< ttes and *'I thought you said she attended to of Auguat 4. IAS4. Asm L. Hro«n. of Klamath quietly said: Falla, county ot Klamath, stat« ot Oregon, her political obligations." baa Hied in ibi» oftre hie »worn nat»ia«-Di “She does that too." “All right, nenry. We will go np to “And the man attends to his political No 1774. tor the purcbo*»* of the !»«’«*% -r the orchard and experiment. I am de No. 1». In Tp Xu » ». X. Mo W. K. W W. lighted to find that you have achieved obligations” and vili offer proof to »bow that the "Of course.” success at last." land »ought ;a mor« valuable lor >1» timbar or ’Hut bow can you Ito when I want "That's not economic. You said that atone than tor agricultural purpowa. and to .‘ATTORNEY AND your blood ?” asked the man. “You one person planted, another wove, an ••labtlab bla claim to Mid land bet a« tb« COUNSELOR AT LAW see. you are the only man around bere other built. Where’s the economy of clerk ol Klamath county. Oregon, at bi. KLAMATH FALLA, OREGON with side whiskers, If the coachman both husband and w^e attending to office at Klamath Falla. Oregon, on Monday, the Kb day ol December. 10/7 or the butler had ’em. that would do, I the political duties of ffi.- family?" ROOMS TAO, MURDOCK BLDG He name« a» «lineaaea bet they haven’t, you know They are Nbe looked at him. troubl«*«!. reproach Wm.Snos.C. N Snow. W O Webb And R S fuJ "That’s very unkind of you." she fine ones, colonel—fine ones." Urlgaby.all ot Klamatb ralls,Ur«gon. And Chapman bent down and ten said. Any aud ail peraona cmlmmg adverwly lb« DR. C. P. MASON "In what respect?" derly caressed the iron gray side above deaeribed landa ar« r«qu«at»<i to Bl« "Why, In — You've turned my lllno- whiskers that floated away from each DENTIST tbelr claima In tbla otaca on of tielore Mid VI b cheek and were gently stirred now tratlon against me.” day of 0 m . 1W?. Office in American flank A Trust Com- "Forgive me I won’t do It again ” and then by the June breezes blowing 104-lAd J. N WATBON. Reg I a ter. pany'a Building "I don’t think I want to explain any into the open door. Never had another • PHONE 614 man on this earth except the barber more ” "I fancy I understand your position dare«! to lay his sacrilegious hands on KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Sotie for Publlatlon I those reverenced objects of the money I somewhat distorted the socialistic Vailed si*:»» land OlBc«. take«:««. Or«- I family relation. The true relation 1« -center of the world. DR. CHAS. H. DRAKE Pure nutter Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. Every Iteteli “t Our tteiry (sHatdlery, Inaurine the I'ut.'.v and lloalthkil»»««<>l Our l*r>4u«la ALTAMONT DAIRY PHON l HiNCE /Jo away with harhed w¡rv Investigate the Sliding l.oop Top “ r L — • —J— Office over Klamath County Bank I you are dead? It seem« a pity to bury 'em like so much horsehair." “You blamed fool, this has gone far enough!” exclaimed the colonel, go ing to the other extreme, “t’nblnd me at once or I’ll have you sent to prison for life!” "It won't do,” replied the gardener, with a shake of his bead and taking up a knife he bad made ready for the pur pose. “You are as anxious for the four- colored apples as I am, and you mustn’t bring all our latx>ra to naught. Here goes for the blood.” The colonel began yelling for help, and fortunately the coachman was at hand to respond. He entered the barn on a run and narrowly escaped being stablxsl, and the crazy gardener had to be knocked down with a club before he could be secured. He was found to be clean daffy and was sent to an asy lum and Is there yet, aud should you ever visit the Institution he will beckon -you aside and wliisj/er "Do you know that If It hadn't been for Colonel Greahaui we’d be having four-colored apples In market today? He had the blood, and he had the side whiskers but he backed out Just when success wan certain.” The colonel hated to part with them, lint he lias bad all those whiskers shaved off. He doesn't ivaut anything him to attract luuntlcs. <ou. H«pl 0, 1SV7. Nolle« U b«r«by <it»n that in compUanc« sub lb« provlilon« of th« aet ot Coegrsss ot Jun« X. IV7S. «nilU«<t -As art lor lb« «ala ot tlmtwr land« In tb« smim of California. Or«- gun. N«v«4s. and Washington Tswllory," as saiendsd to all lb« Public Land Stal«k by act I of Aufukt 4. 1W1. IM 11» M m Mario«, of Kl»m alb Falla,county nf Klamath. Stat«of Or»<on. ha« ibla dap fil«d In ibta u6c« bar «worn •latemanl No. 1794. tor tb« purchaseot lb« n«‘, I ssjg Bsc. No. 2>. and nw‘,««<•» ot Bal. No. 24, ; — I i —■! T timber lamin Io the Staten of California, Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory.” ae extended to all the Public I .and State« by act of August4, im. Sarah A Mulkey, of Klamath Falla,county of Klamath,State of Oregon, ha* thia day filed In thiaofAee her «worn alate- meot No. »793, tor the purchase of the «-'{ns^ ne'^aw1. and nw'iae‘4 of Sec. No. 17, in Tp. No. as H, R No. 10 K W M, and will offer proof to «how that the land sought la more valuable lor Ila Um ber or ntona than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim toaald land l>efore the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his office at Klamath Palls, Oregon, on Tues day, the loth day of Iracamber, l'S/7. She names a« witnesses: Charles Moiander, J. V. Cravens, Hamilton Mulkey and K. K. Dunlap, all of Klamath Falls, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their culm» In this office on or before said 10th lay of bee., l’-W7. 104-124 J N. WAI SON. Register. Advertí*» in lite Republican ii you * < lente» fur e»ery purpott 5Ot I'Kltl s GADDIS A DIXON. Medford or VVI.M 5 DIXON. travelling Representative, Klamath I «Hi (>. /wo er«fi<u 4 tai The American Bank and Trust Co Kapital Moth floo.uua Klamath Fall». Oregon A Inter«« P»«4 an St«inf. ItetmaM« Klamath Lake Railroad ill rotinoci ioti W itll tlx* flclntire Transportation Co an<l the Ore. find Cal. Transportation Co. The only through lino for freight uik I |>a*- Mongers Ix’tween the Southern Pacific and the Klamath country. Quickest service an<i Lowest Ilatoa. Toll your trouble» by Phono or Letter to E. T. ABBOTT, (ien. Mgr, Thrall, Cal. KLAMATH FALLS to Mt IST I RE TRASS. CO. at Klamath f all» or Poteft WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST Wltbrow-Melhaaa Building MIDWAY STABLE ■s J C. F. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Any and all peraona claiming adverwly lb« above-deacrlbed landa are rsqueod lo file tbelr rial ma In tbla oBce on or b«tvr« Mid 11th day of Dec , 19V7. 104-134 J N. W ATSON. Keglatef. Colled State« Land Otflce, l.akrviaw, Ore- i I «00. Hept tt. 1907. Notice la hereby given that In rompltaoce with the provl.lon. of the actol r.'ongreeaof June 1, if?», entitled “An act for the .ale of 9 (If 15 QI <>f( CIVIL B.MJINLER and SURVEYOR is Tp. No. 17 M, K No V X W m. and «111 ug.t proof Ui abo« that lb« land sought la mor« valuable tor Ila Ma>b«r or «lone iban tor agri- cuHurAi purpoeaa. and to eatabllah h«r claim lo sold land balora the clerk ot Klamath i county, Oregon, at hu o«ce at Klamath Fall«, Oregon, on Wednesday the lllb day ol Ire- csaxbov, IW7. She names M «tlitaases R. ILbunlap. Mark L. Burna, Jeaae C Craven and C. W. Karlo«, all ot Klamath Falla. Oregon, Notice tor Publication G All tty le» and height». E. B. HENRY All kinds of engineering and draughting ■ Í -Hl WÍ/1 _—1_ —i 01« 1" ] • C. C. BROWER this: Two people of opposite sex de sire companionship. They marry. Now. what do they need? Food, clothes, habitation. More than this. They need endearment. That's where kisses come tn.” He paused and etole an arm about her waist, looking wistfully Into her eyes “I as Id kisses were not one of the so cialistic essentials,1 dallwtlc essentials," she said, "and they’re not—at least not of matri mony, for they may be taken before matrimony." “I said they were essentials In • r*n eral socialistic scheme, and they are In a matrimonial p«>ol eu«h as we spoke of kissing would be promlscu- o«is.’’ "And your argument la?" "The reductlo ad absurdum." She didn't like to admit that nhe didn't know what that meant, so •he said nothing •’Ergo,” he continued, “we two desir ing the true socialistic state, the klsaes fully legitimatized, can only obtain It by— Sweetheart, say 'Yes? Won't you? You’ve kept me In an agony of suspense for two whole days.” ‘•.Must I to be socialistically consist ent leave the political duties to you?" "They should lx attended to by one of us. You might leave them to me and take a corresponding duty In place of them." "What, for Instance T' “Choose for yourself " "Do amusements come Into the scheme as well as kissesT’ / "Certainly.” “Well, then. If you don't mind I think I'll go to the opera.” The bargain was sealed with a volley of one of the socialistic requirements Presently she released herself. Rhe had something important to say. '•Dearie, your argument, the what do yon call It?” "Reductlo ad ajMurdum. Thst’s re ditelng your opponent’s argument to an absurdity." “Well, It’s converted me. Socialism must be horrid. Just think of n ay«- teni that leads to promiscuous kissing!" "I thought yon wouldn't like It when you understood It. You see it all clear ly now, don't you, love«" "Of course I do.” NATHAN CARTUKJHT. fi"! 4 _—. Ii ■<) Ueterinary Surgeon “But we will look up some one else,” said the colonel as be felt a sinking of the heart "I know of several men with side whiskers, and I will coax one of them home with me tomorrow.** I "But I must have the blood today, I colonel. Besides, for thia flnit experi ment we must have the nicest sort of whiskers. There Is nothing In the state i of New York to compare with yours. The papers have said so over and over again- How soft they are! How lux uriantly they grow! How the breeze toy« with them! Your blood Is all I i right, and the first bushel of four-color ed apples shall be deposited on yoty 1 grave.” “But I want to see the tree« you 1 have selected, I may decide to make som«- changes." ’The trees are ail right coloneL Here is a knife to open an artery, and here is a pan to catch the blood. What 1 shall I do with your whiskers after I • Klamath Falls, Oregon AND General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work livery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses BALDWIN & HUGHES MELVIN D. WILLIAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR Civil and Irrigation Engineer, LAND SURVEYOR. East Main St., below 4th klam X th falls , ore . 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE á P atents TRADE IMARKO OtamRe COOVRIOHTS AC. Anron« •rnHhiS a ■l>«lrh and dr.rriirtlon may qn!< kip u> «rtsln mir opiru-.n tr*. wh.fli»« an invantlon n |>o>1>«l)lr i>«i«f>i»t;|«. < ori.miinir». ilonaMriedyronMantlal. HANfiflOOE >ml*M«nts Mnl tr»«. «lids«« airxnrr for M»-<irIn« pal«»)«. I'klsnla rahaii through Munn A < 0. r«<«l*a tpwMl nnfte«. sbares. In tbs Scientific Hmerican. A hand»om»lr I1ln»vr»»*4 w»*4lr T «r»*»t dr- rulatlffii td «fir »< ientlll<' kMirnal. T*rr»i» •1« irm 'JliiJl, h<»!4bjrall n»w»<l»«l»r». ItMMt Job Worlc Mochi i ii le» llowt Mfitvrlnl At tlie Kc|>G»hv