Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
Cin Bonanza Improvement Co. BRILIS lUur vitrol at xtai Ihug Sp.rr, F inc w¡itch 1 »’pairing. I Alval.ewi- F resh drug* at Nru*«»iu A I 'mlviu«».»«l New path in- m ihnnvi sets at K K h >T<‘IU is OFFERING I.OI's nil* Helt*—IhMeii* N y. Itv Ju»t Atriv»*«) At line ol jewelry. ■H of dv*igm»—at r.H' I t»\\ i*’* new NI va < liitu«u»«ls Toilet cream u ’.I! cur«» sun* burn, t ah ami freckle*. F,»r ¡1 *ii!r invc-tmrnt, A Burn*, thr home »ellrr* on the unique terms of ONE dollar dow n and the balance on time. Step into their office in the Hamaker Builditm and find out all about it. Kvv NN (« "mith is in K••*«■1 urg m attemiaiivr* at thr Prv-I»vtrr\. ftlr ami ftlr* <« llritkrmp<-i. Jr ,ami You will mi** it it \ »u don’t buy a ami littlr *.»n, arrived lu re la*t Thurw* «lay. Siner thin Mt. I bit k« tn|H r ha* hit ill thr ll«»l >prmg« N-hlitP'ii ti I \.«*<- of Fort Klamath wa » in l»ven bu*y arranging for the o|»rning of Ida jeurlry *t«»rv ti th«- new Republican thr city during thr pa*t week. block. |h|«» < '«tablil hiileni. which util Mi ami Mr* I B Hall >t NN hit. Ink.« lie a replica of the faniou» lirit kvmpT wrrr visitor* in thr city thi- \vwk jeuelrv *t«Te of I'orthiml, u ill l*e up n Gold nmuldr«! rrcor»!«» lor thr F'.«ll*«»n for buainvRR al»out OrtoU-r iM, and uill phom»gtaph At Nrw*«»ni A Vmlriw«»«wi. h* th«' tinr*t of it* kiml tu Southern l.ft » a*» * tall ami winter style» NValk* Oregon Lhi* vomiiiuiiity it 1* gln«l to over *h«»4•* ju»t arm««1. K K K <h»KF. Urlr«»me Nil. ami Mt* I lr it krlnprt. un«l All kiml* of notion* aii «I n»»veltit* at they u 111 undoubtedly l«r 1 iii | »< »it unt Thr Novelty >tore. Bigg« -t line m thr tart«»r* in thr »«i-ial un«l bu*ine*a Id«» of tin* city. city. 2,000 acres of land tor sale on anv terms to the real settler . I IMPROVEMENT COMPANY BONANZA M NN'Anteil — I.Aily cook f«"»»’ leataurant. two lady dish wa»her<. four « alter». on thr m u |M«M«»tthv uith ali po**il«lr vigor S» many ol>«tarlr* I iav «* au*rn. Apply at from 2 t«» ft p. in. It NN . K. Br«’wn ba* *omr m<>re ol th”»r Imuryrr, that it will pr«d»ab|\ !<• th«* gootl Nhssouri >h>»itm»ros f«»r salr. t:r*t «»f XoyrtiilM r I« bur p.itreii* uill rr wiv«- their mai! at thr m u th«« r|:r Ser him at Klamath F a I h . riituir* hu\r arnvr«!, ami are of th« ( hop bury and N«»odir* at thr Log rtnr*t «inality. thr w<*»duork U mg of Cabin Restaurant and Ch«»p hou*e <piartrr**au< «1 oak, kt y I« ** l»oxr«, ir«»n NN .»ng Yoke and NN Ung Yw. pi > pnrt«'i *. and bra** trimming* ami Ixautifully There i* sure pr«»tit for thr rarly buy- tini*hr«| NN h« n finally r«>mplrtr«| tin* rrs in thr Hot bpr’ng* addition, Ns* city will have ¡1 |*»*tofh<r of which h some v»t those who have l»»ught mid may frvl pr«»iid. anti «um that u ill rrtlrvt sold. iiiuvh r»rdit «»ti l*«>*tma*ti r Murdock Mrs. Alice I. F«»*trr, a prominent Nli- 1 InaQumibv Ihli .h»*.| at >i**<»n Christian Srienti*t, wa» the gue»t of < al , la-t urrk. of brait (rouble >he Mr- R. F‘. Nickers »n during thr |»s*t ua« the u de of Pavid IIil! ami «laugh Wrrk. ter oi E. E. Quimby. Imtli SUMMER Clearance Sale I.. A. Ihivi*«»n • f I - Angrlr« ha* d »nt« of I-«>rt K lamath Th»« rrtnuin« purcha*r»i the Palacr r«-*taurant, ami were taken tn Eugene (••r i »»t»rtn»’h t will •»|«en for bu-im -- next Np.mlay «»r Sumlay. The Eugene 11114r<I *<» \ * "In1 Tur*4lay. lu»«l i-ren ill for »rvrral u»« k« but hail «>111y A a few m \ iris «! ■!«)* prrVbtii« (bill Thr Hot Springs Impioyrmrnt C<». arc written CHilv prrpanng to set out -rvrral lll«»U-4li«i *hr u Aw timrh b»*tt»-r atitl rX|>r< ti «l hi shaiir trees on their l»eautiful addition. *f a rt for Eugrtir (hr I as of lirr drAlb. I be lieu • • •I lirr «IrMtli CAinr ar a great near the Hot Spring*. »hw k 1.« I • r MI m . MissClara E. Rutmir. who left here ,he Brick Store We are closing out all our Corsets. Broken line of Ladies and Children’s Hose and Silk Gloves. Kid and Suede Gloves. Summer Lawns. Summer Shirt Waists. Summer Dress Skirts. We are Giving ¿ig Bargains in all Summer Goods. Fancy Silks, Lacesand Embroideries W j Remember a * a s : * s : : * a : : $ When you are in need of SHOES, that you will find a complete line at WILLITS, and : at prices that defy competition. s s When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS L. F. WILLITS Agent to His Majesty, the American Gentleman, for first class goods \v<> k it i TOILET CREAM—For Tan and Sunburn ANTISEPTIC HOLI’TION—Disinfectant ami Germicide BLACKBERRY CORDIAL WITH JAMAICA GINGER—Diarrhoea ami -iimtuer Complaint LITTLE LIVER PILLS—The Ideal Laxative f I hr O Maliy >Mi iv ul.o ii|’|*cair<l nt the »»priii hotiM' la*f Saturday ami Sun day urrv all riulit Thr\ gmr awry < i» litablr » n!rituinnit-nt. uii.l Mtinaurr I !>»U*d«>n lui* ir»lrrliirt| In* trput atl«»li < >u it kJ 1.» nil xidlliaiirt* pl«»hibhing llir iaMianvv »'f ¡1 lirrn«v f<»r Sunday night | h 1 format« •»•*, uhrir adnn**ion 1* rhai urd, a tTrr *h«»U U :t> glvrtl. Till» holl*v ua* parkr«l uith pr«»plr and rm thu*ta«iii. To mrrt « xprii»« * a ««»lirr ti«»n ua* taken up, with th«» under »landing that only th«»»r uIm i‘onahlt»rr«l thr prrtoiimim«» u«»ithv of a »«»rtribu* lion U. Iild k.i\r ¡'hl* ua* that thr rollrrtion ua* brttrr than th«' If* rviptw uould h a\r I ft 11 it a«imi**ioii ha«l lat-n vhaiu«'»l Í Civ It wood’s» • Dr-tux • JStoro 9 ^rMrtiUy l*r»*<*i«irnt NN ilk»na of th«* unrtimr ago to visit her parvi.t- in Cleveland. <>hi»», write* that -Lt 1* kluiiAth ft a vigil lb > n («uiipanv. J«»hn Stllli», J NN. Straw ami a reprewnta greatly improved in health. R. B. Hammond, win» has Item »pend live ol I hr lb>puhl|. A>I ViMte l thr r»rf. ing his vacation heir, la-t Sttunlay re The trip mam ti a«le lor t hr | ur|« »r of turned !•• Eilgviiv when- in- Will rr*un»r Arruruig data u)w»n uhi«'ht«« make an «•-tim.itr on thr co»t «»f blnuttig 4 hi» studies at th«- unm-r-ity . chaiilirl 110 Irrl ui-l«- urr<»«a thl* tr«»»lblr« F»» vni >—Came to Pelican Bay l«*lgr, Aoinr olntrurtl-m. Ptir work will I m - niir bay mare, brami 1». C, «»n left hip done under thr tlim-tion <>| Mr Mraw, ami Eon left shoulder. Owner may Ami ulirn r»»iii|»lr!r«| will «-iiablr th«» ha«e Mktoe by »« *!! chaigv*.—-J. H. Navigation Company !•» greatly im rva*«» R ick . their cargo«»«. The H«»t Springs people are o)»rning T. (*. N’orri* arid hi« IA-year-<4d »on up a quarry east of the Hot spiing- Wrr»» Rrvrrvi ■ly injuriai nt ta|e»»a la»t tract, where they wiii obtain crushed Thur»«lay l»v having a huge big roll from ruck to use on the streets ami side a truck ami pinioning them against a walk*. tr«-r. The young man had hi» hip 1. A. Huffy,who has d;-po*r»l of hi* in broken, and » as I,rough! to tlu> city (or terests in th«- K K. K store to his part treatment. I»r Merryman I*mg th«* at ner, J. A Houston, left for >un l>irgo tending phy-uiAti. Mr. Norm »lla this week, where hr u ill *|»rml the taineil a nutnlivr <>f brui-r-, but lli» in- w inter. juriea ar«» not arriour. c. h. Whittaker, «ho i» M-itiiig rela While • figHgr«! in toning a rail o| tivrs in x’ew Jersey, u rites h«- I- having log* lant sunday the pro|ieller ol the a g«M*l time, luit exp-cts t<» return Steamer K lamat h < nine m <• ntact with here soon. ile was formerly Attorney a ruck, and two ol the flange» «ere Rutenic’s law clerk. broken »»if. Thr damage* «lid not, how Manager Smith 1- lm-y in-tailing th«- ever, prevent th«» «•trainer from making new machinery in the -tram laundry. her dock. Thr Navigation ('mnpanv Over pounds hav«- already Ueii ha» thr h»-cr**ary bUdr* oil hand, Htid received, and it will not I a - L»ng before th«» repair* wm* «pnckly made. the new plant uill U- in op-ration, a Mr*. Henry Bagby, Mr*. Wm. !>u- fact which every one will l»e glad to lanev, John (.amliert ami Jo*. Moore know. left Tm**«lay to lurat«» on limiter claim*. Jmlgi- Webster, of Portland, one <4 They found «tilit ttiev aacted alenit the Republican candidate* forth«- nomi right Ulile* (rotu Chase'. Ma'lon. < >11 nation of Cnitr«l States senator at thr their return trip ttiey »topped and last primaries, pa*-«-d through this flalied near the dam aeros. Klamath city this week on his way to l-ik«- river and caught fine *almon-trout. view, where hr g«»*— to defend NV. Z. Mr*. J. (’. Sigler returned Wednea* M»»*s, acciiMfl of horse stealing. day evening from an extended vi*it Thr attendance at the public *< h«»»l is with her daughter* at Yakima and now 30.3, an increase of 70 in three Bickleton. NVa*h. Her aon Jame*, re- weeks. It is expected that Is-forr Jan mainetl and ia attending thr Bickleton uary 1 thr attemlancr will la- dose to Bchoul. the 400 mark. The enrollment at th«» I>r. White, who ha* lieen on a abort high M-hrad is 70. This is a fair indica vinit to Medford and (¿rant's I'a**, tion of thr phenominally rapi«l growth returned home yeaterday. Hr was ac- of Klamath Falls. . cornpanied by Mr*. White, who ha* been The improvement* mieie <<n the visiting relative* for the paat wix week* Klamath Navigation Co.'» building It will pay yon to *ee F. W. Berger, have ju»t been completed, ami will im thr Portland contractor, now of thia part a favorable impreraion on all vi»i- city, for anything in the building tor» a» they enter the city. Thi« com line. Plan* and * [»reification* fur- pany ha» nhown by it» cnterpri»e that niahed. tf it ban the welfare of the city at heart 1 Mi** E«lith (’hapman and Mr*. S. H. arid ii deserving of the patronage - it is Mitchell, who have lieen thr gim*t* of receiving. Mr*. Horace V. Mitchel), returned to The Northwestern Guarantee and their home* in A*hland, Tuesday. Trust Co., of Portland, Oregon, will Kirnona*—fleece-down — pretty pat Lend You Money tern* and lnteM <lr*ign. Juat the thing at for thr <lre**mg room. The Novelty ha* Six per cent on first mortgage city or farm security. thrtn. See Klamath Commercial Auency, When in need of anything in thr Klamath Falls, Oregon, Klumath Coun mrdicine line, j»i*t call at Newaom ty Representative. I’mlrrwoo«!. Sati-faction gauranterd, At tin- Methodist conference held in Portland la»t week, Rev. R. E. Dunlap ami Rev. H I.. Grafious were u»»igne<l to this city. Rev. C. A. St.ickwell, formerly of this city was assigned to North Yamhill, and Rev. W. 1>. Pep|«r, formerly in charge at Fort Klamath is returned to his charge at Elkton. Rev. J. L. Beatty, formerly of the Klamath Indian .Mission, will be at Cottage Grove. Juat received from the factory a beau tiful line of ladies’ cravanrlte* and children cloak*.—Boston Store, F. E. Ankeny left for Portland and EugrrirTuesday, where- hr will visit hi* father, Hon. II. E. Ankeny. If yon want good fr« *h creamery but ter,go to Mitchrir* Fruit Store fur it. Cash paid fur ranch rgga at Mitcbell’a Fruit Store. Î f d * Your Credit is Good! d d d / a d d s d d d I have just receixed hva cule.iJ <>t Furnitub-, which I will sell .it tuck l'"tt"iii puces. Bein.- crowded for ri»om, I will l< t i short tune sell it prices to suit everyone Btirviiiis, lt<*<l«d, V 1111 I I'.*», Cl I »’1 »*-•! d d d 4 4 1C !*-'•« IC tv.. s / s ♦ * s s 1C It.' s Call, see, anti examine. I am ,'irv to sell these on the installment plan, and d Y<»ur ervilit i** !£<>«»<I with d d * * a a a a • B. ST. GEO. BISHOP d d THE FURNITURE a MAN Í 4- A Few Prices at j Í HIRNS HARDWARE STORI: •Í ft • ■ *» X rf t « 4»! • • k *t«»\ e «i i 4ft •Î NN atigt-hilIia Barb NN nt- p-t « ut .Nu - I*» 'al (Ml ftO (MO li Jft I w <*) 4<» IMI I ... («• • !«« I mills' •» tl •'•tari u ill.I mill« !2 in. x ' • #< i-e « hiihti pl > m « fti) t«“*lh »frei Uw» harrou« 'iiî|d“\«‘i NN hi’»- tna< 1 ■' ' X •Î •F 4- 4 + + + 4 GEO. R. HURN T ✓te eí»»(»»|»s¡-»eÍ'»«Í*»,«»,»eÍ'»e,'»*p »,» ej« »j» 4 + 4 4 + + »j» Klamath Botel Unsurpassed Cuisine, only Ameri can cooks being employed . . . Large well furnished Rooms «GO. bHHHECOn, « See Ady for marsh land». Watches. L. Alva Lewi«. Blue vitrol at Star Drug store. Newsom A Cnderwood, the druggist«. All kind» of soft drink« at Manning's Germantown wool—that world fa mous article—and slipper roles, at The Novelty. New styles in stylish hats just in. K K STORE. Ijidiea and gent» <’ ravenette coat«. KKK STORE K mill Perscriptions carefully tilled Mt New- «om A Cnde-wood. Fall ami winter underwear sweater», K K K STORE. »ml News-rm A Vnderwood carries theme pure, sweet, deliciou» candies that are ho toothsoma. Try a but. New waist« at The Novelty. in style, pattern ami price. Popular Finest assortment in blanket«, quilts in town at the K K K STORE. Died, in this city, Monday, October«, bmna I.., the 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Randall. In terment in the city cemetery, Rev. I. B. Griffiths, officiating Mr. Randall was an employe on the government can al, having arrived here hilt a short time ago. Proprietor It it i« a question <d dollar« and cent«, it will pay you to come and «re ua and Met our price« on lota. Here are a lew reminder«. Tin» price include« cement sidewalk«, a perfect drainage ■yatotn, and graded street« at the company'« ex pen lie. Lot« 2 and 3, block KI, ».MX) for tiio two. Lot« Hand H, block 13, ««00 for the two. Lot 9, block 12, »WO. hits 7 and 8, block 14, IKK) each. Lot 7, block 11, |-too. bits 10 and 11, block 11, »«00 for the two. Lota 1 and 2, block 18, ».’«to for tho two. bit 3, block 18, »300. Lot* It and 10, bleak 18, fl'iO (ortho two. bits 20 and 21, block 18, |.*i00. Lot« 3 and 4, block 27, »450 each. Lot« 11 and 12, block 28, |3M) each. H ot M- kini .» I mi - iiovi mk » r Co., C ami iui . i A Brava, H i - ei iai . A utk . The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Ross An derson for an Optimo cigar. Small tract» ol well located title marsh land« offered fur one week at »20 per acre. Aliel Ady. Do you want your wood sawed? If so see Pitchford A Co. Leave or phone your orders to Newsom A Cnderwood.