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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
Ottlclal Newspaper of Klamath County VOL. XL KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 4. <906. Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. 27 AGRICULTURAL SUPREMACY OF KLAMATH PROVEN of th? fair, and did tn<>r«* than any on? thing t««mak? it the tug *uc«,r»a »t was. To I. Fra ik AdaniM i* «Iu«» unstinted prai»»? for the ?4rri«**t anp|«orl hr gave During th? hu- king eontrata every moment wa* tilled wilt» ex iteruent, ami the vast eorieourae *«f p«* >pi? were krpt constantly on their frrt either in hreatld«*»» excitement or in cheering for die cabaliero who waft tmbd nng his mount. Homer Rolierta wa* awarde I the firat prize, a »addle of fine workmanahip Ro*a Sutton received »re »nd priz*?, a handsome bridle: Mr Reynold« third prize, a ) a» of »pur». aoraa Brother Bishop Wasn't it a Ian ly? th? hat i» off to yon. ravir ls>Uir Gerlier waa there with the A pple*. Iargr*t di»pla> —A M . Hutter, g'sda when it came to km*: king the F . I Ar mat rung Apple*, la-*l ID Ita»—A. M. futir», J. gong. Julg« Ballwin was atflictrd with 1- < ¿«teller lahor, and Ih«* growib <>l hi» ioi«itie»a Hr ery can I* made to the consignee. Appiè», lour va net le»— A M butter that »mil? that wouldn’t wear off. Heavy Debt of l air Asso ha» i>>rce<l bini lo i»l«*p-lo A h a i I <> It. saw viaiom* of a li piidatrd aaaociation Freight is now la-ing delivered by this I A'rii»trong debt. Ami hi- drram camr true. P«-«»«- \ M«*arn»t J. F Goeller company at Klamath Falls in eight days elation is Liquidated Il«* ha» a« • oinplt*he>l thè ta*k he set ed and Few knew* that Frank Ira XX'hitr «a« from Portland without loss or damage Plum»—O. A. Mvarns. F. ! .. A rm- ho blinde ♦- • ili«* pia«'ing ol thè a»«HM la from Kanftu* until he came **luggin in" and a Substantial Sum •trong in handling This is al«>ut a- quick a« timi oli m »oumi tinan« ial baai». Crab appl«*i »—A. M Hotter, ü. W. a monater corn »talk for rxhibiU in delivery could lie made here, and makes is Left for I sc Next I he Premium Liti. pur|M»ar». Reckon aa t > li »w be kin Klamath Fall* practically a terminal White FolloWing la a hai <i| th«* premium» Pea* he»—< » XV Whit?, J F ' 1' *1 Is. ♦ ai*? »oine corn. \ car |»unt for the Klamath Lake railway be The happiest man >n tHe ground* was cause the transfer company operates Mwai'h'l io th<* vmuoum e&hibitor»: Bvrilea—J. A Slrwarl, F 1. Arm* lL W Aleiamirr, the watermelon man only from Pokegama and in connection ■trong KM LTMV “G«> to the lair thou knocker : •••«’ til«* Havana. Sent. 29.— With far lesa osten Pl\rti<»uth R<M*ka— Plum«, «atti n?«l— Mr* H . Krst.r fr«»m Glenv. H anyone had a notion of with that railroad. shipments from display am! krrp *lill. " *«• the sd\I« v>>rn|»vting agamat him, hr forgot all San Frani iM o and southern |*>inta are tation than accompanies the accenatoc* Be»l | W «> » am r w >» mk that should Bas«' l«rm given to the it»* Mr» F II. Ma ( or h h k 1 Hamlins le garment— M ra. K. E als»ut it when Im *,«w the 40. 41 and 43 very much slower at present, on account of a new municipal admimatration. tbe- poun<iera Mr. Aleiamirr ha I <>n of the car congestion at Sacramento. Air». J. k. Gorlkr 2 Wallenburg «livitlual who pivaiftt«*«! in Bi» »tat«*- government of Cuba was formally taker* exhibition. The»? melon» w«*rr rai*rd At tins time ■ f year time is an import U in. Al uller 3 11 en . at i tching — llazd < ««relier over today by William H. Taft, Secre ttirnl that Klamath <’«mnty ***» in a without irrigation, a* was al*» th? to < «tiiiit-.i F «>w I»— ant factor to the buyer of gonds, on ac tary of War of the United States who I»raw n w««i k— M rs Ihilan*»y < la»* I»« it »ell, inasmuch a* you coul«l tnatom tins -ame gentleman had on the count of |ow teaming rates during g'«d Mi» C . C I !>w l»t Center piece—Mt* !.. < airi tn a proclamation clothed in a kindly grow nothing here but rye. allalta, table*. Yet »ome »ay, "you can't grow weather. Hiahop lih'-h ¡»land Red — Lunch cloth — Mra. and diplomatic tone, indicative of ’he- wheal and a lew other «»I the hardier Hr»l I ri»» Hola pillow— M ra R E Wattenberg nuthin' her?.’* policy he would pursue, declared him- grass«-» and cvrral» This theory wu* Mark Burna i* w >n leting whv Fir Aritol»! C Wagner !»l Battvfiburg—Mr* J F <»«»elier rell Provisional ••■•vernorof the island- kmM'krd into m *< m ked Bat ia*t M«*ek.aml can’t develop the »even picture» of th? Point la«v—Mr* F 're tier Promptly at in« n tiovernor Taft, Aaaie- th«* «• >nteullon « I I hr Republican that I leu «lid ilo» keli»— brom h » busting hr t »ok on one plate. A. < . XX «gner Crochet- Mr*. Kate Manley tant Secretary if Mate Bacon and Cap the r«*»>>ur*«ft -4 this u»l iiJahd rtnpifr Regular Session Held Last Monday That's oner. Mark, when you had too >w«*-p*fMk«* C« m »|>— bilk <|Uilt — Mt* A M Pell tain McCoy, Mr. Taft's aide-de eamp- were m»t hmit«*«l wa» hilly su«taiMrd bv manv auapa. Evening b ix varielie» olt hickena ami two of Patchwork «pidt—Mr» I. C Beach called officially at the palace and pa'aS the u»l tllspla« ol Irults, Vrgrtalilrw, Tn«* ban I boys gavr their service« free Knitting — Mt* ’ » F North their respect to the retiriug Preeiaiewt- flowers ait'l »»llirr trmler product». The pigro!«» Zepher w«»rk—Mra. F Wattenberg of charge. That's right, b »vs. One C. T. OLwrr statement can now i*r made, and with« The regular wanon of the city council Ignoiing Senor Palma's message tc* g'*>l «irr 1 d«*aerve* another, an I your Butnt work—Mr*. Fre«l Ibrher Congress on Friday, in a liich he wrongly- ì» «.I i «hi in out fear ,«! «ont ra In ti Hi. that in any was held last Monday evening. Dr. bread will return to you. Itatfia work —Mr* Clemienning interpreted the mission of the American MH'tion •>( the Klamath Basin «an l»r l'abl«wgr— Mt Mrllich Futbr—Edna llou*t«»n Th? rxibition trot of the thr?«-vear Maaton appeared Issfore the Iwwly rela I. VX . m raw ¡at mediators, Mr. Taft spoke kindly to grown without fear ul iatiufe atnthing Oil painting—Mr»« R. E Wattenberg old stallion. Ray Alto, owu«*d by E. R tive to a letter received from the Mate A. M. bui ton 2nd Senor Palma, to whom, he said, lb* but citrous hulls Watercolor—I*«!*! Ewing R«*amr*, wa* a magnificent pi«*ce of Board of H ealtli and made a »tatement ¡»rople oi Cui a «>we«l an nnquestionalde- XX |»|lr the uu»st optimistic had ail* llubÌMird »«¡uash— Rug—Mr». H B Welah work. XJi». Jennings wtio set the pace II. J «n»s*-n tici|»atu«l a fine iheplav ««I I »rte*u|t»jial regarrting the health of the dty, refer debt of gratitieir. benor Palma’s brief headwork—* Mr». Ja* McClure «a* presented with a beautiful riding A. M . button an<l agricultural pr»<iucta, they were ence to which will l»r found elsewiiere. reply wan «levoted entirely to an ex- Biacuit work—Mt* Ja> k E»veia<ly whip, as wa* alto Xfr Kelly the driver. prraaiow of relief at the opportunity oi. not prvpar*««l h>r the magnithmi dis Mar. VX uriel I t «« i -— Kmaingtoti—Mr» K Manley U. A. Stearns »aid be was n«M in the Bi!l* aggregating |4<*’ of which M r» b. ( happlw play that gr«'«*t« «1 their «•)«*» when the« ahiftmg the burden of guiding the- flaulatiger Embr.—Mr* W. A. 1-ra* ■unfi«»wer buaine-». hut simply wantt**l were for »alarivs. |12W 4b for water ami i » XV. bor rr I» ent«*r«*d the agri« ulturai huilditig at tenifiettaon» republic to the representa w atd to show the Doubting Thomaaea that light ami |7(M’»0 for street work and tive of a Nation strung enough to force the fair grouml*. Ihevarirtx displayvd Migar Fari — uio*l any old thing would grow here, incidentals, were allowe«i. l»M «FT »TAILH'N A M. button control over it. and the |a*rl«*«t i « ui attained lelt no and brought along a sunflower large Bunn—Till? Ijikr Mock Co. 1st Treasurer Sieinen’» q iartely reooit b H«-rlil«y doubt tn th? miml <»l any < nr that The fact that the government had. enough to prole« t a man fr«>m the ram, showed that there ha«l !>een receive«! King—A’. T. Oliver 2d change*! from a position of alieolute u»- K ¡»math count \'» r«*»coii«'«-a retnain un- Turnips— Brady— B L«»w 3«t in ca*e he lurgot hi» uu»l»eiila. from ail source« during the nast three II. C. Italhy «1« pen fence to the restraint of a teuipo- t<»u«hr«l, and that the rxhlliits w»r«* llorara «»I all *ork. Ben—Libby l»t The Repuhln aii is piea-r I to an* months Il’u'i. V». w iiile hr had eX|»ended Mr* ** ( hap pit» larv protector wa« receive by the maaees only SMiiipIrs o| tin* w««allh ol a »o|| of Dmft marva anil colt. Beil and cult— nounce that its order for fine weather during the same time $**»»4.13 Xt the unlimit«*d pr >«luctn« *i, »* ami uiixmin - Cau lit!« wri- n ith utter indifference. Moat of the re* was drliv«*rrd i. o. b. this citv on time, h»liu bhephard l»t we «»f the la»t quarter there were b. Hrillby Ing worth. Two month* ago, when th«- ri ie-l and thoughtful Cubans, while that it wa» *e».i tine an«i free from Haw*. |«»4.Vbn on hand, leaving a balance of Ihol and c«»lt—C. T. Oliver 2nd A M button they feel a certain sensitivenes» ovei question of holding a lair w it« trtkrn un* Miss Oliver'*—-(’ I Oliver 3rd Il .my man d«» ibts the effectiveness 11452.13 now iu the City Treasury. the loss of the island's sovereignty, an «irr consideration, it was br|i«*v«*d I hat Sqilaah- nui varie lx An order wa* made authorizing the b| an marra and c»»lli>—bpal aor Pill, of new»px|ier alvertlaing, all ha fix» to F. L. Aim»ir<>ng inclined to hope that the l*nit«*d btatee» I! Mould l»e linposslhle to make it a • I > i* '<• take the suece*s >»t the lair as a conatruction of a bridge at Eleventh II. Valle« til»?rg Pt protectorate will l>e brief. ftUCCr»». Ihelair «»*•••« intern ma * Inn* I’ itnpkin»— btallioti yearling—Prime, b. B. L«»w sample. It was tbr«»nly medium uaed. ■trrrt. in compliant** with the request II J an »sen <lrn«*«l with n «l«*ht of m-arly |ui' and A Cuban returning to Havana today I*t. Mare. 2-)«*ar old, Tn -* 1?, >. I». A M. S itton had "some punkins" on of Project Engineer Murphv. after a brief absence w<?uld not have A. M Mith'ii the huainrs« ui«*ti w»*r«« l«»ath to under exhibit, mu i they were ci auk-a j.u ks, t«»u. Lt»w 1st Mra. >i<»ui*« claim lor damages for recognized from the general attitude ok take th«* financing of a project of Brat •lisplav i» g« t able» by < ne |H*r*on— I General utility horses—five* in arc* >peaking al»o!it cabbage, «lid yon see in June« ca used by a defective snirwalk. «jU«,*tl‘»nal,h* *m « «•*». >••«-it-tar« Bishop, A. M *Utl«Hl l*i the j*eople that the form of govern that <>n exihilioii by Jiui Straw? Big was referred to the str«*et e«»minittt*e. and colt», C. T. Oliver l*t who liM‘1 t«*|a-alt*«|lv r«*»ign?«l, wn* tinailv I F. Hrrlihy Viol ment ha i l*ren altered. Business con Mandard l»»v«l mare—May, C. T «•Hough to supply a regiment for one Li«p1«»r lice« sea were granted lor six II J«'ii*»«*n 3r«l tinued tl same, except for the vigor puraiiadi'd tool)««* iih 'I i * t.ik«- th«* it ilia in ’ »liver 1st. meal—almost. months to F«>rest Berry. <.ie»»tge Biehn «‘xhibiteii bv the wholesale merchants- hand, ami »«*«* if hr «'unitI m»t make the potatoes-«- — Thor «Highbred stallion—-Harr) < iuitill. <>. X. Stearn*. prow l that thi* section ami T. F. MrLaugliliii. II ( Ik.lhv lair a *u« > «*««hil umb f taking. He manutai Hirers and railroads to r«*gaii> John biaeinorr 1*1 i is n«»t a svcoml-rater tn the fruit line, A. H. Nan/.grr au I associates pre- A. M. hut ter lli.l'lr rt rdliViU* nl the bnsine»« h«»Uft«*ft, their Icimer trade throughout the island as »lid also Mr*. I F. <»<K*iler, XV. 1. srnte«! a new street »ailway ordinance, Thirty bronchus— J. Frank Adama «-xplaim-l hi* plan*, ami inspired with PotaH*e* —lid— w hich has been at a standstill since llerefoid cattle—hvi«i «»I cow* ami Shiv« s and G. \X‘. White. which was pass«-«! to thir l reading. hl* < iilhushu«ni. th se »o|icite«l made a A M sutt«»n the beginning of the revolution, »sa* We have oiten won«ivred how those This ordinance is identical w ith a calve*. .J F rank kdaiii*—ll<»l»triii bull. week* ago. heart« i«,*p»n*«*. The mm of Mr. Potato?»—blur — I*an 11»»11. Ja*. Emery Put ham cattle, canned wild plum* of Mr.*. «•♦*•». T. former '»lie prvvi«»u*lv caute«!. a qtirs- Bishop was t • ' get out of «leht.'* Troops are n<»w moving toward Cuba A. M»<»»t bull Vu tor Knight. 11« Her 3-year «»hl. Baldwin*«, would taste. They are beau- ti«»a as to the validity of which lias Mr». S Chap|»vl M«»bilization of the forces will I k * at Every av «* uii «* of rx|a*n»«* was curtail«*«!. licit« r 2 'ear-old, XV. R. Br«»wn. Ke«I ties, an I gut tii st pi izr. Iwen raised. It was to avoid any It wa* a v«»lunt«*er fight, ami not a P« tatiH * «*.irlv rote N« w|»>rt News, Va.. f«»r the most |»i«rt, Poll, cow—C. T. Oliver. Cow — Moore Stvve Ilerlihv wasn't g »ing t i see 1« gal tevhnacalities that the present one cent wa* paid where it rouhl I k * save«!. although a part of the expeditionary 11 JriiftM-h A lohn-on. Jersey cow—Alex Martin the N.ivhix s«*ction p<*sed by. am’ wa* was intr«Mi<ice-l. granting right of way Aided bv th«* pics* of this « ity, th«« lair Gn*alvst lurmty potatce»— furru to Cuba will U* sent fr»»m New III .lack-- II. Mviril. Span mule» on hau l with a fine disp iy oi trims • »it Main street. Klamath avenue. Fourth. wa * advrrti»«*«l so eltcctuallv that | C. I lli'lillrl Y< rk ami Tampa. F la. Advices received Pina ami II < Hirst J«»hn—C II. Mrrril. ami Vi'getanl«*». They were tine, Steve. Pine. >eventh. High and Cpham streets. interi'M Wii* iiniiiuiliHtul y aroii»««<|, < hi rutr— table at the departments of the military to Frank lra White was mu *ati»fl«*«l A ¡»etition was presented asking that Ilin! when- th«* gat*'» do»rd Mltiirdiiv II. J«»ns*ell day imlh-ate that all is «pliet iu Cuba THE RACES with his efforts to kr.«»«*k the r«a»i off a paid fir«* depattnirnt la* establish«*«!, night, the advertising value of m*w*- S. Ilrrhhy ami that the insurgents intend to lay ' the building with hi* big > <>rn -talk, w hich was rvirrrv’l to the Fire and pA|H*r* was fully den on*tfiii«*d, th«* I i arrets— stock— «1« wn their arm*. b it he trieil to hr, ak «low n th«* fable* XV a I e r I < ‘llitnit li e « II II ill*’ ru«*t l«»l s to THURSDAY llldvliit igilhle eiieig) ol Mi. Hl*'«opwii* I b * pi hai'Aity is the Ciiit» -I St ites- C. I*rgan (¿ hai ter mile *l.i*h. pur*«* $50, won l y with the best general di.*p»ay ot huits, rv|M»it at th? next inveii g. It is prv- rewarded, and th«« fair Mssociation no Bert- table («•reus in the island will l»e lande«ionly vegetables, grasses and grains, an I XV. II. *h«M»k * Dick Rudirr, time posv l to use the city hail as hva«l quar 11. J«*n**«’n a* a precautionary measure. S<»fara* longer had to drag along with a burden 1 24*.... Quo Vinlis, secoml. came near doing so, too. Frank, my ters for the firemen. This ¡»vtition of imluht«*<lnrs». The fair was a »nevess i II C. Holhy officials are a«lvise«l no trouble of a ser bov, it there were a dozen or two like brought fourth agoo,l«leal of discus: non, Three-quarter mile «lash, purse «"». inevri) way, uml next year th«* as»o- Onion l>»**t display ious kind is anticipat«*«!, but in ac«>»r>{- you here, we'd be happv. !>r. Shorb tirsi ; Ringhio, secoml. ami it was state«) that at the last tire anev with instru« ti>«ns fr«»m President ciatioii will go into the field with a A. M. Sutter “Perfectly lovely,’’ “tloigvous," several teams refuse«! to give the tire Thr«*v-vights mile, r«*|K*at. purse Kiibst un t ih I rrfajrve in its treasury. li«»»sv\«*lt hurried pn*paratiotis are be- J. A Stewart “Isn’t it sweet,’’ ami many other such apparatus the right of wav. Rita Mnlax, first; Little Jim. second It was This speak* well for tin* glow th of this < Inion - best sample inu made f«»r th«* sending >>f an expvdi feminine expressions could, constantly readily recognized that thia wa* a vet v tun«* city am! count« ami th«* loyalty ami tionarx force of the army to Cuba. G. XX'. Sorrels i»v heard around the «lisplav of fancy serious matter, and stringent regulations Half-mile «la»h, puis«* $75, Shirley X The first American tr«M»ps will b«. • patriotism of its biisin©»» men and Pnrsnip* w«»ik, which fully merited the extrava and heavy ¡»enaities will undoubtly be first ; Tilde Tom, secoml. cltisrna. larnle«! at Havana next Saturday. 11 Jens*rn I gant a Ijectivv* that w«*rv sliowvrvd up provided for such cases. rim» u Th«* s«>iind financial condition of the I Meantime the murines and bluejacket* K. Ilerlihv 2 Am ng the requeue made for better Quaiter niile, repeat, puise $7’». Rita on it. It spoke volumes for the culture Fair a»s«M*inti«ui will result in the Corn sweet fr«»m the American fleet in Cuban wat Mnlax, tii*l : Dick Rusher, second turn ami refinement of the female p »i tion fire protection was one provhling f«»r er* will pmtwt American interests a.ii«A elimination of many ol tlu* annoying 11. Jonsson I of our population. the connection of Ackley Bros’ saw 23 \,. ditlieiiltivs encountered this Vein . Th«* support M cretan Taft, the l*r<»\ i*iov..i XV. 11 ('opeland 2 But Ibl you see l<«e Pierce? IL* wa* mill with the City Hall, in outer to use Half-mile, re|w*at, pm*«* $bK‘, Shirle) Gtwerm i of Cuba, in the presvrvutw > «•coiiomv practiceil wa* nbs«)liitrly Corn- lirld in element w hen he got hi* «'oat off the steam whistle as a means oi giving V, th st : lutti«* J im. *•*«•< 'iid. «•( older ami the pr< tvetion of lit«- an« essential. Had it I h , cii otherwis«*, it l>. XV. Amlei *un I Another request Five-eights, «la*h, puise $75, Ih and watched the hor>cs kick up the alarm m case of rite. pf’pevty. would have lesiilte«! in an Hbxduto F. L. Ai m*t roiig 2 dust. <>n Main was made that no water main Shorb, iii>t : Kiniihb». ‘■eoml. iiiiluie ol an) fiituie lair. It willalsol Watermelon In 'tliulal uirulv* lu re American intet street l»e smaller than six inches in N »w L>r the next one. niak«* p«»**ih|t* th«* making of many ini- i »ATI Hl» tv ve iti««n wa- n gard« «i as inevitable-. I . I. Armstrong «iianietei ami that ail main* connecting llali-milf'. n»prat, pur*«* |IOO. Bita provrinciits Ihiit an* urgently nv«*d«*«! J Muskmelon II hii lone it may continue it i* imp>>*-u with lire hydrants be at least four binfax, tiiM : Biualdo, hie to fuictril. 1’be nature of the iu rr , sreond. l ime 50. NEW STORAGE lit tin* fail grounds, so that next year . I>. XX' Amlerson 2 inches in diameter, and that all vention ami the preparations for •• in this c«>niity will have an exposition that I Thrt‘c-'|iuii tvrt», dn*h, puise 1100 Dr A. L. Kuh, * 2 WAREHOUSE will ««ven «‘clip*«* the «me just closed. 1 Corn green in stock dicate a sup« r\ i*ioji «>f Cuban affa r*i'U Slioi b, lii st ; Ewi moore, second. This is made possible by this years | yuHrtrr-milv, rc|»vat, Dick Rusher. the part of the American G«»v»-rnuu.*ui F. 1. While I TI h » Klamath Fall** and l*«»k«*gnut Willits* first; bhirlev V, scroinl. HUcevws, ami «vervon«« who <*< »n 1111 »ut«*<l j Property Sold t'm an imk’finiti perm«!. Arrangements A. C. Beu I» 2 <¿ ii . ii lei -milc, <hi»h, puise $"•’», *ad lle Ti■;in*t«*r<.’«»in|»anv have i«nt«<l the ware ha\e been concluded not only forth «x to it tnav feel ample icpaid lor their I’omatoe* ripe Major W.'iilvu has purchase«! tin* hoiHcs, Overland Pat, liisi: Liuli's house <>n Klamath avenue, near V Kiev peditionary force t«> Cuba of about » their effort. The regr«*ttable f«*ntur«! is F. L. A mist rung I L. I . XVillit* property, with a frontage Conchain, second. th«» determination of Mr. Bishop to J. A. Stewart 2 Bi<>*. mill, to give their patron* better on Main street «f IIH feet. The price men, but (or a eecond force ui «¡naU JOB yard foot race, purae |5, J. C. nervier. Freight eoie-igiicl (.> Klainiitli numlivrs. resign us Ht*civtary. lit» feels that he Tomatoes -given pai«( is $l."»,oOO This is the largest Criiwn, (list: E. E. Kirkendall, aecoml. Falls in egre of this compiuti will be haw <h«vot«*d all the time he can afford A. M. Milter I realty deal in business property that to. The clerical work incident to the l>. W. Anderson 2 iiKoxi no in stivo brought over directly flout Colo paniti has l»«« n imnle in this city, and murks You w ill mi« it if y at don’t buy duties of the office demand too much A Webber 3 The broncho busting was the feature and left at their witrehome until deliv the high water price. lot in the Hot Springs A l iition. FINE DISPLAY OF PRODUCTS Convincing Testimony That Possibilities Are Not Limited Beans airing F L. A rm»t ronif I A M butter 2 Bran, pole—A < P>eal« (*u<-iilli>»*r—II Iritftftrn, Al Ki|l»e» Grai»»«-i» variety — Bellon, bu»more Co. Guin m at raw—Pelton FratnoreCu Grain threshed—lohn bhephard FVow KM» biinfloaer- O. A. btearn»,W II ('opr- .41 d. Flouer» |>ottr«l— Mrs E Low«-i»I>vrg Rosea—Mr» Geo. T. Baldwin ('lit Hower»* Mr». O A Mearn». Mr». Alex Martin, Jr. Bee hive— Al K «lite» THE FAIR AN UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS CUBA RULED BY UNCLESAM Secretary of War Taft Takes Command of the Much Battered Craft TROOPS BEING RUSHED TO THE ISLAND President Palma Resi^n- Nothing Was Left for the United States to Do But As- sume Control « CITY COUNCIL TEETS r