Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
" the TRUST L OCAL NEWS Go to Manning'» leo Cream Parlors. ’••welry ol alt kinds L. Alva I-aw is G< t a burn cigar? Not at the City Drug Flore. Bargains in Boys clothing K. K Kompany. Choice liquors at th* Bank Eachange h>r particular people For a quick sale Bat yotir prrvperfp will: Burn" A llorftlftg. tl you need a gtra) pair uf a>K>es, c«H at the Boston Shoe Store. i ,ood second hand org»n tor sale cheap, at the C om Piano House. II. V. Gates arrived from Hillsboro I unday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dhoads came up from Merrill Saturday. Naw line ol I-aughlin Fountain pens at Winters Jewelry Store. II I Firs. B. 8. Mitchell returned hotnc . Friday from a visit to Ashland. New line of Alarm clocks mode ex- presslv for n» at Winters. . . I H. <1. llolabird and family left last Week for their home in Loe Angeles. ( St>|*nnti»nd»iii H. G. Wilson, of Klamath Agency, was in the city bat- , ttrday. J. XV. Armstrong and wife of Salem ( Were registered at the 1-akcside fan Friday. Religion» services both morning and »veiling at the Opera House by Ret. Triplett. SO Pair mens trousers, 3S to 42 waist.! Regular value $2 50 to |4—Special for Saturday $1.50 K. K. K. Store. New line of Modern Woodmen and Knights uf Pythias emblem pins A eharms at Winters Jewlery Store. Bring in yon' sample» of grains and grasses for our prize exhibit on or be K t « August 26—Mason & Slough. Jas. H. Wheeler, wife and daughter,! oi Fort Klamath, arrived in the city ‘ Monday and will spend several days i frith friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerber and child were in the city Monday on their way to Portland to attend the Lewis and Clark : Fair. Mrs. Geo. W. Brandon, of Merrill was ; in the city tbe first of the week to meet her sister who is playing with the Snell- 1 Aldridge Company. Tt is raid that Mr. Weed is negotiating ’ • the purchase of the big Bush-Preuitt tract below town. This tract covers nearly 4CJ0 acres. The engagement has been announced ’ Ivy Enimitt, daughter of Hon. R. A. r iitt, and Mi. K. North. The mar- . ,e .s to ake place on August 17. Dr. H. XV. Cox and family, of Gran- ville, XVaeh., arrived in the city Friday ' and are visiting Mrs. Cox’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brandenburg. DEED TO BE GIVEN BYALL EXCESS LAND OWNERS in the year of our laird, one thousand nine hundred > day ut THIS INDENTURE, Made this ..........................of tlie arid .. between ... ........... .. ..part, of the first part, and tlie KLAMAlli County of ..................................................and th«* Stat* of WATER USERS' ASMX1A TION, a corporation, organized and existing nnder and by virtue of lite laws of »be Nt .ite of.......................... P«fly of the second part I of the first part, tlie owner.. of tanda hereinafter described that require WITNESSETH, That, whereas. the said part Irrigation ; «nd WHEREAS, The part, of the tiiat part desire Insecure ample water rights for tho Irrigation thereof under the Klamath Project, proposed to t*e constructed under tire provisions of Um. Act uf Congress, approved June 17U i , 1003 (32 Slat. 388), known as the Reclamation Act ; and, WHEREAS, The part of the first part is not at present qualified to perfect 4 water right for said lands under (lie ph* of the ttsions of the said Reclamation Act. and the said lands are desired aa pnrt of the proposed Klamath Project, and pirt. first part desire to Insure the completion of said Klamath Project, under the Act aforesaid, and ot sufficient capacity to carry » J Í il iri? i m Ju HUESING A BENNETT. PROP'S. Tirst-CldNs I ivcry. Anything from a »»addle horse to a 4-in-h.iiKl. Parties conveyed to all points in South- ern Oregon and Northern Caliiorni.i: also tn favorite camping, hunting and fishing ground.*. «Ater to said lands and all other lands subscribed and contemplated by sud enterprise. NOW, THEREFORE. The part .of the first part III consideration of the premises and for the purpH-s aforesii-l. an I In consideration uf the benefit» to be derived from the construction of said Klamath Project, mid In tbe fill titer conshletation id One 1 Foliar to part... uf Uie first part in hand paid by tbe party uf the second |>urt, the receipt of which Is hereby cnfe.**d, has.. and hereby do. . grant, bargain, sell mid convey unto tlie party of the second part, in trust FOREVER, m H the lands and premises situated in the County of ...................... In State of................... -r.. .., known and described as follows, tiewit P TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all and the tenements, hereditaments, prhlllges, mid appurtenance« thereunto belonging to the said party of the second part, its sueceseors and assigna furevei ; IN TRIM. NEVERTHELESS. with the powers, provisions and limitations hereinafter expressed. The part... of the first part, shall pay all taxes, charges and assessment* have accrued or that shall licieifter accrue, that have now or may hereafter become a lien upon said lands and shall in that event be entitled to retain the p .ssessioii and re ceive the rents, issues and profits thereof. The said. THE KLAMATH WATER USERS’ ASSOCIATION, party of the second part, shall have power and is hereby empowered upon the direction of the Secretary of the interior lu sell and dispose of the said premises and all the right, title, benefit and equity of redemption of the said part .. of the first part................... heirs, and assigns therein, at public auction at or stibaequent to tire time when the Secretary of the biter tor shall announce that the water is ready for delivery for said lands from the Klamath Project, unless the pnrt . of the first part, ..... heirs or assigns, shall prior to that time have conveyed the said lands to a person or petwons qualified to perfect a water right in conformity with the provisions of the said Reclamation Act, and the lands shall at such time be or remain in the hands of the person or persons so qualified, or the owner shall uiak- application fur a water right and conform to the provisions of the said Act of Congress at or before tiiat time. Said public sale of said premises by the party of the second inert shall be at the front door of the Court Hous' in th* Countyof.,,................................ and State of......................................... or on said premise's, or any part thereof, as may be specified In the notice of said sale, for the highest and best price that the same will bring in cash or not less than one fourth (|) cish and th* balance in five (5) equal annual InatallmenU, payable in one, two. three, four and five years with Interest at not leas tin i right per cent per annum, payable annually and evidenced by Notes secured by purchase money tnorujage, to a party or parties quali fied to perfect a water right for said lands under said Reclamation Act,.................................. notice having been previously given of the time and place of such sale by advertisement in any public newspaper at that time published in said last named County, once each week for four consecutive weeks, the last publication tube not less than five nor more than ten days prior to said sale, and the party of the second part is authorized and empowered to make, execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers at such sal > a good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance lor the premises sold, and out uf the proceeds or avails of such sale an I the pur chase money paid thereon, the party of the second part shall pay all costs of advertising sale, and conveyance, rendering the over plus unto the part. . of the first part,......................... legal representatives or assigns on demand, and the said party of the second part with or without readvertising is hereby authorized and empowered to postpone or adjourn such sale from time t > tun-' or any length of time at its discretion, and also to sell the said premises in parcels as it may prefer or think best, the object being to secure a purchaser or purchasers qualified to perfect a water right as herein described. The Association shall at any time make such deed for all or any portion of such land as the owner or grantee m ty demand. Thia power shall remain in full force and effect ms to every part uf the land herein described notwithstanding any subse quent deeds or conveyances until the person or persons in whom the title has vested shall make application for «ater right in full compliance with the said Reclamation Act. IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED, That if the part. of the first part,......................... heirs, executors, administrators or as signs, shall at any time during the existence of this trust qualify or become a legal subscriber for sufficient stock to secure a «ater right in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation of said Association and with the provisions of s.tul Reclamation Act, then and in that event, this trust shall cease and determine and upon payment of the cost and expenses of this trust the land herein described «hall be conveyed by said Association to the party or parties so qualifying, as aforesaid. The part. .. of the first part ha made, constituted and appointed and by these presents do make, constitute and ap point the said THE KLAMATH WATER USERS’ ASSOCIATION..................... ..true and lawful attorney for and In...................... name, place, and stead to sell and dispose of 1 he lands herein described in accordance with the powers herein con tained and to receive and distribute the proceeds thereof, and to make, execute and deliver a deed, to the purchaser or purcli.u>- ers thereof conveying the same subject to the power herein conferred, and according to the Intent of these present*, and that thia power shall be irrevocable during the life of this trust. The making and recording of any deed or deeds for any said lands by the party of the second part shall be at the expense of the party of the first part or purchaser or purchasers. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, That in the event that it should be determined by the legally con stituted authorities under said Reclamation Act not to construct the said Klamath Project, that then this trust shall cease and determine and become null and void, and the land herein be reconveyed to the part. .. of the first part. ... . heirs or assigns. IT IS FURTHER AGREED, That in ease of failure on the part of said Association to take prompt action In the matter required by tills contract and agreement or In case the said Association shall be or become legally disqualified to do so the Secre tary of the Interior is hereby empowered to designate a trustee, who is hereby authorized to exercise all the powers conferred upon said Association by this contract or agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part. of the first part ha hereunto set................... hand, and seal the day and year first above written. Steam Laundry Will open about August 23rd with a new and up-to-date plant—first class in every particular WALTER NEVE, Proprietor and Manager. AWARDED FIRST PRIZE CALIFORNIA STATE FAIR. 1903. MM Z*»OR SZ/ CHAMPION WASHING TABLETS I»o bar* eight *>taloft- jy eanta. I u'l directions IstMi each box. Aold by J. F. SAl.SIDO | repr< ornUlive and dmiibotuJ agent, klainath Falls, lorfa ' lì —"ivy .¿¿Ia» »o < hampl ci Ms’, ila' luiiiigComp'iy 1 atrwl Bole Manufacliirr» B.\( RAMKNTO, CAl.lflRXUi B. Ft. Geo. Bishop went to Odessa Sunday, w here be joined his wife. From Ind Apr»!, Mir wm Irit nilh mi mt a Jr there they will visit Crater Tjtke and From Our Merrill valurd at upwards o( a dollar» other pointe in Wood River valley. Corros pondent and Ihre« « In! Irrn. Ii*»r Intel, «la b. Rose Cream for chaps and sunburn. (‘alduriiK aru at | O.O»*) at City Drug Store. ahe ha* mining inU* rents in i , Merrill will soon rei.k «lib thrhwld E. P. McCornaCk and State Treasurer I mil»rr Ian I in \\ .»•<’iit K’i'>n and hin»i . llivm Mir la to have a five th<siM»4 Chas. S. Moore and son John, arrived property in Me l’aul. Hhv na« fJOb.UUU dollar o-liuol li.inac «rifted « r n, a. Ila from Salem Friday, and have gone to Lined on mortg »£»••< in thin count».** nir.o t Im» lwf«n Swarded 1«. Mr. liar- Witnesses: ....................................................................................... .. Spring Creek for an outing. >..« i),r contractor and Ixuldrr Players Receive Ovation Smoke Tom Keene five cent cigar. <> r merchant», tlie Wbitnay Mere»» City Drug Store. Prom Audience. tilr Company and Marlin Itrua., •» J. P. Churchill, President of the XVater r>,.o ng la-ge shipments ul luarvhaa- I For Sale—160 acres of fine farm land Users, Association, arrived from Yreka Manning cariics a fine line of station with lunch Ou the boat. Tako the! bave been in thè piano binine«» in The Snell-Aldridge Company have di* 'lady. ? accompanied by his wife and eon, 1 nine miles from town ; 160 acres near ery. Steamer XVinema at Hank»' landing Southern Oregon over five year» and Ix-en play mg t i pa< led I iousm all tills Mr. Wrri. |ta.».*tt our contractor »si to attend the meeting of the Directors. ' town of Dairy, and 80 acres of timber We have perfected arrangements with Sunday morning, and tie on hand wo are well pleased with the future out- week at the llpria House. Klamath c op tri Is krpt «¡nite bu»v noa ■ d».". Hand four miles from Klamath Falla. promptly at 8:30 o ’ clock, Bring along look and if you will call and see our Falls audience» have a reputation ot the Ridenour Brothers, of Pendleton, (Ince tried always used. City Drug Fir. I',. \\'i|.on, who run» lb» Lnrrr, Tlie above property for sale cheap. Oregon, expert abstractors, hy which we your fishing tackle. Round trip, $1.00 goods you will lie convinced that It will being very critical but they have lieeu Store Chocolates. Fvrd and Salt- atablna *4 rrur city, kw Jos. Koesel, Klamath Falls. expect to build up a complete and re A large party of pleasure seekers, pay you to patronize the Coss Piano more than carried sway by thevxcellont Mias Eudora Bishop, of Delta, Ohio, I i»l rtci ived a large lonngnmrnld la» Barbara Ellen, the infant daughter of ! liable set of abstracts on the Cabinet friends of Engineer I. B. Lippincott, ar Hou«. acting of laitli Mira Snell and Mr. cmn.igra, who has been attending the Fair at Port I Mr. and Mrs. H. XV. Keesee of this city, Index Filing System, These gentlemen rived here last Thursday and have gone 1st. Because you can have a choice. Aldridge. land, arrived in the city Saturday on a died at 2 o’clock Tuesday morning, aged are now nt work upon the set and we i to Spring Creek for an outing. The Mr. Bert flralwirns lira mail csrrlrr 2nd. Because we carry everything The great southern comedy drama short visit to Mr. and Mrs. XV. S. XVorden. I S months and 6 days. The funeral serv hope to be ready for busines» in the ¡.arty consist» of Dr. J. A. Lippincott, up to date and understand our business. from iloaftitta pralortirr to Sircl •••■? "The Heart of (■eorgi.s," vn- ||„> at My watch repair department cannot ■ ice» were held Tuesday afternoon at 3rd. llecanso we are here to make traction on the opening night and no an* iii our town lari Saturday. near future. We sqjicit a fair ehare of George I. Bodine, Miss F. Bodine, of be excelled on tbe Coast. L. Alva Lewis. ' 2: 30 o'clock at the residence. our guarantee good nt all times as our words of ours can l>cgiri to 'Inscribe the Mr. tiny Merrill and wife a«<1 Hi- Philadelphia ; S. XV. Moore and wife, your patronage—Mason & Slough. Totton & Hansbury have had some Beautiful new rings. L. Alva I^wis. 4’d Mrs. Ball have gone on the »»»W’ Dr. Fairbanks and wife, and Mrs. Geo. headquarters are nt Medford, Or. pleasure of the audience nt the perfect Go to Mannings for a new pipe. fine photographs taken of the steamer 4lh. Because we w ill sell you a good rendition of the scenes In this strong 'Im to the la-ma and Claik Fair W Cook, of Kansas City; Mrs. J. B. Lip A party consisting of Mr. and Mr». XVinema by the Baldwin Studio, which N oticx —As I am going away I want pincott, Miss Rose Lippincott and reliable standard make of piano for less R< »» Anderson and guest, Mrs Sherlock i play. The support given Mm Snell and i Portland. they are using on their advertising cards. of Lakeview, Mr. and Mrs. Abrams and to »«11 everything I have a» soon ns I Joseph Lippincott, of I/O» Angeles; FL money than the traveling agent will Mr. Al'lridge was perfect, and the ova Wsi. lu»iit la sinking a well •* kk If you cannot find a cigar to suit you,1 daughter, Miss Pearl McMillian and Mr. can. Will not hold an auction sale, but T. I’erkins, U. r*. R. H.; C. G. Young, sell yon a cheap commercial piano and tion given to tin arliMrt was such as rand, «ml hat attack vary hard nd fry the "Bank Exchange." »th. We help to benefit the beat in is »eldoin equaled by any audience «liich takra lot» o( po»ar »nd rviirW» i Ed. Williamson, went to Odessa Sunday will sell to the first man tiiat comes and I New York: E. Eaworaa, of San Fran Joe. McCurdy and wife came in from !on the XVinema. After a short Hay give» me my price. I have everything cisco; and F. 1’. Frame and wile ol terest» of each community where we do The attraction Tuesday night was tic II I* hoped that lie will h»vn »nrrtW* business, which means we are one of roaring farce comedy in throe acta, "Mi "trikii.g » gotsl »ircam ol «alar. Bonanza Monday with their grand i there they went by team to Crater that is used on a farm. Come as soon C rescentjCily. Co»» Piano House, daughter who is sick with cholera in Lake and on the return will stop at as you can. I live IJx miles north of I.. Residents ot Merrill and vicinity will you. Friend the Drummer." As has ben, Mr» O. p. Miablrr, w ife of onr (r»a«- B. Applegate's. John II. Coleman. at City Drug Store. fantum. The child is being attended by Spring Creek. l>e pleased to learn that the Snell-AI- said thia was one continuous laugh. It vrv proprietor, left lot tl.e l'o»l4»i Dr. Hargue, Three show cases for sale at the City dridge company, which is playing at waa a screaming success. Choice box bonbons at Mannings. Fair Saturday. Drug Store. the Opera House here thi» week, will City Drug Store has the most complete The deed was recorded with the Coun Mr. Bert Barrett who got rr-nou»1’ Harried A Million line of drugs and chemicals in town. The marriage of Mike Brod and Mrs. appear at tho Merrill Opera House next ty Clerk last week of Marion lianksand '•ut a few day» ago i» »lowly improv'« U 1’dwards is in the city for the pur wife to the Klamath Canal Company, of Louisia I-eCiaire, both of Klamath Falls Sunday night. The company have Bird—(>n the i’eninsu)*, Satu«»)' The Loa Angeles Examiner gives the pose of starting a cigar factory. He will 384.14 acres lying north of the town of occurred at the residence of Antone made many friends and admirers by Allgust fi, 190ft, Ml»» Topick, »fed It their excellent productions in Klamath following account of the marriage of occupy the room now used by M. L. Klamath Falls and near the Upper Prairie on Tuesday forenoon. The cere year». Interment »a» mada i# Burns. His stock will arrive in a few Klamath Lake. Consideration 112,000. mony was performed by Justice S. C. Falls and as the "Good News travels Byron L. Oliver, a brother of Mr. C. T. Merrill cemetery Bunday. fast, ” they will no doubt lie greeted with Oliver of th,» city: days. Fine watch repairing. L. Alva I^wie. Graves. Mr. Brod is a well to do far Mr. Bam Wiliaon ia kept very ka»f a large audience in Merrill. "Juat Be "Lo» Angeles and Santa Ana society mer and owns a nice place about four Choice liquors and cigars and select ' Owing to the fact that our leader of delivering new potatoes which be* fore Dawn" will be the play given at ' will be surprised to learn of the mar brands of wines at the Batik Exchange. Mothers' meetings will lie gone at that miles below town. The bride came here .Merrill. The piece ia a comedy-draina riage yesterday of Byron L. Oliver ol selling lor two cents a pound. some time ago from California ami has M. F. Orr, of Lorella, was here Satur time the meeting that was to have lieeu and the story deals with the great labor : this city, and Mrs. Gertrude Ozmun of Mr. Walter Adams has returned In*| day attending the Directors meeting of I held at Mrs. Hauiakar's on the 11th been working at the Klamath Honse. strike in tbe coal regions uf 1'ennsyl-I Tustin. The ceremony was performed I Klainitth Falls anil repoita «vsrytkM All grades of cigars at all prices at the XX'ater Users’ Association. He re- inst., will be postponed until further vania, Mr. Aldridge, Misa Snell and at 3 o'clock al tho home of Rev. John j just fine. Mannings. maiired over until tbe meeting with the notice. Hattie XVilson, the entire company have excellent roles , I.. Pitner, and was very quiet, owing to ■ The people of this vicinity »>* Engineers Tuesday evening. Pres. K. F., XV. C. T. U. Another sample of what the Water and the scenic effects are said to b« | th« recent death ol the bride's former than ilcllghlerl to hear thrl <b» « Just arrived, another shipment ot Fine watch repairing. L. Alva Lawis. Users’Association has to contend with very pretty. The entire company will ’ huslmnd. The bridal couple was at- ililcb i» sure to lie built. Celebrated Packard shoes at the Boston was shown this week in a communica appear at Merrill and the piece will tie ' tcnderl by Mrs. O. H. Burke, sister of Ice cre«tn st Manning's every day. The big cut has been thoroop b'hoe Store. tion from the secretary of tho Klamath presented exactly tbe same as in the ¡the bride, amt Mms Nellie Oliver, sister It is reported that Fred and Gus Mel- Fish Company from Medford, in which 1 cleanad to give tho pvople Mr. and Mr«. L. B. Yadeti left for larger cities. Reserved seat» may bo of the groom. Mr. and Mrs Oliver leit base have sold their big cattle ranch in water for a second crop, by Vau fheir homestead near Bly Sunday. They the company objects to the government obtained at Martin’s (Store. on tbe Owl la»t night for Han Francisco. | Wood River valley to Abner Weed The mer and Adnius. were accompanied by Attorney J. C. diverting Lost River as it will inteifere The honey moon will lie there, at Port property embraces some 4800 acres and Dr. I’atlereon, the Merrill phjiicl** Rutcnie and family who will visit at with the run of suckers. For this rea land and in Yellowstone Park. On ALWAYS HERE. several hundred head of cattle is in their calrin for »ever«) weeks. is kepi very busy ot late, but he >1W son Mr. Whitman, of Medford proposes their return, in about six weeks, they cluded in the deal. The price to 1« paid Bilverware, cut glass, clocks, novel to hold tip the entire project. The gels tl.ern In time. will mako their home for n time at COR I NX F KJCKLI. AR SArtfO. is eaid to be $60000. The abstracts are ties, etc. Tlie fineat line in Klamath Mr. T. J. Offielrl is rapidly rrcorW*. Klamath Fish Company own 60 acres We arc catabliahing a permanent Kants Ana. latter, they will remove to now being made out and it will probably County. L. Alva Lewie. on Lost river and about eight years ago branch house in Klamath Falls. The climax waa reached last evening Pasadena, where Mr. Oliver is now Ironi his injuriaa. be several weeks before the deal is filially F. XV. Jennings left the first of th« they attempted to start a factory to can in tho presentation of "Snpho. This Why? Because we think the people, building a handsome residence on the closed and put on record. week for San Francisco where he will suckers. They only operated one year of Klamath County will prefer to walk i Oak Lawu tract. was a personal triumph for Miss Cor. A Stepping Stone to Success • <e ,iis future home. Mrs. Jennings I Fine watch repairing. L. Alva T/ewis. and after collecting a quantity of fish into a piano store and buy their piano | “Mr. Oliver is a prominent young inne Snell, and her a[i|>earani'e in the ...... leave in about two weeks to join high water camo and washed them thousand dollar costume, made < j,,., ¡. Mrs. XX’m. Barnes, wife of the propri like any other merchandise, where they i --- attorney «nd a popular viuij club instil man in |^<»H Los | *........ A ii accurate and thotongh know her husband as soon as be is settled. i etor of the American House, and three away. .Nothing has been donu since, can have a choice and take it home Angele». He ia at prewnt bolding the I ally lor this piece, won the envy ol her '■f book*keeping, shoit-haiid, M. O. XS'arner, the Piano tuner, wilj children, Goldie, Hazel and Marion, left even the land has not been improved themselves or have it delivered and ; sex and the admiration of the male nor- chair of Leading Knight in I« m Angele» I t t Klamath Falls about October 1st. Bunday morning for a visit with friends and now they think they can hold up thereby save the traveling agents large Lodge, No. 09, B. P. O. E. He i» prom- | I tion of tho audience. Space will not writing and lire auxiliary l,riu" lai tuner for the Co«» Kano House. in Lake County. They were taken to the entire Klamath project. ( commissions from some city house, lie* inent in politics, being identified with 1 | allow us to dwell on the personnel ol great aid in reaching sin ce»» in business or a profossioned rircSfc > Silver Ijike in a private conveyance by the booster’s commission who live« the anti machine side, and in IWX) was the company but each character well "In the shade ot soughing pines and side i HQQiiER PRESS DRILLS. ( I’wst facilities for giving a deserves special mention. Frank Johnson. From there they will where huge tront, in deep, cold, crystal I in the community. a can Hítate (or tho Republican nom The Company will finish tho week I business training. The c«p*n' urders for Hoosier Press Drills i go to Paisley, New Pine Creek and waters, tako the fly without coaxing," The Co«« Piano Hotiae pays no one ination for Congress in the old Heventli ; we hire our help on district, but *»» defeated by James here and heat Merrill Sunday and Mon- comparatively low and ouryounl < takon by Geo. T. Baldwin. Prices iG«*e Uke- They*«' be gone «bout there will be a Basket Dinner excursion commission« day nights. Miss Florence Denny, who who desire such a training »rc Bunday, August 13, to Short Creek at i straight ralatiea, thereby imuring the Mcl-achlin, to eonft-r with Prof. Rimer, wl’” right and you get the Best Drill Xicllkrnint Fp„„t roaM„ ,t Pelican Bay. Parties not wishing to one priced system to all which will gain "Mrs. Oliver is the widow of Captain ¡»well known in Klamath Conntv is < in our city In the interests "• with the company. Miss Ifrnnv 1« n of every citizen. We R. W. Orwin of Ti'tin, •vln died inly’ .MarM Mrs <>e„: Hr,ntI„„ n, made. , Miwnung». tale along their .’inner» may ">;>pl;~l th»'respect I " I I