Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
station runai'lara » »ra trM1_. .................. - .. ............. PUT3 BAN CN LOVE BY MAIL -.... -i “ Äir1“ CALL FOR DETTER C0W8. Wh.i Fr.f ■•*•,• Ra, ,o „ ff*rd to tha Frolla to n, the milk pail Baa 11 sod. It May •• '*xmp o-» ■” “ u Prüf Kckers uf th. Misturi «.„n , Dr’|,‘ of agricultura, says • "Tbe milk prodUMd hf ths average ptag Co* Missouri cue will avll for about |jo (i „ilk I« not to ba strain»* dur tbs creamery or whan mads luto gm u mllk.n« u,llU ‘’•"J* claaa butter A good cow of ib, ¿,'úv Wb.» " m,‘ doM •“’’„“‘Ó breeds will u »■fem m« . . ... ^ l |U. I» duna lulu an <’P»n p»H H ■utue every yt " U be held I" l’*>*,1,ou »k’»»“ lo Missouri ft Incutite of fr ra, illuatratlo« lh»‘ "• ta» fat •••r ho“ “»• n,w "**' every ysar. at elude the Inrome from'ih. caîw^'aù* „aitar »•>'• >» ,1",p "tl be »tíre to clear the l-ll nn-l pigs fed un the skliu milk “ to the floor <»f *■*»••. when . »all aeta 1° r“" " mar 3» i**1 . n, . held > , nesrar i.» to the tbs row cow and and I» more v.rlleal position The H * atsllot* l»y» »lore »trees on Sirii»»« nsa» lu tbe stable aud of lb« . rOffTiON or kill.* • --------- ..—f nil)l| „ and »Hk»* '(•••> “• •“’•’•n If the »labid I« clean and free alb duel aays the bulletin, “and tbe g,, yn'^etlly kept. I be milker tleau Lj tidy s»’i ih» p *11 •’•«••• , b » 0,111 Lr pxil al,t <1<r* nearly •• good prac Lal ruauile ae the esulta» lutti Las fir aanttary milk palle are not Laj««Blly aurveaaful Thia Is true. •!•>. ^Mktmatlc m.Ikers “ I may add that Late paisa are really n« e*ary In the [kuor'lli rlesnlng of tbe milk palle tul other utanslla uaed for milk than L co» mon I y taksa I fully agree with it, Ml-hlgso elation when It nays, In jk, bullatta Mhliohad. that II le not ptgrleci I» «aah out or rlnsw out a si:ik fall or any other milk utenell kltk «arm or cold waler aud • MH aa'y A bruah la nau-ewsary, • nd it Ikjuld be uæd with anal and with • podi» aaiujat of warm waler at Ora*. Ibra II ibottld ba followed by a wash vl'A « eolation of aal-auda or lime saur, ar eon.«’hing akin, for the pur- fear uf remurlug the fat After thia la does the utei-elia abould be (hor- blgkly risa»<1 with boiling water, then ■ramed ekicfa will have • tendency io kill all m’rroorganisms present The Foatmlatinaa Iaauaa Cruel Nantfaalo Against tbe B<>ya aad Olila •t Qlaaeport, Pa. Plftaburg. |>a Tg, por>t mint rev» I '»!•» «Ft, Mr, It M Itu.e.ll win la paat the apoonlng " age, i. oot popular •Ith the young man aud women of that town A flood of letters baa paenad tbrrrugh bur Itantl» of lata, lluw the ¡»■at in 1st rem knew they were love let ier» la arrnathlng the young p*op'a of th« town »,« determined to fathom Wheu they reached the post offl a* tliay read a notice which said that uo RKzXMOXABIJC RATES Horses Boarded by the Week or Month W. W. 5TRAW, Proprietor THOROUGHBRED STALLION PILOT Will make the season at Buesing A Bennett’s Stables in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Will be here Saturdays and Sun day» and balance of the time will be at the ranch. Terms—Sio to insure and payable when mare proves to Forced to Stay at Home While ■latera Enjoyed Plea«uree Would Ota. New York Bereuet brr rider elettri rould go to dame» and theater» »bile she was furred toatay, Cinderella like, at bon e el night after worklLg to help si port th« faailly by day. pretty little fa a line Kats II ytara of age, living on Sec ond avenue, attempted to ccmtult aul- clde by swallowing wood alcohol Prompt work by an ambularico sur geon saved tbe girl'a life, but after be leg saved abe aobbed tbat she wished to die. and threatened to attempt her life •gala If ahc had tbe opportunity For weeka Pauline baa brooded over her lot In the long evening when »he stayed at home after bard dajs of toll a* a buttonhole operator In a down-town clothing tactory Sh« worked at the mn chins all day. and on Saturday turned In her wage« to help run thebotna. She longed for the pleaturcauf life, but her parrot« told her abe was too young and lor bads her going to dance» or theater» or receiving th* attention» of »oung men CHILDS ESCAPE A MARVEL ■truck by • Locomotive, Thrown Tn- to Air, Dwcende on Track and Found Alive Under Pilot. RATES Ko ve JUNE t-aramla. Wyo.—A little Kiri of th* , rama cf O’Connor hn<1 a remarkable 1 aacai>e from deith beneath the wheel» i of a locomotive her«. The child, with | two other«, was croeslng the Vnl>n i Pacific tracks on her way to school | Her companions passed In front of an ' approaching freight train anti called ! to her to follow. When the train was ! barely ten feet away aha made the In tbe center of the track» hrr daah j feat »lipped and the fall on her bands The pilot of tho locomo- and kneea j live ■truck her and threw her Into the coinplate | air. where •he turned a on the somersault, •nd again fell ; track. The engineer meanwhile had i reversed and the locomotive stopped ! with the pilot over the child's bodv | Had the engine gone another foot she Cewis $ Clark Fair i8th AND UNTIL further notice fte Oregon Stage Company IN CONNECTION WITH Klamath take Railroad Company 1 "ell Excursion Round Trip Tickets From Klamath to Thrall, Calif., (and return) for $8.00, good for 30 dayg date o( sale. would have been crushed to death. I She was found to be severely bruised. Armlaaa Oirl Playa Bal). Fourteen ya r old Mary Ada Hen dricks. who Ilves at Ansel, Wayne county, Ky., was born without arms, but »he does not allow that Infirmity to stand In her way of enjoying life She play» many musical instruments with her toes, and Is parl'cularly ex I pert with tbe banjo and guitar. By placing a »tool above the key» of a piano shs can play aeveral pieces In a creditable manner. She also manip ulate» an accordion, and she can get more music out of ona of tboae in- strumanta than tbe ordinary person In full poasesalon of arms and hands. She can catch a rock between her toes and throw It, and almost any bright afternoon »ha may be seen playing l>a»eball much better than th« average boy. note SOTI’ K t'.'Iran i . akk VfgW. OKBUUK. AUUUaT J, IK6 XMlc« I» hvrehy givvh tl.e* In c.onpltano« with tbr | ,<»■ I vistene M the a<-t nf Ju»« », urs, «arnie« An •»< 1er the vale of timbar landa ta tbe » ei m ol ratifernla Orofou. hatada aud W«ah n»ton Tvnltory.” sa •■lauded to all th« Publio (.and »talea b, au ni Augwat «, i»»i the following peraona bet* thia day Blet ia lula otBc tuait awora •ta.ementa, towlt: — lient) K Turner. <,t gulam corin’v ot M-rlon •'et» ol tirasen awora •laiamaet Ko TM! 1er tbapnrehaaa et ttoa MgkWtg. i,.. | aud 'fgv.Agp, »ec » T|> »i V It Ul ». A M William A Turner, id Moriranno, county of I.behalte. State of Waehlngtoa awern alate- ment Xu RWJ 1er the pud bane >.l thv XK'«Xg’{ Hee I Wi,swtq an 1 »rg’j'r tun IJTeVrS H lu g W U Thatrhe, will offer proof to ehnw that iba . lead eouafar la mora valuable for Its timber or e'urmtban lor aarlenltur«) |ur,<-ee, and lu ••labliah the.r claim lu Mid lard before nee « baateln elork ol K lematb Ue Ore. at n>a oftre at Kisnisth Palle, ore. on laturdar, the II lay ol Ortubor. 1WA The» name a, witneaaee W P Abonda, K X »t enear g H P.irb vi Merrill, Or, It g Jurr-er ut velem. Or«, end W A Turner of Moutaan.,, tVaeh Anv and all peraoiu claim Insadteraelv On, aU « e deaeri bed lands are rv'jueeied to file ll.elr Claim* In thia office ou or fmtureaeld l«ib day ol Oeu lmr ley; J N Walton. Rosiater ir flood quarters and b¿at of care at WITH A'.f Jt>Nr. ». II.'S ■¿°*n sale within n few days to Portland, San Fran- «11 Southern Pacific point». They will likowiso Ulc from all Southern Pacific points to Klamath soatH and further information from R. I. HAMMOND, Aient Treasurer'» Notice. Notico I» hereby given that them are (untie tn the Ctmnlv Treaaury for the redemption of all Klamath County War rant» protested on and prior to April Si. 19<>2. Inter*«* on tanin will cease from thia data. Dated al Kinmath Falla, Oregon, this 13th day of July, 1905, L. Alva Lawia, I I Cieuaty Trtgauror I ORNAMENTAI PAINTING K Uniti h Falb Oregon H«pAirlDf »t Old Viuhu» • Speci a!’y I WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT llel'.w wa give a report ot the «rather at re curdod by tbe Governnenf «eat her bureae •lattuo at Marlaa llank»' ranch Thia report I* ebaoaed each waa, .and If oor raadara wish IO keep • yearly record ol weather condition* tor future reference, eut out the report alocg tbe uprer eod tower lluce aad peer« It In a •crap book ooc week alter another Thia ree ord will be taken on Saturday to eod each ■ eek and «rata ou Bunday lor the real week Naaioa Hon Voluntary ObMreer. City Meat Market Week Ending Friday July 2s. Itos. ! Freclpl | Character Bey ! Mesi I Mini I mun I mum I tallon •i^TTo^T^ « 11a# b'-iy I tea I ~ yr’ «a ~ I ~~W i I I __ j ZXZ i Z j ® _ I fff I •!> I « ~M> i »J ' I WEISS & ARMAND of day x> ~ ["eloody" W T ^«ar _ W _l iz > i PROPRIETORS ¿____ "clear ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SAL7 I ! Í rkaf M fï3Fi —MT—|—W—I ~TS------I cito— Fat I I») j'~*te I he r "ciiar AND SMOKED MEATS { SAUSAGES OF ALL KINOS Port Klamath Creamery Butter Notice for Publication. Land vfllc« at Lakwtow. Ors . July If. ISO'. Nutice la hereby gives that ths following narurd aeitlar bu fikd notice of his intaotlon | 10 make final proof In support ol hla claim.: • od that «A!d proof wilt be made bafors tha ■agister aa* llecsivsr st Labavlaw. Orsaon < on tbe sth day of Septsmbsr. 1KC. vts: Clar- ' • oon Martin. < om. ltd. Xo kite, for lbs RA'i NES »ee « B’VH NWt< and NW« 1 »«M toe B Tp U 8 R 7H T. W M Re namaa | th« loUuwInK wltnwxMlo prove b!i cootlnu j out r»«idone« upon apd cultivation of *a!d laud. rft. n«nry Gordon, Ed Lever, H J P«v«(«. Jo««y.b McCoy, a*I of Ft Klamatb. ' Oregon J 5 w ATB j .X R»<i*i-r ( 1 <* « Lakeside Inn, TtMBXKLAND. ACT JUM1. !f7* g Fog FLBLfCaTfOX Untied Btaiee l^od Office, Lahaviev. Orc- . gon. May 24. Notice 1» berobv gt^en that <n cotnpUance 1 wlih tbe provltlon» of tha act of CcngrtM of Jun«3, 1S71. «Dtltlad "An act for tba»alcof Umber laud» in the State» of California, Ore- goo. Nevada and Wa*bin«too Territory.” >• extaeded to all the Public Land Slate» by act of August 4, 18>2. Tboma» F Turner, of Mon ireauo. County of CbebaHe. At ate of Washing ton. taving fl 1«d to th!» office bl» «worn »tate tr.ent Ku. 29M. for the purchase of tbe »EM. Hee. I. and 81^ NW^ofHec To ». in Twp Xo. tttB. Barge Xo 10 E. W M and will offer proof to »how that tbe land sotigbl 1» more valuable for iu t.mber or etone than for agricultural purpose«, and to eetab- Feb hl» cl»io to said land before Geo Ch eat- etn. County Clerk at his office at Klamath Fad», Oregon, on the Itth day oi Auftaet, 1906 He names as wftoeaaa«: E F. Fitch. E B Spencer, H H Dart«, of Merrill, Or., W A Turn*r, of Montesano, Wash Any and ail per«on« clalminx adversely the above describ- rd lard» are requested to file their claim» !n th*.» office on or before said 19ib day of August, • **' J X. Watson, Register. k> d E « MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. ; À Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. Í *» > £ SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > BITICK'S E EAST ENO KLAMATH FALLS Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Corrals for Teamsters. Fres Camping Grounds and Wood CHAS. D. BUICK, PROPRIETOR. Sheriff’s Sals. Xotlr» 1» hereby gives that by virtue ol ao tiecutlon aud order of »ale duly tuned out of. 15th day cf June, lfd’5. and under the baud and eeal ol tbe Clerk of. J. w Brets**, the Circuit Court ol tbe State of Oregon, for K lamai h Ounty, bearing dale tbe l?tb day of Town Treuaurer. July. 19G5. upon a judgment and decree duly entered, enrolled and docketed in eatd Court Notice. on tbe 24th day of April, 1905. In a certain »ait therein pe idlng, wherein Dora A Guthrie 1» Jhw time has rnmr when we can no. plaintiff and Samuel E Owen. Anna O«ren. largar run along in the same old mt. i and Lh.uaid Maa.Dua»ld and Harry Cohn, part* rer» doing buelneu under the firm name of We have tn »»lie up and move on or 1 MacDonald A Cobn, are defendants, and to me the more prog'Meive man «ill less« ua directed, commanding me to cell tbe herein so Isr behind that ww will »»on be k»t | after de>crlbrd real premlee» to eatUfy the Advertise oirr g’cat country. Placet amount» spoafled tu »aid decree and execu tlou. 1 «rill OQ your 190'1 calendar order with the Bald ; FBIDAY. AUGUST 18. 1106. win Studio. We have hnndredaof beau- , at tbe hour of one o'clock, p m , of »aid day, tifnl views of ottr trand country for at tbe front do^r of tbe County Court Houee !n tho City of Klamath Falla. In said County of auch purpoees. Klamaib. eell al public auction to the highest bidder for caeb in band on tbe day of »ale. eubject to redemption in the manner provided by law, all the right, title, tntereet and eetate of ih< »al 1 defendant» end of each and every* one of them, »nd of all pereon» claiming by. i through or under there or either of there, tub »eqnent to the date of rlalntfff*» mortgage whleb 1» foreclosed in (aid suit, to-wit, tbe l call arcund to !2tb day of Beptembe:. 1902, of. In and to tbe ■aid mortgaged p.'emlees. described 1n »aid judgment, deorce and execution aa follows, to-wit: sue their goods »nd The Xortbeast quarter of Section twenty Ave (IS), in Township thirty-eight (38) South, Range fourteen (14* East of the Willamette Meridian, W« Will Treat Yon Right in Kiamath County. S'aM of Oregon, cod tain DTb ft..v.. on* "f tbe finest Hardwi are log one hundred and sixty (100) «eras, more or teas, together with ths tenements, heredita More» tn Southern Oregon. ment» aod appurtenances thereunto belong ing or in any wise appertaining Dated Klamath Falls, Oregon, this »th day Of July, IBM. SILAS OFENCHAIX. Yon will not be asked to buy 8her!ff of KUasatb <*ou cty. Oregon. j Phone Main 14 ■A-AVA.'V'bTax. Pure Bred Stallions Buff Cochin Chickens ; LIVERYy FEED & SALE STABLES $ KLAMATH FALLS AND MERRILL S Largest and Best Equipped Stables in Southern Oregon TOURISrS TRADE A SPECIALTY C. T. OLIVER, Proprietor, Successor to W. W. Hirer I—------------------------------ When You are in Ashland Ashland Hardware Co’s Stere GET PRICES we know you can’t help it. The Largort Assortment of Studebaker Bnpgiea anti Wagon» in tbe Country. I Veering Mower». Gun», Fish ing Tackle and Ammunition. Before you buy a boggy come tn and ree ours. • • • Rigs furnished with or without drivers We keep the finest lot of horses In the country. 1 j. n. nooRE, HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD GENERAL FREIGHTER. H. W. STRAW, Proprietor to all order».............................. ASHLAND, OR. Country Produce taken in exchange for ftocdf OUR PARTNERS MEAT MARKET MCDONALD A. J MAMMOTH STABLES Prompt and careful attention Ashland Hardware Co. THE EXCELSIOR SON PROPRIETORS NEEDED VERY BEST OF MEATS Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing« Furnishing Goods LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. H. Accounting Boots and Shoes. Annually, to All tho new position» created bv Kailrosd «nd Telegrtph Com pan it>A. *e want YOUNQ HEN and LADIBS of rood bablt», to EAST END. MAIN ST. THE BOAT HOUSE tìgli« SSIIÓF» Ul furnish 14 rer cant ol ths Operators sod fftatlon A a ah is In A mar lea Our alx schools ars the larrwat cxclualvs Talsgrapb aohools IN THE WUR1.0. Established 20 rears sod endorsed h) all leading Kailway officiate. We ascents a (ISO bond to every student to lurntsh him or bet a noaltlon raving Iron) HO io l»o s month In Rtstcs saat oi lbs RtK-kv Mout-telna, or fr’-m |75 to 11« a tnentb in 8tatcs west of the Bookies, laaase- dlstely upon graeuatloa. Rttufsnlacao enter at any lima. No va- cations For lull particulars rsgsrdlng any ol our Hclieola write direct to our exccutlva offloe al Clueinuatl. O. Catalogue Ires. 111 BOS Of WIRING LOCK AND GUNSMITH H. ROSEBOOM CENTRAL CAFE ~ * ---------------------- - --------- —----- - rrangemnnta have boon completed and Tickets o Tuned and Bepelred PROF. W. B. FOSTER Pate>l at Klamatb Fa'la, Oregon, this I ... Musical luatrumenla VluliulM fob pubi . icatiox . wtatku t.tvf* omcg more “love making'* would ba permit • »d in the (oat offl.-a and that "all buy. • nd girls under IM year« of age must have » wrlttvb order from their pa enta before mill la delivered '' Mra Ituaaell say« the young people of lha nelghborhuo 1 have been »tltnu Hut. says one. milking i. , Irwn„, lailTtg their love affair» through the I nlted Htate« mall tnany tender mis lous lash As a matter ..ftert It take, on!, W hours' tin*.', worth «bout alt <x,|. »Ives being ev hanged Bhn siya tbe late, to uulk s cow sis tuonili, parent» oc’tnplalned, and to protect her lessi >«at th, cash Income froln th, •elf abe posted the notice '«he young beri at the ‘■■»big, fsrtu was Into , people darlar« they will use ffteir in fluence «ph rhe department to And out row fot butter eoi* *rd ||Z In pe, for milk skint milk an* cal,,., making bow the poetmlstreas knew love r.'. Petition tor L iquor License. a total laatmr fIUIB ,mh cow of flffS shea were being rmelved Meanwhl.e Tiste year ths average income fn m the MrKraapurt, threw miles away shows T<> th-Itonurabla County r-oitrl ol the Slate same courte will fa, o>ct |!u, f„t ,L, an luirasse in mall. Glaaaport yom< of Oregon, lor the t.’ouaty nf Klamath aulire her* of 21 Tbsa. I»,-,««. do 0„, We. rear leil t’-a.r, reep.<ifullr ark that a people earhanging correspondence let ee ke «’«mm aud larutd tu Kn I! Flachua. route from feeding up< (,ed, or through that office now io mil aplr.ieua, malt and einuua liquota an 1 el, fwimg They ar. not *u. t„ lermenied elder, commonly known aa Lard fine barns or tiauaual treatment • f any BEAR LIVES IN HERMIT HUT elder, tn leaa quanti ilea 'Lan nna sallow. In kind Ujt they are the reeull of dolnc Adinlnlatrator Unaware of Orlrxly'e the town <>t Itairy, In pair» practact. Kia malli he right thing si th. r|lhl Um, |# (b> County, Oregon, for a period of three mocita Treaenca Until Knocked Through proper uay.“ from tbe an. da) ol September, ISO and notice the Ku trance. I, h.-teby glreu that ih.a petition a 111 be pro tented to Ibu County Court ol X.amath t'oun The Farmer a Business Man Ism Angelea. Cal —Near the old San ■r. Oregon, co the Mid Mb da» of U,|iemb<r If farm owners would but adopt Gauriel miMioa, within ulna iuiiaa oi !•*» tvsteuia of took keeping it «oulg add The-. W Flackua. I! J O'Ortcn, Riley Wood. ibis city of goo <*09 aouls u hermit has mlllloiis of dollar« every year to tho C d. Blalue, I » l>«v.«. I* y eburk. Orr;» Me- lived tor many ycaia Ina little ado La pruflts of our farm by eliminating the Cumber, Alberi g ■arador«, Phiup Odeu, J hut lie died and «»a buried Nut hav growing of crop» that do not pay an| M Aaderaon. jyt Flacana. Chan Ul Ironnsil, . Wa, ------------------------- ing auy known relatives, Ixpuiy Adtum allowing them to Im grown by the Woelk. A-lau. wcidman. Tl.utuaa M.cnasl, W Istrator 1‘ttertuicbel want uul to the C Logue, u II Laut) C W ktiermaii er, Manuel men that are so situated <La to mska star a to take i Barge of the old s liavlre. t.vorge Binar. J It Colaban. Joba B a profit la their product on The “not effects Fool, All Wa.ivr. JoLu Lind, r M Bernait. J K knowing' la what atnks many a farm Wvieh, C C Ita.eon. diana ttiouhreu, IVm In tbe 4G year* I bat Honor Lon occu •r into debt The application of th. Uthiaano Jacob k-ioek. A Lo tivhivral. Chia pled the adobe, no living eoul. sa>« blui a-lence of numbers to our farm opera self, bad cruaaad lie throabold As th* Piar-kua. Wm Wood. Anguet l.iakey. John L*a- Ilona Is tbe moat logical movement In berttJt died suddenly away from tbe hvy. Cha, Il Burgcorl, dermon henmor. d rauk the direction of farm Improrsmen' Poltra. A I Mictiar-I. Jk Suo-rk. W a Stone, shack the deputy was tbe first ope to The farmer 1« ■■ mmh a buelnew. miu W II »hook. C 0 Jonee Albert West, c W ahor t rvak tbs aolltudaof the dwelling \t bi-t> aa (ba cltl»en that handle» dry goods i man. Mlrhael Knack. Peter PetoralelMt, Wm be purbed open tbe door It was to dark »«leb. ft.d hack. A Haekua. • nd gr.H-arlew and be cannot get »way icaide that uojecta waia not dtatiurui; n En 1 Flack-ia. from the nrewMlty of ua'ng the meth able, au he slept * inside. Thru hi »a; ode that have t.e«n found to t-e al«,, Ai rone desiring to | urrliaae th« lum- confronted ly a rrlixly b -ar wulcb rv«< lutely ho-aaaary lu tbe carrying <>a of t*r in Iho »he<ls on tha Mitchell ranch to hia hind Iset and with a blow of bls »very other kind of s>n>mareia| enter paw sent tbs deputy flying through th*, and in the cam|< near Conants belong nrlah, ba would b« largely sucv«aa. door 1 be deputy did not »tup to In mg to lbw Klamath Canal Company can ul. ventory tbe property, but took to his submit bi<l» to K. R. Kaamea at Klam bawls 1 be Lear followed him out oi th» atli Falla. aback aud than struck out lb tbe dire*, A ■award of Lnduraaca. tloa of tbe mountain» it la thought Town Trenaurcr’s Notice. "Hoe many bottlea of thia will I that bruin found lb* door of the shack Notico is hereby given that there ar« bave to lake*' aahed Farmer Corn toa I open and entered, and that tbe door lunda in th« town treaaury for th« tv j •el tbsn got pusbod shut by tbe bear, mak tivmp'.ion of tha following warrants: t "Before you're cured ?" »aid tbe tn»d Ing him a prisoner 1233. 12-fi. 1231. 12». JXW. 1Z37. EM. lelaa man ' No. before I (at my picture io tbe CINDERELLA TRIES POISON. 12 9, ]?40. 3*43. Interval will cvsaw paper.“— W ••falcatoti Hier. I Ir tn thia date. Oirl BEGINNING TIMBKR I.ASli Oysters, any Style J. V. HOUSTON. eat L F. DAVIES, i I NOTICE. ( am prepared to forniah blue print» of any Township in the Lake- viuw Land District. Frio ta oor- racted be.'or« mailing. Address W. B Snider, Lakeview, Oregon. M. maua i i tes > , I ' j Goods. DAIRY, SUMMONS. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Oa. LaCroaae, Wia. Texarkana, Tex. San Francia«», C«l Meals at all Hours Day or Night > > Staple The Morse School of Telegraphy Cincinnati, O, FACT IN a complete and up to date line of In the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon. For Klamath County. ttm. W. Haaen. Plaintiff. > Unit In va »equity to Cbartae Percy Nickola, Defendant ) quint title. Hummona To. Charles Percy Nichole, the above named defendant. tn tha name of the Stata of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agadnat you la the above aa- title* rail on or before the lOth day of August. IKK that being tbe date of tbe last publication preeerlbed la the order for service ol cummooa by publication; «n* If you fall to »newer for want thsrsof. tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe ooon for toe relief as prays* for la plaintiff', Complaint, that la to say I. _ __________ OREGON | Klamath County.Oregon; that whatever atm defendant may have to said lot tiuCrced be Inferior and subordinated to plaintiff a title and that dotendant bo forever ba. red from a> •ertiag any claim In and to said V't .< HI. cl II of said town of Klamath Falla, and toe such other and further retlvf as to the court turn seem just and equitable Th I, summons is published 1 a the Klamath Republican by an order ol Hon. Henry t Hen von. Judge ot the Ctronlt Court of >ue »’•»)■ o’ Oregon, tor Klamath County mads Jun • 1« IK directing Mid summons to be publiebed lr>v a x consecutive and ■ueceesive wvsk th' date cf the first publication to be made on the Znh day of June. 1W'. and tbe last pub’.l-atton on tbe 10th day oi Aucuat. 1IW F. U Mills A A L Iz«vlt, Attor neys tor i That plaintiff ba decree* to bo tha owacr in Ctak’a Eareciparilla lor th« hlovd tea st Lot I la kloek II aocor Jta< to the *«ly Hterte* p'at c* the tews «: r ateate Fb’Li th* Cl»f Drug Sture. t