Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1901) claiming adversely the iibove-dracrihed Tintbar l ami. *» J Nolke PulilKatlon. land» are tAsphated to III«« tlieir claim» in tills ottico on or ln*fortt »aid 28tlt UNITED STATI ' f day of June. |!k'l. I.IKWII.« . tikKUo.N. Aplil ' 1 Thia Ik the hamc of the new firm K. M BRATTAIN. Register. TlnifMay by Notice I» hl tvby . ...... "‘V’.in ,' ’t"oi which now rrlgns in the atore which ' hwa heretofbtv been conduetvd by A. Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878— pllanc«' With the proiijj'» " F.Inanas «4 .bum 3 |S;H. mitili* * ' • D. Chrrick akmrs Ak to th« mem ! Notice for Publication, rn t lor tlm aale <4 limbet I.... I« " bers of the Unit. Messrs. Carrick and ’■orRirroR»« ■ tales of California. Oregon., ' Grigsby are t!toh«uglily ju xtctl on all X K4YMB! \\ iir I iihu G1»» h’iuh'i'. I NITED STATES LAXI» OFFICE. ( nini kinds of farming machinery and gvn- tomb'd to all th" ,‘«,‘l*" ' imi *»•' «0 ! I AKKViKw, O kicos , May 2, listi, ) •*ral hardware, and expect to keep »„ ul A.uu-i 4. UW. ' '" W. Notice is hereby given that. In eotii and furnisli a complete and valuable plumee with the inoyisHm. of the act of ' ” n|(. ,, tin- stuck of everything called for in their t'ongri««» <«( Jiitii« 3, 1878, entitli'd “ An tital 1'11 Uns .Ulne her i ' line, at priced which will nice! ap K.’M. Bu-irr-aiN. Uugiater. act for the »ale of timber lands in th«' No. 2W. b>r th«' pu" hase «'I •■*’ ' ♦ proval and pntronagc. They can s«>ll stat«*a ol Caliliiruin, t*r»«g<ui, Nevada ami <4 .Scuoti No. I. in lewnship N". «* • v«ili rthything front a darning needle TIMBERLAND. ACT JL XK 3. 1878, Washington Tenitorv,” a» vxtvmled to Range No. 7* . F... «ml » ll' »'ff.'i pn»" •' io a threshing machine. Call and NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATIOX. all the Public Laml Matas bv act ol ■how that the lumi »«"mhl ........... " sec their goods and prices and be cun- August 4, 1892, William Staleup, ol aille lor It» tinder «ir »tone ihuij l"r -9* II >riibro>«k. Cuuntv ol Hiskivou. Hint»« rkultural purposes, «ml to « •la'll’1'•• U nitko S tatks L. ini »Orrti'K, tlnced. ]aik«view, Otegon. April 21», 11*01. of California, Ims iliia day rtl«-l in thia : hum lo »ahi lami I« *..... '•>" h' “’’1’ r Everybody I k surprised nt the great Notice is hereby given that in com I’ttl.v liis sworn stilt« mviit. N«> 8t*3, lor ami lie« elv eroi ilo» olii'«' V* 1 ' J values the Duffy Co. have tn men's pliance with the provisiona of the net of th«« purchase of tiie E% of SW*a, ami Oiegoii, on Sutunlay. the .<Ui >i" •" t')w'4 KE*« of Hei tloli No. 11, ill tow II- and boys’ suits. They ah* Sating Congress of June 3, 187X, entitle«! AAn July, 1981 She mimes us witness«-» their customers from 83 tn 15 on cat’ll act tor th<* saleof timber lands in the »hip No 33 S., Rangv No. 7( r K. W. M.. Pini«« Hull. <4 llornl'i'S'k. ( »hl • I | ami will offer pr>««( to show that th«« states ol California. Oregon, Nevada, O Hull. ««I l|oriihr«»>k. Calif . Ilviuv I suit. and Washington Territory." as extend 1 laml sought Is more valuabh« (or its Buiaft. of Kl.miathon. t alif.. I 'll'" ed to idl the I’uldie Land State» by 1 timl«et or stone Until tor agricultural Durgin, <>f Kl im.iUioti I «b Anv ami TREASURERS NOTICE. act of August 4. 1X92. Henry 8. Dunbar, pur|«’'VH. and to establish Ins claim to all |M«r»oiia claimingadverai'lv the»'*"’»' <4 Ashland, Comity ot Jackson, State of »ai«l land liefore th»« Reglatamml Receiv «I.'S. ii I hs I lauds «re H«|ue.ti«l to til« Notice is hereby given that there are Oregon, has ibis day tihai in thia ottiee er of Ibis olliee at laikcview, Oregon, tlieir claims in t*ii» olii« »' «m ot I’vmre fund» in the County Treasury for the his sanm statement No. 294, tor the on Monday, tlu 15th «lav <4 July, 191*1. sai«l 27th dav ol hilv. I9(>L war redemption of the follow ing county i purchase of tin- SW of Section No. 28. lie imines as witness»'»: R. A. Milli E. .'I. BliA I I (IN. Register. rants proteatetl on and prior to Mav 17, Ill Township No. 89 S.. Range No. ti lord, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Ernest A. 18118, Interest On same w ill nasr East, and will ,4Ter proof to show that Quail, «4 Klamathon. Calif.; Wm. II. TIMBER L VNI*. M l' H NE I. 1X7*. from tliis date : Noa. 6323, 5373, 5417, the laml sought is more valuable (or Quail, ol Klamathon, Calif.; R««l«t. I’« N(»TICE for public vi ion . 5<i23. 5tà>7, 5717, 5462. 6S9L » . 538 , 5622. its timber or stone than for agricultural Staleup, of Hornbrook, Calif. Any and 5»i«0, 5707 , 5430, 6405. 6M2, 5ti36. 6«.50. piir|wws. ami to establish his claim to all (sosons claiming adversely the abort« I’ \ itici » H t *r>«» I X1» Orth f . M4L53«!, 5404, 6480,6589, 56.55, 5342. Lakeview,Oregiui, April, 30, IIQI. 5408, 6o80, 63118, M21.-5348, 5466, 5558, saiil laml before the Register and Re <t»«»crilH«l him!» are rt-queatad to til«« ceiver ofibi» olfiee at Lakeview, Oregon, their claim» in this office on or before 5365 MTU, 5591, 5072, 5427, 63O4, Notice i» herel'.v given timi in com < mi Friday, Uni 28th dav of June. 1901. said 15lh dav of Julv, 1901. 5425». 5387. 5571, 5530. Mori, 5425, 5483. He names as witnesses: J. A. Barker, pliance w uh the provisionsol Hie ai t "I E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. 5582, 5700, 5082, 541«. 5388, .Wit, Vmtt, Congress ol June 3. 1878. eutllh'l “An Bly, Oregon ; M. 8. Barker, of Blv, Ore 5860, 5411, M24. 5519, 6598. 5<>78, .3402. gon ; W. D. Week», of Duluth, Slum.; TIMBER LAXO. ACT J U X E 3. 1X78, A« I for the »de of tintU r lami m the M79, 5083, tefiS, 5853, 5401, 5358, 534,3, state« of Calllorm«. <*regon. Nevai», NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tiairis ih-ans, of Duluth. Minn. 5884, 5673. 539«. 4931, 5344, 5868. M28. »ml Washington Territotv" as esterni Any and all pi rsons claiming adversely Ihtttsl at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this «si to all th«' Publie I ami Mate« by ««'t the above-described laml» are requested t’SlTIlll StATKS L and OrrlCK, 6th day of June. 1901. «4 August 4, 1892, Esther Ihtrglii. «I to file their claims in this office on or lotkeview, Or., May 2, 1901. H. li. V an V alkknbi ' ru . Notice is hereby given that in com Kl.iiimthon, Conni» ol M-kivoo. Mat, before said 28th «lav of June, 1901. County Treasurer. E. M. ilKATTAix. Register. pliance with tiie provisions of the act of of California. Im« thia «I«.' I'hsl m Congrvi-H o'June 3. '*78, entithsl "Au this office her »worn statement N'«. 29«. 'TATE TREASURER’S FOURTH lor the purchase '«I th«' k W *4 "I Ma llon Timber Land, Act June 3 1878 | net for the sale of titulier lands in tiie xo. I in T««w nsliii'so. XI S.. Range NOTICE. States of California, Oregon, Nevada, Notice for Publication. and Washington Territory," us extend 7*t E., »ml will offer proof to show that 'TATE OF OREGON, ed to all tiie I’uhlic lam«i States by Uic lami sought I« more valuable for il» UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ! Treaeury Department. act of August 1, 1X92, ltoliert II. Stab litnlwr «ir slotie than for agrh'ultutul L akkvikw . O rkimin , April 20, 1901.» S alkm , June 5. 1001. cup, of Hornbrook, county of Siski piir|s«s«'s, ami to I'slnblish her claim I«' Notice is hereby given that, in com Notice is hereby given that there lire you. State of California, lias this day sani lumi lietori’ the K.-giOer ami He- ow funds in the treasury with which pliance with the provisions of th«« act of tiled in Ulis office his sworn statement No. eeivvr of thi» ««III '«• »t Iuikevicw . Or . on • redeem all outstanding state war- Congress <4 June 3, 1878, entitled “An 3tH, (or tiie purchase of tiie X\Vl4 <>( Salltr«lav, the 2,'th «luv ot Julv, 11*01. ints. drawn on tiie General Fund and act for the sale of timber lands in the Henry I. Section No. it, in Township No. 33 S. Shi' nam«'« as witness«-»: idorsed “ Presented ami not paid for states «4 California, Oregon. Nevada ami Range No. 7*a E, W. M., and will offer Small, «4 Klamathon. Calif : Emma C. ■ nt of fnmts,” prior to thia date: also Washington Territorv,” as extended proof to allow that the laml sought is I*»r»h;ill, of Khiniatliun,Calif ; Ilm. II pay all warrant» drawn on the State to all tlm Public latml States by more valuable for its limber or stone Smith, of Hornbrook. Calif.; Piulo alp Bounty Fund, and endorsed “Pre- act of August 4. 1892. James Bell, »4 than (or agricultural purposes, and to lliill, ««f Hornbrook,Calif Any ami all *nted and not paid for want of funds," Bly, county of Klamath, stat»« of Ore establish hi» claim to said land la-fore jieraons claiming mlvrrai'ly the above- rior to May 1st, ItMM), and all siicli war gon, has this day fil»««l in this office his the Register and Receiver of this ottive >le»crtlie<l l»mls nre r«»|in'»t«sl to tile in ta, properly endorse.1, will be paid sworn statement. No. 293, for the pur at Lakeview, Or., on Monday, the 16th their claim« «a tin« olflce on or lielorv pon presentation at thia office, inter- chase of th»« SW *« of Section No. 30, in day of July, 1901. He names as wit ■aid 27tli dav of July. 1901. st tiiercon ceasing from and after this Township No. 39, S., Range No. 8 East, E. M. Ha « it us. Rigiater, an«l will offer proof to show that the nesses: Wm. H. Quail, of Klamathon, : late. CHAS. S. MOORE. laml sought is more valuable for its Calif.: Ernest A. Quail, of Klamathon, PETITION FOR LIQI OR LICEN5I' State Treasurer. titnl«er or atone than for agricultural Calif.; Wm. staleup, of Hornbrook, purposes, ami to establish liis claim to Calif.; R. A. Stanfonl, of Hornbrook, ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. To the Honorable County Comnds- Any and all persons saiil laml hefore the Register and Re C- lifornia. »inner» <«l Klamath County, Male <>l Notice is hereby given, that the Ccun- ceiver «4 this office at Mkeview. Oregon, claiming adversely the al»«ve-<les<ri*»'l Oregon: r Court for Klamath County. Oregon, on Friday, the 28th day of June. 1901. lands are requested to tile their claims We. your petitioner», legal voter» of tting in probate, did on the 6th day of lie names as witnesses: W. I». Weeks, in tliis office on or before tiie said 16lh Wood Rlwr preclnet. in mid county me, 1901, appoint me as administra of Duluth, Minn.; Harris Deans, of i «lay of July. 1901. E. M. B uattiik , Register. I and »tale. r«,»|»-«'tlidly rvqiieal that John te of the estate of Janies Owen, «le Duluth, Minn.: H. 8. Dunbar, of Ash II. Harbin I»- granted 11 license to ..-II ased. All persons having claims land, Oregon; J. A. Parker, of Bly. Ore ■piritou , mull raid vimui» liqm«r» in :ain»t sai«l estate will present them to gon. Any and all jierson« claim Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— lesa quantiti«’» lh»n one gallon in >m«l Notice for Publication. “ on or before six months, at the ni ing adversely the above-deacrihed precinct of W«»»l River, for » ;'erl«»l ««I ce of J. C. Rutenic, in Klamath Falls, Ian«!» are reque»te«l to file their claims three month» Irmu June 3, Itall, to Hep- UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.I • reg«>n. dulv verified according to law. in this office on or before said 2Htb day lelllls r 3. 11X11. L akkvimw , O rhiok , May 2, 1901.) Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this of June, 11*01. W.C. Moore, Amlrr« DummiL H. I| E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. li «lav of June. 1901. Notice ia hereby given that, in coin King. W. II Morgan, Harry Engle, J HEN RIF. C. OWEN, pliance with the provision» <4 the act of J. Campliell. Dav«« Dumont. E«l. S|*n- ‘Iministratrix of the Estate of James TI M BER LA X D, ACT J U X E 3. 1878. Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An cer, W. Kirkpatrick, Wm. link», John Owen, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. act for the «ale of timber land» in the Gray, J. A. Cottle, li. li. Burna, M B. F' WmiNtï-fcAi itniivR... ■tales ot California, Oregon, Neva«1» ami Morgsn, J. II. Wheeler, W. A. Morri- PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Washington Territory," as extended to «mi, Ealwnnl Johnson, A. 8. Sl«ile, J. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I V*: ^Contributed.) all tiie Public Land States by act of Bara»«««. W A. Verrill, J«» Dumont, L akkvikw , O rikiox , April 20, 1901. f * To the Hon. County Court of the August 4, 1892. Ernest A. Quad, ol George Ihiuiont, I*. M. Hill, I’aul Barn- At fhe residence of tbe bride’s Notice is hereby given that in com of Oregon, for Klamath <x>untv. Klamathon, County <f Mskiyon, Mate fhother. Thursday. June 6. 1901, at State t>. W. Morine, Ed. Barker, John We the undersign«*! residents ami le pliance with the provision» of the act of <>f California, has this day iile«l in z<»>, Barker, Toni R. Kayier, A Kp^ni.. Mr. Wm. Perry Whitney and gal voters of Title Lake precinct, sail Congress of June 3,1X78. entitled “An this office hi» sworn statement. No. 305, .1. Fuller, ltoy Vestal. G.S. lloyt.O. II. J*' ■'fi'bis Augusta Kattenhorn were unit I county an«l state, respectfully request act for the sale of timber lands in the (or the purchase of the SW. '4 of Sec ed in the itoly bouds of matrimony, that a license, to sell spiritons, malt states of California. Oregon. Nevada, tion No. 12. in Tow nship No. :i3 S„ Range Bunch. Frink Cliirtrll, II. II. L»»lry. Gua Mvlhiise, Fri-4 Mdhaae, II. E. Cot Kot. J. B. Griffith officiating. Perry and vinous liquors in less quantities and Washington Territory," as ex- No. 7ls E. W. M.. ami will offer proof to Wliltnev we believe to be one among than one gallon in tbe precinct of Tule ten«le«l to all the Bublic Land State« by show that the land sought is more valu tle, A. Melliaac. W. I, Hmi|*»«*n, D.ivi«l Smith, Wm Olivor, J. tfill, J. M act of August 4, 1893, William D. Weeks, fUe first sett lent of the county. He Lake. sai«l co«intv and state, for a period of Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of able f««r ita timber or atone than for ag- Kirk;>atrick. W. I*. Sullivan, I*. Wei»», of six months, from July 11th, A. D., ricultural purpoae», ami to establish Ins IL M. Morgan, C. II Cridrr is a well-to-do farmer and stock own Minn., has this «lav file«! in this office er of Merrill and one ’of Klamath 1901, I* granted to W. R. Brown, of his sworn statement No. 293, for the claim to »ai<l land la-fore the Register Notice ia hereby given that the un- saiti precinct : and Receiver of this office at Lakeview, ■lersigne«l will mi the tlflli «lay ol Julv, iuntv’s moat respected citizen. i H. E. Smith, Dan A'anBrimmer, A. D. purchase of the NW1« of Section No. kl tire,, on Monday, the 15th «lay of July, A. D., 1901, apply to the County Court I h 6 Augusta Kattenhorn i» accom- Balis, G. F. Fish, L. M. Robison, John 32. in 3 ow nship No. 39 S., Range No. 1901. He names as witnesses: Robt. pMalted, very attractive, a leader in Colwell, Samuel Wilson. C. M. Irvine, 6 E., ami will offer proof to show that It. Staleup, of llornbrmik, Calif.; Win for the li' «-ns«- prayed for in the forego ing petition, presenting t ia, hl» ;»-ti the land sought is more valuable for its So'left, and well liked by all her ac John Ratliff, W. C. Crawford. James Staleup, of Hornbrook, Calif.y Wm. li quaintances. Tiie wedding dinner at Briscoe, Adam Bchortgen, W. R. Davie. timber or stone than for agricultural Qnaif, <>( Klamathon, Calif.; R. A. lion, <>n said tilth day of Julv, bail. JtlllN II. IIAKIHN. purposes, and to establish his claim to 6 o'clock was fit for a king. The O. E. Irvine, R. W’. Welsh, D. N, Fish, said Stanfonl, of Hornbrook, Calif. A iiv land before the Register and Re ami F. 8. Brandon, IL Hutchison. I>an Col all [«ersons claiming ad table fairly grinned under It« sweet 8. E. Martin, T. E. Wallis. J. W. ceiver of this office at Iaikeview, < Iregon, versely the alKive-described lands are and delicious eatables. The guests well, Hammon«!, Bert Davis, AV. I’. Whitney, on Friday, the 28th «lav of June, 1901. reqne»te«l to tile their claim» in this consisted only of relatives of the two T. A. Balia, C. T. Wilson, R. H. Ander He names as witnesses: Harris Deans, office on or la-fore sni I 15th day of fcmifies and Rev. J. B. Griffith. son, A. E. Austin, G. W'. Brandon, W. of Duluth, Minn.; H. S. Dunbar, of i July, 1901. Aslilaml, (Iregon ; J. A. Parker, of Bly, v------------------------- Armstrong, J. H. Johnson, Fred Stukel, E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. A BRYAN’S ABSURDITY. Mig Eigner, G. H. Fish, M. Hartery, Oregon;' James Bell, of Illy, Oregon. Any ami all persons claiming ad 'Sam Fleener, E. M. Conner, Allieit S ’ Johnson, Harry Johnson, Frank He«i versely (he ai«ove-<lescribe«l lands ar»« Timber Land. ht Jane 3. 1878- Chicago Evening Fuat. r«-«]uet>te<i to tile tlieir claims in this Notice for Publication. It is absurd for Mr. Bryan to gay rick, C. N. Hedrick, Matt Eigner, ottiee on or before said 3Xlh day of • Johonn Hoftnon 1, C. V. Shuck, Wm. D. fhat the Supreme Court decisions s Ball, p E. "v;- W. Burrows, G. W. Fish, E. C. June. 1901. have made of the Presi- nan, u. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,l " * "" E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. -j —--- an — emperor r v. *G.*Gav vs. ’>■»’, J. W hitllCV, K. C. 1 ...or. 11.11.„ •> inn i temleil to all the I ublic laml Stale« L akkvikw , O rkoon , May -,19i)l.| bv „, , , ( , ¡Kir.’ J„|,„ W KHequally abeurd to assert Anderson, C. H. Merrill, Geo. Wilson, that congrejwional absolutism has been Edward Duffy, Tom Nobles, W. W. S. TIMBER LA NI ».ACT JUNE 3. 1X7«, Notice 1» hereby given that, in com- O’Neil, of Hornbrook. ( onnty of hoki with the provisions of the act of von, Mate of California ha« tins <|»v ■ancti >ned. Does Mr. Bryan know > Adams, J. F. Adams, Jim Cole, T. F. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. { iliance ’ongressof June 3, IX7X, enlitle«l “An til«-<l in Ihi« office hi« sworn »tatvment what centralized despotism is? Let Fowler. Notice is hereby given that the un act for Uic sale of tinilier lands in the No. 295, for the |Hir< ha«t* of th»« NE*4 __JlUn read the first amendment to the T' sitkd H tatkm L amp Ornes. states of California. Oregon, Nevada ami of M-ction No. 2, in T< wnsliip No. ronstitution: ‘«Congress shall make dersigned will on the third day of July. Lakeview, Oregon, April 20, 1901. Washington Territory,” as extend««»! to A. D., 1901, apply to the County Court Notice is hereby given that in com all the Public Land Statea by act of Au 13. 8., Range No. 7', E., ami will tvo laa respecting an establishment of for the license prayed for in the forego peUgion. or prohibiting the free exer- ing petition, presenting this, his peti pliance with the provisions <4 the act of gust 4, 1892, William II. Qnaif, ol off«-r proof to show that the laml sought is more valuable for ita tim Congress <4 June 3, 1878, entitle.) "An itaeU hereof; or abridging the free tion, on said 3rd day of July, 1901. Klamathon, County of Siskiyou. State ber or atone than (or agricultural act for the »ale of timl«er lands in the dom of speech, or of the press, or the W. K. BROWN. •4 California, has this day tile«l in purposes, ■ *><1 to establish hl» claim states of California, Or««gon, Nevada, this offi«» his sworn statement. No. 306, fight «4 tfce people peaceably to as- Washington Territory,” as extend- 1 for tbe purchase of the S', of NEQ, ami to saiil laml liefore I lie Register ami ttrfnble," etc. Is there an “empire”! Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— ami e«l to all the Public Uml States by act N*4 of SE*4. of Section No. 11, in Receiver of this office at Lakeview, aqy where subject to these restric-! Notice for Publication. of August 4, 1892, Harris Dean«, of Township No. .33, S., Range No. 7*. < *rvgon. <>n Saturday, the 27tli day of eions? Let Mr. Bryan remember. : Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of E. W. M., ami wifi offer proof to show July. 1901. lie names a« witli»«»»»«»: Wrn.H. Smith, of Hornbrook. Calif.; further, that the amendment for UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. I Minn., has this day fileil in this office that the laml sought is more valuable .W. II. Rolasrta, of llombr<»>k. Calif.; »rial by jury has been repeatedly held L akkvikw , O moox , April .30, 1901. ) his sworn statement No. 21*1, for the for its timber or »lone than for agricul-1 __ Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif. • Hen- Philo of llife NEl^ of Section No. 32, tural purposes, and to establish his ry jm apply to lerrltorteat Is trial by I. ........................... Mnnli, <4 KlarnaUmn J'alii'’ ’ A \i?v Notice is hereby given that, in com purchase „y in Townshiii No. 31* 8., Range No. •« E., Jury coexistent with absolutism? No pliance with the provisions of the act of an«l will offer proof to show that the claim to Saul laml l««fore the Register »nd all persons clamnng a-lversely the ung tut the NM ef rights foffows the Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An ami Receiver of thia office at Ukrview. 1,bov.-.|e»erila,| h.„,|« ............ |(| laml sought is more valuable for its flag—and there is nothing In the de- act for the sale of timber lands in the timber or stone than for agricultural Vr"6»n. 0" Momlay, the 15th day ol file tln-ir claims in thia offic, <!„ ,,r He names az witnesses: fore said 27th «lav of Julv l'»)l I^Miom to the contrary, while there states of California, Or«^on, Nevn«laand purposes, and to estai'lish his claim to July, 1901. E. M. H ra TTAIN. H.'-girfer. jp-e'dlCta In abundance pointing the Washington Territory, as extended to eai«l laml liefore the Register ami Re Erneat A. Quad, of Klamathon, Calif.; * the Pnblic Lan«) States by act of ceiver ot this office at Lakeview, Ore Wm. Staleup, of Hornbrook, Calif,*---------------- tight way—it is sheer folly and worse i I all August 4, 1892, Henry I. Small, of Robt. B. Staleup, of Hornbrook, Calif., fit talk about low* of liberty a rd Kia8math«>n, County of Siskiyou, State gon, on Friday, the 28th day of June, R. A. Stanford, of Hornbrook, Calif. i TIMBERLAND ACT J LN E 3. 1878 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rtghta by any prpulation living under o( California, has this day file«l in this 1901. He names as witnesses: J. A. Any and all |M«rM,ns claiming atlverselv Parker, of Blv. Oregon ; James Bell, of Rie sovereignty of tire United «State», office his sworn statement. No.:«)!, for th«« above-descrilied lands are rmpieste«! UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.) Bly, Oregon ; li. 8. llunliar, of Ashland, ' ^¿7777^2..^ ^7,7777.^ ■ the purchase of the BEU», of Section Oregon ; W. D. Weeks, of Duluth, Minn. to til«« their claims in this office on or be L akkvikw , O iikuon , April 29, lllltLf «REQON’ S EXHIBIT. « ■'<-<RE<JON \«0. ] (n Township No. 33 S„ Range No. fore said 15th «lay of Julv, 1901. Any ami all persons claiming ad Notice is hereby given that in com ’ 1 7*4 East, an«l will offer proof to show E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. pliance with the provisions ol tlx- act <4 ¡¿.Speaking of Oregon'» exhibit at the i that the land sought is more valuable versely the aliove-ileacrilied lands are ! j X-. i o «070 Congress of June 3, 1878, rntilhil "An Jan American Exposition the Buffalo for its timber or stone than for agricul- requested to file their claims in this I L office on or liefore said 28th day of June, ttmoer Lana, Act June J, loro act for the-ale oftimlH-r land« ill tile turai purp«>»es, purpose«, ami and to establish his bin News says:- tural »tales of California, Oregon, Nevada Notice for Publication. 1 “Great program 1» n<nv being made claim to said land before the Register 1901. E. M. B hattaix , Register. and Washington Territory,” as extaml- «n pcveral of the exhibit, of mte. In «•<1 to al! the Public Laml Slut«'» bv UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,( act «4 August I. 1X92, Willi« ll. UolH-rts, tjiié Agriculture Building. Oregon's Ore., on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1901. He name» as witnesses: Philo Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— L akkvikw , O rkoon , April 30, lOOld of Hornbrook, County of Si»kivoib njg booth on the north side of the Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Wm. IL Notice for Publication. Notice is hereby given that, in com Stat«' of California, lias iliia «lav filed in J>Hth aisle, is running a race with Smith, of Hornbrook, Calif.: Emma C. pliance with the provisions of the m t of this office his sworn statement No. 29«i file Michigan txxith, across the way, Parshall, of Klamathon, Calif.; Esther UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ) Congress of June 3, 1X78, entitled "An for the pur< haw of the N W*4 of hec- for the-honor of being the first state Durgin, of Klamathon, Calif. Any an«l in Township No. 33 s, L a XKVirw, O rkoon , April 20, 1901. J act for the sale of timber lands in the tion No. 2, ... Exhibit to be finished In that boild- •ll perrons claiming a«lver»ely the Range No.71.} , r... E ’ nuu ami win w ill oner offer i.r.H.f proof |< hi .... Nevadaand ...... „............................ Notice is hereby given that, in com states of California, Oregon, alxyre-described lands are requested to ihg.- Nearly everything used in con Washington Territory," 1 ‘ ‘ .. . ..... . »ought ........ is mon- vnl m extended to »how that the lan<| pliance with the provision» of the act of file tlieir claims in thia office on or be all the Bublic lgui«l States by act of Au- uabh; for its timber or sbim-'tliiiii 'f',r nection With the Oregon exhibit, to Congre»» of June 3, 1X7X, entitled "An fore raid 27th day of July, 1901. of ricultural " — -«--■* — ■ puriioM'», and to <'»tabli»h hf» She w<««d composing the booth, comes act for the sale of tinilier land» in the gust 4, 1X92, William H. Smith, E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. County of ------- , ----- ------ ------- the , llegi»ter ..... Biskiyou, claim to Mill laml - before from that slate. The booth is made states of California, Oregon. Nevadanml (Hornbrook, ilsssa tfl«»»« 0 0/1 O«*za«.X a.«-«, .-t «1 !. ear . • . df spruce and fir lumber. Henry E. TIMBER LAÑO, ACT JUNE 3. 1X78, Washington Territory,” as extended State tA California, has this «lay ami Receiver «4 this -• office at —W Lakeview sariMwivW, :: " — ’ Saturday, the 27lli <lnv <4 to all the Public Ijtnd States by act tiled in this office his sworn statement. Oregon, , on Dosch, of Portland, Or., commissioner « NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. j July, .-iv i«»u. Ilu ....... . H)| Hitn<Zi' No. 2fKI, for the purchase of the NE. Q 1991. ..... of August 4, 18t*2, Douglas Norris, of from that state to the exposition, has' No. I, O ’ Neil, Hornlm/k "<'¿0/ of Section in Township No 33. John W. O'Neil, of llornl>r«M>k Calif« Bokegania, County of Klamath, State - v ..... i..:nh._. __ < w... 11 v. , .. «inn, . personal charge of the installation of UxiTxtr S tatks L axi » Orrii K, of (iregon, has tliis «lav file«! in S., Range No. 7% E., and will offer proof Win. II. Smith, of Hornbrook', Calif ' Lakeview, Oregon, April 30, 1901. f ' the exhibit. thia office hi» sworn statement, No. tosliowthat the land sought is more Philo Hull, of Hornbrook. Calif.- Ilen’ “Lying in the booth yesterday, Notice is hereby given that in com 286, for the purchase of the SE of valuable for its timljer or stone than for ry I. Small, of Klamathon, Calif.’ Anv awaiting its turn to be placed in a pliance with the provisions of the act of Section No. 30, in Township No. 39 H., agricultural purposes, ami to establish, and all (»«rsons claiming iulvi-rmdy Hii' «tonnpk'uou» position, was a bunch of Congress of June 3, 1878, entille«! “An Range No. « East. an«l will offer proof to his claim to saicl land liefore the Regis-' alsive-desi'rihed lands sre retiueaied n, «;»msD»Br»17 feet long. ‘They think act for the sale of timber lamle in the show that the land nought ia more valu t«T and Receiver of this office at lo«ke- file their claim» in this office«,n ,,r |M._ view, Oregon, on Saturday, the27th<lay fore xai«l 27th «lav of July. 118)1 , we caff’t grow corn in Oregon’ said , states of California, Oregon, Nevada, able for ita timber or atone than for ag of Julv, 1901. He names as wiinessea: I E. M. BRATTAIN : and Washington Territory,” as extend Mr. Ihwcb. 'Just look at that! ed to all the Public latnd States by act ricultural purtioaea, and to establish hia Philo hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Ella . iKgistcr. claim to raid land liefore the Register And*here hi clover teet king, why, • if Augnet 4, 1892, Ella Gay Hull, of ii/.wi«« « 1 11.1 v « ... and Receiver of tiiia office at Ijikeview, <L Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Henry I. K Early Rlwrs Nearrh ty Oregon w. can grow anything that Hornbrook, County of Siskiyou, Slate Oregon, on Friday, the 2Xlh day of Hmall, oi KlHimitbon, Calif.; E ri I kt .» grows on tbe face ot this gre.t» earth ef California, has this day filed in June, 1901. He name» aa witneaaca: Durgin, of Klamathon, Calif. Any and 1 "c reinotesl pnrla of the I miwc I h an<| except citru. fruit.” ; thiaoffit» her sworn statement No. 302, John Hanning, of Hornbrook, Califor all («ersunsclaiming adversely theabove- remove the impurltli'H H|x«e<li|y with for the purchase of the of BEk, nia; William Hanning, of Hornbrook, «Inscribed lands are requested to fiie' *>'• discomfort. Tltey are famous for ________ , .. Jacob ............ Isler, .. their claims in this office on or before their efficacy. Emiv to take ,«,.1,.,. Tbe Duffy Co. are doing a rushing Sec.2,and NJfi of NE!^, of 8««ctioti No. 11, California; of Klamathon, ■aid 27th day of July, 1901. gripe. '“K", never EPUBLICAN CARRICK. GRIGSBY C O <J? so/v, business that thè lami souglit ia mure Vahmblr (or ita timl>er ot »ione than for agri- cui turai pltri» «sfs. ami lo vatnlllah htr villini t<> >«1<I laml la'forv thè Resister ami Receiwr «4 ibi» otfice Kl Iwkeview, or., on Saturila«'. th<- IfTtli «l»y <’f Julv. I90L Site tuiines a» «itness«-»: llm. 11. Smith, ni lloinbnsik. Culli. ì Henry I. Small. «4 Klamathon. Calli, i Emma C. Parshall, ol Klamailmn, Cali!.; Es ther Diirgiu, of Riamatimi!. CaliK Any and all persona rlntinmg a Iversvly thè alane «Ivscitasl lamia are requestol lo file tlieir daini» in Ibi» office beton* »ahi 27lbdav of Julv. 1901, Itr men’s and boys’ salts, in Township Jio. 33 H., Range No. 7)4, California; George Norris, of Klatna- Bais, s I*« h *. etc. a « Eaat, and will offer proof to uhun ih««», California. Any ami al! persona' K. M. BRATTAIN, Register. L. iMg, (( S1„,s Rc|)o AlEX MAHTIN President. E R. REAMES. MH MARTIN 5, Uct President. citMg. ♦ Collections Attended to Promptly. Corresponde^ Invited. KLAMATH FALLS PIANINO MILLS, J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. Plan.* mid Specification» Furniahed on All Kinds o| Buildings mid Contracting and Building on the Installment Plan. Amnng thè lliffiiite vurietv «>t material and Work furnishrrl bv thia rulli Storr I r««nt». Wiaul t'arving. stalr Kalla, llalualrra and Naarl l’nala. Ilradtai scroll «ml Turtird Wmk, Bash, D««m» ami lllimla, Cortirr ami Ba»r ltl««-k», Saai4 ami Turmil llalualrra, D<»rr and Window Frame», Bulplla ami l’rw End», »hinglm Builder»’ ,«lw arr. I’alnt» atitl Oll. Mmihllng and < «la», Elrvallmis and l»aa|gm' Eml>>«'ed, («rotimi ami Cut (ilaaa, Wall l’aprr, Fnriiltnrr, rlr.,r(e. IKat »mk ami matviiaL arid In Ilie latrai and limai apprmr«! st.I m . E X C H A N( E STA BL ES -------- AND OFFICE--------- Klamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Horno» boartlotl by day, week or moiilk Hay mui Grain bought and »old. PiibM'DgerR conveyed to till parts of Southern Orego» mid Northern California at the very lowest rates. I L«1 ▼ vi HEREFORD STOCK FAM Ihtwi Valley, Pt egea. F. O. BI NTIM*. Owaav. largest Herí of Registered Fn fords in Ure^on. 15 Rtfbltrd Ì udite Ihls Ftr SUt. Price: $100, lias and tifi. LAU DOR ALAMO ffrsrfo/ffH BUM M<»Nx Timber I and. Act Juna J, 1878 Noike for PublkaOoa. UNITED STATE» LAND OFFICE » l.iaai i»w, OaRiaiw. April 12, IMI. *1 Notice is hereby gbrn that, tn com- phalli'«« a itli I lie prni Irion» >>l the ail rd ,’migres» <4 June 3, |Ä*M, milllr«l ”Al* net for the sale of tirnfrer lamia in the states <4 California, t iregon. Neva la and tl »•liingion lerrilorv." Ilenrv D. Mont ■ 4 Klamath Fall», County <«l Klamath, State «4 Oregon, ha» liti» «lay llhsl In tin» oHiir Ins sworn atali-lneiil. No 286. I«»r llie pureha»«« <4 the NK»| ol sW .*•»» «il SE1« and N W I4 of SE'«. «I Sec tion N«>. 2. in Townabip No, 40, Suuili. Range N«>. 10 Exal, ami w ill offer prrad u, e*iow that the lami aonglit I» more valu- aide lor il» limber or atone than lor ag- rirnltnial pnr|>mr». ar «I to r»tabli»h hla claim to aulii lami lu-fme the l(«-gislvr ami Receiver «4 Ilila office al lukaview, iitegoti. on Toe*lay, the 2«3ih day ol June, Itali, Ho name» a» «»Itlieeava. '»riiiK l Inion, «4 Klamath Fall», «»re g >n ; Samuel T. Hummer», ol Klamalli Falla, Oregon ; Cha» I». Willson ol Klam ■ili Falls. <>reg< n ; < barile ll»niakar, of Klamath Tails. Oregon. Auv and all lenona claiming adversely ihr above- <h-»cr|lird lumi» are ie«|iie»te«l Io file their claims ill thia offii e on or Iwlore •ani 2,tii «luv of June. I90L E. M llltATTAlN, Register. r- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. tn lite Circuit ('«airi of the 'late d Oregon, lor th«* C«*iintv ol Klamath. I Xml ia E. E. Carroll. Plaintiff, Fqwityhf va. W. A. Carroll, Defendant. J Ihiurtv. T<> W, A. Carroll, ll»e above saaal defendant. is vi a N aur or ma ~ t «» s <•» Osa- •a«»: Y»Hl are hereby requlrail 1» I» ar ami anawer the compiami l*et »g»in»t you in the entitled nut, <>n or la-l««rr the I Illi «lay «4 Jun». A. P. IMI, ami If you fati ”• tn an»w»r hr want iliemd, th» plaintiff will »1*0 I* the Cmirt for t*«e rebel »• ;*«»»« ■» ■ plaintiff'» complaint; that ia 9» ssr: Hr»lt That ti««’ l»>ml» ««I malnmaaf now »slating Imlwren plaintiff sad‘io li-n«lant )<r «li»m*lvod, anaullml amlksFI lor naught. b»«-on«l: That |«l«mbfl *«» antlmrM lo esattine her former iiauie, Mr», li. A- H. nhi.k. , . Third : For »nell other sn«l l»rtA»r relief »• Io the lion r»l«l» C«r rl ■»( M-vm ju»l ami vquitablv. Thl» Hiinitm.i«» I» pribhabed I» P** ■nance of an order iii»«lr. on IM TP* dav of April, A. D.. 1 «H. by H"«*;’»» I. . F. Willit». County Jislys and onier birther direct» that tlw da*** the llr»l piililiiatiun ol this »hall l«r . n the '.’ml «l»y '■» *2' A. D., I9t*l. ar.«l continne I«»» til «ivi- Week», until the I Alli '*•* j "T; A. D.. IMI. III»! U-ing th» date«« lM last iiublit-atloii. ' l.asvrrr 1 Mrua. Attorney» fc»r Plaiat*»- F. I). RBAMES, M.D- Phyetclon end Surfeen, All Calls Answered PremHU •*! It arlilciallydigMU the food and aida Nature in airengtb?ning and racon- Btruciiug the exhausted digestive or- or Night. gana. It lathe latestdiKOvereddlgeaU ant and tonics No other preparation can approach It In efllclrncyt It In stantly reliave* and permanently cures Drspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Hour Ntoniach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastntlgla.Crampaand all other results of impel feci digestion. Prompt and rarefai »tien'10* Brier Me and IL tant» sla» eontalas *8 lima» smaiium Uookaiisbi*idyapap»i»ia«i>edfras to all order»....................... . PrsasreS by g. C üaWITT SCO-. Cbtcege. j. n. hoore GENERAL FREIGUT» J. B. MOORE. U xitkii S tatk » L avo * >rrt< k .I L akkvikw , O hmhix , Aptll BO^IMILf Notice 1« hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of th«« act ol congre«» of June 3, 1B78, entit)e«l “An «et lot the salo of timlier lami» In the «late» of California, Oregon, Novmln, and Washington Territorv,” ns ex tended to all the Public Lund Stat««» by act <4 August 4, 1892, Philo Hull, ol llornlirisik, County of Siskiyou. Mat«- of California, has this «lay llle<l in this office hi« sworn statement, xo. 3ts*. (or th«' pnrrhnsu of the E*y of SWI4 and W of k F,*4, of Section no . 2, in Township no . 33, S., Rang«' no . 7*u Fa«», and will offer proof to show that the lan«l sought is morn valuable for its limber or atone tlinn for agi ¡cultural pnriKisi s, and to establish hi» claim to sani lami beforo Ilio Register nini Re ceiver of this office lit LilkevicW’. Oregon, on Saturday, the 27tli tiny of Jul^r IDOL Ho names as witnesses : Win. H. Smilli, of Hornlirisik, Calif ; Henry I. Small, of Klamathon, Calif.; Emma C. Parshall, of Klamathon, Calil. ; Esther Durgin, of Klamathon, Calif. Any and nil iM'raona claiming ailverscly the aliove-ilesi'rila'd lami» am requested Io file their claims in this office on or be fore sani ’27th «lay of July, 11(01. E. M. B iiatthv , Register. Proprietor of Freight IbefM1 Everything dona with, neatness »ml <h»P**t HOTEL BARBER SHW. J. W. SIEMENS. W Cleanliness and Good Guaranteed. Aleo Agent for LON^ LANCASHIRE FIRE ••I have befn ncpHln for the lM,hl,,w'’".jng»IIJ<< have lieeti unableaftef UJ .gnyie arationa mid pl*yal< l>*,IH " ,,fli» Her, After taking <-■' not IlyaiepalaCure 1 IP" mil now In IwthT Inw1 . c>0 n4 ta'eii for twenty nralae Kixlol Dvap*’|*bi ly.” Thus write*» Mrs. v- erta, North Creek. Ark. J. L. Budget I A Ho"*’ You arc much more liable to <II k - PUMPS AND *',l**iU*. eaae when your liver ami Isiwels do not act. properly. DeWitt’s Little A fine line I’"1!’1’« Early Risers remove the cause of the Milla jttal welted by < < dlKCHW. the °A<,nn< tnrMiifl •I. L. Padgett A Non*), Iv mo.