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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1901)
KLAMATH KLAMAIII FALLH, REPUBLICAN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE <» Pster petted her. and even Miss Grundy 1 I MAY OO SCOT FREc. MINERAL OIL EXPORTS. had more than ouca admitted that "aha was alioiit aa good aa youug one« would average." Billy, tuu, had promised la Chaacs for all Condamnad Mwdsrsn la M«w Oil DiKavsrisa Will Keep It Ahead of remain and work for Mr. Parker during Waablngton. Ruma in Amount Produced. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ths summer, Ititeudlng with the uiouey FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS Heattie, May 30,—There is aarioua Washington, May 29 —The recent thus earned to go the next fall and win ALL OVER OREGON. OF THE WORLD. ter to the academy In Wlllbrahnm. Jen >il discoveries in Texas and on the danger that every condemned mur ny was coming back «re long, au<l Mary'a Pacific coast lend especial internet to derer in the state of Washington will step waa light aud buoyant aa sbe trip tome facta just presented by the trews* •oun be released from custody, Ac ped, singing, aluiut the bouae, unmind A < omprchcnilv« Review ol th« Impor'vd ury bureau of statistics regarding the 7e—■errili end Plnancul Happsnmgi of cording to Prosecuting Attorney ful of Mrs. Grundy's oft expressed wish portaocc A Brkf Review ot W th« happening« of th* Paet Week Preu ud ■xports of mineral oils from that "ahe would atop that clack," or of Walter H. Fulton, of King county, i United Stales. These show that th “ in a Condenaed form Which It Mott the anxloua, pitying eyes Hal Furbuab tlie last legislature, in puasing a law exportation of the fiscal year about I »ent upon her, aa day after day tbe Likely to Prove ol Intersil to Our Many ■nd will probably be the largest in t providing that hereafter condemned faithful old creature riwked and tended history of this remarkable industr Rudert. murderers shall lie executed in th« little Alice. which him increased its exports Ire penitentiary, instead of in the county At last Mary could no longer lie de 21)4,000,000 gallons of illuminating» ceived. and one day when Alice lay gasp h jails, committed a serious blunder in The plague is repined to be »pread< in 1875, to 721,000,000 gallon« ing In Mally'a lap she said, "Aunt Hally, ing in India. not in hiding a clause providing for 1900. In the quarter century Ire Isn't Alhe growing worse? Hhe doesn't the p miahment of those condemned The Cuban convention has aceept- 1 876 to 1900 the value of mineral o play now, nor try to walk." at ■ time the law goes into effect. •X|x>rted from the United States w Hally laid her hand on Mary's face and e<l the Platt amendment. I toe consequences will be the replied: "Poor child, you'll < h * iu be all <1 most ».rious to the administration of Another Jock the itipp-r case has about $1,200,000,000, an average alone." ■bout $48,00,000 a year. During i t justice is Mr. Fulton’s fear. been discovered in London. Briefly There was no outcry no sudden gash ent years it lias averaged tboui $»> xtat'd the construction placed upon Porto Ricatys arc di.aatisfied with 000,000 per annum or $5,000,000 J of tears, but nervously clasping her it the law by Mr. Fulton is as follows: hans upon her heart, aa If the shock had the Supreme court decbion. month. The new law provides that, upon :t entered there, Mary sat down upon her The Confederate Veteran«’ reunion In the mere question of gallons ’the sentencing of the prisoner, h« | lied, and burying tier face in the pillow, has been opened at Memphis, Tenn. oil produced, Russia lias lieen f •at there for a long time. But abe aald ■d shall I* delivered forthwith to the Duties collected on g>Hsjs from the years a close competitor of the Unit : nothing, and a careless observer might k warden of the penitentiary and kept States, though it is probable that t by him in “solitary confinement” have thought that ahe cared nothing, as Philippine« may have to be refunded. recent discoveries in the United Htal until the day of his execution. It is It bacama each day more and more evi Corner stone for the new federal will enable it to continue to lead ■ >• said that the "solitary confinement” dent that Alice waa dying. But theaa building at Balern, Or., will Is- laid the number of gallons produced; Sandridge, not b*4 VA .uruvi, rosi nis clause contitntes an additional pun knew not of the long uighta when with May 31. while the fact that American oil pro large barn by fire last week. untiring love she sat by her sister's cra ishment than that provided for at the • -Ilina has agreed to the amount of duce« nearly twice ai much refined dle. listening to her Irregular breatLIng, The board of directors of the Hunt time of the commission of the crimes pressing her clammy hand» sad praj >ng indemnity demanded by the powers, illuminating oil from a given quan ington high school have decided to of the men now in jail. Therefore, tity of crude as from the Russian oil, have nine months' school this year. to be forgiven If erer. In thought nr deed, but objects to the interest. it is an ex jmst facto law, and can •he had wronged tbe little one now let v- adds greatly to its value as a commer The 10 hour day law, enactad by The 12th annual convention of the not be made applicable to the pris lug her. the last Washington legislature, for cial product. Washington Connty Sunday School oners now confined. Moreover, the And all thia time there came no kind On« especially interesting feat females may not affect the telephone Association will be held June 6 at new law, which is valid, insofar as word or message of love from Ella. wh> ure of the development of the oil in girls. it relates to criminals to be con knew that Alice was dying, for Billy dustry is, that there has lieen a re Forest Grove. demned in the future, contain a had told her so. At a Nashville, Tenn., university, markable decrease in the price to the The Inland Telephone Company lias clause rcjicaling by implication the The end came peacefully. There waa a native of China won the medal pre consumer during the period in which a crew of men engaged in stringing old law, under which criminals have some talk of burying tbe child in tba sented to the beat orator in the uni the actual exportations and the net extra wires lietween La Grande and lieen hanged, and leaves apparently poorbouae Inelusiire. but Mary pleaded so versity. value of the exports have been in Wallowa county points. no avenue of escape, from the fact earnestly to have her laid by her mother Big San Francisco machine ahoe creasing. The average value of the that her request was granted, and that The Deep Gravel Mining Company, that criminals now condemned must proprietors still refuse tosignthe new illuminating oil exported in 1876 was nlgbt when the young spring tn<»ui cams incorporated, has assumed control of lie given their liberty. out It looked quietly do« n upon the grata •calc Almost 111 of the smaller ones about 15 cents per gallon, and in all the mining property heretofore Mr. Fulton will try to induce Gov 1877. an exceptional year, 20 cents owned by Wimer Bros. à Co., at ernor Rogers to call a special session of little Allee, who l<y her mother's alda have signed. [> ct gallon. By 1881 the price had was sweetly sleeping. The editor of a German new«[iapcr Waldo. of the legislature to remedy the al a e a s e e e baa violated the laws oi the United fallen to almut 10 cents per gallon, The contract has been let for the leged radical defect in the law. He Three weeks had passed away alnc« Statist by publishing a half-tone por the figures for that year being 332,- says that a law can be drafted which Alice’s death, and affairs at the poor- trait of a $10 bill. (MiO.OOO gallons, valued at $34,000 - hauling of 3,0(X) tons of gypsum for will cover the points desired by the the the Oregon Lime Company front house were beginning to glide on aa iisuaL 000. By 1891 the average price was framers of the one passed at the last Advices just received from Hawaii about 7 cents per gallon. Mary, who had resumed her post as dish By 1898 gpysttm mine to the company’s works washer in the kitchen, was almost dally report the arrival there of a ship load the average ex|»ort price had dropped at Lime, three mile« from Hunting session, and at the same time make provision for the legal execution ol expecting Jenny; an-l one day when Billy of Porto Rican immigrants, nearly to 5 cents |>cr gallon, the quantity ton. the criminals, who, under existing came In to dinner be gave her the Joy starved to death. The vessel ran out exported having lieen 824,000,000 gal There was a $3.500 fire at Oregon conditions, must, perforce, be re ful Intelligence that Jenny had returned i of provisions. lons, and the value reported to the City the first of the week. leased. and had lieen in the field to see him. The Unitc< 1 State« supreme court bureau of statistics by exporters bidding him tell Mary to meet her that I Arrangements are lieitig made to adjourned until the second Monday through the customs collectors, $42,- celebrate the Fourth at Baker City. afternoon In the woods by the brook. MACHINSTS ARE CONFIDENT. Mary bounded Joyfully away to tha in October without dispising of the 922,682. The Grand lodge of Odd Fellows woods, where she found Jenny, who em Philippine cases, so the treasury íle held their encampment at Baker City. San Francisco Strikers Expact to Raiunw braced her in a manner which showed partment will continue to collect on BLOWN UP BY DYNAMITE. Efforts are being made to develop goods coming from that country. Work Soon. that ahe had not lu-eti forgotten. "Oh." said ahe, "I've got so much to Tbe Chinese indemnity will be Car Loaded With Explosive» Run Into by • the Kaolin deposits, near Huntington. San Francisco, May 30.—The strik tell you, and so milch to bear, though I settled this week. The people of Forest Grove and vi ing machinists report that 22 shops know all about dear little Alica'a death freight Train. cinity are trying to secure a Sunday Mrs. McKinley is standing the —didn't you feel dreadfully?" in this city have signed the union Everett, Wash., May 29.—An acci train service. Alary's tears were a sufficient anawer, homeward trip well. agreement. Several of the strikers dent occurred yesterday afternoon od Farmers near Salem say grain i< and Jenny, •• If suddenly discovering It is certain that all volunteers will the Great Northern Railroad four looking as well as it ever did and they have purchased small shop« and be something new, exclaimed. "Why, what lie started for home la-fore July. gun business on their own account. miles east of Skykomish which re expect a large crop this year. have you lieen doing? Who |> u II« k | your Danger of serious trouble la-tween sulted in the serious injury of Engi teethF' The machinists generally express Mrs. Thomas Campbell, aged 60 Mary explained the eircuni«tancea of France and Morocco has lieen averted. neer John McGrouty and consider year«, an old resident of Oregon, died themselves as confident that an ad the tooth-pulling and Jenny continued: A freight train on the Great North able loss of property. justment of the differences with their "You look a great deal batter, and if ern ran into a car loaded with dyna A push car loaded with 48 boxes ol at her home in Monmouth last week. former employers will soon be effect- your cheeks were only a little fatter and mite. dynamite waa being run to a siding The Baldwin Sheep A I .a nd Com- your skin not quite so yellow, you'd l>o when the west bound freight train, ! pany, of Hay Creek, will sell at pub The Amalgamated Society of Engin The battle ship Oregon is to lie real handsome; but no matter about that. No. 15, came along. Before the: lic auction, June 1, 1,000,000_4<ounds eers has declared its sympathy with I saw George Moreland in Boaton. ami 1 thoroughly overhauled on her return men in charge of the push car could . of wool. the strike of the machinists, and wanted to tell him almut you. but I'd to this country. reach the siding, the freight struck promised not to; aud then at first I felt At a meeting of the executive com levied an assessment on its members A 13 year old San Francisco Isiy the car. A terrible explosion fol afraid of him, for you can't think what was murdered in a moat cold Idooded lowed. The engine waa hurled some mittee of the Columbia River Pack-: for the strikers' benefit. a great big fellow be'a got to be. Why. More than 1.000 employe« of the manner by a butcher. distance up the mountain aide. era' Association it was decided to raiec 1 Risdon Iron Works, who are now out lir a awful tall and hnudaome. too. Itoaa the price of canned goods. likes him. and ao do lota of the girls, but The supreme court holds that the Three freight car« were demolished , i on strike, were paid paia off o yesterday after Reports from Willamette i “y returning their tools. The men who I don't believe be care« a lilt for any of United States may levy duty on im and alsmt 500 feet of track was torn tip. A steam shovel standing near Clackamas river fishermen, near Ore worked at the Union Iron Works will them except hla cousin Ida. and I gtteaa ports from Porto Rico. was reduced to scrap iron. McGrouty gon City, say this is the best season | receive their pay today. The metal he does like her." In round numlx-nt tin- estimate for was the only one seriously hurt. He for their work for several years. Here tbe chatterer was interrupted by polishers say there are five union Henry Lincoln, who directly in front of the civil government of the Philip received a scalp wound, hi« tongue The board of trustees of the State shops in the city. The marine paint Iter leaped across the brook. He was pines will be $1,200,(MM). was bitten through, and he also sus ers, who went out on strike last Satur evidently not much improved in hla man Twenty-one men were killed and tained injuries to his spine. A Reform School has let bids for thf ner«. for tbe moment he was safely land nine others seriously injured in a watchman's shack. 75 yards from the laying of 4.500 square feet of concrete day, are all at work, their demand for $.'! a day having been granted. ed on terra firm« lie approached Mary, mine explosion in Tennessee. explosion, was blown to atoms and work, for basement floors and walks. In response to a demand that only and. arising her round the waist, ex the watchman himself stunned? Thf Telephones« are in greater demand union sailors be shipped on vessels Portland Markets. claimed, "Halloo, little pauper! You're injured men were taken totbe Everett in Havana than in any American glad to ace me back. I dare say." Wheat—Walla Walla, 00c.; val tielonging to the Ship Owners’ Asso hospital. Then drawing her bead over so that city, according to population. ley, nominal; biuestem, 61®62c. ciation, the latter organization has lie could look into her face, he contin demanded that members of the Sail Philippines commission has enacted |a»r bushel. ued, "Had your tusks out, haven't you? a law fixing the salaries of the offi ors' Union go to sea only on associa STRIKERS LESS SANGUINA. Flour — Best grades, $2.90® 3.40 [>er Well. It'» quite an Improvement, so much cials of the central government. tion ships. Irnrrel; graham. $2.60. so that I'll venture to kiss you." Oats — White $1.35(81.40 per Pental ; Eightcan Hundred Men Still Out Aroune Dr. Monroe, senior dean of Colum Mary struggled, and Jenny scolded, May Ba Ramagnoli'» Body. gray, $1.30(01.32S percental. wljle Henry said. "Don't kick and floqnre bia University, Washington, has Is-en Newark. N. J. Barley—Feed, $17(817.50; brewing, Berlin, May 30.—The Lokal Anzei- ao, my little beauty. If there's xnyglnng decorated by the sultan of turkey. New York. May 29.—The close oi $17® 17.50 per ton. 1 hate it'a swing girls make believe ger reports on the authority of the A dismantled hulk has la-en sighted the first week of the machinist« Millstuffs—Bran, $17 per ton; midd Buda Pest correspondent that there they're modest. That clodhopper Hill on latke Michigan.« Investigation strike at Newark, N. J., finds about lings. $21.50; shorts. $20.00; chop. kisses you every day. I'll warrant." disclosed seven Indies alsiard her. has just been taken from the river 1,8(M> idle men in Newark and it.« $16. (To tie continued.! EVENTS OF THE DAY CIIAPTKK VI. Mar» ba'l I»'" •' ,b" P*»t*®“* ¿„h. sh.n Ml.a Grundy .m. day «.ferr i ber b» II» ber aitn I h . uu «1 and 1?' arresa ih" meadow and through ih« „.I, unni .!>« ' •>•••’ "* " •tublile, .ben f»H»« 'l,r '-"P"“1 amll «he - ame <« au .iher atrlp of wMrfa. ■ Uh a brook rmiumg through it. "And . , tbe tur dgr them «moda. ' a«M •he "yuu'll «re thè mm foiba tO Work, and >1« l'H ’a'" , u""’ ,o 'hr*r prated did alia br«r th« words, "Whr, Mary, what la th» mattar? What'a liap- l>rnrd?" flirti looking up aha saw Billy Hrndrr, who raised her In bls arms. l-ayltlg ber head m hla shoulder, aha aolilwd out "Mbe's gone she's gone, and there's nuhody left but Hally. "Ob dear, oh dear"* "Gone' Mh<wr goneY* asked Hilly. “Jenny." waa Mary'a reply. “Hbe'a gone to Boston, and won't rom» back tlll next May. and I loved her tn much." "Oh. yrs. I know," returned Billy. "I **0 tras • "'!<'• Meplemlier day. niel them all mi their way to the depot ; Mary d. termine I noi '<• burry. Hhe had Imi I wmildti I feel an badly Jenny will noi SU"» ,,r w*"''1 auddenly ionie agata, and besldsa that. Pre «ot uiwa • boy an I I" • •l"1' •*" some real g-md news to tell you." «d l» br playl"« •*•• bnmb. In thè ''About Kila'' said Mary. featsrra «f lite !-• «br re< ognlacl Henry "No. not alsoit Kila, but about myself; Idneolii sul rememherln« whal Hllly I'm coming bere to lire with you.” had «ahi ■»< hmi. »he waa sbotti turnlng t'omlng here to live!” repeated Mary (aay when thè siualleat of th" girla with astonishment. "What for? Ara M«le<l ber. an i (Sli»«i '•••( "lewik bere. yonr folks all dead?” n.„. | reck-n Ihat'a Mary Howard Bill» smiled and answered. “Not quit. •o t>s l ss that. I wrht to hrr<* I ni («log <• «Peak ber •Jrnny l.lnrwla. you muatn'l do anjr two years ago. and I know I learned •neh thing Mother won't llke II." an- more than I ever did at home in two «werrd th» girl calieri Rose. seasons The boya, when Henry i.ln- Ani wbrlber “mother would llke II" or coin la away, don't act half as badly as a<H, Jenny d. noi a'op to think, and they do 10 tbe village; and then they «an ••liara /on ally hate a lady teacher, breauae It'a foia« teward Mary "he aald come to play in tbe woodal" ( heaper, I suppose, for they don't pay “So," waa Mary'a reply. "I came ta them half as much aa they do gentle «all tb» toika tu dinner." men. and I think they are a great deal "Oh. Il waa you that screamed •« lottd, the liest Anyway, 1 can learn the moat | roul-la t thlnk who II waa. bui H een't w hen I go to a woman." ba dianer tlmaP' "Hut what makes yon come here, and "tee. 'Ila. It'a nuoti " what will ymir mother do?" asked Mary. "Wall, we d<m l bava dlnner untll 2. ' Hhe's got a sister come from the West to slay with her, and aa I shall go home •al WS alsy bere tlll Won't you play wlth uaF* every Halurday night, she'll get along "No, I een't; I muti g-> bark and well enough I heard Mr. Parker in the atore one day Inquiring for a Imy to do Work," aald Mary. "Work'" rr|.eated Jenny. "1 think chores H-> after consulting mother I H's bad rmmgh Io have to live la that offered my services and waa accepted, aid hooa* without working, hut coms and Wool we hare real nie. time* going to are our fish p-md." and taking Mart a I schmil together ?" band. ah. Isd her to a wide part ot th*- I Three weeks from that time the winter stream where the waler bad hr—n dam school eomtnenced, and Billy took up rne-l up nntll It taaa nearly two feel deep ! his abode at the poorhoiiae. greatly to the tad clear aa crystal Ixmhing In. Mary sallsfactb ii of Hally and Mary and great- ronld are the |>elddeo on the bottom, ' ly io the annoyance of Miss Grundy. while a fl.h ocrnalonally darted out ami "Kmart idea!" said she, "to bars that then disappeared. : great himmo* around Io lie waited on!" "I made ibla almost all myself.” said • nd when «be saw how happy hla pres Jenny "Henry wouldn't help me ence seemed to make Mary, she »ruled rauae be'a ao ugly, and Il<we was afraid ber displeasure upon her In various ways, •f blaeking her Angers. Hut I don't rare conjorin« up all sorts of reasons why she Mother aa,a I'm a great great I'ra for should May '-nt of school as often as pos gotten the word, hut It means dirty and slide, and wonderiug "what tbe world careless, amt I guess I du look like a was routing to. when young ours hardly fright, dun t I T‘ out of ihr cradle begun to court! Il Mary now for the Aral time m»tlre.l the wasn't so in her younger days, goodness appearance of her cuupanloo. and read) knows"* ly guessed that (ho word which she rould Much as Mary had learned to prise not remember was "slattern,” Mha> was Hally's f tieni ship, liefore winter waa a fat, cUnbby llttla girl, with a round, over aha had ratiae to value It still more ■■nay face and laughing blur eyew, while highly. Wretched and destitute as the her brown hair bung around her fore |w>or erased creature now waa. sbe show- bead In short, tangled curls Altogether d plainly llist at some period or other •he was Juai the kind of little girl which of her life she had had rare advantages one often Anda In the country swinging for education, which abe now brought oo galea and making mud plea iato use for Mary'a tw-nctlt. Mary waa naturally very neat, and In Each night Mary brought home her reply to Jenny'a qursllon aa to whether lexika, and lhe rapid Improvement which she looked like a fright, she answered, she mstle In her studies waa as much "I like your fare better than I do your owing 1« Sally's useful bints and aasiat- dress." because It la clean." ance as tu her own untiring persever "Why, so was my drew thia morning." ance One day when she returned from •aid Jenny, "hut there can't anybody play school Hally saw there was somethin« la the mud and not get dirty." the matter, for her eyea were red, and Jenny drew nearer to Mary and said: her cheeks were flushed aa If with weep "If you’ll never tell anyluely aa long aa Ing. Ou Inquiring of Billy, ahe learned >00 live and braealbe, I'll tell you aome that some of the girls bad l>ecn trasing thing" Mary about h«r teeth, calling them Mary gave the required promise, and "tushes." Jenny continued: “I shouldn't like to Aa It happenrd. one of the paupers waa bare my mother know It, for she scolds •II the time now about my 'vulgar sick, and Dr. Gilbert waa at that time in tastes, though I'm sure Rose likes the lhe bouse; to him Hal Immediately went, and after laying tbe case before him «me things that I do. except Hilly Hen der, au l It’s about him I waa going to asked him to extract the offending teeth. •ell you. He was no pleasant I couldn't Hally waa quite a farolito with the doc help loving him. If mother did say I tor, who readily consented, on condition niustn t ||e used to talk to me ahont that Mary waa witling, which he much keeping dean, and once I tried a whole doubted, aa such teeth came hard. "Willing or not, ahe shall have them week, and I only dirtied four dreasea In It's all that makes her ao homely,” •II that time. Oh! how hand aom* iin<l out •may liia eyes looked when I told him ■aid Bal. and. going In quest of Mary, •bout It ||r („„ij m, in |#p_ g||1| she led Iler to the doctor, who asked to •al'l that was more than he thought a look in her month. There waa a Seres struggle, a scream, llttla girl ought to dirty. Did you ever •'» any boy you lured as well as you d<> and then one ot the teeth waa lying upon the floor. Billy Bendery 'Hlaud alili.” ■•Id 8al. more sternly Mary hesitated a moment, for. mnrh •• she liked Billy, there waa another than she had ever before spoken to Mary, whom aha loved better, though he had who. half frightened out of her wits, mu*TJ*'n nn,' h"lr ■■ kind to her aa stood «till while the other one waa ex- tracted. J After a time ahe answered •■There." «aid Bal, when the operation Yea. I like, or I did like. George More land, hut I shall never ace hint again;" waa liltiahed. "you look • blind re.I per ••<1 then she told Jenny of her home lu cent batter." For a titnr Mary cried, hardly know •ngland, of (he long, dreary voyage to America, and of her father's death; hut ing whether she relished the Joke nr not; When She came to the sad night when her I,ut when Billy praised her Improved mother and Franky died, ahe could not looks, telling her that "her mouth waa Y °n'an'' 'a.vlbg her face In Jcnny'a lap real pretty," and when site herself dried cried f.,r a long time, Jenny's tesrn her eves enough to see that it waa a ’’wad, too. and she, softly caressing great Improvement, ahe felt better, aud •■«ay, aald: "Don't cry no, for I'll lore wondered n hy she had never thought to »»'I, and we'll Imre good times together, have them out before. Ilapidly and pleasantly to Mary that 11,1 "a Uro |n Huston every winter. It wIII be 'moat six weeks before we winter paaaed away, for the presence of Billy waa in itself a sufficient res son why ,l,e*n t" see you every day.” in BoatonF' said Mary. Inquiringly, she abottlil be happy. He was an affec tionate and brother like In hla deport tlcorge Ilves in Boston." •«¿(""T **.’ »Hent a moment, and then ment toward her that ahe begun question , l '' 'n { ,r'*l’P'n< her hands together, ing whether she did not love hint n« well. I '' '»claimed: "1 know George More- If not better, than ahe did her slater Kila, whom she seldom saw, though she heard anl'i J""1 "ppualte our hottae, •h'l la Id« Meldon'a cousin. Why. he'« that ahe had « governess front Worcester, moat as handsome aa Hilly Bender, only and waa taking music Icaaona on a grand .1. . " Xo" mo1*' ,'11 him about piano, which had been twilight a year be Occasionally Billy called at Mrs. J, ' f,,r "’other aaya he'a got lots of fore ay, «nd perhaps he'll glre you •ome.” ('amphell'a, but Ella seemed shy and un f,lt ’k** "h" wouldn't for the willing to apeak of her slater. "Why h there thia difference?' ho boorb h"’“ know «lie waa In th« thought more than once, aa he contrast "No "ho quickly answered, ahon. n°' ,O.H 'di hint a word ed the situation of the two girla—the otto I«« ft. *?"' ''"n't want you to. Prom- petted, caressed and aurrmitided by every luxury, and the other forlorn, desolate, "* th,( you won't." and the Initiate of a poorhoiiae; and then lie built castles of a future when, by the CHAPTER VII. toh.. •nerno<’“ «bout thè middle of Oe- labor of hla own head or hands, Mary, Ih ' ,*r7 under an appi» tre» In too, should lie rich and happy. la Y'1' bltterly. It was CHAPTER VIH. • n.l " 's ^Bce, who was wlth her, Xlan. hOnbT thl* ,lm'’ wn" ahl* ,0 As apriti« advanced Allee began to ho» Ar up *° hpr "''le. pitting droop, Sally's quick eye detected in her to *ni1 ,n vsrlous wsyi Infallible signs of decay. But ahe would uomini» f "t,,,ntlon- Rh« still wept on, not tell it to Mary, whose life now seem Men« " nt th" "«und of rapid foot- ed a comparatively happy one. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were kind to her. Unci«' upoo ih. grana, nor „.m lwk.. NEWS OF THE STATE Rear Admiral Sampson is to retire suburbs. The strikers have ceased Hay—Timothy. $12.50(814; clover, from service in the American navy. to lie as sanguine as at first i«;arding $7(89.50; Oregon wild hay, $6®7 The Kaffirs have had nil opportunity He will ask for retirement on account the outcome of their efforts to com-' l>er ton. to learn something of the art of surgery |iel their employers to gnwit a nine | Hops—12(014c. |MT III. since the soldiers and the military doc of poor health. hour day without decreased pay. A Wool — Valley. 11® 13c; Eastern the It is very likely that as soon as tors have overrun Africa Possibly ad half dozen of the smaller shops in | Oregon, 7® 10c; mohair. 2O®2lc. the ministers move to the hills for vanced methods will not altogether this section have met the demands per pound. supersede primitive surgery among warm month» that the Boxers will of the men but none of the larger Butter — Fancy creamery, 15(ê these people, however, for they are not again attack the legations. ones has shown any disposition to I7’ec. ; dairy, 130114c.; store, 11(0 The America's cup race will la-gin yield. Representative« of the larger 12*»c. per pound. fond of change, Time was when a Kaffir with A September 21. firms say they are prepared for just Eggs—Oregon ranch, 12(812’..c. broken log submitted to peculiar treat Franco wants her treaties with Tu-! an long a fight as the machinists per dozen. ment. It was customary to place the nis abrogated. arc to maintain. Cheese—Full cream, twins. 13(8 limb In a hole dug In the earth, and It is probable that the machinists 13'jc.; Young America. 13la®14c. Mrs. Me kinlcy ia standing the re keep It there till the bones were knit employi-d in the American Engine |ier pound. turn trip well. ■works, at Plainfield will go out. Poultry—Chickens.mixed.$3.50(8 4 : together again. An unknown mint committed sui This company agreed to the nine hour liens, $4(85.00; dressed, 11(812c. per The Leisure Hour tells of a case In : clause, but cut 15 cents from the 10 Imund; springs, $3(85 |ier dozen; which the lames of a certain Kaffir lad, > cide near Kalama. M ash. lucks. $5(86; geese. $(1(8 7: turkeys, having been set by European aid, the Three prisoners escaped from the hour pay. ivc, 10(812c; dressed, 14(0 16c. per Kaffir father dissented from the meth county jail at Snlem, Or. Homecoming of Volunteer». pound. od employed. He had the splints re Army frauds have been discovered Potatoes—Old. $1(8 1.15 ;>er sack ; Manila, May 29 —It is reasonably moved. carried the boy home on horse in 1-eytc, Philippine islands. certain that the remaining volunteers new, 2L4(82l»c. per pound. back. and then took the usual course of Suicide of a Russian financier may w ill sail for home before July. The Mutton — I-nnilm 4\(85c. per setting the limb In the earth. The Forty seventh regiment and battalions pound groes; l>est sheep, wethers, consequence wax that it took six embarrass many institutions. months to effect a cure. Senators Tillman and McLaurin, of the Forty ninth and Thirty eighth with wool, $4-25<M-5O; dressed, 6®7c have sailed on the transport Thomas, |>er jxrnnd. Kaffir doctors are hereditary, the cle of South Carolins, have resigned. Hogs — Gross, heavy, $5.75(06; l’lie Ohio sails today with the Forty verest son In the doctor's family being Cftillcs and Malver, Filipino lend scond regiment and the Kilpatrick light, $4 75(85; dressed, 7@7llc. per uxunlly chosen to succeed Ills father. ers. have lieen forced to surn-nder. and Logan June I with the Forty |M>Ulld. There are other modern things that a Veal—Large, BLs(8 7c. per pound; Thirty-two bodies have so (ar l>cen third and Forty ninth regime:.ts and Kaffir has to learn Iwsldes the newest 7’»®8c. per pound. nichods In surgery. In hla language recovered form the Bengheny colliery. two battalion« of the Sixth. The small, Beef—Gross, top steers, $5(05.25; Grant aails from Aparri June 1 with there la no such term as "Thank you." Oregon ores are being collected two cows and heifers, $4.50(04.75; dressed Ik Is beginning to learn IL however, for tbe International Mining Con the Forty eighth regiment and beef, 8(i®8tg'c. per pound battalions of the Forty ninth. although he does not think It becoming gress. to show nny emotion—whether of grat Rioting In South Ruxla. Senator Hawley is in favor of pro itude or anything else. It is understood in Rome that Tope Ixmdon, May 29. — Rioting hai tecting the Nicaraguan canal, no When two Kaffirs meet one says, “1 Leo XIII has made n will naming his spread to South Russia, says a dis matter what kind of an interna sec yon,” which Is answered by "Yea." successor, patch from St. Petersburg, as the tional agreement is made. More poetical Is hla parting word. result of the production of the anti It was held recently in a London Northwestern Iowa bus begun ship “May peace go with you," to which Seminite play, “The Smugglers.”.At comes the response, "May peace stay ping choice butter to Porto Rico. Kutala thousands of people congre police court that no one has any right The first consignment left Sioux i to force his way into a railway car with you."____________ ____ gated about the theater and stoned riage already full. Falla a few days »go. Aa Effect Spoiled. the police. A detachment of Cos The Austro Hungiirian census just < sacks charged and dispersed the San Francisco has 130, Pittsburg "After the ceremony the bride wepL" completed shows the total population "Grief at leaving her home?” crowd. Thirteen policemen, 15 Cos 385, Providence 250, Washington 000, "No: she forgot herself, and held up to bo 47,000,(MX), an increitse since sacks and two officers were severely Louisville 325, Cincinnati 510 ant' Cleveland 400 policemen. her beautiful long satin train going 1890 of 9 per ccn(. The population ol injured. Budapwt has increased 45 per cent, ' down the alal«." New Idea.. N Danube, near that city, a dead ls*dy, heavily loaded with chains, which the Hunagrian police firmly believe to lie that of Raniagnoli, the anarchist re ported to have been sent from Amer ica to murder the German emperor. The police of every country in Europe and America have been notified of the discovery. Bur May Have to Givt Up Trip. Seattle, May 30.—It is possible that on account of the machinists strike the repairs on the revenue cutter Bear will not be completed in time to per mit her to proceed on her journey north. This will necessitate the abandonment of the voyage to Siberia, and the distribution of the herd of 300 reindeer now awaiting the arrival of the Bear. In this event Lieutenant Berthioli will be com pelled to spiend the winter on the Siberian coast. Withdrawal of Garmans. Berlin, May 30.—A dispatch to thicA/ Cologne Gazette says the withdrawn^ of the German marines to Sing Ta| has begun and that the German qua ter of Pekin has been handed over t the Chinese authorities experinten ally for a fortnight. Amendmant Accepted. Havana, May 30. — The Pit f|fT! ainctulineiit has lieen accpeted by t Cuban constitnitonal convention l>4 >a vote of 15 to 14. The actual rep. (|1C wits on accepting the majority rep. of the committee on relations whj embodied the amendment, with I planaitona or certain clattnee. ' Radicals made a hard fight at the ! moment, and on -several occaai. persomil encounters seemed ini nent.