Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1901)
1 KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. CARRICK, GRIGSBY C O that the laml »-night if mor» valuable for its timber <>r »time for agri-- cultural purposce, ami to establish her cliiitn to taitl land la-fore the Register ami R«" . -ver oi this office nt laikevie" . j tir., on Siitiuday, the 27tli -lav of July. I I. She name« a" \iline»!-«'«: Win. II. Smith, of I lot nbr-H-k. t'alif. t Henry 1. Small, of Klamathon, Calif.; Emma l*ar"luill, ot Klamathon, Calif, j Es ther Durgin, of Klamathon, Calif. Any ami all pi-isomi claiming aJvernly tho al-ove <1. “t il«--l land» art-. n*qu«-»ted to tile their claim» in this office before said 27th day of Jul.'. 1901. E. M. IlgcrruN, Register. claiming adversely the idmve deseiItasi Timber Lsml. Act Nolkv for Publkâtloii. huida are requested to tile then claim* in this ottico >>n or before »aid 28th UNITED STATO I '■'•‘V o' Jiiu ! day of Juno. Itati. I.Ahi rim. <'wsii-’X- 'pul E. M HR ATTAIN. Register. Thts is the name of the new firm which now reigns in the store which herctoforo liven conducted by A. Timber Land. Act June 3. 137S— W. HUSE <S SON, has 1». Carrick alone. As to the r-.-m- Notice for Publication. E d IT o RH Axil PaOMtirVOM, liets of th«-firm. Messrs. Carrick and Grigshy are thoroughly (Hittted «'it all si ax airriox matsci I NITED STATES I VNI» OFFICE, I kitnis of fanning machinery and gen- y»»r (tn advance) .......... L akkvivw , Oastaix, May 2, llMI. 1 I*** I oral hard«.ire. and expect to keep Notice Is hereby given that, in coin 1901,1 and furnish a complete and valuable 6. .T hursday . J unk pliance with the provisions ol the act oi 'stock of everything called for tn their t'ongtvflH of June 3, 1878, entitled “All ' line, at prices which will meet ap« act (or 1 he »ah' of timta'r land« in the ,....... ;.....: r_;___ Th.-t mn adl of California, Oregon, Nevada and you anything from a darning needle TIM HER LA ND. AIT J U N K 3. 1878, «late» Waihhigtnn Territory.” a« extended to to a threshing machine. Call and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. all the Public Land Slate" bv ait “I The following particulars of the see their goods and prices and be con Augu»t 4, 181'2, William Stalcup, “I lynching of five men at Lixikout, vinced. ' Il «rni-rook. County of Siskivou, State U sitki » S tatus I. axu Orrica. Modoc Co., Cal., on Friday last, are Like view . Oregon, April 20, 1901. of California, ha» tin« -lay tiled in tld> given by a correspondent of Sat tir Kvcrvbody Is snrpriacri at the great Notice is hereby given that tn com ofliee hi» sworn stati incut, N'<> 303, for day’s Oregonian: values i he Duffy Co. l ive in men's pliance with the provisions of the net of i the pmchaso of the F»j of SW»., anil The men were Calvin Hall, 72 and boys' suits. They are savin," Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An ' S', tif 8«:'« of Section No. II. in town- 8., Range No. 7'.j I'. W. M . years old. his three half-breed sons. tlielr customers from $.1 to J.’> on each act for the saleof timber lands in the "hip No. states of California, Oregon, Nevada, I *nu will offer proof to »how that tin* Frank. James, and Martin, nged rv- 1 suit. ami Washington Territory.'* as extend land fought is more valuable for it» Mpectively 26, 19 and 1«. and B. 1». ed to all the Public lain-1 State» by tunla-r or itone than tor agricultural Yantis, aged 27. The men lynched act of August 4, 1898. Henry S.Duuhar. puriM'fv*. ami to e.'labltrh hi* - laiin to had been suspected of petty stealing of Ashland, County of Jackson, State of »aid land bef-iie th«' Kegifteraml lleeeiv for some time and they were arrested Oregon, has this day tile» in this office eroi this otih'e at l-akwiew, Orv.-i'ti, for stealing barbed wire, pieces of his sworn -tnteineiit No. 294, for the on Monday, th.! l-’th -lay of July, I.ML purchase of the SW '« of Section No, 28, lie mint«*» a* vtitnc- «■•: R A. Stan harness and some hay forks. A tn Township No, 39 8., Range No. ti ford, ef Hornbrook, Culii : Erne“t A. Search warrant was issued and the East, and will offer proof to show that Qiuiif. of Klamathon, Calif.; Win. II. harness and forks were found in the I the land sought is more valuable for Quaii, t l Klamathon, Calif.; Robt. B houses of Hall and Yantis, who were! its titula r ot stone than for agricultural Stalcup, of Hornbrook, Calti. Any and taken into custody and brought to! purpose.“, and to establish his claim to all pcu-oii* claiming adversely I heal- '•>•• Lookout, where they were being held, said land liefore the Register ami Re du«cribt“t lamia aru reqn»«te«l to I le awaiting examination and trial. ceiver of this office at laikeview, Oregon, their claim» in thi* oilice t-n or liefore Later, halters, dishes and tablecloths on Friday, the 2Slh day of June. 1901. said 15th dav of July, ltk»l. which had been taken from clothes E. M. BRA IT'AIN’, Register. He name.“ a» w itnesses : J. A. Parker, Bly. Cregon ; M. S. Parker, of Blv, Ore lines were found Bidden on the prent- gon; W. IX Weeks, of Duluth, Minn.; TIMBER I.AM». At'TJl'NF.3, 1878, isea of the suspected nteil. Harris Dean«, of Duluth. Minn. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The charge against the elder Hall Any an 1 all persona claiming adversely was petty larceny, hence he wm al the above-dvs, ril>ed lands are requested U mtcu S iatks l.ixn thriii-:. lowed to go on his own recognizance. to file their claims tn this office 011 or lakeview . Or.. May 2. 1901. His trial was to ltave taken ph: e this before said 28th day of’June, 1901. Notice is hereby given that in com morning. The charge against the E. M. iln.vrrAls. Register. pliance with the provisions ot the act of ethers was burglary, and their exam STATE TREASURER'S FOURTH Congress o( June 3. »»'78, entitled "Au inations had lieeii set fol June 3. Timber l.and, Act June 3. 1878 | net lor the sale of tinilwr lauds tn the NOTICE. Mates of California, Oregon. Nevada, Notice for Publication. Tley were held in custody in default and Washington Territory," as extend of ♦;>'»»» bail. Pending their exam STATE OF OREGON, ed to all the Public I .mid States by UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.I ination they were being guarded in Treasury Department. act of August 4, 1892, Robert B. Still- L akeview , O kkgox , April 20,1901.» S ai . km , June 5, 1901. the Lookout Hotel. Calvin Hall was Notice is hereby given that, in com cup, of Hornbrook, county of Siski Notice is hereby given that then- are staying at the hotel so as to be near now funds in the treasury with which pliance with the provisions of the act of you. State of California, has this da? his sons. redeem all outstanding state war Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An tileil in this office his sworn statement No. This morning about 2 o’clock a ntob. to rants, drawn on the General Fund and act for th«- sale of timla-r lands in the 304, for the purchase of the NWG ot variously estimated at front 30 to 50 endorsed “Presented ami not paid for states of California. Oregon. Nevada and Section No. 11, in Township No. 33 8. people, suddenly made its appearance want of funds,” prior to this dale; also Washington Territory," as extendeil Range No. 7'a E, W. M., and "III offei at the hotel. The men. pointing to pay all warrants drawn on the State to all the Public I-vnil States by proof to show that the land sought is valuable for its timber or stone their gnns at the two officers on guard, Scalp Bounty Fund, and endorsed “Pre act of August 4. 1892. James Bell, of more than for agricultural |nir|»-«ca. and to eommaiKhid them to observe silence sented and not paid for want of funds." Bly, 1 i f Klamath, state «>f Ore establish his claim to said land la-fore has this day tileil in this office Ids while they secured the five prisoners. prior to May 1st, 1900, ami all such war gon, sworn statement, No. 2l»3, for the pur- the Register and Receiver of this office rants. properly endorsed, will la» paid They placed ropes around the pris upon presentation at this office, inter chase of the SW l4 of Section No. SO, in at Lakeview, Ur., on Monday, the l.'nh oners and dragged them across Piett est thereon ceasing from and after this Tow nship No 39, 8., Range No. 6 East, day of July, 1901. He mimes as wit ltivcr. They compelled the two date. and will offer proof to show that the nesses: Quail, of Klamatlmn, CHAS. 8. MOORE, guards to accompany them. Frank land sought is more valuable for its Calif,; Ernest A. Quaif, of Klamathon, State Treasurer. timber or stone tiian for agricultural Calif.; Win. Stalcup, of lloml-ro-k flail, it is reported, made such strong ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. purjioses, and to establish his claim to Calif.; R, A. Stanford, of Hornbrook. resistance that the niob hanged him Any and all p«-r"oio said land liefore the Register and Re C- lifornia. before It got to the main bridge. 1 is hereby given, that the Coun ceiver of this otl'e-eat I.akeview. Oregon, claiming adversely the almve-de-cril-e-l tinder a small bridge cressing a deep ty Notice Court for Klamath County, Oregon, on Friday, the 28th day of June, lt>01. lands are requested to file their claims slough. The others were taken to ........ ................................ sitting in probate, . did on the 6th day of He naim-sas witnesses: W. D. Weeks, in this office on or la-fore the said 15th the main bridge and Calvin llall. the June. 1901, appinnt me a» administra- of Duluth, Minn.; Harris Deans, of day of July, 1901. E. M. Bttvrritx, Register. father, was banned on the north side trix of the estate of Janies Owen, de- Duluth, Minn.; 11. 8. Dunbar, of Ash and Yantis and the other two Hall, ceased. All persons ha vine claims land. Oregon; J. A. Parker, of Bly, Ore boys were hanged on the sooth side against said estate will present them to gon. Any and all jw-rsons claim Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— Notice for Publication. me on or liefore six months, at the of- ing adversely the aliove-deacribed ef the bridge. As soon as the lynching was au fice of J. C. Rutenic. in Klamath Falls, lands ar«- requested to file their claims UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.! Oregon, dulv verified according to law. in this offi.--- on or betore said 28th day eovered. word was telegraphed to .. ‘•»* I Dated m,..i at -* l Klamath ' i .»..,«. V-II- I.AKKVtxw, O kkihix , May 2, l'.«Jl.i Falls, Oregon, ,1.:. tills of June, 190). District Attorney and Sheriff at Al- 6th day of June. 1901. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Notice is hereby given that, in com turns, together with the coroner, are HENRIK C. OWEN, pliance with the provisions of the a-1 oi now on the way to the scene of the Administratrix of the Estate of James TI M BER I. A N D, A CT J U X E 3, 1878.— Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “Au Owen, deceased. tragedy to hold an inquest. NOTICE Full PUBLICATION. act for the "ale of timls-r lands in till- FublUhM every Thur»tay by FIVE MEN LYNCHED. È!±!«•«• ALEX MARTI» President E R. htAMiS, ALEX hiARUN Vico President. cashi|r N--IÍCC 1» hi-i.-1'V tri»'''' «»'*»• "' • 1 oi>m- -J Jut»" ■ 1 ; , - ,, -i,,, „.I lor the -ile "I H’»1" ' l""1’ ' »tel, s ot UaliL'iiiiu. mul W hs I hix I- 11 h'lUlot». *• «V ten,lt d to all the I’tll'l»' 1 ' lrtl .’ I-, »et of Ve n-t E I -■ 1 I'Ht-luill. of Klaitintl»'"' kll oil, St-lt*' «'Í I '.llil"1 "1'1- V r I n" ' tiletl in this offi«« h«'r»»orn No. 2"8. I< r th«« pilieb'o-" •'( the I ol Section N". I. m Towiohil’N...... I - Raus«- No. I'-»n«l will'll ' I.... . »how that ll-«' hind »ought I» !»"»•' abl«> for its tinil vr or stout' ll'->" 1 ’r ““ ricultural i-urtH-M». *n-l I«' *'. , 1 t innii to »aid l«i"l bt-L'ie tho litvm’rr an.l Ri‘teiver«'l thi» «'H e«' -H • ' " '» ■ Iben -ti, on Suturili».''« Il«’2-th -lay - I Julv, 1901. She imine» it" « liner«-» : I'liil-'. Hull, --i llornl'i <'k. Calif. ; I I '« G. Hull, ut H"inhrook. Fillo ; Hi-iii' I Siiteli, of Kl.iiuathon. t -i’lf. ; I i-H'"« Ihirgitt, of Khiinalhoii, t'alil- Any an i nil ia-r»on» «-hiitniligadverM-lv theii -o.i ih-»eril«Ml lami» are rvqui”tvd I" III" their claim« in this uffici- “li or I h -I oh ' said 27th dar ot lui*. •'Kl'- E. Al. BRA I TAIN. lti-rl’l«-r. TIMBER LA N 1», AFT IFNI. .1. I" .8. NOI R F. FOIL PUBLICA rit»N, Coüeitions Riten Jed lo Promptly. Correspondence Invited. KLAMATH FAILS PLANING MILLS, J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. Plani and Specifications Furnished on All «¿mix oi Buildings and Contracting and Building on the Installment Plan. Atm « w’ tho lnrti»ilt> vrti h’tv <if tn ihuUl and work hirniahvtl by |)||n (nm >{«.,. I » .1 la. W ihm I Carvi»*. M»ir ¡¡mb, Haliiatrr» mnl | lirmlitt» C mt . h S i tn » I On ' r. Llkv\ lew ,( »H-^-'li, Apol. --I’, |9-»l. St t II ni 1 I ’ll nr«I \\ *»ik, S ab I i , Ihnna mii <I IHliifla, Conivi nml B um * r.lin k» an i I’ i . ì ' imh I I’nliiBlnm, Ikmr nml V. intlou l iHtnu«», PulpHit mid 1‘rw s|iitlg|M N«»tic,* i“ her«1 >' given that in - 'in Ihiililrii** «(«»»dunrv, I’Mlnt* aih ! Oil, Mutilillng mill Olmi», Ehnnlhml miti plium't* " uli the pro'I-“I )*"' *»''» ('oiigre-s “I Jum J, 18-8. tutillf-l ' A" I ml»«' «'«I» <«n»Hinl Mini Ont ttlmiw, Wall l*n|wr. I hrnHuii*, rlr,,vtr. A-I lor the “ide “I liuil't r l.iml .ill II»' I h nt work and innlriiiil, mid In Ih« latrai and in«>al approxr«* •tute“ « I California. Oreg- ii . »nd Wmdiingtoh Territory" »» « itemi- i I to all the Public l au t .'-tete« by act of Angi-'l 4, Efliher Durgin. ■>( Klamathun, Count.' “i 8i-ki}-'ii. "i.'l* of California, li*“ thi’ «!•' •'•«-I m --------- AND OFFH E--------- tin» offici’ her sworn »ta'rim-nt No. '."'7. for the p-iri hil"«- “I the 8" '« «'I Sta H"l> vo. I ill To'! nubili xo. ol-S-, I' tnge Vo 7*f E-, ami will *»lwr proof I-» “l-*-w that the land “oiiglit i» more valuable (or it» Proprietor, timber or »tont- than for agtii-tilliiral pnr|“-"e". and lo i-»tebli»h her v!-i:in to said lami tv-fnn« the lì -gi*ter ami II« ■ cei'i-r of this oftlei- -it latkevie" . Hr., on Saturday, tho 2-tli day oi Julv, I9QI. lionrtleil l»y tiny. 8lu- name» »“ '»itm- -«-»: Henry I. Hay Iwught ho KI. Stilali, ot Klamathon, t’-ihl.: Emma l Parsiteli, of Klam itli-m, Calli ; "in. II. I convoyed all oí Orc on Smith, of II -rubrook. C*li(.; I'lulo ami California lowvnt rates. Hull, <>f 1 lornlitiH>k,C.tlif. Any ami all person» rlainiing u-lver-H-ly th«- above <le«cribed I uik I r aro re<|m-*le-l tn lilt their elaitii" in thi" offi-e on VI »ai«l 27lh dav of July, I VI. EM Bhiiriix. II« g Drews Valley, t»rc|<in. O. HIMIÑO, Owmr. Notlve For Publication !8-|>arttm'Ut of the Ini Land Olii e nt laikevu-u . A|'iii 24, BUI. Noti-s- I“ lien l-v given that th«- I--I l->wing-naiiieil »etiler l-n» filed 15 ÜriLlTfd indiar hb |»rSJ*. hi« intention to mak<- to ni | ro- l««rt of his claim, "ml that »» l'rkn S100. Si j) and S130. will l-v ma-lv before J. O. Han 8. CuniniiMioner at B -tiatiia. 1 gx'-.'.,, LAUlXjR ALA MO Head of Herd. Jutiv 8, 19'1. vis: William I . Ilonn«!», II. E. No. 2011. for Pie W', ar limber land. Act June j, 1878 M’M MoNH of 8E1.. an I 8EQ - I NE'«. 8-< Notke for Publication. 37 B., R. 13 E. Hv nani«1« tilt In the Clri-uit C«mrt ■>( th,- “fat* ,4 ing "itm-...-“ to pn-ve liis co Oregon, l«>r the CountV ol Khitnsth, l'NITED “TATI.s I. AND OFFICE 1 rt-KlJem-e Il|>->|| ami ctlltlvatioi »uh hi l.lktlM»«. OBkuoX, Aprii 12, lisri. *i E. K. Cartoli. Plaintiff, i lami, vis: saun-ler» A. White sta’es of California, Oregon, Nevada and I Fqililjlk* ra. Notte» i» heieby glieli timi, in etUll- ton, Oregon ; Archie R. U bite. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. iHiiaiw, pliance with thè pr«iti»i«ui» of thè art «if W. A. Carroll, Dvfomlant. UN ITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ! Washington Territory." as exteudv.! to t--n, Orvg -n ; Walter Farra, «4 Tn W A. Carroll, the above ssim 4 ('ong 1 <• » o| Julii l, 187", enlill«“l "Ah I.AKEVIKW, O kkgox , April 20, 1901. f all the Public lain-l States by act of < »regoli ; Muse» Jame», uf lù-irt-o To the Hon. County Court of the August 4, 1892, Ernest A. Qnalf, oil via Notice i“ hereby given that in com »et tur Ite »al» uf lintlier lai«d» in the defendant. gin. State of i »regon. for Klamath county. I « vi « N ahm or tu » stati nr t»ss- -tat- - of talli «riila. <>r«-g--n, Ncva.fa and pliance with the provisions of the act of Klamathon, County <f Siskiyou, State We the undersigned residents and le Lake Rcute. gal voters of Tide Lake precinct, sail Congress of June 3,1878. entitled “An of California, has this day filed in Washington Tcrnturv,” Henry I». sunti onx : Yon »re lu-r«-l«y r«q<itr«“l tn ap this office his sworn statement. No. 305. ol Klsnmlh Fall». Cmmly <•! Klaiimth, ¡“■ar ami answer th» r«-tiipl*inl hiél The favorite route to the exst is county and state, respectfully re-quest act lor the sale of timla-r lands in the for the purchase ot the 8W. *4 of See stale <>f Oregon, La» thi» «iay tllc<l In agalli«! you in the ai“>v«< «-hlnl«“l anil, ria Salt Lake City and Denver over that a license, to rell spiritous, malt states of California, Oregon. Nevada, t ion No. ¡2, in Township No. 33 8., Range Washington Territory,” as ex UENERAl. JOBBER AND HOUSE thi« - ilice In» sworn »talrmchl, No. '-'*5. ,<n or twiore the IMlliday <4 Jims. A. I»., Hie Rio Grande Western Railway, and vinous liquors in less quantities and No. 7k, E. W. Al., and will offer proof to tended to all the Public fjuid States by f<«r th» purchas» of il-rNE.»4 olsW^, lutti, ami If )o«i f»il>i> tn anawtr l-r In connection with either the Denver than one gallon in the precinct of Till«- act CLEANER. of August 4, 1892, William I). Weeks, »bow that the land sought is mon- valu '-»a of sE’i ami N’V *4 of brltg, of ree- » atil t|irrr<«(, the plaintiff will ai-plx latke, said conn tv and state, for a period able for its timber or stone than for ag A Rio Grande or Colorado Midland , of six months, from July 11th, A. D., of Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of itoli N«>. 2. io lowimliip No. 4U, Coutil. the Court for the relief *• pravi“* l«e in ricnltural purpose», ami to establish Ins Railroads. Yoe will find it a pleas 1901, lie granted to W. It. Brown, oi Minn., has this day tiled in this office Stove Polishing, Window Clean Ilauge No. lo I Issi, ami w ili offer prmd to plninliff'» coni pl a In I ; that ist«» asti ant way to travel, coupling as it raid precinct: First: Timi the l»>n«l* ««I nudrirh'wy his sworn statement No. ZU2, for the claim to said land before the Register Ing end M hlteweshlng a Specialty. r'-ow timi ilo- lami aouglil l> more valli- and Receiver of this office nt Lakeview, does the most remarkable scenic ride at-le tur il» timl-vr or »ione than for »g- now existing lietwven I'lamllff rar««! 'I**- H. E. Smith, Dan VanBrimmer, A. D. purchase of the NW'4 of Section No. Ore,, on Monday, the l-'-tli day of July. In America with an unsurpassed train Balis. G. F. Fish, L. M. Robison. John 82, in low nsliip No. SIS., Range No. 1901. He names as witnesses: Robt.. Leave Orders at l.y Taylor'* Lar riciiitural i-tirpo««-». ami t<> ■-»tabliali hi» (etolanl l-e di««ohi“lI aiiliullvd mi-i hsl-l « laiin to »*id lami I n tote il-«- llegister lor naught. service. Three fast through transcon Colwell, Samuel Wilson, C. M. Irvine, 6 E., and will offer proof to show that B. Stalcup, of H "rnbr-sik, ('slit.; Win her Shop. 8ec««ii.l: That plaintiff •* siilli'»’i»d the land sought is more valuable for its ami lire« in-r of U-l» office »t fjikoview, tinental trains daily, carrying all John Ratliff, W. C. Crawford. James tiuil>er Stah'iip, of Hornbrook, Calif.: Wm. II atone than for agricultural Oregon, « hi Tueiàlay, the 2-'«lli -Iay ut to ásenme her lormer immc, Mrs. h. I-, LLAMA IH FALLS. ORE classes of equipment, including Pull Briscoe, Adam Schortgen, W. R. I»avie, purposes, or and Quaif, oi Klamathon, Calif.; K. A. to establish his claim to llei-lrivk. Jniie, lìMti, Ile namr« ■■ witno»»«» E. Irvine, R. W. Welsh, D. N. Fish, Stanford. of Hornbrook. Calif. Ant man Palace and ordinary or Tourist O. S. Third: For »nclt other stai fiirlhrr Brandon, R. Hutchison, Dan Col sai I land before the Register and Re and all |«ersons claiming a-i- timbri : land , actjune . i . k i . Sunim I Dixon, o| K<ama!h fall«,«*rr. Sleepers to Chicago and St. Louis F. well, S. E. Martin, T. E. Wallis, J. W. ceiver of this office at f-akeview, < »regon, versely the aliove-deccrilied lands art- g'-n; Samuel T. bomttier». of Klnmatb relief »“ Io tlir ll--n ‘table C«r rt niay notice for publk ation . Without change, Free Reclining Hammond, Bert Davis, W. P. Whitney, on Friday, the 28th day of June. 1901. Fall» (lo gon ¡Cba» I». WllW'-nof Klalit- nra-tii ju«l ami tqiltlabh*. requested to file their claims in this Chair Cars. Observation Cars and a T. A. Balis, C. T. Wilson, R. H. Ander lie names as witnesses: Harris Ik-ans, ofliee Thi« stiminoti« i» publi»h«“l in p»’- a:li I all*. < tri-gi n ; Charlle Humakar, i-f on or before sail 15ll> day of UNITED STATES l.\XD<»l FH'E.l Perfect Dining Car fvrvlce. Send son, A. E. Austin, <». W. Brandon. W. ,f I 'ninth, Minn.; H. 8. Dunbar, a July, 1901. Klama'li tali», Oreg«-n. Auy and all «until «* of an otilrr iim-l«-, 011 I’ » I. Ik . V l « . . \ , JN, per» -11» < laiming adverMily ilio ai-uve- «lav of April. A. D . IWI. *•» |(- n-.mlJs fur folder and other information to Armstrong. J. H. Johnson, Fred Stake), Ashland, Oregon; J. A. Parker, of Bly, E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. James Bell, of Bly, Oregon. Notice in hereby given that in com- -li— nl-ed lami» aro >n|il«»tml tu Al«- L. F. Willits, County Jtwige. ami ’*>■! J. D. Mansfield, General Agent. Mig Eigner, G. H. Fish, M. Hartery, Oregon; Any and ail persons claiming ad pliance with the pr«>viaions fl of . ' the set ol tl « ir claims in thi» olile» un or l«-f«ire • inler further direct» limi tire «Intr >-t 122 A. Third street. Portland; or Sam Fleener, K. M. Conner. Albert versely the nboveeiescrilasl lands nre Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878 llic tirsi publication ni III!" 8<i<nns-nr Cong roan of Jnne 3, IH7H, . eiilitle*l "An sai«l 2 >lli dav <>l June, l'-SH. Harry Johnson. Frank lied Geo. W. Heintz. General Passen Johnson, símil I«- iim«le i-n il e ïml dar "l Ma-, act for the »»A’t* < f tiinlicr lands In the rick, C. N. Hedrick, Matt Eigner, requested to file their claims in this E. M. I ICATTAIN, llegi»tcr. Notice for Publication. ger Agent. Salt Lake City. A. !>., |M(t|, an-l conlinitr fur »11 «n<vr«- Mates <»t ('ahi’irnia . Oregon, Nevada, Johonn Hofmon t,C.V. Shuck, Wm. I’. office on or liefore said 28th day of • ne Wi i-k». miti! thè l-ltli dnv “i J"1»»« and Washington Territory,” as ev Ball, E. W. Barrows, G. W. Fish, E. C. June, 1901. If people only knew what we know Ball, E. M. BRATT a IN, Register. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE 1 A. IL. IUUL that being tbr dale'4 Ih» tended to : il the Public land Statr« U. G. Gay, J. Whitney, R. C. about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would Anderson. C. H 7 . » Merrill, Geo. Wilson, L akevikw , O kmox , Muy 2. 1991.) by art of August I, i«92 John W. lari publlinlloll. f be used in nearly every household, as . E«'iwa'rd Duffy* Tom V Nobie^ !.«*• rrr A Miu*. Z__ “ , W. W. B. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 187a, Notice is hereby given that, in com O’Neil, ef Hornbn “ k, < oiitily of 8j*ki Attorney» for Plaintiff- there are few people who do txjJ suffer 1 Adams, J. F.’ Adams, Jim Cole, T. F. ...... . lui» this dsv pliance with the provisions of the act of you. State «4 of California NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. from a feeling of fullnessafter eating. Fowler, Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘An tiled in thia office Ida awm <n »taicment act for the sale of timiier lands in the No. W>, for the purehaiMi « ol tin- NFJ4 belching, flatulence, sour stomach or Notice is hereby given that the nn- U xitf . d S taton l.axn Orricx. faction No. 2| in T'wnsliip No. states of California, Oregon, Nevada arid tri waterbrash, caused by indigestion or °? l!'e ',a'T Lakeview, Oregon, April 20,1901. 1901, apply to • the Washington Territory,” as extended to 3.3, H., llanga No. 71» E., ami will dyspepsia. A preparation such as Ko-■ A.-I»., * l - County « •-- ‘ Court • • D. REAMES, M. Notice is h«-ri-liy given that in com offer proof to show tlmt the land the license prayed for in the forego nil the Public State.“ by art of Au dol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no ; for pliance with the provisions of the act of •ought ¡a more ing petition, presenting this, his peti valuable for it» tim- Physician anti Surgeon, Congress of June 3, 1878, entitle-l “An gust 4, 1892, William II. Quail, ol far or atone aid from tlie stomach, will digest tion. on said 3rd day of July, 1901. Klntnathop, County of Siskiyou, Mate than for agricultural act fur the »ale of timl«er land« in the your food, certainly can't help but do pnrporea, i It arttlclxlly digest« the food aud aids W. K. BROWN. of California, has this day filed in ami to e»tal>li-h Ins claim All Call* Answered Promptly B*7 stat«» of California, Oregon, Nevada, you good'. this office his sworn statement, No. 306, to raid land Is-forc the Regish-r ami Nature in sirenglbvoing And rcoou- and Washington Territory,” as extend Receiver of J. L. Padgett & Sons, Keno. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— ed to all the Public lain-l States by act for the purchase of theS't of NE’i, Orel tin« office at laikeview, ctrucUug the exhausted digestive or or Nicht. Oregon, on of August 4, 1892, Harris Deans, of N’H of SE' a , nt Section No. II, in July. lIMJi, Saturday,' the 27th day of gans. It isttie latestdiacovereddlgest* Notice for Publication. Call at “Van’s,” the jeweler, and, Township No. 83, 8., Range No. 7*2 . .He mines as .«m,; aut and tonic« No other preparation Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of see his stock and get prices before H. “ ......... milli, -......................................... of Hornbrisik, Calif.; can approach It In efficiency» It in E. W. M., an«l w ill offer proof to show V. tn. :■ UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I Minn., has this day filed in this office that the land sought is more valuable " W. . H. H Roliert«, <>f Hornbrook. Calif.; o I mt I“, <,f Hornbrook, ( ’«lit; stantly ftlievesand permanently cure« buying watches, clocks or jewelry. his sworn statement No. 291, for the L akkvikw , O kkoox , April 30, 1901. f Philo Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif. t'.ilif. ; H- H<-n- n Djspcpii-t, Indigestion, Heartburn, for it» timber or stone than for agricul l'liilo purchase of the NE'4 of Section No. 32, o. ................. Skirt-affections will readily disap ry I. Small, ot Klamathon, Calif. ’ Any Fiamieuce, Hour Stomach, Nauiea, Notice is hereby given that, in com in Township No. 39 8., Range No. 6 E., tural purposes, and to establish his GENERAL pear by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel pliance with the provisions of the act of and will offer proof to »how Hint the claim to raid land la-h-re tin- Register and all |Mir»oi>4 claiming adversely the Bick Headache, Oaatralgla.Urnmpsand ri8|ii«.“te-l to all other reiults of Impel feet digestion. Salve. Ltxik out for counterfeits. If Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An land sought is more valuable for its and Receiver of this office ut Lakeview, above <l« .< ril»'I fi>m|. Prompt and careful attenti"" you get JteWitt’s you will get go«id act for the «ale of timber lands in the timber or »tone than for agricultural Oregon, on Monday, the 15th day of file their claim» in thi“ offi- ,. on or I«.- Frio-MM and(1. LargssusconUlnalM llnv-s July, 190!. He names nr witnesses: fore fluid 27th day of July. l!Mj| of California, Oregon, Nevada and small st»» book all soouiarsp»p*i*a*«ll»>>fr« ■ results. It is the quick and positive states purpose», and to establish his claim to to all orders........................... Washington Territory,” as extended to Ernest A. Quail, of Klamathon, Calif.; _____ i • m . hr in Prs»«r«g «r I C. U«WITT ACO, Cljlcege. cure for piles. said land liefore the Register and Re all the Public Land States by a< t of ceiver ot this office at Lakeview, Ore Wm. Stalcup, of Hornbrook, Calif.; J. L. Padgett & Sons, Keno. ' August 4, 1892, Henry I. Small, of gon, on Friday, the 28th day of June, Robt. B. Stalcup, of Hornbrook, Calif.; TIMBERLAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1«78 - timbri : land . a < tji ' nej . imh Klamathon, County of Siskiyou, State R. A. Stanford, ot Hornbrook, Calif. NOTICE Fop. PUBLICATION. Mr. W J. Baxter of North Brook. of vaiii'Tinu, California, nan has nun this uav day iih filed in this 1901. He names as witnesses: J. A. Any and all js-rsons claiming adversely .r , .4, . 1 - vi -< j in NOTICE Kill i’l'BLK AÏ ION. N , . C., says . he suffered Parker, of Bly, Oregon ; James Bell, of with piles for [,jH „worn statement, No. 301, , f... for the above-described Inmls lire requested UNITED STATES LA . fx>| I jej; , Bly, Oregon ; H. 8. lliitibar, of Ashland, fifteen years. He tried many reme-i the purchase of the SE'i, of Section Proprietor of Freight Hmgont E viti 11 S tatk “ L imi Ornes,1 L akkvikw , O hm , ox , April 29, p»>| | ; W. 1». Weeks, of Duluth, Minn. to file their claims in this office on or be dies with no results until he used De-1 No. v- 1, * in Township T----- K’~ 00 “ 33 ■* 8., ---------- '- Oregon No. Range v No. L aki viiav , O hmmix , April 30, IhOl.f Any ami all ;>ersons '-laiming ad fore said 15th day ol Julv, 1901. Notice is hereby given that in com Witt’s Witch Hazel -Salve and that j 7*2 East, and will offer proof to show versely the aliove-described lands are E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Notice i» hi-ri-by given tliut in Com pliance with the provisions of tin- act of : that the land sought is more valuable pì lance with the provtolon« of 11 m-t of quickly cured him. Everything done with • requested to file their claims in this Congress nfJune 3, 1878, entitled “ An j for its timber or stone than for agricul J. L. Padgett & Sons. Keno. I office on or liefore said 28th day of June, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— ■ net for the fair of ttml«-r land» in tin- «-iiigri-Hv of June 3, 1878, i-ntith-d “An lieatmi»« nml di»(>ateh • ■ • • _ _______ luini tural pr»r purposes, ami to vriitoii'ii establish niff his act lor tin- -«In of timber lami» in the 1901. states of California, Oregon, Nevailn Notice for Publication. “Our little girl was unconscious c,ai"l' to. •*«’*'1 ^,ore ,l,T H«*giat..r E. M. B rattaix , Register. and Washington Territory," as ext. tid -tab-“ ol California, Oregon. Nevu-la, -__ . j . . .» _ and Receiver off tnifl ofnee at Lakeview, ed to al! the Public Lind Mates by and Washington Territory,” "» ex- from strangulation during a sudden Ore., on Saturday, the 27th day of July UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.! set of August I, 1892, Willi" II. liolx-rte li-mli-d to all i|,o Public Land Ht-ii«-» and terrible attack of cronp. I quick- 1901> He names as witnesses: Philo Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— L akkvikw , O iikoox , April 'M, 1901.f of Hornbrook, Comity of Shkivon l-v act id August 4, 1892, Philo Hull, iy secured a Ixittle of One Minute Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Wm. II. Notice for Publication. Notice is hereby given that, in com State of California, hn-' this -l ie lih ,| N,' 'J Ilurnlir-Hik, County of Siskiyou, Cough Cure, giving her three doses. Smith, of Hornbrook, Calif.: Emma C. pliance with the provisions of I Im act of this office his sworn »tati-rm nt N,,. •’ », -•tali of Cuiit,,rtl|a. has this day lllt-tl The croup was mastered and our little Parshall, of Klamathon, Calif.; Esther in ibi« office hi« sworn statement, xo. Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An for tin- purchase of the NW '« of s., UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ! darling speedily recovered.” So writes Durgin, of Klamathon, Calif. Any and 1 0, fur t lie pure hast- ol t Im E of '« Cleanliness and Good Work L akkvikw , O kkoox , April 29, 190). f act for tin- sale of limiter Inmls in the tion No. 2, in Township No. 33 g all persons claiming adversely the in A. L. KpalTord, Chester. Mich. Notice is hereby given that, in com states of California, Oregon, Nevadnnml Range ,0., '.2 E.t ml(| j|| ,,ff, , on,,,; p, limi \\ 1, of r I.'«, of Si-ction -o. ; above-described land 1 are requested to lownshtii '.u,3,t,H., |fang<- so. 7'* Fa-’, Guaranteed. J. L. Padgett & Sons, Keno. i file their claims in this office on or be pliance with the provisions of the net of Washington Territory,’’ as extendeil to show that tin- land »might in mor«, \n| nml will i,ffi-r proof to “how that tin- Also Agent for LONDON W Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An all the Public States by act of Au liable for it« timber or »'one than f.,r ng. fore said 27th day of Julv, 1901. STRAYED act for the sale of timiier lands in the gust 4, 1892, William II. Smith, of ricnltural purtHisi-», i-ml to e:«tnhli"h hi" lumi sought is moro tiilual-h' for it» E. M. BliATTAIN. Register. limber or «tone than for agricultural Hornbrook, County of Siskiyou, claim to said land before the Register LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. states of California, Oregon. Neva-la and The following described hors« s T| M|-|.;|> 1>A xi». ACT j(jj(K Washington Territory,” as extendeil State of California, has this ihiv and Receiver of thi" otliie nt l.nkcview pnrp-ise-, uii'l to c.lal-likli bi» claim to nml lami In fore the Register nml Re filed in this office his sworn statement , to all the Public Land States by act "r' 8'm, ■'» Sntnrday, tin- 27th day of strayed from my ranch at Naylox on NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. “I have been aufferlng froi» """"'H as witn,---i ": vi ivi-r oí tliÍH officii at Lal.- view, Oregon, of August 4, 1892, Douglas Norris, of No. 299, for the pnrehase of the NE. b, ' ’"1' ' or atxiot May 10: One black horse, of Section .No. 1, in Tow nship No 33. John U. o Ni ti, oi Hornbrook, t'lilif • on Í uliir-bty, the 27lli day id Julv 19111. liepHlii for the past twenty D . - Pokegania, County of Klamath, State p, weight at*>ut 1150 pounds, with box U xitkp S tates Laxn Orncx, \vm. Il have I...... unable after trying11 P'£ ’of Oregon, has this day filed in S., Range No. 7^ E., and w ill offer proof mu’ ir n""!’:'. "'Hornbrook. Calif.: He ñame» a» witiii »ei»: brand on left st ifle; one Iirown liorxe. I.akeview, Oregon, April 30, 118)1. Fmilli, of II rnbroiik, Calif ; Henry I. to show that the land sought is more I htlo Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.- Ili n- 1 this office bis sworn statement, No. weight about 1050, branded “T P” Notice is hereby given that in com 286, for the purchase of the HE '« of valuable for its timber or stone than for ty I. Small, of Klamathon, t'alif.’ Any Small, of Klamathon, Calif.; KininaC. arnlloiiH and phyalclan» •" K*’ ‘ J on left hip; one buckskin mare, blind pliance with the provisions of the act of Section No. 30, in Township No. 39 8., agricultural jwrnoses, and to establish and all ja-rMins claiming n<lver»elv the I’an-liall, of Klamathon, Calif. ; Esther lief. After taking <"»<• ,Manti In right eye. weight about 1100, Congress ot June 3, 1878, entilled “An Range No. 6 East, and will offer proof to Ilia claim to said land before the Regis above-di-seribed lands are requesti'd to t»iirgin, <>f Klamathon, Calif. Any »ml mil Dyapcpalii Cure I fotm'1 r . lf _ Il(,t branded “J (•;” one buckskin pony, act for the sale of timl-cr land« in the sliou that the land sought is more valu ter ami Receiver of this ofliee at Lake file their i liiim« in this ollii e on or be all la-rflotiH I'hihning adverndy the am now in better h'ltlHi a'1 "Ve-d- s- iibed hind» lire ri-qill-stt-d to I m ' i ' ii for twenty ,r, high- weight about 800. Finder will pleas.- stat«»» of California, Oregon, Nevada, able for its timber or stone than for ag view, Oregon, on Saturday, thi-27thday fore raid 27th ilny of July, 1901. tile tlielr i-lnbns in this office on or be- prHlw Kodol Dyspcpttli» ( nr< Territory,” as extend ricultural puri»,»es, and to establish his of July, 1901. He names as witnesses; I((|b, I,. M. BRATTAIN, Register. set urn the property or write to the and to Washington lore raid 27th day id July, 1901. all the Public Land States by act claim to sai-i laml liefore the Register Philo ilnll, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Elin ly. ” TI iiih writes Mnt. < ■ nrrdcralgntxf at Naylox, who will pay ! ed of August 4, 1892, Ella Gay Hull, of and Receiver of E. M. B hatt » ix, Register. • • this >,<>n office •<. at Lakeview. *’• Bull, "I Hornbrook, Calif.; Henry L crtH, North Creek, Ark. DeWitt H Lit III- Early RI mth fteiirt-h a suitable reward. 1 Hornbrook, County of Siskiyou, State Oregon, on 1 Friday, the 28th <lAy Of Small, of Klamathon, Calif.; Esther J. L. Fndgett A Mon*, Ken0‘ STBrHEN IlBllLlUY. of California, has this day filed in June, 190). l„ He ___ names and I he rcmoteHt pints of the bowels ami .... as witnesses :, Durgin, ot Klamathon, Calif. Any , ----- You an- tntti-h mure liable to dia- I this office her sworn statement No. 302, John Hanning, of Hornbrook, f’alifor- «•! persons claiming adversely thealxive- remove flic Impurltlea Bpcetllly with PUMPS Aixu FOR SALE. for the of the . E! • j of SEJ^, o - purchase ....... t nio; William Hanning, of Hornbrook, descril«-<l lands are requested to file noiliM-onifort. They are famoua f„r <*aM-when your liver nini buwela do D i -WIII.' h Little Sec.z, :C, oi No. i i California; Jacob Isler, of Klamathon, their claim« in this office on or before t lielr efficacy. Sec.2, and N N of N > E»< ot Section Set tion, Easy to take, never nut net. properly. A tine line of I’mni»« Early IliserH removí! the caiiHe of the „«k '’it, No. 38 8., Range No. 7V 3 California; George Norris, of K lama- fi«>d 27th «lay of July, 1901. In in Township ?«.« One ft rat-class Jack for sale, gripe- alMinte. Mills jimt recel'i'tl bv < . H- tie u, California. Any and all person. E. >f. BRATTAIN, Register. ptlrt of S. H. King at Ft. Klamath East, and will offer proof to tl J. L. P.v1g< tt .k Sons, Keno, STA11L1-7S ICXC HANG 1-7 Klamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, W. W. HAZEN, CAST END, KLAMATH Livery FALLS, OREGON. lloi'rtCH mid Grain ’asMcngern to parta Northern at the very week or t:. ,iah. ami Southern ’ HEREFORD STUCK Fill Lar¿est Herd of Regisìend ì ere fords in Crepo i. UNEQUALLED SERVICE Great Salt W. TAYLOR, 5 Dyspepsia Cure F D Digests what you eat. j. n. nooRE, FREIGHTER, J. B. MOORE, HOTEL BARBER SHOP, J W. SIEMENS. Prop. J- L. Pndgea f N f t / Sons. Keno. Hie “Acrinot“' 'Ini'