Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1901)
quite severe Hornbrook, Klamatlion, and along the upper I Klamath. Over In Scott Valley, the breeze was rather light, wit li a ram allow er. while on this side of the county u heavy rain almwer pMvailed . for two hours or mor«'. river, The blow was KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. I also at Ager, Henley, PuSI'.hsd every Thurolar try W. HUSE «* SON, Kfftfna» Axn PsorHiKTnin*. ava« arruoli that tin- land sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than lor agii. cultural puriaMMS, and io «-»tablish tier claim to sai«! lan.l la-lore the Register ami Ri-ceivvr of thia offirv at iatki«vivw-, tir., on Saturday, th«- 27th «lay uf July, 1901. Slip nsnivs ax w itii«-sxex : W in. II. Kinitli, of Hoinbnwk. Calif. ; Henry 1. Small, of Klamathon, Calif. ; Emma C. l'arshall, ol Klamatlion, Calif.; Es ilivi Durgin, of Klamatlion, Calif. Any ami all pt-rxons claiming alvvrsvly th«- alani- «lesci'asl lands aro requested to til«- their claim« in th«» otth-v laitoie salii 2Tlh day of July. 1901. E. M. B h virus. Register. claiming adversely the aL>ve-«le»crilie«l Timber land. Act June J. «î»7* Notice tor Publication. landa are ieque«te«l to tile their vittima in this I'ttici* ou or bi-tore an id 28th «lav of Julie, 1901. E. M BRATTAIN. Register. ratmi ............ . w «' . large line uf E R. REAMES. Vice President. Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878— Notice for Publication. Geo. Bradley haa just received a UNITED STATES I \NDO1 FU I ( silver mounted bits, L akkvikw , O ki «. ox . May 2. BOI. I »pun and cum-haa. 1 have the tineat Notte» is livivby givvn tlittt, in coni SO, 1001. THURSDAY, MAY’ ^assortment oi these gissis ever car- pliance witli thè provisions of thè net «4 Congrt-xs ot June «8, 1878, «-njillvd “Ali I rhxi lit the county. ad for thè sale of tiinl«-r landa in thè N. K. Bennett uf Medford was in xiati-s ol California, Oregon, Neva«iaand town t Ms week. I TIMBERLAND. ACTJUNKS. 187®, Washington Territori-," iis vxtvmh-d t«> I E. N« Colaon and the Allen broth NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. all III«« Public Land States bv net of August 4, 1892, William Slaìcitp. oi ers were doing buxincaa t«i town Sat- This Is th«- name of the new firm U sitko S tats » L ax » Orrii-x. H.irnlirook. Uounty of Slakivoit, S: ite krdny. I which now reigns in the store which l..-tkeview, Otegon, April 20, 1901. «>f California, lina ibis «lav tihsl in Ibis J. F. Goeller and II. E. Hunaaker has heretA'fore bet'n by A. Notice Is hereby given that in com «ittico hi» »«orli «tat«meni, No 3U3, lor As to the mem pliance with the provision» of the act ol | ilio putvhase of thè E'« of S\\ of thia place went over the mountains D. Carrick alone. ami bers of th«' tirm, Messrs. Carrick and Msf week to bring In a large supply Congress ot June 3, 1878, entilled “An St^ot.'E1« of «S-ction No. II. in Do» 11 of new machinery for the former’s -Grigsby are thoroughly posted on all act tor tlie sale of limber lands in the : «hip N«« 3ó S,, Rangv- No. 7'^ E. W M . ! kinds of farming machinery and gvn- states "t California. Oregon, Nevada, , .imi will ««Iter pr«««t to show tini! tln- planing mill. I oral hardware, and expect to keep and Washington Territoryaa extend land soiight is more valiiaLlv for ita Arrow the mountains a gri'at har and furnish a complete and valuable ed to all the Public laiml States by timls-r or »Ione tluui for agru-ultuial vest of rattlesnake« is being nmndisl stock of everything called for in tlieir act of August 4, 1892. llenry S. Dunbar, pur|«om>a, and to «-stablish Ina daini to ftp and killexi. No persons have yet i line, at prices which will meet ap of Afhlaial, t oiinty of Jackson, State ot sani lami lieloru th»> Rvgiatvrand Reia-iv- Iwwn bitten, although several touraea proval and jxit runage. They can sell Oregon, has this dav tilci in this office eroi tliia office ut latkvvivw, Ou-goii, his sworn statement No. 294, for the on Momlay, ili.- L'«ili «lay <«f Jnlv, Itxif. and rattle have been. you anything from a darning needle purvliase of theSW of Section No. 28, Ile natiK-a «a witnesaea: li. A. Stan Call anil in Fowl inp No. W 8 , Range No. ti ford« uf lloriibr<M«k. Culli : Ernest \ The laudable ambition fo build, re- to a threshing machine. con* ' see their gtssis and prices and be East, and will offer proof to show that Quaif, of Klamathon. Calli ; Wm. Il Ctir and improve residences ill town | (behind sought is more valuable for Quaif, of Klamathon, Calli.; R««b|, li becoming general. Be hire fall ■vinced. its timlier or stone than for agricultural Stah-up, of llornbns'k, Calli. Anv ami Klamath Falla will look a hundred Call at “Van’s,” the jeweler. and pnrp«sex. mid to establish his claim to nll |iersunaclaimingadvt-m-lv lliealsive per cent ahead of what it was a year see bis stock and get prices before said land before the Register and Re <h‘*cril>««l binila are ris|iie»tv«l tu fili- ago. I buying watches, clocks or jewelry. ceiver of thia offiiv at Lakeview, Oregon, tlieir claima in lina olii«-«« «ut or l«4ore on Friday, the 28th day of June, 1901. xai'l 15th «lav of Julv, l'.KH. The oil well company of Ashland is E. Yl. BRATTAIN, Rvgiater. Skin affections will readily disap lie names as witnesses : J. A. Parker, reported to be getting ready to tain* Bly. Oregon ; M. 8. Parker, of Blv, Ore next week. We hope they will suc- pear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel gon ; W. D. Weeks, of Duluth, Minn.; eecd trt (belt efforts,- aa the discovery Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If Hanis IVans, of Duluth. Minn. > you get lk-Witt ’ s you will get goo«l of oil in pirviog quantities will great Any and all ja-rsons churning adversely results. It Is the quick and positive the alsive-deiwrilied lands an- ri«;uesteil ly lienetit Soutbero Oregon. I'NITKli S tatks Listl O.HCK. cure for piles. to file their claims in this office on or laikeview, Or., May 2. 1901. In the athletic contest between the J. L. Padgett Jfe Sons. Keno. before said 28th dav of June, 1901. Notice is hereby given that in com Students of Hie universities of Oregon E. M. B rattaik , Register. pliam-v with the provisions of the net ol Mr. W .1. Baxter of North Brook. and Wiwtilngton last Week. I»k-k Congress o’June 3. '“78, entitled “ An Kiriltil of Klamath Falls was one of N. C., Bays he suffered with piles for Timber l and, Act June 3. 1878 | act for the sale of tinilwr land-' in the the winners, breaking the state re fifteen years. He tried many reme States of California, Oregon. Nevada, Nutice for Publication. mid Washington Territory,” ax extend cord on throwing the bummer, his dies with no results until he used IJe- throw meafturing 127 feet and 9 ta- Witt’s Witch llaael Salve and that UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ( ed to «11 the Public Land States liv L akkvikw , O bboox . April 20, 1901., act of August 4, 1892, Robert H, .'tai quickly cured him. «chea Notice is hereby given that, in com cup, of Hornbrook, county of Siski J. L. Padgett A Suns. Kent». A new law was passed by the last pliance with the provisions of the act of you. State of California, lias this day legislature that hereafter no chattel “Our little girl w;ta unconscious tongre»» of June 3, 18« 8, entitle«! 'An I tiled in this office bis sworn statement No. mortgages shall be tiled but must be from strangulation during a sudden^ V'" “>• h* 8M, for the pun-base of the NW1, ol i states of (. ahforma, Oregon. Nevada ami Section No. It, in Township No. 33 S. recorded. In order to be legal they and terrible at ack of croup. 1 quick- w„lliniton Tl.rritorv." aa extende.1 Range No. 7*v E, W. M , mid will offer must be signed, wit-nesa-d and ack ly secured a bottle of One Minute t() aU |h„ |.ubhl. (jn.l States bv pn«>( to show that the land sought is nowledged. the same as real estate Cough Cure, giving her three doses. .,et ot August 4, 1S92, James Bell, of more valuable for its tiiiila-r or stone mortgages - ten cents a folio, 5 cents The croup waa mastered and our little lily, county of Klamath, state of Ore- than for agricultural pnr|«>«ex, ami to for each index and 25 cents for a eer- darling apecdily recovered. ” So writes gon, haa this day Ale«) in this office his establish his claim to said land Is-tore titicate of the recorder. sworn statement. No. 293, for the pnr- tile Register and Receiver of this office ' A. L. Spafford. Chester, Midi. cbaM of the SW of Section No. 30, in at Iaikeview, t >r., on Monday, the 15th J. L. Padgett «S; Solis, Keno. Yreka Journal: J. W. Hamaker Township No. 39, S., Range No. •> East, ilav of July, 1901. lie names ax wit of Klamath Falla. Oregon, who was and will offer pr«x»( to show that the nesses: Win. H. Qnaif, of KlaniMthon, FOR SALE OR TRADE. hi Yreka last week, is taking much lain! sought is more valuable for its Calif.: Ernest A. Quaif, of Klamatlion. interest in the Fish and Game Pro timber or stone than for agricultural Calif.; Wm. Slnlcnp, of Hornbrook. A Mcond-hand Solid Comfort gang tective AaRociation, to be organized purposes, and to establish his claim to Calif.; R. A. Stanford, of Honihrmik, Enquire of said Any mid all jh - isohs In this county. lie nys he will use plow; two 12-incli plows. land liefore the Register anu R«‘- O liforma. O. A. S trauss . ceiver of this office at Iaikeview. Oregon, claiming advem-ly the al»>ve-.lex. rilx-1 his inttaenec to have a co-operative on Friday, the 28th day of June, BAtl. lands are ri«|ip»"ti«i to file their claims association in Klamath county. Or., i W. TAYLOR, He names as witnesses: TV. D. Week», in this office on or liefuro the said 15lli adjoining hr on the Oregon bonier, to " 11> . ! ‘ lu,¿! ', Minn.; Harris Iieans. of day of July, 1901. accure similar efforts in that Nection. GENERAL JOBBER AND HOUSE1 "< E. M. B battaix . Register. Duluth, Minn.; H. 8. DuiJiar. <«( Asli CLEANER. land, Oregon; J. A. Parker, of Bly, Ore Ashland Tidings: Miss Ivy Etn- gon. Any and all jiersons claim Timber Land. Act June j, 1878— mitt came ««ver fr»«m Klamathon Sun Notice tor Publication. the above-d«^-rilxxl Stove Polishing, Window Clean ing adversely day and visited tier sister. Misa Cliarm lands are nspiesteil to file their claims Kmmttt, until Tuesday when ahe left ing and Whitewashing a Specialty. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.) in this office on or before said 28lli day for her home in Klamath county.***D. L akkvikw , O kkoo . x , Muy 2, IDOL) Bar- of June, 1901. Leave Orders at Ky Taylor ’ s Perozzi returned Monday from visit E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Notice is hereby given that, in com ing the Fort Klamath creamery, of her Shop, pliance with the pruvixiona of tin* act of which he is half owner, Hv Rays the TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An stock there have wintered in good, klamath falls , okl . notice for publication . act for the sale of timlier lands in the states of California. <tregon, Nevaila and shape and that the grass now is ex PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. cellent. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I M'ashington Territory," us extended to L akkvikw , O hboom , April 20, 1901. I all the_Pul«lic Lind Stales by act of To the Hon. County Court of the Lakeview Examiner: Joe Arrrbmae. Notice is hereby given that in com August* 4, 1892, Ernest A. Quaif, of * State of Oregon, for Klamath county. the sheepman, was in towndast Mon Klamathon, County <f Siskiyou. Stat«- We the un«ler»rgne«l residents and le- pliance with the provisions of the act of «•I California, has this day tile.I in day and* told of a a wonderful of (0.0 ot wouuer.u. freak .r«.M U. j voter8 oi T„|e-i^ke prwinet inct, , „¡J sail Congress oi June 3. 1878. entitle«! “An this office Ids sworn statement. No. :b'-5, nature i aMHttig _ his band " of sheep. ’ . 'l1>un(ygn^ state. res|x-ctiullv napiest i act fur the »ale of timber lamls in the Fir year (in aaivancr) ALEX MARTIN President. CARRICK. GRIGSBY C.O An old ewe gave birth to a perfectly t]>at „ • • states of to sell »piritotu, malt of Six-- California, Oregon. Nevada, for the purchase of the SM’. • lion No. 12. in Township No. .»3'., Range •haped and full sized lamb, or rather and vinous liquors in less quantities and Washington Territory,” as ex No. 7*g E. W. M., ami w ill offer proof to two lamba joined together a la “Sia- than one gnlion in the precinct of Tule tended to all the Public Land States by show that the land sought is more valu mese twins.” The monstrmtity bad Lake, sai«» county and state, for a period act of August 4, 1892, M'illiani D. Meeks, able for its timber or stone than for ag two perfect beads and became ««ne «*( six month», from July lltli, A. D.. of Duluth, county of St. Luuia. state of ricultural pnriHH-es, and to establish Ins Minn., haa this day file«l in this office body back of the shoulders. It also 11901, lie granted to W. R. Brown, of bis sworn statement No. 292. for the claim to said land before the Register precinct i and Receiver of this offic«1 at latkeview . had eight legs. Joe is bewailing his said H. E. Smith, Dan VanBrimmer, A. D. purchase oI the NM'1, of Section No. misfortune over the death of the ani Balis, G. V. Fish, L. M. Robison, John 32, ill Township No. 39 S., Range No. Ore., on Monday, the 15th «lay ot July, mal. as he believes he could have Colwell, Samuel Wilson, C. M. Irvine, •> E.. ami will «tier pr«x»f to show that 1901. He name» as witness«-*: Rohl. Wm. II. Stalcup, of Hornbrixik. Calit made a fortune by exhibiting the John Ratliff, W. C. Crawford. James the land sought is more valuable for its Stalcup, of Hornbrixik, Calif.; Wni. H Briscoe, Adam Scliortgen, W. R. Davie, timber or stone than for agricultural Quaif, of Klamatlion, Calif : R. A. Oregon freak had it lived. O. E. Irvine, R. W. Welsh, D. N, Fish, purposes, nnd to establish bis claim to Ashland Record: J. II. Wisxibury F. S. Brandon, R. Hutchison, Dan Col said land liefore the Register and Re Stan for« I, of ilornbr«x>k, Calif. Ahv all persons claiming a.L ef Klamath county was in town Mon well, 8. E. Martin, T. E. Wallis. J. W. ceiver oi this office at I«akeview, Oregon, an<i the iitx»ve-d«-»crilx,«i lan«!s are day taking bis young son to the Ore Hammond, Bert Davis, W. P. Whitney, on F’riday, the 28th day of June. 1901. verselv requeste«! to file their claims in this gon state tmcpital at Salem.•••Mar T. A. Balis, C. T. Wilson, R. II. Ander lie names as witnesses: Harris Deans, office on or before »ail 15lh day ol chall Orr oi Klamath county visited son, A. E. Austin, G. W. Brandon, W. I of Duluth, Minn.; H. 8. Dunbar, of Julv, 1901. Ashland, Oregon; J. A. Parker, of Bly, his cousin, L. P. Orr, of the depot va Armstrong,'J. H. Johnson, Fred Stukel, Oregon; E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. James Bell, of Bly, Oregon. Mig Eigner, G. H. Fish. M. Härtere, riety »tore, and left Tuesday for Mon Any und all persons claiming ud- Sam Fleener, E. M. Conner, Albert tana to spend the summer.***.iames Johnson, Harry Johnson, Frank lied versely the atxivt^descrilxxi lands arc Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878 H. Houston came in from Klamath rick, C. N. Hedrick, Matt Eigner, requeste«l to file their claims in this Notice for Publication. Fails Monday on a business visit and Johonn Hofmon >, C. V. Shuck, Wm. D. office on or before said 28th day of wm bucy shaking hands with friends. Ball, E. W. Barrows. G. W. Fish, E. C. June, 19U1. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. I UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ) He was accompanied by A. L. Leav Ball, U. G. Gay. J. Whitney, R. C. L akkvikw , llimoox, May 2,1991.) itt, They relumed yesterday.••• Anderson, C. H Merrill, Geo. Wilson, Notice is hereby given that, in com Prof. A. C. Gutherie. principal of the Edward Jhiffy, Tom Nollies, W. W. 8. TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNÄ 3. 187e, pliance with the pruvixions ot the m t <«f Klamrth Falls public sc I kxi I. arrived Adams, J. F. Adams, Jim Cole, T. F. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Fowler. in Ashland with his family Monday, act for the sale of timlier hinds in the Notice is hereby given that the un I’xrrxD S tat «« L ank Orricr, and have taken p<»«session of his fruit dersigned will on the third day of July. states oi California, Oregon, Nevada amt Lakeview, Oregon, April 20, 1901. •rehard propertv, the old Martin A. D., 1901, apply to the County Court Washington Territory,’’ a« e.xt«-n«l<-d to Notice is hereby given that in com all Hie Public Land States by act of Au place. Mr. Gutherie has taught for the license prayed for in the forego pliance with the provisions uf the act of gust 4, 1892, William H. Qnaif, of wh<K>l for over 20 years and contem- i ing petition, presenting this, hie jieti- ■ Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Klamathon, County of Siskiyou, State plates retiring. i' tion, on said 3rd day of July, 1901. 1 act for the sale of tirniwr lands in the STRAYED. W. K. BROWN. I Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— The following described horses ‘ Notice for Publication. at rayed from my ranch at Naylux on 1 str about May 10: One black horse, UNITED 8TATE8 LAND OFFICE, > weight about 1150 pounds, with box L akkvikw , O kkoox , April 30, 1901. f brand on left irttftr; one brown horse, Notice is hereby given that, in com weight alxjul »05«), branded “T P” pliance with the provisions of the act of w left hip; one buckskin mare, blind Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An in right eye, weight about 1100, act for the sale of timber lands in the branded “J G;” one buckskin pony, states of California, Oregon, Nevada and ' Weight about #00. Finder will pleaii? , Washington Territory,” as extended to return the property « write to the all the Public Land 8tateg by act of will nav Augu»t 4, ]H92, Henry I. «mall, <•( anderslgnod at Naylox, who 1)0 Pa- Klamathon, County of Siskiyou, State' a suitable reward. | of California, has this day filed in this : STEl’HKN HEIILttlT. I office his sworn statement, Mb. 301, for , ! the purchase of the 8E1^, of Section . FOR SALE. ' No. 1, in Tow nship No.33 8., Range No. [ I.UEast, and will offer proof to show One fl ref-class Jack for sale. _ Tn-1 ______________ that the land sought is more valuable quire <>4 E. H. King at Ft. Klamath, for its timlier or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his ' claim to sskl land before the Register HEAVY WIND AT AGER. and Receiver of this office at Lakeview, The Yreka Journal says that about Ore., on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1 o’clock last Saturday afternoon a ,1901. He names as witnesses* Philo Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Wm. If. brief but violent wind storm caused ! Smith, of Hornbrook, Calif.: Emma C. »nne damage at various places on this Parshall, of Klamathon, Calif.; Esther side of the county in Shasta Valley, Durgin, of Klamatlmn, Calif. Any and at Humbug, Ager, Klamath river, all persons claiming adversely the and other localities. In Yreka the above-descril>e<l lands are requested to dust nearly blinded people, and the file their claims in this office on or be stage just starting out, lost all Its fore said 27th day of July, 1901. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. rubes, cushions, etc., blown out near the public school building, making the passengers fearful of being upset. TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNES. 1H7H, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. •Jut at Montague some barns were apart, and throughout Shasta Valley UxiTun S tates L axu Orricr, trees were uprooted or broken off to Lakeview, Oregon, April 30, 11M>1. some extent. At Hawkinsville the Notice is hereby given that in com- Portuguese celebration decorations, ■ i pliance with the provisions of the act of put tip for HuiMfay, were blown down Congress of June 3, 1878, entilled “An ._ uet for the sale of timlier lands in the and damaged, .. but anon n fixed > up again. At Humbug burns and sheds were states of California, Oregon, Nevada, blown down, also sluice boxes torn and Washington Territory,” as extend away in mining claims by the force of ed to all the Public Land States by act August 4, 1892, Ella Gay Hull, of the wind. The new road being built of Hornbrook, County of Hiskiyon, State from ffnraUahi to Little Humbug on of California, has this day filed in Klamath river was covered with rocks I thia office her sworn statement No. 302, and uprooted trees to a great extent, for the purchase of the E!2 of 8E*4, and tiie rwwd buildershad to gather 1 See. 2, and N *4 of N El^, of Section No. 11, ap tbelr tents in a hurry to prevent in Township No. .‘!3 8., Range No. 7,’^, iheui from being swept away Into tile East, and will off'-r proof to »li'-w of California, has this day file) in states of California, Oregon, Nevada, i this office liis sworn statement. No. .KM>, and Washington Territory,” as extend for the purchase of theS1., of NE',, and ed to all the Public Land States by act N'4 of 8E'^. of Section No. II, in of August 4. 1892, Harris Deans, of Township No. 33, 8., Range No. 7'._, Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of E. W. M., nnd will offer proof to show Minn., lias thia day filed in this office that the "land sought is more valuable bis sworn statement No. 291, for the for its timlx'r or stone than for agricul purchase of the NEl£ of Section No. 32, tural purposes, and to establish his in Township No. 3!» 8., Range No. « E., claim to said land liefore the Register and will offer proof to show that the and Ib'ceiver of this ollie«- at Lakeview, land sought is inure valuable for its Oregon, on Monday, the 1.5th day ol timber or stone than for agricultural July, li)01. He names ax witnerxes:, and to estai-lisli his claim to Ernest A. Quaif, of Klamathon, Calif.; said land liefore the Regiiter and Re Wm. Stalcup, of Hornbrook, Calif,; ceiver ot this office at Lakeview, Ore Robt. B. Stalcup, of Hornbr<x>k, Calif. ; gon, on Friday, the 28th day of June, R. A. Stanford, of Hornbrook, Calif. 15)01. He names as witnesses: J. A. Any and all ;s-rxons claiming adversely Parker, of Bly. Oregon ; James Bell, of the alxive-dexcritied lands are requested Bly, Oregon; if. S. Dunbar, of Ashland, to file their claims in this office on or lie- Oregon ; W. D. Weeks, of Duluth, Minn. fore said 15th day of Julv, 1901. Any and all persons claiming ad E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. versely the aliove-deacribed lands are requested to file their claims in thia office on or before said 28th day of June, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— 1901. Notice for Publication. E. M. B rattaix , Register i UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,! L akkvikw , G rboox , April 30, IflOLf Notice is hereby given Hint, in com- . pliance with the provisions of the act of UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘'An L akkvikw , G rroox , April 20, 1901. f act for the rale of timber lands in the Notice is hereby given that, in com states of California, Oregon, Nevada and pliance with the provisions of the art of Washington Territory,” a" extended to Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An all the Public Land States by act of Au act for the sale of timlrer lands in the I gust 4, 1892, William II. Smith, of County of Siskiyou, ststes of California, Oregon. Nevada and I Hornbrook, Washington Territory,” ax extended State of California, has thia day to all the Public latrui States by act filed in this office his sworn statement . j of August 4, 1892, Douglas Norris, of No. 299, for the purchase of the NE. % . Pokegama, County of Klamath, State of Section No. I, in Township No 33. of Oregon, has this dav filed in 8., Range No. 7,'g E., and will offer proof 1 this office his sworn statement, No. to show that the land sought is more 28fi, for the purchase of the 8E '4 "I valuable for its timber or stone than for Section No. 30, in Township No. 39 8., agricultural purposes, and to establish Range No. 8 East, ami will offer proof to his claim to said land before the Regis show that the land sought is more valu ter and Receiver of this office at Lake able for its timber or stone than for ag view, Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th day ricultural purpoees, and to establish Ills of July, 1901. He names as witnesses: claim to said land la-fore the Register Philo ¡full, <>f Hornbrook, Calif.; Ella >■ this <■■■» office .„.i. v at Lakeview, «c» G. Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif. Henry I. and Receiver of Friday, the 28th day of Fniall, of Klamathon, Calif ; Esther Oregon, on F June, 1901. He names as witneRsew: Durgin, of Klamathon, Calif. Aliy and John Hanning, of Hornbrook, Califor all |»-rsoiis claiming adversely the above- nia; William Hanning, of Hornbrook, described lamia arc requested to file California; Jacob Isler, of Klamatlion, their claims in this office on or before California; George Norris, of Klama- said 27th day of Julv, 1901. E. M. BlUTTAlN, Register. tlmn, California. Any and all pereons Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878— Notice for Publication. KLAMATH PALIS PLANING MILLS, J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. Plans a ml Specifications Furnished on All Kinds oi Buildings and Contracting and Building on tiie Installment Plan. (’\u: 1» «' m vii * I 'M» O ffi » l»rtkwi(‘" »Ort’g»»iii Aprii,-M. ItMI. Notier ì* hvrvby givvn that in coin plianrr with the provision*«»I Ihv nel <»l v^»ngrt*NH <»f »I iiiiv »i, IS"S, i'iililhul An A’I t »r thr i»ah* <»( tìnil»vr lami in Ihv stairs o( (’alihn h m, t'tu^on. Net. v!.». nini Washington Territory** a* vitrinl- tsl to all the 1‘uhlir l..»n-l >tair* hv act of Augnst 4. HUJ. H’-ttM-r Purgin, «»I Klamathon. County oi Snliiyou. >intv ot Cahfornii», I him thia <la) tiled in thin ottico brr nwurn niatrnuuit No. . fur thv purrhnnv ol tbo ‘4 “I >«*clb»n so. I tn Tou n*hip m ». Kangr n «». ?S j L.. anti will • tier proof Io nhnw that thr land «"»ought in inorv valuable for iln lirnl»vr or ntono than l’or agiicultuial purjMinva, Hiwi to vMahlinh hrr i laiin Io pai«l land »a»forv thv Rvgintrr ainl Itv cvixrrof thtN ofth'v at l.nkt vi»oY Or <>n Snturda), thv 37th day <»( Julv. ItMI. Shv liainvn an wiihví,»‘oní Ih’iiry I. Small, of Klamathon, Cali! : Emma < Parnhall, of Klamathon, Calif ; Um. II Smith, of Hornbrook. Calli ; 1‘hilo Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif. Any ami all |M*rNonn claiming advvrnvly thv nlmvf- »lvncril»r»l lamin arv rv»|urntr«l tn tilr their vinillo in tho »»filer on ur l»vi<»rr taid 27th dav of July, ft. ,M. H ka TTUM IbgHtrr, Notfce lor Publkation. I «epartmext «>f thè Interior, Lumi Office ut Likciu-«. Orrgon, Apnl 24. t'.WI. Notici' is heiel’V give|l timi thè f-«l- low ing iMiiied H'ttler ha» tll«*il notu v <«f bis intelilion lo uiake tinnì primi in sup puri of bis i-laim, and timi »ai«l pi'»«t il iti I h * nuole liefiire J.O. H.imakvr, I*. S Commissioner «t Bollali,a, Ole., un J mie 8, 1001 .tic: William F. Round», Il E. N.I. '.’li: I tur Ile 1 . Il: I N I ‘4 "f HFAi, and 8EL ol NEI«. Svc. 17, Tp <7 8., R. 13 E. Ile names il,e lolle« • illg witne» ex to provo lil« i-onlinuo»i« residence upon and cullivntion ol salii land, via: Snunders A. Wliiti* ofRoys- ton, Oregon ; Arcliic R Whilv. ot Roi•• ton, Orrgon ; Walter Ferra, of ftovslon, Oregon; Moses James, uf Royslon, <»re g >11. E. M. Its ittai . x , Register. ENCI LXNGE STABLES -------- AND OFFICE— Klamath Falls-Merrill • Stage Line, W. W. 11 AZ LN, Proprietor, EAST END. FALLS, KLAMATH OREGON. I tVPt*V Horse» boarded by day, wcok or 1:. Lal V vi • Hay mid (¡rain bought and sold. r.i'«engt*rH convcvrd to tdl parta oi Southam Oregon und XiTihi'i tt California at the very loweHt ratea. HEREFORD STOCK 1.1 k.I Drew ■ \ alley, Oregon. F. O. Itl'M ING. Owner. Latest Herd of Registered Here fords in Oregon. 15 Iká'Jertí huit»« Fdb FsrNtlr Price: >100, *1 as and *130 LAUDOR ALAMO Head cl tieni. timber I and. Ail June J, 1878— Nulkc for Publication. UNITED STATE.8 l.YNf» OFFICE » L axxiikw , (igMioM. Aprii 12, Itati. •( N-'ti- r is liriebv giirn tliat, in rotti •«liane.- wnli thè ptoil-ions "I ilio a< I «4 .’ongit-x» ol Jnne 3, IH?«, entlile.1 “An sei tur thè sale of timber Imola in III«’ «tal’-- uf Cul i >mia. Oregon. Neva-ia and IVasInngton l.-rritorv,” ll.-nrv D. 8«.«itl TREASURERS NOTICE. of Klainalh Fall», Coitnly •-( Klamath, State "I Oregon, ha» Ibis «lev filcd tu lina utli« <• In« ••««tu statement. No -M5. « of i he NI1. ■ 1 ' " 11 svolsi:'« ami NW'4 «.I SEI«, ol S.e- Inni No. 2. in Toanship No. 4<>, Sottili. Rango No. io Enat. and wtll offur peno! c< sto«» limi lite lmi«l aunghi la more vai». stile lor ita tinil««r oratone lltan fot «tg- pur|..... ». ai .1 t«> v»iabli«di Ida elaim I«« salii lami Is-lnre Ilo- l*.-gi«t«-r and Iti«<-iv.-r >4 thta utile«, ai |jtk>««lcw, Ot<-g<>n, un T'i.-<>.lay, Ilio 2'«t)i «lay ol June, Hall. Ile narnea «« witnivsre; ».inoiil Ihxori, of Riamali« Falla, .tre TIMBER LAND. At.TJINE.f. ls;x. gun; ramiiel T Siimnirrs. ol Klamalh NOTH E FOR PUBLICATION. E’alla.ttr« g<«i> ;Cha» II. Willx.'tiuf K Utili- alti Falla, < >reg< n , ( barile Hauiakar, <«f Klantath Falle, Oregon. Any and all |«-is"' » claitning adveraely III« elmve. .l.-serilwd lari-la are r<xpieat««l tu file tlx-ir r-lainis in tIrla nttli e ori or ladore *m»l 2 >th «lev of June, Iteti. E. M BRATTAIN, Register. I’; Kodo Dyspepsia Cure »»iLaX maAW* A Digests what you cat. bl ,MM<)N'<< In Ihr Cimili Court of Ihr ríate «•( Oregon, fair thr (*»Mini% n| Klamath. b.i|i in E. E. Carroll I'lniniiff, ) tn. W A (’«iridi, Ikdrhilnnt To XV, A. Catr«»|l, Ihr alti»vr named drfrndant. H t » a N iMK or run S t 4TM ‘»r <>««• rio» ! V"ii or tivrrby r«<porr«l tn a|»> |M‘ar ami «»»•a»» Ihr r«<tiiplnmt ldr«i agailitt pm in Ihr «’■•¥•* rnlitlr«l »nil, • •fl or l«*t»rr flir lAlhdnv «•! Junr. A !>., tW»l. and if you fnd mi to f »r « «lit ll rrroi, Ihr planHifl «ih *Pply lo Ihr Cofirt for thr rrlirf nm pravi d l”f m pliHnlin'n vomplnint , timt in !•» nty» Kirnt I Thal Ihr larndn «•! matrintoriy t»<*w rMinUltg lirlarrti plnintiH nml •(•** Irndanl I*«« •hnnoltvd, nnnulh*«l and l»rl«l lor naught, r««<»nd: Thal idnintin U" nnll»'»iiB*d fn n»»ninv hrr formar natur, Alm. E. E. H«’idtn k. Third: E«»r »»irhothrr «ml (urthrf rvhrf a« In Ihr ll«ui rabio C<» rl mny ro«*iu Juni nnd «’«pilialdr. *1 hin Mimimm« In |»id’li»hrd minu" Mian«*« of mi order mad»-, on t' r dm of April, A P . IWI. by H »»‘»mbU L E WllHtw, Coiifily .Imlg« ni>d mid order further dirrrln that ibodBtrvf the limi pul»hrall«»h of thin Mimtr»"f»n «•hall I m ’ ruinh* un tho 2nd dnv ol Ma’, A. f>., |W0|, ami ronlltirir for rit nurrw nlvr «••• kn, until the l’ttli »I«* <»f J»»«•*• A. P,, IWtll. that bring Ihr »lair of Il»a la»l pul lnatnui. I.KAV ir-r Mil in, Attoihryn for Plaintiff» F• I). RCAMRS. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, It artificially digcaU the food Btidalda All Calls Answered Promptly Day Nature in tirengib'Ding and recou* I or Night. ■trucilug tbo exbauated dlgo»llve or gan». li 1, the lutcildlacovcreddig'-it* am aud tonic. No other preparation can approach It in cniclcucyr It lu- itantly relieve» and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, hour Nlontach, Nausea. (i ENEKAL EH LIGHTER. Bick Headache, GaMralffla.C'rampsand all other result» of iutpet feel digest Ion. j. n. nooRE, i*rlc<-Mc andII. I»r»«,iMCunlala,litna, ■mall U m Book al. about dyspepsia mullvUrre Prsoorsd ky C C. UaWITT ACO . ClJ'caSO TIMBERLAND. ACTJI NE 3 1878 - TIM BEH I. \ ND. A<T JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOI P I FOR PUBI.K ATKIN. UNITED STATE.' LAND OFFICE I I sitsii S ta iM« L avi » OrrtcR,) L akkvikw , O hkoox , April 29, pan f L akkvikw , <»RiR,ox, April SO, 1901.i Notice is hereby given that in com- Noli««- is lu>r«-by given tliut in com- pliance with the pr«ivi«iona of tin- act ol |iliatn-e «ill, the provisions ol th«' act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An '-oiiKn-ss of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for tlx-sale of timber lands in Hit- >u-l for tin uh« of tlmls'r I hik I s in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada «tntes nf ( .iliiurniii, Oregon, Novaila, and Washington Territory," ax (-xt«-n<l- nini UiisliliiKton Territori-,” ns ex- e<l to al! the Public Lind states lo leiuhxl to „Il the public Land Hla'cx ad of Atlg'lxt I, 1892, Willis II. Roberts, by m t <4 Aiipust I, iste.», Philo Hull, of Hornbrook, County of ‘•ixkivoii of Hornl.r- <>k. County of Siskiyou, State of California, Im»' this dav lib .I in' 'till«- of <'alifiirnÌH, has this «lay iileil this office his sworn statement No. 2IH; in this office In« sworn stiiteineni, vo. for the pur< base of the NW1« of .'«•«•' ■ 10" for the pori Im,,, nf f)|(« E'ii ofsWj tion No. 2. in Township No. 33 8, ami \\ 1 . ««I .- i ; i ( i Sei-lion so. ‘J, in Range No.7'..« E., and will offer prixif to lowiisloii '.'«.33,8,, Runge so. 7'« l-Tix«, show that the land sought IH more val iiii'l will off« r proof fo show that tli«‘ liable for its timber or stone than for ng Imi'l soiitxlit is morn valiiablo for Its ri'-ultural purposes, and to establish his IltliOer or stone tinnì for n»'ti<'iilttirul claim to said Innd before the Register piir|si«es, iin.l to «.,|M|,|iH|| his i-faltii to and Receiver of this office at Lnkevii-w xnl'l I iiik I Is-foro the Iti-uixter nini lie- Oregon, on Saturday, the 27ih .¡ay oi '■'iV'-r of t li i m of lire uf Likevirw, Oregon, .o’01'... I,,! "»""■H ax witnesses; on Faliirilay, the 27lh day ol July 1901. John W. O'Neil, <«f Hornbrook, Calif • Ho names ,IX witiiesxir: Min. II. Wm. H. Smith, of Hornbrook, t .dif j rinitli, of Iloriibr<N>k, Calif ; lleni v I. I’l.llo Hull, of llornbniok. Calif.; Hen' Simili, of Klai.mtlion, Calif.; Enirnii U. ry L Small, of Klamathon, Calif,' Anv I arxlmll, of Klitmal hon, Calif. ; Esther and all persons claiming adversely the '''irgin. of Kliumillion, (’iilif. Any nml al««ve di H rils'd Ian.lx lire ri«rpii-xled to "Il persons «-lahning mlversely the file their claims in this offii-e on or be n mvi - i I i x «oil,, ,| liiiulx me iei|iiuxfed to fore said 27th dnv of July, |99| lii'- llo ir « liiiins in this office on or lai- E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. 'ore »aid 271 li <lsy <,f July, 1901. E. M. B hatt *lx, Register. J. B. MOORE, Proprietor of Freight At agoni. Everything done a lib . . . . neatness anil «lisps'' h HOTEL BARBER SHOP, J W. SIEMENS. Pro?. Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. Also Agent for LONDON AN LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. “I hnve I h - cii Niiffi-rltig front |H-pslit fur I lie pnsl twenty y*‘*r* I iiim - been nimble niter trying"1 I ttriilloiiH mid pliVHli'iat'8 tog«' lief. After Hiking olle I"'"1'' of, noi Dy a in -pal it Cure I found re ' Ilin now in la-tter health than been for twenty years. I r4*" prulae Kodol Dy a pe pa lit Cure'•* ly," Tliua wrltea Mrs. C- "• «'its, North ('reek. Ark. .1. L. I’litlffetL «V Nous. Ken"- . - • h. Y oil are mudi nu in* liable to dia- PUMPS AINU WINDAIH-1-5' ease when your liver and I kiwi I h ilo i'"' ait properly, DeWitt'» Little A Hix- line of !’,’'fn.Pn "witS Early Itlxera remove I lie i-atixc of t lie nlMoaw. Mills Just rei'elved bv < . H. ’ J. L. Padgi-tt X Suns, Kcliu. the "AerinolofMan