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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1901)
\ bill ha« Invìi intnalitecd m thè Oregon legishitii''i' by Siate Menatoi F. I*. Mais providing fnr thè electioti • >f I’. S. senatori« Ivy direct vote of ilio people. so far as il cali l>e dune witli oiit emi (bel militile colisi itili Imi of thè l’nlt d States. Seven* punishment of offenders al the West I'oint military schise iglit < lire the brutal Iwrbarltics carried on there by some of the seniors at the Hazing expense of new mendvrs. as pi aci iced aniom co' : 11 • •« ;» an animal impulse which ought to Is' ■ • ided w i'bout delay . 5 A A £ New Hard ware Store, - -S tt «« Klamath Falls, Or. after all. " IRRUÍ Senator Chandler ot Ne» Hamp .»hire has Pen shelved by Hie lexis lature of that state and his successor has Isvn elected in the person ot litige Henry E. Burnham. Chandler v. as one ot Hie oldest and ablest iii.-.n- 1 rs of the I '. S. sen it e. but Ills opinions on some pulilie questions eonilieUsi with the policy of tin ail- minist rat ion. ÜAWAÙ \ù\MtAÌAù \tAWAb itoseli, and ime man ituiy lai clami io a strip ol In» iielghlsir s land, feeling Mire tir ls m thè righi. The court» iiiiw will take testi moni In thè mailer and ap|>oliit a evmmission lol dividi", bui ili tornei's h i », witnesscs' ev|ieiis< » and thè cosi of referees .ile liatil«' lo pile up in »nella w.iv tliat I Ihe disputati)* ir.’»otri ilici vieni lol aw. With tlie u tility «uriey or thè I <■ •.'< ri t, i. |he 'iily eh.ii ■ « wili I«' lis fees. and as hi* i» llsualll thè must *i>mpctcnt putì to divide «neh • . • I... K H .hl f., |s (he must Col | 5 5 A kro«>«l Stock ol 11.if'l" tiro, tiooil gin’ll» ;jt vei \ reasonable piiet «. .Xot blin k«init|i ing supplies alotic, but Everytliing genei,i||\ kept in a«' Store, such a« Shovels, Pork.*, Hoes, Spades, Mops, Brooms, littware, Slieetiron ware, Carpenters’ and .’levhanks’ loots. Powder Shot, Shells anil Wads. Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipe and Cooking I telisi Is. I'nder the lull i lating to tin* num- Mltmeap'l I r of congressmen from each »tale and which was f.ivoral ly voted on I »1 week by the I. use of reprv» ta- Ar Tllis great Work filisi tie pn . "no state a » » a r« -p;e-ent.itin .nil the full.>wiii'.-states mak tins, e.l until the last aere of land and v ■ T’c\ is. Illinois and New A • • k brush sii.M'ept il'le of Irrigai loti g”lin three congressmen tach: Minne- I brought under the lev li ¡fi lux sot-i. New Jersey and IVnnsy t a - thienee of water. 1'1 ' quest toll I Cdif. r ¡i i lie a»!, d w hy allow ( rivale capi- two each, and lai to carry >>n tlie wurk w In. li il lias Co’o a 1". t i i .u lile answer is .«Ire d commcneisl. p.. n i. Massac'.us cannot control that private persons s.mri. North C. Another and the sourc ■» of stip|>li. Washington. \\ more < 'inlin ing r.asoli why the ■ ns a. tain i>i tii n il in it innnmt should solve th, pro . »"d t ill, o t ieni. in»t .<d of leaving it to 111 ship of the Inn dividual» and corporation*, is that which is .lo-.v ;!.' •1 private enterprise II I» n aelied its limit. It has on the whole I hvii a Bussell > ige. the p'lvin - lini "ii losing liusiin «a. H ha« failed tinan- / aire, ».'em« to qtie»tion I propri eiaily for rea» is whiclt would not lie i f Mr. Cudahy's aeti i iay. :.1 -:x 1 ■ p rative a : linst tile Government. - t be dem. in Is f Hie iHiws.v kf'- Xi-w A rk Evening I -st. naped bls mn. Sage ira that ahy's course ;.d■- » » ■_ Kidne.d prices.m clothing. I’llffy's. preced-nt and will . nini rag • PROBA TI Col RT. «teal,,i_ f->r ran*, .ns. promptitude of the great meat picker The probate busili íes.» Is'fore l'omit y in resmiing itis son by yielding up .1 udgv Willits .ist ’ Week as fol- • 2'>.<HKi excites univi admira! i n. I I* >w st KI.A M Vi li I \|.|,s. lie would m t risk the safety < f his The petition of W. II. and M. L. a I for paltry d 'liar», n w ■ 1 ! ■ Copeland, striving t< o I«' allo wed ti the happini ».» ..f his home by he. ding idopt t liristie stewart a« their owi ttie advice of w iseacre» among i*-'■■■• child was gr interi. tives and p.lici oflleers. II ■ perfotn • x- Til'' final I'Count of Win. Knotts ed Hie proper act in promptly restor ereeuti r of tlte ''state of Arthur Iain ’ <R. Proprietor. ing his son. and then f-.ìloa..,! .‘¡th geli, diseas'd. was approviti and sail the eminent I v laudable offer of •■xi'cutor dinchargiti. I urnished oil All Kinds of ooo for Hie capture of the guilty par- in of S.iamcl Stortz, no I i.-s. Mr. Cudahy’s course places t ravting mid Building tier was issued to him to appear oi I'.hn near the heart» of the Am«-, ¡'-an < dillment Plan. January 19th before County .ludg people everywhere. 1 rrml aip I work (urni«lir<l l»y tint null m l Willits, and show cans.- why a guar State Ib'presentat IVe L. B. Busier diari should not I»- appointed to take store .«•Jia. jlahiftlrr« and .Xcwrl I* -ta. &**.•, of 1'mat ilia county will introduce a charge of Hu- person amt property of «< r .11 and Turned Work. *.v»h. Ikavr» and Blinds. Corner «nd It«-. III.> Io. «•»« «ai<l Stortz. and Turned ilaliiRten*. I><sir and Window frani«*«, Pulpiti «mi I',-» f i d. «liinto bill ill the legislature to render the In tlie matter of the radale of Ed settling of disputes over land lioiind- ward E. McIntire, dit'ease I. Thoma» I'.inid. r- .lardware, l'amia «ml till Moulding audGlaa« I lev at i -a and I«-...« aries les* expnsive. "Boundarv Martin w.i.» duly ap,a iuti d admmis- hud».-•««!. I • round ami Cut • .1«»«, Mall l’a|»-r, Furniture, etc., et. Beat work and material, and in the latest ami nn*t approvi«! «lile«. lines are stibj«vts of frequent conten trator of «.lid estate. tion.” Mr. Heeder is rrpoite«i to have Bargains in overcoats at Imffv’a. The merited reputation for curing Till* lll< *t Maitilillg. 1 I lilt .un' ir said rii'entiy. "ami as tin- settling of Wtien threaten' d by pneumonia or piles, sores atlil skill llls. as.-s acquired tlwptic application ■ u r di n«< >1 these involves the expenditure of any other lung trouble, prompt re «ton to ».aH). neither party desires to lief is neei'ssary . ;is it is dangerous to by I>. Witt's Witch Hazel salve, has I». HIM Witch II i s, .... |(- go to law. and so th ■ dispute remains delay. We would suggest that • >m ¡■•I to the making of worthless coun llevcs al once and cures piles, •*nj open, and sometimes criminal acts Minute Coiigli Cur»'!«• taken as soon terfeits. Be sure t«> get only 1>e- eczema and skill disi a». ». llrsjn < are resorted to ami much bail blood is as indications of having taken cold Witt's ."salve. .1. I.. Padgett Son«. Ions. .1 1.. Til ’i A s ■> are not iced. It cures qitl kly and its engendered. Government corners early iim prevent« eomsumpHon. J. Big liiie men*« ami l»>y«’ suit* at S. II. Iir*i'll l'unir In from A> m iy b • o iliterat»' ! or by accident pur- I.. Padgett A Sms. i >u tr v A. I). CARRICK Î P ioneer B lacksmith S hop . J. B. CAMPBELL, Prop Successor to A. D. Carrick. PLANINO MILLS. I mont Saftirdav. I