Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1901)
[h'selv. and one man may lay claim I" a strip "I Ins ndithis'i 's land, fis llug he Is in the right. I In courts now will take testimony In the matter and appoint a commission to '■ut eontliet vvitlillie eonstltution of decidi', but attorney ’s fees, witnesses’ e V [>| IIS' ■ .mil t lie st ol i. ■ I. • I . • • s ale thè Cult -d States. lialile to pile up m sucha wav that > Severe punisliment of otfeiul s il tlie disputants are sorry they went I" thè West l’iillit militari sellimi ungili law. " Illi Hu ■ "iinty shiv , vor the i « tire thè bruta! barbarli i< s earrled mi sole referee, the .lily Chai 'S will t» l tbere liy some of thè seniorsat tlie Ills fees, and as lie Is usually tlie most lla/imt Competent pally t" dis’ide such mat- cxpetise of liew meilil>ers. as practieeil amotie eoli, -iates is an I. IS 11.. Is Hid : I" I» till’ most cor animai impulse libidi oiight lo l*' < ided vi ì‘ Ilotit delav ÜAMÏAÙ \ù\WMtAÙ tfAtAtAb Senator Chandler of X.w llamp Siiiri- lias been shelved by the lature of that state and bis successor lias lieen elected In tile person ot I.. Ige Henry E. Burnham. Chandler ■ as one of t lie oldest and ablest n. u I rs of the I*, S. senate, but his "■inions oil some public questions .....itlicted with the policy of th* ad- AC \ bill b is beeil hit rodlieed III thè Oregon legislature In State senator E. I'. Xlay s provlding for t he eli et mn ol C. s. seliators bv direct Vote of t In p.'ople, so far as il cali be itone vi II li S A Klamath tails. Or. \ gooil IRRKi \ I ION i s 1. '.aiti < ile each. I :<i the pro; i v-d l ill, tlie pres-nt memlici- shlpoftlle house of I' T' s which is .lo-.v :1.‘>7. will !■• hieu a- c to asti. A A A A A A Thls o al work must t>e pi" '<•1 mit II the last ir. of lami am lirus'i susceptible of irrigati A A brought timler the reilxifyin llllell ’ ' ! W iter I'll ones! I. >l Is-ask d why n -t allow | tai to earn on the w..rk which : Ire <1 commenced. lie Il s.' that private persons cannot ■ -■ I lie sou re- s of supply. Allot Ilei ¡jt very loiisotialil«* pt ices. \ot Good -■ |, lilai ksimtli mor.-convincing r -. mi why flu tinnii Government should s. I». kept in ¡1 Hard".ire Sin|i>, sin h as Shovds, Spades, Mops, Brooms, I'inware, Shvctiron ware, Carpenters' and .'lechanii.s’ Tools, Powder Shot, Shells and Wads. Porks, I Iocs, Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipe and Cooking Itonsils. T A. 0. CARRICK A< * T and Na tile problem. Inst, ad of le.r.lngit t dividual* and corporations, is private enterprise has re.idle, limit. It Ills oil t II.- W lióle la lliissdl >ige. the porcine million losing buslm ss. It has failed a ire, s.-eins to quest Ion l Im p . pri- 1 -■ dally for reas, os which would t of Mr. Cudahy’s action In yi Id:-:.: '■■ ¡■elative a unsi th.- i..»vernine t Im lie'll 1'1 Is of I lie < I' I I Vi - w " kid- x. w York Ei• I '■ napil I s s hi . s |.. fears th ' C !• aliv's ii'ili e .- tabhsi-. s a '. ii. preced -nt .-.nd will emau ra- • stealing for B..' Hi" promptitude of llm great meat pai I lie proliate busiii. s, Ix-fi.r« < ’“Uni y in rescuing ids son by yielding up Judge Willits last we. k W Is as fol- • Jo.uim excites universal admiralion. lows: Ile would m t risk the safetv of his Ti c petition of W. II. M I.. soli for paltry dollars, nor jeopardize Copeland, asking to tie tlie happiness i f Ins home by Imeding adopt ( liristie Slewart : thè advice of wiseacre, among d> t child was granted. tivesand police ofllcer». Il * per folio- Th. final leeount of Wm. Knotts <d tlie proper act hi promptly restor- '•'01-11!.a of th . state of Vrtliur lain big bis soli. and then foilowed with geli, dei e is.'l. was approved and salt thè eminentiv laudatile «,!T--r of ♦2.V.- executor dlsdiarged. non for thè capi lire of thè giiiliv par In Hu- ease d Samuel Stortz, no tirli. Mr. t'iidahy's coursc plaies lice Wils issued to llilll to .IpIVeiir ol lilin near tlie hearts of tlie \m> ii>-an January lUHi Is-fore County Judg |r-ople cleri « bere. "Hills, and show . ause wliv a guar state IJepri-sentative !.. B. Iteeder dian should not tM. apisilulisl to lake of Tniat illa coutil y vi III mt rodin e a charge of the porw'ti and proiH-rtv uf said Stortz. bill in thè legislature lo render the In tiie matter of Hie estate of Ed. set 1 ling of dispiites over laud bound- waul E. McIntire, d'Teased. ThotnXs arie* lesti ex pensi ve. •• Boundary Martin duly appoint'd idminls- Iines are siitijects of freqtient cunten- trator of said estate. tion," Mr. Boeder is repmti>d lo baie salti recent ly, ••and as lite settiingnf illeso involves thè exponditiire of *lno to *.‘,ti<i. nell ber party desili > lo g‘i to lavi, and so III ■ dispute lemains op.ii. and sonietiines aels are risorteti lo ami mudi litui blmwl is cngentlered. Government cornerà m iy ir- o »litorale I or bv aeddent pur- Stock oi 11.mill uro. illg Hllpplil's llloill*. I'llt I'A I1! V lllill'J gi-lH-i ||\ mimst rat ion. Under Hie bill relating to the num i r of congressmen from each »tati- a id wliieli was favolai ly voted on ! st week by the l.oiisc of representa ‘St s a repre-ciit.itivi lives, "no state los nil tin- following states mal. gains, viz: Texas. Illinois and New Vork g till three Coligli ss-neii i adì: Minne- sofi, New .lers' y and IVtitisylvariia. two each, and V rl.a’ s ■>. < d'f. r a . i o n a Io. t 11 n C i Id, I ol . . l'Ii ,- uà. Massac’ us t ' . M iss s I qi. .' s itiri. North C rollo I. X'ort ti I > ki t a. Washington. \\ st Virginia and Wis- New Hard ware Store, Vniv rlnr/i- Bargains In overcoats at IndTv'a. Wh'-n thn-ati'ni-d hi pm-umonla or any oltii-r lung trouble, prompt re- *'• r ‘■s ........ vsary. as It is dangermia Io delay. Would suggest that (»He 'limit.- Cougl, (’lire I,., taken as «un as Indicai ions of having taken cold an-noiic-d. n cure* qui kly and It* ■ ari. "sc pr icuts comsiimption. .1. !.. I’adgi-tl a Sons. <» P ioneer B lacksmith Suoi'. * J. B. CAMPBELL, Prop Successor to A. D. Carrick. * * 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 M 4 Bliicksinith tini Iti-p.iii '■»liop. \\ i.'oft» 4 lutili nini icpaiml. Miirltiiif aixl idltet inni 'lune 4 4 Irli 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 PLANING MILLS. <R, Proprietor. Burnished <»n All Kinds oi ratting «'»nil Building illincnt Plan. •rial mid work fiiriii>hi-d by thin anil •■loie 1/ nt», iv i»»i ............................... -.I,. Buhistcr» »nd .X'ewvl l*o»t», Bf*cW’ Scroll mid I’nmed Work, Hash, I loom mid llhndn. Corner mid I’..* . |l|.s kr. >*»r. and I uri.i-d Baln»U>r>, Itoor mid Window fraine», l'ulplt» mid l'i-w I - il». shintA" Bmldi .lardware, l'amia and Oil. Moulding mid<ila»1- I levali •' »nd !*•:•1 I n I !»■• »cd. Ground mid Cut • da»», 'lall 1’iiper, Furniture, el. , ■ t.. Br»l work and material, and in tlie late»! and nn*t approved »Ivie». The merited reputation fur curing The inosl so. ihm »•*’**’ piles, sores alld skill diseases acquired tisi ptie application ewr divi"''' > by Is Will's Witch |la/<l salie, has lieVVIft's Wlldi llazel Salve. H hd to the making of Worthless coun llelen ut once and cures ptles. x'1" I Jl terfeits. lie sure to gel only !»••■ eczema and skln disi ises. Witt's Salle. .1, |„ Padgett A Sons. ImitlltlollN. .1 I. l’adgett A Sii“. Big line iiien'a and I my*’ suits at I oiITV 's. S. II. Biadi l'iini' moni Saliirdav. in frolli A'1*