Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1900)
! Imprursfl Train ■ The Assassination of President Lincoln remark: “Wow he belongs to toe atos I'hv Booth lost, in Ltucula, one wns would have proved to be its best friend, as is. perhaps, now realised In a letter written to Gen. Van Alen ou the last day of his life, Lincoln wrote words that strike the keynote of his character, la it he said: “I thank you for the assurance you give me that I shall be supported by conserva tive men like yourself iu the etforts I may make to restore the Uuion so aa to make it. to use your language, a union of hearts and hands us well as of States.'* Over all the members of that presi dential theater party a black and awful fate hung menacingly. The fate of the assassin. John Wilkes Booth, is too well known for repetition I ! shot down like a dug, aa be waa. in a burning barn. Many have not followed the end of oth ers indirectly associated with the tragedy. The stricken widow of the martyred President passed the balance of her days in melancholia and madness. Of tbs guests who were with her in the box that uight. oue slew the other and ended his own life s maniac. By a curious coincidence, even Sergt. Boston Corbett, who shot Booth In the barn, became insane and was afterwards coufiued in a Kansas asylum. VALENTINES OUT OF DATE. Original Verse, Flower« or Candy Ara Now the Proper Gifts. Valentines are out of date. That ia the edict of society. When the 14th of February comes around now the proper caper is to write to your lady fair a few choice stanzas of valentine verse, or, in case of your inability to construct proper rhyme, send around a few bunches of vio lets or sweet roses or a nice box of candy —a heart shaped box preferred, of course —all tied up with pretty silk ribbons. The flowers and the candy may not last as long as the poetry, but the flowers will lie prettier, the candy will taste better and both will be more appreciated. When it is said that valeutines are out of date the statement has to be made, of course, with some reservation. They are WOOLEN GOODS Prove » Bxceptien to Dullooaa (hows la Other Lines. Bradstreet’« review says: Exceptions to the quiet and even dullne«« shown by the many lines of trade and speculation are found in the actfxe demand for woolen goods for next fall’s delivery, and in the active call for dry goods on spring account. In the latter direction, prices show special strength, and the bulk of the business placed in woolens has been st an advance of 25 to 40 per cent, lu other lines, notabla steadiness is shown in prices. Weather conditions through out the country part of the week have been against trade in seasonable goods, and there is very general complaint of large stocks of winter goods in the hands of this branch of trade. Another effect of the usually mild weather is that shown in the Northwestern lum ber business. The lack of snow will probably insure a reduction on the cut of last year, and this, combined with smaller stocks, points to at least a maintenance of present luml>er quota tions. Woolen manufacturers have consti tuted an exception to the general quiet. They opened their order laioks this week, and an unusually heavy volume of business is reported to have l>een re corded. Cotton goods arv reported in good demand iu nearly all markets, and the confidence as to spring business in dry goods and clothing is a notable feature, in sharp contrast, in fact, with the reports received from retailers as to the present season's business iu winter wear goods. Scarcity of water is com plained of as limiting the output of New England cotton mills, which are reported as backward in deliveries. Business failures for the week num tier 253, as com; wired with 255 last week, 946 in the week a year ago, 288 in 1398. 326 in 1897, and 893 in 1896. Canadian failures for the week num- bei 89. COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Theater, Washington, by John Wilkes Booth. The excitement all over the Unit ed States to-day, caused by the war scare, brings to mind the thrill of horror and excitement that passed over the country thirty-three years ago. when, just as the minds of the people bad become settled after four years of war, the country was startled by the announcement of Lin coin’s assassination. Announcements bad been made In Washington papers that President Lin coln and Gen. Grant, accompanied by their wives, would visit Ford's Theater (now a pension office) on the evening of April 14. Gen. Grant found it necessary to visit Burlington. N. J., on that memorable 14th of April, and he accordingly sent to President Lincoln a note of regret at his Inability to accompany him to the the ater that evening, leaving Washington on the (J p. m. train. To Schuyler Colfax, then Speaker of the House, the President extended an in vitation to attend the theater as late as 8:15 p. m.. for it was not until then that the President’s party left the White House. President Lincoln manifested a THE SVKKATT HOUSE. It was here that the assassination was planned. out of date as gifts between fashionable adults, but among children they are popu lar still. Every little lad and lassie watches for the postman ou the morning of St. Valentine's day, of course, and la disappointed if the mail brings no love message, no little embossed and painted Cupid. What is meant by the statement that valentines are out of date is that the day of the three-story, fussed and fuixy, hand-painted, lint and nonsense creation. Onions, new, >1.60@ 1.75 per sack. Lettuce, hot house, >1.25 Potatoes, new, >16@20. Beets, per sack, 75 @ 85c. Turnips, per sack, 80c. Carrots, per sack, 50c. Parsnips, per sack, 75(385c. Cauliflower, 75c(3fl per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, 75c g $ 1.00 per 100 pounds. Apples, 11.35(31.50 per box. Pears, >1.00@1.25 per box. ITunes, 60c per box. Bu ter—Creamery, 29c per pound; dairy, 17 @ 22c; ranch, 34c per pound. Eggs—20c. Cheese—Native. 16c. Poultry—13(3 14c; dreused, 14(3 15c. Hay—Puget Sound timothy, >12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, 118.00(319.00 Corn—Whole, >23.00; cracked, >23; feel uieal, >23. Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, >21; whole, >22. Flour—Patent, per barrel, >3.25; blended straights, >3.00; California, >3.25; buckwheat flour, >6.00; gra ham, per barrel, >3.80; whole wheat flour, >3.00; rye flour, >3.80(34.00. Millstnffs—Bran, per ton, >14.00; ■hurts, per ton, >16.00. Feed—Chopped feed, >20.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, >20; oil cake meal, per ton, >30.00. Fresh Meats—Choice dressed lieef steers, 4S@5c; cows,; pork, 4 He; trimmed, 6He; veal, small, 6c; large, 4c. Hams—Large, 13c; small, 13H1 breakfast bacon, 12He; dry salt sides. Portland Marlcat. THE DEATH BED OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN There are many Jouesee in thia world, but perhaps not uutte so many st people think. Not loug ago two But Not the Tret. (rleuds met who had not seen each UTtrn dixeass Ms hnv»nr i Anmac and other for ten years, sine* thotr eohool deep tested it is often difficult to cure tt. deva. "Whom did you marry, Billy? That is the reason why it is best to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla when disease asksil oue. "A Mia« Jones, ol PhiladeljMiia, re first show itself. In lon<yseated. tena plied Bill' . *ho *'*• “ e«n<dtive cious cases. Hood's Sarsaparilla is also "You alwav« did take to the name wonderfully successful. •Joinnt.' 1 e*u remember when we went to school together you used to tag around after a little «nub-nosed Jonos Kiri.’* Never Disappoint* "1 remember it, too,” said Billy ’’Within the next five years Missouri "Shu's the girl 1 marrieti.’’—Youth’s NEARLY BURIED ALIVE. will startle the world," prophesies CuiiipAnioii. State Geologist tinllagher, in a recent Artllirlal Might. India» Woman’« Marrow Kerap« From An Inventor h«»'« pci I» » t«*»! *»» •Irvlrlml interview, "with the great amount of a Terrible l>e»th« atmlisn*« win. Il lie * lainis will enable the lead, ailic, copper, nt 'kel, coltall and Mrs. Ellen Camby hail a narrow ea- liliinl tn I'hi« »IB bring much liapol coal mined in the state. Missouri Is tn those who bare dele, live eyesight cape from being buried alive in Craw tuother great tliseoverv wlitelt will bring rich in minerals, the richest of any ford county, Indiana, She w*» pro ..................... (o .lio»e whose sloiiiaehs have ■tuts iu the country.” nounced dead, and preparation* for the iH-voni. deranged, is Hostetler'S Blomai h burial were being made While tin« Hitters It I" • lettain cure for imllges IXiu't smoke cigaretti a (or the pur- was in progreaa hei daughter, 19 years turn. <lys;n p«ia. malaria, fever and ague jmimi of killing tiiiit'. Time will tranaa* t old, worn out by exhaustion, lay down iuialuoes at the old stand long aflor you In Saxony no teacher meivos loss to rvat. but her evea had scarcely quit.—Chicago News. cloaed In»fore ahe h prang up and per titan >300 « year. Mother* will tin>l Mr» M litalow'a Hooth- Onlj Mate Medlelae for t'hllileon. emptorily inwiated that her ni others* Hvruptiia twsl remedy to uaa for tli'‘v tender little Inshl.a of i-bllilren are ruin body be returned to the bed. She re- ed The alnhlreii during the teething period, br Vlob III purges, plllsnr liquids l asearafa marked that her mother had called to are pleasant, baruila a ■ Itei-llie. l>ru«|lato ll»r, Il Answered tha Purpoea- her in her sleep, Maying: "Mary, don't De. We. Maude—Have Bella ali i Jack had a let them bury me alive.' ' The under- New York housuaniitbs get >8.20 for new quarrel? taker complied with the daughter * re- eight hours. IdUia—Oil, mil—but they’ie pati heil quest, saying it was but a dream, but the daughter stoutly claimed the con I ktni* that mv Ills was saved by I’iso's up their oltl out* till it's alamt as good (or I'linsumplton John A Miller, aa new. — Buck. trary and would not be denied. Nearly ('lire Au Hable, Mu lligan. April 21, I8W. eight hours passed when Mrs. ( rosby Tbs North Staffordshire (Eugland) ■lowly o|»ened her eyes and looked at her daughter, who had remained by Christian Fit leaver union has put on her bedside, constantly watching (or a foot a scheme for obtaining 6,000 now return to life. .Mrs. Crosby is now total absitnenoe pledgee in the year. considered in a fair way to recovery. TO Cl KK A COLD IM ONB DAT 8 t * ti or O nto , city oftolipo , i Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. If yo« baveti I a >««ular. haallM movottirn* of th« L vcas C ovnty . i ’ F rank J. C hinny make« oath that ne la the All druggists refund the money or will t «V R<'*|> y. u| if it ix)»«¡i o»»rF »Ul, f 'U i" armor parter of the firm of F. J CHKH1T Jk Co , tM>w«la oprili a ti 4 i>«> wrll fore« in l ho •ti«t>n|' rI.« doing buaineta In the City of Toledo, County fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Violoni pliyalr <>r 1*111 | m H m >I i I« «lanyriou« • inoa ibriBi oaaloat nioai t>rrfoi t way of feo<vlu* iu« and state aforraaid. and that aald firm will pat is on each isix. 25c. tMiwole oloar at»U uloau la u> la*a the autn ol ONE HCNPRKD !»<)!.LARS tor each You May Bend the Sapling ACTIVE. 99 PACIFIC mistake or the exercise of an imperti nent curiosity. Unknown to the presi dential party. Booth bad. during the day, bored a bole through the door of the box for observation or perhaps to fire through. At 10 p. m. Booth again entered the box, quietly bolding a pistol in one band and a knife, or dirk, in the other. Maj. Ratbbone rose and asked this intruder Booth rushed past the his business. Major without making a reply and. plac- ing bis pistol close to the President’s head, actually in contact with it, bred. and instantly sprang upon the cushioned baluster of the box. when he made a backward plunge with bis knife, aimed at the face or breast of Mr. Lincoln. Maj. Rathbone, springing forward to pro tect the President, received the stab in bis arm. It was towards the latter part of the play. Perfect stillness reigned through out the house. The audience listened to the dialogue between Florence Trenchard and May Meredith, when the pistol shot rang through the theater. It was appar ently fired behind the scenes on the right of the stage, and It was accepted by the audience as an introduction to some new passage, several of which had been in terpolated in the early part of the play. Booth had been noted as a leaper, hav- The O. K. a N. and Oregon Hliorl Line have a<lds<l a buffet, smoklli« and library ear Io their i’urtlaud-Cliloagu thiuugh train, and a dining car Servius has been Inanguaratutl. The train Is equipped with the latest chair cars, dsy coachns and luiurluus fiiet-ulsas and ordinary sleepets. Direct conns«- thru made st Granger with Union i’a- cltiii. and al Ogden with Itlo Grande llns, from all points in Otsgon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Kusluin cities For liifuriiiallon, rates, etc., call on any O. II. A N agent, or address W. II. Hurlburt, General I'asaengsi Agent, I'oillatid.________________ Wheat — Walla Walla, 51@62c; Valley, 50c; Bluestem, 52c per bushel. Flour—Best grades, >2.90; graham, >2.25; snperfine, >2.15 per barrel. Oats—Choice white, 85 @ 86c; choice gray, 34c per bushel. Barley—Feed barley, >15@ 16.00; brewing, >18.00@ 18.50 per ton. Millstuffs—Bran, >17 per ton; mid dlings, >22; shorts, >18; chop, >16 per ton. Hay—Timothy, >10(319; clover, >7 @8; Oregon wild hay, >6 @7 per ton. Butter—Fancy creamery, 60@65c; seconds, 49H@45c; dairy, 30@37 He; store, 22 H@ 27 He. Eggs— 16@17H c per dozen. Cheese—Oregon full cream, 12Hc; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, >2.50@ 4.00 per dozen; hens, >4.50; springs, >2.50@3.50; geese, >7.00@8.50 forold; >4.50@6.50; ducks, >6.00@9.00 [>er dozen; turkeys, live, 16@17c per pound. Potatoes—55@85c per sack; sweets, 2@2Hc per pound. Vegetables—Beets, >1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, lHc per pound; parsnips, >1; onions, >1.15@1.50; carrots, >1. Hope—7@10c; 1898 crop, 5@6c. Wool—Valley, 19@18c per ponnd; Eastern Oregon, 8@14c; mohair, 27@ 80c per ponnd. Mutton—Gross, )>est sheep, wether« and ewes, 8He; dressed mutton, 6HO 7c per pound; lambs, 7Hc per pound. Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, >5.00; light and feeders, >4.50; dressed, >5.50@6.00 per 100 pounds. Beef—Gross, top steers, >3.50@4.00; cows, >3@8.50; dressed beef, 6H@ 7He per pound. Veal—Large, 6H@7Hc; small, 8@ 8He per pound. BESTFORTHE BOWELS and every ca*e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H all ' s C atarrh Cm« FRANK J CIIKNFY Sworn to before me and aubaeribed in mv prvaeuce, thia Sth day of December, A. D. 1** a—j A. W. GLKA8OM, 1 Kotar^ Public IIal?e"catarrh Cure la taken Internally and acta directly on the bloo<1 anti mucous «urtacca ol the system. Send for textimonials, free. F. J. CHtf.NEY Jk CO., Toledo, 0. Sold bv druKgiats. 75c. Hall's Family Fill» are the beak Java furnishes quinine used. two-thirds of lht> CANDY CATHARTIC V ITA 1.1 TV I"*. drbHItalpJ <»r * a li «11*10.1 fumi hr Hr. Kline » lnvi«"r«llng I I HKF |l Trial Hottie contai nl»'« i ireaiitienl br Kline'« Insinui«. »Ml Anb Ml . ril‘l«il«lpl»la. Ft»uin1«-I l»7l During the last fiscal year Berlin ex ported H3.U83 tons of txwr ami import**! s*’.986 tons, of which 84,508 came from Baiarla and Bohemia. Matrimony on Small Capital. Pleasant. I’alaiabls |H»t«*nt Tast«(|p<Ml fkClood Msvrr Mh Sen. WoaSdti or urlj« lu«- M m - Writs for fr®«> • «mpl® «nd lx »blot on bvalfti A>1dr»ea Mexico is one of the Unito*! States’ Merit*« A Wfimiugton clergyman tells of a Re*e4v t *4B«*a|, l*teag*< ■«•<*«•4. !•« Va*S. ma Philadelphia couple who came to him l>eat customers iu the sewing machine to lx> married on« day. When they ¡«ft the lx>at at the Fourth «tract wharf in the city they had but five dollars between them. Nevertheless, the groom called a cab ami ordered to be driven to the city hall and then to the nearest minister. At th« city hall he paid >3.60 for a marriage license, which left >1.40 to pay the cabman ami to fee the minister. At the latter's Built on the Square. A Splendid Lino for You, MR. DEALER. house the cabby demanded >1.50. The Portland. Oro^on, Delivery, and Replacements on Guarantee. groom replied that he did not have it, Quick Delivery Guaranteed. A LINE HARD TO BEAT. and the driver compromised on a dol lar, leaving 40 cents for the minister. CLEVELAND CHAINLESS B«vrl Gear . The groom, however, was not doue CLEVELAND CHAIN ROADSTER buying, for he stepped into a near-by CLEVELAND CHAIN ROADS ROADST TER ER Racer, 21 lb. store and bonght an envelope for a cent. In this he put the remaining 30 CLEVELAND CHAIN cents, and after the ceremony handed STORMER CHAIN it to the minister. How the newly- PENNANT SPECIAL CHAIN married couple got back to Philadel phia ia a mystery. — Philadelphia Boy*’* nd Girl*’Bicycle*. La ryr*t Jobber of Bicycle Sundrin in the North weat. Write Record. for Ca'aloguc and Discount*. Agents wanted in all town* throughout Oregon« KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Painters in the car shops nt Knox ville are working 15 to 17 hours P« day. SALT An LAKE Wa*hington, Idaho and Montana. AMERICAN BICYCLE Cl). CITY. Important Factor In nental Travel. PORTLAND BRANCH, Popí Salis Oap , 132 134 Siiti St. JL OSo RA* nOTTLIJ FOR lOa. Transconti DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use “5 DROPS” for RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY DISEASE ~ No one crossing the continent can afford to cut Salt Lake City from his j route. The attractions of the place, Swasaos RnBVMATIC Ct'a a Co.: When I wrot. you for a satnpl« IsStla of **S 1>ROI*H" mr including the Mormon Temple, Taber- , wife was *ufl«rlrg l*rrlb(y from Rheumatism and was wry disci-urag«*!, a* 1 had tried sveey. thing the doctor* pre*crU>rd. even «ending her lo Uichftrld hprtng*. eic. Mr doctor I* very mu. h nacle and Church institutions, the ■rirpriasd at the progress my wtfe la making, ami she la so wrll that ah. Great Salt Lake—deader and denser refused lo keep her seamstress and la now <l*aug her own aewlrrg. The than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land— doctors Insist on her taking **« Dropa" and assure her that II ia now the picturesque environment and the only a mailer of a few days and she will be entirely cured, and aa we are ver, well known here, the S IiHul'H " Is receirlngconsiderable atten warm sulphur and hot springs, are tion and pralae. F. K. I-H1CK. Jeraer City, N. J. Ort. IX 1VW greater to the square yard than any lo- nwANSon RHKVMAVtc Cea* Co : I suffered terribly with kidney cality on the American continent. Trouble for years, ami after using less than two bottles of **S I>kol*H*' The Rio Grande Western Railway, I am now entirely well and 1 give " S liKnlTt" the praise tor my cur.. I could not find anything that w*mld give ms the slightest relief until I connecting on the East with the Den tried this remedy, and I recommend It to everytssly as a permanent cure ver & Rio Grande and Colorado Mid (TBAOK MARK) for Kidney Disease. MARY A. CAKHAUGII, Black Gap, l*a. Aug. 2X’Wi land Railways and on the West with ls the most powsrful sfOrine known Vrss from ofttslMSna pe,fe.-Ur tcarrnl»«*. the Southern Pacific (Central Route) “5 DROP8” II slvss alm.Mt Instants»»..«« rsllsf. aa,1 Is a |»Mlilvasura for H s . mmsi I. m . Kenralsta, Drsnepala. Hneknehe, Asthma, liar Fsrar. Calnrrh, l.a Urines. and Oregon Short Liue, is the only •«latten. < rs«*, ateeplrssne««, Nsrveususse. Nvrvss, a«U Nenraluie Iteadarlaes. KnrnabO, Taotb- transcontinetnal line jatssing directly aeba. Heart Weakness, Draesy, Malaria. Cmoplaa NumhneM. ate., str. through Salt Ioike City. The rente qA n A VQ to enabls suffsrsra to rtrs **. mtolw st Isssl a lilsl, ws vltl s»n,l a mmfls tvAtls. Ov Lw r\ T vV ,.rr|al'l by mall, for 10 rts. A san* pls bollls • HI • ■*»*• ho s y ■ , Ala., Isrre l.ottlm (M through Salt Lake City via the Rio dvsss) U OS. « botuss for * Sold by US and S<voU SUSS Ta WsSTin Is T^HCar,. WaiTB t * TO-SSt. Grande Western Railway is famous all • WAXSOX MHKVMAT1C CIMZ CO-. IM lo ISA 1st, St.. t Htt AUU, ILIe the year round. On account of the equable climate of Utah and Colorado PORTLAND DIRECTORY CORN WHEAT it ia just aa popular in winter as in Will out-ylel<1 corn . will make the «ant« kin4 summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield, fuir, sud IV 1rs VI orht. of meal; h«a «uperlor fattenlnr qualltir» will 253 Washington St., Portland, or Geo’ •olre th« problem of fattening lloga and Calila W. Heintz, Acting General Passenger I’OKTI.ANIt WIRK A IRON WORKS; WIRK ina wheat country; aliould be «own In tha spring th« mm« aa w heat and will yield from Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of and Iron fencing; office ratIItiti, etc. :H4 Alder ftw to 100 btiahala par arre j th® a'raw after II ta thra«he<! ha« «n oily «ubatane« and II la almoal "Salt Lake City—the City of the aa good aa hay. Mnrlitnnr, nn«l Supplias. Sa in ta. ” Prlt-a of awwd lOo per pound or 90 p®» 1)1 IO PS < J F ing become habituated to sensational ever which young ladies used to go into leaps in his repertoire of characters. He ecstasies of delight and young men used leaped nine feet down on the stage, but to go into bankruptcy, has long been pass his spur caught in the flag decorating the ed. The custom of sending that sort of front of the presidential box and as he remembrance is as dead as the custom of It tind re><!. Addreaa How Wstnsn W«i Marta. es Wirrox 4 CO.; KNlilNKR, ROII.KRM, MA reached the stage he fell, recovering him New Year's calling. It was never a sen M. J. AIIIKLI»» A CO., Moiro«, Idaho. e»‘i»ery. supplie* e.'<i rirslHi., Porliend,Or, self in a wonderful way, though bis leg sible custom anyway, for no young maa A small boy in the Mission Sunday was broken. He bounded across the felt really repaid in putting a week’s sal school of Bishop Fallows’ church pro l’0,)LE. 1’onvt.aisn, Ouanos, stage, pushing past Miss Laura Keene, ary into a gift to a young lady when, be pounded an entirely new theory of , .»Ft * ^ou 1'* bargains ingenerai who stood near the prompter’s desk, cause of the mystery and secrecy that creation last Sunday. Junt an < ln*Hp an poor ink. n befer«, tanks, pumps, striking her on the hand with his own, have to be observed in sending valentines, I i*1/’ ’Indndlls. The new "Who made man?” asked the teach still holding the dagger. As he crossed he could not accompany it with his card. by him, Is un er, beginning, as in the good old days Squalled the stage Booth cried out, dramatically, It waa altogether too discouraging to whan orthodoxy used catechisms “Bic semper tyrannis!” and "1 bare done have his bated rival get the credit for "God,” was the prompt reply. it!” Once through the side scenes Booth sending a sentimental lot of poetry all the "And how did he make him?” quickly escaped by the rear door of the done . Are You Tired ? up in fluffy expensivenesa for which theater, where a horse awaited him, its he 1 had cheerfully emptied bis pockets and "Out of dust, ma’ant; nothing but Do You l^ick Energy? bridle held by an employe of the theater “gone broke.” Valentines of that sort iust.” You ran become onergetlo and logo that whom Booth rewarded with a kick, his have had their day and belong now to the "And who made woman?” tired feeling by using agony from his broken leg being intense. sweetly remembered past. ... manufactured bt ... "God made her, too, ma’am ” Meanwhile the shrieks of Mrs. Lincoln CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. Moore's Revealed Remedy "How?” P RAYER TO ST. VALENT IN E. made clear to the audience the nature of It contalr i no dnnguroiiB drug® H has I The small boy hesitated, ami then a |>lt*RMniil taste, fl a bottle al drug«'"’" IV-Xtrr-K TSIK XAMK. the horrible crime that had just been per replied cheerfully: ’ He caused a petrated. Pandemonium reigned. Wom deep tleep to fall upon man and then bsik en cried, men hollowed and children CURE YOURSELF 1 !'•* Ill* «J for <mn,pir*l acreamed. Miss Laura Keene advanced aut his backbone ami made woman.” 41«. Ii*rs**..liiHa’nnt.m.n«, to the footlights and called out: "For —Chicago Inter-Ocean. Irritation* or ui< or*ll**n* o> u (, o u * lo*liibr*n*.- God’a aake, have presence of mind! Keep ---------- -------- - I**I o I* m , *n< not **trli>- Vermont in maple sugar stands fii your plsces and all will be well!” Ban Francieco Market« «i*’ltHi Eri.iCsisio>i Co. «*■"* pol*o>toii*. Miss Harris called to Miss Keene to in the union, making nearly 2,000,()i ■•Id hy »rnaslat*. Wool—Spring—Nevada, 12@15c per pounds annually. More butter’ per cow bring some water, which the actress did, or **nt In .lain wr*vi>*r, ■a R. A. pound; Lantern Oregon, 12@ 16c; Val l-r *ifr**,, |>r*pal<l. f»r and afterwards accompanied Mrs. Lin AI way« cheaper Il «>. nr S Kottloa. «2 M is made in Vermont than in any other ley, 2O@22c; Northern, 10@12c. In the end than any «ee«1k coln to the house opposite, to which the tllrrular **nt on r-qu*,t. state—more pounds of wool per sheep that only coit half an much. Hope—1899 crop, ll@12c unconscious President was at once re per are clipped than in any other T*®t»»dt true t<> name, freah end state, moved. It was found that he had been pound. reliable. Al way« the beat. A«k and more bushels of potatoes are raised shot through the head, above the back of 11 < : I< I NG T’llra proci'i<*® moist ur«< an<1 oaim >*> Butter—Fancy creamery 25c; lor Ferry's - take no others. Tills form, as wall as IIIImi, Hlsadiii« or l’i per acre than in any other state. the temporal bone, and that some of the Mrll« for H«®d Annn«l Pfias ar<- ore I hrpr, ■osnnko'k >11» I do seconds, 23@24c; fancy dairy, 91 rjt ops Itching ami >>lnse*<11tigg A l>s<>rba - brain was oozing out and that death was r 14 V A (JO.. @22c; do seconds, 18@20c per pound. Jar at drug Rista or sant by inai I Tr<-at ia® frost Writs Chaplain Conden, who is totally l>«tr«lL kick inevitable. “*• about,our vim . 1)R. lie »MANKO, Piulada ,l’a Eggs—Store, 18 @ 20c; fancy ranch, blind, never permits a barber to touch Within a comparatively short time the 22^c. >iia face. While Dr. Couden has been terrible news bad spread all over Wash Millstuffs — Middlings, >17.00 @ blind for a numltgr of years, it has ington, and by midnight every member 20.00; bran, >13@ 14.00. lieen his practice to shave himself, and of the cabinet, except Seward, whose own For OoiiorrlHi-n «»i<1 filrrt ret l*«i*«l'a Okay R|**1fin 11 life was attempted, bad gathered at the « AO KNOT Hay—Wheat >6.50@9.60; wheat and In th® <>N|,Y riir-flinlfi® whlt-h will oiir® r«< h and •rerT rime No CANE known II h*® r»«r to «-»are, no bedside of their dying chief. Mrs. Lin Worthington oat >6.50@9.00; best barley >5.00@ m«tt®r how M-Hotja or of how long ■f«ii<1lfitr ltr«'ilt* coln was present, prostrated with grief, Steam Pumps from IU ua® will «*tonhh you. Il U «lww»ltit®ly 7.00; alfalfa, >fl.OO@7.5O per ton; prrrrnU nilb'ltir®. «mt r«n b® uk®n without Inoonv* and other members of the family, Sena Adjntant-Gonaral Corbin thinkt the ■nd Water nlrnrr «ml dfiUntlon from bURln®«« i'ItICK. •3,*> l',,r straw, 80 @ 45c per bale. ■■if l»v nil r«ll«bl® drtiicirUU, or arnt |>rrp«i<i hy ®ipr®*i tor Sumner, Speaker Colfax, military of Metera. I.awton fund will finally reach >100- |il«lnly wrappml, on rrrolpt <>f nrir«. by ... Potatoes — Early Rose, 85@90; Ore- ficials of the War Department, several Pumping Plant* of I’AHHt CH ¿MICAL (JO., Uhk*<o, HL 000, which will be invested for Mrs gon Burbanks, 85c@12.0; river Bur- Any Capacity < JTiular m«ll«d on r®«4U4Mit. generals and physicians, the latter in iaiwton in government bonds and give »«loan Flr.< «. TATUM* MOWUN banks, 60@85c; Halina« Burbanks, cluding Surgeon General Barnes, who 8 S,reet, I'ortlsnd, Or. her an income sufficient to provide JOHK WTLKB9 BOOTH >1.00@ 1.26 per sack. Machinery—All Klnda. bad from the first assisted Dr. Stone, Citrus Fruit—Oranges, Valencia, against all want and enable her to edu afterwar!«, made to elaborate his still the President's family physician. > 2.75@8.25 ; Mexican limes, >4.00@ cate her children properly. President Lincoln never recovered con Hearts or dollar«? ab, to wblt-k remembered character of Lord Dua- FOR A DOSE, Should my maiden beart Incllaef sciousness. As day dawned his pulse 5.00; California lemon« 75c@>1.60; p?,”*1 l’*,,^,,rHtone Arrowi HpcarR, and py*P*P"ia, llernove I'lmplra aiol Purify th* _dreary. To t*o loved or to bo rl*-b? ’’•K’'"110’1 HllloYHinaM !>« lln«>! tn if p I*«»•’».Rte. Writ«* end aend ont- » do choice > 1.75@9.00 per box. agth familiar with th« failed and a look of perfect peace over- R* or To eon vine* you w* will mull Tell me, good St. Valentine. mm io fl. p. Hamilton, Two KI w, Wli. ■grounding emm v> J- 1 ----- * r J ftr”!1?'.-. . 4t 7:22 a. m. he Li?.*’ ®rful1 h<’« for 2A<. I»H. HOMAN KO Tropical Fruits—Bananas, >1.50@ cn K US. «-ora the shining gold! ■JV., riillatlM., Fr.una. Hold by DfiigglH«. SE1-4 sec 8 tn .39 S. R 7 E; as 110 ■Wnnlrt t, persons 2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom- elahnlng’adversely mt «... 9.101 * or call on propertv of IV. I). Balieock, for -1 BOflWc per e<! lands are reqin’!«tt’(l to file their < lalni« In’’ irnrf.-Into" M. P. M. Ü. No. B-1UOI». <✓* "i ^-n'nTtir t hl s office on or before sskl HOth day of Mat eh, < nnifToi'iisn i‘. 1 i taxes of 1 WiH, nmoiinting to C. L. P arkihii . Manager, ' .hil'kioti, Htiiti' »1 Oregon, Inn thi** <ia> li PJW-._____________ I.?!. IMl.ViTAIN, !’* ter. ■' 1.».%>«!< )1 Iv’-tlle* I ill —" writing to ad veril sera please 1 iv i .j I ,j , r, *.,■■■ 6 tu II N<WKtaK, Mountala Ho»., Ida. curious reluctance to going, but stated that the papers had advertised that him self and Gen. Grant would both attend, aud. since Gen. Grant had left Washing ton, be did not want to have the audience diaappointed, as the people would expect to see at least one of them. The theater was crowded. The box reserved for the presidential party was the double box forming the second tier on the right-band side of the stage. The front of the box was decorated with flags and in the center, on the outside, hung an engraving of Washington. As the Grants had declined an invita tion to attend, Mrs. Lincoln Invited, in their stead. Miss Harris, daughter of Sen ator Ira Harris, and Maj. Henry K. Rathbone, the Senator’s stepson. The play presented was the original version of Tom Taylor's “Our American Cousin,” as It was always given before the late B. A. Sotbern’a changes in it, • ARTER'S INK C buy genuine SYRUP OF FIGS $ YOUNG MEN! MliN RELICS WANTED I I ■ ■ OR. GUNN’S “"««“PIUS CANCER »i W meatlea thT. paper. <