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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1900)
KLAMATH K LA M A I II lAIlH NtWS W llllairi J.« kson, thè .«■■►ut. is <lea«l. I he I nltasl Veri, mine was aold |or IftOO.lMM) Epitome of the Télégraphie New» of the World. Brillali authoritles bave rvleaaed thè ■»enator Beveridge’s View termali steamer Hersog, the Philippine Question. Iwo whlte meli Wrre «hot and two tegro*« were lyurhed al lllplsy, Taun TKIWK II« KS FROM THF. WIREN Premier M< Ihmald tale« thè attor- JPKKf'll OF A YotNO MEM Bl lev-genrralshlp of thè USW il ali Ito ha — allinei Gold im|a«ite are helping England** fl nances T«d Hloan, th«’ greal key, is com ing W«'st Money rates have taken a tuml ls an! may go lower. Affair* of lhe Gb«l«a National bank, *1 Boston, will I* wound up As a training ship the Hartford will •ail lor South American purls with loo boy*. Christian seistx-e treatment allowed two children to die of diphtheria al Filteburg. Il«-avy losses on l»«th shies are lha chl<4 results of recent har«l lasttl«*« al Indysmilh Montana pulitb-a are getting much n«*'dr>l airing by the testimony la the Clark case. t«erman «ease 1-owner* H-gar l Eng land's recent selsurea aa a scheme lu kill competition. The ret«*»««! American prisoners w«-re (areto,«led and In rags wbeu they *rrb«*l In Manila. Editor Stea«! haa publish«*! a letter in l»«t>d«>n In whl> h be give« surns in side (acts of lhe Jamew«n raid A miniature tattle of Kan Juan hill was fought by Chicago youngsters. The ¡»«lice intervened, but not before lhe "H|*nlsh” officers were aerlously wuundrd. A Brltiah flag ami portralt ol thè |ti«eu were trampled under tool in a A ictorla »alis.n. l'rwai.leut llill, of (ha Grani North- <rn. regarda thè ahlp aulxldy bill aa a ustionai acaudal. I«>rd Hallour In a *pee«-h denied thal 1 thè luat lor gold la thè incentiva lo lami in thè Tran vasi war. Sull haa lm-n hegun in thè l'ulted State, supreme court lo test thè vali.!- ity of tb. Blaud-Alllaou art. Goveruor Brmly an>l thè Cape Nome IsUgatlou have appeared badore thè nouar comuiittee <«o ¡«ubllc lauda. The preai«leui ha* recom mended the promotion <>( Huwl*>n, hauts, Rem ueuy au«l Farquhar l«> be rear admirals Ths United btalea cruiser Albany, pur «hase. I from Brasil, develo|»<l a • g«««- m I of go.*7 knot* during a builders’ trial run Hrllllmtil <>ratl«tn < reated • Hrncstld Itrpli»d I« by «tehalur Huar, uf Manar hui»tl«. AA'tehiugtou. Jan II.—“That m Itile knows th* <-omm««n |**«pl* of t republic, little* tinier «taod» U m * 1 «tin« t« of <»ur rauu who think» wr tot bold it forever, ^!niinUt«*rina j’l fovrrnmeat l-y th<- MtnplaH met)» da| Thu arnCetn«'«» waa the kryoota ui j •pefftch drHvrred in the acuate today ’ j r.«-\t »i!^t- !!).• jiiup-f »* nator ftMl I i liana. It wa« the Hiaidro ape« h lhe Mmate of about the youn<eet meB *»er of the btkdy, Tht? announce that he <Jeii\rr an nddlW «B texlylfiM hi» obarrvationa in the Phi j| pines attra< U*l an unu«uaily nurnltrr of auditor» to the <all« wB ()u the door of the at-uate •’very aeL IU the city wae In hl» »eat and arof’ rrpr* ecu tali \ «w came u\-er from * bouao. The orca*ion waa in*piling, g Lrveridtfr nme to |< brilliantly. J »ration—for j»r«i»*rly it waa an ot J — waa dee ply intrreatll^ It Wi ■ plrtr with »trikintf «entrnoea and arranged information Fpolten -■ the carueetnraa, vigor and eioc. >f a fine orator, rnthu*ia»tir in hii ject, who row at time» U j hi» with th«* |»*«rr of pe»»ionatr dra ulteran>r. the »perch created found itnpn w-iou u|»>n all whu - > »fe-« ■ «ft England will release sriarsl Ameri can fl««ur. Fixslatuffa are n«>l cotudd- cred >a>ntral«au«l of war unless luten-led lor the enemy. liamat Grinb*rg, formerly a well- known Jewish business man of Seattle, has bnan arrested in Tarnapoli, <••• licla, Austria, «»n a cluirge of buying glrla for e>|.«rt from Austria to Ihr United States. Secretary Gage give* aa hla for hla recent action in utilising na- tl-'iial tsvnka aa depoait>,ri«-a for national ¡x.,'' jxir-r.- — Beveridge la sobolarly an! .xfl in ■(•v'eRr'iir reprr, acre treasury notes that thereby be prevent •p|e-ar*n<-e, with a «fusing face ami Appleby, f,,r several years the leading The latter step was not taken by A ed a disturtaince lu lhe business world. figure. I lirougbo« ’. bis speech he was physician at Bristow, county, Choate, a« he had first to receive He deulea that hs haa discriminated •way «nd naturxl, aud entirely free last evening, in a fit of insanity, killed thorny from the state de|«artm in favor of any bank. from manner sms. He s|x«ke rapidly , a 10-months-old rhild of Henry Wear- so. Alter a day's bnmbnrdment. ths A l*m«k>n dls)«t<h says the long aud with great earnestness. When he ly, of this place, while making an ex IN CAVITE PROVINCE. liters capture«! the British garnw-n st |«ent-U|> storm is now bursting over the darlared, with deep solemnity, to t)e>»e amination of It in another physician's Kuruman, llcehutialand, taking I2U beads of home government officials. ’‘whose voices tn America have cheereil i office. Being Drives Fro The d<* tor took the child in his arm- Rebel» < Are prisoners, arms, ammunition and pro- Il *aya tlvat if |«rllameut were in sea- those mlaguldn! natives onto sh«x>t our ounfry South of Manila. and handled it an roughly that the par 1 Isions. alon. It Is doubtful If they could retain a«ldlars down, that the blood of thee«- Alanila, Jan. 12. — Report* from t The Bers whlp|«ed White's tone* power, and only a remarkable change «Isa«! and woun«le«l boys of ours is <«n ent« pro texted, but to no avail. He movements of the American comm suddenly put Ins thumbs under its their haw!», and the fl«*»! of years can nut ol positions three different times, In the situation can save them wbeu era south of Alanila show that never wash that stain away.” th«-rr chin, and with his lingers on top of its Bate« an«! Wheaton are at l'ere* l«ul each time the Britisher*' gallantry the m-lt session convene«. head, «-rushed its face in so that the was a deep, alttevugh suppressed sruaa- returm*! to the (ray an-1 re>x>vered all Senator Hoar haa made public • let blood gu*hed out < I its nose and mouth. manna«, and '««neral Schwan is the but |*isltl<>ns. ter ho had addremod to a number of lion among his auditors. Then he m ise«l the child by one foot Si lan, all awaiting the arrival of At the conclusion of the s|ea> h, tre Our losae* In the K|anish war were Eastern )ia|*ra In reply to a speech mendous and uurret rained applaus. and legan sw inging it around his head, vision wagons. Keconnoisannce* M.2VS The grand total of the volun made by ex representative ljuigg, of swept over the galleries, an«i it wax resisting all effort« of the terrified par shown that 2,000 armed inst teer force was 235.335 About 33,000 lhe Ease* Club. In it he says that notable that secretary of the Treasury ents to stop him, and it was not until have retire<i to the mountalna from t n( these were discharg«*! or «freerted. Agulnaldo la honaurt, and that the war Gage, who «»-«-upKal a seat in the sena help was gotten that th«' child was district la-tween Indan and Naic, a The total deaths were Ire* than 4,1X10. was ««auxsl bv a mistake made by Gen tor’s gallery, was a partl. ipant in it. taken from mm. It wa- quite dead. that others have retreated along t eral Otis; that the Americana were the The insane commission was con coast from Novetel toward Botangaa. Friendship la-twren China and the I-axt night. Nolan’s apiadron of t wanted Reply to Beveridge. vened. and at midnight Dr. Appleby United states »null t«e romplete H th* aggressor* aud Agulnaldo Hoar (Rep. Mass I replied briefly to was on his way to tie hospital for the Eleventh cavalry drove a body of Chines«« were admitted t«« ths I’hlllp- peace. Although he did not enter iu«aue at Independence. Three or four gents from Naic. One American A pro-Boer meeting was held in Beveridge pine*. Our trade with China ln,-reaae<! fully into the inerite of the question hours after the mvum-n.-r he seemed killed and two were wounded, 40 per cent last year, all due to friend Heattie. teen -lead Filipinos were found. ship. English parliament may lie conveued under discussion. he did not feel that comparatively rational, and said he The movement largely resemb some of the Indiata. senator's state knew what he was doing when he The shotgun quarantine haa l«een re- lie (ore th<< euil of the month. ments ought to go to th<> country un- killed the child, but could not help it. General -diwan's experience in t Vived In Honolulu. Bul*>nlc plague Frenchmen are <qq«e«xl to the new chalb-nged. He declared that not the The cause of the insanity is supposed same country, except that the tow has a strong hol«l on the city. Two treaty with America. are now being garrisoned, and that t American op|«usition to the war. but to I*' religious excitement. more deaths had oc« urre«l by December insurgents refuse to fight, retreati A Ailasouri lolge of Hil«erniana de- the president's pro« tarnation to the Fil 30 and there were seven new case« of ci«l«'«l that it woulil not help the Boers. southward and dividing into 1111 Trant-Pacific Cable. ipino«, was responsible for the hostili plague The National Guard wa* Washington, Jan. 11.—The hou-e bands, with the ap|«arent intention Th«' Chicago l«asel«all club will make ties. He ridiculed Beveridge's state calle«! out am! they hurtle«I the iufe« t«*l committee on commerce gave a hearing reassembling later. The plan of cat« ment that the Filipino* were not calla ite spring training quarters at Ln* An- district. today to Messrs. Schrymser and Bay ing a large number lietween two b ble of self-government, aud quoted gv'les. gades has failed. Alout 100 inaurge The Unital States Is shea«! uf Great General Otis’ rejsirt to show that they lies. president aud vice-president of the have been killed, but comparative An Ontario (Or. ) man haa a scheme I ’ acitic «'able Company, of New York, Britain ax a coal producer. were. tew arms have been taken. (or using the uatural steam of hot relative to the laying of a trans-Pacific There was no session of the house The Montpelier tin plate mill, em well*. The region is full of amigo*, w cable. Mr. Bay lies contended that the today. ploying 200 men, has closed. doubtless have been tearing arn French’s losarw at Colesburg are cable should l>e maintained under pri < ubans are well pleased with Wood, more than twice the uuiulier at first re BATTLE IN A COURTROOM. vate ownership. The plan of his cable, which they have hidden. The worn and children remain in their hom *nd say he is lire one man Air the task. port«'«!. ax outlined, wax for a line to Honolulu, and the insurgents, as they fall bat Th* Kesull Three Me* Killed and Three lereon» were killed aud seven Midway islands, Guam and Luxon, The Pacifie coast ha* sent forward Two Merloualy Woumlrtl. release all the prisoners they have ca njured in a tenement houae fire al New over with a branch line from Guam to Ja- to the laintou fund, and Vicksburg, Miss., Jan. 11.—Oak- pan. a total of 8,285 miles. Admiral tured. York. more will lie sent. ridge, a little hamlet IF Tuiles north- John Irwin (retired) and Francis B. White Hou«* Reception. The steamr^Gaxelle wa, wrecked off The Boers have refuse«! to east of this city, was the scene this Thurlier, president of the American AV ashington, Jan. 12.—The recepti lord!« roaat. A |>aaeing steamer American consul at Pretoria mottling of a desperate fight, in which Export Association, spike in favor of to the diplomatic corps, the first of ■xved the crew. three of the lieat-known residents of private ownership of cable route's. The evening receptions at the White Hou British representative. <‘alifornia capitalists are tufo The secretary of war ha* ask«*! for the conntv were killed. The dead are: committee fixed January 23 for a bear this season, was held tonight from 9 fruit culture in the states of «'rua $750.IHH) for expenses in sending the A. D. Rolland, R. 8. Stephenson and ing of government officers relative to 11 o'clock, and was well a •O’! Oaxaca, Mexico, Dr. Otho Austin. Invited guests to meet the guests Spanish prisoner* home from Alanila. the cable. Dr. James Austin, his son Otho Aus th<> evening were the member* of t) Michigan has a sensation and sev- California wants foreign countries tin and his son-in-law R. 8. Stephen- Batlly in Nrttl of Better Kyra. cabinet, of both branches of congres W»l state official* have tamn Indi, ted fore**! to reduce the duties on cann«<d New York. Jan 11.—A dis|«atch to the supreme court, officers of the arn son had been arrested on an affidavit •or briliery and emla«Ml„ment. goods through reciprocity trt«atire. sworn out by Rolland, charging them the Herald from Berlin says: The Ber and navy, and a contingent of reside K*' Jir. Edward M.-Glynu is dead The shipbuilding trust ha* not yet w ith whipping one of Rolland's negri liner Tageblatt learns that the Bunders- society. About 3,000 invitations h mo"w ”,?h' V »1* xuwuml^ been organixed. The amount of capi tenants. Just after the opening ot rath and the General carried to East been issued. The east room was d r ghl a disease after seven weeks. talisation is not yet determined U|«>n their trial this morning in Justice Africa machinery for a larger distil orated in its usual Is-autiful and app Hiere will I« * conference of th* The Illg Four railroad will resume Griffin's court at Oakridge, the shoot lery. 1'art of this was a large wrought- priate manner. The conaervafory 1 te ernorx of the ari«l states and terrt- payment of minnmn stock dividends ing l«egan, but who fin'd the first shot iron tube, of large diameter, which thrown open amt the Marine si«i ".k*Nalt Janu»ry n t«i l'on an«I will take over the Chesapeake «V is not known. When the smoke ol probably was mistaken for a cannon. played during the evening. Preeid battle clean'd away, Rolland Stephen ami Airs. AfcKinley received tl "■r ‘"e question of arid land*. Ohio. son and Otho Austin were stretched on New York. Jan. 11.—A dispatch to guests in the blue parlor. >•'< lay county, Kentucky, two men Unde Ham will pres* her claim the floor dead, and Dr. James Austin the Herald fnnn Brussels says: The r" i’* •»«I killed ami four other against Santo Ihuning««. France got and a young son of Rolland were seri Boers played an amusing trick on the Appeal to the I’re» id ent. Iri \ wonn.le.1 in a her money ami now demands an ously wounded. Pittsburg, Jan. 13.—Pursuant to t English at Ladysmith. The latter Mbt that xtarte<| «t » „.ntd« trial. apology. think they destroyed the cn-usot camion order of the general assembly of t Boer My inpathluera Hoy rotted. Kan Ere J"«0 M"11 "toamer arrived In “Long Tom.” The truth is that the l'n'sbyterian church in the Uni The Iktera in a spirit of humor have Victoria, B. U., Jan. 11. — Indefinite Bca'rs removed the cannon and substi- States, the permanent committee on tom w*to • cargo of namt'd three prison streets in Pretoria tlist 1 ”i‘r -v »" much as any ship “Ladysmith,” ’'Mafeking” ami “Kim charges of pro-Boer sympathy have re luted a trunk of a tree, which was temperance ha* prepared a communica tion to President McKinley against the h«d ever entered the Golden Gate' berley.” sulted in the boycotting and seriour smashed by British shells. sale of liquors in new territory, and emtMvrraxxnK'nt of a large nuinlier ol w.<VHTr*'"*n ""Ptons of the hone* England cannot understand why Belgian and Swedish citixenx, who vig Dewry'i Bounty ('Inltna. this paper will leave Pittsburg tomor will >,« 1 p,,n",'Hteo aaya there Bui 1er'« forces did not press a |«*ssag«' orously repudiate any treasonable con Washington, Jan. 11.—The claim of row for Washington with a praver to u« law at ihi l"i"" ,,f *h" *“r on the Tugela while White was engag nection. Captain Victor Jacobsen, Admiral Dewey aud the officers and the president that he look into the mat gress 1 l" " ■‘'“•on of the 5(lth ooo- ing the Boers to the North. who wax rejiorted to have originated men of his squadron for laiunty arising ter at once and give the committee At Battle Creek, Mich., the Isvdy of the Tranxvaal ai<l campaign, had his out of the destruction of Alontojo’s fleet some recognition of its action. •>ctetarv7f I!”' n,1,,n"1 n'lM’rt <•» ‘ha Sherman Church, a miller, wax found tine sloop tarred and scuttled at her in Manila bay was argued before the A London dis]Mtch says that there is *1*11011 t " •Kricultnre is a reoonttnen- wedgixl under a water wheel. The moorings last night. He and other» I court of claims today. The question n o1.:Krl,,,,l‘.......... "to- hands were tied and a weight fastened are offering substantial rewards for the at issue was the total amount of the reason to believe that the Unite«! States ami German embassies are try Posteiol" .. ................ . .. to the l«sg. Isiunty to be paid. The contention of identification of their enemies. ing to find some common basis on the claimants was that the force of the Elisabeth Gladstone, agtxl 03, has which they can co-operate in pressing Rin» Career Kn«led* enemy wax superior at Manila bay. secured judgment in the superior court who ."f th" toff generals, their respective demands agaiust Great New York, Jan. 11.—Terry AfcGov- Britain « ,, 1 * ' J’1<’»g<>, xaya that H at San F'rancisc«> against Joseph Board- Britain (or the Delagoa bay seixures. l'rtiNulMti Dirt Opened. ern tonight wrested th«' featherweight ‘here „ill " ‘«rmlw man, ago«l 73, for breach of promise to Berlin, Jan. 11. — At the opening championship of the world from Georg« ! ol Boers marry. Him sued for $500,000. wl11 Mt t<> th^ i EL’1 M General Schwan's column, advancing i Dixon, who bail defcnde«l it for nearly the diet today, Prince llohenlohe, ini- Ieniiso Masset, a French governess, nine years. To save Dixon from a IH'rial chancellor, read the speech from to the south of Luxon, occupied Ninan. wax hanged at Newgate, England, for One American was killed and three ,h" ch‘*f ’ -»«nal n(ll« er of he 1 '‘K’1“1 the murder of her illegitimate 3-year- knockout, Tom O’Rourke, his manager, the throne, wherein it was shown that wounded. Nine of the enemy’s dead the finances of Prussia are in a satisfac threw up the sponge in the eighth Ar«'tl«> *rn,v Hl1'1 t,,n well-known old child. It is said the exiatem-e of lound, when th«' negro wax staggerini tory condition. The speech concluded were found on the field after the tight. "etiotixlv iI1|,r'’rj Hl"*ulted and the child was an obstacle to a marriage helplessly, bleeding and weak, but a» with promising the greatest possible A number of rilles were captured and ............................................................ .. alm had in view. attention to the interests of agriculture. several prisoners were taken. game as a dying gladiator. ttiumy1 l*i7t“n’ » negro, of RusseU *t«ling ha. 1 ’ oon*!0»*’ »' chicken ■Thuston „„ •**’*oBeil by Governor '"ontliH h« 1 "n "lor twelv* ••Other ehi’fc* n,>‘ buy’ "to“1 "r A ' <’h,cke“. «>«■ ony P-rt thereof.” • lWt Umnl’“l“u 0,6 W*" "" »“>•»'t«d Off U,t" mor a? ‘i!1“. wh"n “ "huffled hinerxi Ti "h” • latng-up ,,>«t<»rriaL",r," W,'r” I*» 1-M.reni, *’*fxl M««rT|H|f,’s U"’ ,,,,,urn''r". «»d ^•O °na 01 th*,u «••ipty chair.1* From the stomach of n woman who died ill Indiana, a short Hine since, the handles of ax ailver tea*|>oona were taken, and now the stomach of a dead child at Lebanon has turned out several silver coins. Toothache troubled a cat belonging to James Dever, of Norristown, Pa. A dentist extracted all her teeth and fitted an artificial set in her jaws. Every night, before retiring, she runs to bar master to have her teeth re- moved ? Nllvrr l.ovlug Cup. RepatrlatIon of Spaniard». Washington, Jan. 11.—The loving- cup of silver, made of tlu mol tod dimes collected from over 70,00t’ American citiaena, th«' majority o! whom were children, wax presented tc Admiral Dewey today. Th«' cup stands nearly six feet in height, and is appro priately inscribed. At one side was 11 largo silver-bound volume, containing the name* of the contributors of the limes who ha«l snlvu rilMMl to the token j through the instrumentality of the New I York Jourp*l. Washington, Jan. 10.—The secre tary of war has sent to congress a re quest for an urgent deficiency appro priation of $750,000, to supplement the $1 ,500,000 heretofore appropriated for the repatriation of the S|ianish prison ers and their families, held by the in surgents in the Philippines, from the islands to Spain, in accordance with the treaty of peace, A regiment of Iowa Dutch will join the Boers. Sold Confederate Money. Chicago, Jan. 12.—tin the unusual charge of dealing in confederate money, F. Al. Davis, who conducts a general mail-order business in Monroe street, was arrested today by government olii- cera and held to the federal grand jury by United States Commissioner Hum phrey. It is alleged that numerous complaints have been received against Davis for sending counterfeit money to all parte of the country. Bills repre senting 910,000 were found in his place of businese. J, * •¿.Z 40 tons of freight consi eminent. These shi elude provisions, b for the soldiers, an explosives, which a s|>ecially cons deck of the India Conf rv*a«m tn « Washington. Jan. 1 Cushman is confined to'* and the physician who has ing Mrs. Cushman during a tack of scarlet fev«>r says Mr. has developed symptoms of the disease. Recruits fur the Philippines. San Francisco, Jan. 13.—The Uni States transport Tartar sailed for Al nila today, with 500 recruits, und command of Colonel Freeman, commissary stores. She also carri 30 members of the hospital corps fro New York. A Partial Answer. Washington, Jan. 13.—The of the British government to A Choate’s representation respecting t seixure of American Hour and o gixxls on the three vessels, Bea tri Mashona and Maria, has been reoeiv Just aa the officials of the state depa ment expected, it amounts to a answer, very satisfactory as far as goes, disposing of the character of aoiu of the goods seised, but not Anally d aiding broadly whether or not foo«l stuffs are to be regarded as contraband