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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1925)
tTH NEWS - mth Comity Nws XNZA 1 1 JoUn Ilium ril, Mllilrnd and ,,H voley visitors if- , Duuarua Monday l.aiiKi'H vullny. A. A. Wilkinson Lr kui'Mh nf Mr. S'livuoluey buu- )v Tumor nnd l,.kn Turner were l.oriKnlI valley , nf Klumulh Fall lloiuiiKa ..Tuesday. Ilurrln and noil. i were shoplng with I Tuenday. i.uJI-h Old .. mut !ng at i'1" I'yue wui a I! i.'ianxi In Klamath Hull Ley and daughter. tp Kucili o( Mm. iTui'sduy. and Claud Bech i, were tranaact- kluiuuih rail Tues- i Mlase: lira re .ind Mi'tTuj l.ytlo, rul I i Klum ;. t and : ,11 ; . i "i .' chili .-.c minting r ':. Aflr the i pi r( ri in- rn- I ill n.ic ..I wji un it, of Il'-.-jm.:. i. ii ' "'.i nl.iy, Ira. : ill. v i v.: glvi-i the I'.i.ri.'ii:; :'chii'.il ti Ik mil r:-. '.vim; .oyid .11:. IIi uh- HiutUm lo assist . funk PartrldR" id on (ho nld IHxun lo m Urn out of Hu ll. H. llnwnmn. of rerently moved to y will now ri-Hldii. till riindiii't services vinday mornings In- evenings.- ' .rkman, of tho Hick- iHinuiir.i, v 1h 1 1 ' Iiit rink t'orpenlng. of ly and Tliiimduy. una player of "Pud- tuppod for lunch In hotel in llonanxa tlirn rontlnuod on &BRAND Mpraguo Wi.p sharing , ,,,,, ,,, lliu Hill ranch. The Key. M.-I,,i,h ,,,, protruded services ,f lh iu ,.,., inuulty hall. . , w joinings, or 1-kovli.w, her. l help him In the d work. Marvin Co., of ,he y ,,,,. Ill company, came froIn Km. alh Kull. will. . I,,,,, , .,,,,, uiin oinor supplh., fr ,, ,.,, Mrs, Ilornlro lllll u vI.HIur with Mrs. Jul,,, Ow,.n 11,1, week, while Mr. Owen and other liro gathering aiocs irom tha hll. f rlvur yiilloy. , Charles Adunm his Ju.ti return ed from iho I'arkir ranch whore ho win repairing u well. Mr. 1111,1 Mm. Kveret Whltstone motored Into town on lusl- llOHM. Dalian (ilvun went to Klamath Kalli with the Illy mercantile com pany irurk after a load of freight for tho siore. I'rrif. V.'Ininrd. of Klamath, for mer r: l. lnal of Dljr hlich achool. -Is rl.ltliix V,:-. Kinma Keady and olhem u;i hi:, wi:y to I.skuview. Mu. ;:d C'a. olM-er 8r. was In town from tho r ..-jillim ranch. She re- porta thai hc hu a wonderful gar den. Mm. (). W. Howard In kept husy these daya fi-cil nr; her lam. A. II. swa-cy In walking ditch jfor Parker anil (iarrett. j Jamea MrKcrren and Chan. Aduma liaa fcone to the head watera of ,lhe north fork of BpraKiio river on i a flahlnx trip. rintmaatcr W'allU nay It la pret ty hard fr,r tome of the people to nee why I'ncle Sam haH rained tho parrel pout rate and other rutca and not the first clam mall. The Way brothers have Bturted for the urn in ur rheep range with their ahcep. They are lu charge of Leo Llmpetton. Juijo .ll.i-Dick !iaa been working for hn moved hlir family pr where he la now of Honnnza, wan T. 11. Ilnrtoll lot I aa Imm'U doing some k for C. A. Carlson. I 'aa tranaaotlng bua iitb Fulls Saturday. and Jacob Rueck moving the cabins I'). .Miller mill. 1 Valley Telephone Co. Ik Monday, Jane 8, to Mora for tho coming attend to other mat- . Rtttar hits Just fin' her homo. I'ool and parents, Mr rKo Smyth, were Klam "Hora Monday, i1 waa transacting bus- f'ia .Monday. frta and John HarU- Frl t the Duld Uutte Thursday. I'D Welch lias roturn- Ul" KUimuth Kails to nmmer vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nnan Is qulto busy ""ling hl winter sup- '0,'8 mado a huslneas "liter ranrh Saturday. ' llu-d at the S. K. Monday. ' , of Klamnth Falls lebrand visitor Sunday. F'pm has boon delivering r w"t Court oil woll UK. MERRILL MKHItll.l.. June 11. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Tuniliuimh, Mr. and Mm. Ix-hI.t Turnl.aiiKh and his fill tier molnred to tho Crater luka park Mond .'. They reported the road clear of kiiow for a tow miles beyond Iho park entrance. Mm. J. A. KcokkIus entcrtulnod her Sunday school class Tuesday 'jifiernoon In her home. Vru t'hus C. Ilulot nticnde Mt. I.nkl Ladles' Aid Wednesday after noon, at tho homo of Mrs. S. I Uehlliiger. Dun Colwell hns moved Ilia fam lly from Klamath Kalis Into Mrs ii. IV Anderson's house In Merrill i The White House has moved to ihelr bullillnir across tho street all of tho merchandise purchased of the Merrill Mercantile company, thus leaving an empty business house In Morrill. However, tho Merrill Mer cantile company will maintain an office In Iho old store building lor the purpose of collecting otitstaud Itttr iwcnllflta. chnrllo stuckel and Estln Klger will give a dnnce In tho community hull, Krldny evening. The Hign I.lfo orchestra of Mollii will furnish the music. Pmf J. n. llornor of Oregon Ag ricultural college Is spending a few days In Merrill this week as a guest In the homo of Rev. and Mrs. ('has. C. Hulet. Whllo hero he will mako irin into the lava beds and around Cnplnln Jack's stronghold. and Ice cavos. Prof. Hornor win spoak in Mnlln Sunduy morning at U o'clock and in Morrill Sunday nin Prof. Horner is a very In teresting speaker, this Is a wonder ful opportunity to hear a man wuo is so well Informed along various linos, as woll as In Btnto history i,- n. P. Husklns' mothor, of I,os Molln'os. Calif., also hor broUici and family, arrived In Morrill Tues day, where they will visit with frlondB nnd relatives for a row ouys. . Mrs. Mllos Moore cntor- tiiined on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Turnlnaugh ana n.o fnther. who recently arrived In Mor rill from Pennsylvania, also Mr. and Mrs. Lester Turnbaugh. Mrs. Moore served Ice cream anu . during the evening. KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL. There la no better care In confine ment than that given at IhU to-pltal. BLY fi it i .... "tinea nicrer ""Mor. bhv. ,nt r"''1 on the north fork river. P"11" was In tn,vn nn OOTEL ASTOR 11 24 Hin U.A.I- EVERY ROOM h PRIVATE TOILET 50!t Bain- NeW' jTl'tM FREE GARAGE Tan Iron. f-" "kodak finishing 8 Hour Survlco The Peasley'i f chilli Court Baku Oil Concession Seen as Soviet-Bait to U.S. UrporV- Uiat--SovIit Russia mny nivc Amcric.m capitalists development riplit In the rich Baku, oil He' d is cainhiR Uie tntc dciiartmcnt concern. The move is considered bif foregn observers as an iiiicmjit to "bait" the U. 8. into rccofiiiring the soviet, 'i'hc disputed Caucasia fields, which formerly: 11,-odutcd more then. 10,000,000 barrels a year, are now idle 9 They were once owned by French,' Lriii!; ar.i Belgian interests. The marl shows their location. ' ; ,. " j ' ' V Champion Beauty '. ' ' . ' Picks ,a- Beautv Red Leaders Veto Policy Changes and Aint.dt Soviet Stability :. -!. 'TTi .C4. .Iff . .? ft Yr II ' i . t . Uit. I No change in " Red" policy is evpeeted to result from Uie . Federal Congress of Soviets, in Moscow. Soviet leader anx ious to surround the government with an nir of stability,, are op posing all shifts. Premier Hy kov is seen (left) arriving at the ' congress. Above are Some pic turesque delegates , from . the ' Padjikistan republic r Vengeance Sworny Detective Tracks Man Who Attackedy Slew Sister ? y - jVrff ': . Having swom a vow of vengeance, Detective James Kane of the New York police department Is devoting all his time to the search for the man who attacked and murdered his sitter, Florence, in a vacant lot in Brooklyn. He is seen leaving the church with hit wife auddaughter after funeral services, , ' y. i r to . v rt,4 A 'iv''"( When Manchester, N.' H-, sought to- find its prettiest girl it called in Miss Ruth Malcolm son, who was proclaimed "Miss America" in the, last .national beauty contest, , as judge. She i chose Miss 7-eona Sullivan, (above). ' i British Woman . Explorer Probes , , Lost Civilizdtion l ism v Lady Drown, British explor- er, wife of Sir Melville Brown,! Bart., with F. A. Mitchell Hedges and Dr. T. W. F. Gann.j nrchacologist, has leased a "0, 000 acre tract of land in British Honduras for 20 years. The) tract contains the ruins of an' icient Mayan civilisation, which) the trio are exploring, . Page TKreJ Chautauqua Here j ; in'1926 Doubtful '" . f ' ' . ' Contract . Must Be Altered I To Shift Burden It Action Taken If Klamath Falls' Is to have a Chautauqua la J9U, certain clauses of the 1925 or standard EUIsop Wblte Chautauqua contract must be altered. This matter was definitely' decided at a meeting of a number of the guarantors of this year's Chautauqua that met In the office of E. L. Elliott to discuss the pos sibilities of obtaining the signatures for the contract of next year. The amendments, as submitted, Ifi accepted will make It pussTlle for the circulation of the contract for the signatures of 192S guarantors.' Mrs. Thereon B. Thatcher, director of the Klamath Falls Chautauqua ' met with guarantors Wednesday night, following the showing of "Daddy Long Legs" .the last offer ing of the Chautauqua this year. As the Chautauqua is practically, 1 with little exception, the only en tertainment of a higher character ; brought to Klamath' Falls, It Is the hope of many that the company will be brought to the city in 1926. However, matters as they bave , stood for the past two years must be remedied in order to make It possible to sign a contract for the coming year. The guarantors that met In ses sion were: " George J. Walton, chairman; E. L.' Elliott, R. H. Dun bar, Rev. A. L. Rice, Rev.. T. D. Yarnes, E. M. Cbilcote, Arthur Wil son and Bert C. Thomas. FIRE AND NO INSURANCE Tod always, feel sorry .for the fel low who lose bis bnme, or any of bis property by fire and has Bo Insurance. How about VOl'lt BELFT ' Are yoa revered? , If ttot you better call us today. MOMYER & MOMVER INSURANCE CO. ' JIapka Building ' PIANO Tl 'NINO W. M. Morgan at Shepherd's. J16 Poor Eyesight Is a drain upon your nerves your health, and your dis position. . Why suffer when the remedy lies in correctly fitted glasses. Ask any wearer of glasses. Our examination of the eyes la very complete. We bave and use tho latest instru ments known to Uie optical science. DR. GOBLE Eyes Examined QUICK SERVICE , , 700 Main Street Glasses Frames Ground ' Be paired You Can Buy Economy Now! m If you ran your car on four flat tires it wouldn't last long would it? ... . , For, .jt i$ the pneumatic tire that makes your automobile possible. iV .. Now, imagine four more big resilient air cushions between the road and chassis ' Generous air spaces that can't puncture and that absorb every road shock That's what Gruss Air Springs will give Imagine the comfort of Gruss Equipment on your car think of the economy ! . We sell Gruss Air Springs. . You need them. 4 W. D. MILLER Agent.! il ' ' Phone 293. 6th and Commercial Sts. . xWM$oads$oJevards IK ' I .4at Klamath Falls, Westwood, Susan-; ville Staige Line Geo. A. Scott, Owner. Starting Thursday, May 21st, 1925 ' ,"' Leaving Klamath Falls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7:30 A. M. Arriving at Klamath Falls Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6:00 P. M. .." Leaving Siisanville Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:30 A. M. Arriving at Susanville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6:00 P. M. Making through trip in one day. . it - . . . Connecting at Klamath Falls , for Ashland, Medford, Portland, Bend, and points north. Con necting at Susanville for Reno, and points east and south, also Fruit Growers camps. New comfortable stages will be used on this line. Best of Service Guaranteed. -1 i . i 'a lwf, on hie rotnrn l. ' .... . - : "lew,