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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1925)
THE Thursday. May gl, 192S. RUSSELL OF THE SENATORS ! IIP AfTKR PITCHING GOOD AND ATHLETICS AKE STILL Jw White Sox Pounding Hard To Get Inu i . ' il 1 Snappy Sporting Notes ROCKY SAYS JUST ANOTHER ROUND OR TWO AND HE WOULD HAVE LAID OLSON OUT FLAT AS A PANCAKE Breezed About Town That The Two Big Heavies Will Be Rematched To Give Firpo Gorman A Crack At The Winner RECEIVE STREET II Rocky's postmortem is out. The dent in connection with the fiuht. Vnrti.nrf he.wweieht ssvs his onlv The world recognize the right of blunder w-as not to open up Pelicans Rained Out Again Last Night; Hard Game Is Expected At Yreka Olson sooner in the game. It was the contestants to examine the tape used on the hands of the fight- Catcher Bannister of Mrdford has breezed around boxing circles last trying to put over any 'smart stuff' night that the two will be matched but as soon as 1 looked at his In a return engagement for the next hands I aaw that there was some card's headliner. This is not of- thing wrong and Instated that he ficial however. But It looks like take off some of the tape. I un- I do not think that Sam was agreed to fill in on the Pelican line-, up in the game with Yreka at that California city next Sunday, and ap proval was secured yesterday by ' long distance from President Me-' Xamara of the Siskiyou-Klamath Put The Spur. In Cub. Wild Threat., i K Rr..tnn 1 RtJ Chlr... -s in 0 I" J. In the Ntiio-.i , iM :!rn place with the The Kinalots ran Inln a (pell of ' runs and . hsrj lu.k In Detroit Wednesday In their riK ht I" recover the league leadership ft .nil the Athletics. After a close battle with the score ui 3 to S. KiinnmII un the mound for Washington went lo pieces, al lowing ( un runs and losing the fllur ,,,,, h - ... Vl.i.l.lw II. ...I ik. .. ' " ' '"".ine heavy hltiim of Seniors' iun li-r. elected from ' ) the Kii'ite ty r.iilri lllldehrand tor uiMcciinK iii m iriiimui.y iii can- s () 4 d third sirll..- ' Th,, and 14 li on. ba r. in1"' lB (Mm .. . TV. ra w 1,-1... i ov'r lb. r, a foregone conclusion that the next derstand that some got the idea that bout between the two should be I was splitting hairs and holding . b"-"stop for Mickey Demllt. who' It would be has a broken finger. Bannister Is I no weakling behind the bat. and the' lOverhanging gloom clouds of Mon-. I day are now dispelled. The Pell-' 'cans will go Into the game without f handicap. Old man J. P. opened up his rain, clouds again yesterday, such as he moon here, and the much needed old bat-1 I ' Connie Mack l .ilil tu l.ait bought I.. Hv" (.run. Ir.Mii H.lti mon: un easy payment. Now i inmir li turning m klik with ry instalment be pays. C'nniiic uml JUHMKMI lor l.illt j:I mi l if i nut all the trrul lie has bouglil lor the nm-rn . ..I li Sport Tabloids better and should end decisively one the main event up. way or the other. This Is what an easy matter for a fighter to i the big Rocky baa to say: ! cover up a bunch of tin foil un- "I fought my fight lust as I had der bulky wrapping and only planned. If the fight had gone a 'goof would let such a matter go couple of rounds further. 1 feel con- unnoticed. fident that I would have put him ; "I know now that I can whip II-1- ii. . .. 1 1 A t 1 A Hn.Ut . . . . 1 .1 Ma wy. . u.6 iruuB uu uu w.u. u umu.u,, -wu vm has never done for many Baa an advantage 01 n pounas on oeuer man a return maicn. ms T I a . V . 1 kAiL J -a L..a f !.. ' me. oui i m una io iui un u. i ' """ ting practice was scattered to the thing. I fought Young Jackson at his number in the latter rounds and four Wjn(g again. I viympia, ial and " U M nij a ijuesiiou ui nine uu- (f ,ne f,e,d , condlton tne weighed 220. I know I can bring til he would have kissed the mat. ; Pelicans will be out and after It them down when I get to them. "I took all his heavy artillery. , ,his afternoon. -All efforts will be "One mistake I made, was that He hit me with everything he had. ' (orned t0 retting the filmy coating I I did not come here soon enough. ' Taking them Is part of my trade .way from the batting eyes of each 0ne o( ,h8 Sretest I have been working on sea level and Olson has nothing that I fear. atui Terv Pelican e American Indian, while attend andj I forgot about tfi'e altitude Local fight fans who have seen lotsj While Glover has not fully de- lnR tor annual convention here is their training and pronounce them- here1. I gave the fans the best I of big town stuff in the ring, and elded. Street will probably do the ;he inability of the one-half to un- "elves resdy to "show something" had and I am pleased to know that saw Tuesday night's go bear mejhurllng. The Malln righthander Is derstand what the other half has Friday In a bout at which the title they are satisfied and feel that they out in the opinion that I would neck deep in school exams at .Malln to say, when speaking before the I t stake. got thier meney's worth. have flattened Sam in another ; high, where he is principal, but be i delegates. The Athletics were saved from a ri..ii.. ... .. ""' . ins fuhi t. , similar disaster In SI. Iuls. The awsitinln. n.. .. . Browns put over flv. runs In Ih. lTh. lied. pi,y,d , " fifth, hut a Philadelphia rally saved ' l,lon. uk(n ,. , . i. - i ...., . ., .i HMV u . l . ... . . urn - " , li lo a score, after k.i ih. ..m. to ( 'a .. " "! - - "" " m sixth it,,,. TtiM IndlNns. Iiv a sunreme srfitrt ' rMMA..i.. "I - . wi ui-u lire In the last of the ninth, made sii Innings. '"ort i) n, OUT PROBLEMS IN COILM" BOSTON. May 20 - No sdmlshlon will be charged to see Paavo Nur mi attempt to establish a new world's record for the mile. Friday. at the I'arvard stadium, officials been applied ball game. TOXCA CITY. Ok , C HICACO. May JO, Chard y W&r Okla., May 20. ln" Rosenberg, lianlani 'champion itPv pst difficulties of and Harold pmlttt , Nie. . Chh ago", VJ an, while attend- stockyards alloper. have ended' I "There was one unpleasant Incl- round or two. Babe Socks Out 3 More Homers; Just Aching to Get Back ;ofura the girls' baseball team who won 1925 county honors. Earl Jackson, who won highest individual honors at the Klamath county track meet, scoring IS out a possible 20 markers, for the events he entered, was pre sented with a gold medal reported yesterday he would be in 1 A movement la on foot among fine fettle for the game. (the braves and their chiefs as well 1 as the white delegates and officers OrUKIOIYlLIN IVlAfvlINti of the convention to place before MICHIGAN CITY. I lid . May 20. Wayne "Big" Munn. is training for his bout May 30. with Kd "Strniigler" Lewis Iiv climbing MUCH HEADWAY IN iirnnrnfM i.. n n .r- lYlCIWDtripnir UK.IV C. ing the older members of the tribe 'the English language. ' A resolution committee heg.nn tne deliberation Wednesday to deter- Those graduating were Dorothy membership drive- for the Sports- mne tne feasibility of such achool- the officla: Muneil of Indians and lr'"'"; M"nn """ " ""ength Indian agencies a means of teach- ,u hl' Tmn- They're coming inv Every fellow "working Score- Washington Short valedictorian: Frances Short,mcn association reports progress. inKi and u expected to report some ' Detroit salutatorian; Gladys Laua. Olive I "na ,rom Present indications It Ume Thursday. The past conven Butteries Tate fact that halt Ilassler. NEW YORK, May 20 Rahe Ruth knocked out three more prac tice nome runs nedneeaay in his . . . !.ih ,,, .i,. K ' second light workout , ""' L,arence ana "ar0,a n"( ,. .,7 T """""""'i' tlona have not been pronounced sue- Ruel . , , - " '"'- .linger. Iru" soon oe assuming nealtny -,,i a, . himself to io n the ranks of the . .. . 1 ; : ' , cessrul due to , ..uu e- - - 01 lne a'l!tes could not under-! era. numoers curing tne exercises. I j """"" "r re" stftnd what the other half were talk-1 Score Tl ana miss Mary Johnson, entertained """ ?" ' i-ear-j about acrorQ)o). t0 John Mc.lNew York 9 wit hseveral beautiful vocal solo,. .m"- "a "r 8 ' 0 s,0ICracken. of Nowata. Okla.. Dela- Cleveland j uiuuu-.. TJli- --j . .i.' IlHtterle Shn.A.. IiunM..Au I resolutions committee. O'Neill; Smith The Indians will also discuss Mrt. I plans for protecting the wealthier! of their tribes. The I ;New Story Revealed ! In Shepherd's Case CHICAGO. May 20. The story i that Robert White, missing key wlt j ness for the state in the trial of j William D. Shepherd, boasted that .he had been given $25,000 and a Score est member, figuring that the young man Is getting the proper start. We're not going to mention the oiaesi member, because wa mi.hi i . . members unsiase, or oecauae II we , , , , Boston n did mention him tonight his place Ln"ed S,Ue W"""""' lte- fhl'"" ,1 would probably be usurned hv ... ly Investigated alleged charges that; 10 other night. enthusiast before tomorrow I several wealthy Indians have been murdered for their estate. Weds Employer . ... ... a t J II 0 1 SSS-S, 1 I I ; 1 f I Reuther. Russell and1 ' Ionard, Dauss and' ' -'- - f I ' ' V" ' ' H. e ; 1 . ; -v ri io i Iff . V . I'ennork and ".i-"1 A " . 1 T J . Speice. Buckeye and ; ' 10 j! 1 9 o Francis , Connally ' AMERICAN LEAGUE The main thing Is that the neo-1 one of ,ne larRest representative I pie of Klamath are coming thmuirh "e'eeimons of illulang ever gati,er-. fimr. ! bungalow in Florida was revealed for tne association in a very satis- ea "re nere- 1 nev number more Philadelphia 'Wednesday when the grand Jury,fac,orT "lanner, reallilng that a than 6 000 and 20 chiefs, St. I.ouis 'convened to investigate his disap- dol,ar a Terv moderate sum to Presenting nearly 50 tribes. pearance. i " a cause mat is so import- j The grand jury session came a;ant to lhe Klamat" country. Then.' a result of vigorous demands of, ' l" Dan1 coming up Batteries Wlngfield and Plclnich; Robertson and (irabowskl, Schalk. 3, HNOWI.KS tJKTS Til HER n. h. ....S 1.1 '""is S 7 2 1 Hatteries-Harris, Groves and! Cochrane. Perkins; Davis and Sev-ereid. State's Attorney Robert E. Crowe. ;that a full investigation be made ' into why the one man the state Tanks when they return from the! relied on for support of evidence west on May 28. I that Shepherd studied germs should The home run king spent half mysteriously leave his home, give an hour at Yankee stadium on his away his belongings, quit Bis Job second venture out of St. Vincent's ; without notice and disappear, hospital since he was carried there j Mrs. Sylvia Adams, wife of a on a stretcher before the official : newspaper man told the grand Jury opening of the season. Scout Paul 'that the story of the $25,000 gift Krlchell was on the mound lor and the bungalow had been told Ruth. He pitched four balls, three1, her by White. Another witness tes of which the Babe slammed Into tlfied that White conferred with the centerfield bleachers. Follow-1 one of Shepherd's lawyers, the day lng the batting practice, the big ; before he left his home, fellow made one circuit of the run-l ning track and called it a day, re turning to the hospital. At his present rate of Improve ment, physicians believe that Ruth will be able to do some bench duty for the floundering Yanks, but too much strenuous exercise may again put him on his back. "I think I've learned by this ex perience to take earn nf m.-clf 1 the Babe said Wednesday. "I was L Score R never sick before and I never want! " 2 to be again." iSan Francisco 4 . . Batteries Barfoot and Hannah: I McWeeny and YeHe. Joe McDonald (not our Illustrious: after the drive is over, and that joc of Main street) was fined 2o' American Aunclalin. alone will be worth the price of , for drunkeness. in the court of Jus- A8QCiaUOa pLT1 men;,ber8h,D for IMtVtic of the Peace Hunsaker yester-. Indianapolis TTouisvllle 5 tart worth" Wh'e d0''day- E- Tr"Cy' drlV,n an T,,"1" Columbus " iars worth of good things to eat lr.,i0H . .. .. .. i .... v-o.uinnus . Milwaukee H. Minneapolis 3. Kansas City 5. St. Paul 6. . ... Buuu vuiuKa iu Hi. loanen in irn.v - .i. -.. but you will get many times that ; California highway, drew a fine of 1?!"".." t0 What ,8:,25 Wh,le J' E' Tlghe wa. fined Mere it is. rffi,.. u . i lmai I,. ...... snowies. iL .. ' mersiB mat i the "ill 1.QWI, COAST LEAGUE Score w Oakland 3 10 3 Los Angeles u 14 j Batteries Foster, Fowler and McDonald; Crandall and Sanberg. H. 10 The marriage of Miss Katharine 0. Cahlll, forty one, to Harry B Robinson, fifty-three, multl million sire, Boston, Mass., bachelor and clubman. In whose mansion she waa employed as housekeeper, baa been annouoced. Sines the death of his father, In 1U20. Rublnson has forsaken all social engagements snd has spent his lima In practical retirement. Portland May Gd Hiffh of BronllJ To Pep UplnfJ PORTLAND. May M-TiiJ tlonahlp helsen lhe Portlta4 U era and the Hrooklra Siiloui ad 10 President Tgner'i J in a one oi tne eight li(!tlta the Brooklyn roitrr. The Dodgers hits trqgltd ace ford, former second fci lhe HiMion Nstlontli ui tt) M lies, and In addltlos btn u fielder coming from the ftj Nationals In eirhinct In i Griffith. This may mu thit nl land may land one of th tun fielders oi the Dodiers ul would not lie surprising H u High, who la a very uptlli fielder, was released 10 foe tni Turner tried to land Hlfi lhe Ilesvers In 1S!I. Il be was offered the Portland club has been bench by the Dodrtn Fournler. Stoi k Mltrhall lid stun have been playing In tlons regularly. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE Score r St. Louis t Philadelphia g Batteries Dlckerman. II. K. 11 11 Rherdoll Henley High School Graduation Attended Seattle at Salt Lake wet grounds. m 1 'uriiana at Sacramento wet By Local Kiwanians grounds. A delegation of Kiwanians attend ed the graduation exercises of Hen- X) Mi:it( V TO (II.MKD MARSIIFIKt.n riro .. on ley high school, held at Henley lastly recommendation for mercy will night. The Kiwanians presented the I be made for Arthur Covell and L Glover cup to the Henley school for,W. Peare bv Jnri 1 r u--j.n rapturing the 1925 baseball cham pionship, while Mrs. Fred Glover I Presented a similar loving cup to j statement from him today, who sentenced both men to hand Friday, according to a oosltlTe FAMOUS FANS TUB WErAPBCVitO "7 " B HP HUSBfMHOViNO tfWf ( 301" X TLL-WOO ) GETMA(feVAT OF -forr'S t)CrJr4ft4MT )LL -J . x ! I ALL T vXM BOK S4 LL W&T-HiMC - j ' V Coit4C To CPLL )l 0 JUST yjfthiT To ;ET b"! 1 V.0M Him- 5 iu r.vJECF THOSE WlCwrEO ) A :i IrOfMA TTtuJ? Vffi'ilzvXx - !MZJrv w (j x fci ' - - "TT"" ,MMl and Gonzales; Knight, Day and Wll son, Schmidt. Score R. H. Chicago j g New York 7 Batteries Blake, Keen and HarU Barnes and Snyder. nett; Score n n Cincinnati 15 ij 11 . 8 14 5 naileries Rlxey. Kenton. She han and Wlngo, Douglas; Marquard "yn. uatcholder. Benton ana U Neill, Selmer. Score H. w a 1 "-"urgn 12 22 3 Brooklyn 3 2 latteries Kremer and Smith e..y, usnorn, Hubbell, (iroono and 'iiyior, Margraves. HI'SIU.Mt T(M) IHH'HTINU MOW YORK, Mnv 2n i'i,i a I ""Winn.! was so Jealous of his wlfo .i he bored a peep holo through ! celling In order l observe hor v"""nis, his wlfo. Mnrlo, snl.T In "''king alimony nn.l eounsol fos. ""n",n t Ms divorce suit. Esg-Kisr sra oi Klamath thafa the Klamath Newii A paper where all the mii k... opportunity to rTrlL .x!.?" dealr-thaf. ThV Local Poitoffice To Be Entered U Oaf Business handled by th! Km Falls nostofflce for the r '( has won fur Postmaster Joki a Call's Institution ths mm strictly first elsss, accordlil flclal advisement from J. H. ki left, first asalsranl U. 8. porousl received here the first of liUtia The raise tn the Klamitb nei (a due lo the volume of ! handled by the office brt Deremlier 31. 192. Bscs A since last December haa ifon Increase ote. J3:, arconllil McCall. a rnr KlimaU 1 snd Klamath Falls snd 'W1 Imats Industry usrsia -1 Klamath Nawa. She Challenges Pastor to Bod Mrs. Bcna F.lrod, lr of niinoh boo-' scntativej.votc.lfor'"", ixin boxing, the ,.. jjld B. QnayleofOco,ljSitio hlT, she WH told, YL Spphlr.,thefcml'" of AnanlM' in .,.d. Now .h wnnU to engnitc in , k witl. him and make l words. Ik,