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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1925)
Fage Six NOTIt'K INVlTlMi KIPS J'OI! KTIIF.KT IMI'KOX F.MIiNT l nle No. :w. Pursuant to ordinance of the city of Klamath Kalis. Oreitoti. lietire ia Ishrediy Khen that bid- m he re reived by the IViiie .ltld.:.1 i'l said oily, a.1 his n't'ice in tile City Hill, lip to ami includine M.'nday. May 5th. lscji. at 8:00 o'clock I'. M.. for making t lie propcst-d improve ment of Fifth Street from Pine Htreet northerly to Jefferson Street, inclusive, excluding intersections. The proposed improvement to he made includes the grading of said fitreet to tile established grade, to .1 width of thirty-four titti feet, with concrete sidewalks 6 feet wide on faoth sides of said improvement throughout it8 entire distance, tiie featno to he in all respects according to the plans of the City Kngineer iu file with the Police lude. Said improvement shall be made of concrete pavement, reinforced concrete pavement. Warrenite Bitu lithio pavement: Warreniie Dltiillthic j'avement with bituminous concrete iase, asphaltic concrete pavement with rock base, or aame with as Business houses listed under the various headings on this page are as near to you as your telephone! Yes, all of them within thirty seconds or less! Abstracts of Title Ktamath County Alu'racl Co 111 S 4th . I'M Wilson Abstract Co. tttl Main 1U0 Accountants Dsvis V. L. 121 N 7th 1 Sabo, Coral J. S1H Main Hv Suuthwell W W. Main OU2 Advertising Mail Case Mutlgraphing Co. lil S 7th 1S3-W Apartment Houses Brannon Apartments. S12 Oak nx-i-W Cofer Apartments, 1017 Hiirh 4H.J Apartments, fith & Pine aai-W McCarthy Apartments. 7th at Pin sou Pitts Flats, Hi Lincoln ZU4-J Architects Cnseboom i Ciseboom. Ciidrw-ood bM . ns Periin H It, iiopka bids 3S-4 Associations, Clubs, Lodges M.. sonic Lodce. Wtii-e-M.i-idox bid? ItW Culinury Alii. nice. Mb M tin s.',:uj lnek Club. K no Ilri id Tits i:tks Iceteie. :trd ,-i M'-n -71 I (1 O K Hall. 4.11 M nil Mg-.l VJl'init.ri of Cc. . .".!'. .v M .ir .V." Moose Lodg, Hi Kl.m.a-.h .tsi-n Attorneys at Law V-nrr s Tt V. II -r- I tiT "3 Carnalinn J H. I.oomis bllg II" b'ini-an W M. 454 Hl-W F.lliott E I. Suu.irtii:in t.l lg 12" Fletcher, Fred I. Loon-is bldg 41 ftroesbeck It C. 116 S 6th 1-1 Kuvkendall D V. Loomis Mdu 41 Mannlns; H M. Hart l.ldg svt Marx Wm. Wiilits bide .14H-W Mars Frank L. Swation titdg 4U M-rryman H C. bids 434-J Morris Fay. V-Ihase l,tls 2.1"-J W-ers W P, Loomis 1,1-Jsr 7.1 ONelll & Irwin. 121 N 4-h WMi-J R.nner W H A. 1.5 S ib 117 Rutenle & Yad-n. Loon-is bids l-'i Stone C F, M-lha bide Tliomas Bert C, Loomis bide 3I Vim En-on W C. Hart M.t 4o:l W lest W A. Loon-is bids T Wiley W S. 134 Main Ul-J Auto Dealers Acme Motor Co. 4 S I'll Kalsleer Motor Co, 1 Klan.a'h 427 Bnli-k ft Star Itiini'". 12'16 Main 42 Chevrolet Sales A Servi -.-. r,22 S lib 4II-W Orator Iaake Auton.o-lve r.'o. 23 Main :i-2rt t'oitce Serlre. 4-1 Kla-o-'h I'HI loinliam Auto Co. 4'.1 S I'ti 52-w Ford Sales S. rvlee, sol Klamath 4ST How-le Carase. Esi-lana i- .Is Pin-; 371 Imperial (Jarnse. 3rd & Main inn Peterson s Motor Car Co, 7th A: Kl.uiiatli IMls R R It rtariiKe. J1 Kiam-ith 212 White Pelican Garage, 522 S C'h 411-W Auto Electricians Battery Service Station. 613 Klamath VII Henrlot Floyd. 231 Main SII7-W Klamath C.-imellzins Station, 1 1 ill a Main tlltl Reed Auto Supply Co. 12", S 11th 2UH Johnson's Bat & Kl.-c Sta, 724 Klamath 318 Auto Garages, Repairs B'ltep Sorvlee Station. 12C6 Mnln T4S Klamath Co llepalr Shop, SthtWIllow RIO Kliitnath Falls Auto Co, "J 2 4 alain 2M!-lt Motor Inn Iti-p-- Ir Shop. 2112 Main 2114-J Oregon Calif HlKh'vay ibir.ise. 1 23 S Bill SMI Reckard Aulo S' rvl.-e Carare. fill S T43 .Smithy's HepAir .Shop, CthaiMidiarid rd 4IHIJ5 Auto Painting Cam Is Auto I'alntlnit. 3rd r Main ... TthVW Quality Pulnt Shop, 7u7 S 6lh Till Auto Parks Garlch Fred, Altauiont Conor Tll.1 Auto Parts nix Brothers, III Main Klamath Fulls Auto Co, 224 Muin HIT .. 2IU-H Auto Laundry Klamath Auto Ijitiridry, 13t.i Main H2 Proctor John T, Spring Esplanade (4X1 Automobile Tops Itjan Bob, 1113 Main 093 phaltic concrete base, all of said proposed improvements to lie made, together with the material to be used, in accordance with the said plans, specifications and esiituate.s of the City Kuitmeer on ' ie m the ffi.Y of the Police Jit-Lic .( cily. reference to which i. hereby n.ole regarding turt'tier d 'Mils it plans, conslructicn. tuitertii. iluatititiiN. and the like. Said improvement i-l ' let in one contract and bids will he re ceived for each kind of pavement specified above, and will he open ed for consideration by the Com mon Council on the said 25th d.iv if M iv. 1H2:, at the hour of 00 o'clock P. M. Bidders w.M he re ilirred to submit btds on blank or. -pared by the City Ktisinevr. mid Vds will not be consider. 'd unices i submitted. Hlanl.s for Imls .nay he obtained at the of lie Police Judge. The successful bidder will be eituired to pive bind in a sum to '.e f:ed by the Common I ounci! Ir the faithful performance of the contract to be entered into for maki ng said improvement. Kach hid must ba accompanied hy a check certified by aome responsible bank for 5 per cent of the amount bid as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into contract with tile cily for ihe tn iklllK of Ml. !i llli'ivveir.ctll i l.-l I'l days Ii.'tn the dale of III, .Mm,; such award. Tlie common iVuti.-il res. rv.-s the ri tilt to reject an and a'.l hi. is a n.l to tin',.,. eti.H i'lip: cvouictu on behalf of the c.ty Hated at Klinatti Fails. Oregon April SSth. I. KM I.. tlAtlll.VliKS'. Police Judge A 2 II. SO -Ml. 4. 7. 10.12. IS. .1.-4 NKTH'K K I'lWI. Al ttirST Notice U hereby Riven that the unde -signed administratrix of the esti'e of Laverne M. White, has filed with the Couny Cctirl. Kl.itn i'h C.uttry. State of (iregoti. her liiial account of he ad-u. lustration f said estate, and that tiie said curt his appointed, Mori-lav. May ::::!. lf-V.. at iti't) o'clock P. M . is the time, and the County Court Itoom in the Court House. at Klamath Kalis. Oregon, as the place for bearing objections, if any. to 1 s Pi II 3H V Auto Tires Vulcanizing Ace Ttre Shop, ltr, s It'll . I'tsmond Tir.v V-it -ini'-ina Ci Hub Ttre Shefi. o2 Si gth SI.1-.I rsfh hit am Klamath r.i's-ry. S2-J Mi in Mi: Klamaib Tire iiou-. dill Klimtth 4TS tjlick Service Tire Sh-.p. lh a Klamath ll Bakeries Hirvl Baklr.e C-. lllr, Main Is I Home Bakery, till Main Till Pelican City Bakery. Pelican City .... tir.l-w Sixth St Bakery, tith & Ktamath ngl-W Banks American Nat! Bulk. 540 Main First National Bmk. 5 Main .... 131 SIM Barbers Swanson's Barber Shop. 623 Main SIN Beauty Culture Alaire B-suty Shontie. 107 S 7th TWI "White Pelican H it.-l Beauty Shoppe Isn Bicycles Klamath Falls Cyelery. 1010 Main ITS Billiards Kset- Pool rtooin. 7-17 Miin tvr M. i.on.iM Bros, filo Main mi Me.-ea HIHiird Parlor. 631 Main 1T..1 Pastime, 729 Main 41141 pelican Ilnv Pool Hall. Pelican City Mm I Phils Pool Hall, P.-llcan Ci'y .-..12 Waldorf Billiard Parlors. 610 Main .Ill Blacksmiths House C B. 522 S 6th - s M issuer Bros. 7th Klamath .114 Box Factories Bie Lak-s Box Co. 6th A: Spring ttetl Kwauna Box Co. 6h & Market . Klamath Lumtter at Box Co. Shippineton 1 13 Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Pelican City TO Brokers Lumber Bran hall J M. Winters lildir 1 40-J L-.e I r.,nk t. White Pelican hotel .. T Builders and Contractors Cof. r Bros. th & Klamath aso l.raham A F, Shipplnfrton KTtl liraham A F. Wllllta bids; Mil Mill-r V Ii. Cih & i:ommerelal mt Purt-r Const Co, Klamath & Market 13 Cement, Brick and Blocks Concrete Pipe Co, Market & Elm SX2-W Chiropractors Lucas I'r C R. I O O K bids 3MI.J Mallett IT Georse K. Underwood bldK....420 Cigars and Tobacco Carnlnt M. 2229 S 6th The Smoke, 429 Main iya Cleaners and Dyers Klamath Dye Works, 431 Main .. 4n4 Pelltorliim The, 1136 Main 135. Confectioners Blue Bird The, 019 Main Mara Confection, -ry, 1022 Main S33 .... 27 l-J Creameries and Dairies cily Creamery, 202 Main 3SI-J East i le Hairy, Klamath Falls 41MIJ1 Hollldi.v Iialry. 7lh & Klniiunh mil Kiairalb Falls Creamery. 124s Main .. . T4 Premium fairy. 119 N 4th 40O-J Department Stores Falls Mercantile Co, 415 Main B3t GoMen Itute Store. 630 Main -jo Hector M. '.25 Main ' ml Moe & Co, 512 Main a Druggists Currlns For TTuira, Mn Main ISO Suuare H,n Urim Store, 71 Main R23 Hlnr Drug Co, 435 Main x:u t'nderwood Pharmacy. 641 Main 3T Whitman Dru Co, 120 Main 14 Tuesdav. said acoitnt and Ihe settlement I hereof. Dai'd April :::h. l.Aflt A W il l ll'S A l:ii:nistiMri ot I uc i '' M hue lisM,,'. 1 - .-.4 m mm. ins I'm: l..illty v i mi mi i ir i oi iti ii' tii k SI IK UK OltU.tiN H'K klM. A Til IWNTI. l II Z.'ok and I. ula M Zook Pisiutiffs. . Iluao II A. An thony and Villa Anthem, he fendailt-4. To li lt ' H A. Atrhonv and il.a .utli -tiv, llefeiid. nits IS THK SAMK K THK STATU OK OIIKiioN. ou. and each ,.f you are herein reunited to appear a-i-1 answer t'te c. mpl.rtu f led a-, unit you in the above ell nticd suit on or before the t'th d.u .if June, lfl'3. that being the last l.iv ot Ihe time prescribed III the Order for Publication in tins "mi ni.. ns. and if you fail so to an-wet or otherwise appear, plaintiffs wIT apply to the Court for the relict Lad ITS IS K Dentists ru i w p.. I o . f bids in Carter J 11. SIS', Main ... SXS-W c... it it n. H..ik.i i.idg taa Cot.. I'!.il:;. t'.slr Main !W Leonard W A. hide 1SW-J Mason Pr '" P. Ill S ilh 132 N'i-1 IT Paul M, Crlsler St Stilts bldsT Itainbo C A. 4.1 Main 1 Westerfeld Fred A. Lootiils blda 434-W Wisecarver Dr E li. Sti Main sua Electric Supplies Electric Shop The. 121 a! Jth ITT Link Iliver Klectrk Co. 7th a Klamath 1T1 t'hllgs Kt-ctrle Htnre. 10'iii Main S34 Van Fleet I) I), 2 Main" T1S Employment Agencies Lumbermen & Loggers Assn. 19SS Main 1ST Western Labor bureau. 102J Mala S Express Companies American Hallway Kxpress Co. HIS 4th Farm Implements Farm Bureau Exchange. 127 S 7th .... 5ST-J Mills 3 S & Son, 6th & Klamath Feed, Hay and Grain Murphy's Seed Store. 124 8 lh IT Florist and Nurserymen Flower Shop. Hi Main M Flouring Mills Martin Bros Mill. Cth It Sprlnc 3 Fruit and Produce Knnls-Brown Co. Spring- 6 Hood ZeT Wood-Curtis Co. 471 Spring T Fuel Frankford Frank. 1 2 8 7th Tl Hiillbronner & R.-a, 2328 tleolamatlon 2tr.K Peyton O k Co, 419 Main SSS Funeral Directors Wliitlo.-k Undertaking Parlors, (39 lins 441 Furniture Retail Davis. Claud II. 124 N 7th Ml Mordoff & Wooir, 7!9 Main IS Perkins Furnltuxe House, 127 8 6th 41-W Hose Furniture Co. Ill N Ith HtH Furniture New anl 2nd Hand Balln Furniture Store. 122 N 6th . TntS Lucas F M, 5th ft Main 7:15 New & 2nd Hand Furalturs Store 624 Klamath flot-3f O K Furniture Co. 122 N 6th ... 751 Furs Donart's Fur Shop. 21 1 Main mi Northern Fur Store, lit Mala J74-J Garbage City C.arbaee, 2127 s 6th iut:-w General Merchandise rtelnero i Bon, 1SJ Oregon 11110-W Glass Retail Glass House The, nih t p, 477.W Grocers Retail Buena Vista Grocery. 914 Oregon Fntrvlew- Cash K'nre,t;,h., m& Sargent Falls Grocery. 604 M.iin Flnnell J E. .M art In W hi: ,nj Hanson's lr...:-iv. ;tb A- Mcln Houston & Pb.-li.s, son M;iii, Hurry Cash Gro.-. rv, r,:t ,; , , n 1 1 allan -America ii ttMiciy so 4Hi., Lewis B P. 22H S I'll . Lincoln Groc-ry, ard 4 Main Prui.t Bros. 2lul S 6th PilbHc .Market, 16 N 61b Snntford At Co, 42 Miln Stones Cssh Store, 717 M;,M Stones t:nsh Stores AV M;irlu-l, 4;i , Sunset Grocery, loth & Main mi M r.n.i-w N3 r.oi.w 12 121 -.77 lltl. 7l II.I2-J I mi . 31 l -,o IHI Nil 2ou Grocers Wholesale Mason Ehrman Co, N Hprlnntllood M.iv IS. 1-' ' iviavcd for In their cinplalul. to wn : f, r judgment agi'nst you and ei. l of veil l-.r lll Mi ll of II HI" together 'will. It. t "'el I.olll March :'l I '::. at '! "' . v. :. t , .-- in r- r I"' ''" e fn.'bei s i n of .. lor a lor ,-'s I. os. Mid tor I e c - is and ai.ll.rlr.. ot t!' s 1-llU A'ld ,.!.u-.u-:t. pi.. ( -i a -I""-- "t C'-s Curt ad'ii I -nig lhat plain' tl - 1 'I morn mo c us Itute a .H,1 lo ll again. 1 the piemwes d.-scrllil as follows, town: KV, of t!l. XK's. K' of Ihi SK' "f section XW'i of the SV, .'f sec tion ST. i-.anship :,s souh. li .luge IW last of tile W'l. ..incite coltallllll Hill acre, Uoire or les Vtid d said llioriJ,igi iten hi- t -re 'I lU' l Hi U sa d inriii-si s IK- s !. III the m.i iiier iroi did by law. and Hut Ihe pro -. ds of sa d svls be applied to tii- pitmen: of t ie sums due plallt t'!' And further decreeing that ,1 fendali's herein and each of tlieui and all persons claiming mi -tl r thi'iii or any ot them bit de barred of all right, title. Interest pi it: it i. IIC I. V l it IN I ItitH i : r3 1 .. .? .Ci VIA ff! lAf J" M nVm For your ready reference is this Directory published, in which all the lead ing dealers of this community are grouped together. Use The News Phone Directory often. Hairdressing, Manicuring Al.ilie lte:lllf SloH-l . I ll 7 S 7th 71W II .st. .11 II. .i 10-. Wlni.-rs t.'.t IIM-W C..t,:!..r! ll-.iutv St ..j.i... 420 M.iin tl.l. II. iil-v SI op slmlKh li'dg ) p.. i-.,.! jc vl.,.,, .... r.ils Mini via White P.-'.I. .in Il.a. ill Shoppe, W P Hotel Isll Harness and Saddlery C.intlotll Itr-.s. S12 M tin Or. on ll,rt..-s is S 7h 42-W 2M Hardware Raldnin Hardware Co. 414 Main Kluttls'h Hardware Co. 538 Main Rubens & li.irY.-y. 422 Main zai tie 73 Hospitals Klamath General Hospital, Ksplanade . . 3T Klamath Valley Hospital, 4S3 Pins 4tT Hotels Arcade Hotl. ism Main Baldwin lb -l, IT M., in . Central II i. 14 M.iin Claremont ll'itH. 2-'s N 4th ('initial Ilia. 121 N lltb .. Toe 1.1 I.U-W II I II TTO 40.1 :titt-w III .3o Iti2 Kuiplre Hol.-I. Holland It.,,,.. Hold Hill, in.' laike Hotel, il Metropolitiiti 11 :, .: M on 1340 Main Main 7 7 I. ! ill! M..H. Ray Hot. l. 121 N -'i White Pelican Hotel. Mum Lsplsuad Heating Companies Klamath Heating Co. 320 Kleli.ath . Hemstitching Hemstitching Shop. l::l N 4ti, 313-H Ice Companies Klumath 1 -efc.Storsee Ct,, Stu lnif nr Hood a Insurance Driscoll Jas 11. Hart bid: 4.-12 Dunbar s Iliiubar. 126 s Tin . ... 410 Harden C A. 315 Main 3M7 Houaten J H. Slouch bldn 34W-W Momyer & Momysr. Hwiiks bldg 3041 Mutual Life Insurance 1-0. MIS 6th 373-w Rosenqulst, Geo H, Sataniiaa bldg . 320-W Ulrlch Geo C, tl s 5th .373-W Walton a Wright. 6tb L Maui !..!43-w Iron Works & Machine Shops Klamalh Irot .lleel Wiks. SprlnatKliu 2111 White Pellcuu Iron Wks, SprtugaOak Tutt Jewelers Glover A F, 311 Main Wiatera It J, 712 Main .. 32-J no-w Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments Barnharls Lad We.rlng Apprl.lll N 7th SMI Bee Begins. 129 S 7th 1JL Vogue. 442 Mala Laundries l-'resieh Hand l.aunriry. 127 4,1, 4M , Klamath Superior. SprlnKslii'sl'. ..... 311 Nevtr c.lly l.iuinj,,, r. Mala M Troy Laundry, 33s & Slll '.. Law Accounting Brown & Kroner, Hopka bldg 1,73 Light and Power Companies Calif Ore Pow-r Co, lib Main M m v S and '"vestments McNesly Win W nk, bldg 31T Slater Jack, llan bhlg j Lumber Retail S.U,.,,r,,,!,1!,,;(.;H,:,;:,,, ,2S Sl"h M '" r ' " Merrill rd ;. wig Livery Stable O K Llv. ry n IV.,, s,.,,,, 4 , , s Meat Markets Hale a Meal Market. 1016 Klamath p.kln Co r.24 u Lltieoltl M.nkel, 211, Man ' Ml Marl,,.,, j,,,,,, ala.-e Meat Market, iu M(lln '1th r,2-J 2IIII-W 441 7.MI Sanllary Minket, 701 'm'i "" Sinclair Market. 1 1 M;l(n 22 .ruiove, .Meat Market 719 Main ... j." or claim In. lu or upon sold pre-', mis. -a and for inner ami further relief as lii III Court niay aeem o. tillable I .is riimmont la Publlslird ones , a . k f r n weeks by order of 11 tl.. l.tble A. I. laiavllt, Judge l t it.ovo clllllleil Court, duly .,;.,! u April J. I2t. Tim .Ire .1 fltsl I'llllllculllMI Of tills . a Apr. I lajfi It C. (illilKSIiKCK. Atlornry tot Plalnllffa Addiesa: American Natlunul li.uik hulidlng, Klamath 'alls. orrKon. ,ii Mi r.Mt s a.t mhii i: r n t. avu nt Tin: I i'l STV I Mil TIT OK THK. I ill or (Htm.oN Kull kl.AM. All) I I'l VI V. In Hi- Mi ir of the Katsle of Kl.le Mav M'l-bell. I'eceateil Notice is hereby Riven thai l.ea l.e Itogei . Admlnlslraliir ot the e.ta e i f Kls'e May Mitchell, lip. ,i, -.i.e. I has filed hla final account ii i lie iboie eulllled court and stale, an. I that Friday, the juth day of Mi. at the hour of Men's Furnishings l-eiv N' II til Men . !tO K K I, s-oi . IMi M On ITS Itv, ill i.l'.i.t. S'li M i III ... H73-J Sus.i I i- -,li K. ..IT Main 1 T..IIi;.-r) The. Ills Milu .. ftH3.w Mill Supplies I.oiciitf i'oiiii.iIi, I2J .N blh 3TI Monumental Works Grlisle G ll, lltli a Main 479-J Multigraphers Cass MilltlaTiapliln Co. 121 S lib IU-W Music Dealers Klamath Falls Music House, lit H tk l yhephsid Co Earl, sul Main T3 Newspaper and Periodical Agencies Hales News Agency, 73i Main 1 33-J Newspapers Klamath News 1'he, eth a Main NTT Oil Companies sti-ll on c of ciif. Sunns tin Standard Gil Co, 6th A Spring . 31.1 t.'ulon oil Co. 6th & Market 417 Optometrists Goble lir J G, 701 Main 133-W Osteopaths G.dd.ird. Dr. Fred It. 434 Main . 331 Painters, Paints and Varnishes Browne Bros, 1029 Main .... ya Pattemon W K & J K, (21 8 th tt-J Packers Provision Swift a (.0. (ib ft Market . (13 Photographers Peasleys. 227 .Main M Sllm-en Studio, 421 Main 231-w Physicians and Surgeons Campbell it T I . Kerns bldg 4sUW Oarer Dr W II, 1 L'6 N 3rd ." 2HO-W I'ielscbe E, SilKarinan bldg 2ai:i-W Hunt Dr W.rr.ii. nil pir OT .......e.,., . ,., ,,t ,Main lain.b Dr E D. 5Hi, ,M,in Massey jr 1 1 A. White bldg Merryman Dr G It. tsu Huron Patlerson Dr J G. Wllllts hblg Soule A A. Mi-lhase bldg Slewarl Dr II 1) 511 Main be 17-W ... mu-w . etuw ... OH4-J . mi-j .. 177-W -.-damn i-., vviuns h ilg . , (H.W Truss i,r I. I.. 401 Pin, " Wright Dr Geo I. m s 51 h . . iu'j Physicians, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Cass Dr I, I). I tl i) p hblu ..e. lie, naro j , u Main 7-W Dl. ..n rianing Mills Klamath Moulding Co. S 6th St 4Bj4 Swan l..k, M.ubllng , , ,,J ' '; '" v, Plumbers pr'e,!!:,ml'in::2rMa,;:,,'t',"" .Snillh t si,,,r,. , N u, Printer, Urilnm.,,,.,! Print shoti, II", V ,, Radio Dealers Restaurants Mid Cafes """..I Hotel ll,K Ri,,,,,,. .,, BJJ.W w7 n:?:::mr' " M :r-:H I .-.-rlehs Lunch, 711 Mai,, .'. " " i";-;:,:";1; v.'h"""- """ St Cofee- ,l? ,,, r,h angle ,... f, Main While l.u.u-h The. 112J Main i "J kumath, flock y , loom of , Its, J in ih. en, ,,f K, ntitLj h," 1 ...t b, c " i.i,. .1 w:J I I ( , -11 1 eii "'"I... i o, ,n 1 - -vo.ij.ii Kl.AM TI AltTHHiir.J I'"' nt. au-...N 'rout l: m. ulti I.- ,1'- ... 1 ttfW. iioosier rm . nd Klouiaih Kail, "I mints Industry Uttn.71 Klamaib Nw. Real Estate, Inve.tmeJ It. 1 1 ... n A A c JllleSlllg Kred. ..7 I lillcule Smith. K la inut Ii I r r 'oit, . Maaulle J F. II In It-d Star Really ' -. wats "' ''". MiluBriu' Vim Rooming Houtes Craler Itontns, l?s N 2s4 Ewauna House. 3S7 M.tln . Hot Sprlnss Hotel, MI Lpli4 . K'lamalh Romtilnu lluus. HI 1 10 Metropolitan Rooming lliiast, UlllJ Poland M I. 40 w.lnul - Welton lto4tnilug Hnuse, Ith 4 llia Sawmills Ackley Bros Mill. K Isnisth I Ctste lllg lkes tins Co. fth t HprlBf Kwauna llos Co. Ilh Msrktl Klamath Lumber llnii'o, Hblpairsl Pelican Hay Co. Pr I Ira a Cm Shsw-lieriratn Lim-I.r Co Whsolrr-l'lnistesd Lbr Co. PIki'lj Sewing Machina Cliiger Sewing Ma.'liine Co. Ill II H Sheet Metal Worktn Haines I. N. 1023 Main Iters IlloW Pipe Mlg I 'o. .Sp.lnj 1 U Shoes and Boot. Ilou.ion Jester. SI.', Main Klamath Shoe Store, (si Mils j Wlckersham II U Main- Shoe Shiners TImiiis Shies Shining Psrlor, M! u Soda Works W Pol Mln Springs, SprliK nr KisUu Sporting Goodi Gun store, (19 Main . Hmeke The, 429 Main Stationery Southwell W W. 4 .'!'- Mala Sign Painters Miles Sign Co, 627 Willow - Tailors lodge J R. 110 Main Clsek Chss J. Hurl bldg Taxicabs Central Auto Service. I'" ' " Gordon Auto Service, 511 ' -Jj Hurry Taxi Service, till Msla -j Owl Taxi. 427 Main Z Recks rd Autn Co. Sili Mala llpp Frank, tots Main i al White Star Line Tail S-rvlcs, Theatres Liberty Theatre. Ill Main Pino Tree Theatre, 7lh ,m Tobaccos Pioneer Tobacco Co, 129 S Sin Tr.n.fs.r and Storage . . ' , T....,rfer HprlnlH"eT Arn.d. Transfer Co. IJ ' ' City Transfer Co, 61. '"'" -. Franlis Bagguge Lin;'. ,,,,., - l F Transfer Co. Mh Main n K Transfer C, o -j- VVestoin Transfer Co. 119 ' Transportation J chiioquin stnee i,i".". '; ,i; )i; Unwind Grlin.s Ai'lo H -'J' tlt Vf .Medford-Kliiiiialli Typewriter A Klamath Typewrite A.nrr' Warehouse! Peoples Warehouse Co, '" Welding Wo, . ... ........ Work, THE