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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1925)
in N,T - r-r ., , . Tuesday. May 19, l!?2.Y . f HE Kf f elicans Cop League Opener From Mt. Shasta In TighttS Locals Get Off To Flvintf i Start By Blanking Shasta In First Game Of Season "Sunny" Mohler Pitche. Masterful Game For Pelican. While Norwest's Slugging Bring. Home The Bacon. 1500 See Game ii V, The Klamath Fall Pelicans made 'Pecialty and Pelican after Pelican ! their first debut into the Siskiyou- "ruck in the air at his deliveries. 1 Klamath league yesterday at the Fans who may have been the fair grounds by winning a ball lel "keptlral aa to the Irand of game with a lone tally, the only " Played In the Siskiyou league , core of the game by the way. He- enl away from the game con tween 1200 and 15H0 fane saw 'nced that Klamath Falls had at "Sunny" Mohler and " Speed" May l!,9, 11 real league ball team. The Grapple in a pitching battle that frame wjs played in big league was not decided until the last bit- s'.ve. It was a good clean game, ter popped out on an Infield fly. ah"lutety free from wrangling. ! The game was devoid of sensation i The opening ceremonlt firzled It was Just a good ball game 3 out wnen Mayor Ooddard. after ' mighty good one and a mighty Promising to participate, made him-: tight one. The only score of the ,e" conspicuous by his absence. R. 1 same came in the first inning af- E- Bradbury, chairman of the fair' fer Norwest. the first man up Doard hurled the first tall and did' Jammed slashing triple out Into1 I""1 J ' It t that perhaps j left field and came tearing Into , better than the mayor could hare j home on a neat sacrifice by Bay- 4ne. and after all it was a ball ' neas. From that time on it was ame 'be fans wanted. They got i eight Innings of scoreless ball for , " Kd measure. Pelican Squawks Net KumUy thi- I VI I, aim linl Yreka at (hat tali torn la lit), and A 'k from ant Sunday Weed, 1021 pennant winners will Brace (he local field. Klauialh Kails and Weed have always hern hitter baseball rltaia. Other vh-tlniK come later. The Pelicans sure had a lul of crust. Imagine It! Ifa-Kiting Kit into the leaKiie and then ruhlitiiK it in, and in (lie fii-M Knn.o of the season, to Mount Shasta, one of the nliliM and niiwt venerable ,lt) In . Siikiyou circuit. Naughty boys! o It's a little early for rhe 1N-I- leans to uunk too vociferously though. Ijist year Shasta fin. l-hed in the lower rejrious, very close to the hottoui of the lad der. There's no denying- they put up mitfity good hall yesterday anil were beaten at their own game. A trip down to Siskiyou county nct wi-ek - by the Pell cans will tell the tale. The v. leans should know about where they rate after the Yreka affair. SAMMY-OLSON IS 3-2 FAVORITE OVER ROCKY STRAMHO TONIGHT; BOTH MEN IN FINE CONDITION 1 (S 1924 Pennant Winners Loe League Opener To Dunamuir; Close Score uison rasses Kemark He Will uo Ihrough Rocky Like Sunday before Hnt M...K Tk. U A T: U . All ti7.ll AJ r I The game. hi . ... w .. . . .. , 1 ITCH -ftllJ VSWU But Rocky Hat Never Trained Harder For a Bout In ' lil NSMI III. tallf. May II Ipeclal lii The News I l)un...i. I defeated lsl year's pennant winner. ! Weed. In a hid fought lam. h.,J Sammy Olson, the fighting Swede i for a thrill In the Joe t'uffmitn- from tluleshurg. Ills., was a S to 3 f Jack C'rlm affair. The aurrrsa of favorite last night over "tlocky" that buttle all depends on Coffmnn Stramho, of Portland. When the 'for Trim can ulwavs he ileneinleil ended In i I I Club l.unsmulr Weed Hallcrlcs lllld Hholtpe; a rapacity h went II rounl. It. . .. S ... 4 Mcllrlde. Mall, crowd, frames, II K. 1 & 0 B pores I'elican n wantToW Omlier and Hlmhener. I1 t I III; both teams, an uphill pitchers, bat-' tie in which "Sunny" emerged Tic-' tor, almply because he pitched a better game. A total of 13 strike outs went to the credit of the Peli cans, while Bay, in holding the home lnb at bay for the remaining eight innings whiffed nine. Both pitchers kept their hits well scat tered. Not one of the Pelicans' total of. six -was bunched. The I ame may be said for Bay of the' ehastas. While Mohler's masterful pitch ing was the outstanding feature of the game, the stick work of the Pelicans' little shortstop. Al Xor west. was what actually won the game for Mohler. The flashy lit tle Chemawa graduate got just ex actly half the Pelicans' hits, one three bagger, a double and a Ingle. The Fhastas threataned serious ly but once. That was in the sixth. Gobrich struck out. Sum-' tner was safe after Norwest field-1 ed his ball perfectly but made a poor peg to Mathews on first. Lowd macked a two bagger Into left eid putting Summer on third. There was a man on second and third with only one down. Mohler tightened up. He grooved m The Official Score: Mount Shasta AB. R. H. PO Davenport. If, Gobrich, 3b. Sumner, cf. . Lowd. ss Neal. lb O'Brien, c. .. Coffeen. !b. Martin, rf. .. Bay. p 3 3 0 01 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 34 Klamath Falls AB. Xc-rwest. ss 4 Watts, lb 2 Bayness. 3h 3 Mathews, lb 3 0 4 24 R. H. PO. 1 3 0 Arnold. If. Demltt. c. . Noel. cf. ... Foster, r f. Mohler. p. Carroll, rf. 4 3 3 1 3 1 1 4 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 '15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. I ! o I 0 o! :i 0! 1 1 I 1 6 27 Inning: 7 3, Totals 2 Score By Mount Shasta Runs Hits " Klamath Falls Runs "'" lit tni ti. l Summon.. f l I west. Loud: .000 .100 000 0000 101 1004 Kd Clarke will honor the Pel leans by his presence In the out field in next Sumlay's game. tTarke is always good for couple of good hies at an oppor tune time. o The Pelicans were went ltl the slick yesterday.- Part of that weakness was due to the effee. tiveneas f Bay. But there's something else. The boys were rainefl out nearly every practice nhjlit last week. This week will find them In daily batting prac tice. They need it. o It wasn't just the weak sisters that Mohler whiffed yesterday. Just map this list of victims among the Sliaslns: Davenport, (.oliri.ti, Sumner, Ixiud, Xenl, Coffit-n. Martin nn, lljiy. Count j 'em. There's 8. Kvery player on the Shasta team funned at least one.- but O'lirien. And O'ltrlen s a weak one. How runic? two heavyweights mix Scandinavian hull Is going to open its eyes on one, if not Die best scrap ever fought here. The two maulers took their last workouts last night. Just a little priming tie 'fore Ihe event of evenls tonight. J Sammy may have a grudne against Rocky. Perhaps the writer J is mistaken. But he heard the . Culesturg Swede pass thels remark ion the street last night: 'I II go through Rocky Stramho tonight like so much hot mush through a tin horn " That remains to be seen. Dopesters know just what thev , re spreading when they predict a terrible battle. Ro.kv .lands AMERICAN LEAGUE lonlglil upon l put iisv a fight thai Is a for sore eyes. Harrington all,) Iron Man Torres hac put up n whale scrap here on several ocea- sight W. Felix of a sions. Thev should with another tonight, first meet Inf. kick through This Is their t'luh Washlngtti Cleveland Mi rle leu. Marh Sewell Mogrlilge, rrv and liu It. II a in ii Russell. K 3 I )- Mills Al u flashiest , would ha a !,. I V.t Nor..., ' k,l (ft . P'y ball thi. sa because h. ha, ..,, S .. .her. ,.,'0,,1 gradual uf - Jl At ih. ' T'HJ ui.lver.lly gr,u.. -J rdle of . rt,., l'n .111.1, 'al,,,,'" i. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE Club Chicago New York Butteries-- Aleiamlc net!: Mcgullluu un.l Greenfl Snyder. It. II K. J II 0 & 12 I and llart- Cluh - ( llosion .13 St. Iitils Batteries Huffing Plenlrh; VanCllder. Wlngard, (Irani. ' lm'l I'nntorih ami llego I. Karr and ! N" '"" ' .N..rM ' hut y;rai. hle of . ,.., H Mohler. an " 4 .7 9 :na would l.e ,h, .J1 Wlngfleld and ,l'" ls. ti,.M ' I ........ I In.. I n t It. I t his own won ground with Klamath Club -Philadelphia eld and Chicago I llniierles liauingartner and Cochrane. I'erklna " K. nn, schslk. 4 1 10 2 Club II 12 II Club -Cincinnati it. ... h n ! . .... Ritchie to , erie. Iionohue. Hlemlller and New Vork fight And Z J o. V " ' ' U",K": ,;-""rh- '- ""'ham ..eirol, ngnt. And Sammy Olson stands and Gibson on a Gibraltar rock of reoutaHon . """eric. k. - kiisiiii anil M-naiiK' lit was with dirrionu.. . i... o i ('lul. ( J ' V I II 111 II- iter Patterson talked the big Rocky '''""burgh 'Into meeting ' Olson. But when """'klyn Rocky finally made up his mind Batteries to try the big Swede he started at once on one of the most intensive training periods of his career, which has wound up with three days here In Klamath Falls n...h of the big bruisers have something to ngnt for. That some.hin. matcn with Jim "Firpo" Cordon. ot New York city, and with that scrap will go a big .lice of the receipts for either Rocky or Ol son. Bnt Just' suppose that hv chance the Obon-Strambo scrap should fix. He out. There will still he a chance . II. 7 12 s 12 IT 1 Alilrlilse Y,U !... ..... Koupll and Gooch: Grimes and Taylor. : nub It. II K St. Louis j0 , Philadelphia 22 .1 . .u..r,.s Knrni s,hlir(n , .! (ionxales; Carlson. H,s. r,.. '"'"'inc. 11 luoiuK.. ' i low ay. stom r and llaaaler. oncern raa i... . It llihrl.i..i 4 Tilt ko K. searched for work m ft -"SOU H, They are ll,, i ...... 3 'they aren't lunkm. . t:, 'loh ...h- " TI . . . ' ... l tuiirsioo v'.iier rillea Iw. k n.... . ,.i.i. . . mi i ..... respeci, why Falls? n ii ... ' baseball ssUrw,,, i J o ng one gami. 4 Wrri . ... . ini.rr i .. h i . raasoi in.J ii . . ' .i.e aioeca : pool hall.;i ..100 000 000 1 Two bajie hits. Nor Stolen bases. Arnold 0'Br,en tapped one of MohleX h. ba, "ts. "Zji ones, it landed just ta front flea hits. Bayness Wa Z 2- ,? J of home pIate, Demltt scooped the ou, y Mohle . ,3. t, Bay 9 Base first anoP-,ht0T 0'Br,en at D bal"' " Mohler o.rt, Bay . . uijine ...Btiiaiu rails. K. Time nf back strong in th i.-, ... . Ime ot 1.1 . ,, muing. Attendance 1200 They believed they had just atou, i - got to the Portland a!iTiai... ..... i Team .uuci. um i w. L. I.KAGI F. ST.WDIXG Bert Cook, chairman of the Pelican board of directors chaw ed 8 whole plugs of Tiger in the Pelican dugout. ..Nearly one plug an liming, so to speak. game. "Porky" Nicholson did a neat Job of umpiring. And tile Shasta man, Whatsisname wax lust aa Rooil. lallzes in good umps i"i or u.iierenre in a lull game too ADDITIONAL SPORTS ON PAGE 5 THE NEWS "te!! or K!mntb count ?md,KI?m.",h Rnl every leg," STANDING OF CONTESTANT" Mrs. J. F. CoIdawnetKu ono rv . m. ... .. . " u" uy si mi vsuy aatterlee, 933 Washineton SI ' ' ",'": Mr.. Delia Smith, ft to t " Kln S!'." ' 198.750 Mrs. S. A. Masters. AU Mrs. Henrietta M ,-?.. u. ,"'. " l: M:.- d e. j""us, lutn and P ne Mim Bernice Dawson, R. F D No i vt I Mrs. Will O H..JU. .1 10' K'mth Fall. 1,775 Mr.. Dell. Smith, 819 JeluZTsT - 9 100,675 69,350 52,550 Mr.. Will O. H-rdK. ' I "- Uma,h F 52.525 Tlu. Siskiyou league .nee. Mr.. Jo H F.. l. 1- ... Wren Ave SO.IUVfl o I ii! uaur. will, perfect control that ery next inning fanned three in a , row. That was too much for the j ,' Shut., who got but one He -, blngle during the remainder of the l game. J i j While Mohler pitched a wonder-, i ful game, his opponent. Bay was 1 far from a bush leaguer. Discard- ug any ranta.stic wlndup. he hurled' I ba!I' hll. not carrying :..:0:..0' -" . d ii. rtlgn nnu Pet. Klamath McCIoud Uunsmuir Yreka Mt. Shasta Weed Falls ...1 ... 1 ...1 ...0 ...0 ...0 1000 1000 j 1000 ooo ! 000 j 000 American Association Indianapolis. 7: Louisville. 5. Toledo. 0: Columbus, 5. 1 H mgh ones wr I... """". z: Kansas cit c jjj) - Sl- P'- 10: Minneapolis. V j i Ia1lypegs The Chael;- M.--1- - .. Pl.y Hamlet, and he em. be" , h" Und"te ,o .-new., bec.M gSZ ich i"uu namiets. are friendly! !( I J. . .a "aro to love, whereas fk. . , ' " i Phenomena the ,rue cI ' rare and ii . .! humor more deIiou:.d re dliOUCh ' ' Wh!ch iSometime. they wo d , fc7o " b"" " muffin "' ,lo.. the ball ithe F,,then.r e- Sometime. ,hey, eir .hoe.triK, and f, 1 '"f""' They tripped over iseriousne... Cre pIay,n the" hardest in all J Eleven year. n M-,1. u.i ilVent in foe h. - r . Up a Perft ball team aH ood. It wa. a ,ot more -mtm h" ld been I Now he has ruined thl. i. . tP.ll - Pennant lender. 'P n ' we !flment of hi. athlete. h.- j ' . P'le f h,m- "Hain .ve ce..ed to be fu "P no .tar player. .nd! i . ' sbrionlr ..niic .. ih. AIM.! ' Mi.kej IH-uilii play.Nl a whale of guiiie ImIiIi t. hnt for the Pelicans. Mickey ropped a con pie of hard-to-gct fos and played a heady game. '- never th.ew to a better little catcher " said "Sunny" Mohler fl.T tlir Kame. And Mickee h,..i raspherrira to flfnB at Mohler, by the way, n There's been a lot of rroWnK lK.ut Mohler's north. Unci But there's a young; hiK, ,.(,,,, principal from .Malin. His name i Street. He xat on the bench yesterday, but he's going to Kit in the huiwy next w.-ek at Yreka. Street ,,n-H airenle.1 every hit as mod a Ml That remains to lie seen. o nd speaking of pitchers. A tent named pruitt who has had hard time of It Reetlng; In hape may be readv t.. ... I the Weeds . week from Sunday. Pmltt had a tryout with Vernon '"" p"-'"e coast leiurun this ear. f;over says he ran h,. re. 'led on to win a couple of games this season. 0 An,l speaking of (ilover. The I'-llcai, manager had a grin on l map after the gamo ,, W....I.I stretch as f, nr,n thn HI line nrn from KliMa, alls and as fr south , , expect to go. ii .... . . "or "Hash" IVII.. i..,,..,.. rulghly sweet nut i.o. yesterday. Thc ,,.,,, (( ' "million. h,it..-ss, xr. . Watt and Mathews a hard ".iiMmi!in t fcnu .. ..makes Mi.. Lore,,. IZTa 46 0 "l JMiu Be,,y Ramsby, 5-fl r7o Slh irnCy j Mr. Nell., 1819 Jh.o S,. f.OOO jWtlham A. Hule,, Merrill 33.825 Mi.. Crol Johnie Cray, 603 Jef f er.on S, 30,750 iMr..Lucind.Hood,ChiIoquin 27.22S jMn. Bernice Prav.t - 26.02S John M " COrnhh' 1428 Word-A John Morgan, 668 California Ave. . Mm Aileen B. Haley, Merrill Ri If V l " Mike Beuler, K.anJlh fIiI. ' K1"ma,h F'IU Mm't T ,or Fort KUmath ; Larl Se.Rel, Malin j H. R. Bowman, Bonanza Mrs. A n x:n n .. ' , - ""i, reucan ILiJy - Harley Jack.on, Chiloquin . '0.000 10,000 10,000 VOTES NOMINATION BLANK Dmte BOXING Scandinavian Hall Main Event 10 ROUNDS 23,400 11,350 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 nominate IMS. (OJre full aame of Ca.dld.tej ".' ' Pboe.... Wstrict No Street Town dominated br Address Cot OUt this " ' "'. """ News, with yr na. . .... "" ' f Department. Tha , of peo. n., " .7". of . W.m, - -o-nation set h 000 " " Z ,0 ohjeclonub,, m.n,n; rcryed 25-VOTING C0UP0N-2'. ' Oool for 23 Vol, i, . r'fcS 1o,b' " "'" or mailed i- - - ou .,r bcftro .,,.. SAMMY OLSON TL. r i ...c eurg highting Swede A hero of many hard fought battles VS. K0CC0 STRAMAGLIA r e vs. V n ' who creted lot of trouble for Jack Demp.ey, at Great Fall.. Montana, and three round, hW mnA My 2.1, 102.-,, Xante Street 7:00 P- m. DK- Xoel came throiiuh with J'ls customary bliurlo yesterday. was frothlns; at the mouth ""cause Mohler wouldn't let the HLnstaa hit Via out his way. "if ejr had I da been the hero of .e game" Dos .j. BelOTej,M,. Town District No ThU Connoa m ,i rouni 2S "rreo tn rv.H . worn Drnnn... ... . a UrBont. The Klamath i ' 00t do. . - iaiBiwi. . . " on or k .. Vote, when propc',1," Six Rounds Joe Coffman of Portland VS. Jack Crim of Klamath Falls Four Rounds W. Harrington VS. Young Felix Klamath Fall, wA Curtain Raiwr, 4 Round. Tuesday, May 10 t seats $3.30 Reerved seats ... 2.20 General Adm. 6S Seats on sale at: M U.Unrf Pastime, The Smoke Under Auspices ' Klamath Falls Boxing Commission J. E. Patterson, Promoter