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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1925)
KLAMATHNEWS- AGENCY . A,iKM-Y. I'""4 'LI;, ih. f.-rn-" .r-ii.T--'1"' ! F4l. M.n.t-.)r "'"I Mr .., again "" 'lf,ln th- Ir- '"-rn- j tlir .."..." .... Vr.-,! It M.lffilt : .. trills Thuisday. J,' Johnson ' K,"- Un Herbert i " to nt't'r I" Portland. S.iturtluy niorn- Jollry utMwn.n '" n rrnniimny Ihrm, ,, far a. lloschurg . L.,1 A itaaer ,H ur. . Kl.mith Falls Thursday. t,r iitraara n.. nuh appointea ,4 lukrr d.-lcir,at in .I'win of I" southern Ore- of Woman's Hubs. , Knur III"' April :r. I Tutno-nil received of. 'Iff from Washington, l , inn.f.-r to trj.v..iiK d.nMl inspector. II" . ii j f.-w (l..v. for new t Cmii. Inin"'"r for the -I!, t.ti.l Kiailltilh Al!'fl- ir Ji.hBS-.n-ll'-Nt for Umrw-r I2M ,r rrvcral days last wink In the In i rial "f fix Klauinlh kuardlnr , )l M.I. Mr. and Mm. Marlon Holier .nil children lntore, I.) Medford t.rr the. weekend last Halurday. Mm. K. A Maker returned (nun H..ue tllvrr. Or Kunday, where un. aiU'n.l.'d lb i-onvenilon of Hi rtouthern Ores; n Frd.ratlin of Wo man's . lu'n a a delegate from tlx Ktaiua.h Agency club. Vr and Mr. I) I,. M'Coy have tlii'lr (Ural Mr. McCoy's mother J It. Lewis, of Wiliillla. lire. Mr. and W FHnn a re- iil iiK al I ! home if Mr un.l Mm I) I. McCoy until Ih.'y are aoxlKn rd other quarters. Kllnn waa re c.nlly transferred her aa a scaler from Warm rlprlnics, fire. Mr and Mr. W. II Zeh and Mr. and Mr. T '. John. on and il.nlhliT went on an out Inn trip Hun.lny and brouxht bark with thrm a number nf plant to put In thr park at AK.-nry pr!n A niimher of people are taking treat Inlcri.l In plarlnc wild flower., ahrnl.a and ! tree, at thin plara in add tn Ita nat ural beauty. Thla park la to be drill, atrd on Mother Hay, May , at a ve.pi-r xrtlre tn he held at the aprlnn at f:30 p. th. He ll.-ni, Wel.a will rtudurt till, kefvlre All who ran and are Intree.ted are reiurai d tn plant . ime a .1 1 tu lili- tllltlK. there I efore the lime of deittrmion Mr. I.iilu Jnhna in and Mr. J V Allun wint to KUmatli Full. Saturday Mr nn.l Vr. Hairy K Ui.l.liin ere In Kl.un.ilh KK Monil.v af IrriiiMin K. A linker a:nl Vlloll Wiley. Jr. drove to Klarniith Fall. Hunituy ufterooon. an were nrroinpanled home hy Mr. K. Tak. r. who hnj been to Itngue Klver over the werk-end. Tnilav. April 28. l!2r. News in Pictures W action boy scoots go BY FIRE DEPT. TO LAVA BEDS Page Fiv lit tst Itiml.rr lit it fair Trut is w h;il yuii can f t 'if us. We il. livtT as iriim;.... UV si-ll al tin M coriMs'.fiitly fair fitf- liqu.rc' alitint our clr- abilily. lakeside Lumber Company Fortcr Construction Co. i Mnkes Big Shipment , l.nuU K 1'nrffr ('(iiisi ru ( inn to in jit n v. rt-protfiiiat Ivp in this rutnry fur th. In I t-r lock Iiir t.tli-. i fhli'plnc l!t r.irlcr.ids nf t ta - in :i t l-i I 1 ! i i Alrnm.i 1. iiriibt r rnni.;iny tn !'. unt il In ! !n.-!iil!a' inn f a fin- in y dry kiln Mr. T'.trN-r nay Tiai tn- lfHikft fr work In t rt-n- , Htrihtlnri liunitiiH). fnr i!ir m-xt Ihr' yearn In Ih tlx sri'iin-xt In thu hlx tnry n th" trudr In thin H't'tiuii ut tlw romitry. i AnlN ipat'HK thU Inrrraup In tuinl-' nt'-'H l h lcrtr Cnntt rvn I inn mm- 1 p.tny fiilarK'Ml irH ami i'juiimint to Iaki raro (if Un trade. ' M. N-ITK tirrKltlfKIX K-n Kfntr Ml Unrnln Hi. Actnrihni; to n Nw York pliyHl flan inmiv uiitniiinluN drivt-rrt tlt- flop ii new form of foot t roiil-l , ill rnu, ;h tin ti of the prdals on. thrlr run that In Kinif vw hn prodix't d ai l ual ilcforinttit h. FI11E MD NO INSURANCE ''"" '"'I ra.rrv for the fi-. U In,-, lt, li,,,,,, r nuy i' rr"l"Tly by lire mi, lum P-'Oi-liie. ,v am, VOI It. Are ),i lovenil? If " b.ll.r .all i ,. "OMYER & MOMYER INSURANCE CO. 'I'U llulbllnB SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS Afe Now Open. Stric,y up-to-Date. KJm From $6.00 Up. Sheel 1 Metal s?,C-? to order fj : Vv z. I A l u HAINES THE FURNACE MAN 1023 Main Phone 323 1KIMaftMATII VU HTAijk ""-""'nis-Dally Trlpa XTltAI, AUTO HKItVICK Z-7"' IMinnc ntlt-W M,ulr,("r'"'" M,l, t.uarantoed. K'SK RAM,A,.L """-n Ht. ,.,, a.w J ""l.hSMITH C""m Tailor "Wnt-r. Rb,K. U, $70.01. CALL ON THE OLD RELIABLE WITH YOUR HOUSE WIRING PROBLELMS. PHONE 171 Bill Butler Mgr. I). A. U. Convention Is Opened 'vrJiiaai.'.-.f' Miw r-inviA i.EJTTEKi; j- Ar cook. 1 he iliiny lounh d iicr.-n ut tne laugnt. r of the An-'-ru-an H'-vo rutlon ha ai.n-iuhie.1 in Wa-liii.K'on. I). C. .Mr.. Antnony Wayn- tctk. preM.leul Ken. ral ol thn liauirhlera. I fhnwn b'-r wi'li M'. Kuaenia Lelu. ne. daughter of Major (ieneral l,ejU';iie. couuiauder of the Umtid tuui Corps, uer peraonaj pa .a. NEWS SPOTLIGHT CENTERS ON THESE FIGURES. ricbMi-rtm , mm- AW m jr v - .i- W L ' 3 L: I fr-- ? ,j rT I - r A. . .e New Safety First at Sea Radio af? jaeVjaut. mje Photo ihowt DonlU CaaUeernDd as ah itirnals to the bridge of the a B Orbit to lower ewy and the Orbita. radloquipped lifeboat takei to the water. ThU lifeboat l the flret of Iti kind and li a new ienarture In eafety flr at tea. There l specially trained crew to Seeja the portable radio which. In cae of accident to the steamer. yoiJd al aU times be able to maintain communication with rescue ehlpt, . S. FIRE Quirk ai'.lcn by the local fire company about 1 1 : 20 Sunday niKht saved the Klumath hlKh arhool hulldlnit from a .erlniu ror.fUxra tion. The hlaie iiir'ffl In the chemls. try laboratory on the second floor. ; probably from some Inflanilble mix ture that had been rarelessty left exposed. MUm Hetty Mueller who lives on Third atreet near Waah- Portyeven Ikiy SiouH and their parents comprised a caravan of automobile In an all day trip to Ibe !-ava beds Sunday. The Klam ath Kalis croup was Joined ky the Merrill Hoy Hcouta under Scont maiiter KroKKins. J. II. Howard of Klamath Falls, who spent several years In the Lava bed and who found and sur veyed about T2S raves in that reg ion acted as special guide and In structor on the trip. He explained in a very interentlng manner the ilngron. flrn noticed the smoke form"on" ,ne """s Fol j emerging from the building and "" """"""''s and lb laby- but for ber prompt railing of Chief rlDth- ; Ambrose. Klamath county would j Tnt trip waa ODe of the most have a charred and blackened ruin Interesting, entertaining and educa J where the school building now tional of any taken by the scouts 'stands. this season. As the ,eason progres j I'pnn arrival of the department mre trips of a similar con i the flames bad eaten through the structlve nature will be taken over ' second floor and embers were drop-1 the week-ends. In which Cecil A. i ping through to the first floor. NotCoolt. newly appointed scout execu lover 15 minutes were required to 1 tlve ,or Klamath Falls and Med ! put the fire entirely out. but the '" l" direct and Instruct the heat waa becoming so Intense that scouts in scout and woodcraft, .the whole Interior of the laboratory! ! would have burst into flames in but a few momerfts according to the chief. I Chief Ambrose narrowly escaped 'serious injury when he dropped through a hole wlure the fire had jeamen away thetsupporta to a sec i Hon of the second floor. He es caped with a few scratches and a bruised hand. I The regular classes at the high school were not Interrupted yetrter- day although a temporary head quarters for the chemistry class ' will have to be provided unt jl ex t tensive repairs can be made to the burned laboratory. Poor Eyesight la a drsln npon your nerves your health, and your dis position. Why suffer when the reme-ly lies in correctly fitted glaiiea. Ask any wearer of glanso. Our examination of the eyes is Tery complete. We have unil uar the later innlru niraia known to the optliuJ st'lrtwe. DR. GOBLE TOO Mala Street (I'lasaee Frames) Ground Repaired Eyes Examined QUICK SERVICE Klamath Cattlemen Pleased At Cattle Ban Modifications HEAT DEVELOPS IN COUNCIL ON BOS FRANCHISE i I (Continued From PaRe One) Many rattle and sheep men of the Klamath country expressed themselve syesterday as ' plea.ed I with the action of the Oregon state livestock sanitary board In modifying the ban on California livestock coming Into Oregon on ac count of the disastrous possibilities of the hoof and month disease. Thousands of cattle which were sent from the Klamath country Into California for wintering may be reshipped with little difficulty back north now, by obtaining a special permit from the state board and by complying with rigid sanitary regulations on freight cars as the livestock is enroute. ATTENTION" :VNIF.IUCAX I.F.tilOX Executive meeting tonight. All members invited. FRANCIS OLbS, Commander. A18 , ... fCSe-V Let Us Do Your Washing! French Hand Laundry can handle your family washing best. We make this a spec ialty and are equipped to give you unexcelled service. We are hard on dirt but not on clothes. The finest pieces are washed cleanly and safely by us. Let us call! The French Hand Laundry WE EMPLOY OXI.Y IXIOX HELP 127 So. 4th St., Phone 41MJ-H SZl'GKCVER C.BEESDOVV WCR. JOlSr-aW. Mrs :-nta Durfee Arbuckle. who stuck to Koscoe "ha... k u in. Ter famous screen comedian was ou trial it. hai. Ha.n.a.o when tlie f' f 'amous w n() Bl,,mert. mediately from baseball. j posed to take any definite action Ion the matter last night considering; I the new turn events had taken, but It was finally agreed that a special 1 meeting would be held between 1 Young and tiie councilmen tonight, i A letter was read from the Mer-: 'chants' Bureau stating that the or-( , Ionization did not tavor the es-, .tablishment of any gasoline filling I stations on Main between Third and j Eleventh. Some reference was made 'to the granting of a permit to the I Shell Oil company hy the council, i last night. Councilman Roberts ', 'named over all the merchants who' .attended the meeting which was! responsible for the above action. J All but one of fTtse merchants had 'stores located two or three blocks J from the corner of Eighth and ; Main, Roberts said, and the facts were that all the nearby property! j owners but the one had signed a I petition favorable to the Shell Oil ; I company. The matter was then; dropped. I ! Some of the councilmen asked ! I the mayor to appoint M. L. Oben- chain as official paving inspector to work with the city engineer on the enforcement of specifications on the new paring Jobs coming up. The mayor said he couldn't see any need for haste and he wanted to know who all might be applicants for the Job. V-rvIv tat A "- .; ri ! r'- ?7ft''' E CLAUD H. DAVIS, FURNITURE .-Makers. !UI Rodeo Proposition Will Be Favorably Recommended Today The chamber of commerce com mittee appointed to study the Ro deo question, met at the chamber rooms yesterday afternoon and their findings favorable to purchasing the rodeo by a stoclT company to he organized here will be presented to the directors of the chamber at their noon meeting today. I). E. Alexander of the Rock Creckj ranch was present at the meeting and stated that he would give the rodeo his active support and saw no reason why It could not be made a most successful af- i fair and a credit to the Klamath ! country. Those present were: Wm. In.ilton, Joe McDonald, J. J. Mil ler, H. A. Jewctt, R. E. Bradbury, Ciene Henry, R. E. Deweese, Fred Houston, D. E. Alexander, K. Sug arman. and Jas. Swanson. A paper wnere all the people hare opportunity to express themselves If they desire that's The Klamath New. ., Common Sense Will tell you the more and smaller the voids in hollow tile walls The More Insulation You Get SPECIFY AND DEMAND Six Cell Columbia Square Tile Six Cell Interlocking Tile fteWWWNAAAAWWWWW Porter Construction Company Agents Phone 13 Klamath and Market