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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1963)
Civil Rights Drive Backed By Protestant Resolution I HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Oregon Thurulay. December J. 19M PAGE- JA Death Threat Written By Victim PHILADELPHIA 'ITU -Protestant church leaders from all parts of the nation moved today to muster public support (or a discharge petition to pry the administration's ciil rights bill out o( the House Rules Committee. A resolution urging millions o church members to write to their congressman, supporting the discharge petition, was pre sented to the General Assembly of tlie National Council of Churches for adoption this morning. The resolution, endorsed in advance by assembly leaders from major Protestant denomi nations, voiced strong support for prompt passage n( the stalled civil rights bill, and bade church members to apply all possible public pressure to members of Congress to insure its speedy enactment. It specifically endorsed the discharge petition which re quires the signature of 218 House members to bring the bill to the lloor without a go ahead from the traffic-imp rules committee. Bishop liucben H. Mueller, Indianapolis. Ind.. took over as president of the National Coun cil today with a pledge to "make more prominent'' in the group's activities "the basic purpose of the Christian faith." Bishop Mueller, (ifi, an Evan gelical Protestant, indicated he wants churches to put more emphasis on their basic misMnn of "bringing people into encnun- I ter with the living God." He added that there should be no "subtracting'' from any of the council's past concerns for social issues. He said he plans lu "continue and inten sify" the work of the National Council's Commission on Reli gion and Race, which is seek ing t involve church members actively in the fight for racial justice. Bishop Mueller was elected President Wednesday night at tlie group's triennial General Assembly here to succeed J. Ir win Miller, of Columbus, lnd., wealthy industrialist and the first layman to head the council. The new president, who is senior bishop of tile Evangelical United Brethren Church iEL'B', will serve a three-vear term as chief spokesman for the Nation al Council, which represents .11 I major Protestant and Orthodox denominations with 40 million members. HOLLYWOOD I'Pl 1 Detec- I scotch tape used on one of the 1-J ,U, I..-.... L . . ! ,, n tl, v;nU lives, pUUlrU Uldl IVdi II iwjr- uiu3 aiiu luc wir. na mic iiit cinet would write death threats to herself, today looked for new leads in the strangling death of the beautiful actress. Investigators proved Wediies- day that at least one of seven threats pasted together with tape Irom words clipped out of magazines and newspapers was put together by Miss Kupcinet. The partially incoherent mes sages were to both the starlet and her former steady boy friend, television actor Andrew Pnne of the "Wide Country" se ries. He turned over the seven messages he received several months ago to Lt. George Walsh, of tlie sheriff's di-part-menl. "Our identification rcction personnel said they have posi tive identification of a finger print on the bottom side ol. the Average life c.ectancy of a child born in the U.S. is more than years. middle finger of Karyn Kupci net." Walsh said. "She at least made up the one note." He said a number of maga zines were found in the ac tress' apartment which had words clipped from them. He said he had no idea what her motive may have been other than hope the messages may have kept Prine from breaking off their romance. WEISFIELP'S A A SAVE.. ly , no NOW. Preview SALE of J$ Christmas GIFTS Foreign Aid Agreement Seems Near WASHINGTON ilTI - Sen ale and House negotiators hoped that another closed-door session today would finally bring agreement on a crmpro mise version of the long-slal'ed foreign aid bill. Still to be resolved in the measure were money dif ferences voted by the House and the $3.7 billion Senate version. Little trouble was expected on that score. President Kennedy originally had asked for $4.5 billion to finance another year of economic, military and tech nical assistance abroad. The conference group reached agreement Wednesday on a number of minor non-money provisions. But still to be settled was the question of restoring the President's authority to giant "most favored nation" trade treatment to Communist Poland and Yugoslavia. The Senate bill would restore the authority which was re moved by the 12 Foreign Trade Act; the House bill did not contain the provision. Other Congressional news: Taes:The Senate Finance Committee may get an advance look at President Johnson's bud get for fiscal 15 to help speed up action on the $11 billion-tax cut bin. The lengthy public hearings on the House - passed bill are expected to end Mon day. Then the committee plans executive sessions to vote on between 23 and 30 pending amendments. Baker: The Senate Rules Com mittee resumes its investiga tion of the' outsidc activities" of former Senate Democratic Secretary Robert G. tBcbbyi Baker Friday. The witness list made public by Committee Chairman B. Everett .Jordan. D-N. C. suggests that .most ef rtie tetimrny to be taken be hind closed doers will center rn Baker's vending machine enterprises. New Name Drawing Opposition CAPE KENNEDY LTI' -President Johnson's switch a week ago from the ISO-year-old name of Cane Canaveral for the nation's spaceport to Cape Ken nedy is drawing opposition. Two nearby communities al ready have gone on record against the surprise Thanksgiv ing Day decree in memory of the late President and petitions are circulating among area workers nppofins the move. Opponents endorse the re naming of the space center it self but the resistance develops in the abandonment of the geo graphical name of Cape Canav eral. President Johnson's order re named the huge space complex fie John F. Kennedy Space Cen ter and also erased the name Canaveral from the triangular expanse of sand that juts into (lie Atlantic from Florida's oth erwise smooth Atlantic coat- CIGARETTE LIGHTERS By a Distinguished Name In The Jewelry Field! Your Choice Only 6 95 1.00 month Featuring petite, regular large size and table lighter in gai and butane Styles. Here lady's Pe titewhtle finished metal lighter. -BUTANE MODELS FROM 1 5.95 3T sjl ote It I Wnerson frill i it-PortibltTV --1 f : IX M?5 Sq. In. Vltwlblt rei IB" TRUE LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE Full Power Super Distance Chassis Automatic Amplified Gain Control Scratch-proof bonded glass safety lens Front projected FM sound Illuminated channel indicator Personal listening jack Hideaway telescopic antenna Two-tone decorator cabinet. PAY ONLY 10.00 A MONTH It's completely new... completely different CAROUSEL ROTISSERIE BROILER JjtL yfyfS Vertical rotary f& Vrv yliVei brollinR (five jjf new and exciting rotliwerie flavor CHICKN . . Month mam ilk tfcii f- jKv. Takes fess counter spact than a dinner plait! uMt, ttty to dt brolr. No tta-.tma. ntctiifry. Coo hi rwic 41 (lit 41 onvntnl evn. ttif (0 load mtl fceldi furktyi. "!, lotood. l ib. remit X two l-lb. chick.. Hii porM motor, itv- Itll tt1 tp'l, pOlrt"d llli" fin or, wrt t i 1 1 " d boo Utt of rtcipui ind imhwc t.oi. IMIlMtHAJCHIft. ATYACMtiENT I SUilfKeVcMl mm iiifl I noAiTs 6" "0 Mirtb 'Z' iumicau. CaOUIIL OTrtilttl HAND-CARVED CUCKOO, CLOCK pay only W ffTl 1.00 month A touch of the Old World to brighten your hours. Made in the heart of the Black Forest. Cuckoos on the half and full hour while melodious gong strikes. A'v-9jvitiii.r-' i a. v mm t-LLj 1 1 ' Lovely New WALLACE STAINLESS STEEL 50-PC. FLATWARE COMPLETE SERVICE FOR EIGHT Self-adUiting. Fully guoronieed ogomst detects. luxuriously Styled ndswept 4 NO MONEY DOWN... FIRST PAYMENT JANUARY 1964 OPEN UNTIL 9:00 O'CLOCK FRIDAY NITE famous Make Watth at a Special low Prke MAN'S SELF-WINDING 7-JE WEI WATERPROOF SHOCKPROOF "LaSalle' RUGGED WRIST WATCH by WESTCIOX Sweep second hod Luminous dial Attractively gift boied LIMITED TIME OFFER! lf con wnopontd, cryiol intod N E WW "DROWSE" ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK pay only COMPLETE (0)99 M 1.00 month Mirror finished knives have serrated blades. Sot carries Lifetime Guorontoe won't rust, tarnish or corrode, lovely with any letting. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: 8 each Vnivoi, oval soup spoons, forks and solad forks 2 each tablespoons 16 teaspoons .v w-V: .'' ;-w :vyy "'"-i.;- .igjt.Ms: Rugged 7-Inch ELECTRIC POWER SAW air adjust! 88 Only J QO) I yw 'ct 5 or 10 minutes extra sleep ji J? JJ B iim "w stf " " wao you again, in moaern new mfSk mv a KtSX luminous dial (1 mon.h k-t , s i V C 4 . v. JL w , w -t. 1 B WITH EXTIRNALIY ADJUSTED SLIP CLUTCH POOD 2.00 month Powerful 5000 RPM, l2 H.P. Relractable Blade Guard Heavy Duty Sole Plate Free Calibrated Rip Guide Adjusting Cutting Depth and Bevels Balanced (or easy handling .Polished aluminum housing Heavy-duty 3-eonduetor Power Cord NEW! Tremendous EXTRA Value m Westinghouse SPRINKLE-STEAM 'N DRY IRON Uses plain tap water Sprinkles even when dry ironing Single fingertip dial control Full range all-fabric settings WITH A WELMAID TEFLON IRONING BOARD PAD AND cover sn -8g all ru ONLY I .I J tv7 PAY ONIV 1.00 MONTH PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Complefe wifh carrying cos 95 roODUCCD IY THE MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS BOLEX CAMERAS Wtiiht tm thin ft Ibl. All Mrlll Cvnttrutliin L'lhl Ttucli lr Uflilirm Tfft Imirtmin Thtff.pitititn Ribbon Ffttu'l lir Drawing Ptncil Linn TERMS AS LOW AS SS A MONTH Reg. $53.75 NOW NOW! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TAKE AND SHOW PERFECT PICTURES BELL & .HOWELL szooivi a n Doii oTnaorT AUTOLOAD n rt r, " ucr " i t J rTTfiTrhTTiTTi , livD I'TTrff i) j f; rj ? p nfr j q n ) n n j, NIWI IT'S TH1 MOVIE OUTFIT I ZD f Retistered Trtdtmirtt tor DUP0NT Fluor ocirDoo Rtsin fits oil 54" ironing boards Scorch-resistant eliminates sticking Easier gliding for foster ironing Elastic edrjr for snug-fit Model HS-50 I 0 ' REMINGTON Roll-A-Matic 25 Shaver The Quality Man's Shaver-Cleanly Worth The Difference MORE MEN USE ffl ff Q Ci A REMINGTON II onAVLK inAn EI U e ANY OTHER only H KJ MAKE! Roller Combs adjust roll skin down, whiskers up uper honed cutlers deliver fast, clean shaves Six rows igh carbon steel cutters stay sharp Features comfort ble new cushion grip Handsomely yours in dresser- traveler case SUPER-POWERED MOTOR Smaller, lighter with more whiiker-cutling power. No pull! No drag! No burnl NEW REMINGTON SELF-POWERED a el 7 Werlrf't fiftt t4 Olr &l.Pown,t(t, obln Sof - Pownr nnnriplf. A Cord- . Shovnr . . . Cord She, All In 0l "T" I I Sad? PAY ONLY 25 88 I BEAUTY SHAVER Only lerftvt' Svjvef Wtlh 9mt Comb AdiuitoMo for log or Undtforms. PAY ONLY mmJ A SCirfOWIItID Shov wrtKov c'd on radSor9 b( "'gr colli. t IICHAIOIAItl U twoon ihrjvM it rchof9 irt or out of its fttiod tost). 1388 Lovely New TRAVEL CASE In Stunning Boudoir Styling A "moit ' lor oveHy oa wontt ft looli hor botl' Oontlt, qui end otficiont . . with nav on off iwtch. Chooio yeun in orchid, blw or oold color) Buy on Easy Terms - Up to 2 Years to Pay! WE ISFI ELD'S 635 MAIN Open Friday Night 'til 9 PM IT AUTOLOAD A WONDERFUL FAMILY GIFT ONLY 199 PLUS THESE VALUABLE ACCESSORIES ill fc HowtLL uninioel sill i howiil nitai HIP ILL 1 HOWIIL TlTll tIT HU k H0WILI Oeil ILIIN fw on cotTine comiot ill t mowili oa n. iiil 5S I jsr i-Jr-n SHOOT SHOW PAY AS LITTLE AS 500 A WEEK BELL AND HOWELL CAMERA Lood thil nw Autoload cartridge camera in licondil View directly through the lent. What you lee, you oetl Full-lime Electric Eye lett the lent automatically. Zoom In . . . loom out tor the moil dramatic movie ef'ecti. BELL & HOWELL PROJECTOR load I automatically in 3 tecondi flotl Nothing for you to do. but lit and wolch the ihow. Foit f1,6 lent pro tcH ihorper meviei. Forward, itilt ord reverte on o tingle lever. Full harV-kovr iKewtl TITLE FUN 'A HAND MIXER MIXM ASTER A Powerful, Versatile Mixer Desined (or Today's Modern Needs! 0 I I 0 B 99 Yl m month I D -j 1 Has All Settings Necessary to Fold, Blend, Stir, Mix, Beat or Whip you pay only uilmn hiiino CHAftT-fthftwt proper apeeH IkfttinK to FOLD, BLIND. tTIR, MIX, BRAT. Of WMir. THuae-Tie into coNTtot u my 10 te. tuy to uae. eurct tjicToe-letj gnu hold mixer and tIm hvatm automatioilly. No mwy ftngm, no tuirinf. uaoe ruii Mii eurtn-rve lartw miiin ar. pmduce belter rmulu in leaa lime. miii ent-prevunt wobhling fcar Sunbeam ready lor action while etMint. inrrermnu. Sunbeam Deluxe Automatic Mixmaster Mixer Rotary Mix-Finder dial (or oil-speed mixing pay only Use os portable mixer oway from stand In- Ml eludes lorge ond small mixing bowls Aulo- eX Vr Ve malic bowl-speed control Choice of colon ttegeT or whitel si I