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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1963)
if - ,- . s .. ',(3. C'V K. ft Holiday Time Means Turkey Carving Time And This May Mean Trouble NEW YORK l PI '-The (owl secrel's out. Hie day to succeed at carv ing the holiday turkey invohes a three-pronged approach. Stand up to the chore with confidence and-or nonchalance. Brandish a sharp knife and lick your chops. Sever mind all the oiikial directions. Just reinforce before hand ith one, Wo or three cocktails. But be careful, very careful, that the bird doesn't give you Street Number Maze Fails To Interrupt Mail Service TOKYO UP! Grab a citi homes and the mail arrives on; in this ancient city and odds are, (schedule twice every day, seven if it's far you're going, you'll end Idays a week (unless, ( course.) up at a police station. I your mailman is new and he's Not for a complaint, but for in-as contused as you. WHAT'S AHEAD Jack Matthias Jr., 2, seems a bit confused as he looks around the corner of the linar Inde pendence after the ship docked last week. And his faith ful Basset hound "Ralph" doesn't look like he is going to be much help. Everything was squared away and young Jack, who is the son of Lt. Cmdr, Jack Matthias, continued en route to Norfolk, Va. His father had just completed a three-year hitch in Naples. formation The streets have no names, the houses no numbers and thousands of policemen do nothing but sit in bandbox neigh borhood stations telling people how to go where they're going, i Now, with the coming of the 19M Olympic games and thou-' sands of foreign tourists, the city Consider the case of "Mrs, U.S. Doe." Her address is typical: Setagaya-Ku Kttauwa 3-Chomf ZM Tokyo, Janas When Mrs. Doe gets mail from stateside, the sorter at the main Tokyo post office notes that she lives in Setagava, one of the 22 has begun to tack up some streetadministiative districts of Tokyo. Wei Diapers, Splashed Food All In Day's Work By CAY PAULEY UPI Women's Kditor NEW YORK i UPI i - A baby doesn't have to be pretty to he a good camera subject but it helps, says a woman who has turned her camera on thousands of tots. "We love characters. ..outgo ing personalities," said Doris Pinney. "And of course it helps if the child is pretty." Mrs. Pinney. a handsome blonde of Norwegian ancestry, said she can tell much about the personality of baby by the w ay mother w alks into the studio with it. If mother slips in meekly, you can bet the child is the shy type who'll hide his fnce in his mother's shoulder, she aid. If mom bounces in. you can bet the offspring will be outgoing too.- Mrs. Pinney, mother of three past the toddler stage, has been "shooting" babies mostly for commercial photography (or IB years. She's been the victim of leaky diapers, been splashed thoroughly by babies in bath, been smeared w ith baby food "You just name it." she laughed. Line of Duty "All in the line of duty," she said, "but I love em." "Babies." she added, "are used to sell everything. Kxcept liquor, I guess." The day I talked with her she had just returned from shooting triplets belonging to a Levittown. X. Y., couple for a food advertiser. "Did you ever see a year in which there are so many mul tiple births." she asked. "I'm doing twins for everything." Part of her standard equip ment for photographing babies in the bath is an apron cover ing her from the nerk rimin. plus special shoes for protection because she is working with electrical equipment. Short Sessions A camera session with a baby rarely runs longer than an hour, she said, because a tot tires readily from all the atten tion. "And I never tell the moihpr to get Inst. ..just to get somewhere out of camera range." she said. "If the baby suddenly mi.-.-rs mother, that's the end of that camera ses sion." Mrs. Pinney was horn ill Brooklyn, the daughter of Arnt ami Vera Rartelscn. originally from Norway. Her lather is an enuinoer-inventor and holds sev eral citations Irom the U. S. Navy. Her mother is an artist and Mrs. Pinney studied at the Plait Institute. Brooklyn. Doris Pinney began taking pictures of babies because her husband. Hoy. a photographer also, didn't like working with tnis. she said. She figures lhat In the 16 years she's been pho tographing thorn, the total now is in the thousand". Her subjects come Irom mod eima agencies, from friends who spot likely candidates, and from her own scouting. "I'll stop a mother in a supermarket " she said, "and te!I her I'd like to y.Hi know that the first American greeting card as sent h It .1 Pca-e of Albany. New York, in IR51. Pease, a dry goods merchant, designed, print ed and mailed a Christmas raid which aUo served as an adver tisement. An original of this card is now boiiwd in the Bus' Craft Antique (.lectir: laid Collection. photograph her child. And don't pay me. I'll pay you." Helpful Neighbor "My nest door neighbor has 14 children, so there's a good supply of subjects right there," she laughed. The Pmneys, with their three ehiMren ages 12, 15 and 16, live at Larchmont, a New York City suburb. To parents who want to make albums of their own children, the professional photographer offered these suggestions: Be set up and ready. That is, give the child a place where he or she is content to be... the den, the nursery for instance. Photograph the child when he's there on his own. Keep the background simple. Remember to get seasonal settings "a child playing in a pile of leaves this fall, for instance." Get action into the picture if you can. "I've photographed my own girl shamoing her hair." said Mrs. Pinney. "Not all pictures are meant to he hung, you know." signs something it hasn't done for the last 130 years. During the occupation era, the United Statas Army tried to get the Japanese to get the hang of the American way. They named a few streets and put up some signs. But along Tokyo's notoriously crooked streets today at least i one intersects with itself1, the Army's weather beaten yellow He sends the letter to the Set- agaya post office. The letter goes on to one of the neighborhood post offices in Kit azawa, Japanese towns are brok-i en up into (homes or postal districts and Mrs. Doe happens! to live in 3-Chome. In 3-Chome, the houses do have numbers, but there is no system to it. The houses are numbered roughly in the order in which they the slip and flop to the flmr while you're attempting to ex tract neat chunks of dark and white meat for all looking on. The direct ioni lor this ap proach to carving are based on a poll of writers who hail from Main Streets across tlie land and work at present for United Press International in New York. Cutting the bird, it as found, is man's work more otten than woman's. Only one out of live surveyed indicated that the wile carves. Most males who shoulder the cutting job said tliey learned eitlicr from their dads or by trial and error. "Kat Out" When there's more error than twrrclness in the trial, here's a universal recommendation: "Eat out or have a television dinner." The ultra-cautious or bashful types, it was suggested, proba bly find confidence bolstered by carving the turkey in tlie kitchen the sorry sight not to be seen by those partake of the feast. Cooking tlie turkey, according to survey results, still pretty much is woman's work. But some women run aloul of the basics. One husband reported that his wife scored zero a recent Thanksgiving by baking neck and other odd parts with the turkey in the plastic bag in which they were encased In amner to tlie question "How do you farve the tur key? "respondents sad; "Hack, hack, hack." " With a knife." "Ijel the knile follow the Ihie of least resistance." "Thigh bone fust, then drum stick separated. Tlien white meat " "Kirst take three martinis and a sharp kraie. Tlicn, try a fourth martini." "With determination " Stage !resenre "tie! razor sharp kfflle. Make sure to hold bird steady. Stage presence covers great many mistakes. Conversely, a little absentminded knile waving will silence most noisy guests." Those surveyed also were asked tlieir reaction to all the carving directions recommend ed by "pros." Answers; "They're for the birds." "Nonsense." "Tses't recommend reading too many directions. You'll lind yourself in 'grey' area of con flicting information, self-dub!." "Phoney." Keep your eye on tlie bird at all times. One carver lost his turkev when he turned his back. Tiie family dog trotted oil with ! bud in jaws. Also, plan aliead. U re spondent, who described him self as " the world greatest bud watcher," said his kride, for tlie lust big dinner party, chose Thanksgiving. The bridegroom, meanwlule, look pulses here and (here oa how to carve. He had the bird m hand, directions ia irucd, but when he reached for the carving tools, he drew a blank. Wile st husband forgot to ac quire earwig set. HERALD AM) .SKWS. Klamath Kall, Orcgua Thursday, November 3, a PACE U igns can still be seen. The Jap-iwere Built. At 3-Cnome 281, Mrs. are too polite to take themtDoe might find herself next door down and too indifferent to paint them. , i So far, about 50 streets have! been newly named and the gov ernment savs eventually everv street dow n to the humblest alley will be honored so. But it's going to take a while. The world's largest city is an Immense collection of what were once country towns before tne city overran them, much as Los Angeles swallowed up its orange to 3-Chome 301, instead of 22 or 2tiS. The letter carrier has memoriae the entire district and knout where everv number is. Learning Is Studied AUSTIN, Tex, lUPH W grove communities. About IS perpn Smirjs- i " Ur J0 ,n M. Theins. 26-vear-o ri: area looks a lot like downtown assistant professor of psychology i j o u j .. .. , at the university nl Texas, rs; aou. oiu uw. ........ hj irnin- na,,. in terms of streets. They still see things in terms of districts. The Tokvo system of locating yourself and writing your ad dress is a quaint hand-me-down from medieval Japan and, wnen a friend gives you his address it's only an approximate guide to his house. Nevertheless, the department Theios is attempting to develop a systematic theory of how learn ing takes place, especially the type of learning known as con-; ditinning, ; To get to tiis theory, he is em ploying mathematics models. He: says math is increasingly impor tant in experimental psychology, stores deliver packages to Tokyo ,K" 'ms, ' " use memoes similar to tnose or the physicists. Part of his research involves 'finding out how animals can be conditioned to avoid unpleasant exierienees. Through this "avoid ance conditioning," research may turn tip answers to the human learning process. Did you know that the first "enveloped" greeting card was a Christmas card. Greeting cards were not placed in en velopes until Bust Craft Greeting Cards introduced the first "enveloped" Christmas card in in 1!KI6. She loves her husband but she loves ED, too! Make it Christmas every day of the year jPi FRIG I DAI RE give her a Ask Us To Introduce You to ED! tEtettfic Dishwsilier) Deluxe II IMS Throw wy ysur dithzl&tht "0uhmobH" wothu, scrubs san itises and drt all your dishes? R oils mnywhttt tohtt ttnif 24''x24 inches sf ipse, Bsanfi fut mopltwood tbtppm$ Meek lop. 9 Complfle, rto&y is prscm N tnttaHatisn cstft No txfras! Lowest Price Ever! FRIGlDAiRE MOBILE DISHWASHER $ TO No costly tnjto Motion juf plug it U fj J tn. RoMs onywhtre, fuMy automatic Jujf set it and srgc? it. B19 !u . , , hu4qtt prket See oil the new Frigida ires - today ot Vern Owens' tM W-OTi Cascade Home Furnishings 412 Main Ph. TU 4-134S Shop Early ...Mail Early USE 2pcodf TO SPIED YOUR CHRISTMAS MAIL 4- for Years. 11 4 Irs , T.r COndiJjcks, candy A?, c$arett and IrsysJ COmpcslM. ptttihgwi end mony tlhft iJems, Ardmore Volts 15.95 LEAF DISHES 7.9S to 12.95 SHELL iOWLS 5,f 5 7 ,9 S Many athor hely gW in Lennox Mne tbtna f torn 2,95 up. Klomoth'i Gloi, Silver anj China Htrocfquarfen! ALL GIFTS BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED FREE 522 Main Phm TU 4-4341 Stow T3 TP- z For th. Sportsman or th Mon Who Wotkl Out-ot-Daon DOWN VESTS Famous Comfy Brand Light, fret worm!! Sitet lor men or women. 15 '1 21 50 ICE SKATES tad 1395 Fur Cuff Insulated For the Girl Hol' Pries Only .... L .'.I T. ft it SKIING 5w.,., ft School & College SWEAT SHIRTS Styles, color, emblems for oH ftgionol schools ond colleges. "Tha Most" Monogrammed FREE! f Men Sixes 1395 CHILDREN'S ICE SKATES Priced A 95 From LAY THtM AWAY fOR CHSMSTMAS! Also Sc Hal Selsetion of Other Winter-Fun Sports Equipment! Sleds Toboggans Snow Shoes Thf! & - L Goose Decoys Gccse ond duck cofls Pocket Hond Wormrj HuntJng Coots (Red Hod) RifUt Shotgun Piitoli Rifle Seopei WHITE STAG And JANTZEN SKI WEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN! Stretch SM Pants 13.00 SM Jackets - 14.95 SM Sweaters , 13.95 Aflcr-SU loots uom 4.95 9 fat Is Mutt tawlsxJ Inulstj Juki )nitntr fin TnmJ HB Heedi 1 1 AWAY FO JVirA 0 Famsu G4H V Oatm ... Ammunition Shells Shotgun Cojci Sub Cleaning Kitj Copi Hots Gloves Defuxt Sleeping Sags j . a jot im r ij. iSfJiT S It 174S I MORE GIFT SUGGESTIONS FROM HAL! 5 LA Y-AW AYS INVITED 4 Free Gift Wrapping I 09 AcsH Outdoor. Lfft Back j Vnfems Iijeipjsefst BcUctbfl 5hsJ fttinf Shoi SPORT UAL Ph. TU 4-3569 SHOP 532 Main If EI