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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1963)
HKRALD AND XKW'S. Kl.m.,h F.H.. 0w Su.d.v. Nv,,b U. IMS PAC.E-Hi r ; 1 " ' i ------f "ff"V"jr:: i fm "I if .Jvv- ? ' ' " "' w "" " 'r " " Oswald Once Sent Threatening Note WASHINGTON' IT1 - Ix-e H. Oswald. amisi slayer of President Kennedy, om threat ened to "employ all means" lo rifcht a wrong he said had been done him in military serv ice. Oswald made the threat in a letter to Texas Gov. John R. formally Jr.. who was wounded when tlie President was killed. At the time he wrote the letter Oswald thought Connally still was secretary of the Navy. Actually, according to an ex change of letters made puhlic Saturday by the Pentagon. I'on nally had left the office of secre tary of the Navy. Oswald also apparently dated the letter wrung. It was dated Jan. :, but apparently was written Jan. 30, lata from Fort Worth. Texas. It referred to the fact that discharge from Hie Marine Corps. "1 shall employ all means In right this gross mistake or in justice to a bona fide IS citi zen and ex-serviceman," the letter said. Officer Left 3 Youngsters DALLAS 'IT1 - The other man killed by gunfire in Dallas Friday was a city policeman who left a wife and three chil drenand no life insurance. He was Patrolman J. D. Tin pi! t . Si. an 11-year veteran of the force. He was shut and killed Hying to apprehend the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy. SMART SANTAS SEE WALT BINGHAM . No iirrii In put drain on thr savlm (or rttrMtiiita Mhrn nu tan borrow nhat nu nrrd lrom Suburban. ( inr tn and n San la Wall lllniham rr how convenient il la lo Irl Miburtian help ? on play Santa. Borrow No. of Payment! Amount $100.00 12 mo $10.05 $300.00 18 mo $21.81 $500.00 24 mo $28.86 SUBURBAN FINANCE 3870 So. 6th. Ph. TU 4-7759 Town and Country Shopping Center RIDICULOUS PICKET Granted (he rights of freedom of speech in the United States of America, the country President Kennedy lived and died for, a picket marches in front of the White House Saturday while the body of the President lay in repose inside. When other people qathered around him, police rushed over and escbrted him away. . Kennedy Was Fourth President To Be Slain By I'nited Press International John F. Kennedy was the fourth president of the United Slates to die hy assassination. His death came 128 years a.'tcr the first attempt on a presi dent's life. Andrew Jackson was attend ing the state funeral of Hep. . Warren R. Davis of South Car olina on Jan. 10, 18.15, when a Washington house painter stepped from behind a pillar at the capitol and Fired two pistols at the President. The bullets missed. Thirty years later, John Wilkes Booth entered President Abraham Lincoln's box at Ford's Theatre April 19. I8fi5. and shot the Civil War leader in the back of the head. Lincoln died the next day. Only 16 years later. President J, mies A. Garfield died from a bullet in the back fired by a disappointed office seeker. Charles J. Guiteai Garfield was shot while walking through a Washington railroad station. President William McKinley. at the head of a reception line at the 1W1 Pan American Ex position at Buffalo. X.Y., was shot in the chest as he extend ed his hand to a visitor. Between Lincoln and Kenne dy, a number of presidents have been the target of assas sins. F,x-Prefident Theodore Roos evelt was wounded in Milwau kee during the 1012 election campaign when a .New York saloon keeper fired at him. President - elect Franklin I). Roosevelt narrowly escaped death when an assassin's bullet intended for him killed Chicago Mayor Anton J. Ccrmak in 19.13 in Florida. Presklent Harrv S. Truman watclied from a second story window of the Blair House in Washington in 11150 while po lice and Secret Service agents killed two Puerto Rican nation alists who sought their way into the mansion. Kennedy was the first presi dent tn be killed from a rifle bullet and while moving. Second Man Questioned DALLAS (UP! Police Satur day brought in for questioning Rodriguez Molina, who worked in the same building as ac cused assassin Lee Harvey Os wald from where an assassin's shots were fired. He wa not booked. He came voluntarily, police said. Molina and Oswald worked in (lie Texas Schoolbook Deposi tory Building where the sniper had holed up on the sixth floor Friday to fire the three shots. Police went to Molina's home Friday night without a search warrant and asked if they could look around. They found .noth ing, they said. Stocks Close NEW YORK 'I'Pli - The New York Stock Exchange will be closed Monday. Nov. 21, in observance of the death of President Kennedy. The American Stock Ex change said it will also lie closed on Monday in tribute lo the late President. Southern Portugal produces one-half of the world's cork sup ply. ' vapor brite turns grease into soap! Safe and easy. Nothing lo apply. Even the dirtiest ovens wipe clean in minutes. No rubber (loves. Vapor Bnle is absolutely sale and may be used even around household pels. 7f Bell's Price 7t .v.-.j .vapor; liip Pour hot water in the container i O Plate il in the oven lor 30 min. Then jusl wipe the even clean AGiFTfeMVHOLE exemam A Brand New COLOR or BLACK & WHITE! RCA VICTOR COLOR TV Home Entertainment Center -?6 TV 265 Sq. In. Picture 6 Speaker Stereo Sound 4 Speed Record Changer Deluxe 9 Tube AMFM Radio Our Price 795 With Trade l'X!7jfi' ' f II The GainsbormiRli 8 Q Mark 9 Snrlro H-H-IU-M Contemporary Lowboy Early American COMPACT CONSOLETTE 1 ll SrhnvU1) 'I hr SrhiM Irr tllil. Hitif q. In. plrlutf. To Sovt Spoct To Fit Your Dtcor To Please Your Budget 239" With Trade Charming conselctte in outhtntie Early Amtrican styling. Super powerful New Vista tuner, 265 sq. in. glare-proof pic ture, two keyed tuning controls, block and white also. BIG COLOR I TV n .1 niLc: '550 1 thf IIIM?T0 3f5 q. tn. picture With Trade PORTABLE TV SPECIAL! RCA YICTOR Sweet 16 Portable With Free Roll-About Stand $1 4ft95 149 For Both Pieces 26" Tube TheOFfluTMrrt tr t M-A-OJ-M 125 Sq. In. Picture DANISH MODERN TV 239 95 With Trade 23" tube (overall diag.) 282 sq. in. picture Bonded on glare-proof safety window Dependable space-age sealed circuitry f f Reliatk I f IP1 1 sPace Age Sealed 1?: fife j lyji III 1 Th. G"Vr 1 1 j !!. J t-JM4 1 J 1 FREE CABLE HOOK-UP! (If Cable AveilobU in Your Area.) REMEMBER . . . w he '" Mrvlt leiktwM H CI A Ml. ! it 4 ni.n ! TV. C4rt. fl4fi Another Hopco First! You get a free hook-up to the cable if you buy a TV Limited time only! now. MAUN C&E MARKET PRESENTS FEAST FOODS FOR W I V ' "UTirULlY III ' lVSoS'iH I CltANEB-lEIS 1? t Xi!&l2 TUCKED IN NO ' Vji" y TRUSSIM NECESSAIl Long Island DUCKLING Holiday Treat - Cleaned, Ready to Bake A9l HEAVY IEI TENDONS -EMOVED-tAJIU , TO MKVE 16 to BROADER IN MUST 23-lb MORE WHITE MEAT TURKEYS FRESH! FRESH! FRESH! 51 10 to 14-lb. lb. Swift Premium Fresh C&E Lean .... Rib Steaks L.sanA we" Good.. Canned Hams Ground Beef 6 $1 29c ,. 79c 5 lb. $ 5 99 tin O ,,39c Delrich 1 -lb. pkgs Nabisco Mb. box Margarine Soda Crackers Froien Bread 6?99c Aluminum Foil 59 c Mixed Nuts 69 c Mandarin Oranges " b- 489 c Yams St Sweets Fancy Smooth Your Choice 'Mij Celery Stalks L3 2?29c Golden Bananas Cranberries Sunkist Oranges Extro Fancy Ripe Hands Snoboy New Crop Oregon Grown - 1 -lb. Bag New Crop Navflt ... 2 - 29e 8- I00 Finer Food Tiny OYSTERS 3 8-01. QQC tins 07 FRUIT CAKES 2 !. 89c By Oaorga-Buy... I er Mince f'S C & H Sugar Cranberry Sauce Shortening Black Pepper Brown or Powdered Mb. Pkgs. Your Chaico, Oceon Spray Jellied or Whole 300's Crisco Schilling's 4-oi. Tins Herb-Seasoned Stuffing Croutons KELLOGG'S CROUTETTES 3 S: 1.00 New! Kraft's Salad Dressing MIX 5 pi.. 1.00 FREE MIXING CRUET With Each 5 Pkgs. 2"25c 4 89 3 691 2i69 BISQUICK 59c King Size 60-oi. Pockoge BUTTER 69 Crater Lake lib. PrinU Red Star Yeast .,. 3 n. m 6?29c Pumpkin Pie Filling . 30J Tin. 5?$1 Pie Crust Mix 'i'C 3;$1 Marshmallow Creme K;' j.r, , 2?49c Fancy Yams Rr,p'C:,T,n. 3j$l Leslie Salt 10c We Have Crater Lake Egg Nog & Tom & Jerry Batter k Downtown Molin, Oragon 'k Alwoyt FrM Parking No Limits! All grocery prices in this ad effective thru next Wednesday. THURSDAY CLOSED APeo, HARDWARE 2 DOWNSTAIRS Ph. TU 4-S662 S28 Main Thanksgiving Day! 1MI Mela Itere Neen: I 10 A.M. te J JO r.M. I.e TU 4-1 ill o