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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1963)
ALONG rT r, SIDELINES This 'n Uiat and go i'o" Huskies . . . A former Klamath Falls grid star and later All-American from Oregon State has been quietly accomplishing a big job in the coaching ranks during the past four years. His name is Jolin Witle, a guy who was an outstanding gridder at KU and later equally outstanding at Oregon State. But for the past four years Witle has been engaged in a coaching chore he terms "... the toughest challenge of my life." Witte is head football coach at MacLaren School for Boys at Woodburn and this year saw his Hawks complete an unde feated season against A-2 com petition. In October of 1062, it was my pleasure to write a feature yarn on the athletic program in effect at MacLaren and to expose what I felt was an injustice shown the boys of this school by the Oregon School Activities Assn. in not giving the Hawks full membership in the athletic organization. During the November meet ing of the OSAA the Maclaren School was officially voted full membership in the OSAA as an A-2 class school, moving up from Class B play. School officials and various writers throughout tlie state were elated over this development, however, it was to be short-lived. League Vote Brings Setback . . . The Capital Conference, an A-2 league near tlie Salem area, was tlie natural league to place the Hawks for competition and with the right finally gained of representing the league in the state playoffs in the event they should win the title. However, another stumbling block arose lo again set back the Hawks. It was in a vole of the member schools of the Capital Conference which rejected the enlry of the MacLaren team into the league. The vole of these schools In a mailer of minutes erased all previous work toward gaining the Hawks full stature in the OSAA, with the chance of participating in state pluyofl and tournaments which accompanies it. Willi people such as Witte, superintendent Amos Heed, athletic director Gary Burgc and other collegiate graduates work ing on the Hawk staff, this setback another in the long history of athletic difficulties was pvercome lo an extent. Percentage Of Success . . . The Hawks worked up an A-2 and B independent schedule, gaining football contests with four teams from eacli classification. Tlie Hawks played two home games, three in the Salem area, two in the Eugene area and one at The Dulles. In winning eight consecutive games Ihc most successful football season since the start f alhlclics nt the school the Hawks scored 221 points while allowing just 3.1. The work of John Witte at MacLaren and all the fine couches at the school cannot be measured In dollars and cents. It's measured in the overwhelming percentage of success In returning tlie boys who atlend the school to a more normal life. "The toughest challenge of his life." But, John Witte has conquered another. Semis Need Knappa ... It's Merrill against Wasco of Maupin and Yoncalla against Jefferson in the Class U .semis Saturday afternoon as (he return engagement of the Huskies against the Yoncalla Eagles in the finals nears. The two teams last met for the stale crown tn IMS anil it was a lopsided fiO-8 victory posted by tlie Huskies led by nil everything Hud Alaupin. Another Interesting sidelight to IMI.1 pla.volfs Is the fact II was the strong Itedsldes as tlie team the Huskies were forced to down in the semis that year In gaining the I inula. And on the other side of the semifinals picture, the Eagles of this year nearly met the same opponent of 195(1 the Knappa Loggers again in the semis. Knappa was a playoff opponent of Jefferson for the right to face tlie Eagles this year. Climbing Way Out ... The playoff picture from this corner: MEHR1L1. AT MAUPIN Both teams possessing outstand ing offensive attacks, with the defense ol Ihc two sure lo be Hie key. It shapes up as a high-scoring fray, but the Merrill line will open the holes for Smith, Moore. Kurtz and Company, Merrill, 31-21. JEFFERSON AT YONCALU - Too much heft on the part of the Eagles for the Lions. Yoncalla to wilt, 20-li. PHOENIX AT VALE The Vikings are real tough in their own backyard, hut the I'lrales have put together n ma chine. Phoenix, "R-7. NORTH CATHOLIC AT SIl'SLAW North Catholic smells the slate championship (or the first time. North Catholic, 14-6. I1EAVKUTON AT NORTH SALEM The Beaver needed an assist by Crrsham as the (iophers donned Crntrul Catholic on a Held goal to give the Rearers the Metro League tille. The Vikings have mnile nearly iulnl mistakes through the year. No mistakes this nighl, however, the Vlks tn win, 11-7. GRANT AT KOSIOUUItCi - A big team is this Grant eleven, however, so big that the heft will lie the contributing factor in slowing the Generals as they chase Jim Reamer and the Tribe's other line hacks. Add the passing of lleamcr anil Jerry licmick and tlie Indians return to the slate title game, 27-7. It's Serious Up Front , . . Can't-keepagoodmandown-dcparl meiit : Terry Baker has no complaints alwul Ins not playing more with the Los Angeles Rams and says Roman Gabriel is a close personal friend and thai he (Bakcri is a strong backer of Gabriel. Baker feels he wasn't In tlie best shape possible when he Joined the Rams. "This Is (he lirsl summer I hadn't worked In eonstruclion -mr something similar ami I can srr the dif ference It made." He's working out with weights each morning and he pre dicts he'll play plenty of pro football next year. The quote of the week belongs lo ex-Oregon All-American George Shaw in .speaking at the Oregon Tech' football banquet this past week. In speuklng of the Kasl Wrst Shrine game in which he and OTI mentor Ron Pheisler played quaitertwek and renter respectively, Shaw was relating tlie following: "Former California coach Lynn Waldorf talked In us prior to the game and told us the game's w inners wrre (lie kids in the hospitals and that we should just go out there and have lun. Not to worry too much elmit winning. "I guess I look hlin too serious, because we went nut and I first threw a pass far over the head ol the tarset. "Next I tried a sneak and picked up a couple of yards. "Alter this play Ron came back lo (he huddle and I no. ticed a small trickle of blood coming out ol (he corner of his mouth. "Ron said, 'George, are you hawng fun.'' " 'Yes.' I replied. " Well 1 in sure glad you're jusl plaving tor lun l.eorge because it's serious as hell up there in Hie line ' " MONGOOSE SAN DIEGO, Calif. ft'PP -Former light heavyweight champion Archie Mooore scored an ell-time record o( 1:17 knock oul in major competition. f. i': .Vr" People Read SPOT ADS you are now. v v 1 PAGE 2B HERALD AND QUEEN TO BURKE... Aerial Circus Stage Set At Eugene In Civil War EUGENE, Ore. iUPT' Hie stage is set for one whale of an aerial battle here Saturday when Oregon and Oregon State meet for the 7th time in the Far West's oldest football rivalry- Take the ingredients. Oregon Slate, in end Vein Burke, has perhaps the finest pass catcher in college football. In quarterback Gordon Queen it has a lad whose 16 touchdown losses this fall surpass all but one collegiate cflort in tlie last 10 years. Oregon has a junior quarter back named Bob Berry who already has cracked some all lime school marks. His coach, Len Casanova, calls him an "All-America." And the Web foots also have in halfback Mel Rcnlrn probably the best all round pcrlormer in the school's history. Burke caught 10 touchdown passes last year and has 9 this year. No other college end has caught that many ID in two seasons. He also has 1,722 yards in two seasons, including a re cord 1,007 last year. Queen's lfi touchdown passes arc more than any collegian Pheasant Opens On Approximately 26,000 acres on the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Ref uges will be opened to pheasant hunting Nov. 23-24. Following the opening two days of the pheasant season, (he area open to pheasant hunting lor the re mainder of the California State pheasant season will be about 17,000 acres the same area in which waterfowl hunting is per mitted. Areas which are open lor pheasant hunting the lirst two days of the state season only are posted with yellow signs, those open for pheasant hunting for the entire state pheasant season and for water fowl hunting are posted with green signs. Maps are avail able at Tule Iikc Refuge head quarters which show tlie hunt ing areas in yellow and green. Production surveys by Bu reau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, and California Depart ment of Fish and Game Biol o g I s t s indicate a much im proved hatch and un excellent population of pheasants, liar ring weather unfavorable f o r hunting, nimrods should experi ence une of the best pheasant hunts 'on the reliigc in recent years. Surveys ul hunter suc cess in years past show that the majority of the birds aro harvested the first day of the season; hunter success declines drastically alter the first and second day of shooting. How ever, this docs not mean that (he majority of Hie cocks aro FULL CARLOAD OF INSULATION It'i not too late to install fuel-saving insulation for this winter. We have a good supply of in sulation , , , see us today. OTHER FUEL BILL TRIMMERS: THERMO-RITE GLASS FIREPLACE DOORS They're beautiful and functional! Gleaming brass and tempered glass odd beauty to your fireplace and conserve fuel by eliminating drafts and mak ing burning control easier. STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS Button up your home with new wood or oluminum storm windows and doors. Swan Lake will install or you can do it yourself. PANELING - SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. "StRVING THK KLAMATH BASIN OVtR 40 YIARS" 3226 So. 6th TU 4 5145 NEWS, Klamath Falls. Oregon has thrown in a season in the past 10 years except Charley Johnson of New Mexico State wlio had 18 in 1959. Berry has overcome Oregon marks of 13 touchdown aerials in a season set by Norm Van Brocklin in 1047 and of 1,358 passing yards set by George Shaw in 1054. Berry has 14 TD pusses and 1,426 yards through tlie air this year, although he missed one game with an in jury. Rcnfro was an All-America last season and recovered enough liom a broken rib to play one of his finest games 1- College Teams Seek Bowl Bids Saturday (ly United Press International The nation's top college foot bull teams go bowl bidding Sat urday, with berths open in tlie four major post-season classics and tenancy available at a Season Refuge harvested, but simply that once the wily birds arc Hushed a lime or two they become ex tremely wary and are difficult to Hush or Hush wild. The experienced hunter with a good dog who is willing In work for his birds can usually find good hunting along t h c marsh fringes and heavy weed patches throughout the sea son, The refuges are not open for quail hunting. A recent survey of waterfowl on Tule Lake and Lower Klam ath refuges revealed about 324. 000 geese and 620,000 ducks. Of the geese, white - fronts con tinued most abundant, with snows next followed hy cack lers. Pintails continued to he Hie most abundant duck com prising over one-half of the to tal duck population. Next in abundance are widg eon, mallard, and shovellers, in that n r d e r. Recent hunter success bus been considerably lower than during the first few weeks of the season. For the seven-day period ending Nov. 14, nimrods averaged about one bird per hunter-day un Tule Like and slightly less than one bird per liuntcr-day on Lower Klamath. Whistling swans are begin ning their traditional lale-sca-son build-up in the K I a m a t h Basin. About 400 arc using tlie Tule Lake and Lower Klamath refuges and numbers are ex-' cctcd to increase daily. 24 KINDS TO CHOOSE FROM Friday, November 23, 13 ...BERRY TO ANYONE against Indiana last week. There isn't a phase of football in which the senior hallback doesn't excel. Oregon is rated a live point favorite on tlie basis of a 6-3 season mark to 5-4 for Oregon State and the fact it is playing at home. But the Webfoots haven't beaten tile Beavers since 1958 when they won 20-0 at Corvallis. Since then Oregon Stale has won three and there was a 14-14 tie in 1960. Over the years Oregon has won 30, Oregon Slate 27 and there have been nine tics. number of other preside loca tions. Showdown battles occur in the Big Ten and Big Eight con ferences, where tlie Hose and Oranqo bowl invitations abound. Fifth-ranked Michigan State and Illinois (No. 8 bring iden tical 6-1-1 records into their Big Ten championship brawl. The Spartans rate six-point choices to beat visiting Illinois at East Lansing, Mich., and earn. the Rose Bowl representation! A lie also would provide a Hose clincher for Michigan State. Sixth-ranked Oklahoma meets nint h-rated Nebraska at Lin coln, Neb., for the trip to the Miami, Fla., Orange classic. The Sooners are favored by 3' a points as both teams place un blemished conference records on (he line. The loser prohably will be invited to another bowl game. Pittsburgh, a powerful inde pendent and ranked fourth in the country, is a front-runner for the other Orange Bowl slot. The Panthers host Penn Stale, which can earn a Gator Bowl bid with a good performance. Pittsburgh is a 6' a point choice. On the West Coast, Washing ton can sew up the host spot in the Rose Bowl by defeating Washington State for the Big Six championship. The Huskies rate a 14-puint pick. Should Washington faller. the winner of the UCLA-Southern California game at Los Angeles could come up smelling roses. Southern Cal won this one, 14-3, last year and is a Wi point choice to repeat. Auburn, ranked loth and the only other team in the elite field to see action Saturday, also has an eye toward Gator Bowl activity. A Tiger mauling of Florida State would add mo mentum fnr the push toward a Jacksonville, Fla. posl-scason date. r$r , . I -ii J y v Shakey's, Of Course Some pecple just won't let anything stand in their way when it comes to Pizza. If you can't tear yourself owoy for more than a minute, give us a call and we'll have your Piza waiting ... to stay or lo go! & And 2725 So. 6th Not to Tower Thcotro Ph. TU 2-6222 F5 SCARES HOLIDAY BQWLERETTES LEAGUE W L Shit-R-PfOOf Gm 26 14 CAA 33 II Ktameth Plywood Corn 23 IT Burgetts Logging Company II 22 Lovely Ladies 22 EKdrolu U 26 Nov. 15 results: E'ectrolua t, Snal-R-Proof 3; CrYA 1, Klamalh Plywood 3; Burgetts Logging 0. Lovely Ladies 4. High team game. Klamath Plywood 907. high team series, ShfR -Proof Glass 2it; nigh md. game, Kiln Hooer 234; high ind. series, Helen 7 nomas 527. BIG MONSTERS LEAGUE (BANTAM BOYS) W L Pm Busters U 4 Wildcats II 6 Tigers 9 9 Strike Outs I 10 Toledo I. Falcons 4 14 Results: Pin Busters 3. Falcons 3, Wildcats 3. Tigers 0; Strikeouts 1, JeKo.ts 3 ir High team game. Pin Busters 5'l; high team series, Pm Busters 1 124; hiqh ind. game, Vance Thomas 1 60; high Ind. series, Mark Daniels 295. LITTLE MONSTERS LEAGUE (BANTAM BOYS) W L Lucky Strikes 11 7 Lucky Cats 9 9 Lucky Lane Bowlers I 10 Jelson I )0 Results: Lucky Strikes 3. Jetsons 0; Lucky Lane Bowlers 3, Lucky Cats 0. High team game, Lucky Lane Bnwl trs 583; high team series, Lucky Lane Bowlers 1 143; high ind. game. Glenn Harder-Terry Angle (tie) 111; high ind. series, Robert Lamaureux 205. BANTAM GIRLS LEAGUE W Team No. I 10 5 Team VI Hurricanes 9 6 Team No. It Mustangs 6 7 Team No. Ill iJs 8 7 Team No. IV 9 Team No. V 4 Ml Results: Team No I 3. Tcim No. It 2; Team No. Ill 2, Team No. IV I; Team No. V 0, Team No. V! 1. High learn game, Team No. I 574; hiqh team series. Team No. I 1130; high ind. game, Frances Waits 154; high ind. series, Frances Wails 265. EAGLES MIXED FOURSOME LEAGUE W L Crater Enterprises 29 15 B.g "Y" 27 17 Lucky Lanes 26 IS Franks 5aw Filinq 26 18 Kuhiman Insulation 25 19 So. 6th Auto Body 25 19 Sunrise Tavern 34 20 Wards Funeral Home 37 2? Basin Hydraulics 21 23 IWA 19'j 2'i Griqsbys Smokehouse 18 26 Oreqon Food Stores 16 28 Klamath Gas 15 29 Chuck Wagon 14'? J91 j Results: Kuhiman Ins. 4, Kl, Gas 0; Basin Hyd. 4, Ore. Food 0; IWA 3, Wards Funeral Home 1; Cr. Enter. 1, Franks Saw Filinq 3; Lucky Lanes 4, Sunrise Tav. 0; S. 6th Auto Body 0, Big "Y" 4; Griqsbys I. Chuck Wag. 3. High team game, Baln Hydraulics 790; hiqh team series, Basin Hydraul ics 2262; high ind. game, M.. J i m Hall 216, W., Jody Sims 191; high ind. series, M., Louie Pastcga 594, W., Jody Sims 471. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W L 31 17 30 IB 29 19 37 21 25 ? 24 24 23' '? 24' 22' i 25' 21 27 19 29 18 .10 17 31 Deal Rile Motors Pepsi Cola Jayhawk Fuel Oil Larrys Foods City Center Lodge Carter-Jones Great Northern S.T. Klmes Plumbing Sears Roebuck Lislon Aircraft Bowers Oist. Nov. 19 results: Jayhawk 4, Sear Roebuck 0; Larrys i. Bowers 0; Deal Rile 3, Liston t; Pepsi .1, Kimes I; Carter-Jones 3, City Center 1; 5-.T. 3, Great Northern 1. High team game, Great Northern 1026; hiqh team series. ST. 2924; hiqh ind. qame. John Dolenshek 28; high ind. series. Wall Schweiqerl 61 B. BASIN LIONS LEAGUE W Mossnacks 29' j Merrill Lions 26 Dorris Lions 36 14 Lion Tamers 2l'i IB'j Dorris Simbas 16 24 Roarers 15 25 Toketee Lions 15 25 Results: Roarers 1, Lipn Tamers 3; Merrill Lions 3. Cowardly Lions 1 ; Mossbacks 3, Dorris Lions 1; Toketee 3, Dorris Simbas 1. High team qamc. Merrill Lions 864; high team series, Toketee Lions 2JAS; high ind. game, Vic Samples-Mike Eit terlm (tie) 211; high ind. series, Bud Franklin 575. ymm PIZZA PARLOR Ye Public House WEYERHAEUSER LEAGUE W L Stand-up Shed 2' i I3'i Belts 2 U Nu Loc Nuts 26 14 Spoilers 23 17 Snipping Studs 23 17 Reiects Ji'i il'i Oitice Overhead 19 21 No Accounts 1 21 Top Brass 19 21 Yard Birds II 22 Kilowatts II 23 HardOoard 17 33 Power House 13 77 Sawmill 11 29 Nov 20 results: Belts 3. Yard Birds 1; Power House 1, OUitt Overhead 3; No Accounts 1, Shipping Sluds 3; Snoiiers 3, Kilowatts 1; Hardboard 1, Reiects 3; Nu Loc Nuts 3, Sawmill 1 ; Stand-uo Shed , Top Brass 0. High team game, Hardboard 107 S; high team series, Stand-up Shed 29C9; high ind. game, Geilvang 2 (; high ind. series, Snearer 577. MINOR CLASSIC LEAGUE W L Richardsons 32 16 Dulls Heating 28 20 Herald and News 29 20 Bruce Owens 22' i 2V t WcKaigs Potatoes 22' i 25' t Dales Body Shop 27 26 Victors 20 21 Acme Concrete 17 31 Results: Victors 1, Herald and News 3; Bruce Owens Reallors 4, McKaigs Potatoes 0; Acme Concrete 1, Dales Body Shop 3; Duffs Heating 3, Rich ardsons 1. High team game, Da lei Body Shop 956; hiqh team series, Dales Body Shop 2722; high ind. game, Jim King 2iS; high ind. series. Jim King 611. BASIN BOWLERS LEAGUE W L Late Comers 3'i 13' i The Duds 31 1 3 16' Bu'l Shippers 31 17 Calabons 28 20 loms Meat Market 28 20 Grandmas & Pas 28 20 Bees & Ques 28 20 Lower Lakers 37 21 Bowl Weevils 27 21 Grease Monkeys 25' j 22' Pm Pals 25 2J Lees 76 25 23 Luckouls 24 24 CI, H 23 25 C&Rs 23 25 Frustraled Four 31 37 Spit Balls 21 27 Punk Pins 21 37 Gutter Balls ?t 37 Valley Service 20 38 Pin Dusters 20 28 Ailey-Oops 29 29 Alley Cats is 33 Gutter Dusters 9.j 38' 1 Results: Grease Monkeys 4, Alley Cats 0; Grandmas & Pas 1, Bees & Dues 3; Alley-Oops 3, Punk Pins 1; Lees 76 0, Toms Meat Market 4; C&Rs 1, Late Comers 3; C&H 4, Pfn Dust ers 0; Lower Lakers 4, Bull Shippers 0; Pin Pals 2, Frustrated Four 2; Catabons 3, Spit Balls 1; Bowl Weevils 2, Gulter Balls 2; Valley Service 4, Luckouts 0; The Duds 4, Gutter Dust ers 0. High team game, Toms Meat Market 833; high team series. The Duds 2209; high ind. game (men), Jim Parker 223, (women), Sammy Parker 190; hiqh ind. series (men), Don Rati iff 585, (women), Georgia Moore 512. THURSDAY MRS. BOWLING LEAGUE W L Putnam Logging 27 13 Albcrs Feed 26 14 Idellas 23 j Lands Keynotes 23 17 Dorothys Beauty Salon 21 19 Frts Shoe Repair 20 20 Pin Ups 19 21 Ganongs Variety 1(1 23 Friesen-Welman Company 18 22 Garrisons Ups & Downs 17 23 Elmers Texaco 16 24 Odessa Mercantile 12 28 Results Nov. 14: Odessa MercanMe 0, Putnam Logginq 4; Ganongs Vari ety 0, Lands Keynotes 4; Idellas 1, Garrisons Ups & Downs 3; Eds Shoe Repair 1, Dorothys Beauty Salon 3; Pin Ups 2. Friesen-Weiman Co. 2; El mers Texaco 3, Albers Feed 1. High ind. single: Ida Givan Iflt; hlah ind. series, Belh Howard. 492; hiqh team game. Putnam Logging 665; hiqh team series, Dorothys Beauty Salon 1923. Deslruclive fires took a toil of 11.800 lives in the U.S. during l!!(i2. rE',ll"LL!!'" 1 tm Family Room. The family room shown obova is on whaslj. It's also a nurstry. Card room. (Attention! Commuters.) Solatium. It's the Vollswogen Stotion Wagon, furnished with sats for 8 adults. Or for lots ol cowboys and wild Indians. Njd a mobile nursery? Take th mida e seat cut through the wide side doors. And you've gM room (or an open ploypen or o cnb. With space left over for the older luds to kid around in. With children, it's o cood idea to order the front seat with a wa'-thru ais'e. 59.?0 etra, it codes' in hardy when they get out of hand. Or 0 diaper needs changing. Wont wagon for a car pool? For com. ruters who enjoy o game of coas? Out comes tat mdd e seat. In goes o bnage table. Pius 4 players and kibitzer. With bofh seos Out, you con sunbathe on o coup'e of coH. This wagon's got 23 windows. And sunroof. Co in end choose your decor: red ond white, grey ond white, green ond white. Maury's Foreign Cars 2727 S. Sixth Bears, Giants Risk Leadership Sunday By I'nited Cress International The Chit-ago Bears and tlie New York Giants risk their pre carious division ltads Sunday asainst a pair of tough clubs that could force both National Koolball League races into ties. The Bears, coming off a big win over the Green Bay Pack ers, travel to Pittsburgh to play the Steelers 16-3-H. The Giants i.2i are at home against the St. Louis Cardinals 7-3i in a game that could throw the East ern Division race into a three team deadlock. A victory by the Cards at Yankee Stadium, coupled with a win by the Cleveland Browns at home over the Dallas Cow boys, would produce a tie among New Hork, St. Louis and Cleveland. After Sunday, the Bears play home games against the Minne sota Vikings, Forty Niners and Detroit Lions all clubs with losing records. The Packers play their last three games on tlie road, at Detroit, Los Ange les and San Francisco. In Sunday's throe games in volving non-contenders, the Los Angeles Rams 3-7 are at home against the Baltimore Colts '5 51; the Philadelphia Eagles i2-7-11 entertain the Washington Kedskins '2-fl1; and the Vikings 13-71 are home against the Lions (4-6'. The Philippine drink tuha is made from the fermented juice of the palm. IT'S HERE NOW! HON DA Honda Super Sports (C 200), 90 cc, flashy first cousin of the basic Honda 50, but with more rugged styling. For the enthusiast who wants the motorcycle "look", plus other fea tures. These include hand-operated clutch and ram injection carburetion for faster ac celeration. Special high-compression racing type head is made of aluminum alloy. The C 200 develops 9 BHP at 9,000 RPM. Now with all-new 4-speed transmission! McCulloch Sow Shop & Honda Sales 6490 So. 6th TU 4-6500 'mnmmHIlmflZriTt ..-Las ,.-,;.t.iA.: .... -.v.. t lf.-.i fitrnr-rfTi -i inn WORLD'S LIGHTEST Direct-Drive CHAIN SAW REVOLUTIONARY H0MELITE XL-12 Weighs Only 12 lbs. Only I? Ibl. Im bll ii4 chilli, u IIHIl ii II Ibl. with bn Mil chiin Cult 12" IrHI in 10 Mconrfl. till! Irm up to 3 lilt in dlimilir Hll Hsmilili'i top prolelllonll flltuiH. Tht chlln Hi tviryont etn uu MKtflEE BEHONSTJUTIOII Wtll A. H. STEWART CO. (21 Sprint TU 4-47 J 2 SUPER SPORTS (C 200), 90 cc.