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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1963)
State h ame Commission Hosting Three-Pay Field Inspection The Oregon State Came Com mission cordially invites all in ' terested citizens to join them in - a field inspection of the Silver Lake and Klamath County mule deor ranges on April 6-7-8. --. The primary objective of Die . trip is to examine findings ol a cooperative mule deer range re search program which has been in progress since 1958. As in the past this will be a no-host affair, with each individu al providing his own bed and board. Shelter will be available at the Summer Lake game manage ment area, but each erson will need a sleeping bag and a i r mattress and some warm cloth ing. Meals will be available at . Summer Lodge and the H and F VMiV, 10-A Motel in Silver Lake. Persons modal ion are requested to regis- desiring to do so may bring es sentials for preparing their own meals to relieve the anticipated strain on limited accommodations. Persons planning to participate in a part of all of the tour are requested to register for the Sil ver Lake and Klamath inspections separately by calling Dan Kast man, TU 4-3571. Registration must be made by March :tO so that adequate accommodations can be made available. For the Klamath tour of April 8, limited transportation will be provided by the Winema Na tional Forest which will leave the Bend-Portland Terminal prompt ly at 8 a.m. for Bly. Persons desiring the use of this aceom- ter ith the Winema Forest Of (ice as soon as possible. Persons interested in covering additional areas are invited to join the commission in Klamath 1 5 p.m. there will be guided tours transportation and a means of cancellation in the event of ad verse weather. The schedule of events will be gin April 6 at 1 p.m. From 1 to County on Monday, April 8, for an inspection of some of the deer winter ranges in that area. Present road conditions prohibit the setting of a schedule at this time, and information on the trip will be given on the eve ning of April (i. Those interested in making this trip are asked to call the region al supervisor or district game agent nearest to their residence by March 30. This will provide a measure of the number of per sons an opportunity for pooling for persons desiring to examine points of interest en route to Summer Lake and are asked to assemble at the Bend - Portland Truck Terminal at 1445 Oak Street. The period from 5 to 7:30 will be for making beds and dinner at the Summer Lake Lodge or Silver Lake. It is recommended that persons arriving after 5 p.m should stop at Silver Lake for dinner. The festivities from 7:30 to II p.m. will be held at Summer Lake Grange Hall. Introductions willimcn, Fremont National Forest, be made at 7:30 and research findings will be presented from 7:40 to 8:40. W. C. Lightfoot and Vernon Maw, Oregon State Game Commission, Dr. David Costello, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, will present the findings. Statements from local livestock 1IKKAI.I) AN NKVVS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, March 38, 1963 Cowboy Bob Dover, pin the Dirty Dalton team, to win the lecond fall In their BOYER WINS SECOND FALL right, applies a reverie press to in Jim Dalton, half of semifinal bout at Klamath Auditorium Wednesday night. Bucks Clinch Division By United Press International The Portland Buckaroos clinched their second consecutive Southern Division championship in in the Western Hockey League Wednesday night. And the Buckaroos did It In championship style with a 9-2 lacing of the Calgary Stampedors. The win' gave Portland 90 points and made it impossible for scc-cond-ploce San Francisco to catch up even if the Seals win all three of- their remaining games and Portland loses its last two. Every other position In'the di vision is also beyond dispute: San Francisco has nailed down sec ond, Los Angeles has cinched third, and Spokane is indisput ably fourth. Elsewhere on the WHL front Wednesday night Los Angeles 6lapicd Spokane 4-1. The Comets are at San Francisco tonight in tile only action on the agenda. A relatively modest turnout of 7,399 at Portland Coliseum saw the Bucks waltz to their big vic tory. They scored six times in the opening period and staggered the Stampedors with three more in the final two stanzas, .Portland was celebrating "Gor don Fashoway night" and the re tiring wlngman responded by scoring the first Portland goal. Arnie Schmautz and Ken Saunders tallied two apiece to lead the bur-rage. At Los Angeles, the Blades! riidn t start scoring until late in the second wriod, but thev cot on the scoreboard four times before fcpokane could register a coal. It was the fourth straight win for Los Angeles. '.'Xm Southern Division may he resolved, hut Hie Northern Divi sion still has plenty of indecision. iM-HHie ana Vancouver reman tied for first, and Calgary and Edmonton are knotted with 48 )ints each in the race for third and a sHit in the playoffs. The match ended in a draw when time ran out in the third fall before either man could gain an advantage. Boyer teamed with Rocky Columbo to gain a draw with the Daltons in the main event tag team match. Tryouts Set For Babe Ruth Tryouts for Babe Ruth League prospects of the Klamath Basin Babe Ruth League will be held Sunday, weather permitting, and the following Sunday at Wright Field at 1 p.m. This is for boys 13-14-15 who are residents of the area cov ered by the city elementary district. This district supplies 13 teams In the league. Pros pects are to report to Wright Field (south of the KU football field) at 1 p.m. The second Sun day of tryouts will be for those who might miss the first Sun day trials. and Bureau of Land Management defining land management poli cies and objectives in the Silver Lake area will be the program from 8:40 to 9:15. There will be a general discussion until 11 p.m. Camp is to be broken by 7:30 a.m. the next day and there will he an opportunity to visit the Summer Lake marshes. An as-' April 8 will be an inspection semblage will be held at 8 a.m. of the Gearhart winter range at Silver Lake Ranger Station There will be loading there onto stake bed trucks for a tour of the winter range. The lunch stop is at 12:30 on the range and a discussion of observations and problems. The return to Silver Lake Range Station and person al care will be at 2 p.m. The tour will assemble at the Bly Ranger Station at 9: 30 a.m. and travel to Stateline via Inter state and Goodlow range areas following the tour of Gearhart. There will be a demonstration of interstate track count census and discussion from 2 to 3 p.m. The return to Klamath will be made via Bryant Mountain at J o'clock. The final program on the agen da will be a commission meeting in the Winema Hotel at 7:30. Interested citizens are invited to express their views on rules, reg ulations and policy governing the management of Oregon's fish and game resources. Oregon Tech Track Team Enters Willamette Relays Saturday WEYER TO STICK ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UPI) -Warren Giles, president of the National League, announced Wednesday that Lee Wever will be retained on the league's um piring staff for the 1963 season. Giles also announced that um pires Bill Williams and John Kib ler, who have been workimr exhi bition games in Florida this spring, are to be optioned to the International League for the .1963 season. The Oregon Tech track and field squad will have its first taste of competition Saturday. Eight members of this year's cinder team will travel to Salem to par ticipate in the annual Willamette relays and will be among 1,800 entrants at McColloch Stadium. Representing the Owls in the open hundred yard dash will be John Maricich and Ed Cecil. The field in this event will be highly competitive but both Maricich and Cecil have posted good times for the event and figure to place high. Coach Larry Burleson will enter a sprint medley team composed of Wayne Dennis, Bob Bryant, Cecil and Maricich. The medley quint will compete against other collegiate teams from Oregon, Ida ho, Washington and Montana. The Owl thinclads are, strong in the discus with Norm Johns, Roger Paddock and Bob Chard. Johns is the second place OCC discus thrower and will provide tough competition for the other participants. Chard, a freshman, was an outstanding high school discus thrower and is showing great promise this spring. Pad dock, the third man on the team, is a real threat to the other com petitors. Wayne Dennis and Bob Bryant CATCHER'S CAST REMOVED ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UPI) Chris Cannizzaro, a catcher for the New York Mets who suffered a fractured right finger in the opening week of spring training, had the cast removed Wednes day. Cannizzaro won't be able to resume catching for another two or three weeks. Dirty Daltons Keep Title On Tie With Columbo, Boyer The Dirty Daltons lived up to their name of dirty at the Mam ath Auditorium Wednesday by us lug some Illegal but effective methods in gaining a draw with Rocky Columbo and Bob Boyer to retain their Northwest tag team tlllo before a small but ap preciative crowd. Fans stayed away in droves Wednesday, perhaps because of the weather, and missed a col orful evening of wrestling. Wild Bill Savage whipped Haru Sasaki In the opening bout and Jim Dal ton and Boyer drew in the semi final windup in one of the belter mutches of the season here. The Daltons, who claim to be direct descendants of the infa mous Dalton gang of the olden limes, put together some well timed but illegal antics' in the main event which had the fans screaming at referee Bill Savage. Columbo and Boyer won the first fall when thev took up some of the brother combination's tricks. Boyer held Jim Dalton while Columbo slammed h i m with a right and then pinned him. That took place In the first two minutes of the match. The Daltons won the second fall in a short span when thev took to their dirty tricks. Both applied series ol kicks lo the stomach of Columbo while Savage was try ing to keep Boyer out of the ring (who had been legally tagged . Jack Dalton did the pinning after the two had pummelro Columbo in Uieir corner. The same song and second verso was the third fall. The same thing took placo with Sav age missing three tags by Colum bo while trying to keep the second Dalton out of the ring. Alter the lag he missed, Boyer jumped into the ring and Savage was try ing to Hi iow him out because he hadn't seen the tag and both the Daltons worked Columbo over and Jack pinned Columbo without having been tagged. After much screaming by the crowd and by the Cohimbo-Boyer duo, he called the bout a draw, which didn't make the Daltons too happy. Boyer and Jim Dallon drew In the semifinal match. Dalton won the first fall in 12 minutes with body slam and a pin after some dirty tactics had given him the advantage. Boyer won t h e second with a back body press in 27 minutes. There were only three minutes left in the final fall and neither could get the advantage although both were almost out at the bell. It was a draw. Savage took punishment from Sasaki's judo chops before revers ing (lie match in 17 minutes with a Boston crab hold to make Sa saki submit and Savage won the bout. POWER LAWNMOWER Pre-Season Special $7.50 Wards 9-Point Checkup Drain ond clean gaso line tank and carbu retor Check engine com pression Inspect and sharpen blade on rotary type; check, adjust cutter bar (reel type) Clean exhaust ports (2-cyclo engines) Check gear box and qcars, replace lubri cant; check belt ten sion and adjust chain Hrive Clean and lubricate bitfinis, nnwls and richts in mower whirls Replace spark plug Free Change oil (in crank case models) Tighten all bolts and adjust controls and cables Bring in your lawn mower or call for pickup and deliv ery service at a nominal charge. 9th & Pine Phone TU 4-3188 Distance Runs To Top Relays EUGENE (UPI) - Coach Bill Bowerman says the two mile re lays and the distance medley will be the two top events in the sixth annual Far West Relays at Hay ward Field Saturday. Bowerman said a duel between Orfgon's Keith Forman and Ore gon State's Morgan iroth In the mile anchor leg of the distance medley should prove especially interesting. FRIDAY is FUN NIGHT AT LUCKY LANES! Mixed Doubles Jock Pot 6:45 P.M. $25 Added Jock Pot Reservations Accepted. Plenty of Open Ploy Lanes LUCKY Moonlight Bowling 11 P.M. to 1 P.M. Inexperienced bowlers can win FREE prizes - anything from a coke to a new bowling ball for spores, strikes ond splits! It's fun even if you don't win. Come out and try! 3319 So. 6th Phono 2-5536 or 7 lanes are scheduled to compete in the high jump. Both Dennis and Bry ant will face tough competition from the other high jumpers throughout the Northwest. Both boys have developed into good high jumpers and are prepared for the season's opener. The Owl squad suffered a set back when it lost distance ace Lyle Fox at the opening of spring term. Fox didn't return to school due to scholastic difficulties. Bas ketball star Willie Anderson will not display his track and field tal ents this spring. He is concen trating on the classroom. Several Ore Tech track mem bers will not make the trek to Salem due to lack of prepara tion. However, these members will be in shape and will participate in the first duel meet of the year. There are no team points scored at the relays. Individual winners receive certificates for their ef forts. The OTI Cindermen will return home and prepare for their OCC debut against OCE at Monmouth on May 4. Umpires Meet Set Tonight The Klamath Falls Umpires As sociation will hold a meeting to night at the City Hall at 7:30 to prepare for the upcoming base ball season in the area. The meeting was reported in the Wednesday Herald and News as to be held Friday. This was in correct. All umpires are urged to attend and the coaches, managers and fans may also attend. SPECIAL MnS.,m!!0NEV lire's WhylCs Special ... I OLD TIRES 'Mmm. vjJ with VOUR J LI UuLb MORE PEOPLE RIDE OH GOODYEAR TIRES THAN OH ANY OTHER KINO QpJ J-J C ' list fcOO fJx, $19 Any U.S. Car And See What You Get . . . Remove front wheels, adjust brakes Repack front wheel bearings Check grease seals Add break fluid and road test SHOCK ABSORBERS Installed Most Cars $88 MUFFLERS Installed Most Cars $88 (b) HUGE SAVINGS IN OUR BARGAIN RACK Inventory Clearance Wido Whitell Norrow Whitoil 3-T Nylonl 3-T Royonl Tub-Typl Tublol 13, 14,15, 16-lnth Siieil EXTRA BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES EASY TERMS! ONE WEEK ONLY BRAND-NEW GOODYEARS NEWW i rti f LUWZ PRICE: 95 6J0il5 BUck tubt-lypt, plus tit ind recipps bli tin. If net capitabll add 3, NOT SECONDS V. NOT RETREADS M 3 J HYMN All-Weather "42 U I II I LUIl Made with TUFSYI 1" Weekly will buy a full set of 4 tires! Buy nowl mm raw :is a iwr Yf for ' " TAKE YOUR CAR WHERE THE EXPERTS ARE FOR ALL SERVICE WORK 26 WEEKS TO PAY On Service Work At SALE! iff I 11 3 A VTL sStSH K,vfl YOU SOrt lO V'7'?E Big DISCONTINUED TIRES up to OFF mm 1 3 SAVE! NEW CAR TAKE-OFFS UP TO OFF Tvtw'm, block and St o'lt, mwt tonitruc'ien. lotg itlret f ait. Ivy Budget Terms f mm I I 3 DOOR BUSTER SPECIALS up to 'OFF ""'" P". tomt monk! () '1.25 Ytttklyl GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 201 South 11th ALSO AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING STATIONS: TIM'S SHELL SERVICE Oragen At. ft Donald COX'S SHELL SERVICE 2110 So. 6th EDDY-WHITLOCK SHELL 729 So. 6th THOMAS SHELL Tul.lokt, Colif. RAY'S f LYING "A" Dotris, Colif. SUMMERS LANE RICHFIELD SERV. 3640 Summon Lono TU 4-8141 BUDDEN'S RELIABLE RICHFIELD SERVICE 133S Etplonodo HENDRICKS t HODGC Spring ft Eiplonodo