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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1963)
SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 23! HURRY! ONLY 7 DAYS LEFT! REXALL'S "DIAMOND JUBILEE SHOWCASE SPECIAL RECORD ALBUM OFFER! 2 HI FIDELITY, LONG PLAYING RECORDS $000 IN ONE MAGNIFICENT ALBUM HPf's m (abuiooi offer to celebrate Rexall's 60th Anniversary - THMTlWrn TT TT9, n m -t-v tt TTTTT in 1 n tn rx n n v rt n "Ak K W jM mvA 1AV V.VA U' two records, 24 top artists, 24 top selections! This great album, comparable to albums priced at $7.95, is yours exclusively at most He i ail stores (or only $2.00 with proof of purchase of any Rexall brand product. Or send $2.00 in check or M O. with proof of pur chase tot Rexall Record Offer, P.O. Box 1490, Spring Park, Minn. VA VI JllUlLiliuXJa llLLUli KML ULULLA Offer ends June 30, 1963. . y UlM J. IT IcoiuMiMSffCiu pmouciswI Side One Side Two Side Three Side Four GREAT JAZZ GREAT BANDS GREAT VOICES GREAT SHOWS Bix Beiderbecke T. ft J. Dorsey Eio Pina Andre Kostelanet; Dukes of Omeland Frankie Carle Jo Stafford The Harmonicats Louis Armstrong Harry fames Andy Williams Ray Connilt Duke Ellington Let Brown Rosemary Clooney Percy Faith Gerry Mulligan Woody Herman Sarah Vaughan Andre Previn Dave Biubeck Us Elgart Tony Bennett Norman Luboff HOT WATER BOTTLE 00 First Quality 2 qt. bottle. Rexall Anniversary special! PACK OF 12 DIAPERS $159 Soft, absorbent birds eye cotton. Save on s dozen! FILLER PAPER PACK 11 Pack of 55 sheets, 8" x 103" size, 5-hole punch! XX O TRANSISTOR L RADIO Pick up fresh, 9 volt power packs) BATTERIES QQ ower packs) Card of 2, just MJ 69 oz.PLASTIC PITCHER9Q- Giant family size. With various colored tops! H V me.' rrr Children's Chiwabl -ZrJ Multi-Vitamins L Helmet or Junior Nurse's Cap, when you buy.. REXALL MELTAMINS JR. 32-9 64C Bottle of 100 X X-1 t REXALL v Bora ASPIRIN Vw I No finer, faster-acting aspirin Ml m XT made. Buy the economy-size m X 300's. eel a 10 tablet- tW 7 r i osg tiouie 01 auu m CXr XALL nmr saccharin rnx-, Lr&i with innrt tarUnie ll'Iitr) I , Even if you're not dieting, L I you'll want several extra I W bottles of Rexall w 1 Saccharin on this W special offer! JJj I REXALL FAST ? HOME PERMANENT i 1 S3 1 You've Read About Them! Ne'wl Run-Resistant SEAMLESS HOSIERY NOW STRETCH, reg. SI. 49 Sr. $P NOW P, U12 MESH, rag. Si. 39 Now get longer-lasting hosiery and save 20 a pair! stretch, 100 nylon, S, M. L, Mesh, 8-i-l 1. Mist or White. Kids like them! They taste like candy, yet they're sugar-free! Get u realistic plastic nurse's cap with pin, or an army-green G.I. Helmet for your little girl or hoy today! Meltamins Jr., 120's, $5.49; Adults' formula Meltamins, bottle of 60 tablets, now $4.79 7 x"x PRICE SALE CARA NOMeX 4 9s"Sl DE0D0RANTS I Cream or H J I j 24-hour protection ! Choose Jm Cara Nome Cream in a applicator top. r-A39( Bottle of 50 Rexall Aspiring with any size or type r Trrl RFYAI I II BISMA'l 7 lljl BISMA-REX I jlL3lk (except 10 size) I -SS:BS Pink or l04 1 Xi "I B whl,t povder,JIIC t Helps relieve acia-upsei siomacn fast! Liq. 4-oz., 79: Pink -T laniets, 30 s,s:; V LW Ll Mints, 75's, 98 v' v S V S s "V v 69(: Bottle of 60 Rexall Buffered Aspirin with any size or type REXALL THRU TjJ at Reg. Price Goes in skin to kill muscle pain! 2 types liquid: warming or cooling. 6-oz. liquid. $2.98. y S SS S V P?C SA S FAST HOME PERMANENTS REG. 52.00 jog . ..A A A A A MEDICINE CHEST NEEDS A REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA. Kexall's own ycntlc. eifective formula. C'ontes in both plain and mint llavorccl. It olT! 4-oz. bottle, rcuulurly now just 26 MONACET APC TABLETS. Rexall s combin ation -of -ingredients proiluct helps hrins fast relief from headache pain! 200 tablets, reg. SI. 6 J, now only $1.29 Mi. 31 ANTKFPTtn V MOUTHWASH. pose antiseptic, bright amber color. Save 15ft 8-o., reg. S4r, bargain-priced at 39 AERO-METER ASTHMA SPRAY. Measured medication for temporary relief of spasms due to bronchial uslhma. Sae 6ftf! Regu larly $4.25, now a Kexall special at $3.59 Save 40C on Special Twin-Pack REXALL FUNGI-REX ATHLETE'S FOOT POWDER Tno cans, SI.J8 AQ value, both for fO REXALL COD LIVER OIL. Save 2t on vita mins A and Ofrom nature's own storehouse! 4-oz. bottle, regularly S7, now just 45 COO LIVER OIL CAPSULES. Easy-to-take capsules for children and grown-ups alike! Now you save ctOe! UK) capsules, regularly J2.3, now specially-priced at just $1.79 KLENZO ORAL SPRAY. Handy squeeze bot tle is so portable, lets you freshen breath instantly wherever you are! Now save I2f! 20cc bottle, regularly 5. yours for 47 KLENZO ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH. Ruby red: spicy cinnamon flavor. Kills contacted germs in .10 seconds. More for your money. too-8-07., 12e olT! Regularly 47f. now 35 REXALL SLEEP TABLETS. Safe Cablets help you sleep soundly! Mr otf! 18 s, 98r, 79 ,nQ Via- ' u" .reI I STANDING BUNNY. Thrill the kids$1 OQ with a rabbit 3' tall! Easter value, just Aaff SLEEPY BUNNY. Lovable all-plush c- QQ bunny, trimmed with fell pom-poms, ,XfiJ EASTER BASKET. Gaily-colored bamboo basket with delicious Marshmallow Pigeon Eggs and Jelly Bird Eggs, also Marshmallow Novelties Q, and Easter Toy. Wonderful Easter treat, 0 Famous "all-in-one" Neutral izcr-Sham-noo-Condilioner! Leaves a perfect wave, hair clean and conditioned. Comes ready mixed in a handy plastic bottle. Choose Gentle, Regular, Super, or Utile Girl's. CARA NOME HAND CREAM COMBINATION. C omes wilti ULm a big lube of Kexall Tooth paste, value ror..b9f a GEL. EE COLOGNES by Rexall. Choose Twig, Spring Lily, Golden Lilac, or American Beauty fra grances in new jei form, each $1.00 CARA NOME PEROXIDE. Two hot lies for (he price of one! 4-o., regularly 25f, 2 for 25 REXALL SHAMPOOS. Silquc Cream Sham poo, 10-oz., reg. $1.89, $1.29; Castile Shampoo, 16-oz., reg. $1.69, $1.19; Brite Shampoo, l6o. bottle, reg. $1.69, $1.19 TOILETRY VALUES REXALL BRITE 'N GROOM. Condi tioner-hair dressime for perfect f I control and a lustrous glow. Save L. 3ur! Regularly 89r, now only 59 CARA NOME COLOR SHAMPOO. JicI Shampoos natural-looking color (pnl highlights into your hair in min- lr utcs! Regularly $1.25, now 79 IjggJ LAVENDER SHAVE LOTIONS. Rexall pro vides the perfect way to begin and end every shave! Now save I9r on Rexall I're Shave Lotion. 5-ounce bottle, antl Rexall After Shave Lotion, 10-ounce bottle, each regularly 98r, now yours for a thrifty 79 3 FOR FIRST AID PETROLEUM JELLY. Lily white, reg. 49. 39 FEVER THERMOMETER. Guaranteed accu rate, with free Sterilizer Bottle, both $1.89 REXALL QUIK-BANDS. Adhesive bandages. Mesh color, plain or mercurochrome M's, "True Skin" 2l's, reg. 45r. now just 37 REXALL ADHESIVE TAPE. 26r off! I" X In yds. Regularly 75r, a Rexall bargain, 49 GAUZE BANDAGE. VA" X 10 yds. 2ft. 19 REXALL QUIK-PADS. Cotton squares, 3" x .V, 12s, regularly 40, now priced at 33 STERILE COTTON. 2-oz., reg. J9r, now 33 RPYAII MINPBAI nil Pure' hiflh-qu.llry lubricant. S-cz. bottle, 1 Qrf ntAHLL IVIUlLllAL UIL reg. 49, 37; 4-oz. bottle, regularly 26(. Ij DHDDIMO Al PnUAl Rexall'i own exclusive formula helps soothe OC nUDDIIlU ALbUnUL tore muscles fasti Save 9fl 8-oz., reg. 45, JU aerosol shave cream s;;:;;i:t:!59 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES :"S89 2 FEVER THERMOMETERS r,L7;:200 HOUSEHOLD GLOVES 2m88 FREE! 4-oz. 59v Bottle REXALL EYELO r-tr- ATinil QIC Lunun Soothing lotion helps relieve smoKc. uitsi, etc. N M s r- a i r- r-4 a w Giant 15 oz. Size! 7 I 1 BRITE SET 4t I "1 unn onmu .j. with 8-or. sire nw (IOC rs I Both for JO c lear. smooth mist holds hair M 1 1 lllllfl in place with not a trace of m C' -f l sticky lacquer! Save vS3filJ flTiTinurnu m X o i a i . m-j rrrwN SPECIALS f 33 Each I tmgStgm Choose 3 -style M J l envelope pack, Ml I ? poly-pack, AW cirsi' cello-pack MW Pr stationery m 0 A assortments. 60 TABLET BOTTLE When you buy the 100 tablet size of any ol the Rexall Vitamin Specialties below at reg. price. Vz PRICE SALE! CARA NOME HAND LOTION or HAND CREAM Cream, 8-oz., 07 reg. 1.75 Olr Lotion, 16-01. ,QQ4 regular 12.00 30T Save $1.02 on Hand Cream, 88 on Loti REX ALARM CLOCK. Smart, nickel-plated trim. Easy-to-read dial. Ivory, pink, aqua. Save 69e! Reg. $2.98, $2.29 REX ALARM CLOCK. Save $1.00 on this de pendable clock with the luminous dial. Ivory, pink, aqua. Regularly $3.98, S2.98 REX JR. ALARM CLOCK. 40-hr. movement. Save $1.41 ! Regularly $4.39, now just $2.98 REX-RAY PORTABLE HAIR DRYER. Shoulder-strap leaves hands free while hair dries. Hood. hose. case. U.L. approved. Save $3.07! Reg. $15.95, now just ...$12.88 SUPPORT STOCKINGS. All nylon "Sheer C omfort" by Spuntex. With scams or seamless. White or Mist. Reg. $4.95, 2 pair for $7.90 REXALL MULTIPLE VITAMINS One Tablet Daily gives W to limes minimum daily requirements of all vila ..,, .... m;mmiinis l-kl l- h0-tab- lei bottle with 100 s, $3.37 value RFHIiTBir. MULTIPLE VITAMINS Save $2.79 on Rexall's high-potency formula that helps light iron-dclicicncy anemia, risnr. ou-iamci m.c .mi 100 tablets-a $6.77 Rexall value v,,rn inrnrin mil TIM r UITAUIUC inmnrkunu, ....,.....- High-Potency tablets for the treatment ml nrtvintinn nf vitamin deficiencies. FREE 60's with every UK)'s-$8.44 value, BOTH roK $J98 BOTH run $Q98 BOTH FOR S195 T 60th ANNIVERSARY BARGAINS I RAT i MOUSE KILLER. Famous Warfarin compound helps tight rodent pests. 1-lb. Save 21e! Regularly $1.00, now just 79 LAUNDRY BASKET. Unbreakable polyethy lene, lasts for a lifetime of wear, now 79)! REX-RAY HEAT LAMP. Brings soothing warmth to sore, aching muscles. Now save 66f on this famous infrared heat lamp, reo ularly $2.95, now specially-priced at $2.29 SHAVING MIRROR. Helps guide the way to perfect shaves! 8", Plain & Magnifying, 79 ENVELOPES. Plain or airmail, social sire, reg. Itle each. Stock up now at 2 for 15 BABY NEEDS REXALL COTTON BALLS. Sterile cotton. Save 10! 65's, regularly 39, now just 29 REXALL BABY PRODUCTS. Baby Care Tal cum, l6-oz..reg.89f,69; Baby Care Lotion, 5-oz., reg. 49, 39(; mild Baby Care Sham poo, 5-oz. bottle, regularly 59, now 49)! REX FILM. High-speed Pan chromatic all-purpose film. Oil, lilt IXU nw , i 620. 127. 12" sizes, aavc FILM' J 77tl 3.roll Tri-Pack, rcau- I I.. CI nnu, illGl 9At ZIPPER BAG. 16" utility bag. Heavy canvas, nameplate, blue or brown & tan $1.88 REX-RAY VAPORIZER. Save $1,961 2-gallon capacity, steams 16 to 24 hours. Auto matic shut-off. Nite lite. 1 yr. guar. Reg. $9.95, $7.99 CHAMOIS. Genuine imported chamois. Sort, smooth, good for all kinds of polishing. 99 fes-ifl "ELECTREX" HEAT PAD. Save $2 00! 3-hcat. wel- M nroof. Pink flannel cover. U.L. approved. 3-yr. guar antee. Reg. $7.95, now $5.95 SNUGFOLD FOLDING SYR INGE. Save 79f on this qual ity syringe! Regularly $3.98 -the Snugfold comes to you at a bargain price of $3.19 DEFENDER BULB SYRINGE. Rexall's own top-quality construction in an economy fem inine syringe. Reg. $1.89. now just $1.49 QUALITY RUBBER GOODS ROXBURY FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. 50 otf on this line fountain syringe! Pastel colors. 3 yr. guarantee. Regularly $2.79, now $2.29 ROXBURY WATER BOTTLE. Every home needs one-now it's yours at a 5 1 saving! 2-qt.. 3-year guar. Regularly $2.49, $1.98 BATH AND SHAMPOO SPRAY, with a plastic make-up and shampoo cape, both for 88 6j 1 j ROXBURY COMBINATION SYRINGE. Save 60 on this Syringe and Hot Water Bot tle combination! 2-qt. size, pastel colors. 3-yr. guaran tee. Reg. $3.29, now $2.69 SYMBOL ICE CAP. Save 40 on this leak proof cap, regularly $1.69, now just $1.29 PTinniiFDV by ' box" of 'B'illint whi,e" ',i"crv i,h fiQ STATIONERY envelope., now at this special Rexall low Each box, W7 Oil tlO I ICCFO "vitor"-type sunglasses; fa.hion-ityled wo.Ws QO oUNuLAoOtv) sunglasses; sensational "wrap-around" sport Sunglasses! OO' Rex" 10-oz. bottles by Thermos. Wide-mouth, 1 I ml REXALL SUPER PLENAMlNS. They give you 21 food supplement ingre dients in one daily tablet! No !;;::.., Kumler they're America's largest mum selling vitamin-mineral product! I 365X $17.50; 288 s, $13.90; I44's, -$7.95; 72's, $4.79; 36 s. $2.59; Super Plena mills Jr. for children, 144 s, $5.49; 72's, $3.29; 36 s, $1.79; Liq. 8-oz., $3.75; 16-oz., $5.95 riT.S.1 New) REXALL CHEWABLE VITA- I V-W MIN C. Delicious Vitamin C tablets I I with SunkistiHi Natural Citrus Hio- 1 CVA Havonoids. UK) tablets, just $4.95 Nawl REXALL DAY AND NIGHT COLD TABLETS. New "tablet with in a tablet'' gives round-the-clock relief from colds miseries! 20's,98. COUGH CENTER TABLETS. D-Mcthorphan acts directly on the cough center to turn oil nagging coughs due lo colds. 20 s, $1.49 Newt REXALL TIMED-ACTION COLD CAP- SULES. Revolutionary new pellets ol meuicauon give timi ., lief from cold miseries up to 12 full hours! Cict a six-day supply of 12 capsules for a thrifty $1.49 11--' . ANTIHISTAMINE TABLETS. "Timed-Action tablets help give long-lasting relief froni cold symptoms, hay fever allergies. 15 s $1.39 New! REXALL VAPURE MEDICATED f ROOM SPRAY, del pushbutton cold relief! Medicated mist goes to work M inslanlly lo help clear nasal con- ,m gestion. case minor bronchial irrita- tion. 20 off on NEW forge ti;e JJ Rexall Vapurc. 12-oz reg. $1.89, now only $1.69; 7-oz., just $1.19 I i INSORB CHEST RUB. Penetrates deep lo case minor bronchial irritations. 3-oz $1.49 REXALL SUPER ANAPAC. Kexall's famous prcscriplion-type formula that Iff ollqn' helps everywhere a cold hurts! 24 ANAPAC I tablets, 98; Super Anapac AC I"S55 1 Tablets, with Anti-Cough ingredi- enl, 24's. $1.39; Nasal Spray, 984; Cough Syrup, $1.49; NEW Super Anapac Jr. t hewahle Cold Tablets for children, wilh delicious fruit flavor, 24 tablets, just... 98 Newt TOURISTA LIQUID. Rexalls exclusive Kaolin and Pectin Mix ture helps treat simple diarrhea. Comes in non-breakable plastic bottle. Ideal for traveling. 8-oz. bottle, 81; 12-oz. bottle, $1.13 REXALL DELUXE TOOTHBRUSH. Oct these line medically approved Rexall toothbrushes for the whole family! Durable nylon bristles, 69; natural bristles, Rcxall-priccd, 79 Buy now and save, replace burnt-out bulbs tor H f ir.iii ill I --r . ' . ... l il. LlUrl I DULDO monthll "Home Brite" 6U- or luv-wan ouio., n m r m.- .-n Uai:illirui nil! r.1 ,.n t.17S. S1.29l narrowmoum, reg. nwwwiva rw . ' FACIAL TISSU CO on lh. handy box of 200. Specially priced O A Ob YOUR MONEY BUYS MORE t Ki a Never bUbHY KINO up now on this Rexall Special! IN A REAL DRUO STORE KfXAU IRANO PROOUCTS ARff SOLD ONLY AT UXALL STOM $. ASK tOK THf UKAU HIAND IH TNI STORf WITH THIS SION STORE J, Never been a better time ... stock l I D 72 l-U. ECONOMY I PACK This odvertlsenwit II ptiltd producH boring th brand el tlu March 23, IfM. ana ara iuomi n quantititf tubject to compliance on balf of 10.000 ladop.s.nt pharmacl.ti who rocomio oad hal. with opplicabl. lows. I.xall Drusi Company, U Ang.i.. tamo...