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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1963)
PAGE 8 A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. Thurtdiy, February 21, 1963 John Vcgel Rites He d Funeral services (or John Vo gel, 70, a native of Switzerland and resident of Klamath County for the past 34 years, were held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, at the Sacred Heart Church with inter ment to follow at the Ml. Cal vary Cemetery. Vogel died of natural causes at his home, 527 Pearl Street, last Saturday, when his body was found by relatives. In liKfl, Vogel. then 19. left . I.unEern, Switzerland, settled in Imperial. He moved to Klamath County before 1929 and remained in this state since that time, working as an employe in the timber industry since 1938. In that year he was hired by the Klamath Forest Protective Asso ciation as a fire warden at Bly and served in that position until 1948, when he was transferred to King's Cabin, in the Yamsey mountain area. He was em ployed by the KFPA at the lime of his death. ANTl-TKLKPHONF. POLE HOLLYWOOD (UPIi - A hap less motorist Tuesday painted this slogan on the neat, round dent in his front fender: "Help stamp out telephone poles." A. MVJ1 60-S , TAUtUt I MAY 21 m.S7t-77-i OiMJM MAY 22 JUNE 72 53-78-83871 Oi 6-21-32-31 CANCH ITMM4-35.36 UJ 48-59-70 uo I JUI.Y 24 LUO. 23 VMGO KM. 24 SBT. 221 7 10 W41 52-64-73 STAR GAZERy T U-AY K. POLLAN M, our Daly Activity Cuid H According to Ih Sfon. To develop message for Friday, reod words cor;epoiding to numbers or your .oaiac Dirtn siga I MrjHmon Jl And 3?0 3 5 Orel j4 Will 3Gi?f 37 L 2 Don I 3 5.crd 5&vi 6 Happy 7A 8B 9 Romantic 10 Your 11 Buy 12 Aggftufvt 13 Hq, 14 NeCtMtory 15 Attention 16 Tim. 17 Down 18 Argu 19 Special 20 Word 21 Blending 2?Frrndthip 23 You 2 Son 25 I rem 26 To 27 Or 29 To!- 29 You' 30 Gfow 23 PlOni 39 Corf 40 In 4 I Stir round 4? Mimic 43 Energy 44 Gt- 4JiV.'ill 44 T.dingl 47 For 48 Goinfl 49 Of M M.dit 51 Ouortenj 52 Yo-jr 53 AH 54 With 55 Chang 6 Fill 5V AAok 5F 59 Over. AO And )Good (K) Advene l Futu'e fciOf m y-cioi et You OI Rwl M Vreriw You ?0Boor4 71 Betterment 72 0eroil 73 Activities 74 Peronality 73 Would 76 Certainly 77 Be 78 talent 79 Financial SO Your ftl Perwnol P? Hornet' hi It 84 Beneficial !) Now t7 I ma cot d fi3 tin F? Km 90 Apoeoronce 4fN 31 q JN'eutnl irmrtn OCT. 24 1-13-24-35 U6-58-69 V: -EFT 23 Hi OCT. 23 3-16-77-38 4 W7-6171 1A0ITTAHUI NOV 23 2-18-29-40 (Z' 063-82 89' CAMICO.N DEC- 23 JAN. 20 Vtl. 8-1 2-23-34 (C- 57-67-79-86 C. AOUAIIUS " 4f. 9-20-3I-42O 45-56-80-88 s: fliCIS MAP 21 4-17-28-39 A 49 62 72 q . ;j (Community. (Calendar Jacoby On Bridge Pair Arresfed. Fined THLKMUAV LADIKS AUXILIARY. Canton Crater No. t I pin. Meeting, Oddfellows Hall. FAIRVIEW ITA. 2:15 p.m..! Founders Day program. School gym. Past presidents honored. MKRRY MIXERS, 8 p m.. Be ginning round danee class, Merry Mixer Hall. KLAMATH MINERAL CLL'B, 7:30 pm.. Meeting. Hock auc tion, Klamath Auditorium. FRIDAY YMCA FAMILY NIGHT. fi:30. potluck. boys tumbling demonstra tion. Family recreation. Bring table service and beverage. DU.NSMUIR Two youths ar rested near Dunsmuir for speed ing and possessing open alcohol ic beverage containers in an auto mobile were found to have a small arsenal in their possession also. Leonard Jules Schlesingcr, 10, USN, paid an $l fine on the Our Sincere Thanks To the mony people who visited us during our first week of business! SANDERS DRIVE IN RESTAURANT E. Main and 6th BRING THE FAMILY ENJOY THE FINEST FOODS 0m Open 7 AM till 11 PM. On Fhdayi ond Saturdays, open Inm 7 AM till 11(1 AM Featuring courteous service and excellent food. Enjoy your food inside, or if you pre- ' fer, we've fast curb service available. Here's another plus orders to go, from sandwiches to dinners, in insulated boxes so they reach home piping hot. Just coll or drop in. There's plenty of parking. Drive In Restaurant E. Main & 6th Ph. TU 2-6142 above charges in Dunsmuir Jus- lice Court on Monday. His com panion, Gerald Allen Lagestee, 21, USN, wa fined J56.50 for hav ing an open container of alcohol ic beverage in an automobile and possessing a concealed weapon They lacked identification but lat er established they were assigned to duty in Vallcjo. Their weapon collection inven toried at (our revolvers, two der ringers, lour rules, and a six- inch sheath knife plus two steel cases of ammunition as tallied by the California Highway Patrol in Dunsmuir Justice Court. These will be held by the court pending inquiry or legal ownership and may be reclaimed by the youths alter one year. Mrs. Preston Death Reported Mrs. T. Davis Preston, a for mer resident ot Mamain rails, died in Auburn, Calif., Feb. 23. She was the widow of the late Reverend Preston, who paslored Hie Congregational Community Church here during 1B30-1B34. al the time when Ihe present church building was put up. After leaving here the couple lived near Hilo, Hawaii, and later moved lo Soquell, Calif. Since the death of her husband she has lived with a daughter. Those wishing to do so may send contributions ui a memorial to Rev. Preston, established at i Pacific School of Religion, 17!m 'Scenic Avenue, Berkeley 9, Calif, in care of Dr. Stuart Anderson RUMMAGE SALE, OSU Moth ers Club. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Clyde's Towing. ALOHA SOCIAL CLL'R, OES 1:45 p.m., dessert luncheon. Ma sonic Temple. Honoring past pres idents. MERRY MIXERS, 8 p.m., meet ing night, Square Dance. Merry Mixer Hall. Bring refreshments. DAV AUXILIARY, 8 p.m., meeting, American Legion Hall. SATURDAY HIITM ANU LOOM, 7 p.m., family potluck, Moose Home. Ex ecutive meeting to follow. Y-NE-MA TW1RLERS. 8 p.m., potluck supper, party night, St. Paul's Education Bldg. RUMMAGE SALE. E w a u n a Toastmistress, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Clyde's Towing. DORRIS GRANGE. 8 p.m.. card party, pinochle and whist, Dorris City Hall. Prizes and refreshments. WEST VQJ10J NORTH (3 A None A43I AQ65 AQ654 EAST A J54S V 8 7 6 J 8743 J 10 9 J987 4103 SOUTH AKQ109 878 K KJ K2 Both vulnerable North r.ut South Went 1 Pan 2 Pass 3 4 Past 4 N.T. Pau S Pass 7 A Pass Pass Pass Cpeninf lead V Q NAACP, 7 p.m., ly Library. meeting, Coun- HENLEY COMMUNITY CLUB, 8 p.m.. meeting, Henley Farm Bu- Odii Hall. Use Your Charge Account Lay Awayi Invited! 512 Main Fre Parking 5th & Klamath ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS EVENT 8 Days Only Friday, March 1 to Saturday, March 9 ' Court Records LEGSIZE STOCKINGS Introduce yourself lo the beautv, fashion 1 and LEGSIZE fit of Belle-Sharmeer stockings, during this once-a-year savings event. Your favorite SEAMLESS and FULL FASHION styles are available at these reduced prices: Hosiery Bort Street Floor Regular $1.35 styles Regular $1.50 styles Regular $1.65 styles Regular $1.95 styles Support Hoie, Reg, 4.95 Now $1.17 pair $1.28 $1.41 pair SliS Now pair pair 3.95 FAMOUS SYMBOL OF FIT BREV (purple stripe) for short slender legs, sizes 8 to lO1 MODITE (green stripe) for average legs, sufs8li to Wi DUCHESS (red stripe) fc long ample legs, sizes 9 to 12 DISTRICT COURT Fb. 3), mi Traffic Cam David Terry Cafmult, holding loeed con las l, quitty plea, SS0 flna paid and 90 day tuspemlon operator's llcanie. Louis David Hunter Jr violala basic rult. guilty plea, $15 flna paid. Robert Georqe Hirsehbock, swltchnri )! ! censa plates, guilty plea, SIS line paid. Keita Mae scnwabeniand, failure ft dtm headlights, guilty plea, $10 fine paid I Ell Sherman Clounctt Jr., violala basic rule, guilty plea, lis flna paid. Randon Jack Adams, improper muffler. guilty plea, S7.50 tine paid. Robert Lea Henderson, no vehicle li cense, guilty plea, SS flna paid. Melvln William Ostrom, disobeyed stop stgn, Qumy plea, sio flna paid. Edward 6. Moorman, no operator li cense (expired), qullly plea, IS line paid. Ronald John Bunnell, disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, 110 fine paid. William Henry Dahl, inadequate foot brakes, qullly plea, SS fine paid. Winfred Carroll Prentice, disobeyed Iraftlc signal, guilty plea, SIO fine paid. Harold Allan Tnmpkins, failure trans fer title, guilty plea, SS flna paid. Norma Lee Rager, no operator license (expired), guilty plea, 15 flna paid. Harvey Alvis Worthlnglon Jr., no sig nal device, guilty plea, S7.50 flna paid. Ryron Gary Hess, disobeyed slop sign, gut'iy plea, HO line paid. Donald Eugene Lee, violala basic rule. guilty plea, SIS tine paid. Hilda viae weainerspoon, improper mufflers, guilty plea. S'.SO flna paid. Marcella Linda Coffee, no operator license, guilty plea. SS lint paid. James Dennis Colfee. no ooeralor li cense (expired), guilty plea, $10 fine paid. Gary Edwin Henkel, no operator li cense (expired), guilty plea, 15 fine paid. William Davis, no operator license (ex pired), guilty plea. SS tint paid. orlen Ralph Randolph, combination overload, qullly plea. Z6 fine paid. Harold August Awmlller, overload, gull ty plea. 140 Una paid. Lawrence Earl Clark, failure to dim headlights, guilty plea, its fine paid. Freddie Lee Kenner, violate basic rule, guilty plea. 175 line paid. Jamas Charles Bond, reckless driving. Qullly plea. 1150 flna paid. David i.eir, violala basic rule, guilty piea, to una paio. Roy Curlls Cook, violate basic rule, guilty plea. S75 fine paid. Eldrldqe Monroe Newton, no verticil li cense (expired), guilty plea, S5 fine pain Ralph Arthur Lalonde, failure to yield rlqhl of way. not guilty plea, trial with- OU' lury ti lor March 6. Katherln May Hawlev. opera'inq motor vehicle while operator's license uspenr1d. not qu.lty plea, trial without lury set tor March VI, Misdemeanor Cases yEverftt Edward Denny, Intoxicated In a vpubl place. $V) bail forfeited. Manuel Gean Alblsu. minor In posse- ttnn of alcoholic itounr. ouiltv olea. SIM im anfl J days In county (all; of which i and S days were suspended. SIS fine paid. Gary Franktm Macry, minor In pos ssion of alcoholic liquor, qmlty plea. 1100 line and S days in county lall; ol which l'S and i days were suspended. IIS line paid Jake Dean Rrown. minor In poMesslon of alcoholic liquor, qullly plea. SI00 line and S days in rr-tinly (all: pi which ' and 5 day were suspended. IIS fine paid Lv'e 'ouqla Gaibraiih. minor in ros sewion oi alcoholic liquor, guilty plea. HOO fine and S davs m county ail; nl which 7h and S days were suspended, ! paid. Charles Frank Hoque. false an I it at for angling license, nol guilty plea, trial wthout lury set tor March H. Felony Cases Hersrtet Earl Hollpmon. purqlary not n a dwelling, preliminary hearing tor March 4. lfJ. Star-ton Wilhams. knowingly iiilfinq and puPiitnmq a toroed bank check, dis missed on Motion bv District Atlomev Requested by California on a similar chatqe Quadruple Coup Seen By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn How would you ro about play ing South s seven spade con tract? You would probably let the opening heart lead ride to your king and lay down the ace and king of spades. West would show out on the second spade lead and you would eventually have to con cede a trick to East's jack of trumps. Now, go back to the first trick and see if you can't find some way to make the hand. You can if you start getting rid of your dumps immediately and you do this by what is called a quad ruple grand coup, a classic in the bridge world. You take the first trick with dummy's ace of hearts and smoth er your own king. Then you ruff a heart and lead out the ace and king of trumps to discover the bad trump break. Next you over take your king of diamonds with dummy's ace and ruff another heart. A diamond to dummy s queen gives you a chance to ruff a third heart. Now you overtake your king of clubs with dummy's ace and ruff a diamond. At this point you have only the queen and ten of trumps left and East still holds the jack and five. You lead your last club to dummy's queen and East has lo follow. Now you are in dummy and you lead another club. East has to ruff and you overrufl. then vou pick up his jack to make the hand. Nice, and maybe this hand ac tually was dealt sometime 01 other. Q The bidding has been: Went 1 Pass You, North East Double Pass Pass Pass Pass 4 A South, hold: Snnlh 3 4 V S5 VKQIM 4KJ2 9M What do you do? A Double. They may make It, but the odds are ( r e a 1 1 7 aialnst It. TODAY'S QUESTION Instead of passing to three spades your partner bids Jour clubs and East passes. What do you do? Answer Tomorrow On The Record Frank A. Crown. 31, and Janice Mitts, 70. both Klamath Fads. LAWSUITS FILED Wal'er Zimmerman and Flhel dimmer ian vs. A. J. Hannon, dispute on Ml to real estate. Next Weekend MARCH 3RD rtsssnsr .4 . NEWSPAPEBS SELLTKE MOST! I m m Exciting Stories and Features PERSONALITY: "The Miiiionary Side of Georpe Romney ' MEDICINE: "Il That Operation Necessary?" ENTERTAINMENT: "Susannoh York: Girl with a future and a Problem" ADVENTURE: "I Cheated Death on the Killer Mountain" Something for Everyor. Family with your copy of the SUNDAY WERFIEOTSV M iU W . low tASY raws r' TfeltWf '' I Made To Sell I For Much More 39 95 ONLY 4.00 MONTH Weilijble vinyl cover ceie is item, tcwH-preof. REMOVABLE LID BECOMES 2nd FULL STEREO SPEAKER Sat lid 12' ovvey for stereo separotion. "Lock" to moke compact corry-obout unit. Blend both channels for 3rd "Phantom" 30 dimensional realism. Two 4" speakers cmurt rich, vibrant sound. Multichannel amplifiers circulota sound to fill every corner of room with music. Complete with precision balanced turn table1, high compliance font arm, twin- sapphire irylH and cosy select selector nob. ?;r--S'rr,- X1 a. C - Mfy-- O . 7 w -A Chokt of 2 Pattrrm 45-Pc. Set, Lovely Floral Pattern MELMAC DINNERWARE A COMPLETE SERVICE FOR 8 nor HERE'S WH&f VOU GIT: I Dinner PUIel t led luller Ptattt 1 Cups t Saucers Soup-Cereel Bowti. Larqa Plettar l-Pe, Suger and Crejmtr I Vegetable and Salad lowl i 3 14 III 1 ADMIRAL - ) I W I ; PORTABLE j ill1 ; iff CL,PMASTER V , I lThe ADMIRAL w" "lliWllilf 8-PIECE l: j THINMAN I clMpsia Ha'r c,ipper Sef H 1 $'fl 095 vi 0150 MM 0nly IB J: ' I Cir month f ! e Slim, Lightweight Portable with l'n I 1 I Luggage Type Handle. i j Y0U GET ALl THESE PIECES W j Pay As Little as $ i A fj t-'Ot block plastic clipper 3 styling attach- Tj 1 1 A I r i mentj Grey plastic head guard, cord Pro- I B W Month t t lenonol barber iheori, comb Initruction book j jl Slim, Lightweight Portable with Luggage Type Handle. Pay As Little as $ A Month NO-MONEY DOWN! Tubeless 6-Transistor PORTABLE RADIO T 4U n 1 hf-; l. .rZ... PAT ONLY f,l fyl t ewb-tN mmttbttm .t foe .- mM MM JlJ L V ; ( Mt ml ! !- M W , 1 S " e.wi tjp M x n'n't I r-r ' ' t . .H4 t' iiwej mw4 OiMlrtt 4 n I h o rk, AIi)v'MW4 WV pt, u , ZtNITH Th Quality Cm tn Home Goes On ? $j MvA j WEBCOR Portable Self-Contalned Stereo 4-Track Tape Recorder LIMITED QUANTITY fe ,4 ft I (0595 ti 'V "li? -IK ! ennel Amplifier hat 1 6 wH$ pewr oulpu 8 wH d ,h To high fidelity 3"5" tpeetert rKce microphone; 4.tcl Mf ,r4ck , . Tape counter end retet wheel P'yoe Provnion for eiternal ipeekert Monaural or ttereo Complete puih button control V mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi. I 701 Main St, Open 9:30 a.m. - Till 5:30 p.m. Jftralfi anil to