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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1948)
HFRALD AND NEW3, KLAMAtH PALLS. OREGON 10 Services WE FIX SMOKY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Co. Phone 6595 EPflCTANKS"CLEANtD" No went Buiillnry Method Also ROTO HOOTER SERVICE drum Hnwer I.lnr of Ronla, Klc. Plume Mil nr 3X10 ED H. KINO 2iatr FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER U:m Mnrtlii Hlroel IMkhio 6077 (ran Caaey, pit una 7187, 1'ellcan Ttiaalre A.ila WE DO IIMHTlTrillNO,"" Ifk'"" vd " fur rot dm, l(ta yti fur Ilk Art Needle work Nhop, Sail Main, upstair Plf'TURK rHAMINUlenio Shop. 7.17 Main Phone 041? PKKHHMAKINO, alterations. Mra. Jones. lhoi imn.i. PIANO TUNINfl md rttxlr Mivt y'nut J la no tuned at laeal oiira a yar. I'h"i.e lm Jlmvraiin, rfUirtl lunar, 2-0278 ri.oon hanuino and reflnlahlug. Norman rialey, phon 0.1.11) ALTERATIONS, ladlae (alluring WnrW guaranteed. SHI College. Phone iwH CI.MKH flMfTIf Cement contractor I'hiin 4U.VI 2n40 PalUrtMin. CURTAINS I.AUNtJKMKIJ, pickup anil ttallvary Phone 4lKto IN IoW Cl.rANINf). home and rnn rnarrlal lanllor wortt. I'alntatl wall! rluiifd. fl.Kift rt km nail anil waned. jtnnr. tiontiAim hons I'lmne lirrn or tM7 CAWrTMOWKll HrilVirr. Sherpanlhg and repairing Full stoe-t. of parts New hand and powar mnwtrl Tarma If daelrad. IVinrNII AMKIt REPAIR HOP 551 K Main. f ATNTTNO. " deroratlng, paperhenglng. plaaUrlMiard flnUhlog and spray painting KatlmeUs glvan. I'lmna aula. 12 Edueoflonol SOOKKfrPINn, ShoHhand. Typing Klnilrvd tiihlacta office marhlnaa. Kt-AMATII (H'SINKM roU.roit 7U Plna Phone 47eO 14 Help Wonted. Female WANTED. rapeM fll clerk with rlalrn eapvrlenr preferable t(Ks keeping evnerlenre beneficial. Apply Klamath Vallev lloantul tXPrnir.XCr.rt Telephnn Operator wanted. Apply In person. Wlllard noiei. KEKD 'competent " anmm ' In assist mother with general housework and rhlld rara. Jtnnt hnntt Own room, board, beat wiih Phone M34I. WANT-TV ArV" eprlnred mMrfleagad housekeeper. Mull have rareranre Phone S715 W ANTFn-TlnIng""room rainier," tnual ha able to t (a Apply In person. Wlllard Hotel mTIONTT WANTPD Muet ha ahl in ttff. Apply Klamath Vallay Hnapltal fjVMCKKEFKR, apply manager, Wlnama Hotel WANTrn, rVr hop Apply In person. Gino'a Drive tn No phnna ealla (JTWT. WA VTFD for permanent of Mr Mieltlon Mutt be rattehte of rahier ". typing and taking dlrtaltnn Wrtta jelier of ppliraimn to Jean MorrU, P n Boa City. WAIHTTJ dlanngraphar," annwladga of hMwtka. payroll work, will train. Give duration and salary avpex-tad tn nwn handwriting, tins 1M, car of Herald and new. fTtfVITYH have npcnlnga' fnr ' I a- MHenrad aalaaladlea. Part time f ataadr work. 4 hour par day. Apply at Arrire j c ranrtay 1.0. U Halp WanUd, MoU Edgerman Wanted by Redding Pine Mills, Inc. (Formerly O. Elbert Mlllrr Mill) Whitmore, California Offlr t 1551 Murkrt Rlrrrt nl(tlni, CalKornln Hoiulni tilrnlalird CookhotMt k 64-bnur work week, iiiiIpm cur- lallrd by power mtrictloiu, whlrh wrr rrcently Ukcn oft Thr 411" Tower Edgcr Chain Trmutcr Tblt Contact Riley Phelps Wliltmore, Cullfornl Phone 1B35-J or 1151-M Redding Retail Opportunities If you are experienced in re tail selling and a local res I dent, and want a good-paying permanent position in Shoe Department Men's and Boys' Depart J ments ' Sporting Goods Depart mcnt Then apply at Houseware Department Montgomery Ward 9th ot Pine Phone3188 Experienced Mershon Twin Band Resaw Operator, Year round work, housing available. Rate $1.72 14 per hour. Fruit Growers Supply Company Hilt, Colif. Phone 2251 WANTfD: Aiitn marhanlo naclatlzlng In Ford prndurt. (Inod Pv, Apply nalttger Inc., Tulflaka, Calif. Phono 24;il. VANTVTff"flfnd radio "(arhnlf I"n7 tinlnai quallfltd (In not apply, InimrrilatHy. Phnna 3.143 Tulf Ink a, Don 'a Itntllo nhon, Tuiainkr, emir. flANTKI, flva man wHh"hlgharhnnl atttiratlon, agn 31 In ;id, aa tluilrnt Itrahamnn Apply at a. V, Train maatrr'a nfflra. WANTED, rrllnltla rnarrlrd man for in . aral farm wnrk. Mini tie rtxprrlcnrrd grain Irrigator. IT, II, Waxier, II ox U7. mi. 1, iinnanra, ure. WANTED, vinm man. 3.1 in HO ycara old, Inm-tlme rrtlitrnt of Klatnnlh Kalla, who la InlcrftRtrd In a pnaltlnn with a fulitra, Miiat have gnod cihirnllnn. ha a got id ppnman and llkn tn rim I with t panpie. flea Mr, uunran, koi'ai tuan " j i'ntnnany. "ANTED, gwfl all-around auto mo- rnanio. Mint nave nwn nann iihii. Onnd working rnndltlona. nn'fc flnl rala pay, Phnna 1701 Mart 111, Or fliang Motor Co. 16 Help Wonted, Mole WANTED: One nr two wood rulten. lunla and rnaln aaw rurnianad. 111 uiiha at Man l tm a Wood Yaid, fliewart- l.e'ina A'lilMloii. WANTED, 9 irrllflad plna gradara, Hp- lop wagaa, Hteanv ampinyineMi, green ami div IVriltetlhy Lumbar Co,, llua IJ'l Vreha tlilf W. WANTED. Hrlnred ealeaman ' 1nr man a department Hore at I uieiaM, t all In peiMin at Dirk Iteader'i Man lleid Hlnre. APPLIANCE uUamaii wanted. " Elnnr aelllllg. Nti iitllalde antlrltalM'M. leiiar anteed aalaiy and rnmrrilaalnti. IaiMe vaiiilnga aaaured (ilve age, Nperl aura, air , In your reply la Hum Itll, i-are Herald and Nawa. IB Situorloni Wonted KXPEHINf'ED IranilC audllnr deeira poalllun with liiinlHir fliin. ti'revuMiiijr employed aa tratialt auditor fur Trane loiiliiiental Erelght Itureaii I Cherlea II. Weiaattl, 3U'K) 2lat Ml., Macratnanlo, Calif, Wil l, waah and elratrh curlalni," Phona 7 irt:i MEMPECTAW.' woman wanla fwialHon In motlivrleaa home nr pneiimn ranrh conk, tto 4(iS, lit. 3, cabin WAHIIINO and Ironing wanted, Phona (III.'IU. WH I. do wealiitig and Ironing 'Call fR41. WANT tn rare for rhlld ver 3 yearai In ntv home. Phnna 4f74. WANTED Light houaework and rare of hlhli en (lava or wnn cniiuren venlniia Phone 3 0747, 20 Room ond Board WANTED, rnmn, hoard and care In private home for t-otivaieecem young woman Phone fl73fl. 22 Roomi For Rent ftOnVfl Jefferaiin " . MdoMrt Kilt High Olt HE NT comfortable homelike aieec Ing room n4 N 3rd AOOM EOR flENT Alao garage. IU lliah flOOM for rant. 114 Creecent !.EEPINa room for rent. 4It worth loth IIOOMH for" rant. " Ml Parlfic Terrace and 13(1 Payne inquire at mine a Harder Nhou. Ii:i3 Main. EUltNlHHED ItOOMH - Weakly retea. Aarnl Hole . 1411 Main. mrrpiua hoom for rent" tot fim. Phnne rl."13 23 Houtokeeping Rooms VArANrV- EurnUhed light hmiMkeep'- Ine- rooma I4(V4 Klarnalh Ave. El'ltNIHHKD hnuaekaaplng room. 41 24 Apartment! For Rent Apartments Ue tlx CAHCAOE u clenrlnf hotue while hopplni (or pernwnent quarters. APMTMKNra BY THE WEEK i NEWLY HENOVATED Hotel roonn with tlh by the day. Cascade Apt. Hotel llth end Wulnut 8U.. o(( Meln Tu.-Frl.-tt. APAHTMr.NT" h "rent." I rnom fur. nuhvd Nn rhlldren er pU. Atcox II, ,1.1. Mil Main. TOR IIF.NT -f tjrniilwl." modern " tw. ruom aitarlmefit, .ullebla for rouple only, varr rlrwa In 1'n.ltlvali. no drunk, and no oat.. 2X 00 par month. I'nmia A.YI3. fOlt RTNT - fuml.hed parlmenu. Wordan. 30 Reol Ettote For Sole 26 Houiei For Rent CAItlNII br da or waah. Maaannabla t laarr'. Motal, xua Ulann. Hlenway er North 28 Miicelloneoui For Rent FOR RENT Store Room 25 Ft. Wide 920 Main St. Klamath Falls Call A. J. Connolly Wi-ne-ma Hotel FOR RENT Suite of 4 office rooms in Hopka Bldg. $90.00 o month BARNHISEL AGENCY SUNNYLAND 4 BEDROOMS nmlL In 1040. attriiotlVB modern 7 room home with hurdwood (loore, dlnliiK room, lurnuce, nixxt unrniie with wulk-ln cooler. 00x1 W ft. lot, neved nlreei, on uui line, fauuv, torme. Mills Addition Two 1 room homen locnted on Mix I'iO tt. lot, imvod etreet mid tide wiilkii, In one of the beat parte of Mllla Aililltlon. OuriiKe, nice lawn end ehruba. M), terine. Homedale Newly five room modern home, with 38 i'rn fertile ground. DlnliiK room, hardwood flwire, In suletlon, lurmtre. Purtlnlly fur nUhed, A-l condition. I2100 down, bulnnce ejuume i loan. Sound Value Wall mnMt.riir.teri etirnrtlve home on noeewny Drive. 3 litrne bed rooma, cement biincmrnt, oil fur nnre. hnrdwood flwira. extra lame lot, lawn, shrubs. IttSUO, terms. Close In Olt N. NINTH 8T. only 8 Works north of Main, within easy walking distance to town, five lame rooms, dining room, sleeping porch, ce ment basement. Reasonable price and terms. North Side Two bedroom modern home, rock foundation, completely furnished. Oarage, large lot. $3260, terms. Bee Ray Moon Joe Leonard CHILCOTE 8 SMITH REALTORS AND INSURANCE 111 N. 8th St. Phone KH or tin Evenings call B068 or 6577 30 Real Estate For Sale 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 fOft RENT. flarlHo bM tandar, arrow lark., alartrlr floor poltihar, hydraulic lark, lawn rollar. KI.AMATM VAIXIY MIMmtH CO 10,0 Amilh eth Phnna 4S18 THUPKR and f r" forranl" You drive. Mnva ynurarlf. aavo half. Stllafl Raacon Mrrvlra, I2UI R. Main. Phona S:lo4 roit 11 111 K Naw Intarnatlonal T-S Cat, with nirntor. Available Immediately. Phnna IW172. VAcmtM Cl.gANKROR RENT. l.6 a wark Phnna 3-01:11. TlllTK tor rent." Drive youraelrVISR Trnmfar Phono 44.11 30 Real Estate For Sal Suburban ' acre, nearly new 3-bcdroom home, furnished, electric range, concrete foundation, lame attic, to bo sold at once, $5,000.00. Under Construction New two-bedroom home, Mills Ad dition. To be completed within 30 days. $8,500.00. J. W. Sanders, Realtor 8nlcsmrn: T. I.. Gibson, Carl S. Williams 1313 Main Street HENRY NEWHOUSE REALTOR wishes to announce a change tn office location from HO East Main to 3000 South 6Ui and East Main. Harry Van, with HENRY NEWHOUSE REALTOR 3000 South (Itll and East Main Phono 0033 KOR SALE 4-room home, service porch, laundry Irnva, so. floor furnace, elartrle water heater, aarase. rinl.hed sleeping room In garase. Comer lot. ... a n-rnnm furnUhed home. Price $2500. Tornta. a a a a 4-rnnm home, rloae In. On pavement. Price $;Ulou. Terms. See Fred Cofer nAllNIUHElj AUENCY 111 I. sth Phone 4IM Beautiful Farm located I miles out of Klamath on Merrill highway. All under Ir rigation, tine buildings. Worth looking Into. Priced right. 80 Acre Farm 03 acres under cultivation and Ir rigation. 3-bedroom home with ex tra bedroom on utility porch, par tially equipped. All crops In alfal fa, grain and pasture. Irrigation coat only SIM per year Including Uses. Henley district. H mile off new oil road. Price only $14,600, terms. HENRY NEWHOUSE REALTOR 2060 South Oth and East Main Phone BS33 Evenings 6045 GOOD BUYS! 3 large bedrooms, very nl'e home, hurdwood floors and fireplace, well landscaped, paved street, $0600. Terms. a a a 1 bedrooms, modern, full bssement. City gas, new range Included. $3760. Terms. a a a 3 acres, Madison St., very nice building site. For quick sale at $060 cash. a a a 4 bedrooms, would make a nice apartment house. Close In on paved street. Well landscaped. Hap Caldwell, Bill Nelson, Salesmen with Nelson Real Estate Realtor 1861 8. Oth Phone 6703 or 400$ fOlt HAI.K- Modern 2-badroorn home, tuni Call 4JU1 Tul.l.ka between and e p m. i rif.nn.OOM modern homo for aala Will .at-rlfl'-e. lira Harsant. Phone 321B. FOlt HALF,: "Two-bedroom home tn Mlllf Addition, need, paint and yard worn, S4S00. See after S. 2213 Elwrleln. FOlt gAI.K Koaclmi, three-bedroom home, flreplare, automatic piped oil furnace, aprlnkllns ay. tern, full cemenl haaement, 2 lota. Phona Kf07. FOR hF.NT Partly furnl.hed J-room hou.e. rloae In. Adult,, soo.oo. Write to llu Ifl2, rare Herald and Nawa. JUST COMPLETED Nice 2-bedroom home t block eouth of Rha.ta Way. One-half acre rich Irriseted aoll. ISIS Hope St NICK, new' 3-robm houea for sale MM, ire x ISO ft. lnox. Phone fleiB. PRICED to isll quick Fumlihed bouae. S1SSO ra.h. 3IS Old Fort Road. Attractive 3-bedroom home nicely furnished with 4 acre located In Alternant. Pull price $4960, on terms. Immediate possession. Neat 3-bedroom home located on Shasta near buslnew district Can be purchased on terms, quick pos session. Modern 3-bedroom home and six acres good soil. Priced to sell at ICOOO on terms. Lower price with less acreage. Bee Joe Perry, with F. L. WEAVER REALTOR REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 330 E. Main Phone 6704 Evening Phone 6333 Mills Addition Modern 3-bedroom home with rum pus room. Beautiful living room and dining room, hardwood floors, floor furnace, lovely kitchen with breakfast room, nice lawn In rear and front. $8660. F.H.A. terms. Suburban New modren 3-bedroom home, all on one floor, lovely kitchen with bullt-lns, garage, double construc ted and concrete foundation. Will take a O I. loan. Price rock bot tom. $0860. HENRY NEWHOUSE REALTOR 3000 South Oth and East Main Phone $833 Evenings 6046 South Sixth 3- room modern house and garage. 60-foot frontage on South Sixth. $4000.00. Terms. 4- room modern house, with 3-room outbuilding finished, suitable for bedrooms and excellent cooler room. Beautifully landscaped. Ex cellent location on pavement $5350.00. Terms. Hap Caldwell, BUI Nelson Salesmen with NELSON Real Estate REALTOR 1S51 S. Oth Phone 5783 or 4008 HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis 121 N. 8th St, Realtor Phone 8491 tf FOR SALfc Attractive home In Mllla Addition, taarie living room, hardwood floora, 1 bed rooma, furnace, neat lawne and on pavement. ftUOOix). a a a Pour room home eouth of Lakevlew Junction, near Mallorya, with ' acre, garden plot, nice yard, aolld foundation, Slaatertd rooma and .well constructed, nly 93700.00. ALSO Pour room horn In at. Pranctt Park, nenr Hope St. with complete furnishing, tn very good condition. Everything goea for Imtflooo. See At Lone; ml re, Baleaman with RVEHRTT DENNIS, Realtor 131 N. nth Phone 041)1 or 0734 rOB SAl4Kt.VOWNER 3-bedroom hoime, automatic gaa furnace. H ear garage on alley, one In basement, New paint, sprinkling ayalem, beautiful yard. Phone WW I between 8 a. m, and it p. m. or 7.170 after 3:00 p. m. fOW SAl.B OR TRADE: Modern 2-hd-room home, Mllla Addition. Phone .lima after A p. m. f-ftOOM furnUhed wltlOi cra""eKref lent aoll, $2700. 1M0 Arthur, or phont fmsi. TOR SAl.TI." 3-room houae with toath", with land or tn he moved. Betale Loudon. Phone 4X13, Tulelake. fOR ftAt.T -4-room home, lol 40x130, 4fi.i0. 005 Commercial Street, 32 Building & Remodeling WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING John Mansville Oreentone Bufflone Silver Orey Siding Shingles Rigid Asbestos Roof Shingles Best selection of colors In Thlckbutt Composition Shingles COMPLETE ROOP 8ERV1CE Free Estimates and PHA Terms H. HENRIS 3763 Hope St. Phone 6161 ALL TYI'ES or'HotOriNO applied and guaranteed by an established firm See dig Baatn Lumber Co- or phone 314 . CONCRETE and rock foundation, tida walka. re ulnar walla and repair of all kinds Free emtimale BILL PVATT. Phone 3ao 212 Cage Road 39 Automotive 34 Fuel-Heating Floor Furnaces GAS Payne Holly OIL Kresky Dial 7637 for estimates Cascade Furnace Co. FLOOR FURNACES i5r OIL GAS BOB PORTER 301 Spring Phone 7708 Wood to Burn SLABS 16-inch Dry Mill Run $8.50 12-inch Dry Fir Slobs SI 1.00 PROMPT SERVICE CONVENIENT CREDIT Peyton & Co. S15 Market Phone 6149 New or Used OIL STOVES GOOD SELECTION BOB PORTER 801 Spring Phone 7708 Oil burner and oil stove serv ice Any moke. BOB PORTER 801 Spring Phone 7708 Yaden'a Signal Service Station, South flth and Midland Road, for delivery. We give 8 eh H Green Stamps. eHVlNKTBUklkiH ioraale bytrurE or trailer MF.Tl.EP BROS S etb and AHajnonDrlveJPhone 35 Automotive Winter's Over Timely Service Means "Savings" Our Springtime TUNE-UP Stops Wear Saves Repair Bills SEE US Rose MotorCo. 4th ond Klamath Phone 8164 MAGNETO SERVICE AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION Bosch Eisemann Case Wico Fairbanks - Morse PARTS AND SERVICE SPECIALIZED SERVICE CO. 1434 Main . Phone 5103 DO YOU NEED Auto Glass Installed? Reasonable Prices Prompt Service Call At Kimball's Glass Shop 537 Walnut Phone 7378 FOBTBAX Tqutty In iMlerrurr Fordor sedan In excellent condition. Sias Cannon Ave f I1R "COMMF.MCIAL"-FINANCS COftP offer, for aale the following vehicle,: low Dodse 2-ton flatbed, s-peed Brownie. 194S Ford Hi-ton flatbed, new motor. 19.19 Chevrolet 2-door aedan. See at nalph'a Mobile Stalloiv llth and Klamath. . For Better USED TRUCK VALUES see Steve Mosher or Joe Daly at West-Hitchcock Corp. Your White Truck Distributor 677 8. 7th St. Phone 7771 COMPLETE RADIATOR Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Maui at Espl-.nade 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 1 PARMALL TRACTOR "P-30." Oood condition, practically new rubber, extra set steel wheels. Complete cultlvatoi attachments and power mower. 1900.00. 3 10-FOOT MOLINE MONITOR Press drills 1200.00 each. 1 10-POOT CASE PRESS DRILL $176. 1 COMBINATION HARROW and drill cart (60.00. 11934 CHEVROLET lK-ton Flat bed Truck. $260.00. 1 10-FOOT MOLINE Minneapo lis Wheatland plow. $260.00. Can be seen at Laird Ranch, Lairds Landing. 14 miles east of Dorr Is. Lower Klamath Lake road. AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1 Rebor Bar, excellent shape . $260 l'i heavy duty Electric Drill $ 60 1 Complete set body and fender tools (125 1-Battery Charger, like new ...$1M) 1 Arm Orowler $60 1 KD Cylinder Block repair kit $40 1 motor hoist $35 1 Trickle Charger and Stands (25 2 Fluorescent Lights $38.60 3 Point Ouns, like new $60 1 Regulator $38.50 50-ft. Hose $7.60 1 Air Wrench and 60 ft. hose, like new $135 $1600 worth parts $700 Also 4-room modern house, com pletely furnished, 3 large garages with 1000-ft. floor space. Phone 7304. 216 Old Fort Road. P. O. Box 1114. FOR SALE Lawn and Fill Dirt Phone 9253 rOft ffALE, I Una "chopped alfalfa hay. rnnnt euni. . mann, lit, a, Boa S.kV aiea, aiuiraa oiras, animate, sen very reasonably. Kt. 3, Box 234-L. House 2o8. Waal Klamath 6R SALE: Six rooma oTTurnHure. gas stove, praciicauy new. Miscellaneous article. 300 Weat Klamath, RU 1 Box 234L fl'M DTAHOMDrfhg for alerreason- arue, or will trade for deer rifle. Writ Box 297. Dorris. Calif. COG 15 used combination wrkKTand elev trie stove with watar colli, f0. Phona fOk flAXE." small DuncahPhyf dro-iv leai manogany amine uoie a cnair. and one occasional hair. 75. Phona 5fl70, f6h"t'AlJt. iieks aTMbntana Blue Tag eaed potatoes. One mile east of Malln W W. Clark. Malln. Ore. fOH fiALET'John Deere poUto planfer, good snap, rnone 3404 Merrill. Ru dolph or Ed Cacka. f OR SALE7 Ubte andHfour chairs; also Dearoom set, good condition, very reasonably priced. 173d Derby. Phone 4Wi6. wtMcmKTrrcGwtM PLANTS and SHRUBS Tor Cemctary Use LAKESHOKE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4280 JOXEntAff TtOOR SAff&ER. eefger. latest type, dustlesa, swift and easy to operate. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO . 1S40 S. flth. Phona 4816. rOK SALE. e-fL Oliver grain drill" with grass acener attachments, good con dition. $300. Phono 421 J Tula la He. Calif. ffjR SALETTllte new Baldwin Aci)aoni piano MOO Phone 7468; FISHERMEN GET YOUR SUPPLIES HERE Tackle. Worms, Dies and License ECONOMY CASH GROCERY 2616 Altamont Drive Phone 7037 Open evenlngand Sundays DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 4577 Phone TOP SOIL FILL DIRT Graham Bros. Phone 4677 FOR A GOOD Used Truck See Jerry or Juck JUCKELAND Truck Sales & Service, Inc. Uth A Klamath Phone 7755 New 1048 Pord truck rear-and 1M New DSN 2-eped Hyater Logging Drum 81 BOO. Used truck winches 10.000 lbs. to 100,- ooo hm capacity. CMC Diesel Motor 165 HP 81500. New Chrysler Industrial Motors 125 HP twin disc clutch, governor 8750. Several used light plant on hand. MOTOR TRUCK AND TRACTOR CO. 2650 Eait Main St., Springfield. Oregon Phone 573 Eveninn 487 riM7 Y6RD one-ton panel. 18.000 miles. enso. 07it. atn or pnon esw. fdfTsAXE. 1134 Chevrolet sedan de livery, Ideal for hunting and fishing. Priced to sell hurry. See bookkeeper, Link River Motors. Phone 3630, TRUCK-for sale, l4fl Studebaker. 1MT ton. stake rack, low mileage. RU 3, Box 10H5. Wocus. rOR SALE: 1937 NaahTwt offer, eve nings 4.w to 7 oo. isii Gary. Phone S-01U9. fOH S ALYC M C rmyly pe x. 2". ton truck, very little used. Wm. M. Bray. 4 miles from Chlloquln. fOR 5flCK aale. 37 Bulck sedaSTrViU take $400.Je Baker, Malln. Pro. rOR SALE: Used Lincoln Zephyr 12 motor. Make offer. 203 West Klam ath, Rt. 3 Box 2;iL, FOR SALE, used Hyater straddle truck (lumber carrier). Medford Corpora tlon. Medford. Ore, rOR SALE 1M0 Plymouth Sedan, new motor. See Wayne at Andy's Shell Station, corner Main and Riverside. FOR SALE. '42 International K-S-8 5-vard dump. 8.25 rubber. Phona 7850. ISIMTY In iP3ulcrcVu4rRadloal heater. Must sell Immediately. See at 1607 Crescent between 5:30 and 7:00 p. m. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR" SALE: Will-earrif.cer.ew-XS5 W. C. Ball railroad watch. $73.00. 2145 Applcgate. FtRTfTlZER and "topsoll Phone 304T. KXECTROLt'X CLEANER & AIR PURIFIER Sales and Service 968.73 same price since March 1, 1939 TARKEL TWEET U3J Main Phona 7187 fOR SAt, 50-lb. capacity Cooleratof In excellent condition. Price 920, Can be seen at 615 Commercial. STOVES REPAIRED, all available parts stocked used furniture stoves Dougni OK Second Hand Store. 2401 JB 8th fOR SALE, sable dved Russian soulrrel lock fur coaL Small size. 950. Phone 8113. FOR -TALE: New 6-lnch bUckTrpeX Also we can supply Va Inch and Inch galvanized pipe with plumbing fixtures. DAVIS PLUMBING CO.. 337 East Main. Phone 5781, ffi TOM "how until June 1st." good "line of planting gladioli and dahlia bulbs, at greatly reduced prices. Pats Pets, Oregon Slat Hatchery, 2720 S. 6Ux. Phone now, 0R SALE 2 -row spud planter. On 6-fat combine. One Cat baler and wire. One P-20 with tool bar, cultivator and plows. One 1-row spud digger. One '38 Chevrolet 1 '-j-ton truck. Phone Tulelaka 42tta C. J.Leah FOR SALE or trade. 1948 Indian motor cycle, all accessories. Can be seen at 2028 Oregon Ave., any time. FOR SALE. Flam No 1 block equipment7, on mixer, 1 vibrator. 1 press and stand. m oouDie panels, axsxiz moid. 1x8x16 mold. Phone 181, Dorris, Calif-, or inquire at star inn. JEWELRY" that will please your eye as well as your purse. Schneider's, 4801 a. etn. upen evenings. PLANTS, vegetables ." annuaTand 'beren nlal flowers. 2603 Kan. Phona 3023. Coopers. AXLlS CHALMERS Crawler Tractor, size IID 10 with cable operated dozer. Stanley Johnson, Mai in. Ore. Phone 191 ievenincs.1 Oft SALE, same as new caterpillar tractors D-2. D-4. D-8. D-7. D-8 and TD-Pi, with or without blades and drums. Truck and other logging, construction and mining equipment, new and used. See or writ Melvin Wallace. General Delivery. Matin. Ore. or phone Lao King, 263 Malln, to contact me. vrcTJUHCLArtRS. 9t M per week. pnone 2-01 i lOR SALE Complete hout moving equipment, camp Newell Tl. Pnon 0712 Tulelake. FOR SALE. Winchester Model 75 Twen tv-two Phone 7468 ADDING MAdHINES. CALCULATORS. Typewriters. Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs. Files. PIONEER PRINTING aV STATIONERY CO. 122-lM S 9th St. ClNDER, SAND AN- GRAVEL. sulUbTe for concrete and driveway. J. M BARNES, nhone 7659. FOR SALE or Trade: 2WT1 cks Xrt Small blue Ug seed potatoes. One Harris combine, good condition. One double drum La Tourneau for RD 8-7-8 Caterpillar. Phone Jerry V. RaJ nus. Malln. Ore. 416. FOR SALETSO sacks cerlifTed-Vtahcut seed poutoes. Fred Spolek. Mann. FOR SALE: Taylor Tot buggy, garden tools, electric stov. nearly new. Corn er cabinet, single bed, mirror, vanity table. Phone 2-0698. FOR SALE Beautiful new factoryuiU 18-ft. Inboard motor boat. Will sell or trade for good car. Take or pay dif ference. F. U Huff, Rt, 4 Box 348. Grants Pass. Ore. FOR SALE: Two 6 ft. glass showcases, $25 each, refrigerated candy case. f 1 raeucauy new, save over azuu. pay ess Drug. PERMANENTS Machine waves. 96 95 and up, for limited time only, BEL-S BEAUTY SHOP 731Maln Phona S-277 FOR SALfenTwo UffeU bridesmaids frocks with matching hats, blue and pink. Sizes 14 and 16. Also old kerosene lamp. Phone 5738. FOR SALE: Farmall No. 12 tractor on good rubber and in perfect condition. Has plow, cultivator and buck rake attachments. See Hugh Falvey, one mile west of Merrill or call1904. DO YOU WANT MORE Auto Insurance for your money? In 10 minutes I can tell you about State Farm Mutuat's modern plan. William N. Goen, Tower 1 ncflire. pnone 7Joa. GOOD use, washing machine, 940.00. 2038 Madison. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale new bed daveno. for Sale, 7488 DAVEIsffOhT and Club Chair, A-l emv dition. 828 High. Apt. 3. Phone 533L FOR SALE.Tate modal "38-40 Crawler tractor with caD and Lara a. u. pump; 12-fU Jumbo scraper, t-ft-6-ln. offaet disc; 5-bottom plow and 10-ft. drill; all practically new. Will sacrl face. 96850. Writ V. C. Rexford. Rt. 1. Box 657-A, KUmath Falls, or phona Merrill 1521. FOR SALE, recleaned Hannchen"""eed barley, was eligible for ceruiieation, can get field reading from county agent's office. Also Baart 38 wheat and rye seed. Write Rt. 1. Box 807-A, Klamath Falls, or phona Merrill 152L SO SACKS' Gem certified seed potato, Car! MeVey phone 325 Malln. RECLEANED. treated- Hannchnlbarly. 96.00 per 100. STANDARD FEED STORE S 6th and Midland Prion 8300 DAHLIa9. all colors, large exhlbiOon. miniature and pom-pon. Nice bedding planu ready now. Some blooming aizc. Also i-oses, peonies, bleeding heart and perennials. LAKESHORE GARDEN NURSERY Phone 4288 FOR SALE; treadle sawing maeWn. Phone cam. 44 Miicelloneoui Wanted Want to Purchase Precious Stones Star Sapphires Rubies J. C. Rente Jewelers 1019 Main WANTED, dead ,or worthies anfmafi. tan collect, day or night, for prompt service. Phone 4838 or Sltaa KLAMATH TALLOW CO. WXRTfcD TO "RENT Small " ftirnlshsx apartment, preferably In Mills AddU tlon. by elderly lady. Phone 4315. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bdrooni house. Phona 4017 or 4818 Cannon. WANTfcfJ-Treadla Sln.'ar sewing ma chin. Must be In good condition. Phon 8133. PHARMACIST-" wanfa fo rienPa-bedroom furnished house. Inquire Pay lata Urug. WANTED to rent,' by veteran and wlfe 1 -bedroom furnished house. Phono 3281. 46 Financial PHONE FOR ONE-VISIT LOAN SERVICE . On Your Salary Only Or on your car or furniture. Loans 'til pay day or you can re pay in convenient monthly amounts and take the maximum repayment time. LADIES I You'll find borrowing at LOCAL as simple and convenient as shopping at your favorite store. COME IN OR . . . PHONE FOR YOUR LOAN LOCAL LOAN CO. (ESTABLISHED 1908) Corner Main and 10th 115 No. 10th Phones 7400 or 7545 Bill Duncan, Mgr. M354-S276. 38 Peti ANDERSbfl-BOARDING-KENNXI3 5688 Delaware, off Homedal Road Phone 3047 PEDIGREED English Springer Spaniel pup. 10 weeJts ota. t-nampioo siocx. Phone 9385. ACANOD KENNELS Registered Cocker Spaniels. Also stud service. Cham pion Lines. 6320 So. 6th. Rfetf IsTERED""blaek femal eockr.l years old, wants to find good home. Excellent breeding stock, good pet. Owner leaving town, will sell cheap. 827 Eldorado, evenings. FOR WORK. pet. guardian or show, buy a white sable collie puppy, registered AKC. 2S miles east Evans Creek Road from Rorue River, turn left at sign 'Colli Puppies" or write RL 1, Box 278. CHESAPEAKE DOTTwlth paper). 131A iiomoja Mousing. 42 Liveitock end Poultry POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 Klamath Poultry Farms 3329 Botulinum Street AUCTTOf SATURDAY. MAY 23. 1:00 P.M. One registered herd of 24 head Whlta- Far rattlo. cnnsiatinsT of: 10 cows, two 2-year-old heifers, 6 long yearling heifers, 6 yearling bull calves, 2 bull calves, on 6-year-old buU. Another -consignment Of 70 White Fac cows and calves: 30 White Fac springer cows, 25 head Whit Face vearlirurs. 35 head dairy type slaughters, with the usual run cattle, hogs and sheep. One new bal loader, one electric milk ing machine. 2 electric separators and a kitchen range. BRAHS BROS. GRENADA. CALIF. PHONE 3396 66AR services Registered" Hampshire. Phone 7837 or 3004 Crest. WANTED TO BUY Dairy cows. Phon 9481- " WTTTK OLD HIGH-PRODUCING White Leghorn pullets at day old prices. Act at once ana fill your laying nouses with these fine birds. It will pay you to raise your own poultry meat and eggs, OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. Sth Phon 8005 special Offer Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Day old straight run White Leghorn at 10c eacn. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 South 6th Phon 6005 WANTED Large colored hen. Chria' Poultry Farm, nhone 4069 ATTENTION 4-Hers: Registered Hamp shire lambs for sale. Charlie Read, Henley. Oregon. BULL for service at your place. Phon 2-OOBO. 44 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal. lamos and cattle, jonnson packing 1.0. Phone 5323, day or evening. WANTED -Taitur for 100 head of cows and calves. Phone 164 Malln, tVlRL. nermanent oosltlon. desires small furnUhed apartment Call 4164 befor a p. m. See "Chuck" Bailey for Quick - Cash - Loans ($25 to $1200) A. Auto Loans- Dp to $1200 whether paid for or not as long as 24 months to repay a convenient way B. Furniture Loans- . Up to $300 character and ability to repay means more than the security Itself an attractive loan plan. C. Personal Loans- A simple loan plan up to 1300 for all people with permanent employment. D. Private Car Sales Financed. Klamath's Oldest Locally Owned Loan Company MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. C. A. Bailey, Local Manager M-275 8-241 114 North 7th Phone 3325 48 Business Opportunities Raise Chinchillas (Not a rabbit) Visitors welcome at Klamath Laka Chinchilla Ranch. For Information regarding breeding stock, see or write Box 1042, Rt 3, Wocus, Klamath Falls. FOR SALE, complete service station equipment. S Erie pump, hoist. Devise compressor. Alemlte grease set. oil dispenser Stronghold Cafe, phon 4335. Tulelake FOR SALE, cabinet shop In Klamath Falls. Good location, with well-established business. Priced for quick sal. Telephone 7261. m FOR SALEriewelry toreHn-Vale. Ore. Inventory of stock and fixture (with a good discount). Vale Tim Shop, Vale, Ore. OTasTTTauTOTSY and fiRYtRAW ING business, on Main street; plant and house. 1628 Main, Springfield Ore WANTED man and wife-lo lease Foun tain Lunch. Must be experienced Write to Box 157,care Herald-News. GRADE A CAFE oh main, permanenl highway: new equipment, air condi tioned, seats 30 people: grosses S150C a month at present. Lots of truca trade. Want party with reference al cafe is to accommodate future buslnesi from diesel stop, gas station and motet plus tourist trade. Writ Boa 156careHe rald-Ne ws. FOR fi EN T The Pine Lunch Boom anJ Cafe In Crescent, Ore. Reasonable. Ex. perlenced coupl. No children. Phoni 255. OUR BOARDING HOUSE . . With . . MAJOR HOOPLE OUT OUR WAY By J. R. WILLIAMS SAY LEONARDO THfXV 60'a PAINTING LOOKS LIK5 OhiB Vie OSED TD HAnE Olid MATTEL BACK. ROME:, ONLV TW Oi06 JAo 6Y ROSA fiOiOrteoR why roioT vol) steal a tv& attt m i rm r3" VE6 ? TH&.T SHOVfOS HOrJ MUCH VOO KfOOVO.' COS6ISTEO OP THRfcSr UOCPi; AMD ThlER6 VOlLL. 6E OriLV TvOO IN) MlWe CftMVAS WILL SURPASS BOMWeoRS MORS NATORAL-:HAR.R0rAPH l M lUUea h. r. - - - r BV CUTTIN' AN" IrJCH VH M 17 f OPP TH' HUB WE CAM lla-"-4 USG THIS 6C RAPPED CNG J '1k-s?i ON CRAK1E ?qq44 rf THE 'IRON MAM A',Bi.Bffi