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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1948)
I PACE EICHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 21. 1948 Union Shop Election Out In 19 States WASHINGTON, May 21 let The oatlonal labor relations board ruled today that It can not hold union ihop election! In 1 states which nave bans or regulations covering lliei subject. The board Issued an administra tive order making the ruling. It is oased on a majority opinion ol three Dl Its live members. The agency said the Taft-Hartley act "in effect removes all federal restrictions upon existing and fulure Hate legislation prohibiting com pulsory unionism . . . even where such legislation may affect employes engaged in interstate commerce." The Taft-Hartley law bans the "closed shop" but allows a union hop If a majority of workers vote lor it. In a closed shop, only union mem bers can be hired. In a union shop, the management may hire a non union man but he must join the union after his employment. The NLRB had no estimate of the number of workers who would be unable to obtain union shop elec tions under the ruling. The states are Arizona. Arkansas. Colorado. Delaware. Florida. Georgia. Iowa, Kansas Maine, Massachusetts. Nebraska, New Hampshire. North Carolina. North Dakota, South Da kota. Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. Longest Range Plane In World Launched From Ship To Buy. Sell or Trade it pays to read Herald and News Classified Ads It pays to Advertise! WASHINGTON, May II The Inniest range plane In the world, the navy's rsv Neplune, has been successfully launrhed rnim an air craft carrier. II was learned today. A navy official, who refused to allow use of his name, said the Nep tune was launched with pet power assistance from the 45.000-ton car riet. Coral Sea. off the Virginia rapes Inst month. The craft flew to a landing on shore. This type of plane a two-engine craft set the world distance record of 11.535 miles nn a flight from Perth. Australia, lo Columbus. Ohio, in 1916. 8000-Mile Hop Earlier the air force had reported tnat a B-36 bomber has made an 8000-mile flight on a simulated bombing mission. Tills was described as probably the longest flight In history with a payload. The navy official, who described the Neptune's take-off from the carrier, said the plane could be modified so as lo make a landing on the carrier. The Neptune weighs some 10.000 pounds, and would land wllh an Impart force of about one and one half times this weight, he said. The weight uf a normal carrier pUne is under 20.000 pounds, the official explained. The B-36. built by Consolidated Vultee Aircraft corporation at Fort AT THE IEACH w P001 . re MOST rtrttti II you'ie dieting for overweight. Try our Fjmous H0ll WOOD Bread in your Cilone Control menus. It's thinly sliced jnd delicious even without butter! at rout oiocn Th Ntlrt.4 W, t STAV SLKNOCR- iakeo ran vou exclusively iv FLU HIRER'S BAKERY MM CV IT'S EA$Y W,TH D A II I C U r V D H II I J (I f Offensive from V f KltCHINJ SAIHUOOSU SIDaOOSU ciosns It's "GlYCOUZED" to halp Pravant Coldsl LASTS lONOn. 1 269 At! Psjutf TEACHER ASKED ME TO NAME TWO PRONOUNS ISAIPN'fVHOxME? SUNDAY! A Com Diet TURKEY DINNER Spinach No 31 $1 Peaches $1 Fruit Cocktail 4 51 Ken-L-Ralion Dog Food Cl Candy Bars Coffee Apricots Case I3.T9 5 for 41c Box Tie Del Monte , for 10C ,b. 45c No. 1 tins 5 for 51 CANVAS DAMS All Slies Beautiful Pin-Up Lamps 52.95 EggSnTh 2 doz. 99c Slic'd Bacon 59c Pig Sausage Pork. lb. 45c Beef Roasts S.fb 43c SATURDAY ONLY! Strawberries 2 for 39c ci OK. P SAW J CRATE .. 12.15 Prem 12-oz. tins 49c Grade A Large Eggs Kitchen Towels 6 for 175 Mason Jars MASON W. M. Kerr Ret:. Dos. Pis. 19c .... Qts. 97c Jars doz. qts. 1.15 doz. pts. 98c Mason Lids "'Vm 13c Peaches ... 21c Tomato Juice ... 46-os. tin 21c Crackers UT. ,,, ear,,, 47c CoSSee All popular brandu .. lb. 55c Shortening Snowdrift Jib. tin 1.13 Oranges 3 doz. 69c Spuds Klamath 10 lbs. 69c Apples Fancy Newlowns 3 lbs. 29c aT . OXYDOL RI.NKO DIZ m Soap u; pm. 35c COME AND SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF VARIETY GOODS. LOTS OF NEW ARTICLES! So. 6th at Shasta Way FREE PARKING SPACE Worth, Tex., Is powered by six 3000 hoisepnwer enntnes butted In lle tt'nii. The pmpcllcrs me behind Ihe wiiir. The plime weighs nearly no Ions. l.uns Kuncc The air force has described the n M as a "lO.OOO-mlle bomber." II called the recent (Unlit another sicp 111 the "comttuittiii long runite tcsl liist proiirain." The flitht look iilsre Inst Thurs day and Friday, covering- 3d hours. 1 he bit plane shuttled between t'arsurll alrhase at Furt Worth and t'ulifornia, il r o i p I n k a 'nUrultle, UKrf ill load of dummy limnlis" iiltnut lilidnuy durhis die (Unlit. Avenue sliced mis ,leil o S.'l) miles an hour. !v3Mountain MjsV Graves To Head Lake Legion Post l.AKKVIKW. May ill - Ornold Ol uvea was elected 1IWMH rum umiulcr of l.uke County Pust No. M. AiitTh'itit Leitlon. Mierivdmi: Kilwln l.ukl. In nil election lii'UI ul the l.c- OIT 1 AT S TIM I GLADIOLUS I'Uiil nw fur Atttit Hum rin ltd i In ftttlmitl ii r tun trr nlil hulhut If rr .H-. ml f.r II Hn. tr i.MHl pinitmlil llrxitrlttti Kulli dih llr rt lull, tlr. Griggs Superior Foods LAST MINUTE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, MAY 22 Oxydol-Duz-Rinso X 33c Sugar 10 ..... 89c rnpP lh"' if. JQc VvtlCC Sunburn Milh ruupun Asil 7b Snowdrift 5.., 1.13 Delrich Margarine ... 46c Vel Urtc pki. 31c Pure Lard - 3 lbs. 79c Pork Chops lb. 65c Sliced Bacon lb. 65c Fryers lb. 59c Pot Roasts .ad. v s.eer lb. 65c Fresh Crabs lb. 35c PRODUCE Last Minute Specials! Asparagus i s. n. . ., 13c . "-Crate J2.I9 t'rale $1.79 Cucumbers Fine sllrrri lb. 25c Texas New Onions 10c Fresh Corn - Strawberries Special Price! i a is hi ii 1 1-nn. nsiii n mi iMii aiii.n'jirinnJW Fluhrrr'i Bakrry TreaU which have hern prrntntrd rvery wrrk-rnd for the pant frw monlhs have been well received. Two of these have become luch favoritm, that we have been aked attain and aicaln to offer them thi week! Here they are . . . get youn early! CINNAMON BREAD A tajty loaf rolled in cinnamon and top ped with a fondant icing and walnuts. There's nothing finer than toasted cin namon bread. Try it! CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS These are really delicious, tender, flaky shells, filled with a creamy vanilla cus tard and topped with a chocolate butter cream icing. "Klamath's Finest" limn hull Mnmluy hlitlit, Muy 17. IhMulliilInn ceremonies for Hie new olliicis will be lii lil ul Hie rrmiliir iiiccllnu uf June 7. Oilier new nlUci'is circled Motulny nirhl were ISnnlcy Yuiiiik. iiiljutant; lluiil liiu cut tin-, (h at vice niiimmiul ei Cutter Kctsih, Iliiiuue miicer: K1111I l.ukl. M'liti'iiiU-iil-iiiiii.s: Miss lli'iililce Oclty, iis.slsliint iiilluliint. I'l.s.i llllrls Unit are In be linked or linilleii muy be luuxlicd with luiiy- lllltltltM lll.1t. CATARRH suffirer: find cum or .iuri dui 10 naai COHOIVTION. lUPrLV tUiMID MIRII lUils'l Nl !( (imih Ulllui t.( .( rulmtlv and hy (vf tin. lu til ttt- Uoit u sn IiUy m rrmrl o( i!i fortnul. Mlii.-h linn Its HMvr In rrtti' ti( !. Uon. Mvn mtil wuh Jltlhil allMtai linMilnrti.. .-It'll Bi t ittolrll VMtst.-lto, Imklna An. tivfiinit tt.i.nry (-l nt KW.s'st iftM ttdt-r n.tiitf II, KI.UItUMtl. .0.1. M im, Itui .H.ii.i,lrhg rr-iilu, iMa I u.l mvtmiv. ttiii.tnu to ..ntr Ifiuilr. tr klOltOMU. Ic.ili..t.. im HlTrrii IUmi Storra Ul thdvit I tllcl. KUMHMi nmka goml Hunduy UivmV, Mtiv thrm In huMrr or tnar. moniiim breahrnH aerVPtl wHhmulne mi top "f Hie in nun or put lutftl.cil lnowned potulnm nnd tint I t m In Ho hmilef, No trtitsurt of the Orient is wore highly prized than rare D.ujt'clin, t hainpanc of (cms. Yet it's uscil lilicniltjr to ive Tree Tea n iLivor so rrfioliiitly ititlcrctu you'll s.ty "This is the ten lor me.' ft TREE TEA COTTAGECHEESE M Sf iSm I And now you enn Ret it! The wonderfully crenminess, etr richness, extra frethnessl thtlerotxt cnttiiKe cheese thnt's full of rich, Here's flavor thiit comes only when pur s.ittsfying flavor Borden's new Cottnge pa,t(.urizel milk from the finest Oregon Cheese! dairy farms is processed hy the world's What a freaf when you tasta its txtra moat accomplished cheese makers! When you rhoose Borden's new Cottage Cheese, you never need wonder about its freshness. It's rushed to you re.11 every day from modern Oregon plnnts . , . with the good ness, the flnvor, the rrenminess as fresh as the morning! Try this new kind of Cottngc Cheese. So velvety smooth, so downright delicious, you'll siiy "m-m-marvclousl" Dordens HEW CTimE CBaEESE IT'S 80R0EN's- it's GOT to be good! V WTTAGECHEESE M country sme I l -' " 'fit jr