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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1944)
November HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE SIX 6. 1 II J 1 Vote For U. E. Reeder For County Judge Responsible, Courteous, Active Administration ' Pd. Adv. by U. E. Beadrr My Campaign Slogan Is 'For a Better Klamath Falls' o VOTERS f PRECINCTS 1,2,3, 4, 5 and 8 I solicit and Would appreciate your vote ANGUS W. NEWTON Candidate For COUNCILMAN From Ward 1 Td. Adr. br Aim W. KiwIh. : If JuDGD Asks Your Support for Re-election As County Commissioner Conscientious Constructive Service Deserves Your Approval giui liui .nil """ He Knows County Business And Gives It His Best Give John Reber Your Vote At Tuesday's Election Fld Adr. John Isetr. The Following Is a Transcript Of the Radio Talk Delivered By M. L SHEPHERD On Friday Evening, November 3, 1944 I am going to talk to you tonight chiefly; about what I think of public power for Klamath Falls. I do this because, if you elect me your Mayor I intend to give you a good business administration. Many candidates say that, but we do not always know what they mean by it. Let me tell you what I mean by it. As a realistic business man, I know that communities do not remain prosperous, and grow, just because their residents want them to. Where they do, there is always. a real reason for it and that reason can bo stated in one word, PRODUCTION. Popula tion always remains stable where produc tion is stable, always increases, where pro duction increases, always declines, where production falls off where there is abso lutely no produciion, there is NO popula tion. The great economic b a s o s on which every inland town rests, are agricultural production and manufacturing industry. Klamath Falls is blessed, in being sur rounded by that soundest base, for year 'round prosperity, a well established, highly productive agricultural and livestock area. We, have no need for worry there. At the present time the principal atten tion of tho government of Klamath Falls, hould be directed to the fact that our man ufacturing is too largely confined to one in dustry, and to only that part of that indus try which relates to the production of lum ber, neglecting its many by-products; and to devoting every effort towards both in creasing the number of our manufacturing plants and diversifying their kinds. And to ' my mind the first thing we should do to attract the increase in the industrialisation we need, is to join in with the rest of the county and bring her the low cost publie power which is THE primary requisite, it ' manufacturing is to come and remain her. There can be no doubt that lew-cost public power does enormously stimulate private industry that it already has don so in all parts of the west coast where it it available for use. If anyone does doubt this, let him visit Tacoma or Seattle, powered from Bonneville and Grand Coulee dams, or Los Angoles and its surrounding area, powered from Boulder dam. I bolieva Klamath Falls must have this cheap power to increase and diversify our manufacturing, to add payrolls devoted to the manufacture of plastics, and other by products of timber waste, paper mills, wool en mills and for possible development of our mineral rosources which we at present know little about. Cheap power will also enable us to enormously increase our agricultural pro duction, by putting to productive use more of our abundant water supply by bringing into production many acres now undevel oped because of high lifts and high power costs. Qualified observers have stated that by means of low cost power for pumping our productive agricultural area can be in creased as much as fifty-three per cent. And so, if the voters of Klamath Falls choose me as their Mayor, they know what I mean by a good business-like administra tion. I mean that I will stimulate MORE PRODUCTION in every way because that is the ONLY WAY a stable and prosperous population can be assured, and I have em phasized low cost power in this connection, because it is well known that low cost power is THE primary requisite for Indus trial production, and, in the semi-arid West, for agricultural production as well. This advertisement psid for ty M. X flhepherif Clip This Ad and Take It to the Polls OUR TICKET IS A PEOPLE'S TICKET FOR PRESIDED! Thomas E. Dewey "The amendment is timely, it is practical it is ust, it is necessary." Former Governor Bpreguo In the Statesman, Salem Oct. 17, 1844. VOTE 314 X YES Amendment to Jners Btat School Support I'd. Adv. Klein. CftMaly T.rb. A.a.ei.Mee BASTIOBl INSURANc, T.B. WATTLf n.ri insurance . 14 Main St. FOR VICE PRESIDENT John V. Bricker FOR U. S. SENATOR x Guy Cordon - Wayne L Morse FOR CONGRESSMAN Lowell Stockman FOR STATE TREASURER Leslie M. Scott FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL George Neuner FOR STATE SENATOR Marshall E. Cornett FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Rose M.Poole Dale West FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Clarence Humble FOR COUNTY JUDGE xl U. E; Reeder FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER John R. Reber FOR SHERIFF L L Low FOR COUNTY CLERK Chas. F. DeLap FOR CORONER Samuel D. Earhart FOR CONSTABLE G. B. Cozad These candidates do not need to be cleared through Sidney. They, have all been nominated by the people. You may vote the ticket straight without misgiv ings. , Paid Adv. by i BEPUBLICAW CENTRAL COMMITTED OF KLAMATH COUNTY Henry Semon again invites your support as a candidate for State Representative , r .1-'. v at 0 g Tin. PaapiIa K1,m,,n sounty have sent Henry Semen It W I nC reopitj ,h, L,,tur Ior six terms. They know him well. His record speaks lor Itself, and justifies your supporting vols again next Tuesday. Oil Pmillitf CO positions have Included chairmanship tni 1115 WOmrnlie? vlce-chalrmanshlp of the Important wsyi and means committee, chairmanship of agriculture for five sessions, and numerous other Important assignments. V O I I Jo. II IU Catiinn ' ,n 'nd,P,l,n thinker who votes hit nenry demon convlc,oni i(tir careful consideration, and OWES NOTHING to any special group or Interest. Cast One of Your Two Votes for Hm&Y SEMON Th Only Candidal With Legislative Experience Paid Adv. by Henry Sima ELECT Walt Wiesendanger k MAYOR OF YOUR CITY U Vvs WORLD WAR VETERAN IS MONTHS' ACTIVE SERVICE OVERSEAS. 9 ADDITIONAL MONTHS IN THE . ARMY OF OCCUPATION IN GERMANY. V ..T; I HAVE BEEN A TAXPAYER OF KLAMATH FAILS FOR NEARLY IS YEARS. OUR HOME IS AT 2032 EARLE STREET. MY PLEDGE IS THIS. "Fair and Impartial Consideration will be given to all problems confronting the welfare of our city. Should you elect m as your Mayor may I assure you that I will mointol" In. .L...I.J L-.... I. sL. Li.....'. .SC.. -- L.l I will nil nCCdlCl"1 to th prformonc of th duties of this office. In my 18 years of residence her In Klamath Fold, I hove taken on ,etl" on many committees, being appointed on fho Boxing Commission, th' ' ( Board, elected to th City Council for a term of four yean which explroi no, bond drives and others that pertain to the welfare of our city. I am th P" ' dent of the Lions club and chairman of the Klamath Retail Bureau. For the last eight yen I have been chairman of the American Leg"" 'JW mi in ihji Bigiir y.eira i nave pcen cnairman or rn niiin" - Forst Firei" program. Thil ii one of the American Legion' irjost import"" munity projects. YOUR VOTES and the SUPPORT you con give me for this oie amif friends ond neighbors will be fully appreciated. My slogan on the ballot reads: "MY FOUR YEARS AS COUNCILMAN rn.L. . . . .... . ....ii or OF " uiven MB ins RWOWUDtit AND EXPERIEMCS JMAI wius. TO OUR CITY AND THE TAXPAYERS." , Sincerely Walt Wiesendangti (in P. Adv. by Welt Wlesencsniir