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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1944)
Octob,- Jj HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .. t ...,t in make and liava entered thereof, and ' '' ",,,,. luilumeult LEGAL NOTICES Would i'i,iii,' m.. Court ol KUintl Lo County oon.m-.tiy .! ;; y; llciald um fif UNcir;;;-. Hon a'J.HI, lHla luiHWrr. to tfnUlUK mwiiwii.j rir 1,1 lo Itr 110 tlm iHiunilary tif Ihr ,i,-lhl0. ThU 1J wrvwl i y.m imr.u.inl to ut lli Mitii- alMVit riUHIt'i. ('.mil. mmli- wl -ntpr...l hlttvln -n Hip amli lv tif Hm!iiiHr. Iim, I'V inililli'Milt'i. Oii-iouf for (our Im-.TMtVfl wi-ok. Irt Hi Mrrht am, I Newt iifwi.irr of Jf-nri! i-irruU-lion pullllifl in C'"'ily ' Klam ath NtHlf of Oirit.m. Ilmt iihlh-rtlloii liri-tf IwliiH limilf Iip "I OvIoImt I'M I lltfi nut il II Hrtit.fv fliuM-lal A-llrtHt to Thf Attnrnrv mill Kiiimt fak. Ninfi AlltilMOf itrnnrhiifHt of JiMiii'f. AiiitrMfvi for I'liilnilff fl2S CiHheil lliilhllng, I'orMnMil J iWsftlll KOII IIKNT I lllslleil anx I.ANimiAI'IMI sllllllla n...l 1 HllllllK llAll' ty tlio County Knul",",1'' ,rk ,,,.i, m 8.,,K:lcxiV'r-.l..i.-.." "o. la r ini ' ih. rlillit Liiuniy v.,m.. ..... KLAMATH COUNTY I 01' IT fi-cil L. IMk. "-on UKliiur John R. Hnri O. 1IH3-N0. XW. Comuiluloiicr. (, 't Hi y.t :): N, fl - No tT PACE E CHT . : : . -- . 7 With Moor Hoorw By J. R. Willlami Our Boarding Houte ! Out Our Way S-W CLOWN.' THE J WPS IM HERE' fl fffir cirncF VsS ALL Vt DUhJMo IS PVrH BAG BURST - THEY TRY EVERY- J BUL6V, W I B0 PVmeED l WS SOKJN iIA -X: 1 TV r AMP L03K AT )-l "THIMG HE DOES, V: ;p U HE'S PULLIM SONMr 7 NEED IS .A ft .goUGrA Wf, FI H H1M--THAT I AMD I COW'T WAUT )- ; 7 6LEIGMT-0F-UAND ( LITTLE NERVEs.. V IO. tfsSl r-A silly 2inr-- : . I 6toff-w.tme slub U an JfLe5i-R' JwHC (l-cl s '! U j-t h z.- rzr r i, me are eoisi' over. J - ' 7 fT2 Nf -S i! I J rh- r y hVf.r-Jl- - f AFTER 0A12K AMD V . isSZ 3 ioi pninn X.fc' n tej-:::::-:r0 ;1 investigate 1 yrV zZ" ,nl HI.,,.'' I Red Ryder Waih Tubbt Frecklei and His Friendt HOW OO iir TJC OR A WHILE WETMOUSHTLARD MkWrooNCEOr THe ELECTION T& HILDA BKAUSE SHE ATTEMPTED lb "SAVe HS UFEi euTNowrr APPEARS SHEOWiy MACE THE HEROC GESTURE To GAIN PUpUCITy-- HAIR. S rZ yOW Attl.RE.1? RvrEfC-' l ONLY f-ET10U ONCE. 1 AVWIK N THE VIgXpoMJ GO) I SEVEN PAYS TO WIPE OUT LINKS JCOLWiELJAlOPI! UCETOUT! WITH ONLY A WEEK TO CMCH f TANA'. I uciii oSpPotfpSisi niAl. A IA0ST IMMBTAHT SER6EAMT LINK. I CANNOT BEH WHAT 06A.KI KNOWS I HAVE NO CLUE (MATTER PEMAUOS 80THEREP VtTH TRIVIALITIES; THEN V HAPPENEP t ABOUT WW! y Ryjaai" nr-p i j Beoti and Her Buddies p coovvt Of covwc -T-SOW rOVA't-VVK?00'3 mil o"o w vims Alley Oop ourpcised while smds glimgoop out op the FALACE BOUND UP IM HIS BED-1 CLOTHIN&, AZROAND OOOLA 'DEVAS TATED THE EMEMV WITH THE FIRST WEAPOM Al HNL Little Orphan Annie fKT'-'MrtttLlH KNOW? SAM SETTER, THE DOGCATCHEa, DIDNT KILL SANDY AFTER ALL '. fipr-' Ri it OUT FER OLDSONDT" Mb tOTAj rirw"T smi wct! J a livr ! mmrmm?" .rii . lr3 fejr--2-5 T finpc! il 1 iCiOik A 1 7 r VOU I OOM'T CHANSE THE SUBJECT.' Licit I l i rtirN vi I trLlMif T WAV L DOW WASNT REALLV IM THAT LAKEi -SOMEBOOy MUSTA TIPPED U , ji-h in )u. fcwpfcAR 90b-t MOT WELL, WE S6EM TO HAVE "? HE'STAKEM BMT ''(pk AU. RIGHT, AZfaO, WE'RE "''Slft iSaL BOWLED OVER ALL CPR0SI-US-1 . IM MAMV A BATTLE, ' IBS 1 (SOIKJG IMTO THE LAST ACT OPW aJ'AJ.S,Lg.fE' POOO BUT I'LL BET THIS V-- - THIS. MADHOUSE TJ "-S-iKlIo ALUIHOPeV ! 'tUIS5gSrvTiME ':' WITEXTCAVAeAMZA--I JiKLOOKSj OJiAXjJ j4MLrfc : ASABATTERIMG A-. VOU ALL THeNhaMG OKI TIGHT, jZEyiSTHBousHrrvf- ' -am wav....give itmavbe 3 vpg-j .-teijtJjaraig k, A. . raail.'j!-' , -X 'EO THE BOOTo RUGGED :' "'I f RECKON WELL FIND 1 TOU SURE W WELL, t LIKE I fftNb ANIMftLf I- I TMINK 9 PLENTY O' MEAT ONO Wtm ARENT LIKE ID 1 ANIMftLS SEEM TO LIKE TOU--8 BONES HERE-Wl-M, WM FIGGERED V. "THAT'S WHY ME, TOO- J YOU'RE A WE'LL GIT FftTl JtfMl ALL DOGC ATCHER5 1 I TOOK -MORE OR WONbERFUL ', MOKS I who was rrr I wont i WHO'S THE I TELL TRAITOR. IN SOU! VOU L S- y TORTURE- I I V I IWt Wl IH HBt, O. C-. I WHAT ANV i . BUT I. ft.2TXv V SAYIN-3"' JP? VEA CIH'V R. C Harmon By Leslie) Turnor WE BRIf4S BAB NZm,COL0tiSL. YCUVE THAN bnCotANT LINk. TO WukKj yABOirTWWi By Blojier WELL, IT WAS EITHER. )I ONT MEMTlOM FRECK OR JUNE anv names nLKiwmy4NWW GIRLS hAVt IU &II-!- . , tosether.; oops; By Martin 3 ''-aS L f- - W - - TiicrijjtiitMaifcMT By V. T. Hamlin By Harold Gray NICE MUDDY FUN MISS WHETSONE awarded CORVALLIS, Oct. 23 (fl) Helen Cowglll, nssistnnt stntc 4-H club lender, said today that Emily Whetstone, New port high school student, has been nwiirded the $250 coIIcro scholarship for her broad baking performance at the re cent state 4-H club show in Portland. HOLD EVERYTHING! "He was wild about her before they married she's tamed himl" FUNNY i.ii v.yr.lsJill'J' bora, iw av hia iltvl . JOE'S BOMBER. DINER 'J JjZllS ' "He's starting his reconversion program I" GENERAL HORIZONTAL SO One who , ; 1 Pictured dances Fighting 61 Measures of ' ; French gen- cloth cral, 62 He is the first 13 Arrival (ab, 14 House ol Congress a 15 Standard o value 16 Flesh food 18 Species of . shrub 19 Very small ' 20 Honey maker 22 Weight (ab.) 23 Part of circle 24 Rough lava 26 Music note 27 District Attorney (ab.) 28 Toward 30 Salmon-like fish 32 Musical drama 34 Erbium (symbol) 39 Sodium (symbol) 36 Mollusk a'l 39 Wireless ' 42 Alleged forco 43 International language 44 Ocean (ab.) 45 Light-faco (ab.) 46 Tropical fruit 47 Proceed 49 Beverage SI Rowing Implements f3 Margin 55 Close vigorously D8 Expression ol tlisaDDi'Oval . of the to lead a division of French troops VERTICAL . Jelly I Exist i Crustacean 4 We 5 Ever (contr) 6 Wintry blanket 7 Final 8 Greek letter 0 Cerium (symbol) lOHistori' 11 Sped 12 Weep 7 13 Ml m 15" F CITATION IN TIIK CIHCHIT CIIITI1I OK TIIK STATK OK OHKUON KOH KI.AMAl'll IN TIIK MATTr.ll OK Tl,r. AncUMION nr JUDITH AHl.BNK l.KMKh. A MINOR V ".M V"JAMKS. ANU I.WTn a JAMKS iMOTItKK OK SAIU MINOHI. PBTITIONK.ItS. To Oiiorn K. Lmkf. UrMlliti: In the ol tlio Slaw "I Otejlon you are llTby elicit anil nvultri to aopoar In llir Circuit Court ol Iho Slalo ol Orrilon lor Klninatli County In llw i-ourl room inorcoi, wumu, ........ ilayi from the lint ilala ol tlio iiulilua llon ol thU rltallol.. thn and tlmra to how cau.o. II any oxuu. wliy tl onwr ol adoption ahould not l uintlo ai praved lor In the palltlon Itlrd horrln. Thta publtratlon ! inado iiurtuanl to the order ol Honorable David II. nn dentiera. Clrcutl Judae. The flrat publication la on October "' IM" FRED 0. SMALL. Attorney lor Petitioner!. 0. l.33..Ki N. No. aoa. SUMMONH-Clvll No. 1M1. In the dlalrlrl court ol the Untied Stalee lor the dKlrlct ol Union. United Slnlre ol America. I'lalntlll. VI. Clarence I. Hard and Merle I. Hard, huiband and wife; Elijah W. Roberta II llvtm. and Jane Doe Roberlt. hli wife. II married; .eta t. Ilobln and John lloe Rohln. her hu band. II married; Klmiley Ray lln; bach a ilnfle man; Mary 0. Umitwch. a widow! Klemalh County, a municipal corporation and political aubttlvUlon ol the Stole of Oreion; the unknown helm at low and deviant ol Nlrholat 11. CinHbach. deccoed. and of KMJoh V. Roberta, deceased, If dead, and also, all other pertont or partlet unknown claim Ini or who may claim any rlihl. title. Hen or Inlereat In anil lo the real pro perty detcrlbed In the Complaint here in. Defcndonta. To: Elijah W RoberK. If llvtnl. and Jane Doe Roberta, hit wile. II married; Zela It. Robin and John lloe Robin, her huiband. II married; Klnliley Ray Glmbach. a mile man; Mary O, Glmbach, a widow: The un known htlrt at law. devl.eet and lelaleet ol Nlcholai O. Glmbach. do. ceaied. and of Elijah W. IloberH, de ceased, If dead, and alio all other per tont or parties unknown clalmlnl. ur who may claim any rlihl. title, lien or Interest In and lo the real pruperly described In lha Complaint In Con demnation herein: In the name of the Untied Slates of America: Vou and each of you ara hereby required lo appear and anawer the Complaint In Con demnation filed aiaiml you In the above entitled action wllhln four weekj Irom the dale of the first publication of thle summons, and U you fall o lo appear and antwer, Iho plaintiff for want there of will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for In lla Complaint In Condemnation filed herein, lo-wlt: That the Court take Jurisdiction of this cause and make and have entered herein all tuch orders, Judimcnta and decrees as may be necessary lo determine the ownership of Ihe hereinafter descrllwd lands and fix the value of Ihe tame and Iho amount of compensation lo be paid by the plaintiff to whosoever may be adjudled lo be the owner or owners BUSINESS Anawer lo Prevloua Puatla 17 Relate 10 Snare 41 Concerning 46 Without cost 47 Group 48 One time 1 60 Athena' 51 Removed 52 Atmosphere , 83 Cheer 64 Lair ' ' 56 Evorytlilns 87 Manuscript! (ab.) 69 District of Columbia (ab.) 60 Of the thing 21 Dine 23 Bustle . 24 Like 25 Change 28 Follow 20 On account (ab.) 31 Ago 33 Last . 36 Therefore 37 Flower 38 Timber , 30 Decay 40 High cardi TIT t w.'i m XSue m, I3T 3? m ml EEIB fi Ilrttlon Cntondnr Wnr IMc i' llathmltm Moanl. 4M Mntii Hire l. littWv lioura ilnllv. Q M a tu li 4.40 p I" . S.(t.iriUy. U 10 in. lo $ p. in. I'lion mill for nil In for nut Hon. All npiilleatltuit nuit b MAII.m In In Ihn Wnr Tilt-a atut ItnllonhiK II mnl at 4.111 Mum Krt'Ol. HiHl MiT i-rrnwiUutl III licinon HI 1(1 A It l(nl nn hook nntfar m in on io Ihtoouh, U.I viillil linlrflnllflv, 0 iKiiiml p.ich. Nuit'ir uinn 4ii vniin lntt'osii Kelt, an I IH1 fur ft in'iin-U homo van n in B nnlv tor lnon ramilnd atinar. up lv I-hi i-onrtl iinioh nmtw Pimnp ait. iMK'KSeSKii rotm.s I1IJIK SI'AMI'M ration htMik 4 AH Ihrouvh '.il Mini Aft Ihrouifh l9 valid ImldinllrlY meat. Mt'TTni, ciiKrnC" nr.ti NT A MI'S - ration hnok 4.-AB throuKh 7.a mut AS Ihrouih Kfl mmi In ilrfhlltrlv, Nparo nlonip an Ktfti) for ID ,M)lnl Iniitli UiriMldtl Urlolier 11 UAHOUNK "A" M CKil(i- lleicmlwi 31. Knvh finipon worlh 4 ttollimi, i.uu pmii not vallu linir etuittrti 'H' ur "C" i-oiiitiii.i may lw rviiowed within hut not bcfuia 13 da fiuin data un COVnr or iHMiK, ri'Kl. Olh 1'frlfwt 4 5 roiitfoni i nrw (rl4Kl I couiMini valid Ihroiiih Aueuit :n, iim.i St'OVKS iHallrm.n( nf coal, wood toia rmla Drtuhor lit, Aiily local Ixutnl for tiir-lia cariiilf Aloi. CLASSIFIED flATES On day ,. per word 4r par word He day run 3 day run ......... 4 day run A day run lnr wuid llr ior wuru 4r won) I4r ir wool l.v Wrra run Won Hi run .. . ur word 4V WV UUrounl lor I'-it-tucnl in Ad vane 3 Dlicount for I'armant ty lOlrt Adl rtralvvrf by 1;00 a. m. will ippaai tarn afternoon In "Now Today" column Ad in Into roguur riaiiinraiinn ariai tha flnl day. Adi may Im conrallad br Cfttllna hv i)Ut a m. DISPLAY r la tied ada with larger lypal muit ba In lha day hefura publH-a' Hon New Today CAMK TO OUR IM.ACK MUNDAY. red nialo i' .tif wrarluK haltrr. I'hnnr 0701. -laHU riUnta HI. 10 U STHAYKD from A It am on! dlilrlrt. Jcr try cow and dark rvd Call' atMHil 1'j yuan old. Call aOM artar 9 u. n 344tf roil M ACIHNKKY TIIOIUII.K and In alallallon. aim elerlrlcal appllanra re pair, phono 7-lu, Jpottlf WANTKO N'litit walrhman fur i at .Shlpptngliin. Phone 4.11, iwmlll 10 LW WIIOI.KNA1.K MII.K IIOUTK DHIVKR wanted. No Sunday wurV I Itivrr Dairy. lo ad VACANCY -Hlnele lmucliMpln rtmrn. Everything furnlahcd. IHH Klamalh. 10 u Ton 8AI.K C'my amall .1nmm and balh. nrwly doraraied tnid, nif yard. 321 CJrant. I'h. U4T. .luntl KOlt BALE-a-nmin hntiM, rtoM In. al a tarriflre. ,i.H0. I'h. 4JMU. 10-aA KOII HALK 40-arr tract all under irrigation Dcop aandy ol, Located at Malin Prlca WXJQ, Trrnit, OH HALE 200 arre. Ino arrra under Irritation In alfalfa, new and nld, alto pat turn and fro in, Drep elrelrlc well. Ix-aled on Malp hitthway near Merrill. Price rOH BALK Three-hedrnfirn nirHlurn hnm knt wood fo,ni In llvln rmtm and Hlnuitf room, eleflrle hot water healer. Im- jiiuveu ivrcei. ioe tn. I'rlvo $i!MQ. eo Henry Newhoua at T. B. WATTEnS ... Realtor -in Main 81. Phone 4101 ia043 Evenlncal io n ron 8ALK-I040 1MC trurk. 3aeed or nir. ti urea, platform heil See nt o;i4 Klumalh Ave. 10-24 rnn rai.m.. h.-ii 'it tr. ... i-.l- houie. Air conditioned with healed ..,.. arparaio rwimi. interior Him wood and birrh. H-uulor heda. wail, hnRln. medlral rlmni in i.irnnn carpeted floora, lota of cloaela and -...w,Kc pare a-i condition II, C !'" '''. 4MI Cannon. Phone 70(13 "in irauo in on ticnlralile home 10 23 KOII BALE S-plece walnut bedroom tulle complete; aUo larve Ktnt wood circuiaior, rrowiirt Trading I no, out. io-ja KOII HALE Typewriter, rfnvonpnrl "ir and run. Plume 0713, 10 2.1 NATIONAL OIIOANIZATION with priority deairea ofIce apace with eaiaiuuned firm whoae lecmtar could render pnrt-llme aervlce. Plenn write 8. C. Mitchell. 214 Miner Uldn Eugene, Oreitoti, io-3 WANTEn - Clenn. fitlnt room, with hllth PrrfrrrtHl llV UnnlUmnn ..... ployerl. Kxndlent referriuet, Wrlle KU.l, enro I lorn Id and Now. 10-211 WANTED TO nUY Guerniiey or Jeraey Write lit. I, IIok III 13 -A or nhnn or eveiiiugi aatHJ. m-aft KOII HALE- New llfinipuhlre hem, pul . ' . u"n nioiiera, ear Uo family cow. 8131 llrlitol Avr, . 10-; WILL (JIVE EXI'miKMrifn i-Aa"" my home to child a yenra nntl uvor. Phono :i73S. jo-afi WANTED TO Iiuv"l7a7d pntnln" wi7lflf and prealrrr. Alan plnlfurm tcnle. write I', u. llnx KM, City. 10-211 WANTKDHnuarkeeper tlnya only. Per rrmnent work, (limd pay. lai p. cino icrrnce. Phone H37I, 10-211 FOR HALE.1iisio Wlnchealer cnrhlno IlIL Mnrtln 10-21 KOK HALR-Prowiir hlcycle, new violin and cane, a prewar knpok pillowa. 1 Iron rot and cotton pad, electric corn popper piano, now amall chick en houae. 2027 Oregon Ave. I0-2B WANTED By old eiitnhlUlirri rmt,.l. ry Cntnpnny, experienced office mullein, uiion fu ture and gnod anlary. Mint lie wlll- . ,,vn nui or Kiamatn Fn ''""nni. Write p. o. n 7im, Diinsmulr, Cnllf in ,FI't-'l'.II. wife and hnliy t""i' in llvo. Now live In ; ;".,.,V I " nn nn'nlnil fnolllllea if I n i tnrnw tinny In ii t .. i : i" mrnw nnny in river n "r" "noeslrahln tenants. Newa, ' "r"m mrl 10-34 wi,i7Ts?"!;,'clrlc hot ir fMi-r. mail foil 8AI.R-3 Durne l,m,l . in '"','."'!' ' """" Also I Durno linnr nr fOf !S:"""ii,, , , I'lMtril u IM "niiiU'allun i, , ' TA AI.VA I, OUT (lit AIMPriMTTTTr" !;' LlceinS vi Conlai l ,,. i, '" -.i.""'j.':' " 1 "ii 1 l.tlST A man's innTTr." cold. a i please irliiui tr, w ', ' fcalr. Club ,,, ' u LOHT--K ..... n nit, lei-uve I'ltiuie '. "CI...J Mu,,, itr.wAit : -,'ir lnliimstBW w.'i, lie to D..HI.. Uim ,(- HI'IIAV F.I) 4 .... - .,-,,, i, rltler In. ml u,hl i, anil 7U1I7. OHT (lit TIIAvil,.Kei,"J .... ..,..,, u-smv.r , q. hlark ten. rjt iih .u ,. .rar lilt tia, k NflW ftTJi Weld. IMiuiie ,o,u ,r (3 Goner.i Motlcaa) T-B0NE CAFi Now Open mid 0: - Hours a Dai Undor Nt-w Owtxr nnd Managenitt STEAKS OUR SPEC. . Mi MAKE LAKK O WOUW u ipiartera tlutli, Hurt tit-1 caiuua avaiiauia. Mitt erly. ON AND AKTKIt TIMS DAH X 31, 1 will not be Kipoct, uiua yinur uttui my e WILL PAY I'AMI for trt i 10 Semen Refrigeratic Service KELVINATK Factory Aulhoriwd id Househo'd ond Commeiciol Phono OBI! OREGON EQUIPMENT 127 So. ClriSl. Motor Rebuild Starter and Cetera ItccoiKllllonnf MOTOR TUNE-t'l 1!3 Vcars' t)tpew: Elmer Tripp Home Garog: 21fl Old FortS"' Phono 7034 bffort after 8:30 P. St CRATING - ST0:-' Local and Lo"! D"'J HAULING Klomalh Fo!h TRANSFER ond SJf Agents for United W 101 Klnnmth r" FALLS ELECTRIC I rM.uj -r-KirOAl RFPAIi paired,. Anl f g I'lniu ai' , 633 St. FrandsSrn HOME APPLI SERVlu Eleclrlr f taflii Clork Rawl in? ,u with ne,. S0 I'.Tll'io Trt ilK.MSI'lTC,",-j un ii. riiuiiinK. ph.lU Main, llraitn all. MAKK VOI'lt I"",1! IMiono a:U4. .ru'"",;,. i,,. ipri" ' , Knoti". "M HKPTIC TANKS l", fi dern eiiini- Kina it Xv7,N IMKIDIICrS - W IM. I'llOUD " E,T"0,''i'Ln.C'l acrvivv, -- Ai.TKRATic ns nn Print pro iSlM'1 I.O.HT T.,, ,,f irfi,r,7tjrir' Tlllelake. " i.OHT llrd unit .wiTawr aliinlt :i m.,,. !,) ((1.W! lliense Nn lit -iien; ,f ! -I mi W .... V'luD' srvon Jon son. . 1, Don IIA4-A. 10.2(1