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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1927)
Wpdncwlny, S-it'mhT 21, 1)27; THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. " W . 1 I - I - 1 ! ' Pap Sfven t Lost and found i UJHT Velvet lulf geiitlemnn'a ' purnit, Willi namo itelva K. Par sons atawped In xulit letter. iiiiiIaIiiIiik ISO ami liilr vhI- MllllIU 10 UWIHT. f Ill.t.T Will lii it 1 1 or leave at 4:1 ft Pacific , Tnrrara keep I lie f JU. Nil iiieatlima saked. I0-8t FOR SALE rtm ftALK Muwlax machine, tvti laillre' roate, ofhar elulrf tint. Ml Oak, Apt. 111. 17-24 Foil KALK Varluua article r fiirallnr aud housaliuld aootU. ' Ky terms. K. 1.. Weaver llmna u. IV SS FOR RENT ruit KKNT 4-rooro hou. 230 I XV row. phone 919. 17 3" nuOMH ItO Lincoln. Phone Foil ItKNT Furnished apart ment. HI. Frsoii Apt,, (in Dak HI. 19-Sl Kim ItKNT 3-room furnlahed ' limine with garage. Phone lu&.W. - . gotf 'OH RENT One four-room mod ern furnlahed houae. Inquire 3US Lincoln. Mm. Davenport. J 7-1 FOR KENT Furnished 2-rooin houses, Ill.tO reus lb. 421 I'luai. phone M-J. m-OI0 TO l.KAStt 6-room furnlahed houae, garas: alao 6-room partly furuished houo, evraga. M7 Lincoln, so-at tUH RENT Complatnly furnlalf 4 spta. 8tam baalad. Itax Arma, 224 Uroad BU Phnaa UK. AJ5-HJ5 Kttlt ItKNT 4-roora houso on lake frout In Ilumia Vlata. Ad dition. Hath, full baanmrnt, ttiirais. lawn, trrea. and S acra of aardia aoll. I'avrU alriwt to town. Konl 1& VV prr montb. Call 7t-W or wrlto I'. O. !ox 35J Clly. lOtf bit tnoncy at tha A read Hotel Apartmanla, fornlabwl com (lately, elactrlo ranisa. Ilnan, tllahaa and telephone. Or rooma witb private bat ha at Taal eat rata to permanent facets. Arced. M-J For S!o Real Estate VOn EXCHANGE roil II EST We can ear yon If you want to exchange your property for eometbluK that auita you bettr, remember the other fellow baa )uat what you want and le looking tor what you have, flee me today. Office opea eve nine by appointment. 1 ' have good propoaltlona all over the Nortbweat. B. A. OI.D8 114 South 7th 61. rbosea Office t0, ilea. 1490W S-22 IHHIQATKI) KAKMB 150-acra farm located on main highway, 7 mile from Klamath KalU. In the heart of potato producing district. Excellent aoll tree from al kali, naturally drained, run nine water the year round. The borne la surrounded by the moat beautiful shade trees, lawn and ahrulibery in the valley. Thla farm la be ing offered at a much lea ' price than adjoining lurid for a quick aale, llo sure autl aeu tbls ouo. 29 acres, new Improvements, aplnndld soil and located on fine highway, 1 tnllrs from shipping point. Only 1000. J AO acres In sagebrush, good water right. A soap at f IS . or acre. We have plenty of other targe or small tracts. BSXAK ft THACY 609 8. 8th Ht. 1'hooe S9 S S0-2t Freckles and His A GOOD AIM 73AM I UIMWT ivi r-wt.-. A ftlDSV V f XX:' T .J V t new today FOR ItKNT 2. room furnished apartment. 127 Klamath, 20 Klllt ItKNT 3-ro..m apt. hunt, (tit and Main, Ht'm 2l-t full HAI.K Inn truck, good r uli In. r, 140f. M. 01 li HI. Il-Ii ran ItKNT Fiirnl.bed 4-rooui nuttw, bath. 115. 1447 W Zl-Jt Full ItKNT &-ri.inii partly fur Ulalicd linuac. I'huua 647 M. f !- WANTED- Experienced tbsuilirr mnhl. 1iHrlltan HoM. 2l-:it KOIt HAt.K Kuril track, new rubber, first claa condition. (l.r ahlfi. flat body, Phone HI 7. J 3:1 Pleaaant Ave. t-l UOKT - Una Ialr laraa dark rim (law! oa 7th Hi., botwat-n Hi lik rata anil tt'alnnt Ht., or from 7th and Main tn Hot H prin an lliinl. I'luiuo S70 or ' rnl urn to Kunlo fool Hall. n-t MISCELLANEOUS DKKH tlVNTKUS ATTBNTKM lt tnit pack 'you Into rampa wnnrr tbrra arn iwr and no. olhrr huno-ra. Ural itrtr roun iry. K. II. Wampler, llocky i'olttt, Ora. 8 8 -OS VOIt KXl'IIANtiB 10 acres Im prnvsd ranch la sunny Joaquin Valley, under Irrigation, for farm near Klamath Falls. K Daugherty, II. A. Box 44, Tn lare. Crftlf, 2li WINJIOW CLEANINU Kloor wailng, houae cleaning and Jaolior service. References. A. M. Ilhoadt. I'bone I054-W. 107-!4-tf For Sale Automobiles HAHUITH VOK HAr.K (ii.lug ul once. 250 rbotce pedigreed dure. 3'rlce If.iU to I7.&0. Silver fhln Kur Farm, one mile south of Talent, Ore. 17-24 I93C GRAHAM 1 4 TON TRICK Thla trntk um d In Klamath Palla elt the time. Run 13 -uiio mile. Htake body, good cab. lto-lncU wheel !)". . OHTKNIHtRr MOTOR CO. 51 Klamath Ave. I'bone 272 WANTED VANTKI Hmall air rompreaaor. Wyard Novelty Hhop, J3 Call forula Ave. 2o-3t WANTKl) Middle nged woman wanta hosaekewpiiig, or will work for few men. Write Her ald. Box 621., 20-3t WANTKO Room for woman and board for 4 -year-old child. Phone IV99-R before t:30 a. m. 19-3t WANTKO llMRlneea partner, oil her sex. 1300 Investment; earnlnga 1200 per montb. If Interested address Box 6!1 Herald. 10-12 WANTED We pa btghoat caah prtoea for used furniture and stoves. Re sure to aee us be fore you sell, We give yon a liberal allowance for your used furniture tn exchange for new. Yob will find our prices very reasonable and credit service . liberal. KLAMATH Fl'RNITPRB CO. . 1011 Main St. Pbone 94 Ht-Ol . FIRE INSURANCE Wa apeclsllxe In Irrigated farms and stork ranrhes. 1$ years' experience tit county. REED & REYNOLDS lOIiO Main Ht. Phone 1003 Friends IAS": BSt-L MAS BUScW AEE'T VOW AFRAID YOU'U. HB UAT5 f poa so-voou? TIME V Jim AM' ftu BB T'LU RiDC 7Vt AIM 1 I T Vl A'ltv&LL. NEW TODAY Foil HALK tid-l rator blade' aiiat pefirr, good rouditius. (heap. Wizard Novelty Klwp. 7(3 t'alllurtita Ay. 2U-21 Hill HAl.K -roups, 0 SO, aniw larma. IK17 ('hrrilt iitlt emmh. bl-, druu ilux US, Hxrald roil MKNT iJirne rn lur iwu, adjoining liaih. ouiatda -n-tranr'. I'huua, alvain beat. Zttt IK. till Kl. . 21-21 KOI! HK.Vf 3 or -riitn houae and Krr, partly fufUllied, tarmfttt. .tnijnlra I5 ltKra Ht. 11-61 WAM1KO Hinall iilr compraaairr. Wltard Noraity Hbop, 73 Cali fornia A. 21-St 1AAN Money to loan os real eataie or contract bought. I'bone HU.AK t TRAC Kealtora. 21-24 FOK BALK 1 1924 Dodge touring, com. . pletrly equipped. Alnilr buy, t 192S Dodge commercial, wlt screen .aide, all sew tires, floe condition. t 122 WUly fit. Clair coach. Tbt la a fine car. I-ot ot value for the money. I 1S24 Chevrolet roadster. A dandy bay. 11923 HuiUon coach, alt ready to go, completely equipped. 11923 Dodge some car. touring. Sure We hue many more to select from. Liberal Terms. UOY CAtl.'H fSKO CAKS Kee Walt Abbey ath and I'ine 81. i-ol. I'bone 334 21-ri Lowest Stage Fares FROM KLAMATH FALLS To Ashland 81.00 To Mcdfont ... , JIO To Han FruckKO i ta To I'rmtlrtoB 14.83 New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 For Sale Dandy new 6-room bungalow. Only $5,000 if i '' takeii ' at 1 ' once. CiitLCOTK SMITH "RrattoT" T27 Mala Hi- Pbone 64S A Miscount AW. VJAAT il DOVMECACn-'- '' i'V., - i A Deeds Filed Hiituuol A. ftrnwu, (I ul to Hl.lmriJ fl, Hon:-: N'AHWii, fK . HIV Vi NW8E54. of Kec. 1. A. Hbaar, t ui (4 Urpha Hay; SW itt Hw. 35.JJK. Idwartl I., t-nemtjla it Krad rli k J. Mi:('artby, et 01: KVs NK. ic. and thai i: t of WVNR'4 of Bw. a-24-3, t llia raat ent bajd ot IX thutt rlwr. Clrrutl Couri Ijtw; itautn Itroa. v. H. W. Kwwter. Wr. H. W K . lor. Ja! k Jewett and "loa Cabin f I'oaltry Karm;" debt and att h-. .I-! $45.0o: writ leaned. Wan - g. Mrfolloch Urtocolt, au ntftar. 2649 lw: Tbomas McCar-f'"- MoTe 400 mfck, Jr., Aesroa Moor, and f"'0 od M,on b,ld 'rrired l..c Moore. A.k damag. for,1"'' "l lnwia' peraonal a.9it. genial dam- ,rullow,n ,b ,"crame"1 age. ItO.OUO. Bptt daauwea' P"lnnwt to various conference Complaint filed. 2570 Law: State Industrial Accident CommiloB vs. C. J, KIrky and L. C. Kirfcy: debt aad attachment: I579.5SS. C. C. Page, attorney. D. O. William to Independence NEW TODAY FOR RKNT-Houaekeeplng cab-, lun 101 fi!-ii. Btr Pbone 62U-W. St-3t INVKSTltiATE AT ONCE 1 3 Too Very attractive l-room home, completely and well fur nished, located on paving in Hot Spring. Large tot, beau tiful lawn and snruba. Very easy terms. Don't overtook . this one. (1200 Cosy new cottage, far nlabed extra nice, garage, beau tiful flower, tree, oa eewer, complete bathroom. 1200.00 down, balance like rent. A real attractive I-room ; house, furnished, bulltlns in kitchen, plaaterod, corner tot. ' lluU down, 420 per montb. f r- UX)K See u tor baiae prop ' erties. botets and apartmitU. i Trades and rentals. The WALTON-WRKiHT CO.. Inc. Pbone 1144 611 Klamath Ave. 21-31 FOR 80 Acres of land all under cultivation and irrigation, well located on Weed-Klamath Falls highway, 4 miles from city limits. This is a bargain at $8,000. $3,000 cash and terms on balance. A good four-room modern house, garage in basement, located on Third St. Pi-iced for quick sale at $2850. Some terms. A nice new 4-room modem house, small basement, garage, large lot, located in. Hot Springs.. Price $3250. $1150 cash, terms J " on balance. ' S3 mm i C 3 Y- ' KtDS DD,mT S I , " vAii) ujrvr,;N-"vt' AHSTAKfi AVM STVj . my HwvHt.afc- fAL ,J , aaaaiaaaVi7 I , , n i I '-m-ry rontbany (Kaat nu. I l-i.n. for tm tx-cliiDiji k-I-JT had fnrfj&jt J-t-3J. (5 yr. I 'tfwt terir trr rtmm of Wit ilnta bilttdlnx, '22 Min airmt. ' V. V.niiAiv I'Krtlor tu M A. JWann et oa; hcf2l; NW4 KW '4 of H 2, Twp. . R. ; t'nd. I 3 lntr-nt In lota J3-I. blfKkjtbBi Kr!iy, tb 25t of tJttobtr. !. Kworul Hat Hprtnxa. tti. at 2 oVfotk o. m. of aaid OH If. Ht.a ot Sr. I. at the ruurt room of aatfl to Mar'lo Mrflratb; nitaaca 4i U-i-t. Methodists Settle Down to Business HAI.KM, Ore.. Hept. 21. (At't ' Iligular liiialueii of tuo rtn .iwn in ill" uirnus umvrciKr, MethriUIat Kplxropat church, com- tbU morulng when t! ... ?ltlli. t U!..... A . - . William O. Hhepb.rd ex-1 the Invilatioa of aa.ra-f 8. liiHey and Mr. D. II. Leech, superlntesdenta of the eastern and Salem, districla. The major part of the after noon sraatos today will be taken up by the reports from secre taries of various conference in tereata. Of general interest are tboae of the conference claim ant endowment fund, religious education commission, Wesley l I V. 1 . V, n. l 1 1 1 Pnfllalul chrtwn Advocte, H!I torlcal Society and tha Wesley Foundation Fund. Legal Notices vtytCK OP BKTTLKMKNT CF FIX.VL AtXtlt ST. In the County Court Of nhe County of Klamatb, State of Ore-' goa. tn the natter of the estate of Will trade good uaed .Touring Car for Lots or Acreage, !Buck Garage SALE CHILC0TE & SMITH Realtors 727 Main Street tlKt. V ;!:,iKTTK. dwawd Notba t iserrbr tlmi that the mate of t;w. K. (Mlk-lte. d.a- id, ha !! In th alM,v naitH-d i loiirt hi final an ount of tho ad- mi 11 fun of mill rt'sttr, ttf j trh'-r with bla n-twirt arrrf lr- ftftoa fnr fttwtt ottlnnat, asd euuft, in KlcmaiSt KaUr hi hn Jbtiii and urn ih iimv n4 pUt Hrp the tUema ot nttiU maunf, Ihilra titi IStlt day vt t t VM. yr B. CHAKK, AtimhiiMrafor tit tat exiauie iS21 - I9 - o! - lS - 19 I f XWTK'K OF K V. T I V tW HTfstWS ,"tKKT. lwAftf of Kc.(.ivt. vrto Notice 1 Bereoy gives that the Koard of Director of the Enter prise Irrigation District of Klam ath County, Oregon, wilt, com- meruing Tuesday, October 4th, IS -7. at the office of aald Board of Director. 210 Willits Build ing, Klsmafb Kails, Oregon, sit a lioartf f futuaitiatios for the purpose of reviewing and cor recting the assessment roll of said, District for the year 1927- 1S2S. 1 ROSA E. HAG EH. I Secretary, Enterprise irrigation. District. ' 87-14-21 SOTU B OF HKARIXG OF FIS.tL ACCOrXT. la the Coaaty Coort of the State of Oregon, for Klamath - Coaaty. tn the mftfer of the estate of John A. LaVign. deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given, that Aitee Garland, the administratrix ot the estate of John A. LaVigne, ' deceased, hs rendered iter fiaat account and filed her oetirJon for final settlement and discharge. and that Frfrfar. the 7th day of, October. IS 27. at Two o'clock" p,. m.. at the Court Chambers of tbe County Court in tbe Court House, at Klamath F-iiiv. Oregon, has bees appointed for tbe hearing of her said itsat account and pe tition for enter of discbarge as tench administratrix, at which time and place any person inter ested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions n writ ing, -end show cause, if t sy lie, has,' why said - final account' sbsutd sot be approved and al lowed, and tbe estate settled, &nd the administratrix discharged. . ALICE GARLAND. Administratrix. S7-U-21-2I-05 NOTICE OF H.VAL ACM..Vr. In the County Court of tbe ! State of Oregon for tbe County 'of Klbmatb. Is the matter of the estate of, Amanda PechoH, deceased. ' Kotice Is hereby given that the undersigned baa filed bis final acconnt and that Friday, Septem ber 30tb, 1927, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. In the court .roora of tbe above entitled court in tbe County Court Haass at Klamath FalSj. Klamath County, ritaio of Oregon, has beea fixed by tbe court as the time and place at which tbe court will beer objections to said account and settle tbe same. ! Alt persons having objection thereto wttt file the same or ap pear personally and object ihere to on or before" the date set for tbe bearing of said, final account- J. O. PATTERSON, Executor et the last wilt and ! testament of Amanda Pee li cit, deceased., A31-S7-14-21 SOTK K OF M K K T f X F KtH'AUZATKW - HOARI OF Si'XSYSiliK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. ! Notice I hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Saeay Jstfte Irrigation District wi!L roffi imeactag Tuesday, the 4lb day of .October. 1927. at the office of tha ; Board of Dusciurs at - tbe resi dence of S. L. Folhuringham with in said district, set as a Board tof Equalisation for the purpose ef receiving and correcting the assessment ret! of said district for tbe year 27-t2g. J. L. FOTHERiSGHAM. I Secy. Suncysida Irrigation Dist. f S7-14-21 By Blosser Klamath Falls RH.US.U STR E n- p- ,h J-''Ki ifwt Thursday ereninar. ?i Viltlr,g m.Kber ja csi. EJKS TESfPtE, Srst 4 Sats OUVBtt Sl'lKER, ExiSted Rnlar Fraternal Order ot Caglea fCr Beets Every Frl- .VVll'' y Jm d'f. 7:20 at ZjXA "MfiwK Halt. D, terts 205. Phnaa 174 Labor Tempi Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORN K V 34 C. C. BHOWBR Attoroey-at-Laar State and Feirai Coart Abstracts Exasaiaed SO. Willlu Bids, Pbona fftt Real Estate !. w a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer tOS Witltaais Building Klamatb Fails. Oregon ' Phoo 1435 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE BS.tLEF.3 Repair Work. Battery fjerrice. Tires Naatt, Oakiana, Pontine, Packard , R. IL H. GAKAGii ' St Klamath Kest to Postcffice Phoo SIS Goodyear Tires Fireproof Storage AUTOMODILK TIRES Bring Ik your wars tins gel SOOO mUt store at , H ossat cost , ' 5 f ACS T5BE SHOP Gnarantced vsleanixing 115 So. llib St. Pbone 5 4 3-J re-treada tlTO EEPABt Smithy's Repair gbop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and delivered: South ta St. Pbone S03-W ' BATTER x" 8EHVICB Battery Service, Magneto. Starter and Generator Repairing FLOTD HENRIOT CO. 13i Main St. Pbone 2S7-W BE.tmr parlous Expert Operators. Individual booths, violet ray. marceU ing, hair tinting BOSTON BEAFTY SIIGP Gtorenna Warren Winters Bids. Phone Itt Water, French; Paper Corf Facial and Scalp Treatment BClLDiSG MATERIA! SWAX LAKK MOCLDfNG CO. Quality Bail.liEg Material Soalb 6th St. Phone 739 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work: and f ixtures ' bsilt. 1401 Division St. Pbone 14X5 HAGGAGE Af EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and Express Stand. 8th Sfaia. Pbone 9S4. Trunk battling and light mo-ring. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store, Main, CHURCHES SACRED HKART CHURCH KSghth and High Sts Rev, it. F. Loeser, Rev, C. B. Fetge. Sasday masses at 6: SO, jS0 and 1 U : 30. Kvenlng devotions at 7:J0. Week-day mass at ? a. m. Merriil. Itt and 3rd Sundays at 10.-30. Alt are cordially welcome at our ser vices. CIVIL ESGIXEER J. C. CLEGBORS Civil . Ers!ner; and Rarveysr 219 High Street C. C. KKLI.Bi -. Conjuitln? Civit Engteser ritdersroojl trttts. Pttonel H75 Lodge Directory t it tw wxmg iltxt every Tbara- dayf f:30 r u o. o. at. Mooj Hall, Kianv atb Ava. GEO. OGLE. Die. aiLA-HATM MHMiK iO, f A. F. aadA, M. f. State4 Commanicaftona. W , 2nd and 4t!t Haaday Visiting erstbera uo BViLirtsa SfcJt.HtSORH UY WtMtfMRAfC Meets first and third Wednesdays each month in 1. O. O. V tlidg, Fancje Jf. TJmmpsoB, Clerk. ie H. th. lt-3 BKXTU4TS General Practice of Dentistry DR. PHILIP CO LB SiS Sain Ow.Miw'i rtora Pbrtss Stt Opes Evenings by Appetstasest DB. E. G, WISECAEViK Dentistry X-ltr Service Underwood Bid-. Phone 445 Dr. J. J. Emmena, Uedford, Ore. Practice limited to eye. tar. aose and throat. Pa ana S47 rHmep&ACTORs . DR. GLEM MOO KB Palmer Graduate Chronic and Kervoua Diseaaev ' New Meibase Block, iii Main Phone 127Jv Or pee lie Court Sof RIL C. Jtt HSVAEL ' i Cradunte of Psimer and Pacific Cwtws Fourteen years experience; Wa reaaov taa cans of, - . - - diieaae Donanaa. Ora. Alt EMPLOYMENT At.EXCT aXiSLiTSl f PLOTKEXT . OFFICE Employment for wbrirrs is every traded mills, rattway " and farms. James Ryan Prop. , tb and Main. Pbooe tST GCSSMfTHS Frame aivl Bftrron fidea ' Betwrsr Mirror and Fsmttwr' tSsmsatttb, xfert Xey Maker Guarantee workmen. . . 120 So. 11 til St. Pbooa 1441J L5VKSTOCH. Fresh caws oa sand at alt times from one to carload KLAMATH BAtRT COW CO. F boner: Ranch Z2F3;Re. ttf S, Mochettas, Jr. Texam Statfss MXSIO STCDIO 1 i LESSONS IS Learn to stay sosatar assle' immediately. Many different styles of bases, fill-ins. etc This course witi enable you to become a professional dance piano pfayer. WATERMAN FfAKO SCHOOL Located at Hate's Piano . Sate Room. 222 Sunt a 7th St. . OSTEOPAT I)R. F. B. 430BBASS L O. O. P. TEMPLB Osteopathic PbysSclan and Sarxaon Office and Keaidsacs Phona Stt PA1ST9 WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Esamsla, Brashes F. R. OLDS Acrosj front Postofflta Pbone 4 J .., Everything a Paint Store, Keep Paints, Oils, Varnishes D4 enlai Fait, Class. Rocfisf, Watl-Paper PATTtItROS8 I'AlT 2xOBf 6ZS So. tit SL Phdnc itt-i TIMBER CltHSKRe Timber Cruising, Reeoanals assco and Apprtlsai li. IL Mif,R too Main Ht. Phone BOo-W Working from M. L. JihnioB, off'cw i .. i . .f t t 1 !