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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1927)
Virility IMrttty Can. KLAMATH FALLS WILL HAVE 25,000 PEOPLE IN 1930 WATCH HER GROW TJIK WLATIHfl City Edition The Old Home Paper Fair tonight ami Wednesday will) fog near the mast. Teni perattirea uoruial la t ti west, anil above normal In thtt east portion. Gentle westerly winds. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service 1 Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Trie Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1927. Number 6185. DHYOEWIDCRATS IN HAND T TO TAKE E Edwin T. Meredith Issue Call for Gathering of ' the Faithful NEW VOHK. Kept. JO Al ' ! mil for a routorenr. o( dry: dcmoirai Icy F.dwln T. Meredith today added spire to the prealden- ' tlal political hi atart'ng boiling by W. (1. MrAdou'a announce nu n! thai hit would not run. I While Meredith, who hn been supporter of McAdoo. wna mak ing hi call from Nrw York. Hn. Klr lloml of Missouri, aaplranl for tha democratic nomlnnilon, ' was making speech at 1 1 ut chtn- ton.' Kan., on faun relief. I On the republican side there were ration comment by load er at lo whether Coolldge would run. I Meredith cxpred fear that liulest at runt dry progrnaslve democrat ahoujd be In lh field. Ibe nomination would so to (lor. ernor Smith of New turk by de fault. While deprecating Ilia own po teiitlnlllle he named' as likely ae lection Nrwton l. linker: Sen ator Tbomaa I. Wlh of Mon tana. Joseph T. llolilnaon ot Ar kanua, Mopreseutnilvo t'ordell lull of Tennnuee md Dun el C Hoper of Texaa. , Meredith expressed the belief tbat Benntor lted of Mioiirl ami Oovernor llltrhlo of Mary land would be unacceptable lo lb 4ry progressive democrat for u anno reason wbk'h debr ()ornor Pinltb .from Meredith laror. Thai I their und u the prohibition question. . -, . "It I lime (or the dry demo crat o rail conference lo d's cast platform and eandidalea," Meredith ldr .ud I expect to V aueb a conference called within 30 dart. If none I railed ad the dry a be no action, the. . will win by default. Female Deputy Sheriff Charged as Bootlegger POItTLANl), 6re Kept. :o. (AIM Ml Helen HtHlluaii. JO, who rar rlea deputy aherllf'a bd(r and C. A. Ilcggs, were rhnried today by federal priihlblllon offl rer with possession of lliiuor. follnwliifi their ar rest last sight In an au tomobile. Federal offl rer charge they were de livering a gallon of liq uor when they were ar rented. Mlaa Stlllinan I em ployed In the tux col lection depart nn-iil of the sheriff's office. She fail ed to give 1100 bar). When arroitod she aare th name of Sylvia Mor gan. Identification fol lowed dlwovery of the deputy's badge during a search, ltflrer said she was tho girl In the rar with llegga and Arthur Htraub on July : who eacaped while the men were being arretted on llijuor charge. REPORTS T AT PINE TREE BY THE HERALD Associated Press Wire to Be Placed in Theatre; i Admission Free With IMIo l;lll, ri-leran .taw rlaitetl I'ri-o lili'icriil'li operator, at the key anil Hurry I'oole, of- filial aiinoiiMier Willi rnre ami , vurlitl riH-rlenr In limiillliiif prlM rlnK lieu', the Kt'enliin llrr nlil lia nuiile arrnii(i-nienla with the I'hie Tn-e thealre fur bruad- roilliig return of the lrnipn). Tuttney or Tuiiniy-IHantHuy flgtit.j Vlili'hc,vi'r la your fuiitrltr ).u -en nae flrt. . ( .til) way, Thuradu) eTeiilnif ut j ft o'clock the pei-llniliiarte will , f. . . atari anil Harry I'oole will lie u" ' .,"i""jH Minchin When Flying Was Young NJSlW N SPOKANE AIR DERBY FAILS MANY WAYS Airships Not Making the Record Expected ; Two -Already Killed ItOOHEVEI.T FIELI, X. Y.. Kept. 20. (Jp) Fifteen commer cial plane ael out between ( Funny News of Today ERIN AND G FOCH ARE MAIN NEW YOltK, Hcpt20. (AIM The winner of Thnraday night' melee In Chicago la challenged to an endurance content by lr. Winifred Barkrllle Htoner, lound- er of the h-agne fr filtering genius, offering to prove that she ha more stamina for uaeful pursuits than elther.Tunney or Dempeey. Khe proposes that the champion do his stuff a shadow hoilnr. knocking out. etc., while 1 Frederick I.. Minchin. the lont trans-Atlantic llrlllnh airman. ih lirlitill lv,t ItinlunM with tit, h tin lncH in fftt'f Bi-rinl ovhiht. iMiiil wltu III uiennpiioiie evrn.,n, . n,ng was ytimg. Thin picture was taken at WinnilH-c. U tliut hour. AIo tllo Cnnaila. in lslJ. Keatt-d at the controls hi the daughter of the late J II will tie ItiklliiK the Ul.-grnpn blr ham Ste-le wli-e to etlciiuniRe thelll to apeeil j up. Ka-uia will lie free ami roe who wants a seat should at the tlimire plenty re ,1110 r row it U Bolng to lie a big: t imr- proliMltly the luricet UIahi-- aili rail Iia rver luritiii imi lo flitht n-lurua. Who will win? jfliDEIPSEYISIN FIGHT TICKETS! iHIGH SPIRITS ATtHDT SELLING SO and 4: IS eastern standard time today for Spokane, Wash., In the second of three trans-conti nental races being held In con nection with the natlonul air races at 8poline. Three of the " plane will 'be subject to protest upon their ar-j riral at Spokane, because rlral fllira claimed they were eqalD- !ped with specially curved rac ing wings. It was decided on Hunday to allow the three fo par ticipate In the race but the other ! racers reserved the right to make 'a protest within 14 hours after jlandipg at Felta field. The thn-c plnnes are of the Alrster type were piloted by Hudson. nil ftoyal. she plays musical Instruments, rides a bicycle, drlvn a car, sews, knit, cooks, plays with the cliil- dren. crochets and composes mu sic. The first to succumb to ex haustion loses. LONDON. Sept. 20. (AP) The "stage manager" of the ! house of lords Is about to retire under the age limit governing civil servants. For I - years! s SPEAKERS Gold Hunters Cet Excited o-fksTRIING CAMPiVERY BRISKLY! ...... ... t I aiioiiea's uo as-.yvut''ri,,1i' IlKSft. O-pt. St). un-Aitrsfft- ,wo,4l,U), iinirtssi -rail gl,e Mor Jimmie Walker of New York Blew In Unannounced PALAIS 1U TltOtADKIlt). PAHLS, Sept. 20. (AIM (ieneml John 1. I'en'hlng and Marshal Foch, domlnnnt figure together In (lie stirring war days of ten years ago, today brrmcht tliu Amerlcau legion convention deb gufes to their feet lime and time again In speeches at the second day legion session In the historic I'aluls Pn Trocadero. The two striking military lead- IljiKmn" i Mlwing KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. !0. IlyP) Tex I-grone. Kansas City tlier. reported missing In the New York to Hpcaane ciass i. a.r or.-,, . hjM meillhl den,iency . uoura i Th made good wttn two , , pounds over. Thomas Whitehead ha been real- ers for the first time In their dent superintendent of the house (.aruerR fori!0i niillta-y exactitude, of lords. He had charge of the I M Ja Walkr , New yorkv pageantry when the king opened ' . , .... It hi. I unannounced and enscheduled aa noriltimf.nL In state, it was nis i x special duty to turn on an elec-1 a speijker. addressed the Irglih,- trie light when the king as sumed bis seat upon the throne. NEW YOI'.K. Sept. 20. fAP) Challenging the army to make good Its slogan that It "builds men." Harvey Turuey. IS. . of Houston. Texas, offered to serw s one week without pay If thearmy could put eight pounds on him ed by report that gold has beh)tu ,in. (5.iiti.t on. -ii iri. Attitude Far Different founds-crushed rok that has'ef, eicii'to'llm v)n on the III-; Than When He Fought been spread upon the McKen.le oef they ran tell oti the . Tunney and Lost highway between the low. of Slyi'!-""? ' " 'B tor. and the aummlt. ores Mrl"l"J:"Z ZTyZ i ' CHAULES W. DI NKLEY) . . '"'" ''' ,.''" " " ' Asaoclatiui y. he informed his wife here by telephone this morning. Forced dowa by bad weather, his irs ana in euairun, wrr.-'nj,M, i persona have staked out "e,nywWj In tho region of Windy rolmlpjj? bera- ike rock w as quarried. ' ""i , -" . ' TK lttt). Jr tsdyklnc ei I" , t,lle rn niaa im the tuk oo gret for Hwm. - . Iwsaein T11III1IU1 in H11 Mil cnesieraoa assoi inie erou.ui t(ic. n(.M on big creuts. aa aaaayer from Mrdford and he lalt rrrirdi'd the prise fight for 'res Sports Writer Who Ha Covered Uinip- .. sey Major. Ilattle from 1IS to 127. Indications Are That Pro-UbP a"" a rock in landing and motor. Will Have Plen- ' ll' nir ty of Space Available (lly MikMin K. Taylor, AssorhitiMl Prewi Sport Writer) ailCACO. Sept. 20. (in Odd his passenger. J. D. Brock of Kansas City' was hurt. plane Have Sl"wr Wentlier MUNICIPAL AIIl FIELD. Cbarlea Carroll. ! flirt enda of eonrl Drellmlnarle - CHICAC.O. S"Pt. 20, U--As S of the battle Of Soldier Field, to. cold driixllng rtlln , wnicn ns day occupied tho legal staffs of. soaked the Municipal air field' Worden Pays yisit To His Old Home calres at their Innistent demand. The two military leaders spoku with cool and unruTtied voices, their speeches referring to the heroic deeds of the war and causing tho delegates, to rise to their feet cheering mailly on many occasions. Jimmy simply carried the con vention away with a "100 per cent-American" alirrlng addresa.- "The American Legion hae J come to us for peace and liberty, together and forever. Who is the Frenchman who would ' not an swer the call?" were Mrrshul Fnch's closing words. They rang through the Immense hall like a elation call and as the marshal sat down the delegates sat as stunned for a moment and then burst oui. ,&ityhertnffv noise and pandemonium as must have made the marshal remember the terrific din at the front. When "Bill" Worden was coun ty Judge of Klamath county he had visions ot what the county wnntrl h In a few yeara. He eould see tha railroad levelos ment coming, he could visualize i thA hiv mill to 'P LINCOLN' FIKI.T fiiKTR the leading characters in this here, stopped falling and the first . ,,,h-r nil he conld "ill.. Sept. 20. ,-To all out. I forthcoming drama, while their ray. of the early morning snn lhe Erest acreaje of ,and General Pershihg'a reference to oosina iiupresarioa uiscurseu , ornieu o'ci -. aoon to be out under water ma i ed guest, outstanuinR soimer oi the world and leader of tho al lies." brought renewed cheering. Most of the sneaker today made enthusiastic reference to the Immense success of yester- . ! day's brilliant paradn. " Tb most Important plana in , is aaiu to nave reponea m.i me , nnnvm. . .. it - . Dcmnaev'a tmlninalwl,B 11,9 ",ato commls- up of IZ pianes, xne .-ew "'-': made produce. . the democratic platform should lrotk ,y, g01o i0 to $120 ami Ihl. will bo no r-cp. f ,.0;!...n the vital questions of referee. Spokane air derby was renewed, t n , ,.litlP b. farm relief and prohibition he!, ,, 83m bulldlnc. h.r. been '"', "' "'" h- h t&? otitoZ'i M ,,nd ot ,he rlnK" at 5:39 3'4 ' ml ""I ."'mu 1 '""road work " a. Bill say, and added, urging that 0. democrat. ',ro,:n n,.ulr ,t wlnd Herald Im. r'ne to re, ev- ' ' " Jp"1 '! " injunction suit, in ard time today when Leslie Mil-. . . dell),hld. wltk the coming attack the republican adm'nlstr- r n,.hB , oI .J1!"- "- V-' ln '"""'l "" l?eH wl rwirbWlM cwbolh "'ale and foderal our," Wer Ur ' De" "MT' '"h"' ? Klamath county Into the realis- !. ,.erd of enforcement o( ''V.' ...... ... ...,.lbe reports o tlmt tint can ,n'mp" " DUD.,,"n" ,rr!not taken seriously. One of these of the race to date, hopped off;,. . ,., , Hre,m1and which lienor law. and Ita work toward ...''e..!. in a ' '. M "' ? T.-TL ..,- ! K. Clements' action to hold in hi. EaSle Rock Plane for St. . 1(ln. Mr farm relief. ;,dB .hnreabouw. Skoptl- '"" fluUK,v' . of Yr a iu u Jack to the letter of an Continued On Tag E-ght) Worden la now right-of-way agent (Continued 00 P.S. KlKh.) X", say the .apposed or. ! (Continued on page 5) ' .' VrZ! ? .'!''har:n'.lrendtv0 beeT t rne' --. . , flf HFI Mil ,be S0Ut"erB ? "'n Aioils m m mijEm tunney ready m&m nillUnUUnUUM IU past Matrons HI Lll IIIUU I U I III ;i. the old gleam back In Jack.jL ,,. known reform r-nn flir rniU ,'yin Ktmath of late that It iiuirn Tnniw . . I II T II T "Fl T l"-VL: l"?""' . J" VT. UK I HI- r-Hfll n been ,.. difficult to deter- HIHIini II I lllin! I nh lO IVICCrtl 111 I H l M I 111 garuen oy iex iwcsara aua uii- i j m i n IHUIUiril I 1 1 1 1 M I 1 IIV I III I I II ;mlrora. and even neutral observ-1 ae801late. I U 1 1 III- llnlHlLlJ lULifll Ml I U - I Ull !0,. that there Is as much differ-! Manaser Billy Gibson, piloting' Dwight W. Morrow, New Yorker, Will Handle National Affairs WASHINGTON. Sept. (A. To elect officers for the en suing year and hold Ihe Initial meeting of the fall and winter 'or, that there Is as much differ-1 Manager Billy Gibson, piloting ence between the Dempaey of to! champion flcne Tunney and Man- (y K. Q. day and the Dempsey ot 1 S njer Leo P. Klvnn. didctliiK J:n:k j..)I)lshl W. llorrow. the Now .home of Mrs. II. K. Mwr"- SALEM. Sept. S A-er. wbo Is In tho state pciii-' mcntha ago as there Is between Demoscr's comeback campaign months, nienibcr of tho Past t,.ntiry on a two-year sentence dar avid night. 'were to meet with the three Matrons club will meet on "r,'rrom Klamath county for larceny; Tne prPscnt gay IVmpsey, no i members of the boxing commis dny afternoon, September 10. hv bailee, must continue to serve ., i.'h i,n,n. unit: sion In their regular weekly get- Tbl announcement waa nude Th(, ,,, ,,,reme court, lh mnaelne threat! of hi for- together today, with five names, I fpnse of his crown Thursday today In nn oplnlcn ty justice ,. managr jack Reams, la, Possibly more, up ror discussion . night agamsi jaca i-ui.i. the Sontnern racttic. , Mcllrlde affirmed tho lower con.'t mor tfo Ucmpscy of theias candidates lor tne intra man, Two more strolls on me ro... t WonlcI)i Ti,il. admitting that today followlug a meeting at the EXTRA SESSION York banker, ban been selected hy President Coolirtgc lo ho om bawindor to Mexico. . Tho prospective ambassador, who will retire as a business ptirlucr of J. P. Morgan to nc cept the appointment, bis long been a personal friend of tho Included among the Past Ma-;for Klnmath county where the i rlrpo ,,,. ,our a(.0 The j In the ring iron or una cy re '"'" .cne wa tried before Judge A. i.. clrllt.s',a. ,ho has improved 60 iroui many oi o... , iviu. Ayt.r a receivea ni pr CUI)l over hu montaI and phy standlhg famlile of the cominnn-itho BBl0 prlli0n Anrl, ;1 ,. J, rondon wheB ho fought Ity. liu lulling Mesdames II. K. . Ayor who wn, an automohllc jTunncy ln ,h rain at Philadel- .iiomur, i.. r., ... - , ,. or in Klamath, raits, was in- hl, ,h ihnt he I !S ner cent tiinn when he Sharkey two I two more brief periods with th'- ,g u.h thc . p.. does not . . , ... . . . .," - - i uuim auu uiai i Leavltt. "rank Ward. Jennlo, airifti ani, convicted for taking', beltt,r fh,r , Uurn. Charle. Martin. rank An- ut of ho aa sc,ns anjkno(.Kod eut Ja,k kenev. Minnie Leo Henry. II. r.! ... ... , n,,rnld .t -I...I.... .... ...... .......... t unii,. - -jmonin ago. . rK'l. . - Vi. .n.!1 ""-."' 'r . Z , .V.liO. Carter. The value ot tne car, slni.e kl)0l.klng out uy .nr. .ooi.ii- re. i er, neorao v uaainiu. ... " 'una lltiliO and Aver wa thoro were Indications thnt . In vnr, n. w. llnthlnny, Ella Moj,0 llav sold tl or 60 lo nnu ' ... ... -., - - - . 1,1. dotermlnsllon to seek tho aid U, ,,1;n. w. r. Van Kmon. Marlon i' ...T.V " . I ",rn,av " spoiling ... oouo, in u.s V'Vr,r .'a'r srr7tn' a - nearcrrrkhrh: dcllcatd Mexican problem. ,h ,l'y nd Oscar Peyton. ; olhr oplnlon, ,oday were: couU, ni but paralv.e a foe with president con.ul.ed only . H For tho past year Mrs A L. A. . hren,tedt vs. Travel- ', R,ovod (lH,PSi whohpr he u'"ocUU"' , ilf"''!..!., Insurance company; P' could take n punching anHllll Upon Mr. Morrow will fa 1 the Mrs. Wis lc J U.. "-PJ""," i pc,,at, appeal from Lano county. , remnln on hls Vt. . task of pleilng over nn In.ernu-'.nd Mr. Wilbur Jones, sef rotary )o nfowf rommlMHlon. . , m,1h(m in liunni wu.n ...... J Opinion by Justice licit. Juugc ,,,, ,,,, ho will upset all prop niOIll US OI eouiroversy. iv in hw The names of the referee and punching ' bags and Tunney Is j , . . . hvlne nrooerlv the two Judges -m-lil be kept see-1 ready to try to prove his super- tak,n5 opttons or oiling his shot ret until the moment when Cht- kirlty over the former title . ff tfae duok 8PaHon There caco'a first heavyweight spectacla holder. - ..!, h nut ha his actually begins Thursday night. ! He will have no excuse to , py on ome property down the! lieorgc lO tioa, weauny i. nicaso l0tier it oeiesIeu, mo .uau.,,.tjtff ( Modoc Northern business man: Walter Ecketsall. ; raid today. For more than tl re , ht.of.wa.. n(j K05aIp has had fh.ll nl An . n mnA ! mnnlli. ha tin. Wnrkod to build.. . ... . . . .vuwo.. - -r. - -. - -- -- -- I him olfertng ouu an acre iui Sharkev ' 0 a pP"ls "Viler ana niree or up uis conu.i.on io. ... Dempsey', old confidence has re- f '" ,ron '"' little fickle . and those who ..... know Worden can narniy con- montu. oi tne aport in uus staie rive rounus --ij """'ive of him loosentng the purse were the principal candidates i two sparrlug partner, who found , , 6n0 Purer 11. Kelly, affirmed. State, of Oregon vs. . 8. K. I Indicted with t aucret thai Mr. t.'oollilgo) has come Cv!, Cttt7rn ' to regard tho question ot Mexico ' OCVCIl -IUCIIS . n", ono of tho most troublesome problemH of hi administration and his rrieniia noiievo u is em - . , conviction for posses-1 i.,.nn m ...list everv nersmial aid Kulalona chapter. Daughters of , I,cnl' "om, ron' " " .... ' Waller, Jointly Mack llolloman penl from Clnckiimas cou nostlcatlons and Tegain his prized (Continued On Page Eight) . i vi aiivr, joi UlVCn LjmDlCniSlMa.k llolloman. appellant: P-.l-L CnnJ'ttlnn unty; np-' ,.ision of still. Oplnlcn by Justice American relntlon. on a stnblo elated nnd presented flag anil,' Apparently Better at hi. disposal to put Mexican-1 the American Uiivolullon, TALKJS OVER President Coolidge , Puts An, End to Requests That Congress Meet : i WASHINGTON. Sept. 2. I A P. A definite decision against a special session or congress ln od-.f vance of lis regular December; date has been reached by PrvSir . ....t f.U.ll,l.,A All of the information reach ing the president Is said tof In- r dlcate that the Mississippi flood -sltuatiou can be bundled as ef fectively at the regular aoasion (the Sisters ranch. But gossip Is u, hv convening In advance. He-' let funds on hand are adequate. mine who what. rk h,. hnn tnllc of rl C lit- LAKE VILLA. Ills.. Sept. 20. i . Ih sm v iJP The calmest neavyweigm ,i.i hin hen champion Uie ring ha. eeen Jn snowa iudicatlng Jus't where aj many years, t.cne i..u..e,. s,ati0n would be built, ed away his training gloves -, whlle n-hers insist that there will day and rested ior nis iirsi ue- to dls,inct Btailo5one tor at Northern and one for mentioned. , Tunney - and Dempsey did no training other than light bag whacking and a bit of road work today. Coincident with the arrival to day of the vanguard ot the rlng siders. came an Influx of "New York wise money" and other offers of not so wise but equally negotiable money from the south west and north ndds ot tho bn Hemnsev. The champion has Still determined to keep open , lKpn a 7 t() 5 favorite up to last I It exceedingly difficult to even touch him with the gloves, rang down the curtain on Tunney'j preparation. "That cut over my eye was no! a meutal haiartl as some - be lieves", Tunnoy said. "I will forget nil about It once the tight Is under way. It will' take a solid punch to reopen tho wound and I hope I will be lucky enough Dropping the land and rail road matter. It Is but fair to say right here and now that one of Bill Worden's greatest pleasures Secretary Hoover has reported, to take care ot the situation until after January 1. Moreover, It was said. engineers, studying the flood prevention plans will find It dlfflciilt to get all of their data and studies- complied for is to rido tho roads of Klamath , c011?'rpsR t a, i h110U even by I)e- cuitliiy, ior 110 ii i. ji.vti," -: eeruller. first agitated the good road.., I poNKit Took Jail Sentence House. 'Mcllrlde. Judge J. C. Campbell ,v,. ...... I - I ,.,... . t. l...l..,.. .!,... . . basis before ho leave, the White manual. .0 seven person. ,, .... . , --"' " " " '" , nlW. " 1 ... - .1110 cnniicnger ovkuii io husuuii .1. I!. Patterson ;appenl from ng reudcxrous for thousands ;.hi,!r hnk rolls A record In gate rm-i'lpts. even though tho $3,000,000 goal It not achieved, was the solace to day of the promoters, Itk-kird yesterday were given their final cltlxenshlp paper. In tho circuit court with Judge Leavltt presld- KENIW CHiAHH l.VSTKAD. UEIILIN, July 80. (NKA) 'lug. Once a week. Foreign Minister Tho manuals ot tho govhrn- u, .......,.,,nn ! hn.i to tinwDincr metit nro nrenared bv tho Nn-, correspondent, at ten. At least, Uliinnl D. A. It. and nro used In . nfflnued. ho make, provisions for It. eveiit)io work of tho American Lo- I1TK lti:i)l l lll) 1'tlSTIM Washington, so. (p , n Preference to Fine An order postponing n,ntu .-ovem- es on f.,u... v.-llh hnln ftrimlr n. MatH-street. C. Ueynolds lust eve- . . An oraPr posinonuiK limn . which put thej-to avoid any punches Dempsey "e r,,f rtt, ttle In tavor of may a im at It I am In as ood dord(01!1 fTniUf othl,r ,,, ami 1111 have no excu es trom ":" "' ! nlng by t hief of Police Keith o fer If lm a fenied " portions of the Cn.ted States wus , , . ,, otter ham(ld ,0(hlJ. br h inter- t sp-1 1 1 Miss Perry and.Mr. Metcalf are Married 1 Klamath county: action to ro-iCf fn,,,, two. officers of the city cover money for servlcfls per-1 police force remaining on patrol formed. Opinion by Chief Jus- throughout the entire day. lice Kami. Judge A. L. Lenvltt "y,., thnk ti,0 Uy situation lis very much Improved since the W. II. Enid vs. Nutlonnl Ciis-l,,Ho of crude nil mixed with an If unable lo attend. When ho Is 'glon a. well. Tho presentation. !"""y i'"c --, ..uecucnie hh ........... not presbnt the guest are served were mude by Mr. Itnehaol Ap- Irom .Multnomah county: suit to though It Is a hlg Job for two ... I . a . a 'a.-aAaAB ttiiirinu 111 llttlit'faili'l tl4ii n. . . n am. I th m iitti.ih Intiatlnrv I f) with cigar, named arter Hlresso- piegato Solomon ami air. a. r. '" , , ". ,.' "" ."" ""' ." " T B . r 'riloviir. I' - Opinion by Justice Henn. J cover," Keith Ambrose reported " . I Those ndtnlttcd to flnirt cltlien-' Judge Water H. Evnu aftlrmed. 'today. CXMK OX, IIOVM 'ship wore: Otto llalvor Langs-. Petition for rehearing denied parents mid children nro. ob- Coiiclt Sinclair of the High worthy, lllchard Rulllvan, Ivan , In Tom Ilrow n vs. Laberoe. serving the vquarantlne regula .. .1 1 ....... .. ..11 i...v. I i-.n 11,,.. ..11 wnitnm Dnvlil Petition lo correct nu.ndate de-. Hons In a stilomlld mniinnr and tomorrow morning o'clock (Mill. Jiime Lnmprnptinlii. Oust 'tiled In Hiiillh vs. Ilnillniit. Cost 1 have found no one breaking, tho "six hundred millionaires" of After a honeymoon Mr. anil Mrs. who desire to turn imt for fool-j Lnniproptioloi and Huns Martin-1 relaxed In Peck vs. Coos liny , the rules so far," the chief ftir-ltho Madison Square Garden cor- Metcalf will roturn to Klamath bull litis year, t 'soli. , Times Publishing- company. J titer stated. 1 (Continued On Pago Eight) J Falls to ninke tliotr future homo. Mis. Jean Vance Perry, the nnd George F. Gets, his Chicago only daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. sponsor. They sent telegrams j Janvu. Perry, became the bride of far and wide today to their Howard Henry Metcalf, well friends with, the admission thnt ' known young business man ot a previous announcement of n this city at high noon at a quiet sell-out of ringside seats had I home wedding. Hev. D. V. Hnlght. been "too optimistic- Large! pastor of the First-Presbyterian blocks of the "ringside . seats. 1 church porformed the ceremony once ordered and then turned. In the presence of the Immediate back by Get. Tho r.tllronils, and fmnllie. and a few rloso friends. siaie loinmerce Liunniiasiuii. l . ,, ... fitnn 19 ,l.a in vOvf f MtXt J"" wa" tmposeo. lleynoms tooK WHKItE l-IGIIT ItKPOUT 1 the 12 days because of luck of WILL UK tilVK.N funds. The following places will ! 70 FISIIi:it.MF.X JIISSIM4 receive the Evening Herald ! TOKYO. Sept. Ji), (A.P.)- A report on the Tnnney-Demp- delayed official report state that sey fight, cither by . nies- 1 "0 fishermen are missing and si-liner or direct wire: I that ill fishing boa's were cap- Pino Tree Theatre. siied off Amakoa Island, sonth- Mecca Pool Hall. west of Klushlii. during Ihe re- Klamath llllliurd Parlors, cent typhoon Bnd tlilul wave Farrell's Pool Hall. Dorrls. there. Preliminary reports should IThe typhoon rniised at least begin at S o'clock Tliursdiiy ;4uo deaths In vlltages'ln the per- evening. feet of Kumamoto, near Nag- lw,k'?' - , .