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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1927)
WpduPKiliiy, SoptcmW AT LOSS TO KIP SIAMESE TWINS IIOI.VUH. a.. h.,.I, II MI'I .pi,,,,!,.,,, Blli auraeoii hero, nr fared with one or Urn VTuhgeal nriiliUi nn In ilm lilMiorv or milnun nlllii-lita. I'ur I lit imi wm k - Mnmii'rnt mid Mury (illiU. Hlumeso twlna, bnva liven III of lufluinui, Mur Burot U liuw nearly recovered, but her liiseparubl alatur mill Inger at d.'Ulh'a door. l I feared Dial If Mury il!,. ileum will b Inevitable, aa phya XI ma and surgeon con (ma their Inability u sever lha bond whi h lllika Ihmu wllhoul Ulal ri.ull ' Vnr More rffertlvu thun any, remedy inliiuna run uggeai to rxaliirs M.iry health ara Ibu ril- I rnuraglng' worda of Margaret, who appear not to ho concerned! b the (Miaalblllty of being Jollied i to a turban. ' Two lortil phyalii.inii, lira, tloorge I.. Kltino and K. I'. IIukk. ; ur In constant utlciidmiee at Hut I heilalde, and others aro wuti lung; j III ruao closely. efGO.OOO Slander Suit Is Started TltriNTON. N. J , S pt in. ( f I'l--i'harcea that the wealth) and elderly Thompaon II. .Mr rlure. lat I'blladelphla puhllali er, left home berauau hla phy alt Inn told Mm hla youm wife waa aluwly pnUoiiliu him, were brouiiht out lu a 1 5 u. Coo alander tult today. Mr. 1rarit II. MrClure, widow of Hi publlaher, ao teatl fled III brlnitln( H14 artlon In I'nlted Htaiea dlairlrt court aiinlnit I'r Frank K. Mooro of Trentou. Mra. MiClure auld alie married Mix ture hi s:, when ahe waa ! PHYSICIANS A. and he 73. In a few niontlia 1 11 delrV took her huabaiid Sl.l:KIll TAIU.KTH Kll.l.. front their home, aha aald. on an I'OltTLANK. Or.. 8pt. tl. A. aaaertlon from lr. Moor that I' Mr. Agnea Coad. tl. died ahu waa alowly poiaonlng hint. at a hovpltal early today from A reaull, Mra. Miflur al J ' the rfferta of tahleta liken Sun b waa cut off In her huaband a I day night to Indue gleep. Hhe will etcept for her legal dower I rollpd at pbarmary and waa rlghla whlrh wer oue-lhlrd Ot laheo to th biNipital. Her eon Md'lun' rl nmoerlv. aald ah bad been III and had . 1 MKKKI.V IH KMMillsKIt Alfred I'. Sloan. Jr., prealdent of the Ueiteraf Motor Corpora tion. C-rently gave a alrotig In dontement of th value of th country weekly newapnper. In dlaruaalng ' thla year'a ad verilalng campaign for General II, l..nH among other thing aald: I .Girl 5 NOSeS NeVeT " believe III the country week-1 CAinaa y newapopur. 1 bvllev that no! SIUTIV printed matter In the Cnlted ! when they nan thla new wonder Mate I more thoroughly read, ! '"I Frenrh I'rorww Far Powder or ha mora Influent- than th.!"11"1 MKI.U)-I.O. Keeta that page, of the., horn town new.- 'ln ' .,- x Miver li uperlor purity and qual- P""' I liy. Biaya on longer akin look i, T7. ZZ I 7" . l'' Vearh keep completion llend- llrooke-Keanlcn Lumber i TOthful tirerenia large pore. company earhangea li.llSl arrea ' rutover land fur neacbuto llonal fureat llinlMT. Obituary JAMKM I WAIN I.LDVIt ; J allies Cii hi ii, the beloved son' or Mr. and Mra'. Wm. K. Lloyd. waa culled to III reward at' the j fulully ri-lilinre, i:j ProepeeM .iVeit, at 3 o'rlm k yesterday afternoon. Jila being the! termination of an nines ot n few days. He waa the ynuygi -t I of a family of II children. The; child waa born In this city. May , 5. 19:5. and wna Jttit paat two. year of age. The little one ha ' been entrusted to the rare of I. ' A. Towey. undertaker, who will aiinnunro the time mid pine of Him funirul (ervli-o at a luler dute. UIIIIHTIXA ! Kunoral servl.o for Christina' lloud will bo held on Thursday ! morning at lo:flt oVIock at ih rlninh at Hnramin Itlver. In. lurnienl will Iia mniln In tlm Whiskey Creek ecmotory. Tho , remnlns aro at the Karl Whltlork , Punernl home, line avenue at 81x1 lu, whero friend, may call. i ANIIIIKW MKI.IIASK WHI.K Andrew Melhuio uule. the ' tltn'o niontha' old .oil of Dr. find ; .Mrs. A. A. Houlo passed away , n' thn fiimlly residence thl . morning at B:U o'clock. Ku- turnl nrraugemeiils have been eompletod by I. A. Towey and! tho remain, will be forwarded to hlttlu Shasta', Calif., wheru Inter-1 . ment will bo matin on Thursday. I Dr. anil Mr. Botile will nccom-1 pnny the remains. j IIAIll.KH II. MOXHUr! 1 Churles It, Monroe, tho four yetsr old son of Mr. and .Mrs. I . J. A. Monroe of Kirk passed. nwny lit tho Into resilience 1020 , Applegulo avenue this morning in 4:nii n'elnrk. Tim ti'iiialns will be, forwiiTiled It) the old fiimlly homo nt fltilse, Itlulio, this eve ning where Interment will Ink pliien! The nrrniiKemenls nre bo- litg miiile by I. A. Towey nl Pine i. nil Highlit. 21, 1027. New Menus IIV HIH1HI MAIIV. ' llreakfnat Wired praehea, c- ' real, cream, corned leef bash, Irrlop toast, tit Ilk , coffee. ' J.un liron I'niulu ami parsley aoup. ruliu in bread and butter sandwiches, froten ihee Mlud, coroanut wafers, lemonade. Idmier- llrvadcd vcul cutlets, '"""I" much.' ainllopod polalnea and onion, beet and Irtlur lad, lionoydew melon with . lemon In', !ill at , roffe. ' If Ilia li'inoii la la hot conven ient to priivlilo, serve eeclion ; ot lemon Hb tli union lie I aura Ilia fruit la very cold before! serving. I I'roo a llieeee Hnlnd I On and one-half cup cotta" ehe, 1 rup whipped cream, I S rup bar In' due rurranta. S leatpoon aalt, (III Mid Induce,' r'romh dressing. ( Add Jinn and an It to cheese, Kulillu cream whipped until atlff. t Turn liilo a muld and park In Ira and aalt. aland for hour. ' Turn out of mold, rut III lli: , nd nrranirn on a bed of letturn. I I'our over Kretirh ilreaaltiK mid" : a lit I In awrel and servo at one. I The dre lug aboiild uot he ! really aweet but the sharpnesa of tho lemon aliould be tempered. ajlreakfaat -Oranin Julie, re real rooked with dutea, cream. e(( loaat, milk, coffe. l.unrheiiii -( rami'l celery on loaat, caramel cut! aril, xrnliam , rook lea. lemonade. ( IHnner Htuffe.1 ahoulder of lamb, rHKolant fritter, aurrii. laah. rurly endive with ba.-on drranlnit, appl anow with boiled cuatard, rponi cakn, milk coffe. ' Iheae are almple menua that aliould meet the lieeda of the , average family with email child ren under echool aa aa well ai older one. With the eirep lion of the fritter lu tbe dinner, menu there art no dlahea unault able for ihlldren aa you 11 a aa four yearn of age. If the autf- 1 flog la not too highly aeaaoned ' and rich email amount rin b aerved even the lour-year-olda.' tidien th tableta I alueplng potion blppopotemua lu a ; Peter, a New York loo. eata 100 pound ' of hay. IS loavee of bread, 6 , head of cabbag and f 0 pound I of com.tnlka aa regular dally diet. (let box of MKI.UMll.O Fare Powder today. I'nderwood'a ; Phnrmncy. Coming to Klamath Falls Hftl I 'XTrI,Ia'l XT . Ufa Mt-LLt-IN lllirS SPECIALIST In Internal Miillrloe for Ilie .wt flfUH-n )er DtlLH Xtrr OI'KKATK ' Will be at AfU'AIlK IIOTKL .Monday, S-. L'nth '" Hrai 0 a. m lo it i. u ' "'v OXI.Y .o ( linrui' for CoiiMillutloti ',r- MHlenlhlii I a regular; ""'" 'n nte.llrlno and surgery . " 'itnfd by tho state of Oregon. Mo does not operate for chronic appendlcltla, gall ",on""- vXmn ' "torauclt. tonstlj or tin has to Ills credit wonderful ; refill It In dlseaKc ot tho ntomnch, ! liver, bowels, nioou. kkiii, nerve. ' ,., kidney, bladder, bed l-i ting, ctttarrli. weuk lungs, rheii. ruatlsui, siistlin. leg ulcora and. rectul ullmnnls. ' ! Uelow aro the names of a tew ot his ninny satisfied ikitlvuu In , Oregon who have, been fveatod ; " ooVo named, causes: Klmer Hooker. Condon. Chns. Hesch, Portland. 1. (I. Horn, llonniun. Kri-d Shields, Klumath Fulls. Dntilel Htelnon, Allegany. II. K. 'Seal, Central Point. Jon Kheosltlps, (llbboti. . I Itememher nbnve duto. that ' constillnllon on this trip will he f"' and I but his treatment Is' tllfferent. Marrleir women' muni be nc rnmpnnlnil by their husbands. Address: " Angule !U llniilhiiry llldg., Cnllfornlll, Sam's Battle Fleet Willi linpreaalv cereuionlea. Admiral l.ouia Itudulpli de H:e!g')Vr to k romuiNiid of l iule ham'a liulll" fleet lu I. .a Angelea harbor lha other day. The arrow pollita to Admlrul d Ht-ixiifr roinlngl 'juiiiu wir. inia"iiii ainoruio 10 in In command, .lb luaut I a IB-thief, Fast Time m New S. P. Order I (ienerul redmtlona In runulng I linn of through trnlna between (Xregun od California, erfoclive Kept. 55. wore announced by John M. Srolt, aaalaluut paaacnger . traffic manaiier rot-ifif for Southern The change w ill tnurii fatter j month a number of Iheim SuniJ.' y and more roiaenli'ut pai-.ent'r trlpa were made by local people, ervlre between the large cltlea a well as aeveral caravan from of the t'arlflc Coaal from Heaitle I other polnia, who bad aked to lAia Angelea. Among the'captaln Applegat to lead them train affix ted will be the extra fare Cancade, the Shaata. the Oregonlan and Ills W11H t'oaat. Twenty. five mlnutra north bound and twenty minute couth, bound between Portland and Hau Franrlaco will be clipped from the Caai ade'a runnlntr lime. m;ik. n ,n'" oour ,ro,n ln either! uirevuon. , A aavlng of three houra and ""X mlnuti beiwi-en Ia An- S"1'" nt Seattle I afforded pa aencera on the Went Coaat. which will arrlv Purtlaud at 11:35 a. m. and Seattle at 3: IS p. m. lha awond day. irtlim, ..lha. .k.n. 1 1. .. . ta will operate on a SI hourlvf lh.e l"'Sa'1 """" arhedulo between Portland nde 8"''n iret on! Kan Franrlaro. and the ' ,ho ,tont aHt "'M- .l"M aoulhbounil will rontirf at fl.' land with tho Padre for Loa Angelea. "Thla general .Deeding up of ecrrlr." Heotl aald "will en-ihle the bnnlneaaraan to travel" from Portland to Loa Angelea or l-o Anrelra to Portlmid with the lorn of but one bualueaa duy. It re- fleets the company' desire to give the fnsloat and beat nervier ronilKlenl with hlghent aafi ty nlaudarda." HK.WV hTtiltM IX VAI.I.KY (IIIANTS PASS. Sept. II. (,p( The Itogue valley lanl night e- lpr',Br"I he nit'at severe tier. tihal .display In year. The thumb' ratorm was followed by a .ever shower In varloua partn of the county. Two tlrea, were reported In the filsklyju forest aa a result ot lightning striken but both were smnll and not dan gerous. It I atati'd. TRAILERS i - . , f ' , is THE EVENINTi HERALD, Gets New Boss' fi 3b &m: auneiu unnrul I l Duril 11. Jai n-I, cloaeup tf th new commander- ID f T " " rlan Last i rip to Modoc Battlefield I The autumn trip, which In all probalillliy will be the hiHt for j thla year to the Modoc Htrong- j bold la being planned for Xundayl under th leaditrKhio of Captain O. C. Applegate. ThrouKhout ' lb a u m m e r through th hbttorlc polnia of Itllereat. "llrlng enough gaoline. nl food tor on meal and remember we atart from the corner of the Firat National Hank at eight oVIork", waa th motmare the 'raninln a.:b4 ih, hr, n liver to thoxe Inl' roiled and wautlux to go. Rcrrattona are being mad? j ,hrou-h Mllu, Mildnsl Davla at th chamber of commerce. itnTi..txr ri p. f.. PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. M. A P.) Fire deatroyed two brtlldlnira bulldln waa eatlmated at ' 1115.000 and to machinery, pipe i ,apd on t equipment $S.HO0. Crowd on the Ko laland bridge wateh- ed the fire department combat lliu spectacular blaxe. ' Wui. I'eun I S cents. A good cigar. adv. 21 Phone 451-W or 1133 for full particulars and In foruialiou regarding TEACHER OF MUSIC Ai-credlted by tho State Hoard of duration. Pitino, Violin, nn)n. Hawaiian Uullar and other lustrumonla. Z. PETERS i ROY CALL'S ' Auto Wrecking NEW AND USED PARTS NATIONAL WHEEL AND RIM SERVICE Ford Generators exchanged, $6.00 GREAT WESTERN BATTERIES 11-riatc Special, for light cars $9.65 ll-Plate Heavy Duty $10.65 13-Plate Heavy Duty, for large car3 $12.35 All Fully Guaranteed i- 727 Commercial Street Near Sixth '"-r KLAMATH FALLS, OREf.OV. N T FARfvl DISTRICT MIDLAND. Hept. 21. A heavy liailatorili 'aed over thla ec lion on Hundiy evening doing a little duuiage to fruit and grain rropa. I lioarue l.nrrnt and Almond ijrriwry relurhrd home from a . hunting trip, bringing In ft line ifuur pointer. Mr. J. I). Hooper waa a buat-n- vlaltor In Klamath Kalla ' .Monday. I F.ddle Hhulmire waa ratling at , the home of Wm. Ilurnett Hun ilii evening. I Mr. and Mra. J. II. tlurnett .were railing at the J I). Hooper mnrh Katiirday evening. ' Jerrv O'Connera threshed at J. 1 It. Hurrfett'i ranch the Ilm of 'th week. 1 Wm. Hooper I combining b'a rraln at hla rum h near .Midland. ; F. K. I.aiie and Thl) Molrhen-. fai ln-r arc delivering their grain . to Hi warehoiiae thla week. 1 O. Truvera I building a new ; narage near bla atore. whlrb will ; be open for buslueaa to lha public aiwin. Ileruard Himper and Guadalue , Olvero vlalted wltL Wm. Uurnutt Monday evening. Wray Laarear. aaalstant coun- ., o-. l,Kik " .... . ' ""! over me amereni iirmi 'u thla dlatrlrt. He report apien dld erop rondltlona thla year. I Mia Juquelln French of Ikum.ih rn. i ih hou ruet Mu, AnB ,or ,ew ,da. . A repreaeuiatlve of the oomen St:t c'reRinery of Sao Franciaco vlaltlng among the dairymen Wi dnindar. u. rf Mr. Rear Furber ....1 .-.n .i,...i iih r and! Mra. Kdgir Forler thla week. Mr. Scogglna waa vlaltlng in M il land Wednesday. Kb will jearh here al tho opeuing of school. Frank uray rexurnea irom a deer hr.nt Monday with a fine WmI"b. a. shuimire and mm. Are You Really Well? For Goo. Hraiih There 'Mull Be Propcr Kulncy Action. DO you find yourself run ning down always tired, ncrvour and depressed? Are you stiff and achy, subject to ! nagging backache, drowiy i Vi--!wclca and disry spcUi? 1 ' , At kidney eicrctions scanty 5 and burning In passage? Know then Ui t thcx are often tigns of improper kidney action: Sluggish kidno allow acid niu to remain in the blood and upiet" the whole system. If your kidneys are acting slug- isiuy. ttt mem wim n a i7. More than SO.00O users I liave publicly recommended Coon'. Auk your neighbor! DOAN'S PILLS 60c Slimofir Dim ifie o tht Kidney F-rMUWmC.NUs.Ckc.B aWJ-Y. Kven pnrsona of mature years I should he careful that their eyes do not o.t them tbelr posit Urns DR. H. W. BARR f YK riUJHT SPECIALIST Gus Dunn, Jeweler and Optician COS Main. oo I , GOODYEAR TIRES "Til! Charles end Raymond, with visit- liiar on the laland Wednesday, We are glad to loirn that j Jamea Klraw. a former realdvnt of Midland, waa alii to leate lha hoapltal thla week. We wlah b m a a,-edy rmovery. j . C. It. I' h.a tnoed hla f:.mllv In K imalh Kalla. Where they will apend the winter monthe. V. K. I-an. I'hll Motrhenbirh- er and William Hooper have! commenred to combine their - grain crop thla week. j Mr. and .Mr. J. fl. Ilurnett anil aaugnier ape 111 r ruiay eve- nlng w'th Mr. Iluruett'a brother ' on Miller laland. Harry Moaby and daugbterr llalel, were calling at the Bur- neet'a Friday evening. Mra. Hlibcrt Largent and AI- BUIC10I928 1 I al I I imii I III i r r I h i, 11 1. ' w k f m au - ti - ay - One Glance mm a tells the story In Buick for 1928, everything you want to know! about your car's performance every indicator and t. r . . - ti-i t i t i ! dial is before you, indirectly lighted under glass. Buick today offers greater beauty, luxury, and com fort than ever before greater speed and power with quicker getaway. See the car that surpasses all others in popularity and in value. WHIN BETTER AlTOMOBILtS A E BUILT. BC1CK WIU. BUILD THEM Se ms1195 to199S Coupe 1 19 to 1850 Sport Model 1 195 to ,1525 Jtt a . a. k. thrnt, MinS.. y I a 3 g.J.Ceaar a a.t ,liw aaaiia, - BUICK 1330 Main Street cars ! ; V :PMM lower j kgffi I PRICES I. H ii vr " - rowe The great POWER of these new Nash models will be a revelation to you. They "pull" the steepest graJes or the heaviest going with absolutely ama:ing ease and smoothness. For there's EXTRA power engi neered into everv Nash motor. They have the extra efficienev of the STRAIGHTLINE drive so that Nash power flows directly from the engine to the rear axle in a straight line. They take hills without a note of strain without the least of laboring. Come DRIVE a new Nash. Test out, the QUANTITY of its power as well as the QUALITY. Templar Motor Co. llth and Klamath Phone 1010 mond firegory mAtored to Ash-' land on Monday. !ra. J. V. Whltlark of Merrill tti ylaltlng In Midland Frid ly. ' XIrs. J. U. Hooper aud mi were fti Klamath Fall! vu n., Saturday , J. C. W hltUrb of Merrill haa etml rurtitil In haul erntn tup P ' E. Line and Mr. Mouhenfacher , ;to Martin lirutlinra' wnrehouao In Midland. 1 (Jul to a number of car of nheep and rattl wer from Midland -buturday. Mlf Etther Atrlilaoo hipped baa ra turnea to ner nome in .ilorrm after apenillng tcvural day here vlaltlng frlonda. 1 Ul l.tP AMI I I I'lll .IT (M TH Thpl Dan Cupid haa 1 il'l d jwn on the Job for the mouth of turioa HAtAI'al CAvaa wtia tuiuivl MCt wtw:i' aiiltk Kil,l M ' GAR AGE Phone 42 21 New Models All SIXES Nash ever The newly-refined 7-bearing motors give Nash the vorld's smoothest power-flow throughout the whole range of use. All crankshafts are balanced integ rally with clutch and flywheel to make the new Nash the smoothest, "stccetes't" car you ever drove. - And they're the EASIEST riding, easiest steering cars you ever han dled with their new secret process alloy-steel springs and newly-im proved steering mechanism. COME in today and select the mod el you want to drive. New LOWER prices make these new models the greatest values on the market FW Five Heptember wae Indlralad at ttl offUe of C. R. loljt coum clerk thla afternoon 80 far tht mouth but It ruurrlaia llraai ba been lamed. Old man, dl- h. h-,. Kiimv 1,','iirilina lu , Ll d ,j.Up., ot. Vurl ,,,, ; lu h, been granted their freedom. rs Guaranteed Used Buick Closed CARS V I ; 1927 Buick Master Sedan I 1326 Buick Standard Coach ! . ..... 1,1 I 1023 Buick Standard Ccach 1925 Buick Enclosed , 1 Roadster 122S Buick Eroushain . Master 1925 Ford Roadster 1924 Stephen. Sedan" 1925 Dodge Special Touring , 1926 Star Six Coach All Cars Priced Right at Lowest Finance Rates;,, General Motors Plan , Buick Garage JPhone 42 built.