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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1920)
J: nuay V mruiin. AY, MAT. i, tnao THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON l'AOK TWO ii 1 1 I i i 1 0 ( a 4 k $ At- hi el i al BP BD The Evening Herald ! Li K. J. j HUItKAV Editor FRED SOUIiK City Ktlltor I ? I Published dully, except Sunday, by 5. The Horald Publishing Company ot . Klamath Falls, at,115 Fourth Street Entered ot the postofllco at Klam-,$ ath Falls, Ore, for transmission thru ' the malls as second-class mutter. j J ' t Subscription terms by mail to nny . 'address in tho United States: i Om year ..... $5.00 j. Ob month . 50 1 - Member ot tlie Associated lros. i The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication j. j. of all news dispatches credited to it i or not otherwise credited in thlsjv liper, and also local news published kareln. . All rights of republication of spo-i?. etal dispatches herein are also re- erred. , S SATURDAY, SI AY 1, lOHO T SEEMS GOOD TO REMEMBER, WHILE OUR THOUGHTS ARE MORE OR LESS OCCUPTED BY CANDIDATES FOR PRES IDENT, GOVERNORS, ASSESSORS AND SHERIFFS, THAT THE GREAT LEADER OF ALL MEN FOR ALL TIME HAS BEEN EN THRONED AND THAT THERE WILL BE NO CHANGE IN ADMINISTRATION. IT IS PLEASANT TO FEEL ASSURED THAT THE POLICY OF DIVINE LOVE AND THE PLAT FORM OF GOOD WILL TOWARD ALL ARE TO BE THE SAME AS ALWAYS. COME OUT TOMORROW TO THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE AND SHOW YOUR APPRECIA TION OF THE FACT. HAWAIIAN SCHOOLS CLOSED. INFLUENZA J -M-HHH-MH,MMH , HONOLULU, T. H., April 23, (By Mail). Epidemic influenza recently closed every school except ono on the Island ot Molokai, according to T. II. Gibson, of tho department of public Instruction, who has Just returned from a trip to tho island. There are very tew Caucasian chil dren In tho Molokai schools, the rolls AT THE LIBERTY i SUNDAY 'The Adventurer' SSSSflSSIS3ylflBK&E&MnG2''-"!&: JZLJ? ' SHrBSl sssssMsWS3Wara- SIHH ESSSSSSSSSSSSairiSBBSH mw T rlr dflaniv SBflLSSVSBBSH BBBr w- v'joRal ; BBBT Ac iW I . UmH t . BBBBk. ...Ju JW 'jbmB&kbb1 Hk ' i lMSaaLH LaaaaaaaalaaU aaaaaaLalalaaH b x aflaaaE&aaai aaaaaaaaaaak ZlaaaSalaaHaPSvRH 1" iflJS "WILLIAM FARNUfrLMHB' 'KSJaPyOfl DIRECTION VWWAM VOX. jKTiHg ' i i i 'ii tu i uik . Mxjsa iiafi'iii . up ii-i If you haven't seen "The Adventur er" you ha vent seen the real C't r William Farnum SUNDAY At the Liberty i t 't- being filled almost entirely with Ha wnlians. Tho influenza epidemic in Hono lulu and throughout the island ot Oabu has run its courso, according to tho board ot hoalth, which reports no cases and no deaths recently from that causo. Drug Facts No. 47 7$Ve,wish to thank the public for their generous 'patronage on our opening day and since that time a well, and we wish to assure them that we sin- cerely appreciate it Square Deal Drug Store SAFETYSERVICE SATISFACTION .NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOIl INCLUSION OF LANDS WITHIN THE HOUNDAIUE8 OF THE ENTERPRISE IRRIGATION 1IST1HCT YMW&f Notice is hereby given that on tho 6th day of April, A. D. 1920, there was filed with tho Board ot Directors of the Enterprise Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon, a peti tion signed by J. S. Mills, J. W. Stephens, A. J. Simmers, R. F. John son and R. A. Emmltt, the owners of a certain body ot land, herelnbelow described, adjacent to tho boundaries ot tho Enterprise Irrigation District, said petition being in writing and acknowledged by the respective par ties and In due form as made and required by law, and praying that the following described lands be included within the boundaries of the Enter prise Irrigation District, and made a part ot eald district: Beginning at the northwest corner ot the NEV1 of the NB4 ot Section 2. Township 39 South, Range 9 Bast ot the Willamette Meridian; thence East one-half mile, more or less, to the Northeast corner ot the NWVi of the NWV4 of Section 1, In said Town ship and Range: thenco South one- quarter mile more or less to the Southeast corner ot the NWVi of the NWU of Section 1, in said Township and Range; thence West one-halt mile more or less to tho Southwest corner of the NE4 of tho, NEVi ot Section 2 in said Township and Range; thence North one-quarter inilo moro or less to tho point oj be ginning Also beginning at the Northwest corner of tho SWU of tho NEU of Section 1, Township 39 South, Range 9 East of the Willamette Meridian, thence East one-quarter mile more or less to the Northeast corner ot the SWVi of the NE4 of Section 1 in said TownBhlp and Range; thence South one-quarter mile more or less to tho Southeast corner of tho 8WV4 of tho NE4 of Section 1 In said Township and Range; thence West one-quarter mile more or less to the Southwest corner ot the SW of the NE'i ot Section 1, in said TownBhlp and Range; thence North one-quarter mile more or less to the point of beginning. Also beginning at the Northwest corner of the NEVi of the NWU of Section 7, Township 39 South, Range 10 East ot tho Willamette Moridlan; thence East one-halt mile more or less to the Northeast corner ot tho NWU of tho NEVi of Section 7 In said Township and Range; thence South ono-balf milo more or less to the Southeast corner of the SWU ot the NEVi of Section 7 in said Town ship and Range; thence West one quarter mile more or less to the Southwest corner of the SWVi of tho NEVi of Section 7sIn aaid Town ship and Range; thence South one half milo mora or less to the South east corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 7 In said Township and Range; thence East one-quarter mile more or less to tho Northeast corner of the NWU of the NEVi of Section 18 in said Township and Range; thenco South one-half mile more or less to tho Southeast corner of the SWVi of tho NEVi of Section 18 in said Township and Range; thenco West one-quarter mile more or less to a point on tho present boundary line ot tho Enterprise Irrigation Dis trict ot Klamath County, Oregon, be ing at or near the center ot Section 18 In said Township and Range; thenco in a westerly and northerly diroctlon along the presont boundary lino of the Enterprise Irrigation Dis trict to tho point of beginning, NOW THEREFORE all persons in terested in or who may be effected by tho inclusion of said lands and change of boundaries of said Enter prise Irrigation District are hereby given notice to appear at the offlco of tho Board of Directors of said Dis trict at Numbor 16 Loomls Building. Klamath Falls, Oregon, upon Tues day, tho 4th day of May, A. D. 1920, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. and show causo, If any thoy may have, why said petition should not be granted. ' O. J. HILYARD, Secretary of the Board of DI- , rectors Enterprise Irrigation ' District. Apr 10-17-24-1 WE ARE NOW OPEN aid READY lor BUSINESS White Pelican Garage 11 Everything for the Automobile ff LONDON TRAFFIC PROBLEM SERIOUS LONDON. April 0, (Ily Mall). London's traffic problem, which 1b, It anything, moro snrlous than that ot Now York, has boon mado "difficult," it Is announced by a patllamontary commltteo ot Investigation by tho olght-hour day. Tho commltteo of which Kennedy Jones, mombor of parliament, Is chairman, has boon considering tho subject for nomo time. Traffic con gestion is sovorost, the committee found, between tho hours of 7:30 and 9 a. iu and S and 7 p. m. It reached Its maximum between the latter hours, and, tho committee says "little or no relief can bo looked for tr tbo uonr tuturo from any increase ot tho transport tacilttlos during thoso hours." Regarding tho troub'e as accentu ated by the gouoral adoption ot tho olght-hour day, tho committee ex pressed tho opinion that "If certain 'allied' businesses could arrange for tho majority of their employes to leave tholr work between 4 and 4:4G p. m., Instead of at S p. m., or later, appreciable bonoflt would result." It appeals to business huosea to cooper ate in this direction and asks shop pers to do as much of their shopping at they can manage to do between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY )WWWWWWWWWWW)WWWWi MIDDLE AOED man for porter work, experienced, permatot job, pool room, wages $120 a month. 617 Main street. 1-tf'M LOTS A few good lots In Hot Splngs addition. A few left on Shipping ton pavement but going fust. Lots of lots between the depot and Mills addition. Prices right, terms 10 per cent cash, bal. 36 payments. Phone W. M. Montellus, 13q3 Main st. 1-tf DO YOU APPRECIATE tho value of a dollar? If you do, this message is for you. Our guaranteed vulcan izing and tubo repairs ure dollar Havers. Try ub and be convinced. Klamath Rubber & Leather Co., 1126 Main st., Klamath Falls, Ore. NICELY FURNISHED room for rent for ono or two gentlemen. 317 N. 10th St., or phone 288W. 1 FOR SALE Household 22S2 Vine st., Mills add. furniture. LOST Flsk cord tire, 34x4U, with rim. Please return to B7 P. Lewis store. Reward. 1- BARGAINH IN V8KU CABS One Dodge roadster; Al condition, J976. Ono Ford truck, 1-ton capacity, 4 speed transmission, pneumatic tires, fine condition. Price I860. One Reo, 5-passonger,' good condi tion. 400. Two Studebakers, S8G0 and 3C0. One Ford delivery truck, all over hauled and In good condition, $600. C. L. WILLIAMS, 36 Main st.,' Phone 169. 1-8 The surface of the earth In one geographical mile 'falls away" or de parts from a stralgh line 8,04 Inches. A Classified Ad will sell it. Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroughly equipped, Institution affording unexcelledJtacliltlea,fo'r tho scientific treatment by hospital meth ods of medical, surgical and obstet rlcal cases. The, new and modern fireproof build ing containa private roomi for bed and ambulatory cases, completely equipped examination, and trettmont rooms', Roentgen Ray, clinical aqd research laboratories, STAFF WARREN HUNT, If. D. L. L. TRUAX, M. D. GEO. A. MASSBY. M. D. LOCATION FOURTH AND PINE 8Tfl KLAMATH FALLS, ORB. TELEPHONE 497 ) AMBULANCE SERVICE ; WWVMVWMAM Jewel Cafe MAAANWVWWWVVWVVNVWAAWVWIVW Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00 Fresh Crnli Kluki- Corklull HOUl' Chicken CoiiHomiuo Julluiinu HKI.IHHKH Pickled llmilH Itlpit Ollvux HALA1) Combination Vegetable, Willi MayonulHo FIHIl Tenderloin of Sole, Tartur Hnuco Choice of Chicken Frlcutmto, Itomit Made NodilNm Roast Virginia Hum, With linked Applu VEGETAIILKH Mashed Potatoes HtiKiir Corn Cholco of Vanilla Ico Crt'nm Applu or I'liuiupplu Creum I'ia DRINKS Tea Coffee Milk JEWEL CAFE 610 MAIN ST. ROME RAISES CAR FARE TO SIX CENTS ROMS, April 11, (Dy Mall). Car fares In Rome, which were originally wo cent! and were lately raised to three and then four, It Is now de creed, shall now be six cents from 8 o'clock In the morning antll 10 ut night, after which they will bo eight I Tlioxe win), k'iImi: to their work hiiforn S u. in , iihciI lo pay into runt, ! will now h..j thrvo '-ir thu privilege or huiiKliiK to 11 Ntrap in tho over crowded cum. Ciitiiiinii huvu also doublod tholr prlcuu but, huvuuyti tlio cost of n pair of shoes or boots now ranges from $26 to $60 it Is mora nconomlcul to rldo than to wear out leatbor. Star Theatre HKillKHT KTAND.VIU) PltODUCTIONH TEHWILLIGEU it PATRICK, PIKH'H. TODAY AND SUNDAY MATINEE "EVERYWOMAN" The most elaborate picture ever filmed MATI.VEK EACI DAY TWO COMPLETE HIIOWH EACH NIGHT & WH hi 1 1 1 1 1 BUY YOUR SUPPLIES FROM Bly Mercantile Co. The Largest Distributors of Ranch and Camp Supplies in Eastern Klamath County at Bly, Oregon tM H ,, f M m WM i 4