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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1919)
Tqparra THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TAGK TWO u.u.t ,, DISCHARGE HIM? SURE NOT 5 iu i) GIVE W, S. S. i Rex Cafe M Landlord of Typical West of Ireland I Ctato Highly Valued Poor Marks- ' mnttshlp of LodQckcepcr. j It was a typical Wet of Iroliiml estate, and the iu,"-eunch Iniitllonl ' wu Just driving his newly itrrltt i KuglNh guest through tlu lodge gates I the It XX IIS III! Stop at the Rex Cafe when you are hungry. This is the place to satisfy that appetite. We have every thing that the hungry stomach craves in food. De- licious viands appetizingly prepared and carefully Make the Rex your homev $ served. $ A ,v l THE REX CAFE !S D. S. APPEAL Governor Cnllcins Urjrca Govi ernment Sccttvitics for Prca cnts Instead of Luxuries , Governor John U. Calkins of the San Prniiclico 1'odornl IZcuorvo Unnlt lodge- l.tis written a Utter to nil ImiiUs nuil I trust toiitiMnlo In the Tv.eUth Pod- tiieut Scott I" again ejaculated the . cral ltotoro lltrlct ui.ii'( ti om tu promote, xxhertrvor possible, t!'i sale l fi'ilnw luixe lilm arrested for at- I of Wnr taxing Htnmpa utsil Truism x ' toinptiul uuuilcrt" i Savirgs Certificates for ('hriiitmn "Da with luinl" repented the laud- , prrvuts tlilx jour, lord. "Nothing, f com so." f T' e Incnmsed ilemimd for tltote "Not i von tllchiircv hliiil" persisted ' Government' securltloi., tho Trensiry! tlie guet. ' Havings Oitlfuatos being slntllur to "Omul gnielom, no!" replied the , War S.ix lugs Stamps In douoi'ilimtlotiD tiiiidlord. "Why, I wouldn't loe the of $100 ami $ lotto, Is nppnroiu ftom tvlloxx fur u fortune. UeV one of the j tho fact Unit the Federal Koscoo xvorst shots l'o eer hail tin tho Hunk suppllud lUO.UOn. worth of Treasury Savings, ('erttftcatcn to ctgh toon banks In tho district on Noxem her 2p, which Is tho largest tun on tH I void In ono day since tho clone of ti-o f war. On the face of tho demand ofi those eighteen banks and tho In creased call for tho securities ft out i all postoffleea throughout tho Twelfth' IVdurnl Reserve District, 11 would i teem that tho Uovcrumcut'ii holiday slogan "Ulu it Wnr Saving Stnmp or a Treasury Savlnge Cerlltlcito for Christmas," Is being followed out,1 and tho Government la hoping that j giving War ShvIiikh Stnmpii and Treasury Savlnna Certlllcntea for Clirlmnmi tclfts tho dlHtrlct will eloce ' wht'n a hullet .lpped hy Ills ear, si "(Jood lieuxeli!!" evclnlliieil 5.1 ctiest. "What wild thill J" . "V, only one of my men lntliiK n J pe' dlmt nt lue," repllt-d the landlord. "I r.ither fniiey . ' keeper." . snest. "What will vou do with the J esuttel" Tk Men's Gift Store - n A J " Gift FIRST STATUE IN THEU. S. SURGEON'S TEST TOO "pussyfoot" without a rocdrrcnco of . . ' too ' sh" sound as in stusn . MUCH FOR COURT' "The prisoner did those things. i tin t nnt cnt lfjifrrHv nrlilr, limit " LONDON, Oct. 30. (n JInll.) t the surgeon after recounting his Here Is ono of London polico sur-i "tests" before a court trying n man geoni's tests to determine tho oft- on ft charge of drunkness. disputediquestion n3 to whether a "I doubt whether I could pass person is drunk: j that examination, any time, the case Walk a straight line, heel and toe. Is dismissed", commented tho judgo. without swaying. ' mm Pick up a piece of paper from the' Tho Herald would brine sood floor while standing on one foot cll?er ,frm C,tan,5,th. cunt"' nnt . only during tho Chrlstnlns season. say me wonts tonstmts", "ar- but. during every day In tho year, tillery", "British Constitution" and Shoo Early. Jackson Memorial, Designed and Crected by Sculptor Who Start j ed Life Plattercr. The Jnckson statue. In Lafayette park, Waihlnirtoii. was the first eijtieH. iruin Miitue unvelhsl In the United Stntes. The fnnious statue of Gourde III. which the New York patriots null ed dowu In irrd, was Imllt. before tiiere was n United States. The JiicLmiii statue was deslsmd and erected by Clark Mills, a ".olf-nindo" dculiitor, Timed to the moment when we miirht siv wurnv man is interested in a few new tics m!s s tlo IW tremendous assortments of h, fS1 ovioir mm ai me prices, bids lair to "GO -THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of vory oxcen tional ties arc included in this roinarkahl I S? event which-will no doubt start P . em to quick action. Every tie at UUe ft i . . . bp startml life us a plasterer, u i V approximate Ms Wnr Buying tiioiu' hail nexer seen an eom-strlnn Maine or U1" PB.r. before he started work on this one', and the appliance for modeling and cuMlns xvere iiiaile by blui. The metnl In the irroup Is made of riiiiiion enp ruiTtl by Jackson frojti the llrltljh. The equipoise of the uroup Is per fect, and no luiiMirtniit biilnnclne n.ds are used to keep the statue from top. (ili'ns. Mills claims that he had to perfectly attained the center of jjrnv. Ity In the work that the (.'roup would balance perfectly on the hind feet of the renrlnc charger. This fact xvas proved, but when the statue xvas erect ed the hind feot of the hoise xxere holted. or ntlierxvt fatenul. to the luiso or tiedestal. to secure It iiKalnst the possible effects of hlcb xvlinN or other disturbing or mbchlevous causes. (7 rN TRAVCDNC GOODS Why a Not A BELBER J T Trunk, Suit Case of Bag for Xmas? Something that you nee'd every day of the year. See the new styles we have just received. A portion of Governor Calkin' let-' ter l'Hoxvj; "The ChrUtmna holiday are n.1-! most upon us. HverythliiK point to a trotnendou outlay of money In the purchnso of holida.x gifts, tho greaiet i rortlon of xxtilrh I think I am nfn !n ' saying will bo luxuries. Tho present situation demands not that moiei money ho spent In tho purchusu of, luxuries, but that wo curtail au much ns possible, xylth tho consequent bene ' Gclnl contraction of credit. ' "Therefore, I up oal to you as a ' fellow banker to do jxerj thing wltliln Xnup nnu'Ar 7r iff.....' I a A... . a , and giving of Wnr Sav.ngs Stamp and Treasurx S.ivIijks Cvrtlflcu is ns Christmas presents in piece of the us tial needless and ixpenslxo glftH It seems to mo that tbo rosponslbtiitx of leading men's niln is along tho xvnya , or thrift and simple living rests to a ' grent extent upon the bnnkoM of the xve.s reading than In steering the horse i r""lr "" " nsiting you to push i me snies oi i reiiHiiry securttl.'S durlnK tho Christmas holidays, I am asking Horse Ought Have More Sense. A inn n driving an express wagon In Southlirhlge s'reet nppenred to tie more concerned In a newspaper he out of hnrm's xvay. The pnper blocked me vicxv entirely in rront or (lie driver, who seemed to be oblivious to his surroundings ns the equine Jogged along In what he found later to be the wrong road. When he woke up to you oniy to take advantage of an op portunity to meet this responsibility." In addition, Christmas posters car rylng an appeal to ghe War Savings the situation he found thnt tip and i Stamps and Treasury Savings Certla the wagon hnd gone more than hrce- catea for ChrU'lmns presents will b ! quarters of a mile out of. the way and distributed throughout the Twolfth then he discovered that h had lost ederal Kesej'vo District, and till a. ..-. r k.' ' I hllru tinun l.n. klAJ a - himself nnd trad been dolnc extra w-oVk:' for nottilrig. Wh'eV it lt'tVe driver HffeD' his head" ati'd fourd what had happene! 'be? cursed "tHe hdr'fe for nbT knowing better ttion to pas by his own stabfe. Worcester Kve nlng Post. K K K f-Xl.srv U x w, C Exclusive on Belber Luggage I mmmwmmammmmmmmmMmmmmammmmmmmmtmmmmimm FLOEBERQ fOT AN ICEBERG forrneV Yellow W Dirty In Color) Latter Ordinarily Brilliant White With Streaks. While floebergs often are of great site, they are, much different from Icebergs. Rene tyiche writes, In the i'jilltidelphla I'ubljc Ledger. They ure yelloxv and dlrty-look'lng In color, while Icebergs are ordinarily a bril liant white, 'with ultramarine streaks. The streaks are p'tfre fee. while the white parts are largely solidified snow. FIoeberg8 ure formed In the bays along the coust of Labrador, where Ice Is blown shoreward and piled up. sheet on sheet, during the xvlnter. When summer comes the masses thus formed are liable 'to flont out to sen. An Iceberg Is composed of fresh xvu. ter, frozen. A floeberg Is frozen salt wdter. The crew of the steamer Andros coggin, of the United States Coast guard, experimented In blowing up Icebergs with shells nnd mines, but both attempts fulled, The shells mere ly made white spots, nnd xvere shat tered, while thpre was nothing thnt the mines could he attached to to do dumuge. In uddltlon ships could not come close enough to the bergs with out (lunger from the floating moun tains to make careful Investigation for the placing of the mines. oan kb nave ooen asked to Include a similar appeal Id their advertising. BIG INDUSTRIAL POfcLEfo, GERMANY -Take full advantage of the quantity prices-vour living will be tho greater. i ' Highly Mercerized -and Silk Mixed Ties Ties 'that -are hihm to "Juttt suit" tho rout "ipan's innn" now. never before shown smnit to n iiolnblo degree. "toti'H pay twleo as much for these ni'-iitlm hence. - Com prlnlng the sort of lion that nmko WONDKUKULLV AJ'I'IUX'IATH!) (JIKTS! Fine Silk and Satin Ties A wiiriilroii nssnrtnnni of tlno silk nuil Hiitln id la tho host minting mul new i st and siiiuiti'sl ii'nli;ns t'ltrn ronserxutive, semi ciuiHorxuilvu. unit frankly JA":?" st)los All iiiado with silk, slip-easy lunula Consider the savings yon moo and xxoiiun who aru wlsolv doing xour HOLIDAY Klloi'l-INt; 1'Mtl.Y . IT uEarman i AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" "The Holiday Store for Men" More Opens Week Iny nt Hlitfl n. in.: CIiikcn Week Dnys nt tl p. ni. Htorti Ojicns Koturdnyn nt H:SlO n. in.; cIosch Saturdays nt 0:00 p. ra. P In a Class by Himself, A gen'letnnii In the engraving busi ness on Hrondxvay. New York, was greatly annoyed by the tardiness of one of bis skilled engravers. Calling nlm Into the office one morning be fciild: "Mr Uroxvn. I get here nt 8:fl0 every morning and look over my tnnll; ut 1) o'clock I look out the window nnd see Mr. Itockefeller on his xvny to the ofllee;,nt n:.'W Mr. J. r. .Morgan pusses on his xvay to the bank; nt 10 I see Mr, Vanderbilt going by; nt 10:30 Mr. Taft pnfrM'K on the wuy to his office; at 11 you come In. Who tho are vou?" Tteboboth Sunday Herald. COLOGNE, Nov. 1. (Hy Mall.) Germany's Industrial situation con tinues to bo a pat amount problem for public dlsr'usn'tn. Almost ever newspaper in tho country has been devoting ono or two columns dally to suggestions and criticisms of the Industrial policies adopted hy tho National assembly. No relief is In sight so far, lack of transporta tion and scarcity of raw materials still to bp faced. Tho demand for rubber and rub ber products nppeuis to bo Increas ing, rubber articles of all kinds being particularly senrco on tho market. Prohibitive prices havo been paid recently In Cologne and other Rhlnelnnd cities by dealors from tho Interior of Germany for old nutomobllo and bicycle tires. Millions of murks worth of salvaged rubber goods havo been sold by tliol American, French nnd British nrnly authorities to tho Germans hut thh supply apparently has not relieved the demand In tho least. - ' l "! T Southern Oregon D rag Company CMMI2 IN YUKON KETCHIKA Alaska, Nov. 21. (Hy Mall). I'tarmngan and grouse, which hnvo been soldom seen in tho Yukon river district during tho last four or flvo yeurs, aro mak ing tholr appeuranco thoro this year In great numbers, travelers from tho interior report. P Best Makes Best Stock Best Service and Best Terms Earl Shepherd IN Klamath Falls. April 1920, HOLIDAY GOODS JUST WHAT Everybody Wants AT Southern Oregon Drug i Company Merrill - Oregon J GRIT, BONE, MEAT SCRAPS. EGG MASH F&R Feed 126 South Sixth St