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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1919)
.w-r.iNKHiAv, mjckmiiku h, mm Our supply of Block, L-imb and Slab Wood is adequate for the pres ent demands of our cus tomers, but please order before you are entirely out of wood as we are behind with our deliv eries TERMS CASH All lire wood must be paid for in advance or upon delivery, as we cannot afford to collect small accounts. If it is a C. 0. D. order, please have the right change ready, otherwise driv ers are instructed not to leave the fuel. 0. Peyton "WOOD TO BRN" 702 Main St Phone 187 scouts gain - nrti-kt- m hi-nii-n ? : MUHtMtMW '., 1,1 j i 'i ,ni THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE Timrat Another untiiiiRloiitlc mooting of Hoy Heoutii mill HooiUnrH wan hold hint tiltflit nt tlio Molhodlnt church. i wij mori) nijyn or Hrinti nco woro Miiirullt'il In (ho organization. jI'Millmlimry work In scoulcraft wan i;lvon by Hcout Master II. B. 'Fry anil the- Hot. H. J. Clinnoy, n JNlHtnut Hcout mnntor. Lawrence Ihol)H wnn nliio pruncnt to anslHl In ! tlio work. Tho ncout mnntor In Kind I to got volunteer wnrknrn, for whim , tho pntroln iiro all organized thoro will ho nood for n groat doat of loaiiunihlp. ! Tho rognlar tontn aro dolaycd, nalil Mr. Kry today, by tho non-arrival of Ruppllofl. Ab noon an thoy Jcomo many of tho boyn will ho giv en tho proscribed oxamlnatlonB. Thoy nro ntudylng eagerly and ap parently getting woll tip'in tho wor!t. Tho Heoutii will moot with tho Iloonlors' club, which In for boyn un der tho ncout bko of 12, for tho last tlmo next Tuonday night at tho Mothodlnt church. Tho boyn aro be coming too numerous to handle both organizations together and, after tho next moutlng, itoparato meeting nlghtn will bo arranged. BOXING CONTEST PLANNED DEC. 15 New Anesthetic. How nitron nxlclo gnu. nn nnrMhet- le made available In lnrgi nunntltpi In Kronen through tho Joint WTnrt of tho army medical riirjii and tlio American Tho city boxing commlHHlon, ap-l "wl froM' jy''1 "'" lly. .r nmuy . .. i i i. , .. Anii-rlrnn xo Id In, wnn to d u a Ktiite- polntcil Monday night by Mnyorl ,m.nt ,,y ,,,,, Rw - ru,l vniJZ Struble, hold an organization meet- , K,K W(1H u,M,.r.tliiint.'l by iiiortl Ine yonterdny In tho ofllcoH of Judgoi nil men before tin war. tlio Mtnteinent N. J Chapman. Tho mayor yostor-l wild, but became of It tendency to In lr added William A. Ganong and ', w-n-e blood promim; to trincthiii the J. II. Ourrutt to tho lint of original Ufurt without producing n kIid.U mid to .Mlnln. mnklne Mm commlKlnn :n"w' "" 'l'I'WlllB after effect, It mfXy.v !VftffL' ; IM , am . i.mtlnMMl. t ' " '" Ti n T Mi i?l Vr " ' !'' t'J 'It, 1 1 1 n vi .,, :' .. ' ' i .. T... ' ' . I ,U WiU'UjhUI, I nunc Into general uw In the operating I nximx of niiist lnH,ltnl before the end tie In number. Th olaw IIich tho personnel or mo commiBHion ni rroni1 n1P ,,., three to flvo mum born. Tho other. ttree aro N. J. Chapmnn, Dr. Boulo In th War Newt. and J. I), Campbell. A young man told in nbop.t nn old JudRO N. J. Chapman was soloct-t Indy who iimimI to come to ee the td an president of tho cotnnrlHslon; . wounded boy. Her one f.nilt wnn W. A. Oanong, secretary and trenn- T11;5.!"0 "'"ny v"1 '""" '"" dp urer, and Dr. A. A. Soulo examining ipv w)llI, l)rp,pl)(I to ,, nR,rpp physician. j Slf CMWt Onp. who wnn hnndnged W. M. Knight wan chonon odlclal from bend to foot, wan the only one nttchmnkor and Tom Wo I tors nn who tppenred at all awake, no he referoo. I wont to him and linked: "How did The first boxing contest. It In ym ,nnw mi w?r' "unuwl. my 1,ltnn,l will l.A -l,,l I...,., ... Ini"" "". ' TOM) IlllOllt It In till r. v hv niunvu imjiv utuv December IS. uaser:." he milled. Exchange. I .!(' Ki ill ' t L ' 'ti I"' (1 , 'L : ' I . ( I It '1 wua.i ' -tar i uir u wjl " ifn Ifllilfll I1 , l' p Still Our Sale Goe s On BRADLEY SHOE STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. 727 Main St. Men's Fine Dress Shoes Exceptional Values in Men's Shoes. $15.00 Values reduced to .'...$12.75 $13.50 Values reduced to . $11.25 $12.00 Values reduced to $10.25 $11.00 Values reduced to $ 9.25 $10.00 Values reduced to $ 8.50 $ 9.00 Values reduced to $ 7.75 $ 7.50 Values reduced to $ 6.25 $ 5.50 Values reduced to $ 4.50 10 per Cent Children's Shoes Ten Per Cent Discount will be given on all Chil dren's Shoes in stock. SOME REAL BARGAINS as many are way below the wholesale cost at the present time. ji&ja: BOYS' SHOES OUR STOCK OF BOYS' SHOES CONSISTS OF HIGH TOPS, LACE AND ONE-BUCKLE TOP, DRESS SHOES, ENGLISH LASTS IN BLACK AND BROWN, HEAVY SCHOOL AND PLAY SHOES. ARMY SHOES AND BLACK BUTTON. 10 Per Cent OFF on All Boys' Shoes. Men's Silk Hose Make an Ideal Xmas Gift MEN'S SILK HOSE, values to $1.50. SALE PRICE 95c MEN'S WOOL and COTTON HOSE 10 PER CENT OF REGULAR PRICE TALK ON Shoes There Is a vital object in selling our shoes at the quoted price, and that i.s we are buying shoes from the best American makers and buying right. Now then, we can give you the value with the quality. Our endeavor is to pleaso you inot only now but at all times, be cause you will need shoes again and know where you can get them. The Bradley Shoe Store FUIENDH GIVH. PARTY The Last Leaf On the Calendar IF you've uny retrenching to do for this year, now'a tho tlmo to get busy, rerhapa you have boon putting off tho opening of that Ravines or Checking Account horo at the First NatlounI llanlc for over bo long. 'r i Well, while It's nover too lato to bi)gln,' tho early depos itor accumulates tho big bank account, you know. Mr. and .Mrs. A. C. Duncan enter talned n number of their friends Rntrayd uovcnlng at their homo, in Iangelln .Valley in honor of Air, and Mm. Krannk Grohs who have re cently roturnod from a wodding trip In San Francisco. Dancing was on joyod by thoso present and delicious refreshment Borved. ,Aa tho. guests woro leaving thoy prosented Mr. and Mrs. Qrolm with numerous beauti ful prospnts. At the Theatres Z I z December 11. 12, 13. K. It. ItottmcH, l'rraiilcnt 'A, M. Collier, Vlevl'raildciit John 8. Moons Vlco-I'mtldent JjpnIIu .Itogerw, CaalUer site First National Bank QVM KLAMATH FALLS OREQON DON'T SAY "OVERALLS," SAY WfUNION MAD- MJh They will give you the service They are Union Made and have a number of features over other Jakes of overalls. First is the material from which Jney are made ;. second, all seams are felled and Jnple stitched; third, cord-bound button holes and full cut in seat. Last, they are Union Made. We handle the complete line. K. Sugarman "I ain't mad at nobody" m NOTICK OV SHKlUrF'S 8ALK. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, For tho' County of Klamath. Gub Melhase. Plaintiff, vs. Frank M. Dayton, Defendant. No. 1101, Equity. Notico Is hereby glvon that,' by virtue of an execution and order of 3alo, duly issued out of tho abovo entitled court and causo on tho 2nd day of December, 1919, in favor of tho nbovo namod plaintiff and against the abovo namod defendant, dlrocting tho sale of tho premlsos thoroln, ai;d herelnnftor descrlbod, to satisfy tho sum of $1300.00. with interest thereon from th'o 19th day of Soptcmbor, 1914, at tho rato of 7 por cont. per annum, 175 at torney's fee, $17.20 coats, and dis bursomontfl, and accruing costs. Now, theroforo, by virtuo of said execution, and in compliance with said writ. I have fully levied on said promises and will, on Tuesday, January 6, 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tho front door of tho county court houso, In tho City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Stato of Orogon, soil, at public auction, to tho highost bidder, for cash, nil tho right, titlo and intorest of tho abovo named dofondant, in and to tho following described real property, sltuntod In Klamath County, State of Oregon, to wit: The SKU of soctlon 25, Town ship 38 South of Range 11 East of Wlllamctto Morldia" except a tract 74 by 8G rods out o; southwest part thoroof, or so much thoroof as may bo necessary to satisfy said oxocutlon, togothor with tho tonomonts, hereditaments and appurtonancoa tborounto bolonging or in anywlso appertaining! Tho proceeds of said salo will bo appllod to tho satisfaction of said oxocutlon, order and docroo, In terest, costs, and accruing costs, and tho overplus, It any thoro bo. paid Into court to bo furthor appllod aa by law diroctod. Datod at Klamath Falls, Orogon, Docomber 2', 1919. GEO. X,. HUMPHREY, Sheriff, rtv nuriT H. HAWKINS. Deputy. 3-10'17-24-31-7-U., Russia, the land of the Bolshe vik!, is the sceno'of the Theda Bara super-production, "The Serpent," which will be featured on the bill of tho Liberty Theatre Thursday. An exciting ooar nunt, loading to a love affair, is one of the spectacular features of tho picture. ' The principal characters, taken by a supporting cast including George Walsh, James Marcus, Charles Craig, Lillian Hathaway and Nan Carter, are all Russians, the locale being tho estate of a Grand Duke.' The lattor falls In love with a peas ant girl, impersonated ,b Miss Bara, and treats her unfairly. The girl leaves, goes to Paris and there meets and weds tho Grand Duko's son, but without the Duko's know ledge. Tlio father visits the son, finds tho girl, makes love to hor aunt and is discovered b the Prince who commits suicide. "Tho Winning Stroke," a now William Fox photoplay starring George Walsh, should contain, ata abundanco of excitement, for its scones include tho famous Yale- Harvard boat race, one of the great est college events. Walsh, big, handsome and athletic, Is the .nroko of the Yale crew and the hero of a story of college romance written by Edward Sedgwick. For this picture tho raco of this, year was Aimed with tho monster trowds of cheering students, graduate, and returned milltar men, and the rivpr, gather ing of launches, tugs and yachts attendant on the historic contest. "The Inning Strok'e" is announced to open at the Liberty Theatre Friday afternoon. FOOD SALE SATURDAY KLAMATH FALLS MAN GIVES EVIDENCE His Testimony Will Interest Kvciy Kluniutli Falls Header The value of local evidence is in disputable. It is tho kind of evi dence we accept as true because wo know wo can prove It for ourselves. There has been plonty of such ovl- donco In the Klamath Falls papers lately, and this straightforward tes timony has established a confidence in tho minds of Klamath Falls peo ple that will not be easily shaken. M. G. Wllkins says: "I am sub ject to backacho at times and then my kidneys aro moro or less irregu lar in action. After taking Doan's Kidnoy PIUs a few days, my kidneys act proporly and my back fools as strong as ever. I advise anyone who is suiforing from backacho and kidney dlsordors to give Doan's Kid noy Pills a" trial, for I know thoy aro reliable." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidnoy remedy got Doan's Kidnoy PIUs the 3amo that Mr. Wilkins had. Foster-Mil- hxxrxi Co., Mfsra., Buffalo, N. Y. The Episcopal Guild will hold a cooked food Saturday at tho O. K. Transfer office, tho proceeds going to tho church building fund. The Egyptians had many kinds of bread. They not only baked It In different shapes but made It of sev eral sorts of flour and flavored it in a groat variety of ways. r NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream In Nostrils Ope- Up Air Passages. To Ah! What relief! Your clogge. nostrils open light up, tho air pw. sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. K more hawking, snaffling, mucous ' discharge, headache, dryness struggling for breathe at night, your cold or catarrh Is gone. Don't stay staffed np! Get . small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply &. little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In, your nostrils, let it pene trate through every air passage 'ot the head; soothe and heal tho. swollen, Inflamed mucous mem brane, giving you instant reliefs Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer hasv. been'' seeking. It's just splendid. ZIZ December 11, 12, Try em. Herald Want Ads. ' Getting the Fur Coat Out of the Moth Balls Should Be a Reminder That Your Automobile Bat tery Needs a Little Extra Attention "Tho average motorist," said Judd Low, manager of the local "Exide" Service Station, the other morning, "is a queor combina tion of sound American common sense and unsound American easy goingness. And what parts of his car he nover sees or hears a com plnlnt from ho is prone to negloct. And that, of courso, is mainly why the battery suffors It never complains. . ' "It does its work, right up to the point where It has nothing more to givo, under tho most negligent and cruel theatment. But, of course, by the time it has reached such a point it is in mighty bad shape, and' building it up again is going to cost Mr. Careless Motorist a penny that ho might very woll have saved himself, "And all this In spite of the fact that we are continually writ ing our customers talking to them, sending them folders and cir culars on the subject ot gottlng better performance and longer life from the battery and keeping down big repair bills by giving it tho right kind of service at tho righttimo. Right now wo are sending out a little foldor showing the Importance of g'fVlng the battery proper storage when the car Is laid up for the Winter. It has boon tho bad habit of many automobile owners at the approach of cold weather to simply run the old bus, fully equipped, Into tho garage and then lock the door till next Spring. "Cortalnly so far as the battery Is concerned, this is a mighty poor proceeding. Inside ot the battery, owing to its chemical nature, a certain sort ot action and reaction is continually taking place, oven whon It is idle. For this reason It demands cortain attention at regular periods. This attention can best be given it whon it is stored under such conditions and superintendence as only the bat tery export can give It. Because of this, we advise our customers to remove their batteries from their cars, sending them .to us to be storod and cared tor in our storage department. The cost of Win ter storago is small and there is assurance that nothing detrimental can nnppen to the battery during Jack Frost's reign." AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 23 Main St Phone 22M f A j''-!!,