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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1919)
TJBP-S" aa"T IWGH TWO v- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON - Av' '""K n, lllf L AS fflNICE BROffll SEEKS i UN rM jtv : .''"" -v- -.. I JL . &r cr I dm SOCT yr"t S si9 t f 1' II ! & i r. Er W' I t' fI ' i re "714 wm n n M $L& ..Mi3 . .mu -MilKfe55 w f r." S'Bji TRAVELING GOODS Why Not A 4 BELBER Trunk, Suit Case of Bag for Xmas? Something that you need every day of the year. See the new styles we have just received. I V K K K Store i. Exclusive on Belber Luggage NOTICE IvvrnXG BIDS Notice is hereby 'given that bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, at 'the office of the County Clerk up to- and including December 15th 1919, for the re-decking and repair ing of the Link-River Bridge in Klamath Falls, Oregon, ae per plans and Specifications on file at the office "of the County Clerk. Bids wrfll be opened at. the office of the County Court on Monday December 15th. 1919t 3 o'clock, p. m. A deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of-each bid must accompany Wrme. . u , j . j ,The Court reserves the right to Mject any or all bids. By order of the .County Court this and. day of December 1919. - ad Ci R. DB LAP. 3-t County Clerk. NEW STEAMEIt LINE STOCKHOLM, Oct. 11. (By mail). The American steamer Waco arrived here today, inaugurat ing the first regular American steam ship line on the Swedish east coast. The Swedish importers and the public arc delighted at seeing in this American competition a powerful weapon against the exorbitant freights and the consequently high prices which have been due to Swed ish shipowners, who have hitherto been left alone in this traffic. ZIZ Dec-ember 11, 12, y M M M H I X run uina iajinjmDjLK i Vacuum Lunch Kits Vacuum lunch cases make an exceptionally fine suggestion for Christmas. With their ability to cany lunches large or small, to keep them hot or cold and in the handy cases in which they come well, here's a gift superior for boy or girl going to school or man or woman going to work, and next summer one will be appreciated in the car or as an easily carried vacation or touring lunch case. " Oiy phhcv. ccpper, The Western States llcclnmnllon aroeinllon bos been organised ns a result of the conference held No vember 21 ami 22 nt Suit Lake City Representatives from 13 of the rec lamation states were present at the confer nee. which ub called for the purpose ot crystnlltlng sentiment in the Western states In favor of some dellnlte plan of furthering federal reclamation. The association decid ed to renncbt of Concrete an ap propriation of $250,000,000 to. re plenish the reclamation fund, Pro-vlt-'on was miido for an executive committee composed of one member from each state to carry out the rec ommendations of tho asisocl'ition State Knglneer Percy A. Cupper was! selected as executive committeeman frcm Oregon. Tho first meeting of the executive! committee was held In Salt Lake' City following tho conference, and ' It is proposed to hold tho next meet ing in Washington, D. C . soon after the convening of Congress. It Is proposed to raise tho neces sary funds for carrying on tho cam paign by voluntary subscription Oregon's allotment is $3000. The Importance of this movement to Ore gon can hardly be overestimated. Any substantial additions to the U. S. reclamation fund will not only permit of additional construction work by the Reclamation Service, but It will also greatly stlraulato Ir rigation under tho irrigation district i plan, which Is proving, so successful in Oregon. It Is believed that tho government will recelvo tho support ot every Irrigation and drnlnngc en terprise In tho str.te. on account o' Its far-reaching effect. Even though a project may not be lu n position to directly recelvo fcdornl aid, the fact that tho Reclamation Service' is fn the field wU mako It much castor tor such projects to secure tho nec essary finances from private sources. We are undoubtedly entering upon an era of unprecedented development along the lines of irrigation and drainage, and by putting up a unit-i ed front will now have an oppor-, tunlty of greatly advunclng the J cause. , j It seems that an opportunity is now being presented whereby Ore gon may, be able to secure her full share ot edoral development, par- ticulariy if the irrigation interests glvo , whojo-hearted support to tho movemont initiated by tho Western States Reclamation association at the Salt Lake City conference. NAVY WILL PAY FOR GOOD IDEAS -" WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. The navy will pay a cash reward for usu able ideas or Suggestions submitted by civilian employees or persons in civil life. Regulations to carry out the act of Congress authorizing such pay ments bavo been based on the meth ods adopted by industrial establish ments. Tho naval inventions offico will supply forms on request for tho submission of suggestions Tho act states that "reward is to be paid when, due to a suggestion or t a series of suggestions, there results an Improvement or economy in man ! ufacturing process or plant or naval ' material." J, The department warns employees .and civilians against making "frivo- ?! lous" suggestions. gi:kmaxv vixvsi i.ntomii tax 411, 413, 415 Main St. Klamath Falls, Oregon KLAMATH'S GREATEST STORE "We Buy and Sell for Cash; That is why We Sell lor Loss FOR MOTHER Pottery Towels Dollies Huronu Set Hosiery Candlo Sticks Center Pieces Rug Linens China Wnre Roudolr Cap (Uoes Casseroles (lliisnwaro Negligee Kimono Hath Robo House Dress Handbag Waist Iklrt Serving Tray Hag Petticoat Slippers Scarf Hath Mat Sweater Umbrella Conmt NlBlitUown .Silks Dress Goodrt Hnndknrchlufri Shear Pruslun Jardlulereti Siu;ar and Creamer Neckwear Tea Sot Chocolate Set Cushion Knihroldcrcd Article Hlanket Vkho FOR FATHER IlritHlivrt Scarf Sweater Rett Underwear Comb Hllpporn Shirts Moves LuggaK" Hosiery Pajamas Suspenders " l.uiuir,liu: Robo ' 'Handkerchiefs Purso Calendar Laundry Hag Hath Robo ' , Collar llaj: Curf Llnku Collars Auto Robe Lamp FOR GROWN DAUGHTER HI Ik Hosiery NeKllnc!i DieiinliiK Kuciiie Apron Waist Sweater Corset Hiiuhh Slippers Dancing Slliiporii Night Gown Robe Petticoat llumlkorohlur (lloves Tnllut Articles Vanity Casti llouilolr Can Hllk Uudorear K'niniin- Sllk'i Needles DrihS (liiodii Croclint llnnt,. llrasslore Laces Kimono r.uvelupu t'lit'ijilso Kmlirnlilereil Articles Neckntinr Skating Set Veil Hat Pins Hooks I'nnuol MllK'Tlo lllIK IMIUUMK llUC FOR GROWN SON II rushes Rath -Robs v " Pajamas . HoiduVy Swoator Shirts Mackinaw , llufller Umbrella Suspenders Holt Slippers Pursu Tlo Scarf Plrt O loves Collars Collar Rag Cuff,, Links Tie Holder Card Caso Luggage I fat FOR SMALL DAUGHTER Doll Doll Dinhen Drawing Rook Doll Huuso Doll Clothing Doll Kurnlturv RendH to String Kurs Lunch Rasket Qlovori Umbrellu Sweator Hosiery Ribbons Hnudkorcntofn Hooks x Teddy Renr Rath Robo Slippers Paint Outfit Toys Onmca 11 on n Rags ' Neckwoar Underwear Night Oown 1'urno Middy Hex of Colored Pencils FOR SMALL SON Tie Purse Sweater Hooks Shirt " Tinker, Toy Hooks , Oilmen Recking Horso Hockey Cap Mittens Drum Top , . Suit Overcoat ' Slippers .Moccasins Holt Tool Chest Automoblln Hath Ituliu Toys 1'lny Suit Gloves FOR THE HOME Curtains Lamp ' Bric-a-Brac Vases' Candlesticks Glassware Chinaware Blankets ''au1. Linens Portieres Rug aoi Flag FOR THE BABY Sleeping Bag Bootees Creeper Rattle Doll Carriage Robe Blanket Jacket Shoes Stockings "'. Teddy Bear Teething Ring Sweater Leggins Dress Uubreakable Doll Bonnet Set of Gold Pins Slippers Bib NEW ENGLISH I'AItTV LONDON, Oct. 17. (Ry Mull). A now Royalist party has been form ed In London under tho leudor'shlp of Cuptaln Wheutley-Crowo. It utundii strongly for tho oupport of tho mon archy in this country as ngnlnst,Rud Icallsm and Holshevlsm, for tho res toration of the Hrltlsh constitution and tf civil liberties, The party also wnntB to boo a Vj j PURITY KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS V HL RERLIN, Oct. 15. (By Mull). A commission of tho national UBsom- ' bly has agieod to a ulld'nc scale in clo!-r uoni1 between tho king and the assessment of private incomes for ' People, and to this end its lond- 1 tho emniro'H omeruency. - or think It will bocomo necessary it nrnvi.iPa for n low nr in nnr t rcorganlzo and Btrengthon tho X. rit nil ihn firt r.ft.nnn m.ikH nnrt 12 Houoo of Lords per cent on tho second 50,000 'marks. Fortunes of 1,000,000 marks are to bo taxed 50 per cent,' whllo multl-mlllolnalrca aro assessed as high as 05 per cent. Ecui3AC3 ,'-"r"J'5"'t'''5'-...M'''" The Chamher of Commerce of Rrldgeton, N. J is ano of tho first bodies of Its kind In tho east to' ad mit women to full inomborshtp, A blacksmith of Rotterdam wan so ovorcomo'wlth Joy on hearing that ho had won $40,000 in a lottory that In his excitement ho ' lit his plpo with tho ticket and was unablo to provo his claim. Best yot. Horald Want Ads, TOY A full line of new and up-to-date toys. Tlik stock is all new and has not been picked over. Don't wait too long or you may bo disappointed. Auto Supply House 'l'fi 7th and Main GRIT, BONE, MEAT SCRAPS, EGG MASH aJrffilB FMd & T. South Sixth St r --- --- -vv'