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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
- PAW vovn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, ....'Mrrj m Today's Anniversaries Personal Mention rf 222? k. w--ioi - j wt-ioal mpi -' Are You " Down and Out? " Did you know that when it comes to figuring out the right Christmas present for each member of the family most men mope around in a dark-brown study and then finish in disgust by buying the wrong thing? Well! This is generally the case, but there are pres ents that are equally as good for all the members from baby up to grandmother. Take a good Victrola or Player-piano for instance why, they bring pleasure and educate in music at the same time. When in doubt remember, buy music for Christmas. Convenient terms if necessary. Earl Shepherd Co. Strictly One Business Music New Store, 507 Main St We are pleased to announce the arrival of new Silk Blouses Special at $6.50 Lot us say at tlio outset that If you nro interested in keeping down your apparel expense, then you ought to comd hero and pro Tide for your Fall and Winter Dlouso needs beforo this limited al lotment Is gono. And oven if you do not need Blouses 'for lmmediato wear, it's well when such very exceptional values nro offered to anticipate now and provide for your future needs. The savings nro liberal, extremely so. The price is $6.50; this despite the fact that prices of Silk fab rics are advancing at an almost unbelievable rate; and at today's market this price would hardly pay for the fabrics only. The styles are new, authentic, appealing; the fabrics are Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine; they are in the wanted shades. They are dependably made and cut so as to. insure correct fitting. Our previous sale of these BLOUSES brought a very ready response, and the quantities, we had pro vided were quickly absorbed. The quantity in tHis new allotment is limited and no more of the same styles can be obtained. 181S Stephen V. Harkncss, One of the foundorn of tho Standard Oil company, born at Fayoltovllle, N. Y. Died on his yncht off tho Florldn coast, March 6, 18SS. I 1S30 A, nntlonat congress In Hrussols declared tho Independence of Uolglum. 18 U Charlotte Cushman, tho fa mous Amurlcan actress, nrrlved nt Liverpool to begin her first ongaRo- ntont on tho English stago. 1SS6 Chester A. Arthur. 21st President of tho United States, dlod In Now York City. Horn nt Fair field, Vermont, October 6, 1S30. 1905 Tho Koroan government transferred coutrol to Japan. 1910 Ono thousand suffragettes In London mado an attack on Par liament and 10S wero arrested. 1914 U. S. S. ToHUesseo fired on by Turks In Smyrna harbor. 1915 Kusslans declared Gorman assaults on tho Hltau road were re pulsed. 1916 Uulgara evacuated Monas tir on tho approach of tho Franco Serbian army. 1917 General Maude, command er of tho British forces In Mesopo tamia, died from cholora. Tho now school nt Bhlpnlnglon Is prnctlcnlb" finished, It Is loportoil. Mr. nml Mrs. F. C. Murphoy nro now nettled In their homo which thoy rocontly purchased. James, A. Straw Is down from Odessa, on tho Upper Klamath lake, on matters of business. 13. K. MacClnnw, architect or Portland, Is registered nt tho Hotel HnU. J. ti. Kort. of SoattK is .unniiR tho nowcomvM registered nt tho Whlto Pelican Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Molssnor and family iro moving from Kirk to Klamnth Falls for tho winter. Carl Loni, stockman of tho Klam nth Marsh Is In town for n fow dnys t t f t t t f JL l We Lead -Others Follow K. SUGARMAN t To the Buying Public: Somo of our customers know now that when wp tain time wo moan it. Four o'clock menus vvnon we advertise an say n cor 4 o'clock-not 3 o'clock. r Todays Birthdays Amellta Galll-Curcl, famous colo ratura soprano, born In Milan, Italy, 30 years ago today. Sir Charles Alban Young, Great Britain's first mintstor to tho terri tory of Serbia, Croats and Slovenes, born 54 years ago today. Kt. Rev. Michael J. Gallagher. Catholic bishop of Detroit, born at Albion, Mich., 53 years ago today. Henry Leo Hlgginson, Boston banker and philanthropist, born in New York City, 85 years ago today. Leslie Mann, well-known National league outfielder, born at Lincoln, Neb., 2S years ago today. One' Year Ago Today in the War on mntters of business. Mrs. Kvoretto Hardonbrook has taken a position with tho Undor,- wood pharmacy. V. .UHIUIUU, Willi nun vvvii win- w- ployed nt Algoma for tho pnst aov- H oral months, is movlnR Into town for tho wlntor. ' Davo Dennohy, sheepman otjL i ." f I Y X Pay of the French soldiers raised 10 cents a day. United States troops crossed the Belgian border north of Verdun. Germany protested to tho allies against their retention of the loft bank of the, Rhine. MAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMMAAAMMMWAVAAAMA. J BE THE Early Bird . and select your Christmas Cards while the stocks are fresh and the choice is wide. Our Greeting Cards are especially attractive. v (jwlerwoodsj mnm WSL, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Tfto?" The'Wakamba, the leading Bantu tribe in Uganda, are tho most high ly civilized black race in Africa. They had a decimal system of cal culation when fist dlscoYdred by white men. They also understood Jron working and had a consider able knowledge of music. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Heating stove. Apply Klamath Dye Works. 18-2t" MOOSE ATTENTION Let. nothing stop you. Be at hall 8:00 o'clock sharp Nov. 19, 191:). Bring a Moose with you, for there'll ba something doing, l-2t Committee. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment. With or without garage. Phone 273-J. 18-2t STRAYED Brown Spaniel puppy. Owner can have by proving ident ity and paying for keep and cost of this ad. 850 Eleventh St. 18-2t Eyjftif WHCRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS a EqI5e51 Some Hare Bargains .New and modern eix room plaster ed house on large corner lot In ex cellent location. It tuw bath, good porclicff, full stone basement, fine new range, indirect lighting system, llncolcum, and plenty of cabinet work. A real home at the low price of $-1800.00. Terms. New and modern five room bunga low in Nichols Addition near 11th St. on pavement. It has large lot, bath, cabinet work, part basement, and is (Ire home at a sacrifice price of $3150.00. Only $500 cash and balance like renti flood four room bouse and large lot in Mills Addition at 91250.00 on easy terms. Can get two adjoining lots at, very low price. You'll have to hurry oi some one will hont you to it. CMIcote & Smith, 683 Main St., St., Phone 06. 18-2t A Kara Opportunity We have a 1 04X10O ft. corner one block from Slth St. at the low price of 94000.00 on easy terms. Ts a fine location for garage, and as an investment should appeal to the careful buyer. Klamath Is growing. an this corner mav bring 910,000 within a very few years. Come and look it over. Chilcote & Smith, 683 Main St., Phone 06. 18-3t Merrill, Is In town, procuring sup plies and looking after his Intorosts hero. Mrs. L. N. Ruhn lbft'thls morn ing on tho train for Oakland, Cal ifornia, whore sho expects to mnko an exionuou visu. a 1). M. McLemoro. who has bcon In Klamnth Falls rocontly on busi ness connected with his extensive stock interests, left this morning for his homo In San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Robe?; Cash, of Portland, nrrlved on tho trnln last ovenlng to visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Elliott of Lincoln AJ-nuo. Mrs. Cash Is a cousin of Mrs. Elliott. Eleanor Poterstclnor and Mildred Erney woro among tho outgoing passengers on tho trnln this morn ing. Thoy aro en routo'to Portland, to Bpond tho wlntor with Miss Erney's parents In tho Roso City. 0. D. Uurkc, president of tho Klamath Stato bank, is ill at his homo on Third strcot. Mr. Ilurko suffered an attack of la grippo last week, to which is now added a case of erysipelas. ,VMMWWWVWMWMW1 PIONEER PRINTING m E Office Supplies:Xmas Goods We nre opening n llrst-cInM Sta tionery Store, In which will be carried everything for ilie Olllce, as well as a select lino of Holiday Goods. PRINTING of nil klndx. SAK55& 126 Main Street T Y & ? f Y t Y t Y t articlo, you can buy it as advertised. When we snv a TWO DAYS' SALE, we mean it. Wo use our owii original ideas in advertising and you get the benefit. It's up to the newspapers to tell you what we did on overalls and every other line in the house. In the future, we will maintain the same pol pel icy: ONE PRICE TO ALL. BETTER SERVICE is our aim, and if DURABILITY ia what you want, we have it for you. K. SUGARMAN The Friend of the Working Man and a Foe to H C L Home of Hart, Schaffne & Marx and Florsheim Shoes :XXXJXKH"!H K. L. Elliott, who has boon In Portland for tho past sovoral dnys In n couforenco with assoclnta counsel thuro regarding thu Court Houro controversy, returned on tho trnln last evening. Cupt. 0. C. Applognte, who.'alnco tho death of his wife, Iihb bcon vis iting his son, Frank, nt Medford, returned to his homo hero last night. L. Stoker, who operates a ranch at Fort Klamath, is in thu county scat for a few das on matters of business. Ivan Kcstersou, lumbormnn of Weed district, Is In town on mutters In connection with his lumbor Interests. Dcst yot. Horald Want Ads. It. (). II. You nro requested to bo nt tho meeting Wednesday ovonlng at 8-30 p. m., Nov. 19, 11)10, for the selections of olHcera and 'Installation 18-lt J. A. Nelson. did you irr a iwik? Wore you among tho crowd wo wero going to soy mob that wont to Sugarmnn'a yesterday afternoon to gut a pair of overalls? It looked as If half tho city wns thero and ngaln demonstrated that tho pcci o aro out to land Old High Cost of Living u Hwnt whonovor thoy can. Llnscrd Ik tho nenrust approach to milk In composition of any vogo table food. REAL ESTATE, INSUR. ANCE, LOANS I have mondy to loin on bnilntsi and residential properties. If you have a house for ule, list It with mo. I hare number ot pronpociiTO imyers. If you have builneii DroMrir. in- proved or unimproved, that pa it slro to soil, soo me. It the prl U ngni i nave me ouyer. JAMES M. WATK1NS, JR. Phone 484 Suite 1 SwamooBUf. For many years there hare hen no TiuMday brides In Madrid, aitht Spaniards consider Tuesday an un lucky day for marriages. Natural Foot Shape This is the "American Boy" Nature shape that lets eveiy toe grow aslt should. There's no pinching or crowding anywhere in this shoe, it lets the foot grow nat urally. "American Boy" Shoes are made in Milwaukee, the great leather center where the choicest hides are cut into boys' shoes that will wear and keep their shape and style. Come into our store and see the full line of Army shoes, English shoes, school and work shoes for every boy in town at prices that Dad can afford. Bradley Shoe Store Union Btoro 727 Main St. Uniorf Shop Haw, Haw, Haw, Ho, Ho, Ho, Hee, Hee, Hee AIN'T IT FUNNY ? Just to think that anyone would try to bamboozle the people into believing that all this wonderful service you get is absolutely free ! Just take your pencil and figure with me for a moment, and let's see what we can find out. ' FIRST Suppose my rent is high, say $100 for 30 days. Who pays that $100? I do ; but how do I get that $100? I get it from you. , SECOND If I should hire, say two or three clerks at $6 to $6 per-day, who pays them? I do, every day. That means from $10 to $18 per day more. Fair enough. THIRD and Last Item Figure I have an expensive delivery system. What will that cost to maintain? $100 at least. I pay that also. . , Now, where does my money come from to pay all these three items? From the public, of course, who pays me. Now, subtract Low Rent, No Hired Help and No Delivery . from the above items and the answer is: MY PRICES. SURE, MONEY TALKS Come in and see for yourself. Just around the corner from the First National Bank at the CASH AND CARRY STORE . 119 North Fourth St Phone 485 P. C. KNIGHT , L awI1 P. S. $1.00 Libby, McNeil & Libby Mince Meat, 86c; regu lar 75c size Plum Pudding, 60c; 30c Apple Butter, 25c; Eggs ab solutely A-No. 1 guaranteed, 75c dozen; Peanut Butter, FicKwa Pigs' Feet and Sweet Pickles in l?ulk; Creamery Butter, $1. u ' pounds. I have only a small stock now, but watch me grow. THE PLACE WHERE YOU CAN'T GO WRONG Oh, yes; I have the card too thank you. v Cash and Carry Store At 5Q7 Main Earl Shepherd says, "Buy music thia Christmas." tf HWMyMiMwwwwwwAMWWWwwftWiWiy