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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1919)
. TUHHDAV, N0VKMni3H 1A, 1010 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, v IL OOHHC 'IWUMIIImll Hlhl , ir-nr iriMIHNWillWI 'MH'I IPm'HWM Huston Opera House. Tuesday, i Tho Outstanding Musical Event of the Year. Engagement of the Diatin- gunned trench Prima Donna Soprano, of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, FRANCESCA ft A VKK4 TTJ T I HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLO A Z-I a. rv m w Local Directien: Klamath County High School Student Body Association . Toronto (Can.) Evening Mail of Sept. 17, 1919, said: ' "Francesca Zarad, like Dr. Wullner, is an interpreter of song. Her art indeed might best be catalogued nndnr tho form Cmneen ? song. Madame Zarad displayed a voice of remarkable range, and used it, even in the most diflicult parts, with beauty and power which have never been surpassed by any visiting artist. SHE IS WITHOUT QUESTION A VOCAL VIRTUOSO, rival--ing SCHUMANN-HEINK, SEMBRICH and G ADSKI." MAX ZACK, Conductor of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, telegraphed Madame Zarad's manager after her appearnce with that excellent organizatien: "Zarad delights four thousand people with the St. Louis Sym phony Orchestra last night. Persistent recalls and wildest enthusiasm." u W FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALt: 7 room woll btlilt lioinc, with occhurd and gnrdon, 80X250 with paid up Witter right Terms. Apply box 1G1. City. 17tf VsZ& ;.. in coining Competent critics in all parts of the country vie with each other ii superlative sentences in laudincr Zarad's fine artistry. HEAR ZARAD SING TOSTI'S "GOOD-BYE," then you will have heard the acme of vocalism; and "The Last Rose of Summer," and "The Rosary," an!l "The Lass with the Delicate Air" You will be THRILLED, you will be IN SPIRED, you will be UPLIFTED. There is No Other Singer Just Like ZjlWiU. 4&f im Instant heat when and -V7here you want it for hau: on exchanof Fer tile Sacramento Co, land, 40 acres near Lodi, cheap for cash. Will consider exchange. What have you? Call or address Room 120" White Pelican Hotel. 31-tf FOR SALEMiscellaneoua FOn SALE at a bargain tho follow ing second hand cars: 2 1010 Rco's In good condition, $850. each; 1- 19 1C Ford touring car $3G0.; 2 Studebakcrs, IJ passenger $8C0 and $1050. C. L. McWlllIams, lir.7 Main, Phono 163. 17tf WANTBDBy man HNS I .'1. 'l ana 1 - - .;.., .,:r - ...i.tri mmm ir flm wlntnr' or hOSffk' rooms- t4i A urofor house close ij. dress 0. L. D Herald oMf ' v-wr trAVC IIAItlt build you n Siouse on c "i close In, Call or address R lis White PoJIcnn Hotel, w31"" WANTED A good second ha piano for .cash. stt LOST AND FOUND wvwwwww..yww. LOST 2 Lincoln ramsT'Tregltratloii car tag, also V, doz. ewei brand- cd double bar or garuw " Liberal reward, Tom Newtoa Klam ath Falls. I,7'" A coc-d oil heater filled with Pearl Oil lights at ths touch of a match1 gives instant heat. No smoke, no odor. Portable. Economical. Cozy comfort without dust and dirt. Pearl Oil is refiged and re-refined by our special process which makes it clean burn'ir-E. For sale in bulk by dealers c ryvhere, the Same high quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in fivc-et'Jon cins. There is a saving by buvin in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. - We recommend Perfection Oil ,! Heaters. , ffm XtL. SUfHE tv 'Oluh xjy Ji-i KEROSENE) a r-9-t . W " tVTffl iiiAlJSL) Liiii ft A " - m& h rM Prr.fTk"4K I: FOR SALK Sweet cider In any quantities. Phone 253-X. lC-tf FOU SALK First class milk cow. young, giving milk now. Phone 450-J or address 930 Ninth- St. 15-5t LOST OR STOLEN My Jchease peake dog, 8 'montha oJ, very largo for age. Answers to Same or "Dane". Kldes running board of car. W. A, Dolzoll. J7-3t FOR SALE Three-quarters gold tlnlsli bed, complete. 327 Main Street. I3tf. rOR SALE Apple3, Spitzenborgs, uregon iieds, Bennett Seedlings, Winesap-, Newtowns. Fine stock. Write for rices. T. J. Gardner, Uox 20, R. F. D. 2, Medford, Ore. 8-tf FOR SALE Sawmill cheap and good bunch of timber. For par ticulars Inquire First National Bank 5-12t STANt ,PvD 7T. COMPANY V " -Vt- ?-. M.mi. - - ..rfi-T.J.-i iirr-rnrrmnaT I, - . i .'! t i -a-u:. Prices: $1.50, $1.00 and 50c AVWVMVVVVVVVVSVVVVVWVSSiAVwNM A New Tire Hero Is it tiro that Ih n tiro THE GENERAL CORI). It Is guarnntood for 10,000 miles, but you don't have to worry about that, for It will always boat that murk. Tho nuxt tlmo you buy a tiro, buy a Gonoral It's tho tiro you'vu been looking for. Wo havo a full lino of accessories hero, thorn over. Drop In and look HOAGLAND & McCOLLUM i NEXT TO l'OSTOFFICn WWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWftWWWWVWWVWWrtW. pMoe MMY i V) n II 'III V vW X. ' 'fl? MAyy&fC aaaVatf aaVaVaHaW .Wil --- fez- - U II I y - y m nnri 1 I r & yadiWaSlfiH oesyjDtts minute No matter at what speed you shave with a Gem Damaskeene Razor it leaves your face cool and refreshed. That's became the Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet like feel and does such smooth, clean-cut work, i We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for SI The outfit includes the razor, "seven Gem Damaskeene (Blades, shaving and stropping handle all in a hand some leather case. Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth self-shaving Cemt in and gtt your Gtm t-dayl. BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. 'The House of Quality" iLsni HIS HOOT II eniti I 9 1 u (J I 2 the Polish chlof of tire Intelligence' slan government at Omsk is making ,i,..i.iri incut cf tho All-Russian gov- progress. eminent. nmr m ,1- aauuL OJISIv, via VludIvosloks Oct 15, (Ily tho Ashociuted Press) Illit oracy is tho horror of Russia and it Is 011 this soil tjint IlotsherJsni flour ishes, says Prof. A. A. OssoiHloflsky, NOTICE OF ROM) SALE Ho defines tho Uolsliovlk order as, "There Is no moro law. Go for,th, burn, pillage, kill and you will be rich and happy' The illltoraUs and credulous believe this and after two years tho world sees the ruin of Russia. Accoidlng to the professor, they havo no axes, scythes, -shovels or nails In Soviet Russia: Tho Coun cil of. National Commissaries Is or doring.tiiat all thq valuable totllo machines in. Russia bo con verted into j such utensils, as there ts no eotton in Soviet Russia and all to.Uilo works are Idle. Of the chemical industry there is not a trace. All manufactured goods havo been exhausted. Machines are Idle. The professor estimates that all tho debt of Russia could bo paid up by exporting Its vast supply of tlm bor and that its great stores of hard and sort coal would sufllce tle world for 150 years. Russia's surplus of iron,1" copper, zinc and naptha, gold and tho wealth In fish of the Pacific and Northern" oceans and Siberian "Having freed from Bolshevism one-third oft Asia," he says, "the Omsk government haspreservod un touched the whole of the gold re serve belonging to the former Rus sian empire,' preserved it for the wholo of the Russian people. Im. monse sums have been assigned for the purchaso of agricultural ma chines and fertilizers. The govern ment has sworn to convene a con stituent assembly which shall da cldctheago -long question of 'distri bution of land among the peasants. "The Bolshevik! having promised and aHually given land to tho peas ants, began to Introduce the com- nlunal principle Into its agrarian pol icy and its method of distributing supplies with tho consequence that all Soviet Russia has been shaken by peasant' uprisings." FOR RENT OR LEASE ROOM TO RENT-Street. -237 North Fifth 17-3t FOR RENT Good warehouse 50X 50 feet, near S. P: Depot. In quire Herald office. 1-tf LOST A bunch of 3 store lieysHoa broken ring. Return to (Ashland Fruit Store. l-lt PHONB PEYTON for Wood. , IH. '4 SITUATIONS WANTED , IF YOU WANT STUDfiNTjHELP, call tho Klamath County High School phone 350. Girls (or typing copying and filing; also general housework, caring for children etc. Boys for clerking, messengert'iervlce, chores, etc. Special attentloa" I giv en to this service by the- school authorities and an effort la ) to be made to make efficient, convenient and profitable both to the tHdeHt and to those requiring their servlcea. ratf AVo make a specialty o ifre, life and accident iasurinco. Phone SO attd ire'll do tho rest. Cbllcote AtSca'tb. 5tf " fi FOR LEASE To rnsnnnslliln nnrHna that have equipment-and cash to! Iinance themselves, a desirable ranch Adress M. K. 9, Herald office. 8-tf . : MADAM IOINA, Palmist HELP WANTED WANTED Girl for general house work and cooking Mrs. O. G. Lab aree, Bly, Oregon. l-tf MISCELLANEOUS ji World's Greatest PHrcnolOj' n.i.1 AfAlfn.i M. ..-.a.AU M.. w,i J J J' -. Reads your entire life r-paat, pr'osent and tfuture correctly, giv ing names, dates and figures la bus iness, lovo, law, marriageand dom estic troubles. Tells you-what yon are best adapted for and what, to do to better your conditions in life. This lady reads your hand as you would an open book. A reading by her will, meet your highest expecta- " i tlons. and von will hn wlanr and WANTPD Tnrti- .(H, 11' ' l,nnl. . ..!. I I v . . H.v; ,4n uno ui 172 I KUlUUl, C&1?1 VUUOUIUUg I1CI, BUV ton truck, driver to work In lnir glng work and haul men to and from work. Write or inquire Modoc vironment of happy thought and Lumbqr Company, "Chiloquln, Oie. 18-4t WANTED Work on ranch by "man ana- wire, middle aged. Would take charge of ranch for salary, 603 Jefferson St. 15-4t' huving the gift of removing all evil Influences and placing you in an en- "But to accomplish this, It is nec essary, to havo normal living condi tions, continuity of work and assur anco of tho integrity of person and property," Bays Professor Ossendoff sky. Toward attainment of these conditions, ho believes tho All-Rus- Soalod pioposals will lio rocolveil by the Common Council for tho nnr- SM?BpnM!?0,80f,Ctlly?f KIam" rtvora. and Its fur Industries could nth 1-alls Improvement Bonds aggro- . , ,,.,, gating $97,031 22, authorized dm or- "tilized as a firm .foundation for dinancpH of said city, humborcd 480, any economical and financial policy 481, 4S'J, 181 lllld 4S5. for tllO lm-'ilmt mlrrlil lin nilnnlnil hv tlin Tlna- inuruiiiuiii ui incoin street ironii,j,,n ,..,rnmn, viniii imi.i .,.,.,,,. i T?i.....i. wan government. .....V.. W1II.UV OlUIIJ LU J'.lUt IWllll Stroet, including intertections, ?G, 013.23; for tho improvement of Tenth Street from Main Street north erly to Lincoln Strcot and High Stioot, easterly from Ninth Street to Eleventh Street, $31,308 47; for tho improvement of Market Street from tho northerly lino of Slth Street to tho southorly lino of Lot 10, in Block 17, and tho southerly line of Lot 30, In Block IS, of Second Rail road Addition, for $2, .1.31 (10: for tho improvement of Esplanade Stroet from tho northerly side of Wall Street to intcrsoo(ion of Pacific Ter mco; P.icillc Torraco fiom Huron Street northerly to Portland Street, inclusive, and Portland Stieot ouni oily to tho city limits of the City of Klnumth Falls, Oregon, Including inteisoctions, for $55,811.92; for tho Impiovemont of Grant .Streot from Eleventh Stieot noithorly to Linkvlllo Ceniotory. Including into.- soctlons, for $970 00, respectively Proposals to purchaso sueh bonds will bo recolved by tho umlorsigncd up to and including tho 21th day of Novoinlior, 1919, at tho hour of 8:00 O'clock p. m. and oponcd at a meet ing of said Council Immediately tlioreaftev. Said bonds nie to bo dated when Issued, due ton years nftor date of issuo, optional at any coupon (Into on and after one year, homing intorust at C por cent, pay able souii-aniiually .piiucipal and In toiest payable at Oiogon Fiscal Agency in Now York City. Proposals to purchase must bo 'un conditional and accompanied by tor tilled chocks for 5 por cont of amount of pioposal. By order of tlio council. A. L LEAV1TT. Pollco Judgo, City of Klamath F.tlls. by Arabians salute each other placing, cheok against cheok. iT China and "Indla contain one-half of tho people of tho world. Ice bergs In the Atlantic some times last for two hundred years. In many police courts in South ern Nigeria tho fines are paid in gin. contentment. Readings: Sunday aad daily, 3 a. ra. to 9:30 p. m. Room 5. Swanson Bldg., over gun stdrej Main St., between Gth and 7th, oflp. -Western Unipn, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 12-13-19 - ! CITY GARBAGE When you want At 507 MaIn Earl Shepherd' says. Nnrhnpo 1-amnfiH nhnnn d1 t 1 . I ttn .... -" v..HOv, x..u,.u puvuxj &J.. ll'U I " Buy music this Qhristmas.' Surety bonds' walls you wait. Clill coto & Smith'. 5-tf o Molon seod has' grown after being kopt for forty years. I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from tho Hoey, Cam. sand and gravel pit, in any quantlt; that may be desired by contractor? and builders. AL F. GRAHAM "Don't Cheat Yourself say ths Good Judge There's nothing saved by chewing ordinary tobacco. A" little chew of that good rich-tasting tobaccogoesalotfarther, and its good taste lasts all the way through. Little chew lasting satisfying. That's .why it's a real saving to buy this olass of tobacco. WOOD Present indications are that all kinds of wood will be scarce and high er in price in the near future. ' t Take my advice and buy now. O. PEYTON "Wood to Burn" Phone 187 702 Main St. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW ' ' - ;tt v& in, two styles RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT is a long fins-cisl tobacco , .' F.STKAY LOST between Klamath Falls and Ashland, three brown mare mules one branded with V on right stifle, one branded with H. J. on left stifle, one branded with HEW on- loft shoulder, one small white- mare, branded S on both jaws. $10.00 a head reward. Phono O. K. Livery Stable or write W. L. Sims, Klam ath Falls, . ' l4-5t " . tf r ' I A.F.Graham I : t m 1 e i I General I ' Concrete I I Construction I '' I Shasta Sand Used I 9 Exclusively H "i "Hf A single bee, with all its industry, energy and Innumerable Journeys, will not, collect, more than a j tea spoonful of honey in a season No human head was Impressed on coins until after the death of Alex ander the Great. All linages before that time were those of delthyi.l ' " ' i Best yet. Herald Want Ada.j - ; - i " , . ' :- JbO 1 "z.l lu-JU anr, BONE. MEATSCRAPS, FOR CHICKENS Murphey's Feed & Seed oire 126 South Sixth' St w. vt, yTgr i ot