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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1919)
jnonimni THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, PAGB IHRK Tires and Tubes National Auto Accessory Company 210 MAIN STREET Next to Postoffice Phone 471 Goodrich nAlx--Rcal Estate -rrr!nTiek hotel, 57 room H )B uV. .......i.wlth four groun mid oa P1" ."', MH. rofrlgorntln g inor W,'B?!,D ;,i burn In roar, cliot l n01.' iiifhwnv In c county . lot, " w":;;,". . i. ..n furnl- Wxturca wHhhotol, tliroo ulso ". .. smrnii nuu - -- muimm MW; . nf Dun.mii nil Ir. '- . lAli III LUIMI - ;i..DdtormBKlvon upon uppl cii- CnI. 01 Bl ' 20-Ct TbALB-B roomraodorn houso, Good rv . rvnii iiitiiii. ,u" o Tnffnrson. 18-3t mi. jrL-i Imvo n tow choice res C IoT, A fow choice Hiiinll iWM. '.: aii nn mmv tnrins. Tm. Montolluu with K. D Co.. .in ui n mf. - -- H "" "' JoT SALti--Molorn 7 room home ". tath2 lota Bocond Hot tt "J""... i"...l W Hvn.lmnll 3ll WH Bt.. Ownur. 17-Ct ilno SALE Miscellaneous 1 ... ipk.nkoffiviiiL. Aim. Fiunnlo furdr. Merrill. Pro. 21-27-3-10 TOR SALB-Kour doz. luylng Rhode Iiland red Iioiih, March und April uich. All In good condition. Mrs. "anlt Purdy. Murrill, Pro. 21-3t no BALE G Al Milk cowa nil of Uem coming fresh booh , 3 dozen tilclwna and 18 turkoyg, will nlso m!1 J or 4 horses chunp. Sou Rob iru, H mlto west or Mlllor Hill Khool house. 18-31 FOR SALE 3 In. farm wagon nnd new buggy tonguo with double i... .nH vnln John N. Schmltz Arthur Lewis' plnco on Big Bitch, Klamath Falls. 18-0t FOR SALE Pr will trndo for Indian Land on tho Klamntli MnrHfi; one tie puiongor, six cyllndor touring tr, cylinders have boon ground nnd sir pistons, now top, also 2 now - cord tlrts and ono extra tiro. Box A. B. C. Herald 8 If ; FOR SALE 10 bowh, 1 boar, 30 weaner pigs. Polnnd China. Lower Lake. 10. M. Hoppo. 1U-71 ! TOR BALE Chovrolot 490. good condition 1400.. Central aarngo. lC-Ct USED AUTP8 Saxon "Six" nnd Bnlek "Pour", fnr unto. Hnnirlnnil ft McCollum 8-tf FOR SALE A Chovrolot, a Ford, VhtWaII flml nn ilnl1nnrl TnniiUA A. C. Henllno, 327 Main G-tf SITUATIONS WANTED WrWywvwwvvvvwvvvvvvvvv, W YOU WANT STUDENT HELP, Call thn Klnmnlh Pniinlv Hind Bchool phono 3G0. Girls for typing jwiuij una nung; also general lOUieWOrk. pnrlnt tnr xlillilrnn l Boyi for clerking, mossongor 8arvicoi .wm, oic. onecini attont on Is r v- b to this aorvlco by tho school authorities nnd nn effort la to bo Dadfl tn mnlrn ntnntn AH..AAK , - --.. w u'iiviuiiv, tUMVUIIIUIlL ana Dronmiiin imih i. ,. ..! and to tboso requiring their sorvices. 2tr WANTED Girl for gonoral hodso- WOrr linrt nnblH. W A f, r t "H Bly, Oregon. l-tf HELP WANTED " w xvvwom. T,.r-Woman tor Konoral 11, m ,wo"nan proforrod. Pormn-" Appljr County Agricul lunst office. m.r,t ffi?M,(,d,0 K0d woman as !.. ?eper ,n BranU 'amlly for Wa rtnr,0Y months. .Work light Jl2!!i0i Hornld mco G tJln? .Amb,Uous Americans to Doiffi for BO0d salaried oillco Two T- nd'vldual Instruction. nr0iimtLscholnrahP8 niong llrat 2IthJleatf; ""filter now, begin WIme. Mcdford Business College. ,17-4t MASONS ATTENTION ' Spe?lal communication Klamath Lodgo No. 7.7, A. p- & A. m., Monday evening, t- 20, at 7:30. Work in tn E. A. Degree. Visitors "elcomo. i BX order of GEO. C. ULRICH, W. M. fW MP'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR RENT OR LEASE KOIt I.KA8I3 To responsible parties that hiivo equipment and cash to flnuncu tlioiiiHclvcs, a desirable ranch. AdniHH M. K. 1). Herald ofllco. 8-tf MISCELLANEOUS I'UHHONAL Information as to the whoroaboutH of A. Uaxtor, former Ij of Uaxtor &. Malonb, I'luinbeis Klnmath Fulls, Orogon, i.t wimled by Arthur It. Wilson, phono 100. 20-3t WANTIOD Cleun rngs, will pay r. cents u pound for them. Central aarngo. jc-ct WANTKD Would like to hoar from some onu, preferably In tho Mer rill country or near Klamath FiiIIb, who has a good feed yard and first class alfdlfu hay to food 400 or COO 2-year-old steers for Fobruary or March, on percentage basis. J. 1 McAullffe, VI .Klamuth 11-tf CITY aAHHAaH Whon you want Garbage removed phono 01. 11-tf MADAM IOJNA, Palmist Worlil'H On'ntcNt IMirriiitliiKlst, Palmist nnd Milium Heads your entire life past, pres ent nnd futuro correctly, giving names, dates and figures In business, love. Inw, marrlugo nnd domestic troubles. Tolls you what you are best adapted for nnd whut to do to bettou your conditions In Ufa. This lady reads your hand us you would un opon book. A reading by hof will meet your highest expectations, and you will bo wiser and happier after consulting her, sho linvlug the gift of romovlng all evil Inlluonces nnd plnclng you In nn .environment of happy thought and contentment. Headlugs: Sunday nnd dally, 0 a. m. to U:30 p. in. Hoom r,, Swnnson Hldg., over gun store, Main St. be tween Cth nnd 7th, opp. Western Union, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 10-7-2C PHCNH PBYTCN for Wood. 112R. waki: UP Why waste time talking about wlu-l jou could have ilnno hoiiiu jonrH ii;o. Itljj money will bo iiuiilo on baslntws property (luring tho next few jenrp. Itlght now In tho time to buy Wo liuvct noiiio itxcrllcnt Ihijh oh Mnln nnd Sixth Kim I to Kanlo euoiiKh to look tlicin over nnd nnk for prices. Chllrotn & Smith, fl:t Mnln St. Phono (10. IH-'Jt LEGAL NOTICES -XVVU-VVVyVMVtfJJ1f HKSOIiUTION Approving tho Plnns, Specifications nnd Kstlmntes propared by tho City Engineer nnd filed with the Pollco Judgo for tho construction of tho Fifth Unit of Sowers for Mm Pllv nt Klnmnlh Vnlla. Drfi- gon, Including septic tnnk and outfall sowor as ahown in said Plans, Specifications nnd Estl- ninlna' ilntnrmlnlnir thn haundn- rles within which tho proporty lies that is to bo specifically ben efited and to bo assessed for ono hnlf of tho cost of such Fifth Sowor Unit after eliminating therefrom tho cost of tho soptic tnnk and "outfall" sower run ning from tho Intersection of Owens nnd Shasta Streets west erly to Lnko Ewauna, as shown upon sold Plans, Specifications nnd Estlmntes; chnrglng tho cost of said soptic tank, outfall sow er, right of way for outfall sow or and soptic tnnk, and ono-half of tho cost of romalndor of said Fifth Sowor Unit against tho-City of Klamath Fnlla and tho ro malndor thereof against tho real proporty specifically bonofltod by aald sowor unit, nnd ordoring tho publication of this Resolu Reselu Resolu teon: Tho City Englnoor, pursuant to resolution of tho Common Council horotoforo adoptod, having on tho Gth day of October, 1919, filed plans, Bpocineatlona nnd estlmntes of tho cost of mnking und Installing tho Fifth Sowor Unit of Klamath Falls, Oregon, including u concroto Boptlc tank 85 foot long by 1G feot wido by 11 foot deop, to bo located at intersection of southorly limits of Klnmath Fnlla and tho eastorn shoro nt Inlin Wivininn. nnd nn outfall SOV- or running from tho intersection of Owens nnd Sliusta Htrooia wosiony to Luko Ewauna, and tho Common -... .oil lmvltifr tnknn thn HI1II1Q Ull- dor ndvlsomont, nnd finding said plans, specifications ana ostimaios satisfactery: BB IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that said plans, spociucaiiona nnu uan ... ntno fnr thn nm If I tie nnd lnstalla tion of said Fifth Sower Unit, in cluding said septic tank, outfall sowor and rights of way for said sop tic tank and outfall sowor bo, and tho '801110 horoby are .approved, and BE IT FURTHER .RESOLVED, that tho Common Council horoby de clares Us Intention to mnKo nnu in ot.,11 anl.l KM flli Rnwnr Unit, includ i..r. anl.l annlln tank and outfall sewer and to aoqulro said rights of way, in occoruanco witu saui piuhh. specifications and estimates. Snld Fifth Sowor Unit shall consist in lnvinir iu-nr 11 1 una. "v" branches. manholes, lampholos, sump and building and soptic tank, of tho di SULPHUR First (r Has Arrived mensions and kinds of mnterlals shown upon Hiild plans, specifica tions and estimates, at a total esti mated cost of CO,73C.O0; that tho total cost or said septic tank and sump estimated al $9:000. tho total cost of said outfall sower heretofore mentioned, estimated at $C,714.00, tho total cost of aald rights of way for soptic tank and outfall sower estimated at $1,200.00, and ono-half of tluf total cost of tho romalndor of said Fifth Sowor Unit, estimated nt $13, lie. 00, is to bo borne and paid for by tho City of Klamath Falls: and tho remainder of tho cost of said sowor unit estimated at $21, G70.00, to bo borne nnd paid for by tho real property specially iionoflted thereby, and tho City of Klamath Falls not to bo liablo for said amounts above mcntlonod unless tho people thereof by majority voto shall authorize tho Issuance of bonds of said city to an amount necessary to puy tho said city's portion of tho cost or buUI sowor unit, soptic tank, outfall sowor and rights of way as aforesaid. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, by tho Common Council that tho proporty hereinafter described be, and tho Bumo 1b, horoby declared to bo benefited by said sowor unit to-wlt: All tho real proporty embraced in tho boundaries of the following de-, scribed Fifth Sowor Unit ,to-w!t: Beginning ut tho Intersection of Michigan Avcnuo and Esplanade Street, thenco In a southeasterly di rection following tho south bound ary of the U. S. Irrigation Canal right of way to tho oastorly point or corner of Lot 2, Block 6G, of 2nd Hot Springs Addition; thonco west erly along the southerly lino of said Lot 2, Block GG, to tho center of El Dorado Avcnuo; thenco south nlong tho center of El Dorado Ave nue to a point In tho center of said avcnuo opposite the southwest corn nor of Lot C, of Block 4, of Wil liams' Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thenco duo cast to a point duo north of the west end or point of Block 23, of Industrial Addition to Klamath Falls. Oregon; thenco due south to tho west end or point or said Block 23; thonco southwest erly to tho northwest corner or point of Lot 33, of Block 22, of said Industrial Addition; thence south westerly 'nlong tho northerly and westerly boundary of said Lot 33, of Block 22, to tho center of Martin Street; thonco northwesterly to the northeast corner of Lot 28, Block 10, of suld Industrial Addition; thence, southwesterly between Lots 28 and 29 and 9 and 10 of Block 16, of said Industrial Addition, to the northerly lino of East Main Street; thenco southeasterly to the north erly point or cornor of Lot 54, of Block 11, of said Industrial Addi tion ithenco southwesterly between Lots 54 and 55, of Block 11, of said Industrial Addition, to tho southerly point or corner of said Lot 55, Block 11, Industrial Addition; thenco southeasterly to the north east corner of Lot 5 of said Block 11; thenco southerly to tho southeast corner of Lot 14, of Block 11, of said Industrial Addition; , thenco southerly between Lota 27 and 28, of Block 12, of said Addition, to the southwest corner of Lot 27, of Block 12. of said Industrial Add! tion; thence easterly to the south cast corner of Lot 23, of Block 12, of said Industrial Addition; thence raouthorly along tho westerly side of Gordon Street to tho southeast cor nor of Lot 6, of Block 12, of said Additien: thonco easterly to the northeast corner of Lot 1, of Block 14, of said Industrial Addition; thenco southorly botwoon Lots 1 and 2, of Block . 14, of said Addition, and Lots 31 and 32 of Block 7, of said Addition, to the southeast cor ner of Lot 32. of Block 7, of said Industrial Addition; thenco easterly totho southeast corner of Lot 24, of mode 7. saiu industrial Auuuion; thenco northerly between Lots 23 and 24, of Block 7, of said Addition to tho northwest corner of Lot 23, of Block 7, of said Addition; thence northeasterly to the center of the Intersection of Orchard Avenue and Owens Street; thonco northerly to tho southerly lino of Home Avonuo; thonco easterly along the southerly lino of Home Avenue to tho north oast cornor of Lot 339, Block 112, of Mills Addition to Klamath Falls, Orogon; thence southerly between Lots 338 and 339 and 346 and 347, of Block 112, of Mills Addition, to tho northeast corner of Lot 387, of Block 113, of said Mills Addition; thonco onsterjy along the southerly lino of Orchard Avonuo to the north' oast corner of Lot 371, of Block 122, of Mills Addition; thence southerly in a straight line' to the southwest corner of Lot 10, of Block 303, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Orogon; thence west- orly along tho northerly line of Eb- orloln Avonuo to tno soutnwest cor nor of Lot 10, of Block 201, of Mills Socond Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thonco southerly to the southwest corner of Lot 7, of Block 205, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thonce oast orly to tho southwest corner of Lot 9, of Block 205, of, Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Orogon; thence southerly to the southeast cornor of Lot 11, of Block 206, of said Mills Second Addition; thence westorly to a point 150 feet due wost of tho center of tho Intersec tion of Owens and Shasta Stroets to a point; thonce , northerly parallel and 1C0 feot distant from Owens Street to Sixth Street; thence north easterly to tho southwest corner of Lot 10, JHock 2, Industrial Addi tion; thenco northerly to tho north west corner of said Lot 10; thenco westorly to tho southwost cornor of Lot 11, Block 2, Industrial Addi tion; thence northerly to the north west corner of Lot 28, of Block 2, of said Industrial Addition; thence custerly to tho southeast cornor of 1 "wi uv ,in, nixmn. ti, ui duiu iiiuua- trlal Addition; thenco northerly to tho northeast corner of Lot 9, of Block 3, of said Industrial Addition; thonco westorly to tho southwest cornor of Lot 11, of Block 3, of said Industrial Addition; thenco north erly to tho northwest corner of Lot 33, Block 3, of .said Industrial Ad dition; thence westerly to tho south east cornor of Lot 21, of Block 4, of said Industrial Addition; thonce northerly to the northeast cornor of Lot 5. of Block 5, of aald Indus trial Additien: thence westerly to ,tho southwest cornor of Lot 7, of MiocK o, ci saiu inuusirmi Auai tlon; thonco northerly to the south east' cornor of Lot 2C, of Block 8, of said Industrial Addition; thence northwestorly to tho southwest cor nor of Block 9, of said Industrial Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thonco in a northerly direction fol lowing tho wost line of Blocks 9 and 10, of the said Industrial Addi tion, to tho northwest Corner of Lot 35, of Block 10, of said Industrial Addition ;thonco northwesterly to th 'csoutheast corner of Lot 9, of Block 58, of Second Hot Springs Ad dition; to Klamath Falls, (Oregon; thence northwesterly along the westerly Jlno of Block 58, and 54, of said Second Hot Srlnga Addition, to the northwest corner of Lot 1, of said Block 54, of Second Hot Springs Addition ;thenco northeast erly to tho place of beginning; and that tlie real propurty above describ ed and embraced within tho said boundaries' of said Fifth Sewer Unit bo, and tho same Is, hereby declared to bo assessed for its proportion of the cost of said Fifth Sowor Uuit and hereinbefore set forth nuJ In proportion to the benefits recolved by said property; PROVIDED, that should property; owners on other streets than those embrncod in tho Fiftn Sewer Unit desire at any time In the futuro to form another" sewer unit, partially or Hvholly within tho said Fifth Sower Unit, the property embraced In tho said Fifth .Sower Unit, shall not be exempt from assessments for such other sewer units to the ex tent of benefits' received therefrom; that Bald sewer Is to be completed on or before October 1, 1920. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that Monday, .the 3rd day of November ,1919, at tho hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., at the Council Cham ber In the City Hall nt Klamath Falls, bo fixed na the time and' place for the hearing of objections and re monstrances against the said pro posed Fifth Sewer Unit and the Po lice Judge bo, and he la hereby, di rected to cause notice of said hear ing be published us by charter pro vided. That said Fifth Sewer Unit is to be laid at, in, and along the follow lng.,places dn said district, to-wlt: On .Michigan Avenue from Its Junction with Esplanade Street or Avenue southeasterly to the junc UonVof said Michigan Avenue with Main Street .and from said Michi gan Avenue easterly along tho south boundary of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 53, Second Hot Springs Addi tion, to the westerly boundary of the U. S. Government Canal right of way; from Michigan Avenue easterly along the south boundary line of Lots 1 to 8, Block 55, Second Hot Springs Addition, to junction of El Dorado 'Avenue and' U. S. Gov ernment Canal right, of way; from Michigan Avenue easterly along Wall Street to the northwest corner of Lotl, Block 57, Second Hot Springs Addition; from the junction of. Michigan Ave. and Main St. east erly to "Poplar Ave., from the Junc tion ojt 'Michigan Ave. southeasterly 60 'feet to the center of East Main Street; (hence squtheastorly along East Main Street to El Dorado Ave nue;" thonce southeasterly along El Dorado Avenuo to Orclmd Avenue; thenco easterly along Orchard Ave enue to' Adams Street; thenco south erly along Adams Street to Apple gate Avenue; thence easterly along Applegate Avenuo to Owens (form erly Front) Street; from a point In the center qf Owen's Street due east from the southeast corner ,of Lot 23, Block 7, Industrial Addition, southerly; alpng , tho center line of said Owens Street to the Junction of Owens Street and Shasta Street or Avenue; thence westorly to the east shore of 'Lake Ewauna at the junction of said cast shore with the southerly boundary of tho City of Klamath Falls. Also from a point In the center of Owens Street due east from -the southeast corner of Lot 23, Block 7, Industrial Addi tion, easterly through the center of Blocks 101, 110 and 113 to a point In th'o center of Division Street due east of tho center cast and west line running through block 113, Mills additien: from a point in the center of Stukel Street east of the center east and west lino running through Block 101, Mills Addition, northerly to a point In, the center of saidStu kel Street east , of tho center '"east and west lino running through Block 100, Mills Addition; thonco easterly through the center of Block 111 of said Mills Addition to a point in tho center of Martin Street east of tho center east and west lino running throughBlock 111 of said Mills Ad dition; from points in the center of Owens Street west of the center east and west lines of Blocks 102,' 103, 104 and 105, Mills Addition, and Block 200, Mills Second Addition, easterly to tho southeast corner vof Lot 488, Block 109, Lot 580, Block 108, Lot 672, Block 107, Lot 764, Block 106, Mills Addition, and Lot 1, Block. 212, .Mills Second Addition, respectively; from a point In the center of Owens Street west of the east and west center line of Block 201 of said Mills Second Addition, easterly to a point In tho center of Division Street east from the center vast and west line running through Block 214 of aald last mentioned Addition; thence northerly ulong the center line of Division Street to a point In the center of said street easterly from tho center east and west line running through Block 114, Mills Addition; from points In the center of Division Street cast of tho center east and west lines run ning through Blocks 11C, 11G and 117 of said Mills Addition, westerly to the southwest corners of Lot 7CG. Block 117, Lot CG3, Block 11G, and Lot C71, Block 11C, of said Mills Addition, all of said streets, ave nues, alleys; lots and blocks, and the location, sizes, kinds of material and mothod of construction of said Fifth Sewer Unit being more par ticularly described and set forth in the said plans, specifications and es timates filed by the City Engineer with tho Pollco Judgo of said city, October Gth, 1919, reference to which by all persons or parties In terested in said sewer unit Is hereby directed. Stato of Oregon. County of Klamath, City of Klamath Fails, ss. I, A. L. Leavitt, Police Judgo of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of Resolu tion adopted by the Common Coun cil on tho 6th day of October, 1919. declaring Its intention to con8truct tho Fifth Unit of Sewers for the City of Klamath Falls, Including Septic Tank and Outfall Sewer, and ap proving the plans .specifications, and estimates of cost thereof submitted by the City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT, 13-10t Police Judge. Administrator's Notice of Filing of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estate of Law rence R. Cardwell, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account and report as Administrator of tho estate of Law rence R. Cardwell, deceased, and the above entitled court has fixed upon Saturday, the 22nd day of Novem ber, at 2 p. m., as the time, and the county- court House or Klamath County, Oregon, In the City o'f Klam ath Falls, In said county, as the place when and where any person may present and objection or ex ception to anything done by him as Administrator, and thut at such time and place the above entitled court will finally pass upon and set tle said account. ' E. R. CARDWELL. Administrator of the Estate of Law rence R. Cardwell, Deceased. 7-14-2128 4 SABLE BELTS Made of the highest grade of oak center, with a 'special tannage process making thebelt more pliable and adaptable to" high speed trans mission. For Sale By The Klamath Rubber & Leather Co., 1126 Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 18-tf ' See Shepherd's used phonograph cash bargains, r 1 7 tf Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing apparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can. Curtains, towels, 'dresser scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phono 214W 131 N. 4th St. 126 South I A. F.Graham I I General I I Concrete I I Construction I I Shasta Sand Used I H Exclusively H A.V .. 3T-? 'wm , i::K WJL JJt I T 2k-SL? IX W A cz . fl-MwrwawB ta iliJJjZS Mn m-itfpr at what Gem Damaskcene Razor it leaves your face ;ool and refreshed. ' That's because the Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet like feel and docs such smooth, clean-cut work. We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for SI. The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene Blades, shaving and stropping handle -all in a hand some leather case. Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth self-shaving. Come in and get your Gem to-day I, BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The House of Quality" Does Advertising Pay? Yes! If it's truthful and you havei the goods. Wo have sold several hundred dollars' worth of good used Phono graphs since advertising our Bar gains several days ago. Some good ones LEFT. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 507 JIain St. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. 6. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at 1. u. u. b nan, 5th and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbein, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE i DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of U Merrill Mercantile Co, General Merchandise MERRILL, .OREGON ' Murphey's Feed & Seed Store Sixth St esour wmi m'mutm isftave I? soeed vou shave with a Standard Phonograph. Bargains A number from $35 up for cash or terms. See our window. Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main St. 17tf Surety bonds" whUe yoa wait. Ohfl coto & Smith. 5-tf FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft DriakJ Peel and Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Sevlce', . 'V ' -y'V ? T& bi V ' -t i v !!