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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1919)
i-hiiav, HtsiTmmnu , g; ra two ALE Touring Car, In Good Condition. A Real Bargain. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Garage FOR ft II Hi f v lv Ml TzUU m : FRIDAY FRIDAY AT THE LIBERTY The Wonderful Oriental Extravaganza FAN" i n i n i i in b I IIIHF. II IK I KlfrJ I SOBS IN BIER X Twenty Passencis Will Muko Air-I v ship Journey Irom Harrow -In-Kin-noss to lWo lo Janeiro; May !'' Mall Ilcgtilnr Service. Hlouoil of fleets of tlu Hnyiil At t Force, Only flft'-flvo unlets w III in. ' uilmlttcil to tlto opening rlaf of th ' rollout) ljacmuliiiif Ioiih will lie l'ulil In ' November Candidate1! must lio be tween, sovonteon and one-hnlf iind nlnolocn ycaro o( ago upon entering ' tlio school. Two-years courco la pro scribed. Compotltlou examination . will govorn admission. 'FRENCH WILL ERECTT LARGE MONUMENT TO FAMOUS INVENTOR l'KHSHIN(i SIADIJ GKNMIAL. LYONS, Frntico Sopt. fi. A ntonu innnt Is to lio oroctotl horo noon In honor or llartholomow Thlmonnlor, whom tlto French clnlm wan tho ln- tvontor of tho itowlnB machine. j Thlmonnlor, a tailor's assistant, constructed hluJlrst working moilol j in l.ssii, und was thrashed by his foU r Thn low workmen who complnlnoti t Of ln iHlrmniH ImluiMl a nllfKtuI fraud In u rm,J. "iipi oK,ct. uirrw I for tlon, thtfo wot 0 sn llrst rhui'KPil with 1 practices hIui-o camu common. K.I. V. I'rle,, and T lis and Oven (mts m if ,, " ". K. Hull Stole. 1-31 WAoiiiMP.Tnv ,,! fl Thn wuiniuuu -"" " i Senate unanimously confirmed Per- M "'vIIIhIi Invention" would itnko .,... ,.i.,. .....i.,,i , .,. , ,.,..,! the broad out of tholr mouths. Dostl- MIQ- ( Olllllft inimtmuivi. w i " HEADACH E NEURALGIA m t .nvnnv Ca r TwAfi scngo.s and a small cargo are to bo rank of general that was originally '" "l forgotUm, Thlmonnlor dloa rnrrl.,,1 nn .! Ilr M,I l .! ., I,V Mln hnllRn. I I" IS". Wllon C4 yOBm Old. NO OnO from Barrow In Furncu in Ulo do J " ! hml vr lvcn h,m H,,y n,d or on Got a 10 cent packago of Dr Janeiro somo tlmo this Fall, accord-! Tho Mays Injunction enso, which courni;omont. Jamos Headache Powden " ,1,1ns to an announcement here. Own-1 has been agitating major loaguo Thojlovlco of Thlmonnlor was said; and don't suffer. ?. i. .,,........, ..! 1...11 i.i.. . o ,.rv .- to have boon aulto different from that i a uia ui uii; utriiLi ijuviiiliiiiii iiilumii. i LtiinutJiiii iiii-iua tui nwmu vu , - - f'the initial voyage is successful, to ! scheduled for a court hearing today I of Kilns Jlowp. tho American, Inventor , When your head l.. T) I . I ...l.Hn.v .!! mfiolt n tuna fmfntltnrl lllllfll llllVn Ntlinf nr w... fc i maintain a tegular four duy borvlco In Now York City, ! between tho two points. I t nttlJ3i'llFOX,!iAKJPUCTTOM TAN FAN" Is Better Than "AH Baba" AT THE LIBERTY FRIDAY- -FRIDAY' Mf1f4Q M TEA KEEPS BUB Pi WPKN MIX WITH SUIJJHUR TO j yin younger. jKJsiibly tell, as it darkens so natur ally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it. drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two. Its natural toiur w rraiureu ana u Becomes iuick, grossy'and lustrona, and you appear The airship, it Is said, will bo rout ed via Lisbon, Sierra Leone (West , Africa), and thence across tho At- Jlantlc to Hlo do Janolro. Tho return J trip will bo made by way of tho same $ points. ! Ticki-tw Cost S.-I.OOO. Sir Woodman Burbldge, Is reported to have booked threo bortlis for the night for himself, his wito and a friend. The prlco of theio tickets was $5,000 each. Tho aitslilp Is known as tho R-SO. It has a gas-bag capacity of 1.US0, 000 cubic feet, moro than half the size of tho famous H-34. She is con sidered the most perfectly construct ed streamline typo of airship and has a speed of sixty miles per hour. She is 535 feet In length. Quartets are Palatini. Patsenger's living quarters aic - tuated on top of tho hull and con sist of cabins of sleeping berths, a roof garden and a shelter dock. Thore is an observation car bolow the hull which Is connected with the liv ing quarters by means of a passen ger lift through tho middle of the craft. In connection with the pro gress of aeronautics In England, It If interesting to note that announce ment Is made by the Air Ministry of the opening next February of a Royal Air Force Cadet College for the training of the permnnentlv comm' If you want It, advertise. Want Ads bring results. Herald whose sowing machine, was patontod In lSlfi and who Is rognrdod In Am ot lea ns tho originator of tho flrst ....... juui iii-mi ncilllt jU1 , mint Imvo relief or j(m nin n Ifii nwllcwi to Biiirer vluu 0U tiiku a remedy Ilka Dr .InuuV 1 iraplj wild. ou at "'iim' HcJ. ... nchn I'owuc nml rn ni n... .. .practical apparatus for mechanical ,,, ttt 0co j' F" M stitching. Howes mncnino mci wmi (. tne toro new for i ,m ,,),, On account of enr shortage wo will j similar' opposition. Its chief feature n r. Jamon' Hpn.hd,, 'ov sell block at $2.50 por cord nt our . wn(t tmt ot i,vng tho thread purs '" uffer' In a few muniuiu vom r,oteTotLUf,ntyo,r!,TeVNb.0ock8! through near the point Instead of the Jn-hculucae mL Kwnuna nox i.;o. nop oi mu uowiu. 17-tf. iBRIN'GS riACK'lffi BKAUT1FLI. One Year Ago Today j in the Yrar Gray uatr,' however handsome, de BOtea advoncing'age. WealTtnow the advantag'eeT6f"a'yolithful appearanee.. Yonr'halr labour 'charm.' It rfake-ff or 'fnars the face. When if fades, turn's gray and looks streaked, just, a few appllcatlong of SagejTea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't stay gray! .Look( young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get1 from any drug store a 50-cenVbot-1 struck by a torpedo 200 miles tie of "Wyeth's"'Sage" and TSuTphttr! French-Coast. ' Compound',' which is merely the old) - time recipe improved by the addition I - New , Styles, for Foil In NeUIeton of other Ingredients. Thousands of.Bho8' folks recommend this ready-to-dse 'German retreat r extended from Rbelms to the sea, over 160-mile front. United States troops reached tho Aisne In pursuit of the Germans. Thirty-five men'killed when Ameri can steamer Mount Vernon was off preparation, because it darkcna the hair beautifully, besides no one ca,n K. K. K. 'Store. Knox Hats,. Fall Styles. Store. 4-3t K. K. K. 4-3t Best yet. Herald Want Ads. ij "Heipfui Hints" I fl SIGNATURES OF WOMEN H II Married women should use their given names in PI I IH Married women should use their given names in signing chucks. For example, "Mrs, Mary E. Smith is the corroct way, and not "Mrs, Wm. G. Smith." If do slred, however,, the "Mrs." in the former case may be omitted. JlVoincn find tho comfortable quurteiH and complete fncilitlch of the Hrst National Bank quite as desirable as to the men. K, It, llemiicH, PreMlilent. L. F. WllleiH. Vlep-I'reldent, Ulle llKt'iH, Cashier. A. M. Collier, AsNt. Cashier. John M. Moore, Asst. Cashier. ie First National Bank Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only meat market in the city operating its own co!3 storage rooms for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. TURDAY SPECIAL 0 NICE JUICY CUTS OF KLAMATH COUNTT BEEF, VEAL AND MUTTON FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER .ASHION WAR ENDED IN COMPROMISE -tJlCnfc'fw&y nYZrCrr?tvKjL fH i rn miyi ' i 9 'nr- -y -in i frls h8 learnod a )isMiti FuhlDn makers therw hvn anue tuttru reallratloo thwt the clay t pun! when tbey can dlctstc Amcr. iti styles Whlli AmrtcH wu wunrlUK short skirts durlrm wtrly (wrlod of the world war -PiirW wuh not attempting anytliiiK.n!; In dross When war emlMi 1'iirls took up the short skirt, hm uii I cm httd passMi on to tlie lunx tiichl ii(ihhu. furls stotxl by ft" snort skirl. America hotililwl on Now the eonipromlse houi tins srrlvHU I'urln ItinKthHiifsl Its skirt Atntr lea shurtntisd tiers sad her- i Hi" nw full style .Tlif uii.luili.l ih ersH, sullli, silk Irteolettx n luf leri with Iseo s fnvoiwl triiti tiling himI any u)loi you iuy die Nice, juicy cuts from Baby Beef j., Prime Rib Steaks 30e Prime Rib Roasts 27c i v PLATE iBOILS 15c FLESHY BOILS 17c FOR ROUND STEAKS 25c RUMP ROASTS 25c Smoke Shoulders Our OWn Cure Fancy Veal O' o' Veal .Cujtlets 22c ji'. Breast of tVeal and Veal Stew- 15 tfif.'Trm ijp rt 35c 0ur Own Rendered PURE -LARD No. S Size No, 10' Size , $1.75 i$3.40 ' Mutton Roast LEG SHOULDER 30c 22c t Chops LOIR " " -SHOULDER 30c 24c BREAST 15c ' STEW 15 c fancy Spring CHICKENS MT r' l 't 50c tiT'C ATI lb. 'OP' Klamath Packing Co 524 MAIN STREET PHONE 68 lj I I Si Mi KLAMATH FALLS OREGON BEW Let us make up your pool car Murpjhey's Feed &jSeed Store SULPHUR i ne price is rigni Pbo 126 South Sixth St