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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1919)
TimnH.v, Hi;ni;Mm:Ul fAOR KI011T "". Ducks and "Duxbak" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON -. ' - M m i It will soon be time to go after the Ducks Go after them in "Duxbak" waterproof outing wear worn the nation over for this purpose. Hunting Coats, Vests, Long Pants, Riding Breeches, Hats, Caps. Also Gold Seal, Top-Notch and Ball Brand Rubber Boots. Outfit for your duck shooting here. K. K. K- STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters SliMiiiiMSMSSSMSSM When ou take off those B. V. D.'s get some IkhAh Pall Union Suit.. They aro perfect In every respect. K. K. K. Store. 4-3t TaBaas::'"';wa"Y A WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF RINGS Rings set with colored stones bare never been so fashionable as they are to day, nor have we ever had such a fascinating stock. There are scores of beauti ful patterns. It is wonder ful to see what exquisite de signs can be produced. Pearls, rubies, amethysts, topaz, opals and many other precious and semi-precious stones are' mounted in gold and silver rings of extraor dinary beauty. We invito your examination of our Tings. ' Frank M. Upp jeweler ' 511 Main St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. Today's Anniversaries THE ALADDIN OF THE KITCHEN. i. The HALLMARK Store 1802 Marcus Whitman, the pion eer and missionary who guided tho first immigrant train Into Oregon, born at Rushvllle, N. Y. Killed by Indians Nov. 29. 1847. 1843 Gen. Wlnfield Scott was publicly welcomed in Doston. 1879 Meeting of the Russtan Czar and the German Emperor at Alexan- drowa, Poland. 1886 Abdication of Prince Alex ander of Bulgaria. 1894 The Bertillon system for the identification of criminals waa adopted by the London police department. 1901 The Methodist Ecumenical Conference opened in London. 1909 More than 600 Chinese stu dents assembled at Peking to take competitive examinations for college courses in the United States. 1915 Germans crossed the River Marne on their march south. 191C Czar Nicholas assumed su preme command of the Russian arm ies. 1916 Germans and Bulgars head ed for the Roumanian, capital. 1917 Eleven persons killed and 49 injured in a German air raid in London. . j We all pity the fireman in the stokehold of tho ship, but few of us give thought to the woman in tho home, who, in order to provide her family with threo good meals a day, spends a good portion of her liroo in hot, stuffy kitchen, no matter how well she may manage. Heat and fumes are her dally portion. But do not despair, you women who cook three meals a day. Tho mil I Ionium in cooing has come In trio 'shape of an Electric Range tho Aladdin of the kitchen. At tho turn of a switch yoo have tho genia, elcc ' trlclty, at your command, to toast, 'broil, fry, boll, simmer, roa3t and , bake. Think of it! At the turn of a 'switch, clean, pure heat to begin , cooking no more work than to switch on your electric light. Ana everything is so clean. No MackenoJ I cooking utensils to soil the kitchen linen, your clothing or to roughen your hands when working. No coal, I wood, or oil to bother with, and a. kitchen free from fuel fumes, nnioke, soot and ashes. Then Electric Cooking leji3 dig nity to your work you have tho sat isfaction of knowing that you ere cooking the up-to-dato way you are no oncer the Scullery Maid. It A special election Is to be held In Tennessee today on a proposal to i hold a constitutional convention to ' alter or revise the constitution of the State. WALES ENJOYS Evrlusiie agency fr Bojh' l)ub bplbilt Clothes lias been placed with K. K. K. Stoic. 4-3t H. R. H tho Trinco of Wales his party will Journey today Into western Ontario, where several days are I be spent In fishing before the jour ney westward is resumed. John D. Rockefeller, who recently celebrated his 80ht birthday, said he hoped to live to be 100 years old, and that then he would just begin to live. He attributed his good health to golf and a teaspoonful of olive oil taken daily. ' BEAU TAKES HER TO DANCE IN AIRPLANE School Days With the beginning of school comes a benso of responsibility on tho part of parents who realize that children aro entitled to a good piano and a chance at Music, as well as book learning. Wo havo by seveial times the largest stock In Southern Oregon, and the beat in high class Pianos a3 well as In good used instruments Pay cash, or take terms, if ou prefer. EARL SHEPHERD CO. Pianos Villi olu-s Records Piiino Tuning Next door Postofflco. Now Store soon 1SS, , fi,'M :;', Jill f'l I ii'l Mr 7 Kllfltl DUFFUm SWANSEA, Wales, Sopt. 4. Tho vacation season Is furnishing nmple evidence thatSouth Wales, once not ed because of tho low wages of Us peoplo, is now enjoying a prosperity which admits of luxuries for miners and their famlllos hitherto unknown. I Colliors who easily make $ 40 a week even at their seven-hour day, and steel workers who make $90, aro much In evidence, (heir partic ular sport being flying. Some of them havo been up In tho pleasure of flying machines half a dozon times, and every time it costs them $5.00. Many of them have their own motorcycles and somo have uutomoblles, an unlisard (of ex travagance even in the munition manufacturing days. But tho aristocrat of all work men about Swansea is the coal trimmer who works on tho docks Five of them tllork together and clearing up $100 each a weok. They have bo much woik to do that the best of them frequently have to sublet thoir turns to lessor puld men and thus tliey earn mure while they sleep. Gonoral cargo workors, loading and unloading and uuloading ships easily earn from $40 to $50 a woek, while foremen who havo a share In the earnings ol each gang under them frepuently count $150 for a week's labor. Contrasted with the wages paid befoio tho war, tho figures given aro almost unbelievable for South Wales was known as one of tho poorest paid districts oven in Great Britain. limifrM urCXD TLJDI7I? Iiihln nnmalnnu nf n. WVHV1E.U TTJirtR "HXLiLi """ ul lu moment, in ciusciy unuain.i For the tiuooUi string that touchc tho too-tlp whea YARD BEAD LENGTHS walking, umbos-, both cloudr inil clear, wood or cornollan Iimi. ,l ml. . . . -. iV luo vuhuu oi cnoaon. LONDON, Sot. 4 tho bead nocklnco hoa reached the l point whoro women nre buying them ExclunUn uKcnrj for l()a' hA by tho yard, nnd tho twelve Inch clr- "'" loth has iH-on placed Kith clot of a fow years ago has given way K K- K "tore. 4.j to strings nearly threo yards long, . ondinc in n tajsel which falls below Mohammodans do not wear tilt he hem of the skirt. As It In tho product of a worm thsrl Pearls and Jado, tho most dostr- consldor It unclean ViiiirTri"""""""""""""" "" "'"'I'rryinrmjm-ni FALL MILLINERY OPENING Saturday, Sept. 6th HATS AT POPULAR PRCIES NOTHING OVER $5.00 Come in and let us show you what we have Martin's 5, 10, 15, 25c Store Ed. V. Price nd Itojal Tailored Suits and Ovcuoats at K. K. K. Stoio. 4-at WWWWVWWWWWWWWVWVWWWWAWWAWW bo far as known, Miss Esther ' Butler of Coylon, Minn, village , daughter of a prominent 'banker, I is the first American girl to go to , a dance In an airplane. Tho olhor I evening she accepted an Invltutlon I from Harold rv iinnnt,i.. turned army aviator, to attend a social affair In Fairmont. 20 miles away, and they made the trip In hht biplane. They landed In inter, akon Park, Fairmont. aUcndod tKsXusrt"""108 '' ' NOTrOE OF SALE OK IRRIGATION DISTRICT HO.VnS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cealed proposals will bo received till tho l lth. day of October. A. I). 1919 at the hour of 8 o'clock in tho even ing for tho purchase of Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds of the Fntorprlso Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds aro to bo dated Novo nbor Irt, 1919 and aro to draw Interest at the rate of six por cent per annum, Inter est payable semi-annually upon tho 1st, day of July and tho 1st. day of January of oach year until tho matur ity of said bonds. Said proposals will bo iccelved by tho Board of Directors of said Irriga tion District, and should bo direct ed to tho Secretary of tho Entorprlso Iirlgatlon District, caro of Charles J. Ferguson, Loomls Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, The Board of Directors re?ervo tho light to roject any or all bids offored. (J. J. HILYARD, Secretary of tho Bonrd of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-?0t WWVWtfWMWVWVWWWVWWWVWVWVWVWWMVMAMMAMMAMMMMAMMMM " FRIDAY FRIDAY AT THE LIBERTY The Wonderful Oriental Extravaganza j "FAN FAN" If they expect the Loague to bo a life raft for tho world they'll have to quit using It as a political platform. Indianapolis Times. WIUCfAM ?an rMi ,. . rvfl rHumbiiwi) TAN FAN" Is Better Than "AH Baba" AT THE LIBERTY FRIDAY wL FRIDAY School Books-Underwood's Pharmac